IRC log for #brlcad on 20080509

00:46.10 yukonbob waves in
00:46.15 yukonbob hello, cadheads
01:34.54 PrezKennedy howdy yukonbob, brlcad, other folks i know... ;)
02:47.00 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
07:00.51 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:24.53 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
08:07.29 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
09:15.28 *** join/#brlcad PrezzKennedy (i=Matthew@
10:15.10 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:18.00 mafm hi
11:35.11 brlcad moin
11:48.16 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
13:01.33 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r31042 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/CMakeLists.txt:
13:01.33 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: Added include path to libregex
13:01.33 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: this include path has to be before tcl/generic
14:30.07 *** join/#brlcad prasad1 (
14:49.26 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (
17:03.53 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
17:15.54 mafm brlcad: one thing in the case that I'm not around during the weekend
17:19.57 mafm I have to go to a congress next week, and I take the opportunity to go and see my folks after months of not seeing them
17:20.30 mafm and to make a couple of exams
17:20.57 mafm so I won't be available until the official week of starting with coding phase for gsoc
17:22.04 mafm (maybe if I get my personal laptop back I'll connect from time to time in the meantime, but it's unlikely)
17:26.35 ``Erik µO.o
17:27.39 ``Erik Saying there is too much order in the universe for it to be random chance is like a puddle remarking at how well a pot hole conforms to its shape.
17:27.39 mafm what's that?
17:27.59 ``Erik the mu was a mistake, it should've been "O.o"
17:28.27 ``Erik hehehehe "Linux is actually better than BSD because you can roast marshmallows over the schedular flamewars."
17:28.28 mafm oh :D
17:38.27 mafm only scheduler? :)
17:39.06 mafm you can get about a dozen flames related to the kernel itself...
17:39.35 mafm gplv2 vs v3, kernel debugger... etc
17:50.08 ``Erik ohyeah? ext4 vs jfs vs xfs vs reiser
17:50.10 ``Erik :D
17:50.39 ``Erik ubuntu vs gentoo vs debian vs fedora vs slackware vs suse vs ...
17:50.42 ``Erik :)
17:53.10 archivist SVR3 ftw
17:56.28 ``Erik BSD43
17:56.40 ``Erik *fight*
17:58.19 archivist I started with unix on an Altos 1000, a 12mhz 386
18:00.14 ``Erik cool, my first venture was linux on a 66mhz 486 :/ but I've gone back and installed bsd4.3 on a vax11/780 emulator (simh) to get the vm tuned to VGR
18:00.44 ``Erik and I've done plenty with archaic machines running sunos, hpux, aix, irix, etc at various jobs :)
18:07.04 archivist when you look back at apps designed for those old beasts, modern apps are so slow and bloated in comparison
18:07.58 ``Erik oh yeah
18:08.01 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r31043 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/intaval/regtab.cpp: quell warning about deprecated conversion (declare/define using ptr instead of array)
18:08.31 ``Erik and looking at the bsd43 source code for apps, libraries, kernels compared to the linux/gnu stack, it was short, sweet, clean, elegant... pleasant
18:09.22 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r31044 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/ (3dm/ fix broken variable names in FAST_OBJECTS
18:10.16 archivist the database I worked on had chains/links forward and reverse and to from child parent, hardly needed to waste index lookup time
18:10.18 ``Erik fbsd and obsd seem to be somewhere inbetween :/
18:16.53 brlcad mafm: okay, thanks for the heads up .. have you been able to talk much with bob?
18:17.05 brlcad s/much/at all/
18:20.04 mafm he replied, but didn't say much except that he agreed :)
18:21.37 brlcad he's a man of few words ;)
18:21.48 brlcad more inclined to dive into code
18:22.18 ``Erik morning, brlcad
18:22.23 brlcad howdy
18:23.15 ``Erik tracks yet another fine TclReFree bug O.o
18:23.45 brlcad I tracked through the sources, tcl does define/provide it .. it's just obscured through a double-#define
18:24.07 brlcad so if it gets the wrong header, there'll be problems
18:24.26 ``Erik well, the one I'm seeing, I *THINK* it means to grab /usr/include/regex.h instead of $(top_srcdir)/src/other/tcl/generic/regex.h
18:25.04 mafm who are the mentors apart from him -- erik, drossberg, sean... who's the last one?
18:25.37 ``Erik ~/src/brlcad/build/i686-apple-darwin8.11.1/src/libsysv$ grep TclReError *.o
18:25.38 ``Erik Binary file libsysv_la-regex.o matches
18:25.38 brlcad bob and john
18:26.05 ``Erik brlcad is not a mentor, he's a meta-mentor
18:26.07 mafm bob1961 is mine... what's john's nickname here?
18:26.12 ``Erik daytona
18:26.24 mafm ah ok :)
18:26.37 brlcad ``Erik: ah, yes.. opposite problem .. another lib that find's tcl's regex.h would be bad
18:27.07 brlcad mafm: so did you sort out a reporting means?
18:27.35 mafm sean is a kind of demiurge... his nickname even fades with the project :P
18:27.39 ``Erik thinks bob is an old-school email guy, not irc/im
18:27.55 mafm the first time that I joined I assumed that "brlcad" had to be a logging bot or something like that :)
18:27.58 brlcad ~dict demiurge
18:28.04 ``Erik we'll learn him. :>
18:28.29 brlcad heh, learn him good
18:29.01 mafm <brlcad> mafm: so did you sort out a reporting means? -- I think that I put a link from one page to there -- the wiki I think, I'm not a fan of blogs
18:29.29 ``Erik I got 3 metric tons of .3dm and corresponding .g models with a mapping table (and status/notes). I asked him to send it to you, too, brlcad
18:29.42 brlcad mafm: so to your user page?
18:30.08 ``Erik Redmond weather reports are predicting thunderstorms, with a 90% chance of scattered chair showers.
18:30.39 mafm yep
18:30.46 brlcad mafm: have you gone through the checklist, any items remaining?
18:30.52 brlcad aside from commit
18:32.05 mafm the one of assigning copyright do needs something special, like for GNU folks with the snail-mail permission?
18:32.57 brlcad no, it's informal understanding, shared copyright
18:33.33 brlcad I can write up something more pragmatic if you feel it's needed
18:33.35 mafm otherwise I think that I don't have anything else from the HACKING file
18:33.45 brlcad mafm: I'm referring to
18:33.49 mafm nope, I don't think so
18:34.23 starseeker Yay, I can upload the oed tutorial now...
18:34.38 brlcad mafm: so the eight bullets on the Plan are your milestones, I take it?
18:35.00 mafm Bob agreed, so I think so
18:35.09 brlcad okay, just checking
18:37.20 mafm who's making the protocol for communications (something was started, at least as templates, AFAICR)?
18:39.50 brlcad that's currently being worked on along with the geometry engine work
18:42.15 brlcad mafm: probably the easiest to work with for starters will be to just write a simple driver backend that will talk a basic protocol that is sufficient for what you need
18:42.33 yukonbob morning cadheads
18:42.54 brlcad e.g. modifying/forking g_transfer to feed you the data you need
18:43.47 mafm -- the "-- Thanks --" is a
18:43.54 mafm == Thanks == maybe?
18:43.57 brlcad that example tool basically sends geometry to a calling client
18:44.11 brlcad mafm: nah, that was intentional
18:44.34 mafm ah
18:44.35 mafm hi yukonbob
18:45.35 brlcad wanted a footer that doesn't get added to the menu
18:46.32 brlcad mafm: be sure to e-mail bob about your expected schedule
18:47.28 brlcad if you can have any code/patches to review by then, that could be helpful .. so they can be reviewed while you're away on a congress and commit access can be established
18:48.07 brlcad could even be today, they're not meant to be substantial .. the point is getting a communication process established
18:48.09 mafm hmm, nice example that g_transfer, hadn't seen it
18:49.43 mafm the patches can be simple ones? I thought that we'll be without commit access for the first couple of weeks or so
18:49.59 brlcad it's doing things a "little" differently than what you need, e.g. you don't need the 'actual' geometry, you need names, values, display lists, etc
18:50.26 brlcad mafm: i sure hope not that long, that'd indicate some problem imo
18:50.59 brlcad they can be very simple
18:52.07 brlcad two or three small patches that show you know how to communicate a concise non-trivial change (that conforms to HACKING) is all it really takes, could be done in just a couple hours if there's a mentor to review/apply them
18:52.25 mafm I thought that it would be the expected time for regular would-be contributors, with project members giving the permissions instead of asking for them :D
18:53.12 mafm which btw reminds me of IRC rules about operators of the channel and so on :D
18:53.25 brlcad well, yeah you don't need to ask for it .. if there's a problem you could end up working all summer via patches, but if it was working out that badly, the student would probably get dropped after a few weeks
18:53.32 mafm ok I'll see what I can do
18:53.46 mafm if not today I'm probably going to come to the lab during the weekend too :S
18:54.29 brlcad at least one of the students has already done enough patches and has just been on my todo to turn on their commit access already
19:02.32 ``Erik awesome!
19:02.38 ``Erik checking whether the C compiler works... Bad system call (core dumped)
19:02.45 brlcad neat
19:02.56 mafm (wait, call from physicist...)
19:03.11 ``Erik might have to /quit irc this weekend O.o
19:03.23 ``Erik which is sad, cuz this session has been on for 141 days
19:05.39 brlcad the shame
19:05.55 brlcad 15:05 Irssi uptime: 117d 3h 26m 7s
19:06.25 ``Erik mine'd be more, but I shut the machine down when I bought the UPS for home
19:06.26 brlcad [sean@bz (Fri May 09 15:06:08) ~]$ uptime 3:06PM up 117 days, 5:05, 16 users, load averages: 0.76, 1.50, 1.41
19:10.41 archivist hmm I can never keep this box running that long, crashy debian
19:10.58 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
19:11.01 ``Erik pets his fbsd
19:11.46 archivist hmm 9 days (was trying to feed it ram)
19:11.52 brlcad archivist: .bz's last uptime was just a few hours shy of 400 days before someone kicked a power cable
19:12.00 ``Erik "trying"? O.o
19:12.42 archivist it didnt like the ram i stuffed in so went back to memory challenged
19:12.51 starseeker proceeds to make up a temporary place in doc, noting it will likely change later...
19:13.11 ``Erik *snrkt*
19:13.19 ``Erik /* just a hack, I'll fix it later */
19:13.20 ``Erik *cough*
19:13.58 archivist placeholder, another word for kluge
19:14.00 ``Erik hm, this fbsd box is a 650mhz p3 with 128m ram, running crap including two versions of gnome stack at the same time O.o
19:14.01 starseeker No, more like /* Doing something other than barfing png files into doc toplevel, organize more intelligently after more thinking is done */
19:14.38 ``Erik needs to port his ancient mail client up to gnome2
19:14.53 archivist dual PII here with 440meg but well into swap
19:15.32 brlcad returns to his review write-up of Balvenie scotch
19:15.51 ``Erik drives by brlcads place and steals a bottle O:-)
19:16.00 ``Erik not going to daves going away shindig, I take it?
19:16.47 ``Erik hopes they have drinkable beer
19:16.50 ``Erik later, kids :D
19:17.18 starseeker considers staying off the roads until ``Erik makes it back home...
19:18.03 archivist has he crashed another car?
19:18.26 starseeker not to my knowledge
19:26.11 brlcad ``Erik: you should try this stuff
19:26.15 brlcad if you drink scotch that is
19:26.38 brlcad expects ``Erik to find coors light
19:30.47 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
19:34.02 mafm sighs
19:34.15 mafm back from service :)
19:35.35 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:37.38 brlcad wb
19:38.00 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
19:38.12 brlcad howdy andrecastelo
19:38.13 andrecastelo hey :D
19:38.17 andrecastelo hey brlcad
19:38.23 clock_ brlcad: hey
19:38.33 brlcad clock_: did you see the screenshots?
19:38.43 andrecastelo sorry about not being more present but i did post a new entry in the blog
19:39.02 mafm archivist: crashy Debian? my debian machines (even other linux) always take hundreds of days of uptime, and and restarted only due to hardware upgrades or so
19:39.52 archivist mafm main problem seems to be memory leaks in firefox and gpdf
19:40.15 mafm hi andrecastelo
19:40.21 andrecastelo hey mafm
19:40.27 brlcad looks for an rss plugin to mediawiki
19:40.54 andrecastelo hi ``Erik
19:40.59 mafm but you should be able to take care of those just by restarting the app, not the system :)
19:41.48 mafm <PROTECTED>
19:42.17 mafm and the machine has being running 2 instances of genome@home for 5 years now or so
19:51.08 starseeker Yes! http;//
19:51.23 starseeker Or rather,
19:59.19 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31045 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/: Add source for oed tutorial
20:05.14 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31046 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/oed/ (17 files): This time actually add the contents for oed tutorial.
20:12.18 mafm configure: error: /home/mafm/Desktop/soc2008/brlcad-proposal/brlcad-trunk/src/other/tcl/unix/ is for Tcl .
20:12.18 mafm Tk 8.5.1 needs Tcl 8.5.
20:12.29 mafm I get this error today
20:12.39 mafm haven't updated for a while though
20:13.50 mafm I have these {tcl,tk}-dev 8.5.2 packages installed in the system for some reason
20:13.59 mafm so I guess that there's a conflict there?
20:14.12 starseeker Do you need to use system tcl/tk or are you using enable-all?
20:14.36 mafm I used configure with no options
20:15.03 starseeker If you don't mind using the internal library copies ./configure --enable-all can save a lot of trouble
20:16.07 mafm hmm, I better remove them from the system then -- they're not used for anything else
20:16.11 mafm thanks :)
20:16.42 starseeker I don't know if that's what's going on - what does your configure report?
20:16.59 starseeker is it trying to use system tcl and internal tk, for example?
20:17.16 mafm after desinstalling it still fails, with --enable-all is ok
20:17.27 mafm do you want me to go back?
20:17.52 mafm hmm, or not so... it failed again
20:18.14 starseeker it failed with enable all?
20:19.17 mafm yup
20:19.27 mafm same error as above
20:19.38 starseeker are you using latest svn?
20:20.21 mafm yes
20:20.41 mafm $ svn update
20:20.41 mafm At revision 31046.
20:20.49 starseeker Try running ./ and then re-running configure
20:20.53 mafm with the docbook things from you
20:21.00 starseeker OK...
20:26.59 mafm goody, now it works :)
20:33.25 mafm ugh, not for long
20:34.10 starseeker what happened?
20:37.59 mafm ./.libs/ undefined reference to `TclReFree'
20:37.59 mafm /home/mafm/soc2008-brlcad/brlcad-trunk/src/libsysv/.libs/ undefined reference to `TclReError'
20:38.16 starseeker Grr
20:38.52 starseeker You're building with enable-all?
20:43.13 mafm yes
20:43.47 mafm I had some of these problems before, I think that tomorrow I'll be able to sort them out
20:43.51 mafm but it's a bit too late now
20:43.53 starseeker That error keeps popping up - it has to do with tcl include flags being included too soon in the list.
20:44.09 starseeker k
20:48.13 mafm
20:48.22 mafm full error, if you're interested
20:48.27 mafm ok going home now, take care
21:04.52 starseeker When adding makefiles for the new directories, what do I have to do to make sure a gets created by autogen? I've added docbook as a subdirectory, and it has a, but the .in isn't generated
21:09.54 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
21:20.38 thing0 morning yall
21:32.00 poolio howdy
21:35.05 starseeker ARRRRRRRRGH
21:35.59 starseeker pulls out quake railgun and unleashes mayhem on autotools...
21:49.39 starseeker autotools is like political process - you marvel at the amazing things they achieve while at the same time marveling that anything at all can be achieved
21:59.32 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31047 10/brlcad/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Add make files for new doc directories
22:56.16 ``Erik oh sweet jeebus, what have you done, what do I have to fix now
22:58.50 ``Erik :D
23:01.43 ``Erik generating new dir's requires 'automake src/whatever/thing/Makefile', easier to just autogen if you don't know wha tyou're doing
23:02.01 ``Erik it also needs entries in and the parent SUBDIRS var
23:43.43 *** join/#brlcad gulli91 (

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