IRC log for #brlcad on 20080531

01:21.30 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (i=homovulg@gateway/tor/x-787ab8a0728170dc)
02:10.59 *** part/#brlcad thing0 (
03:48.21 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03pacman87 * r31244 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/g_hyp.c: Enhanced plot() with more precise wireframe, and changed from hardcoded statements to a loop
03:49.41 pacman87 new and improved:
04:47.30 brlcad awesome!
04:48.00 brlcad that's pretty cool, so does it raytrace?
04:50.38 brlcad awn
04:55.05 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
04:56.18 pacman87 brlcad: no, rt fails. i haven't really looked into it that closely
04:56.34 pacman87 i need to get import5 and export5 working first
04:59.52 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31245 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/adc.c: reorder to avoid forward decl of adc_print_vars, replace M_SQRT2_DIV2 with M_SQRT1_2
05:00.41 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31246 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/chgview.c: don't need defines, vmath.h provides
05:00.53 brlcad nods
05:01.29 pacman87 is there a way to convert a brlcad database to human readable format?
05:01.35 pacman87 so i can check my exports?
05:01.46 pacman87 and my imports seperately
05:02.31 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31247 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/deprecation.txt: deprecate M_SQRT2_DIV2 .. it's entirely unnecessary since it's the same as sqrt(1/2) and/or 1/sqrt(2) .. so M_SQRT1_2 is suitable.
05:05.15 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31248 10/brlcad/trunk/include/vmath.h: beef up the tolerances on the standard M_ math defines, add a couple that were missing, and protect them all individually for the OS's that define some but not others.
05:06.06 brlcad pacman87: only after you implement the hook function for it
05:07.03 pacman87 hmmm?
05:11.06 pacman87 is the database file format documented somewhere
05:11.14 brlcad usual means for testing an individual primitive is to implement the rt_*_print() and rt_*_describe() callbacks
05:11.29 brlcad describe is what you see when you run "l object"
05:11.46 pacman87 ok
05:11.59 brlcad print is what you see during edit when faceplace is enabled (it's on the gui menu, Misc)
05:12.58 pacman87 i'm still running classic mode, though, so no menus for me
05:15.32 brlcad yeah, you get faceplate by default
05:15.40 brlcad that's the gui overlay you're looking at
05:17.16 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
05:18.15 brlcad if you run oed (i.e. oed / primitive) or sed (i.e. sed primitive) on a given primitive .. it'll enter edit mode and display the print() arguments on the overlay
05:18.53 brlcad generally speaking, though, l ("ell") is more flexible since you can print literally anything and faster to test with (no edit mode)
05:19.03 pacman87 mged> oed / hyp.s
05:19.03 pacman87 mged> rt_nul_xform unimplemented
05:19.03 pacman87 transform_editing_solid failed to apply a matrix transform, aborting
05:19.31 brlcad ah, yeah
05:19.39 brlcad so stick to l then :)
05:19.42 pacman87 that, and "mged> l hyp.s" actually works now :)
05:19.57 brlcad you can't go into edit mode without a couple of the other callbacks
05:20.14 pacman87 thanks, bedtime for me now. i'll pick this up later
05:20.19 brlcad nods
05:20.24 brlcad nice progress!
05:20.30 pacman87 thanks
05:20.39 pacman87 do i need to worry about tolerances for the wireframe?
05:20.46 brlcad mind if I share those screenshots?
05:20.52 pacman87 not at all :)
05:20.54 pacman87 with whom?
05:21.17 brlcad nah, the wireframe just needs to be "good enough"
05:21.33 pacman87 so just tess() needs the tolerance?
05:21.34 brlcad at least not until there's proper high/low support
05:21.42 brlcad tess definitely needs it, yet
05:21.46 brlcad s/yet/yes/
05:21.59 pacman87 my question was more in the 'just' than in the 'tess()'
05:22.18 brlcad contemplates
05:22.25 pacman87 ie, is tolerance used for anything else?
05:23.04 brlcad yeah
05:23.26 brlcad i mean, whenever you perform a computation in any of the routines, there are a set of tolerances to take into consideration
05:23.34 brlcad e.g. a base computation tolerance
05:23.41 brlcad a distance tolerance
05:24.09 brlcad you don't "have" to use them strictly speaking, but you'll just likely get bad behavior if they're not implemented
05:25.02 pacman87 ok
05:25.03 brlcad the extent at which various primitives properly use and need tolerancing certainly varies, so just have to use good judgement
05:25.47 brlcad for example, in the arbs, it uses the distance tolerance to determine whether or not two points are the same point or not
05:26.08 brlcad if those points coincide, then it's not an arb8 .. it's an arb7 or arb6, etc
05:26.23 pacman87 makes sense
05:27.49 pacman87 tries to go to bed again, goodnight for real this time
05:34.13 brlcad cya!
07:08.18 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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14:21.52 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
15:05.58 andrecastelo hey ``Erik, what is the name you suggested for mlt_main.c ? viewmlt.c ?
15:12.13 andrecastelo and the src/rt/ modifications is something like this -> ?
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17:02.19 louipc bah
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17:06.15 poolio Oh my.
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17:11.46 louipc ChanServ: you so crazy
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19:45.34 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
19:47.11 thing0 hey yall
19:50.31 pacman87 hi thing0
20:05.37 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
20:13.36 *** join/#brlcad PrezzKennedy (i=Matthew@
20:41.41 madant hi thing0 :)
20:42.21 madant pacman87: ;) blog added in the wiki http:://
20:42.52 madant whoops i meant
20:44.10 madant oh .. and i am homovulgaris.. :)
20:44.13 pacman87 madant: cool
20:44.27 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow_ (
20:44.37 pacman87 i figured that when the blog said 'libpg'
20:44.55 madant did the template thing work out for the wiki ?
20:45.11 pacman87 i didnt' get it working yet, any ideas?
20:45.48 madant what exactly is the error ? the plugin not supported due to version ?
20:46.42 pacman87
20:47.08 madant yikes
20:47.10 pacman87 raw xml:
20:49.07 madant where did u receive the template from ?
20:49.11 madant wikimedia ?
20:49.15 pacman87 wikipedia
20:50.12 pacman87
20:51.47 madant hmm.. they say it is metatemplate used to make other templates..
20:52.05 madant so we would have to use another template or write one to use it ?
20:52.17 pacman87 their examples show it in use
20:58.23 madant hmm..
20:58.52 madant i better go eat something :) 02:20 am here :)
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23:10.38 *** join/#brlcad Gnontghol (n=knut@
23:16.18 Gnontghol I am packing BRL-CAD to Ubuntu, and it would help to get the source for the .deb package you are shipping.
23:19.55 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
23:20.32 louipc Gnontghol: it's in misc/debian in the source tree
23:23.01 Gnontghol louipc: Thanks. Wou just saved me a ton of work
23:23.38 louipc cheers
23:28.06 *** join/#brlcad blackrose2u (
23:36.11 brlcad arrives in NY
23:37.16 brlcad andrecastelo: yeah, something like that
23:38.44 brlcad Gnontghol: there isn't a debian maintainer (that I'm aware of) if you're interested
23:46.25 Gnontghol brlcad: I am new to this packing thing. I don't think I am the man.
23:46.38 brlcad fair enough
23:46.47 brlcad though you can certainly try to be the man ;)
23:47.29 brlcad the .deb needs a lot of work
23:47.45 brlcad regardless of maintainership
23:48.36 andrecastelo brlcad: ok, i'll commit.. if anything goes wrong you can feel free to break my legs :)
23:50.14 pacman87 andrecastelo: do you have a dev log up somewhere?
23:50.41 andrecastelo pacman87: dev log?? hm don't think so
23:51.44 Gnontghol I think the age of this project is making the life of the .deb maintainer hard.
23:51.55 pacman87 the other three of us have our logs linked from
23:52.04 Gnontghol implicit declarations and name colitions all around the place
23:52.58 louipc Gnontghol: well the default install location is safe
23:54.03 andrecastelo pacman87: ahh.. i had a blog set up for gsoc, will link there
23:54.14 louipc Gnontghol: /usr/brlcad/ I stick it in /opt/brlcad/ because I don't think /usr is really supposed to be populated with per-package directories
23:54.58 pacman87 andrecastelo: cool, thanks. i like to see what other coders are workign on :)
23:56.33 Gnontghol louipc: You are right, but making a spessial install location is a bit hackish
23:58.40 Gnontghol I sugest that you do a total code and structure review and release the reviewed code as brlcad-8.0

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