IRC log for #brlcad on 20080417

01:21.45 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30700 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/clone.c: Sean fixed bug in clone where cloning combinations resulted in an infinite loop.
01:28.27 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30701 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Add clone fix
01:29.34 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30702 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Add (very) preliminary support for tread on tires.
02:02.34 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30703 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: fill in contribution details for when the individual first made a commit (per ohloh stats on head). also include the committer and common IRC nicknames for those known.
02:17.09 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30704 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: add terry slatter to the special thanks section as he did commit at least one (minor) tweak to pix-rle to use LOGNAME in oct 89
02:25.25 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30705 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: susan coates, BRLer per the contribution year
02:26.23 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30706 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: susan was february 89 even
02:30.06 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30707 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: damnits, keep getting those two mixed up. sue coates was '91 sep BRLer, sue muuss was 89' feb BRLer. also, natalie eberius and natalie barker are one in the same.
02:36.07 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30708 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: special thanks to steven buckley for his '88 aug contributions (maybe as a BRL student, but unknown) .. they were a bunch (42) manpage updates
02:38.51 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30709 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: special thanks to john grosh for a tabinterp tweak back in oct 93 (incrased some buf size).
02:42.53 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30710 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS:
02:42.53 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: add david godbey to the code contributors list for his work on the 3dm-g
02:42.53 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: importer and brep testing. while we're at is, note that jra has also
02:42.53 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: contributed as an altus guy in addition to his usual open sourceage goodness as
02:42.53 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: things pertain to librtserver.
03:01.46 yukonbob re: fmt for AUTHORS, does "Open Source" mean no company affiliation?
03:08.08 starseeker_home belatedly sees authors update - thanks brlcad!
03:47.58 *** part/#brlcad pacman87 (
03:47.58 yukonbob waves to starseeker_home
03:47.59 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
03:47.59 starseeker_home waves back
03:48.00 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
03:48.02 brlcad yukonbob: in a manner of speaking, yes - a contribution performed while not on anyone's clock after we went open source
03:48.02 brlcad if you see something missing or in error, lemme know
03:48.03 brlcad helps distinguish the nature of the contribution, and give special recognition to those that contribute in some manner of their own volition
03:48.03 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bharder * r30711 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: Update own record
03:48.03 yukonbob updated nicks, own contractor time
03:48.55 brlcad you've also contributed on your own time, no?
03:48.55 yukonbob heh -- /me maybe should have run by brlcad first... check my record and see if it's not to spec... can re-change :P
03:49.11 brlcad it's looks fine to me
03:49.18 yukonbob brlcad: well, "own time" == contacting time -- MDL==me
03:49.39 yukonbob *contracting
03:50.08 yukonbob and now nicks reflect IRC, sourceforge, email, etch.
03:50.13 yukonbob *etc
03:56.17 brlcad sounds good
03:57.06 brlcad the content of each section, and even the inclusion are up to the individual for the most part (e.g. I'd remove or leave out an entry if someone wanted to remain anonymous)
03:57.32 brlcad just care that they're consistently grouped and as comprehensive/accurate as reasonably possible with low maintenance burden
03:59.37 yukonbob edits for descr of "demonstates superior analytical skills and excellent design decisions, depsite lack of commits"
03:59.52 yukonbob s/descr of/descr for:/
04:00.38 yukonbob plus: "is snappy dresser, with good sense of humour"
04:01.05 yukonbob plus: "is tired atm, and abusing IRC"
04:01.39 yukonbob ~lart fatigue
04:01.39 ibot beats fatigue over the head with a microkernel
04:06.21 brlcad heh
04:08.12 yukonbob q: how much would you want to take advantage of the Tcl VM w/i BRL-CAD -- I remember a few days ago there was some disc. aobut string handleing -- that _could_ be handled via Tcl functions, but then one is quite intimately tied to Tcl (moreso than currently?)... Comments?
04:08.35 yukonbob *about, *handling
04:15.52 yukonbob looks into grep bug
04:21.04 brlcad in that particular instance, it was just developer getting familiar with available routines -- we have a set of routines for variable length string processing already that are fairly high-performance
04:24.21 yukonbob ok -- they may be higher perf. than the Tcl routines, but lets say I committed some code that ties into Tcl pretty heavily, but gets the job perfectly fine... would that be considered acceptable from?
04:24.25 yukonbob form
04:24.26 yukonbob *form
04:28.55 brlcad really depends on the context
04:30.44 brlcad adding new library dependencies, for example, is generally discouraged (or at least should be heavily justified as it's a maintenance/integration burden)
04:31.23 brlcad currently, some of the libs already use tcl (heavily) in their implementation
04:32.21 yukonbob the reason I ask is that one could _really_ lean on these things, and it'd make a lot of sense on one hand, no reinventing the wheel basically, but otoh, things are getting more tied to Tcl, and if one wanted to start adding Python, some Scheme, or whatever, it might basically require an overhaul...
04:33.13 brlcad yep
04:33.23 yukonbob ya, Tcl is a special case becuase it's so intrinsic to BRL-CAD in it's present state... but my experience (limited as it is, obviously) is that Tcl is used where necessary, but not at every available opportunity...
04:34.16 brlcad the decision was made a somewhat mid-long time ago to do the former but the mindset has slowly been changing to begin abstracting it away so it's eventually scripting layer agnostic
04:36.45 yukonbob thinking about that a bit, it sounds _really_ tedious (ie: it'd be a "nice and quick" to start really taking advantage of Tcl, but instead, pretty much all of it's goodness (except for the syntax), is wasted if one is going to develop in such an agnostic way (same applies to Python, Perl, scheme, etc)
04:36.52 yukonbob )
04:36.55 brlcad yeah, I wouldn't just replace functionality that libbu already provides, for example, with tcl's just for the sake of integration -- there'd have to be some core reason that justified it
04:37.54 yukonbob right -- but for future work, would you consider using Tcl facilites, or be more inclined to write your own (putting them in libbu, for example)?
04:38.19 brlcad really depends on the feature in question and the benefit leveraged
04:38.26 yukonbob nods
04:38.27 brlcad i don't think there's a clear-cut answer
04:39.21 brlcad there's also short-term gains and long-term plans
04:39.26 yukonbob is about as impressed w/ Tcl as am with BRL-CAD -- a match made in heaven from my perspective
04:39.29 yukonbob <PROTECTED>
04:40.04 yukonbob re: gains/plans: ie: ideas written down for how to steer development?
04:41.05 brlcad there is some written down, but not posted anywhere public yet -- some big-picture project vision directions
04:41.31 yukonbob nods -- and so not yet ready for public consumption, or just happen to not be posted yet?
04:41.40 brlcad just not posted yet
04:41.46 yukonbob cool
04:42.50 brlcad needs some polish, a little wordsmithing refinement
04:43.35 brlcad course, the document I have in mind is fairly high-level -- this hits at low-level technical (which is more heavily driven by contributors and discussion)
05:15.28 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30712 10/brlcad/trunk/ (BUGS src/util/bwmod.c): dawn thomas noted that bwmod performing a divide-by-zero no longer occurs. turns out this bug was fixed about 3.5 years ago by butler in r23494 so poof it goes, thx dawn
05:22.59 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30713 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/bwmod.c: don't compare floating point with ==, use NEAR_ZERO tolerancing for portability
06:50.26 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
06:56.24 d_rossberg pacman87: have you seen my comments to your revolve article in the wiki?
06:56.41 pacman87 d_rossberg: not yet
07:00.20 d_rossberg you could hit the "watch" button there
07:00.34 pacman87 d_rossberg: i thought i did...
07:01.05 d_rossberg that's strange :-|
07:02.32 pacman87 i missed the 'email me on watched changes' checkbox
07:02.51 pacman87 thanks for alerting me
07:03.35 pacman87 does the ray-tracing algrorithm already use the bounding box for short circuiting?
07:03.44 d_rossberg i hope i've seen this checkbox (i'm not sure about it)
07:04.30 d_rossberg rt with bounding box: i don't know, that's also a question for me
07:05.06 pacman87 it would make sense for that check to be done at the higher level
07:05.37 d_rossberg indeed
07:05.38 pacman87 if so, that step can be skipped
07:06.10 pacman87 re: shot 2.2, what you said was what i mean by "(Or store the end surface seperately to avoid the ray transformation.)"
07:06.34 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:06.52 d_rossberg no, i don't wont to store any surface seperately
07:07.20 d_rossberg i mean: reduce the problem to 2D and use the 2D shape we have
07:07.41 pacman87 right, that was a copy/paste from before that i missed
07:07.45 pacman87 s/surface/plane
07:08.24 d_rossberg the plane is edscribed by the rotation axis and angle
07:08.42 pacman87 and the first plane
07:09.12 d_rossberg by the "start vector" or direction
07:09.52 d_rossberg this is part of the "Internal Representation" work package
07:10.10 pacman87 plane is a location vector and a normal vector, and start and end planes can share the location vector, so you'd need 1 location and 2 normals
07:10.48 d_rossberg this would be one possibility
07:12.33 pacman87 i think that would reduce the amount of math necessary to find the intersection with the second plane, instead of stroring a transform to apply to the first plane (which is what i think you're saying, correct me if that's wrong)
07:12.55 pacman87 what timezone are you in?
07:13.26 d_rossberg GMT+1
07:13.47 d_rossberg i.e. UTC+2 (because of DST)
07:15.30 d_rossberg and yes, i wonder that you are awake
07:15.49 pacman87 2:20am
07:16.12 pacman87 working on a programming assignment
07:18.02 d_rossberg so you should try to finish you work for this night and get some sleep
07:19.09 pacman87 i sleep on the weekends (taking 16 hours of coursework, and workign ~14 hrs/week)
07:21.20 pacman87 here's the log of my conversation with sean about this:
07:27.09 d_rossberg i've seen this (with this site i don't have to be logged in permanently, i.e. if you see me on the irc i'm not so far away (however maybe to lunch))
08:42.16 d_rossberg brlcad: is there a concept to get rid of the different win32-msvc directories?
08:50.57 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
08:51.43 mafm hello
09:46.48 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
09:47.29 andrecastelo good morning folks
11:03.56 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
12:37.17 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:47.43 brlcad d_rossberg: yeah, eventually .. heck, I wish they were autogenerated off the's (or cmake) :)
12:47.52 brlcad the 7's can probably go away now
12:49.30 brlcad the 6's can go away as soon as you and wim are done with them :)
12:49.43 brlcad presuming 8 has all the same functionality merged in
12:51.37 d_rossberg yes, and now i've 9's
12:52.24 d_rossberg however, i wrote some cmake files for the brlcad.dll
12:52.46 d_rossberg and now i want to replace the .dsp by these files
12:54.23 d_rossberg perhaps it could be a base for others too
13:16.40 brlcad d_rossberg: iiinteresting (and glad to hear you're on 9 now :)
13:19.14 brlcad mildly unrelated but fyi, I'm about to tag the 7.12.2 release (today)
13:24.16 d_rossberg here you are
13:26.14 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r30714 10/brlcad/trunk/ (33 files in 12 dirs):
13:26.14 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: update of the brlcad.dll build environment for current MSVC versions
13:26.14 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: because of differences in the .vcproj files for the different MSVS versions CMake is used here
13:26.14 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: this does not mean that they are portable to UNIX (at least not at the moment)
13:26.14 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: perhaps it could be a base to build on
13:40.55 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03dgodbey * r30715 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (librt/g_brep.cpp other/openNURBS/opennurbs_bezier.cpp): Changes support raytracing of simple Rhino converted geometries
13:56.19 ``Erik uhhhh
13:58.56 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
13:59.05 thing0 hey brlcad
13:59.46 ``Erik hum
14:01.07 thing0 hey ``Erik
14:04.40 ``Erik 'sup, thing?
14:07.09 thing0 work
14:07.12 thing0 and more work
14:07.34 thing0 was wondering if you remember brlcad's website, the one where he wrote about some UI concepts
14:10.16 ``Erik uhm, I've seen lots of his websites
14:10.47 ``Erik are you talking about ?
14:15.21 thing0 sorry ``Erik was on the phone
14:16.04 thing0 ``Erik: it was a wiki based one
14:16.13 thing0 not that one u just showed me
14:16.25 ``Erik *shrug* irc responses aren't expected to be prompt :) sometimes I respond after a week or so
14:17.32 thing0 lol
14:18.18 ``Erik not is it?
14:25.14 brlcad can only imagine
14:25.35 ``Erik brlcad, kill the trash page ont he wiki... W/w/index.php I think
14:26.02 ``Erik :D
14:26.11 brlcad damnits
14:26.18 brlcad it's still not notifying me
14:29.23 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30716 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/openw.tcl: this isn't C, use elseif
14:30.45 ``Erik committer "wm" is bill m?
14:30.51 brlcad yes
14:31.10 brlcad doesn't see W/w/index.php
14:31.24 ``Erik
14:31.45 brlcad aw, he needs help
14:33.39 brlcad looks like that snuck in before recaptcha was enabled
14:34.50 brlcad ah, tsk.. I did skip wm
14:34.54 brlcad good catch
14:35.22 ``Erik I'm adding it
14:35.24 ``Erik and a couple others
14:39.15 ``Erik svn log . | grep '^r[0-9]' | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | less
14:39.16 ``Erik pheer.
14:39.45 ``Erik I don't suppose svn has the notion of user aliases?
14:43.15 brlcad nope
14:43.20 brlcad not that I know of at least
14:43.29 brlcad ohloh does, I've added most of the aliases there
14:43.42 ``Erik where is g-sat in the src? I'm not seeing it O.o (was it removed?)
14:43.48 ``Erik oh, src/external
14:43.52 brlcad yeah
14:44.05 brlcad it relies on cubit libraries
14:44.44 brlcad ~fishslap mike for not writing a dependency-free sat exporter
14:44.44 ibot ACTION slaps mike up side the head with a wet fish for not writing a dependency-free sat exporter
14:47.52 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30717 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: add missing nicknames
14:47.53 ``Erik svn locks ftl :(
14:48.18 brlcad only cause you aborted, svn cleanup ftw
14:48.30 ``Erik I don't recall aborting anything, and svn cleanup failed
14:48.37 brlcad o.O
14:48.40 brlcad never seen cleanup fail
14:48.42 ``Erik yeah. o.O indeed
14:49.21 ``Erik bleh, scrolled off my buffer, gave an error somewhere in doc/html about locking issues
14:49.32 ``Erik may've been triggered by working over nfs to a shoddy linux server
14:50.07 ``Erik a horse is a horse, of course, of course
14:50.11 ``Erik wanders off to talk to mr ed
15:10.46 prasad_ whoa pun
15:10.48 prasad_ ?
15:11.29 thing0 hey brlcad
15:11.33 thing0 didn't see u here
15:11.38 thing0 having a chat with someone in MSN
15:15.54 thing0 brlcad: do u recall the website I am referring to?
15:16.21 thing0 It was an article that you had written about how the modern day UI within windows and other applications was quite pooe
15:16.23 thing0 *poor
15:16.49 thing0 in that users had dialog boxes etc that stole focus, whereas it should all integrate together better
15:17.04 thing0 and also, why do we need to save, why doesn't it do it automatically
15:17.09 thing0 unlimited undos
15:17.14 thing0 what else....
15:17.15 thing0 hmm
15:17.24 thing0 that's why I want to read the article again
15:17.25 thing0 :)
15:19.02 thing0 well, I'll leave my laptop on overnight
15:19.13 thing0 *hopefully* someone will remember
15:19.14 thing0 ;)
15:19.15 thing0 ttyl
15:19.18 thing0 night
15:21.53 d_rossberg thing0:
15:29.30 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
15:37.03 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
17:24.37 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
17:37.01 ``Erik yay for site power outages, boo for them not lasting long enough for me to go play in the grass barefoot
17:46.30 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
17:47.50 jdoliner Did you see the patch brlcad?
18:34.07 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30718 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Try a slight tweak with the tread.
19:04.21 mafm bye
19:20.11 brlcad has no idea what thing0 is referring to at the moment
19:20.34 brlcad jdoliner: yes, I did -- haven't had time to review it yet though
19:20.40 brlcad jdoliner: glad to see it though, was getting worried :)
19:29.04 jdoliner good
19:32.22 jdoliner should I post a link to it in my application, or is that redundant at this point
19:41.17 brlcad please do
19:41.30 brlcad just makes it easier on the mentors
19:41.44 ``Erik yes, mentors are incredibly lazy :D
19:51.10 jdoliner k i've updated the application
19:51.25 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
19:53.52 brlcad find it annoying that he keeps leaving! :)
20:05.06 pacman87 the only time i leave is to restart X, or restart my computer to switch OS's :)
20:05.33 ``Erik a) run a console irc client in 'screen' so you can restart X without losing your irc session
20:05.41 ``Erik b) quit switching os's, just use fbsd and be happy :D *duck*
20:06.06 ``Erik runs his irc client (bitchx) inside of screen on a dedicated 'server' :)
20:06.33 pacman87 yeah, i've been meaning to look into 'screen', but haven't had time yet
20:06.40 ``Erik and I just put a UPS on it, soooo the next reboot should be when I move :) (which I'll combine an OS upgrade with)
20:06.42 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
20:07.20 pacman87 and for (b), one programming class uses MSVC to compile, so i have to boot winXP to double check my code
20:07.33 ``Erik wine? vmware? :)
20:07.41 ``Erik hehehhe
20:07.57 pacman87 i've got VMware with an XP install, but my comp is frustratingly slow
20:08.31 pacman87 and i'm not sure how nicely MSVC would play with wine
20:08.46 ``Erik dual booted with windows when he was in college, knows the routine... always appreciated classes that either provided shell accounts on the target machines or were platform agnostic
20:11.43 ``Erik I think the most annoying class was probably the arch class, had to make a pipelined cpu in 'mmlogic', which is a very windows thingie :/
20:12.49 ``Erik whoa, they made mmlogic open source O.O
20:22.18 ``Erik hehehe
21:28.55 ``Erik "There is a difference between eating a varied diet and chowing down on a cup of lard and sugar once a day. Programmers know this instinctively: they balance their daily menu among the four major food groups: caffeine, sugar, grease, and salt."
21:33.43 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r30719 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/clone.c: If necessary, modify the matrix to apply mirror effects to the incoming primitive.
21:42.12 hippieindamakin8 hey pacman87 ``Erik and brlcad
21:42.23 pacman87 hi
21:45.04 hippieindamakin8 cya guys later :P
22:00.48 brlcad hello
22:02.42 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
22:03.37 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30720 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Combine everything into single toplevel object, add options for naming that object.
22:19.33 *** join/#brlcad mafm (n=mafm@
22:19.41 mafm hallo
22:24.58 brlcad howdy mafm
22:26.00 mafm raining cats and dogs, and I suspect that my laptop is suffering from that
22:31.08 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
22:31.30 andrecastelo good evening cadheads :b
22:31.40 brlcad howdy andre
22:32.43 andrecastelo hey brlcad, how are you doing?
22:33.38 mafm cadheads? shut up you, tropical coconut! :P
22:34.22 andrecastelo :(
22:34.32 andrecastelo i just wanted to sound cool like yukonbob :b
22:37.51 mafm :)
22:38.00 mafm that's fine, I'm just having a terrible day
22:39.35 andrecastelo why's that?? not enought string theory??
22:39.46 andrecastelo s/enought/enough
22:39.48 andrecastelo :b
22:40.31 mafm actually too many little annoyances happening at once
22:40.59 mafm yet physicist are part of the problem, yep
22:42.27 brlcad andrecastelo: doing ok, a bit stressed/busy, but good
22:47.23 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
22:47.42 andrecastelo_ i hate this internet :{
22:48.51 mafm yep, intertubez are lame

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