IRC log for #brlcad on 20080530

00:00.10 andrecastelo hm, ok, msys doesn't have any autotools, so i'll switch to linux and do it there
00:07.28 brlcad don't worry about it, just commit it :)
00:07.36 brlcad I can test it far easier/quickly
00:07.49 PrezzKennedy howdy brlcad
00:07.57 brlcad and if you're on the commit list, you'll see any related fix so you'll know what to do next time
00:08.00 brlcad howdy PrezzKennedy
00:08.04 brlcad double zee day, eh?
00:08.22 PrezKennedy not purposefully ;)
00:08.23 brlcad double en day, eh?
00:08.48 PrezKennedy every day is a double en day!
00:09.18 brlcad participates in double arr day
00:09.22 brlcad arrr
00:09.30 brlcad arrrr
00:09.47 PrezKennedy arrr!
00:12.06 andrecastelo hm ok, hopefully i won't break anything :)
00:20.59 brlcad nothing that can't be easily undone
00:23.45 andrecastelo i've got a property problem
00:23.58 andrecastelo hm let me show you
00:24.00 andrecastelo 1 sec
00:29.46 andrecastelo ok, here - >
00:35.44 brlcad see dev page on wiki .. faq :)
00:36.14 andrecastelo ok, will do
00:56.09 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
00:56.53 IriX64
00:57.03 IriX64 pick the brlcad albumn :)
01:55.26 andrecastelo hey brlcad, i managed to get the automatic properties working and nearly all files now have mime prop
01:55.52 andrecastelo except for brlcad.sln
01:56.34 andrecastelo i checked the msvc8/brlcad/brlcad.sln and it doesn't have a mime property
02:09.16 starseeker_ growls at the oed pdf...
02:15.03 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31234 10/brlcad/trunk/ (292 files in 147 dirs): Modifications and additions made to incorporate misc/win32-msvc9.
02:21.26 pacman87 292 files?
02:26.24 louipc bah microsoft
02:27.27 andrecastelo actually, i think svn counted the dirs as well, as there is one file per dir o.O
02:36.37 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31235 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc9/libbu/libbu.vcproj: Updated msvc9's libbu.vcproj to reflect modifications made to the msvc8 version.
03:03.30 yukonbob hello, cadheads
03:07.43 pacman87 hi yukonbob
03:25.07 brlcad andrecastelo: mm, probably one I need to add to my list .. the new "vc9 solution" files
03:25.26 brlcad it should probably be treated just like dsp and other vc files
03:25.52 brlcad oh, sln is in my config file .. just no mime type
03:26.07 brlcad bah, it's just text/plain
03:30.47 brlcad andrecastelo: with that change, that's actually "user visible"
03:30.56 brlcad so you should update NEWS too
04:03.54 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31236 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/arced.c: sys headers before public, common before sys
04:11.06 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31237 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (8 files): more header cleanup, use relative paths for private headers
05:00.57 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
05:13.53 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo__ (n=chatzill@
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05:15.57 andrecastelo__ i guess my connection isn't exactly stable right now S:
05:23.06 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31238 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Added a line, in the latest release, about compilation support for the MSVC 9.
05:24.18 PrezKennedy brlcad, you need to convince my dad he needs to upgrade the modem and the router he has so the Internet stays up better
05:25.21 PrezKennedy it was down for a week and my mom had no e-mail... so the first night im home im troubleshooting computer stuff :P
07:06.02 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:35.55 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:39.40 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
08:00.22 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
08:01.11 d_rossberg a question for the C++/gcc gurus: what's wrong with line 12 in ?
08:02.44 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
08:51.43 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (i=homovulg@gateway/tor/x-23379105522a9d71)
08:55.46 homovulgaris hi all :)
09:17.35 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
09:43.20 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
10:01.15 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (i=homovulg@gateway/tor/x-578e598c025b2df4)
10:31.37 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31239 10/brlcad/trunk/src/nirt/nirt.c: Switch from using arbitrary fixed buffer size in nirt's listformats to using bu_vls and bu_vls_gets
10:41.58 starseeker_ brlcad: Hmm. Is it possible to assign contents to a vls like this: bu_vls_addr(&line_buffer)[i] = '\0'; or is that too low level to work?
12:03.51 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
13:05.52 brlcad starseeker_: whethere you can do that or not ... you really shouldn't :)
13:06.07 brlcad what do you need to inject nulls for?
13:11.22 Axman6 everyone knows nulls take up less RAM
13:11.24 Axman6 >_>
13:14.08 ``Erik heh
13:21.40 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (i=Matthew@
13:39.16 homovulgaris hey sean is there any issue regarding using STL for the parametrics and constraints part
13:40.23 homovulgaris i mean since there are no bindings presently interfacing with librt would be tricky .. but other than that ?
13:41.14 homovulgaris also :) did u have a look at my patch :)
13:47.28 ``Erik STL isn't ubiquitous, so it'd have to be included in src/other/... what functionality is missing from libbu that'd make STL necessary?
13:52.41 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
13:59.20 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (i=homovulg@gateway/tor/x-52525a196a47fdbf)
14:04.48 clock_ "What is the first version of BRL-CAD you used?"
14:04.52 clock_ How do I figure that out?
14:05.01 ``Erik you, uh, remember? :D
14:05.21 louipc I misremembered
14:05.24 clock_ May 16, 2005
14:05.27 clock_ which version was that?
14:05.33 ``Erik I think a 6
14:05.43 clock_ I already voted, but don't know what :( Or didn't I?
14:05.56 clock_ OK I put one 6.x vote there
14:06.10 louipc yeah I voted for 6 but I think it was actually 7
14:06.11 clock_ A psychoanalyst could maybe do a deep regression
14:06.39 ``Erik now my question would be if that means the first time you personally used BRL-CAD, or the oldest version you've used... because my first exposure was 5, but I've used 4 recently (and have dorked with 0 series)
14:07.15 clock_ If they asked me what was the first skateboard I rode I remember that exactly
14:07.22 louipc 7.0.2 was 20050106
14:07.33 ``Erik hrm, 7 came out in '04
14:08.15 ``Erik 7.0.2 was the first open source release, jan 07, '05
14:08.30 ``Erik mebbe my first was 6 *shrug*
14:10.04 ``Erik ah, my first commit was on a 6, in the pre-7 phase :)
14:11.19 louipc neato
14:12.04 ``Erik pheer
14:12.38 ``Erik took away brlcad's cake O:-)
14:19.53 starseeker_ brlcad: That's found in the nirt parser - they were doing it with a fixed buffer - I'm trying to introduce a vls to get rid of the fixed length
14:20.32 starseeker_ not really sure why they were doing it, to be honest...
14:20.43 Axman6 is any of the original BRL-CAD code around?
14:20.53 starseeker_ define "original"
14:21.04 Axman6 1.0
14:21.15 starseeker_ understands the cvs history stretches into antiquity...
14:21.15 Axman6 or... earlier
14:22.11 Axman6 what was the original machine it was written for?
14:22.20 Axman6 i forget BRL-CAD's history
14:24.21 brlcad aww, d_rossberg left
14:24.31 brlcad that was a hard one ..
14:24.54 brlcad clock_: did you ever use it before it was open source?
14:25.00 brlcad if not, it was a 7.*
14:25.58 clock_ brlcad: no
14:26.55 brlcad Axman6: all of brl-cad's code is in the revision history
14:27.09 brlcad you can get to the "1.0" and earlier revisions through svn
14:27.10 Axman6 heh, nice.
14:27.24 brlcad not that they'll compile without overhauling, but the code is certainly there
14:27.33 starseeker_ brlcad: What was that libtool trick you used to run gdb on an uninstalled binary?
14:27.39 Axman6 how long have you been working on it?
14:28.06 brlcad libtool --mode=execute path/to/wrapper --with whatever args etc
14:28.15 starseeker_ thanks :-)
14:28.23 brlcad er, gdb path/to/wrapper
14:29.10 brlcad path/to/libtool --mode=execute gdb path/to/your/app_wrapper --with whatever args
14:29.39 brlcad ~libtoolgdb is path/to/libtool --mode=execute gdb path/to/your/app_wrapper --with whatever args
14:29.40 ibot brlcad: okay
14:34.46 brlcad anyone else figure out d_rossberg's C++ snippet and/or interested in what's "wrong" with it?
14:37.08 ``Erik brlcad, team lead wants to talk to you, wanna meet for lunch?
14:37.50 andrecastelo hey everyone
14:37.52 ``Erik (it'll compile without overhaul... if you do something like get a bsd4.3 image running on a vax 11/780)
14:37.58 andrecastelo brlcad: i'm curious :B
14:38.24 ``Erik or, 43bsd rather O.o :)
14:38.30 PrezKennedy brlcad, whats wrong with it? even im curious
14:38.50 ``Erik (and something about a vcr remote?)
14:39.11 clock_ brlcad: is it easy to make animated figure in brl-cad using those blobs or how its called 2 spheres with a cone?
14:39.49 clock_ I "just" write a C program that generateas the scene for every frame don't I?
14:42.48 brlcad ``Erik: I'm coming in at some point
14:43.27 ``Erik yeah, he just wants to make sure he gets to talk to you sometime today, he said lunch would work, and I like to eat O.o :D
14:44.09 brlcad hm, that would save me a trip
14:44.37 brlcad PrezKennedy: if you try to instantiate his CWorker class, the error message becomes a lot more clear
14:45.02 ``Erik templates? clear? what? :D
14:45.23 brlcad instead of just a syntax error, you see that the compiler has a choice in how to interpret AListIterator
14:45.44 brlcad one as a value, other as a type .. it defaults to value given it's a nested class (which is wrong)
14:45.53 brlcad so you have to tell it that you meant a type
14:46.06 brlcad then it all works just fine
14:47.47 brlcad clock_: depends on your definition of what consitutes easy, but I'd say 'no' for the average joe but maybe not too bad for you
14:48.27 brlcad presumably your talking about either metaballs or the particle primitive
14:53.20 starseeker_ 's head spins a bit - Ch is declared to be an int, but it also holds the character of interest during the parsing??
14:53.59 brlcad sure
14:54.18 brlcad characters are just integer valus 0->127 for non-unicode lower ascii text
14:54.56 starseeker_ OK, so what will bu_vls_strcat do when I feed it something like that?
14:55.09 starseeker_ it's typed as an int, not a char
14:56.13 clock_ brlcad: hmm which one is metaballs and which particle primitive?
14:58.35 starseeker_ stares at it some more and notices the core interact loop is also using the 256 assumption right in the for loop... arrgh
14:58.43 starseeker_ time to step back and rethink
15:01.40 clock_ The new website is easy with textmode links in regard with easy access to download.
15:02.06 clock_ 3 obvious clicks. Great.
15:03.53 brlcad has a whole load of information to load that makes just about everything accessible within 3 clicks or less
15:05.17 homovulgaris when will we have doxygen at :)
15:05.18 louipc the weak point there is the sourceforge site :P
15:05.43 clock_ louipc: usually I get a "download should start if doesn't click [here]"
15:05.51 clock_ and I click [here] and it's a cyclic link to the same page
15:05.58 clock_ But not in case of the BRL-CAD sourceforge.
15:05.59 homovulgaris sourceforge has too many ads :( or too big ones at least
15:06.17 clock_ homovulgaris: a smart patch into /etc/hosts can make most of them nonfunctional :)
15:06.38 clock_ Make the ad websites resolve to or or something like that
15:06.40 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
15:06.48 louipc I mean I have to scroll a full page of hyperlinks before I get to the relevant download link on the site
15:07.16 homovulgaris :)
15:07.18 clock_ louipc: what about making a proxy on that would mirror sourceforge except that it would rip out all the ads?
15:07.35 clock_ like forward requests so that they couldn't complain about (c) violation
15:07.49 louipc the ads don't bug me
15:07.55 clock_ I want sourceforge in flash
15:07.58 louipc because I don't see them :D
15:08.03 louipc kills clock_
15:08.07 clock_ louipc: are you blind?
15:08.18 louipc no I blocked them
15:08.20 starseeker_ considers bumping 256 to 512 until he figures out the right way...
15:08.35 homovulgaris flash :O why :) i am on debian amd64 .. i have to chroot to run flash
15:08.43 louipc and I don't see them in my text browser
15:08.50 clock_ I deleted flash because has a remote execution
15:09.03 clock_ and there is only a limited functionality beta which is not on the official download site
15:09.20 PrezKennedy text browser??? thats crazy talk
15:09.36 clock_ RM(1) rm - apply security patches
15:09.40 louipc it's cool talk
15:09.57 homovulgaris I like lynx.. but not very realistic in todays world i guess :P
15:10.34 PrezKennedy its crazy talk!
15:10.37 clock_ DESCRIPTION This manual page documents the GNU version of rm. rm removes each specified security hole.
15:10.52 PrezKennedy like listening to a high quality orchestra on a pc speaker
15:12.15 louipc more like earmuffs in a construction site to me
15:13.09 clock_ louipc: :)
15:13.21 louipc css, javascript, images = noise
15:13.31 clock_ Well - we wrote a browser that supports both text and graphics mode. So everyone can select what he likes, just with a -g switch.
15:13.37 brlcad homovulgaris: hopefully soon -- the old doxygen docs are still up though --
15:14.19 clock_ ./configure --prefix=/usr a bad idea?
15:14.40 brlcad yep
15:14.41 louipc possibly
15:14.42 brlcad usually
15:14.43 clock_ I hate how stripes run around my screen when I type ./configure
15:14.56 clock_ and LCDs are supposed to have better picture than CRTs
15:15.06 clock_ I would tune the LCD TV if it had a tuning knob.
15:15.42 clock_ On the other hand, it tells me when I should switch terminals and type "make"!
15:16.01 homovulgaris brlcad: ok :) doxygen is pretty helpful in explaining code
15:16.17 clock_ We tried to use it but it somehow misbehaved
15:16.25 clock_ some functions were completely missing the clickable links
15:16.56 clock_ The call graphs are nice to tell you that everything calls everything else anyway ;-)
15:17.08 louipc heheh
15:17.50 brlcad it would be more useful for brl-cad if it was comprehensive and properly grouped
15:18.04 brlcad right now i think there's about 70% coverage or so (total guesstimate)
15:18.26 brlcad with basic grouping
15:18.28 clock_ total guesstimate, that sounds so scientific!
15:19.04 brlcad it could really use some attention and love to beef it up, particulaly good task for someone looking to learn/explore the code base
15:19.26 clock_ brlcad: to explore Doxygen bugs? :)
15:20.58 homovulgaris :) i'll try
15:21.24 homovulgaris presently the librt pages crashes everytime when i open it in my epiphany-browser
15:21.29 homovulgaris i mean too big i guess
15:21.45 homovulgaris too many big call graphs probably
15:22.13 homovulgaris sorry.. librt main page .. not pages :)
15:22.38 clock_ homovulgaris: epiphany crashes?
15:23.45 homovulgaris not epiphany in particular the whole computer sort of hangs.. i have to kill epiphany
15:25.03 clock_ Eats up all the resources?
15:25.51 homovulgaris grouping would involve basically editing misc/doxygen_structure and addtogroup in the various files in source code right
15:32.10 homovulgaris libbn and libbu pages seem pretty ok.. rt is pretty vast :)
15:32.46 homovulgaris call graphs are ofcourse pretty complicated in the case of all functions
15:33.20 homovulgaris brlcad: when can i have commit access :) ( please :) )
15:33.47 clock_ "Elapsed compilation time: 22 hours, 29 minutes, 46 seconds"
15:34.14 clock_ I started to compile at 18.14
15:34.17 clock_ ended at 18.33
15:34.26 clock_ and 22 hours 29 minutes elapsed in between
15:34.31 homovulgaris i was thinking of adding a new directory called libpc in src directory which would contain all the code for parametrics and constraints .. ok libpg is now libpc :)
15:34.34 clock_ Does BRL-CAD come with an integrated time machine?
15:34.53 homovulgaris o o
15:35.40 homovulgaris do i have to put all my header files in include directory
15:36.01 brlcad homovulgaris: yeah, that's a pretty huge page ..
15:36.29 brlcad because it's a pretty huge library .. :)
15:36.54 brlcad but yeah, basically doxygen_structure and addtogroups
15:37.04 clock_ brlcad: any explanation for the time travel?
15:37.17 clock_ brlcad: my PC didn't travel at relativistic speeds during the compilation
15:37.31 homovulgaris and yeah about STL .. :) i can use it right ?
15:37.35 brlcad clock_: it'll do funky things crossing midnight
15:37.37 pacman87 clock_: i think it starts the time from either autogen or configure, not necessarily the start of make
15:38.00 brlcad homovulgaris: that depends on a lot of things .. and where it's exposed
15:38.04 homovulgaris i think it is configure
15:38.20 brlcad exposing stl on public interface functions can be hugely problematic on some systems (like windows)
15:38.21 clock_ brlcad: no crossing midnight here
15:38.32 clock_ pacman87: starting from autogen would explain
15:38.39 clock_ starting from configure wouldn't
15:38.49 pacman87 Elapsed installation time: 29 minutes, 38 seconds
15:38.49 pacman87 Elapsed time since configuration: 31 minutes, 27 seconds
15:38.57 brlcad clock_: then feel free to debug it.. ;) sh/ does the deed
15:39.56 brlcad configure writes out a timestamp for the elapsed configuration time, compilation stamp is in include/conf
15:40.15 clock_ I think the elpased config time was OK
15:40.15 brlcad logic is in the top-level
15:42.04 homovulgaris hmm.. well stl wont be exposed as such . I mean using it for internal representation
15:42.48 brlcad you can do whatever you want for internal representation in libpg, but not in the C libs
15:42.59 brlcad s/whatever/something within reason/ :)
15:43.09 brlcad has to run out for a bit
15:43.27 homovulgaris :) k
15:43.43 clock_ the png-pix is a useful tool, beyond the scope of BRL-CAD
15:44.12 clock_ clock@duke:~$ /usr/brlcad/bin/png-pix
15:44.12 clock_ Usage: /usr/brlcad/bin/png-pix [-v] [png_input_file] > pix_output_file
15:44.12 clock_ Are you intending to type in a PNG format file??
15:44.12 clock_ Saving stack trace to unknown-4077-bomb.log
15:44.15 clock_ WARNING: Unable to obtain a call stack backtrace
15:44.38 clock_ If it understands the user wants a synopsis, why does it ask for a PNG being typed in, and then bombs on top of it?
15:44.41 Maloeran agrees, though he wishes images would not be flipped upside-down
15:45.23 clock_ Maloeran: you can flip the png with imagemagick ;-)
15:45.44 Maloeran :) Sure
15:45.53 clock_ although imagemagick is slow
15:59.27 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo__ (n=chatzill@
16:04.26 starseeker_ is curious to check out the new Blender movie...
16:08.01 *** join/#brlcad starseeker__ (
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16:29.29 starseeker <PROTECTED>
16:29.32 starseeker whoops
16:36.09 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31240 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/wdb_obj.c: Fixed a cast in the parameter list of a call to ged_get_obj_bounds(). If'ed out an unused variable in wdb_hide_cmd().
16:56.51 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
17:24.24 ``Erik *burp*
17:43.04 *** join/#brlcad quentusrex_ (
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18:45.16 cad32 how do i register my nick name
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19:51.36 pacman87 aww, no sqrt(3)/2 in vmath.h :(
20:39.29 brlcad pacman87: actually that's somewhat curious
20:40.04 brlcad some systems do have an M_SQRT3, but I can't find a definitive answer on whether that was recently added, is posix, etc
20:40.29 brlcad go ahead and add an M_SQRT3
20:40.47 pacman87 i realized i dont actually need it
20:40.53 brlcad you'll probably need to conditionalize all of them though instead of basing them all being set dependent upon M_PI
20:41.42 pacman87 sqrt(3) is for cos(30)
20:41.51 brlcad clock_: what version of brl-cad was that? I don't get that usage
20:42.04 pacman87 and i actually wanted cos(22.5)
20:43.34 brlcad Maloeran: they're not upside-down .. it's just using "first quadrant" image coordinates
20:45.27 brlcad sure, feed that to a tool that expects fourth-quadrant coordinates and it'll be flipped, but then the user is at fault to assume it's a fourth quadrant data ..
20:49.23 homovulgaris starseeker: the bunny sure looks funny :)
20:50.41 brlcad homovulgaris: I've reviewed your patches, a few comments for you this weekend
20:51.05 homovulgaris ok
20:51.30 brlcad as for commit, I'm waiting for john to give you a thumbs up -- as soon as he's comfortable you're not going to go hog wild nuts, he'll let me know ;)
20:51.54 brlcad and he knows this, you don't need to ping him
20:51.58 homovulgaris :) oh ok
20:52.09 brlcad other than keeping him apprised of your status (e.g. daily update? :)
20:52.21 brlcad s/daily/blog/
20:52.33 homovulgaris ok.. :)
20:52.58 homovulgaris i'd do both i guess :)
20:53.01 brlcad gets rss feeds of the updates (as do some of the other mentors) so it will get noticed :)
20:53.57 pacman87 homovulgaris: have you considered adding a link to your blog from
20:54.06 starseeker breaths deeply and tries to recover from mandatory training...
20:54.59 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31241 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 5 dirs): Update version to 7.12.5
20:55.47 homovulgaris I guess i will have to start one for libpg :) is there a way to get rss feeds for a particular tag or something in wordpress blogspot etc. ?
21:05.34 brlcad homovulgaris: any of the major blogging systems have rss feeds, your user: page on the wiki works fine too
21:07.06 brlcad example:
21:07.17 pacman87 :)
21:08.23 brlcad tis a good example :)
21:08.24 pacman87 speaking of, does anyone know how to make a sidebar on a wiki page?
21:08.38 brlcad what do you mean?
21:08.56 homovulgaris was seeing pacman's page a few minutes back :)
21:08.56 pacman87 like a box on the top-right side of the pages
21:09.00 pacman87 page*
21:09.12 pacman87 that stays at the top of the page when i add new entries
21:09.48 brlcad oh, you mean like the info boxes on wikipedia?
21:09.52 pacman87 yeah
21:09.53 brlcad those are templates
21:10.07 pacman87 so will they work with the brlcad wiki?
21:10.10 brlcad you have to create/import a template that does what you want
21:10.26 brlcad they're generally portable if you find one that does what you want
21:10.46 brlcad but they don't come for free, you have to create it or import one from another wiki
21:10.48 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (
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21:11.30 pacman87 something like this?
21:12.52 brlcad yep!
21:13.09 brlcad you should be able to export that from wikipedia and import it
21:13.20 brlcad (special page, export)
21:14.09 brlcad very likely has other components that go with it usually (images, docs, etc) that it links to or uses
21:19.02 pacman87 does this look right?
21:20.13 pacman87 Permission error from BRL-CAD: The action you have requested is limited to users in the group Sysops.
21:30.04 brlcad when do you get that?
21:30.48 pacman87
21:30.49 brlcad yeah, that looks right .. the export should be an xml file, you'll import that on the cad wiki
21:35.27 brlcad what about now?
21:36.46 pacman87 the brlcad import page is still an error
21:37.26 brlcad and now? :)
21:39.23 pacman87 there we go, thanks
22:00.57 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31242 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/nsis/brlcad.nsi: calculate the version dynamically. rather untested, but it should be pretty close from what the nsis scripting reference describes. one less place to update the version when it changes...
22:02.50 pacman87 i think i did something wrong with the template import
22:02.56 pacman87
22:03.19 brlcad I would agree
22:03.54 brlcad or
22:04.26 brlcad it could be incompatibilities between versions of mediawiki .. wikipedia don't stay closely in sync with mediawiki
22:04.43 brlcad see if mediawiki has that template
22:07.32 brlcad
22:07.48 pacman87
22:16.18 pacman87 are there any templates already in use by brlcad's wiki?
22:20.43 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31243 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/nsis/brlcad.nsi: oops, fix missing goto logic .. there is undoubtedly a better way to do this, but good enough
22:23.08 brlcad
22:25.48 brlcad basically you just want a table on the right with some named fields
22:26.05 brlcad the admin tip template might help
22:28.31 pacman87 i dont' think it likes wikipedia's "#if"
22:35.56 brlcad that might be some functionality that needs to be enabled, or another plugin
22:36.36 brlcad if you find it, lemme know and I can install it, or set you up to do it
22:37.10 brlcad there's like 300 mediawiki plugins, we're only using like 8
22:37.35 brlcad had to install a plugin just yesterday so I could actually have the ability to reset a user's password (!)
22:38.12 brlcad their "default feature set" truly is minimal..
22:40.19 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (

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