IRC log for #brlcad on 20080426

00:48.34 *** join/#brlcad vedge_ (
01:07.06 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
01:56.36 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30826 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Take a try at making tire shaping more robust
01:57.23 starseeker_ ``Erik: OK, not ready for thickness stuff yet, but take a stab at your weird European tire sizes.
02:20.10 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
03:01.04 ``Erik heh, was just a random size, not my fault that russia actually uses it
04:16.38 yukonbob evening, cadheads
04:21.06 Axman6 brlcad: yt? getting an error on OS X, and i can't remember if it's the same as what i was getting before (i installed the latest X11 update yesterday, and wanted to see if those issues had been fixed)
04:22.18 Axman6 the error is as folows, for anyone interested...
04:22.19 Axman6 Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().
04:22.46 Axman6 and the two lines, starting at "The process has forked…" are repeated about 6 times
04:31.45 yukonbob Axman6: what is generating this error?
04:31.58 Axman6 mged with no flags
04:32.57 yukonbob hrmm..
04:33.49 yukonbob what's the flag to keep mged from detaching? (ie: run in foreground)?
05:07.31 Axman6 -d? i'll have a look...
05:39.27 Axman6 -c. and that works, but i don't get the full gui :(
05:48.39 yukonbob -c == classic, iirc
05:48.58 yukonbob (/me doesn't have BRL-CAD installed atm) :P
05:53.48 Axman6 heh
06:28.28 brlcad Axman6: that's fixed on head, should be fixed in the 7.12.2 release
06:28.37 brlcad haven't put up binaries yet, that's this weekend
06:29.06 brlcad otherwise, mged -f should do the trick
06:36.46 Axman6 ooo, mged -f works fine with the version i have now :)
06:37.22 Axman6 which is 7.10.2 apparently. i'll try installing 7.12.0
06:39.19 Axman6 is the aqua-tk version any good?
06:40.46 brlcad there isn't an aqua-tk version of BRL-CAD
06:40.53 brlcad at least not yet
06:42.05 Axman6 hmm, ok. well configure script seems to imply there is one.
06:42.28 brlcad how so?
06:43.12 Axman6 --enable-aquatk-build Use Aqua windowing system on Mac OS X (default=no)
06:43.38 brlcad ah, right -- it's because that's something actively being worked on ;)
06:43.58 brlcad but there's still never been a release to date yet, few unresolved issues
06:44.06 Axman6 ah, ok :)
06:45.40 Axman6 doesn't seem to like --enable-64bit-build on my system. not that it's important though, it'd just be nice to have _something_ that was actually 64-bit on here, that wasn't Xcode, or chess
06:49.26 brlcad 10.4?
06:49.56 brlcad 10.4 doesn't provide 64-bit libs for a few critical libraries, like X11
06:50.55 Axman6 10.5
06:53.45 Axman6 looks like all the X11 libraries are 64-bit here. might be building against something from macports that it shouldn't
06:57.58 brlcad hm or something entirely different
07:00.38 brlcad i've only built on 10.5 remoteley and it merely required a few petty patches be applied in addition to the configure flags
07:01.00 Axman6 on this very machine ;)
07:02.12 brlcad heh, right .. the names sometimes blend :)
07:02.23 Axman6 s'ok :)
07:02.55 brlcad yeah, your build worked cleanly for me -- even graphical mged via remote X
07:02.56 yukonbob anybody mind if I ask an OT nm(1) question?
07:03.20 brlcad which at the time basically just pointed at there being a problem with apple's X11 server still
07:03.32 brlcad does nm
07:03.47 brlcad s/nm/not mind/
07:04.18 yukonbob :)
07:05.22 yukonbob q: should a library have unresolved symbols? It seems obvious to me the answer is "no", but I've got one that's _full_ of unresolved symbols (is related to MesaLib being updated to 7.x on my NetBSD machine)
07:05.36 brlcad it can have unresolved symbols
07:05.57 brlcad ld tries to resolve them at run-time
07:06.06 yukonbob hrmm...
07:06.14 brlcad hence the paths and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
07:06.52 yukonbob hrmm...
07:06.57 Axman6 urgh, benchmark fails. pretty badly
07:07.22 Axman6 i'll try out 7.12.3 i guess
07:07.25 Axman6 if i can?
07:07.29 brlcad ideally, libs are fully resolved/resolvable -- frameworks with dylibs attempt to provide fully resolved libs for example
07:09.12 brlcad Axman6: how is benchmark failing
07:09.23 brlcad (see one of the log file)
07:09.36 Axman6 +++++ sphflake
07:09.36 Axman6 RAYTRACE ERROR
07:09.36 Axman6 sphflake.pix: No such file or directory
07:09.36 Axman6 sphflake.pix: BENCHMARK COMPARISON FAILURE
07:09.39 Axman6 :|
07:10.01 brlcad what's near the bottom of moss.log
07:10.49 Axman6 ah, never mind. guess it was just make benchmark that was having problems
07:11.06 brlcad hm?
07:11.17 Axman6 the `benchmark` command seems to be working
07:11.21 brlcad that would be a bog if true
07:11.30 brlcad a bug even
07:11.39 Axman6 not sure what i did wrong, but i'm sure it's my problem, not yours ;)
07:12.36 brlcad heh, okay
07:12.51 brlcad the end of the log file would stil gue u;
07:13.57 brlcad <PROTECTED>
07:14.15 Axman6 dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_png_create_info_struct Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO Expected in: /Users/Axman/compiled-projects/brlcad-7.12.0/src/other/libpng/.libs/libpng.1.dylib
07:15.08 brlcad ah, right .. keep forgetting about that problem
07:15.19 Axman6 uh, "dyld: warning, DYLD_ setting caused circular dependency in /usr/X11/lib/libGL.1.dylib
07:15.23 brlcad the build fix is to just --disable-png
07:15.29 brlcad s/build/quick/
07:15.31 Axman6 was before that, should've stuck that in too
07:15.45 brlcad too many typos and forgettings, I must need to reboot
07:16.04 Axman6 s/reboot/sleep
07:18.30 Axman6 heh, there's no google sketchup importer is there?
07:21.00 Axman6 hmm, mged won't run now.
07:22.35 brlcad yeah, that's trying to use the system libs
07:22.38 brlcad for tcl/tk
07:22.45 brlcad that's nfg for brl-cad guild
07:22.45 Axman6 anything i can do to fix that?
07:23.26 brlcad --enable-tcl --enable-tk
07:24.08 brlcad suggests reading INSTALL if you're not already, it's not generic
07:24.10 Axman6 cheers
08:34.22 louipc clear
08:34.26 louipc oops
08:35.04 *** part/#brlcad louipc (
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12:03.36 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:28.37 ``Erik hum
12:28.45 starseeker_ hmm?
12:29.23 ``Erik I seem to have filled up a hard drive and lost one of my miniscreen cookies
12:29.32 starseeker_ ow
12:29.53 ``Erik gonna try to get it back :D
12:31.12 ``Erik even if it involved writing a kernel module O.o
12:31.30 starseeker_ eeep
12:52.53 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30827 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/ (tire.1 tire.c): Add size-related scaling for thicknesses and an option to override the tire thickness.
12:53.37 starseeker_ OK ``Erik. if you can spare a sec from kernel hacking see what the next way to bust it is
12:57.38 ``Erik that'd involve compiling it hehehe
12:58.27 ``Erik huh
12:58.45 ``Erik seems my process has went and actually corrupted itself slightly
13:01.25 starseeker_ ow
13:02.00 starseeker_ what'd you DO to it??
13:05.35 ``Erik uhmmm, actually, i'm not sure now, it might be fine and I'm just getting a lamed up symbol table :)
13:06.29 ``Erik it's been running for 127 days and I may've upgraded the software without restarting hte process... O.o
13:06.31 starseeker_ would probably reboot in disgust...
13:07.07 ``Erik yes, linux and windows weenies share that kneejerk reaction :D
13:07.32 starseeker_ can live with a reboot every 127 days...
13:07.45 starseeker_ helps to test the bootstrap process of booting...
13:08.42 ``Erik heh, might explain why linux starts doing really weird things around 200 days but bsd can stay solid over 1000 (seen sun up at 1400)
13:08.59 ``Erik too busy testing the boot process to test the reliability aspect O.o
13:09.01 ``Erik :D
13:09.36 starseeker_ <snort> If you want uptimes like that Debian stable might be a good place to start...
13:09.54 ``Erik got one, kernel still pukes itself up
13:10.18 ``Erik I wonder of that new 'pslice' thing linux has will get some progress in the reliability direction going
13:10.33 starseeker_ dunno
13:10.43 ``Erik I thought about implementing that for fbsd many years ago, but didn't know nearly enough about the kernel guts at the time to jump on it
13:11.04 ``Erik and have changed my views on upgrading since
13:11.30 starseeker_ figures for the vast majority of home users in the world the POWER will fail at least once within 200 days.
13:12.57 starseeker_ How do you fault test for an "after 200 days" bug anyway?
13:12.57 ``Erik (any upgrade/change that might disrupt service doesn't get blindly applied, I read changelogs and security bullitens and decide based on my usage)
13:13.03 starseeker_ cool
13:13.52 ``Erik things go "spooky", like I've seen a couple instances where load goes skyrocketting while cpu usage is low, context switches are low, interrupts are low...
13:14.06 ``Erik until it crashes
13:14.17 starseeker_ scowls at Amazon's Lisp in Small Pieces listings and wonders why ALL the used/new offerings other than Amazon's own are either the same price or MORE...
13:14.19 ``Erik or completely siezes and gets the big red button treatment
13:14.33 starseeker_ Hmm.
13:15.02 starseeker_ Need good logging to be able to do anything with a situation like that...
13:15.47 ``Erik of course, that I have the data to spot that behavior instead of just saying "it crashed and got rebooted" is not normal :D
13:16.04 ``Erik it's "enterprisy", but good "enterprisy"
13:18.47 starseeker_ heh
13:40.51 ``Erik blargh, *surrender* :/
13:41.28 ``Erik I'm either guessing a bad 50 meg range or something's just screwey
14:02.39 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30828 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/ (tire.1 tire.c): Add option to specify rim width
14:03.48 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
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14:09.40 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (n=psilva@
14:11.05 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
14:40.36 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30829 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Change default tire size to something a little more common.
14:43.04 brlcad he's on a roll
14:51.17 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
14:53.30 ``Erik only as long as his tires come out round, unlike that one I made yesterday :D
15:56.13 starseeker_ ``Erik: You want round tires? Boy, you're demanding
15:56.18 starseeker_ :-P
16:00.40 *** join/#brlcad illethal (
16:07.26 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30830 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/str.c:
16:07.26 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: only warn about the string truncation if debug is turned as it is indeed
16:07.26 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: entirely valid for the src string in strlcpy to be longer than size. this check
16:07.26 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: was mainly added because there was a slew of strncpy code migrated over and the
16:07.26 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: truncation by the new strlcpy wasn't intentional (or desirable). there are
16:07.28 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: undoubtedly more callers that need to be weeded out.
16:08.04 *** part/#brlcad illethal (
16:27.41 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
16:30.05 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30831 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 2 dirs): the start of consolidating and long-term efforts to eliminate library globals. add a globals.c source with the malloc.c globals for starters.
16:34.47 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30832 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/ (globals.c malloc.c vls.c): move bu_vls_message and bu_strdup_message to globals.c
16:36.06 *** join/#brlcad thing1 (n=ric@
16:40.38 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30833 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/ (globals.c ispar.c parallel.c): move bu_pid_of_initiating_thread from ispar.c to globals.c
16:46.39 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30834 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/ (bomb.c globals.c): move bu_setjmp_valid and bu_jmpbuf from bomb.c to globals.c
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18:10.13 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30835 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/ (tire.1 tire.c): Add second tread pattern, enable selection of pattern types at command line.
18:50.07 *** join/#brlcad csanyipal (n=csanyipa@
19:00.05 brlcad hey paul
19:00.26 csanyipal brlcad: hey
19:01.16 csanyipal sean: hey
19:01.32 brlcad how goes it
19:01.59 brlcad fyi, that write error you reported "should" be gone with the latest release
19:02.00 csanyipal brlcad: Thank you, not so good.
19:02.07 brlcad ah, sorry to hear that
19:02.51 csanyipal brlcad: I have reinstalled my Debian system and must to reinstall brl-cad too.
19:04.20 csanyipal brlcad: and the same error occure again, when I try to Raytrace the mug.
19:05.14 brlcad the bu_log error?
19:05.26 csanyipal brlcad: I have installed the brl-cad from the tarball, downloaded from the
19:05.42 csanyipal brlcad: yes, the bu_log error.
19:07.35 csanyipal brlcad: I edit the .bash_profile: export FB_FILE=/dev/Xl
19:07.46 csanyipal brlcad: but that not help.
19:08.52 brlcad yeah, that's not related
19:09.02 brlcad what does binfo report?
19:09.04 csanyipal brlcad: mybe must I to install something more, but I can't remember what.
19:10.05 csanyipal brlcad: bu_version=[BRL-CAD Release 7.10.4 The BRL-CAD Utility Library Thu Oct 25 16:34:31 EDT 2007, Compilation 1 ] bn_version=[BRL-CAD Release 7.10.4 The BRL-CAD Numerical Computation Library Thu Oct 25 16:34:31 EDT 2007, Compilation 1 ] rt_version=[BRL-CAD Re
19:10.05 csanyipal lease 7.10.4 The BRL-CAD Ray-Tracing Library Thu Oct 25 16:34:31 EDT 2007, Compilation 1 ] fb_version=[BRL-CAD Release 7.10.4 The BRL-CAD Framebuffer Library Thu Oct 25 16:34:31 EDT 2007, Compilation 1 ]
19:10.26 brlcad that's still 7.10.4 .. try the latest release
19:10.31 brlcad 7.12.2
19:11.00 brlcad was released last week
19:11.16 brlcad or even better, try latest svn so I can try fixes live if you run into problems
19:11.18 brlcad ~cadsvn
19:11.19 ibot To obtain BRL-CAD from Subversion: svn checkout brlcad
19:11.22 csanyipal brlcad: From where to download it?
19:11.34 csanyipal brlcad: OK
19:12.18 csanyipal brlcad: Thank you!
19:13.24 csanyipal brlcad: I go now to obtain the latest svn..
19:13.50 brlcad great
19:13.55 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30836 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/chgview.c: don't need to manually null-terminate with bu_strlcpy
19:14.22 brlcad i made some debian fixes a couple weeks ago so it should actually build much better on debian now
19:15.48 csanyipal brlcad: In the latest svn?
19:16.07 brlcad hm?
19:16.50 csanyipal brlcad: If I obtain the latest brlcad from svn then I get this fixes?
19:16.57 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30837 10/brlcad/trunk/ (6 files in 2 dirs): move over the bu_log_hook_list too to globals.c and fix some missing declarations. make the bu_log lists non-published since nobody is using it.
19:19.12 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30838 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: noticed that the graphics window in mged wasn't responding to key events properly. sends the keys to the command window even when the graphics window has focus.
19:19.18 brlcad csanyipal: ah, yes
19:19.42 brlcad every one of those CIA notices is a *live* change notification .. that's the source code changing
19:20.10 brlcad if you have an svn checkout, you can "svn update" and it'll get any changes since the last time you updated or ran checkout
19:20.59 csanyipal brlcad: OK
19:33.42 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30839 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/bomb.c: it was (re)published in bu.h so decl is not needed
19:47.21 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
19:48.51 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30840 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/ (getopt.c globals.c): move the bu_getopt globals over to globals.c
19:56.11 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30841 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/magic.c: header cleanup
20:19.51 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30842 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Switch the naming on the two patterns for consistency - default now pairs smooth profile with auto tread.
20:27.10 *** join/#brlcad prasad1 (
20:27.35 prasad1 brlcad, ``Erik, u guys there?
20:27.50 brlcad nope
20:30.19 brlcad ~ask
20:30.20 ibot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:35.52 prasad1 wasn't there a kyle bodt in 328?
20:44.49 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30843 10/brlcad/trunk/ (6 files in 4 dirs): remove the bu_observer_cmds global by turning it into a static and wrapping it up in a new bu_observer_cmd() callback that the various callers use instead of bu_cmd.
20:47.31 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30844 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/parallel.c: non-global for cray
20:58.30 ``Erik d'no if he was in 328, know he was in 238 for a bit
21:34.55 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30845 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Add a couple of default behavor tweaks for flags.
21:55.37 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30846 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: src/libbn/axis.c claims to have been started in august 1978 by mike, that pushes his first known actual development date back a bit
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