IRC log for #brlcad on 20080601

00:25.50 *** part/#brlcad blackrose2u (
00:26.42 andrecastelo hey brlcad , is there a problem if i create the directory /misc/win32-msvc8/mlt to hold mlt.vcproj ?
01:05.07 starseeker brlcad: Unless I'm totally mistaken, there is a lot about the Query Ray Control Panel that is not working.
01:05.38 *** join/#brlcad madant (i=homovulg@gateway/tor/x-c6c277cd63425d0c)
01:05.47 starseeker brlcad: I'm going to try again, but have you seen any reports of the panel not working?
01:07.26 starseeker The air flag doesn't seem to do anything either with the mouse toggle or adding it to the base name
02:31.11 brlcad andrecastelo: of course not
02:34.11 brlcad starseeker: no, I've not heard any reports, could always just be something recent
02:34.57 brlcad could be a lot of things, just have to trace through the code and/or try previous revs
04:01.14 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
05:35.49 *** join/#brlcad phr3al (
05:37.34 brlcad madant: congratulations ... :)
05:43.54 brlcad can talk more later about some details, like how your patches aren't conforming to HACKING (but were at least mostly self-consistent) and what to do next
05:44.09 brlcad still a fair bit of discussion to be had about how libpg integrates
05:47.31 brlcad and some questions about those graphs
05:54.04 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
05:59.57 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
06:35.23 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow_ (
06:35.34 madant Hi sean,
06:35.49 madant could u tell me about the non-conformity..
06:36.11 madant I am planning to edit the designer document today in the following 5 or 6 hours.
06:36.25 madant we can discuss libpg after that
06:37.24 brlcad yeah, later ..
06:37.29 brlcad must nap
06:37.39 madant time for lunch here ;)
06:38.01 brlcad not at home on usualy crazy schedule, so I gotta get a little conformity to be up during daystar hours all week
06:38.03 madant happy nap :)
07:05.07 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:14.18 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
09:59.44 *** join/#brlcad madant (i=homovulg@gateway/tor/x-031aecd5088f3366)
12:09.11 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
13:13.16 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
13:16.30 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:27.38 *** join/#brlcad ciccero (
14:28.06 ciccero hi
14:28.37 ciccero i am looking for help
14:29.05 ciccero i am trying to intal brlcad 7.12.4
14:29.43 ciccero and a can not 'make' the program
14:30.23 ciccero i have this problem "/.libs/ undefined reference to `TclReFree' "
14:30.35 ciccero any idea????
14:31.12 ciccero or somebody can said me where to look?
14:45.14 madant u ran first right ?
14:45.29 madant and in configure did u specify --prefix=install dir ?
14:47.17 madant and try using ./configure --enable-all
15:18.05 ``Erik *cookcookcook*
15:18.20 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo__ (n=chatzill@
15:18.36 ``Erik howdy, andre
15:19.02 ``Erik <-- install subversion on a new laptop, then will check out and look at your commit
15:19.27 ``Erik I was thinking the binary would be "rtmlt" and the main C file would be "viewmlt.c" to conform to the other rt's
15:21.29 andrecastelo sounds good, i haven't commited yet, i'll change
15:22.14 ``Erik otherwise, the patch looked all good
15:34.14 ``Erik grumbles about the long dep chain to get svn via macports O.o
15:38.44 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31249 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/ ( brlcad/brlcad.sln rtmlt/ rtmlt/rtmlt.vcproj): Added misc/win32-msvc8/rtmlt and misc/win32-msvc8/rtmlt/rtmlt.vcproj. Made modifications in misc/win32-msvc8/brlcad/brlcad.sln and in misc/win32-msvc8/ in order to add the new directory and project.
15:40.29 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31250 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc9/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Renamed the mlt project to rtmlt. Alterations were made to misc/win32-msvc9/brlcad/brlcad.sln and misc/win32-msvc9/ to correctly rename the directory and project.
15:41.52 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31251 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ ( viewmlt.c): Added viewmlt.c to src/rt/ and made changes to src/rt/ to support that.
15:43.04 andrecastelo ``Erik: is it ok to separate the commits like that?
15:46.16 andrecastelo isn't it ridiculous how msvc9 "updates" msvc8 projects to the latest version, effectively changing 1 line and rendering the project incompatible with msvc8? i hate that
15:50.39 ``Erik sure
15:51.01 ``Erik you'd have to go pretty silly to commit too often, it's FAR more common for people to commit too infrequently
15:52.44 ``Erik also; worry most about getting your code working, at least provide a heads up on new files or build system changes if you don't adjust the automake stuff yourself, but don't worry too much about doing automake wrong or keeping msvc8 in sync or anything... your mission is to make the renderer, not garden the build system... that's why I'm here :) ok?
15:53.09 andrecastelo but if there's a problem, someone can revert and isolate the problem easily, right?
15:53.38 andrecastelo hm ok, understood :)
15:53.41 ``Erik well, build system problems are going to fall into two categories for the most part
15:53.50 ``Erik either a file wasn't added, which we can spot and fix trivially
15:53.57 ``Erik or an entire build path wasn't added, so it's no big deal
15:55.07 ``Erik you managed to add the entire msvc9 thing, that'll be by far the hardest thing you SHOULD ever do with auto* and svn... it should all be easy now :)
15:56.28 ``Erik you've already won the region championship in football, now you're just playing a pickup game against some friends ;)
15:57.10 ``Erik prods his stupid laptop until subversion installs
15:57.53 andrecastelo ``Erik: hehe, nice analogy :b
15:59.42 ``Erik figured it was appropriate :D and I even de-americanized my statement, ya probably woulda been confused if I said soccer ;)
16:03.31 ``Erik so you've looked over, um, viewdummy.c and mebbe viewedge.c or viewweight.c (or even view.c) ?
16:04.10 ``Erik any of the view files will give you an idea of how things go, viewdummy.c lists all the stubs you need to fill
16:04.16 andrecastelo actually i'm right now trying to "butilize" the patch i made for viewarea
16:04.45 andrecastelo but regarding the mlt, i had an idea when i read the Developing Applications with BRLCAD presentation
16:05.05 ``Erik ok, that presentation is still mostly pretinent I think
16:05.47 ``Erik the viewarea patch should just need a few minor mods to work with libbu, uhmmm, using bu lists, the vmath.h macros for vector ops and, uhhh, the bu i/o shtuff
16:06.12 ``Erik it looked "good, but not quite our tribe" when I skimmed it :) so just little stuff, iirc
16:06.23 andrecastelo hm ok, understood
16:06.56 andrecastelo i wasn't being able to compile using the bu_lists so i improvised :S
16:07.27 ``Erik other than that, the only reason I didn't commit it myself was because I'm not familiar with the quirks and uses of that certain program, I'm hoping brlcad will step in and verify it doesn't make things weird for users :)
16:14.43 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
16:31.54 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
16:33.31 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
16:33.54 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
16:40.23 ``Erik aaaand, upgrade macports to see what in my subversion heirarchy is out of date, weeee
16:43.36 andrecastelo hehehe, is that the laptop you were talking about buying last week?
16:44.31 ``Erik no, I didn't end up buying one, I got another one from work
16:44.38 ``Erik another 17" macbook pro
16:44.59 ``Erik I still might buy a 13" macbook, but I have a temporary reprieve from NEEDINg to
16:54.53 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31252 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc9/brlcad/brlcad.sln: Fixed a bug that corrupted the file and caused an error when the used tried to edit a project's property or tried to access a header file.
16:55.15 andrecastelo s/used/user
16:55.16 andrecastelo :S
17:02.01 ``Erik hum, warnings in g_hyp
17:03.12 ``Erik got the temp cranked up nice and high on this laptop with all these builds, no crashes or anything O.o
17:05.48 andrecastelo hey ``Erik what you think about struct mlt_app having a struct application * app ?
17:05.59 ``Erik I think it kinda needs to?
17:06.06 ``Erik oh, wait
17:06.17 andrecastelo yeah, i was thinking the same thing
17:06.27 ``Erik uhmmmm, you do need a 'struct application' somewhere, uhm, I have no issue with it being nested
17:08.25 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r31253 10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h: make rt_functab label a little bigger to fit "hyperboloid" for g_hyp
17:16.30 andrecastelo ok erik, here is my idea - write a function to handle hits and record the hit information in the path structure. The bouncing/reflecting would be handled here, right?
17:17.19 andrecastelo if so, initially we can use a fixed amount of bouncing, to make it work and later the function can be expanded
17:17.26 ``Erik sounds about right
17:18.03 ``Erik the hit callback managing some volume of information
17:18.09 andrecastelo hm ok, so, the rays are shot from the lightsources, right? or i can set up where to shoot the rays from ?
17:18.33 ``Erik it's bidirectional, so some rays will be shot from light sources and some from the viewpoint
17:18.59 andrecastelo no, i meant currently supported by rt
17:19.15 ``Erik and it'll be interesting, since viewpoints can be perspective (single point) or ortho (grid), and "light" is a material attribute on a solid
17:19.49 ``Erik the regular phong rt run shoots a ray for each pixel, then at the intersection, it shoots rays to each light source
17:20.05 ``Erik I'm not exactly sure how all the futzing with shadow rays works out, brlcad would know more
17:29.00 andrecastelo view_init() should be called when the rays are starting to be fired, once per path or once per ray?
18:00.00 pacman87 ``Erik: what warnings did you see on g_hyp.c?
18:07.42 ``Erik length issue with a static field in table.c (fixed it) and, uhm, a sign issue with an ntohd call on like line 700 or so
18:09.56 pacman87 the ntohd call is in import5(), and i haven't changed anything there (except var names/types) from when it was g_xxx.c
18:13.16 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:18.58 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r31254 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/g_hyp.c: minor cast fix for ntohd
18:19.16 pacman87 ``Erik: thanks :)
18:19.20 ``Erik np
18:19.29 ``Erik char -> const unsigned char
18:19.32 ``Erik fyi
18:19.40 *** join/#brlcad ciccero (
18:19.52 ciccero hi
18:19.58 ``Erik afternoon, ciccero
18:20.09 ciccero thank you madant
18:20.51 ciccero i did the 'make' with the -k option
18:20.58 ``Erik man, I'm gonna get fat :( I made whole wheat english muffins from scratch, I'm popping these things like candy... eaten 12 already O.o I'm gonna poo like mad later
18:21.05 ciccero keep goin
18:21.34 ``Erik -k means "don't stop on failure", it doesn't make the build magically work, it just doesn't abort as soon as it sees a failure
18:22.05 ciccero but when i try to install, i have the same error
18:22.30 ciccero .libs/ undefined reference to `TclReFree'
18:22.48 pacman87 ciccero: did you do ./configure --enable-all?
18:22.52 ``Erik configure with --enable-all
18:23.28 ciccero yes
18:23.34 ciccero i did that
18:23.54 ciccero but have the error ".libs/ undefined reference to `TclReFree'"
18:25.35 madant make clean and do a ./configure --enable-all --prefix=install dir
18:25.44 ciccero i am installing with the -k option skip the no working module
18:29.53 ciccero i am using the default install dir "/usr/brlcad/". I need specify the path?
18:36.21 madant make clean once and then run ./configure --enable-all
18:38.24 ciccero ok madant i'm doing clean, configure and make right now.......
18:58.05 ciccero thank you.......soooooooo much.
18:58.35 ciccero now i have a working brlcad on my machine
18:59.00 ciccero i need to do the "clean" before
18:59.24 ciccero thank's for all.....
19:04.14 madant :) have fun with 7.12.4
19:48.36 *** join/#brlcad Zorb (n=opera@
19:49.41 *** part/#brlcad Zorb (n=opera@
20:46.13 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31255 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/table.c: the label is intentionally supposed to be some brief short-hand so call it a hyp (there are two hyperboloid primitives, ehy is th e other)
21:46.24 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
21:52.28 brlcad thinks it'd be cool if madant would re-render his graphs with a uniform scale, overlay the two data sets
22:45.04 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
22:48.24 brlcad andrecastelo: your viewmlt duplicates a main()
22:51.29 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31256 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/viewmlt.c: file header doesn't match file name, use sh/ for adding new files (or sh/ for adding a new header). remove main since it's presently described as an rt app (which provides a main())
22:52.17 brlcad if you need your own main different from the one in src/rt/main.c, then your tool probably doesn't belong in src/rt as that makes it more like nirt from a structural perspective
22:53.27 andrecastelo brlcad: i was going to change that, but you were faster than me :B
22:54.00 andrecastelo also, i renamed mlt_main.c to viewmlt.c but i used to create mlt_main.c
22:54.35 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31257 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ disable default compilation of rtmlt until it works, can be manually compiled with 'make rtmlt' in src/rt
22:54.48 brlcad andrecastelo: k, I figured -- that's what the parenthetical was for ;)
22:55.01 brlcad you can fix the header by just removing it, and then running on it
22:55.09 brlcad (or edit the two lines)
22:55.13 brlcad nit pick of coruse
22:55.25 brlcad commit early, commit often ;)
22:56.05 brlcad is about to make hundreds of commits
23:00.26 andrecastelo should i change the name of mlt_defs.h too ?
23:01.08 brlcad up to you
23:02.49 PrezzKennedy howdy brlcad
23:02.55 brlcad howdy
23:02.57 PrezzKennedy the interns keeping you busy?
23:03.08 brlcad not yet :)
23:03.51 PrezzKennedy i wanted a hot one to help staff the IT department...
23:05.52 brlcad setting the interns on fire isn't usually recommended

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