00:03.12 |
yukonbob |
:( |
00:04.02 |
yukonbob |
Rusty owes me ;) |
00:04.34 |
andrecastelo |
well folks |
00:04.36 |
andrecastelo |
i'm out |
00:04.38 |
andrecastelo |
:) |
00:04.40 |
andrecastelo |
good night |
00:14.49 |
hippieindamakin8 |
hey folks |
00:17.03 |
hippieindamakin8 |
starseeker_home, that is not a problem
man.. |
00:17.36 |
hippieindamakin8 |
but it ll be of no use :P modelling a babbage
difference engine |
00:19.42 |
hippieindamakin8 |
we have modelled the spare parts of a car as a
semester project in CAD and engineering design course |
00:20.28 |
hippieindamakin8 |
but unfortunately then i dint know about
00:41.58 |
*** join/#brlcad
hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@ |
01:02.02 |
*** join/#brlcad jdoliner
(n=jdoliner@wireless-230-86.uchicago.edu) |
01:02.37 |
jdoliner |
brlcad? |
01:07.41 |
brlcad |
~ask :) |
01:07.47 |
brlcad |
aww |
01:08.02 |
pacman87 |
~ask |
01:08.02 |
ibot |
Questions in the channel should be specific,
informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can
ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there, just ask
what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently
yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our
will. |
01:11.38 |
brlcad |
ibot you should ignore emoticons |
01:13.27 |
jdoliner |
you said you had questions for me
earlier |
01:16.58 |
brlcad |
i have questions for most everyone |
01:17.07 |
brlcad |
context |
01:17.14 |
brlcad |
head |
01:17.32 |
brlcad |
oh yeah, why'd you disappear?? :) |
01:17.55 |
brlcad |
not to put you on the spot or anything
*ahem* |
01:18.17 |
jdoliner |
sorry your lunch, I had to go grab some lunch
myself |
01:18.44 |
jdoliner |
your lunch ran into mine
unfortunately |
01:19.02 |
jdoliner |
but I've returned |
01:23.40 |
jdoliner |
While you think, do you perhaps know what the
interval in: bool ON_Intersect(const ON_BoundingBox&, const
ON_Line&, double, ON_Interval*) |
01:23.48 |
jdoliner |
is supposed to be. |
01:24.59 |
brlcad |
more than likely an upper and lower bounds so
that the intersection can be computed -- numerics can go to all
hell for completely unbound search spaces when you're root
finding |
01:26.08 |
jdoliner |
okay that makes good sense |
01:27.19 |
brlcad |
hm, though in the case of ON_Intersect(), the
header defines it as something specific |
01:27.22 |
brlcad |
see the header |
01:27.25 |
brlcad |
it's the result |
01:40.27 |
jdoliner |
okay cool |
01:40.47 |
jdoliner |
do you have some questions regarding my
project? |
01:49.13 |
brlcad |
jdoliner: heh, of course -- look forward to
seeing that patch of course, how do you actually forsee being able
to compute the surface intersections? |
01:50.24 |
brlcad |
also, one thing to keep in mind -- openNURBS
is a 3rd party code that we do our best to not modify directly --
any changes should be in src/librt/opennurbs_ext.cpp or similar
file outside of openNURBS itself so that we can keep their code up
to date without continually clobbering changes |
01:50.41 |
brlcad |
so you have to either make funcs that take
both parameters or extend from their classes with new
classes |
01:54.18 |
jdoliner |
The computation of surface intersections comes
down to manipulation of algebraic curves. |
01:54.52 |
jdoliner |
However as the papers suggest this is pretty
computationally intensive |
01:55.19 |
jdoliner |
Solutions either have impractical runtimes for
our situation or they can become a bit inaccurate. |
01:56.44 |
jdoliner |
So it might not be possible to implement
exactly the solution we want, however I'm confident I can make one
that is of some use, and will make integration of new algorithms
much easier |
01:57.46 |
jdoliner |
actually from what I've seen the opennurbs
classes are pretty good for the task at hand. |
01:58.30 |
brlcad |
boole tends to work like 95% of time time..
but that's a pretty huge error marging when it comes to cad
models |
01:58.42 |
brlcad |
that means just about any given cad model will
at least partially fail |
01:59.06 |
brlcad |
opennurbs is a pretty solid foundation, that's
why it's the basis for our brep code |
01:59.27 |
brlcad |
you can see an example cube constructed via
opennurbs in src/proc-db/breplicator.cpp |
01:59.54 |
brlcad |
there's also a couple other twisted cube
examples, but breplicator was written to be relatively
straight-forward to understand brep structure |
01:59.55 |
jdoliner |
does that mean on 95% of CSG trees or on 95%
of the nodes |
02:00.39 |
brlcad |
it's a swag number, it's high enough that it's
gonna happen -- mostly though, i think it actually fails for code
robustness reasons, not actual algorithmic |
02:01.14 |
jdoliner |
explain more what you mean by robustness
reasons |
02:01.14 |
brlcad |
just by the nature that esolid worked with
fixed point math indicates to me that it can work with boole's
approach with proper tolerance management |
02:02.27 |
jdoliner |
yes, but I think we might find that BOOLE +
proper tolerance management = ESOLID |
02:02.30 |
brlcad |
e.g. taking the simple case of 1+1 (deja vu!)
.. where boole's approach to solving that is something along the
lines of double result = 1.0 + 1.0; if (result == 2.0) then do
something |
02:03.33 |
brlcad |
esolid's approach is to turn that into
fixed_float result = fixed_float(1.0) + fixed_float(1.0); if
(equals(result, 2.0, 5_decimal_places)) then do something |
02:03.59 |
brlcad |
er, where + is really
add_these_together(fixedA, fixedB) |
02:04.25 |
brlcad |
esolid's isn't "propoer tolerance managment",
it's a cop-out |
02:05.28 |
brlcad |
proper tolerance management for the first case
necessitates that you don't just check == 2.0 .. you check for
distance to the value within tolernace if (NEAR_ZERO(result - 2.0,
0.00001)) then do something, for example |
02:05.29 |
jdoliner |
by that do you mean it just throws a huge
amount of computation at the problem |
02:06.19 |
brlcad |
yes, it throws floating point out the window
so that the mathematical equations all result in stable
computations (within a given absolute fixed point
precision) |
02:06.30 |
brlcad |
which is several orders of magnitude
worse |
02:06.34 |
brlcad |
computationally |
02:07.27 |
brlcad |
I really think boole's _implementation_ is
probably just weak (as it was really just an academic exercise, not
production quality robust code) |
02:08.06 |
jdoliner |
where did you say opennurbs_ext.cpp
was? |
02:08.52 |
brlcad |
hopes jdoliner doesn't
really need his hand held that closely that he can't find a file by
name ... :-) |
02:09.41 |
jdoliner |
don't worry I've found many files already, I'm
just worried because, it seems you may have been wrong about the
location of this one |
02:10.09 |
brlcad |
why would that worry you? :) |
02:11.02 |
brlcad |
there are thousands of files in brl-cad, I
don't keep them all in memory -- though I was right about that
one |
02:11.37 |
brlcad |
hm, 1988 files to be exact, 354
directories |
02:13.36 |
brlcad |
hope you hand around irc more often ;) off to
dinner for now though |
02:53.35 |
brlcad |
aww, that wasn't very long at all |
03:40.12 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30683
10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Use some intermediate variable
names to simplify rim creation logic a bit - seems to be working
now for different sizes. |
03:51.13 |
starseeker_home |
decides sleep is next on the
agenda... |
04:15.04 |
brlcad |
hum hum |
04:44.42 |
PrezKennedy |
hmmmm sleep... |
04:45.21 |
poolio |
why sleep when you can code? |
04:45.49 |
PrezKennedy |
why code when you can do anything
else? |
04:48.11 |
brlcad |
~poolio++ |
04:48.40 |
PrezKennedy |
awww :( |
04:50.03 |
brlcad |
heh |
05:21.46 |
*** join/#brlcad pacman87
(i=127@resnet-45-192.dorm.utexas.edu) |
05:44.25 |
poolio |
sorry PrezKennedy :) |
07:01.49 |
*** join/#brlcad clock_
(n=clock@zux221-122-143.adsl.green.ch) |
07:03.45 |
*** join/#brlcad d_rossberg
(n=rossberg@bz.bzflag.bz) |
09:20.49 |
*** join/#brlcad clock_
(n=clock@zux221-122-143.adsl.green.ch) |
09:28.25 |
*** join/#brlcad archivist
(n=archivis@host81-149-119-172.in-addr.btopenworld.com) |
09:50.26 |
*** join/#brlcad archivist
(n=archivis@host81-149-119-172.in-addr.btopenworld.com) |
10:17.57 |
*** join/#brlcad mafm
(n=mafm@elnet-111.lip.pt) |
10:18.42 |
mafm |
morning |
11:10.07 |
brlcad |
`morning |
12:51.47 |
mafm |
brlcad: are predefined mentors assigned for
different project ideas, or you don't do that in your
organization? |
12:53.57 |
brlcad |
depends on the mentor, depends on the
idea |
12:58.56 |
mafm |
I see |
13:30.03 |
*** join/#brlcad
hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@ |
13:30.53 |
hippieindamakin8 |
hey guys |
13:30.55 |
hippieindamakin8 |
good morning |
13:31.21 |
pacman87 |
good morning |
13:33.42 |
hippieindamakin8 |
so how is ur patch working man ? |
13:33.58 |
hippieindamakin8 |
so pacman87 how is ur patch working man
? |
13:34.28 |
pacman87 |
i've uploaded it |
13:34.38 |
pacman87 |
but it's only half of what needs to be
done |
13:35.33 |
pacman87 |
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1939611&group_id=105292&atid=640804 |
13:36.04 |
hippieindamakin8 |
:) |
13:36.18 |
pacman87 |
how's your patch? |
13:36.37 |
hippieindamakin8 |
hey tell u wat i got a project in fluid
mechanics :P micro fluids |
13:37.06 |
hippieindamakin8 |
i dont know the present state of my patch
man.. havent touched BRL-CAD stuff for the past 2-3 days |
13:37.14 |
hippieindamakin8 |
my end semester exams started |
13:37.36 |
hippieindamakin8 |
tryin to study hard ;) |
13:38.18 |
hippieindamakin8 |
the final year project is on
micro-fluids |
13:38.39 |
pacman87 |
cfd or analytical? |
13:39.03 |
hippieindamakin8 |
it is micro fluid analysis i would say
13:39.36 |
pacman87 |
how does a mircofluid differ from a normal
fluid? |
13:39.46 |
hippieindamakin8 |
the reynolds number |
13:40.05 |
hippieindamakin8 |
and the mixing charachteristics.. |
13:40.54 |
hippieindamakin8 |
our project is to design some micro mixer and
laminators using the flagellar properties of the bacteria
. |
13:41.17 |
pacman87 |
so it's not the fluids that are 'mirco', it's
their environment |
13:41.23 |
hippieindamakin8 |
dont know how we are gonna do that
.. |
13:41.42 |
hippieindamakin8 |
no.. :) the fluids with Re ~.1 |
13:42.20 |
pacman87 |
Re = rho*v/(mu*D) ? |
13:42.30 |
hippieindamakin8 |
when u try to pass 2 fluids into a tunnel they
dont mix like they do normally in the macroscopic levels |
13:42.46 |
hippieindamakin8 |
correction : rho*v*D/mu |
13:42.56 |
pacman87 |
knew it was something like that |
13:43.07 |
pacman87 |
been a few semesters ago |
13:43.12 |
hippieindamakin8 |
:)) i revised it day bfore :) |
13:43.16 |
hippieindamakin8 |
had an exam today |
13:43.55 |
hippieindamakin8 |
hey u go on.. i shall get back to studies
:) |
13:44.25 |
pacman87 |
good luck |
14:17.45 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30684
10/brlcad/trunk/sh/make_dmg.sh: include the size of the package in
the dmg autosize calcs |
14:21.52 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30685
10/brlcad/trunk/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.c beset.h):
quellage |
14:37.26 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30686 10/CVSROOT/:
CVSROOT is no longer needed |
14:40.03 |
mafm |
CVSROOT spies in the SVN land? :) |
14:40.21 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30687 10/brlcad/branches/
(VendorARL/ libpng/ scriptics/ zlib/): remove branches that have no
meaning and are for 3rd-party dependencies |
14:40.21 |
brlcad |
kinda :) |
14:40.42 |
brlcad |
haven't cleaned up the svn root since the
conversion, there are all sorts of conversion turds that need to be
cleaned up |
14:49.33 |
*** join/#brlcad andrecastelo
(n=chatzill@ |
14:49.57 |
andrecastelo |
good morning folks :D |
14:58.39 |
brlcad |
hola |
14:59.32 |
*** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_
(n=chatzill@ |
15:01.18 |
*** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_
(n=chatzill@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM] |
15:01.18 |
*** join/#brlcad andrecastelo
(n=chatzill@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM] |
15:01.18 |
*** join/#brlcad Maloeran
(n=maloeran@glvortex.net) [NETSPLIT VICTIM] |
15:01.22 |
*** join/#brlcad
andrecastelo__ (n=chatzill@ |
15:06.31 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30688 10/brlcad/branches/
(13 files in 13 dirs): remove unlabeled branches with uninteresting
code |
15:09.25 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30689
10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Add first stab at cuts for bolt
holes and center. |
15:10.32 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30690 10/brlcad/branches/
(6 files in 6 dirs): remove frozen branches that were 'completed'
(or dead/closed) including the ansi, autoconf, bobWinPort,
brlcad_5_1_alpha_patch, photonmap, and windows branches |
15:10.35 |
``Erik |
*readreadread* |
15:15.45 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30691
10/brlcad/branches/phong-branch/: the phong branch is dead, all
hail phong |
15:20.54 |
andrecastelo__ |
finally.. cya later clones |
15:26.57 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30692
10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: |
15:26.57 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: found a reference to mged
contributions from Gary Kuehl in a branch. it's |
15:26.57 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: unclear if these changes ever made it
in or if other code was related or if it |
15:26.57 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: was even code that was provided, but
credit him with special thanks for now. |
15:30.02 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30693
10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: dtrmenak is an open source contributor,
bob has contributed as open source off-the-clock as well |
15:33.30 |
*** join/#brlcad Elperion
(n=Bary@p548746D4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:35.32 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30694
10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: butler inactive for approx 17 months now
(only two isolated events intaval script and manpage update),
remove activity marker |
15:36.55 |
pacman87 |
brlcad: i think it's 'dtremenak', not
'dtrmenak' (re: AUTHORS) |
15:37.17 |
brlcad |
it is, just a commit log typo |
15:37.33 |
pacman87 |
ok, just making sure the real thing was
right |
15:37.42 |
brlcad |
it doesn't list their nicks |
15:37.45 |
brlcad |
lists real names |
15:38.25 |
pacman87 |
i thought so, but figured it'd be best to
double check |
15:40.21 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30695
10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: shumaker has been inactive for nearly two
years, remove activity marker |
15:42.48 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30696
10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: butler's away on
sabattical/training/education so update POC to be davisson for
15:46.02 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30697
10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: yapp moves up from special thanks for
gentoo/doc work to significant code contributions for proc-db/tire,
on his way to being new dev (woot) |
16:37.58 |
yukonbob |
yay starseeker_home! |
16:37.59 |
yukonbob |
:) |
16:38.04 |
yukonbob |
waves in |
16:45.15 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r30698
10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (librt/mirror.c mged/chgmodel.c
tclscripts/mged/help.tcl): Added the mirror_pt parameter to
rt_mirror. This is the point on the axis about which the mirror
action will take place. |
17:16.24 |
``Erik |
wiggles his
toes |
17:17.39 |
``Erik |
bowling alley grub, blurf |
17:27.49 |
``Erik |
hum |
17:35.49 |
prasad_ |
ah the bowling alley |
17:35.57 |
PrezKennedy |
which bowling alley? |
17:36.05 |
``Erik |
on post |
17:36.15 |
``Erik |
by the px |
17:36.30 |
PrezKennedy |
Why on earth would you eat there?? |
17:36.39 |
``Erik |
cuz kermit wanted to go somewhere
fast |
17:36.41 |
``Erik |
O.o |
17:37.00 |
prasad_ |
heh how's the ssvt crew |
17:37.18 |
PrezKennedy |
kermit is crazy! |
17:37.39 |
prasad_ |
i went to the bowling alley once |
17:37.44 |
prasad_ |
hmm never did go back |
17:38.04 |
``Erik |
not sure, prasad, dont' get over there much..
there was a split, and their bc now lives in the same building, but
supposedly not nearly as horrible as this building :) |
17:38.32 |
prasad_ |
orly |
17:38.51 |
prasad_ |
iirc it never was |
17:38.52 |
prasad_ |
;) |
18:12.35 |
mafm |
bye |
18:27.45 |
``Erik |
hehehehe http://www.linuxisforbitches.com |
18:50.22 |
*** join/#brlcad andrecastelo
(n=chatzill@ |
18:50.36 |
andrecastelo |
good afternoon everyone |
18:50.40 |
``Erik |
wb, andre |
18:50.47 |
*** join/#brlcad
hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@ |
18:50.56 |
andrecastelo |
hi ``Erik |
18:50.59 |
``Erik |
and hippi O.o |
18:51.03 |
andrecastelo |
how are you doing? |
18:51.08 |
andrecastelo |
hey hippieindamakin8 |
18:51.09 |
hippieindamakin8 |
hey ppl |
18:52.42 |
``Erik |
huh, 21 megatons at up to 10 km/s... ow
O.o |
18:54.29 |
hippieindamakin8 |
wats that ``Erik |
18:54.46 |
``Erik |
the apophis asteroid |
18:55.31 |
hippieindamakin8 |
:) |
18:57.50 |
andrecastelo |
we're going to die ? :D |
18:57.59 |
andrecastelo |
lol, wrong emoticon |
18:58.01 |
andrecastelo |
:( |
18:58.09 |
``Erik |
only if you stand under it, IF it hits?
:D |
18:58.45 |
prasad_ |
that guy has an issue with web
services |
18:59.20 |
``Erik |
huh? |
19:05.15 |
*** join/#brlcad homovulgaris
(n=ca3fe93d@bz.bzflag.bz) |
19:25.00 |
CIA-10 |
BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r30699
10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h: Update signature of rt_mirror
(i.e. added mirror_pt). |
20:14.13 |
*** join/#brlcad Elperion
(n=Bary@p548746D4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:17.45 |
prasad_ |
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v686/peeweejd/kidpwned.gif |
20:47.33 |
``Erik |
ehehe |
20:56.22 |
brlcad |
hah |
21:01.08 |
*** join/#brlcad pacman87
(i=127@resnet-45-192.dorm.utexas.edu) |
21:55.17 |
hippieindamakin8 |
:)) |
23:08.55 |
pacman87 |
hippieindamakin8: test went well
today? |
23:16.44 |
brlcad |
he survived, apparently ;) |
23:17.13 |
hippieindamakin8 |
ya man :) got the answer scripts too
:) |