IRC log for #brlcad on 20080415

00:29.35 andrecastelo brlcad: i managed to get it working, at least half working
00:30.24 andrecastelo the thing is - it calculates the region area center but not the assembly area center :(
00:42.51 brlcad andrecastelo: so screw the assemblies for now ;)
00:43.36 brlcad better yet, you should be able to get it working for "exposed" .. but not easily for presented
00:44.04 andrecastelo it is working for both of them, but only for regions
01:02.09 andrecastelo brlcad: ok, i'll send the patch now
02:02.06 andrecastelo good night everyone
07:10.27 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:14.59 clock_ Anyone likes Hendrix?
07:19.16 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
09:28.28 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:49.11 mafm hi there
09:57.41 Axman6 'lo
11:20.13 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
12:00.06 *** join/#brlcad cad70 (
12:00.54 cad70 he?
12:05.11 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:54.08 *** join/#brlcad archivist_emc (
13:40.24 brlcad hey mafm
13:55.04 mafm hi
13:55.29 mafm I'm compiling after installing tk8.5-dev and tcl8.5-dev, to know if that solves the issue
13:55.49 mafm and I enabled warnings, and it's producing a lot of output
13:56.12 mafm opennurbs_mesh.cpp:291: warning: comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe
13:56.24 mafm opennurbs_mesh.cpp:1543: warning: conversion to 'unsigned char' from 'int' may alter its value
13:56.38 mafm opennurbs_mesh.cpp:2030: warning: declaration of 'd' shadows a previous local
13:56.49 mafm opennurbs_light.h:101: warning: type qualifiers ignored on function return type
13:56.53 mafm ... and similar ones
13:57.09 mafm I guess that they're there for a reason, or would it be worth investigating?
14:10.03 brlcad mafm: any warnings in src/other aren't our concern
14:10.13 brlcad any warnings outside src/other are fair game
14:11.55 mafm oh yep, it's still in other/ it seems
14:12.19 mafm our including files from other/ which cause this
14:13.04 brlcad well those are just third party sources so unless someone is also going to push the changes upstream, any fixes would be lost the next time that dependency is updated
14:13.27 mafm sure
14:13.27 brlcad the sources in src/other/* are regularly updated as those packages make releases and we finish testing
14:14.39 brlcad we've put a *lot* of effort clearing out the warnings from our main code and it's finally clean -- at least it should be clean for default warnings
14:15.26 brlcad the next step is turning up the warnings and fixing those as well, but it's yet another major effort (probably gsoc-worthy in itself)
14:17.24 mafm turning up?
14:17.38 mafm like enabling non-default warnings?
14:18.23 mafm it's just that when I produced the patch I don't remember so many warnings when compiling
14:18.57 mafm maybe it's because "-Wall" was only enabled for brl-cad own code, not for others, and --enable-warnings enables those too
14:21.01 brlcad yeah, if you add --enable-warnings to configure, it will turn on more verbose warnings
14:21.40 brlcad without enable-warnings, default is compiler default
14:21.43 brlcad so not Wall
14:22.01 brlcad with it, it will report Wall and more
14:22.16 brlcad -W -Wall -Wundef -Wfloat-equal -Wshadow -Wunreachable-code -Winline -Wconversion
14:22.21 brlcad that's why it's so many
14:22.48 brlcad shadow and undef in particular
14:34.06 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
14:47.52 mafm now I only have 3 related errors
14:48.21 mafm make[2]: *** [pl-dm] Error 1
14:48.21 mafm ../../src/libdm/.libs/ undefined reference to `XFreeDeviceList'
14:48.21 mafm ../../src/libdm/.libs/ undefined reference to `XOpenDevice'
14:48.29 mafm ../../src/libdm/.libs/ undefined reference to `XSelectExtensionEvent'
14:48.29 mafm ../../src/libdm/.libs/ undefined reference to `XListInputDevices'
14:49.25 brlcad that looks like libXi .. a -lXi missing from the link line perhaps
14:49.59 brlcad that would/should be in DM_LIBS
14:55.36 mafm
14:56.03 mafm there are about 3 like that
14:57.36 brlcad hum, it lists -lX11 -lXext .. just not -lXi
14:57.54 brlcad do you actually have libXi installed? (what does config.log report for the Xi test?)
15:01.02 mafm $ dpkg -S /usr/lib/
15:01.02 mafm libxi6: /usr/lib/
15:01.34 mafm configure:28190: checking for XGetExtensionVersion in -lXi
15:01.34 mafm configure:28225: gcc -o conftest -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib conftest.c -lXi -lX11 -lX11 -lXext >&5
15:01.34 mafm /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXi
15:02.02 brlcad so that thar be a problem
15:10.51 brlcad mafm: can you post your entire config.log somewhere?
15:11.16 brlcad I don't see from how Xext would pass but Xi fails
15:20.42 brlcad mafm: give that last update a try
15:20.50 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30676 10/brlcad/trunk/ somehow Xi is not getting detected, seemingly from a failure to include the X11 include dirs. set up CPPFLAGS to see if they can be found.
15:41.51 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
15:42.01 andrecastelo good morning everyone
15:44.37 mafm (sorry, had to fix Makefiles for some guys @ work)
15:46.18 mafm brlcad: that's an easy one: I have libxext-whatever-dev installed, but not libxi-dev
15:46.53 mafm ii libxext-dev 2:1.0.4-1 X11 miscellaneous extensions library (development headers)
15:46.53 mafm pn libxi-dev <none> (no description available)
15:47.49 mafm that would be because some package for some reason required libxext-dev to be installed, but not libxi-dev (I didn't install anything explicitly for brlcad, AFAICR)
15:47.54 mafm hi andrecastelo
15:47.59 andrecastelo hey mafm
15:52.22 brlcad good morning andrecastelo
15:52.31 andrecastelo good morning brlcad :)
15:53.58 mafm brlcad: the patch should probably work, yep
15:54.08 andrecastelo be right back, lunch
15:58.07 mafm checking for XCreateWindow in -lX11... yes
15:58.07 mafm checking for XShapeCombineMask in -lXext... yes
15:58.07 mafm checking for XGetExtensionVersion in -lXi... no
15:58.12 mafm :)
16:01.33 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
16:16.10 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30677 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: push back to next release, time to start testing
16:17.32 andre|eating back
16:43.30 yukonbob morning cadheads
16:44.21 mafm brlcad:
16:44.26 mafm hi yukonbob
16:46.00 yukonbob mafm :) -- what's shaking?
16:48.20 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
16:48.33 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30678 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Exploratory work for rims.
16:48.40 mafm trying to get brlcad to compile in debian, finally
16:48.46 mafm with my config at least
16:48.55 yukonbob nods
16:49.41 yukonbob has heard that the auto* tools are one of the barriers -- Debian versions are patched, and actually "not correct" (/me not speaking from experience, just observations of others)
16:50.37 hippieindamakin8 mafm, it compiled on my debian
16:50.44 mafm I guess that you already considered CMake?
16:50.52 hippieindamakin8 ya
16:51.13 yukonbob mafn it's been talked about, but there's a big investment in auto* already, and for the most part, auto* works...
16:51.43 hippieindamakin8 i had compiling problems on my desktop though which runs on xubuntu (which ofcourse is debain based)
16:52.18 yukonbob is getting CMake manual soon, though, and I think brlcad has an interestest (if not an already solid understanding?) of CMake too, in general.
16:54.00 andrecastelo morning yukonbob :)
16:54.41 yukonbob brlcad: morning -- q: re: gui crash reporter (bombardier) -- is the bombardier the reference to the co. that makes personal rec. vehicles, airplanes, trains, etc.?
16:54.51 yukonbob andrecastelo: :)
16:55.20 yukonbob brlcad: (ref. TODO)
17:07.40 *** join/#brlcad jdoline1 (
17:10.02 jdoline1 brlcad are you here?
17:10.14 brlcad jdoline1: hello
17:10.21 jdoline1 hi
17:10.31 brlcad mafm: it'll take me a few to catch up, kinda hungry ;)
17:11.40 brlcad mafm: but yes, cmake would be cool .. but would also be a pretty big effort to fully replicate what the autotools are presently doing -- the error you're getting would not go away with cmake
17:12.11 brlcad as that's still just leaving -lXi off the link line
17:12.15 brlcad try adding it manually
17:12.25 jdoline1 I'm planning on coding a patch right now to determine whether or not two polynomial chains intersect
17:12.25 brlcad make LIBS=-lXi
17:15.44 jdoline1 perhaps you could provide some guidance?
17:16.18 brlcad jdoline1: not right this second, I'm kinda hungry for lunch -- though I do have a few other questions for you
17:16.29 jdoline1 okay shoot
17:17.05 mafm with <brlcad> make LIBS=-lXi, it works
17:17.37 brlcad cool
17:33.40 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
17:52.52 ``Erik $700 for a pair of tires, yeesh
17:52.53 *** join/#brlcad pacman_87 (
17:55.25 archivist if you can afford the car that take that sort of tires......
18:09.53 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
18:17.35 mafm bye
18:57.10 prasad_ still have that m3?
18:59.04 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
19:07.01 *** part/#brlcad jdoline1 (
19:07.49 brlcad and he just e-mailed
19:09.03 brlcad yukonbob: sorry - missed your question about bombardier, no it's not
19:09.48 brlcad I started a new generalized crash reporter tool that can kick off if an app crashes, named it bombardier
19:14.27 yukonbob nods
19:16.52 brlcad actually kinda nifty, should rival mozillas when it's done
19:18.06 yukonbob one thing I don't like about cmake is the colour output - reminds me of linux distros that have colour 'ls', and 'vim' w/ syntax highlighting (ugh :P)
19:18.31 yukonbob re: bombardier -- is C, Tcl, combo, or ??
19:24.29 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30679 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/openw.tcl: apply a modified version of sf patch 1940958 (Fix for bad paths in .mgedrc on Windows) from Elena Bautu - ebautu.
19:24.46 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30680 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: More rim experimentation. Dimensions are off somewhere in wheel - need to re-factor equations.
19:25.05 brlcad it's C, calling through to the C side of Tcl/Tk
19:31.00 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30681 10/brlcad/trunk/ (AUTHORS NEWS):
19:31.00 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: credit elena bautu for her patch to handle paths with spaces in the .mgedrc
19:31.00 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: file. accepted sf patch 1940958 (Fix for bad paths in .mgedrc on Windows) which
19:31.00 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: bob applied via proxy through dave. the patch also tests for internet
19:31.02 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: exploder's existence for reading the html help files.
19:34.06 yukonbob heh -- "Internet Exploder" in official commit msgs
20:34.52 poolio yukonbob: you don't use vim with syntax highlighting?
20:57.30 yukonbob poolio -- I don't use vim if I can help it, and turn off syntax highlighting when I need to use vim
21:03.04 prasad_ bombardier eh
21:03.21 prasad_ it's gonna keep bombing after it bombs the first time?
21:03.24 prasad_ :P
21:03.33 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
21:08.28 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30682 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Add patterning for subtracting holes from the wheel.
21:42.24 poolio yukonbob: Do you just find it annoying? I find it quite helpful and nice
21:47.41 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
22:14.01 yukonbob poolio: it makes my eyes bleed.
22:15.07 yukonbob I prefer my tools dumb...
22:15.42 yukonbob (might sound ironic considering I'm an emacs fan... but emacs is just full featured ;)
22:25.08 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
22:34.46 brlcad prasad_: one can only hope
22:43.05 andrecastelo hey cadheads :D
22:48.07 brlcad howdy andrecastelo
22:50.53 starseeker_home gets meowed at
22:58.40 andrecastelo hey brlcad , how you doing ?
22:58.47 andrecastelo :)
23:05.35 brlcad andrecastelo: pretty goood
23:05.49 brlcad though I just lost one of our conflict students to another org :)
23:05.55 brlcad (sorry yukonbob) :)
23:07.28 andrecastelo yukonbob was a student ?
23:07.41 andrecastelo i'm lost lol
23:08.28 brlcad nope, he was going to be her mentor
23:08.51 pacman87 <PROTECTED>
23:10.14 brlcad student was highly ranked at both our org and ccan, rusty and I talked into detail and the proposal was pretty much just as useful to both orgs (and the student has been one of the most responsive easy to talk to of all applicants, current company notwithstanding ;)
23:10.37 brlcad pacman87: her application was the best of the web-based model repository proposals
23:12.50 andrecastelo brlcad: hehehe.. what was her nickname here in irc ?
23:14.27 brlcad she was entirely via e-mail and the app form
23:19.03 andrecastelo oh
23:21.34 starseeker_home Hey, cool :
23:21.52 brlcad so -0.1 points for no irc, but she made up for it heavily with the quality of her communications
23:22.02 starseeker_home anybody feel like cad modeling a Babbage Difference Engine? :-)
23:25.15 andrecastelo about students, what is the thing you guys value the most in them ?
23:25.33 andrecastelo experience? knowledge? programming skills ?
23:25.53 brlcad andrecastelo: their interest in become a long term developer with the project
23:26.53 brlcad passion for working with the project and their ability to communicate effectively with others
23:27.54 brlcad experience and knowledge can be acquired, skills can be taught
23:27.59 brlcad s/become/becoming/
23:28.20 andrecastelo that's really nice :)
23:28.54 andrecastelo some other orgs don't act like that :(
23:28.55 brlcad that said, they better not be a bag of hammers either :)
23:29.08 andrecastelo bag of hammers ?
23:29.19 brlcad dumb as a bag of hammers
23:29.46 andrecastelo heheh

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