IRC log for #brlcad on 20080527

00:21.44 ``Erik heh, no, it was cook, sorry :) baking, etc
00:39.21 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=Timothy@
01:03.19 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
01:03.41 andrecastelo good evening everyone :)
01:07.17 pacman87 hi andrecastelo
01:07.23 andrecastelo hey hi pacman87
01:47.21 brlcad howdy guys
01:48.03 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31182 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: nirt -e works once again
02:02.28 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31183 10/brlcad/trunk/ (TODO src/libfb/if_ogl.c): better to be slow and visible than vast without a refresh. haven't found why the buffer isn't refreshing yet, but it at least restores functionality. maybe bob can track it down...
02:06.57 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31184 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: annotate that bob added a -l option to the dbfindtree command so that it'll return the paths in a list instead of the default pretty-print tree. useful for scripting, presumably something dave loman needed.
02:32.40 starseeker_ starts having fun stringing -f and -e flags in sequence onto a nirt command...
02:36.09 yukonbob waves in; "Hello, cadheads"
03:55.10 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || BRL-CAD is participating in the 2008 Google Summer of Code! The fun begins this week! (May 26th)
04:05.00 brlcad thoughts and comments welcome:
04:05.56 brlcad haven't even proofed it once yet, so I'm looking for big picture feedback, not spelling/comma/grammar tweaks
04:08.12 brlcad the intent is global audience, high-level mission/vision/goals with some minimal background information
04:23.25 starseeker_ how big will the display holding this be?
04:23.33 starseeker_ or rather, how large a poster is it?
04:24.06 starseeker_ if it's intended to be read from a distance, that's a lot of text
04:26.20 starseeker_ Content wise, I like it
04:26.48 starseeker_ gets the sense that about 10 slides of a presentation are living on one page ;-)
04:36.14 yukonbob brlcad: it's sexy looking. Nice work.
04:36.52 yukonbob Off top of head, the bottom/middle dark block might best be represented with bullets. It reads a bit "wordy" to me
04:36.55 yukonbob .
04:39.11 yukonbob waves to starseeker_
04:46.01 brlcad it's not for poster/presentation perse -- it's just an informative information sheet
04:46.05 starseeker_ waves back
04:46.17 starseeker_ Ah - cool
04:46.56 brlcad yukonbob: hm, why do you say that? maybe too much jumping out?
04:47.17 starseeker_ is brain dead atm - I'll see if I can some up with something coherent tomorrow...
04:47.18 brlcad the intent there is to answer the "what is brl-cad" question
04:47.40 brlcad no comment is a perfectly acceptible comment too :)
04:47.42 yukonbob it just reads really long -- I think it'd be more digestible if the pieces were bite-sized.
04:47.53 yukonbob Just that one block, though.
04:48.12 yukonbob (although, the top right quote is pretty long-winded too... but what can you do with a quote ;)
04:48.18 brlcad care to suggest something more condensed? :)
04:48.37 brlcad yeah, the quotes are what they are for the most part
04:48.47 brlcad they don't really read well piece-wise
04:49.03 brlcad the right one already has a huge chunk cut out, hence the ellipses
04:49.06 yukonbob s/,/->/, basically -- I think I might pick a good looking bullet and make a bulleted list of the points that make that long sentence.
04:49.38 yukonbob (where "->" == my ascii bullet)
05:08.20 brlcad yukonbob: what if it were simply smaller and/or without the fontification?
05:09.04 brlcad i'm not sure a bullet list would really look good with the given layout seeing as there's a bulleted list right before it
05:09.26 brlcad right now there's also a direct correllation -- four bullets, four sections
05:10.00 brlcad could de-emphasize the what is brl-cad, or go for a much shorter version
05:10.01 yukonbob brlcad: re: smaller a/o fontification -- perhaps
05:10.25 yukonbob or you could simplify the whole works: What is BRL-CAD?
05:10.31 yukonbob **AWESOME**
05:10.48 brlcad use something like the 80 char version instead of that 512 char version
05:10.49 yukonbob (if you don't believe me, you suck)
05:10.59 brlcad hehe
05:11.10 brlcad I truely did consider getting all punchy in it
05:11.11 yukonbob laughs at self...
05:11.30 yukonbob it's a _really_ tricky project to capture on a placard
05:11.46 yukonbob gets a glass of OJ, too
05:11.56 yukonbob anybody want anything while I'm up?
05:12.40 brlcad debates caffeinating self
05:15.13 yukonbob enjoys a square of 70% cocoa chocolate, passes one to brlcad as a cheap caffeine sub., and/or tasty treat
05:18.14 yukonbob also has a vision of the 4 bullets in top-middle square being "pointing fingers", but that's a typographical matter.
05:18.25 yukonbob would seem to fit the style
05:23.00 brlcad i'll play with that idea some
05:24.22 yukonbob just thinks that the current bullets don't do the nice underlines (ie: "<------------>", and the "bow-tie" under "BRL-C" at bottom) justice.
05:24.30 yukonbob *BRL-CAD
05:28.13 brlcad the <--> was a total afterthought .. it was just a line at first ;) .. and looked better with arrows than without
05:28.52 brlcad the main point is actually the one top-front-center
05:31.34 yukonbob -_.:Our PassioN:._- ?
05:34.04 PrezKennedy you guys deserve 20% raises for the level of dedication
05:36.04 brlcad yukonbob: better suggestion? :)
05:37.19 brlcad PrezKennedy: gotta just find what you absolutely love doing, and then find someone willing to pay you to do it ;)
05:37.36 brlcad absolutely loves working on brl-cad
05:39.07 PrezKennedy im pretty happy with what im doing... just not something i wanna do for too much longer...
05:40.19 brlcad that's just contentment, gotta find your passion
05:41.23 *** join/#brlcad PrezzKennedy (i=Matthew@
05:41.39 PrezzKennedy sweet
05:43.26 yukonbob brlcad: suggestions for what?
05:44.18 yukonbob was clarifying what you meant when you said "the main point is actually..." -- what you meant by "main point".
05:45.32 yukonbob likes the poster -- it's good looking, and informative; /me humbly submits those two points as "improvements" (bullets->"pointing fingers", and less-wordy bottom-center, somehow)
05:46.17 yukonbob smells the rain coming down -- apropos, I guess, since he's got the 'Stacey Earle' station on...
05:46.18 brlcad yukonbob: ahh, yeah, that bit
05:47.31 yukonbob laughs at PrezzKennedy's entrance... "sweet"
05:47.34 yukonbob Kramer-like
05:52.22 PrezzKennedy nite y'all
05:54.20 yukonbob ciao PrezzKennedy
07:16.51 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
07:21.37 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:08.16 *** join/#brlcad PrezzzKennedy (i=Matthew@
11:58.15 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
12:22.15 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
12:33.06 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
12:33.26 andrecastelo hey good morning everyone
12:48.52 ``Erik salutations
12:52.06 ``Erik ponders buying a new ibook
13:08.11 PrezzzKennedy snap out of it!
13:09.42 ``Erik heh
13:10.21 ``Erik I have a program I want to run that only works on mac or windows, and I'm not fucktarded enough to tolerate a windows machine, so it comes down to "which mac" :D
13:18.26 PrezzzKennedy i tolerate the windows machine because the mac is overpriced and mostly useless without Parallels
13:20.10 alex_joni ``Erik: get the Air-version
13:20.12 ``Erik heh, useless how?
13:20.33 alex_joni no vista crap on it
13:20.39 ``Erik and the last ibook I bought was $700, which doesn't strike me as overpriced
13:21.03 alex_joni ``Erik: eeePc? or OLPC?
13:21.06 ``Erik the current ibook I'm looking at is 1300, which is cheaper than a windows laptop with the same features
13:21.11 alex_joni way lower than half that :)
13:21.21 ``Erik needs to run world of warcraft, alex_joni :(
13:21.28 PrezzzKennedy does it have a 17" screen?
13:21.40 alex_joni ``Erik: there's a version you can play with cards
13:21.44 ``Erik the one I'm looking at is 13", not a macbook pro
13:22.15 PrezzzKennedy i couldnt find a macbook pro with a 17" screen that wasnt less than like $2000
13:22.47 ``Erik the 17" is nice as a "portable" class, but too big for a laptop type, I really liked the old 12" ibook more than the 15 and 17 macbooks as far as size
13:23.05 PrezzzKennedy my laptop is my only computer
13:23.07 ``Erik you can use a 12" on a plane comfortably
13:23.29 ``Erik <-- keeps servers on his lowest floor, sits at laptops exclusively at home
13:23.52 PrezzzKennedy plays games that are new...
13:24.03 ``Erik <-- thinking a 13" ibook 2.4gz, 2g ram, 160g hdd, dvd burner, plus a keyboard, razer pro mouse and a 20" wide screen lcd
13:24.19 ``Erik that should keep me happy for several years
13:24.47 ``Erik I prefer to play games that are fun :> I still fire up 'vice' to play games once in a while
13:27.57 PrezzzKennedy the new games are quite fun... youll see in 4 years when they finally get ported... :P
13:29.00 ``Erik heh, ported to what, mac? or linux? seems mac ports come out fast, and with apples sales screaming up and microsofts down, the critical mass for exclusion seems to be disappearing *shrug*
13:29.16 ``Erik I don't play games too much (better things to do), but I enjoy the few I do play...
13:29.29 PrezzzKennedy when youre at the bottom the only place to go is up...
13:29.39 ``Erik actually, for games, bsd is the bottom
13:29.46 ``Erik actually, no
13:29.51 ``Erik I bet beos is lower
13:29.52 ``Erik :)
13:30.22 ``Erik thinks the boy has been drinking the ms gametard koolaid too long :)
13:31.27 PrezzzKennedy you're buying from a company that seriously charges $700 for 4GB of RAM and you're telling me im drinking kool-aid?
13:31.48 ``Erik heh, ya don't buy the memory from apple, just the base machine
13:32.13 ``Erik then ya slap macports on it, shove your own third party memory in, light up the nfs mounts, and go to town
13:33.08 PrezzzKennedy what's macports?
13:33.34 ``Erik package management system, unix style
13:34.22 ``Erik similar in concept to the bsd ports collection, gentoos portage, debian/ubuntu apt
13:34.29 PrezzzKennedy gotcha
13:35.09 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
13:35.22 ``Erik anyways, mac prices are on par with dell, gateway, compaq, etc if you don't approach things too naïvely, in my experience
13:36.28 ``Erik like... not exploring third party ram (which is the big sticker from apple, they prey on companies with graphic weenies who need macs, lots of ram, and have no clue how to take the side panel off a mac pro)
13:40.08 ``Erik but they don't play ALL the latest games, just most *shrug* so whatever makes ya happy
13:40.24 Maloeran From what I have seen, Apple laptops sure are more expensive than Compaq and friends
13:40.43 ``Erik pets his $700 ibook O.o
13:40.47 PrezzzKennedy the 17" MacBook Pro is twice what I paid for my 17" Pavilion
13:41.01 PrezzzKennedy its not twice as nice
13:41.07 Maloeran Eheh
13:42.30 ``Erik mebbe the winders ones have come down in price
13:42.32 ``Erik specs one
13:43.30 PrezzzKennedy the processor is a bit better and i think it has an LED screen... but it has the same video card and less memory
13:43.32 Maloeran recently brought back 5 laptops from Canada to friends in Venezuela, computers cost 2.5x times as much there
13:44.04 Maloeran I would have brought them from Miami but the Best Buy guy said there was a limit of one computer per customer per day for some reason
13:44.24 PrezzzKennedy ouch
13:44.55 Maloeran Fairly good laptops for ~700$ too
13:45.35 ``Erik hrm, I'm crunching on dell trying to find a laptop with the same cpu performance as the crappy little ibook, found one much slower at $1624
13:46.03 PrezzzKennedy which model?
13:46.15 ``Erik xps m1330 vs ibook 2.4
13:46.55 ``Erik ok, I found 3 with the same speed, but they all only come in 17"
13:46.59 Maloeran Got a link handy for specs on ibook 2.4? Googling
13:47.02 ``Erik are are over 2k
13:47.11 ``Erik sec
13:47.39 ``Erik
13:47.57 ``Erik oh, they call them macbook now instead of ibook... (used to be ibook and powerbook, now it's macbook and macbook pro)
13:48.09 ``Erik I'm using old fogey terms :(
13:48.22 Axman6 very old
13:48.36 ``Erik shakes his cane at axman6
13:48.37 Maloeran Ah, that explains why I would not find anything :)
13:49.08 Maloeran I don't know, seems fairly ordinary to me
13:50.01 Axman6 they're good machines
13:50.17 Maloeran The laptops I brought for 700$ seem about as good, except with screens of 15.4"
13:50.29 Axman6 macbook pro's are even better. they're fantasitc. i've got a few friends wi8th dells craving a MBP
13:51.13 ``Erik but do they have the ability to run WoW as well as a full unix suite? :) do they come with video and music editing software that linux cannot compete with yet? :D
13:51.32 Axman6 the dells or the MBP?
13:51.36 ``Erik was desperately looking for good open source video editing software, isn't finding any :/
13:51.48 ``Erik mal's laptops
13:51.55 Axman6 because OS X is unix, with a native version of WoW... and it comes withiMovie for free ;)
13:52.07 ``Erik and garage band
13:52.12 Axman6 indeed
13:52.41 Maloeran Ah, so MBPs com with a bunch of good and non-unix software, I see
13:52.53 ``Erik comes with both, mal
13:52.57 Axman6 not free, but iWork dominates office in many ways too. nothing out there beats Keynote
13:52.59 Maloeran The hardware is not worth the price but I can not comment on the software
13:53.05 ``Erik I do like keynote
13:53.13 poolio ``Erik: go for the macbook :) Just keep it off your lap
13:53.18 Axman6 the hardware is worth the price imo, it's just so high quality
13:53.26 Axman6 there's more than specs to look at
13:53.50 Maloeran More than the specs?... :)
13:53.52 ``Erik heh, I usually put the laptop on my kitchen table... huge work area with a high precision mouse, picking the thing up is a thing of the past :D
13:53.54 Axman6 much more
13:54.21 ``Erik yeah, the hardware is solid and if it isn't, apple is usually really good about 'just making things right'
13:54.23 Axman6 there's so much attention to detail
13:54.24 Maloeran There are 14" laptops for 1000$ with better processors, 3 gb of ram, a real video chip
13:54.26 PrezzzKennedy oh yeah i crave a macbook pro too
13:54.32 PrezzzKennedy its just twice as expensive as im willing to pay
13:54.54 Axman6 PrezzzKennedy: s'what paents are for... >_>
13:54.56 Axman6 heh
13:55.00 Axman6 parents*
13:55.16 PrezzzKennedy ``Erik knows my dad I believe...
13:55.36 ``Erik I like my mbp, but it is a bit pricey and more than I need for the near future
13:56.06 ``Erik PrezzzKennedy's dad only bought a home computer fairly recently, despite working with them for many years before O.o he's too busy buying movies heh
13:56.07 Axman6 mine was pretty pricy, especially considering you can now get a faster one, for $700 cheaper -_-
13:56.18 ``Erik I think his goal is to completely pack a whole room with dvd's
13:56.31 Maloeran Mmhm :)
13:57.45 ``Erik $1299 vs $1999 for... an nvidia video and 2" display... I'll go with the cheap one, it'll do :)
13:58.04 Axman6 and IMO, OS X is an excellent OS. i haven't managed to find an thing i needed to do that i couldn't on here
13:58.04 poolio ``Erik: If you don't need the speed you can get a last-gen macbook for cheap
13:58.37 Maloeran Just looking at the hardware, you can find better for 800-1000$. Of course, if you really wan the software and don't mind the extra cost...
13:58.40 ``Erik hrm, is there an online place for those? that's how I got my ibook for 700, but I had to go to the store and ask if they had any left
13:58.42 PrezzzKennedy my dad is using my brothers old laptop
13:58.52 PrezzzKennedy which is my old laptop... 2 iterations back
13:59.04 PrezzzKennedy and my mom is using my old PC
13:59.34 Axman6 my mum's using our old 400MHz G3. runs Tiger just fine
13:59.58 ``Erik <-- cheap... not quite kermit cheap, but cheap... bought his last laptop in '03, only computer since was the cheap linux minitower from walmart, running fbsd right now... :)
14:00.27 PrezzzKennedy my mom was using a celeron 450 mhz
14:00.39 ``Erik and the machine I'm running irc on, a friend was gonna throw it out, so I took it... pheer the p2 650mhz 128gb ram might!
14:00.54 andrecastelo hey everyone, sorry to bother, but i'm having some issues compiling the code in windows (i was able to compile it before) -
14:01.10 Axman6 ``Erik: pfft, that's nothing
14:01.11 Maloeran scratches his head thinking how much he paid for his dual-quad-clovertown
14:01.24 PrezzzKennedy ran windows 95 for like 10 years
14:02.02 ``Erik andre: did you try to clean and re-build?
14:02.10 Axman6 'my router's a 133MHz, 32MB pentium with a 1GB HDD. running OpenBSD 4.2 (because i'm too lasy to uograde)
14:02.27 andrecastelo ``Erik: ok, cleaning now
14:02.31 ``Erik oh, I bet the new hyp.c wasn't added to your build
14:02.44 PrezzzKennedy my router is a 233Mhz 16MB Asus running OpenWRT
14:02.45 ``Erik g_hyp.c
14:03.03 ``Erik and probably some new .c files in libged that haven't been added
14:03.09 andrecastelo oh
14:03.17 Axman6 PrezzzKennedy: waaayyy too many MHz :P
14:03.21 andrecastelo i'll check the logs
14:03.37 PrezzzKennedy it was an $80 router :)
14:03.37 ``Erik did you make a miscwin32-msvc9\ copy?
14:03.57 andrecastelo yeah, used the latest win32-msvc8
14:04.14 Axman6 mine was a $0 router :)
14:04.22 Axman6 and i get to use pf, whooo
14:04.27 ``Erik you should make a patch to add the new build dir so other people with msvc9 can benefit :)
14:04.45 ``Erik once ya get the build working, that is
14:05.16 andrecastelo ok, will do that :)
14:06.40 Axman6 anyway, goodnight all
14:06.46 ``Erik night, axman
14:08.00 ``Erik andre: when .c files are added, we update the to reflect that, but we don't use msvc, so you're on your own to spot new .c files and add them... and since you're the only msvc9 user here, you're now the build maintainer for msvc9 :D congrats :>
14:08.14 PrezzzKennedy night Axman6
14:09.07 andrecastelo ``Erik: the msvc9 converts from msvc8 format to the new one, so basically all i do is watch for modifications in the msvc8 build and update the msvc9..
14:09.47 andrecastelo ``Erik: one thing though - the latest .c additions to libged were all added to the msvc8 project, which i converted..
14:11.38 ``Erik hrm, does '__imp__' mean imported? it might be upset about librt not being build correctly?
14:12.03 ``Erik rt_ and nmg_ all live in librt
14:12.38 andrecastelo i guess if rt is fixed, libged will be built correctly
14:13.07 andrecastelo but that's just a guess, the problem might be there too
14:13.22 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
14:14.00 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r31185 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/librt/librt.vcproj: let's see what we can break by adding g_hyp.c by hand...
14:15.57 andrecastelo ``Erik: mmk, i'll try breaking stuff :)
14:16.49 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r31186 10/brlcad/trunk/HACKING: add a couple directories to the layout information
14:36.06 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
15:05.45 andrecastelo ``Erik: got this..
15:09.58 andrecastelo ``Erik: ok, managed to fix and librt built correctly
15:13.46 andrecastelo ``Erik: .. is everything correct?
15:47.21 *** join/#brlcad PrezzKennedy (i=Matthew@
15:54.07 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
15:55.53 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (n=psilva@
15:59.57 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31187 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/g_hyp.c: Moved variable declarations to beginning of their respective code blocks.
18:33.13 poolio brlcad: I just read through doc/brep.txt ...yikes
18:37.14 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:42.19 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31188 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/db_anim.c: Added better checking of argc/argv to db_parse_1anim().
18:57.34 ``Erik heh, looks like bob beat ya to it, andre :D but yes, the code looks correct to me from a casual glance
18:58.00 ``Erik the one thing I'd be concerned about is the shadow declaration of segp that's being removed, I'd have to look closer to see if it's an issue
18:58.09 ``Erik basically, um,
18:59.23 ``Erik int i = 42; { int i = 13; printf ("%d\n", i); } printf("%d\n", i);
18:59.35 ``Erik will print "13\n42"
18:59.47 poolio \n :)
19:00.22 ``Erik <-- writes "smack ben upside the head" on a postit note and sticks it to his monitor
19:00.26 ``Erik when ya getting here again? :D
19:01.08 poolio I dunno, I'm set up and ready to go whenever brlcad feels the urge to drag me in :) I'm in no rush to waste that much gas
19:06.55 poolio brlcad: so, would you like me to come in this weke or is this the week you're away?
19:23.25 PrezKennedy you can see their awesome WWIII building
19:28.45 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
19:34.15 ``Erik meditates, levitates and waits
19:34.51 poolio PrezKennedy: WWIII?
19:35.06 ``Erik is that nintendos next console?
19:35.35 poolio yuk yuk.
19:35.52 PrezKennedy no its those huts you guys work in
19:36.19 PrezKennedy unless those have since blown away...
19:36.39 ``Erik in the words of the wise sage wooldoor sockbat... WWEEEEEEE
19:36.59 ``Erik hey, they're still standing, it's been a while since anyone has sneezed
19:41.46 ``Erik what a name, "semen semenov"
19:53.18 brlcad poolio: wow.. i'd completely forgotten about brep.txt .....
19:53.45 brlcad next week is the week i'm away
19:54.10 brlcad i'll certainly be on-line though, that should be a great week of coding
19:54.17 brlcad conferences are usually great for coding
19:54.42 ``Erik which conf is it?
19:59.08 poolio brlcad: so would you like me to come up this week or can I continue being a bum at home :)
19:59.27 brlcad ``Erik: solid modeling
20:00.12 brlcad technically ACM SPM and IEEE SMI joint conf., real small conference but directly relevant
20:00.18 brlcad only in the US every couple years
20:02.01 poolio Where is it?
20:03.17 brlcad up in NY this year
20:07.17 poolio Ah, that's no fun. They should hold it in some place exotic
20:08.57 ``Erik wasn't it in nyc like two years ago?
20:10.07 brlcad boston
20:10.12 *** join/#brlcad cazpa (
20:10.14 brlcad at mit
20:10.28 ``Erik oh, I thought siggraph was in boston, guess they both were *shrug* :)
20:10.30 brlcad before that it was in japan, then before that in england
20:10.41 brlcad *those* I shoulda submitted a paper!
20:10.44 cazpa Hello
20:10.50 brlcad howdy cazpa
20:10.53 cazpa not to bad
20:11.28 cazpa just saw what brl-cad
20:11.32 cazpa about to give it a try
20:11.34 cazpa :D
20:11.46 brlcad poolio: they do .. but getting oconus travel approved is hell
20:12.09 brlcad have to have a damn good reason like presenting a good paper
20:12.21 brlcad cazpa: excellent, have fun
20:12.30 brlcad there are tutorials on the website, consider them required reading
20:12.32 cazpa will do
20:12.37 cazpa i will do
20:12.42 cazpa im new to solid moderling
20:12.46 brlcad big learning curve, but big payoff as you learn
20:13.12 brlcad last year solid modeling was in beijing
20:13.13 cazpa but i am a mechanical engineer
20:14.26 cazpa so hello all
20:17.37 cazpa is brl hard to use?
20:22.35 brlcad it's hard to learn
20:22.47 brlcad but otherwise, no, it's not really hard to use for many purposes
20:23.04 brlcad (some things are *really* easy, some are hard, it's a big package)
20:23.49 cazpa starts to read the documents
20:24.13 cazpa im only looking to use it for simple solid moderling
20:27.54 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
20:29.55 cadguy doesn't go anyplace useful anymore
20:30.10 cadguy ~cadsrc
20:34.17 PrezKennedy do it without the www
20:38.07 cadguy yes. I just thought it ought to work *with* the www as well.
20:38.18 brlcad ah, responder wasn't set up after migration -- should be better now
20:39.52 ``Erik prefix? we don' need no stinkin' prefix
20:43.54 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31189 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/ ( dirent.c uce-dirent.h): Use uce-dirent to provide cross platform dirent functionality.
20:44.18 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31190 10/brlcad/trunk/include/bu.h: Add dirent.c functions to bu.h
20:45.10 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31191 10/brlcad/trunk/src/nirt/ (nirt.c nirt.h): Add preliminary code in support of -L option for listing available report formats.
20:45.23 ``Erik nooooooo
20:45.31 ``Erik watches everything rebuild because bu.h got mucked with
20:50.00 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31192 10/brlcad/trunk/ (10 files in 6 dirs): Added arced to libged.
20:56.36 andrecastelo hey good evening everyone
20:57.44 ``Erik wb, andre
20:57.48 ``Erik and congrats!
20:58.01 andrecastelo hehehe thanks
20:58.03 andrecastelo but congrats on what ?
20:58.09 ``Erik got a few minutes? I want to work with you for the first couple commits you do :D
20:58.27 andrecastelo yup, i'm pretty free
20:58.51 ``Erik ok, lets add you to the AUTHORS file first, at the end of the 'code contribution' section
20:59.26 ``Erik go ahead and add yourself and commit it
20:59.44 andrecastelo great, will do :)
21:03.23 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31193 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: Added André Castelo to the Code Contributions list.
21:03.37 andrecastelo great success! :D
21:03.40 pacman87 congrats
21:04.02 ``Erik ok, looks good, now lets try something a little trickier :D do you have access to a non-windows machine?
21:04.30 andrecastelo i have a debian distribution installed
21:04.39 ``Erik dual boot, or seperate machine?
21:04.41 andrecastelo pacman87: thanks :)
21:04.45 andrecastelo dual boot
21:05.01 ``Erik ok, uhm, I guess we can do this as a two step process
21:05.29 andrecastelo hm, ok, what do you have in mind ?
21:05.55 ``Erik commit your misc/win32-msvc9 stuff :D you'll need to edit misc/ and to add the dirs (and test to make sure you didn't mess up the auto* stuff)
21:06.43 ``Erik why, yes, going from the most simple operation you'll do to the most complex just like that, I AM quite evil :D
21:07.26 andrecastelo okay
21:09.28 brlcad woohoo, congratulations andrecastelo
21:11.03 ``Erik btw... after this, if you ever create a directory without brlcad's explicit permission, we'll take turns breaking your fingers :D
21:11.46 ``Erik <-- only brave enough to create dir's in src/adrt/
21:12.01 andrecastelo thanks, brlcad :D
21:12.53 andrecastelo ``Erik: ok, understood :)
21:13.43 andrecastelo do the debian's autoconf and automake tools represent any problem for me to test the modifications ?
21:14.03 ``Erik uhmmmm, debians libtool does
21:14.18 brlcad notes pacman87 should add himself too
21:14.25 brlcad i fixed it
21:14.36 brlcad debian compile should work just fine now
21:14.49 ``Erik explicitely adding to the necessary links?
21:15.02 cadguy q
21:15.17 brlcad nope, hack added to m4/patch.m4
21:15.37 ``Erik oh, cool, so the am's are still clean
21:15.46 brlcad fixes the libtool script, turns off the link_all_deplibs stupidity
21:16.02 ``Erik what should we do about the -w in toplevel
21:16.07 brlcad rather turns it on, instead of off
21:17.04 andrecastelo ok, switching to debian
21:17.09 andrecastelo brb
21:23.25 brlcad yay, patches from dawn
21:33.02 ``Erik :o someone commited as root in '86
21:34.54 PrezKennedy :o someone noticed
21:35.47 ``Erik svn log . | grep '^r[0-9]' | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
21:35.48 ``Erik pheer.
21:38.02 PrezKennedy shutdown now
21:38.07 PrezKennedy real power in that command
21:38.08 PrezKennedy mwahaha
21:38.15 ``Erik deltree \y c:\*.*
21:38.19 ``Erik erm, /y
21:40.29 PrezKennedy print "Farewell files" | rm -rf /*
21:40.34 PrezKennedy :)
21:40.40 PrezKennedy as root of course
21:40.53 ``Erik hehehe, I was about to su nobody :D
21:41.43 PrezKennedy I did use Linux there for awhile, so I'm not totally hopeless.
21:42.27 ``Erik but... you used linux... so you are hopeless ;) *duck*
21:45.00 PrezKennedy has an apple for snacktime and runs
21:45.51 ``Erik noms an mbp
21:46.55 PrezKennedy seems like a valid warning to put on their boxes...
21:47.04 PrezKennedy "Warning: Do not eat"
21:47.25 ``Erik warning: causes excessive awesomeness on skin contact, do not consume
21:47.41 ``Erik </fanboy> :D
21:53.17 ``Erik wanders home
21:54.08 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
21:54.41 *** part/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
21:56.41 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
21:58.20 andrecastelo hey ``Erik.. turns out it's going to take a little more time - i didn't configure the distro to mount the ntfs drives
22:05.27 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31194 10/brlcad/trunk/src/nirt/sfiles/ (csv-gap.nrt csv.nrt default.nrt gap1.nrt gap2.nrt): Tweak sfiles for nirt
22:08.05 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31195 10/brlcad/trunk/src/nirt/nirt.c: Add very crude listing ability - shouldn't be using fixed numerical lengths...
22:11.53 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31196 10/brlcad/trunk/src/nirt/nirt.c: Whoops - use bu_vls_free for vls structs
22:42.35 ``Erik 'sok, andre, brlcad wants to roll a tarball tonight, so it might be better to hold off until tomorrow or day after

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