IRC log for #brlcad on 20080603

01:54.56 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:25.05 pacman87 anyone else have an idea as to why rt fails on hyp?
02:32.51 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31270 10/brlcad/trunk/src/nirt/sfiles/ (csv-gap.nrt csv.nrt): tweak formatting in csv output
03:38.51 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
04:02.52 brlcad pacman87: are you running rt from inside mged?
04:03.44 brlcad (heh) .. dont' do that :)
04:04.01 brlcad run rt directly on the unix command line, or via gdb, but not via mged
04:04.39 brlcad mged kicks off the rt binary, so none of your ray-trace symbols can get caught by gdb because it's in mged not rt
04:07.26 brlcad gdb lets you set the break points simply because mged is also reliant upon librt, but it doesn't use it for ray-tracing, it uses it for geometry services (I/O, editing, etc)
04:11.30 brlcad andrecastelo: woot, thx for the update :)
04:12.13 andrecastelo brlcad: sorry for taking so long
04:12.59 brlcad no problem, it's progress :)
04:18.37 brlcad don't be shy about those "week #1" questions for the first phase
04:18.59 brlcad that's all pretty staple brl-cad services work
04:44.30 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
04:57.44 poolio brlcad: so did you figure out what to do with librt yet? :)
06:24.25 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
06:43.02 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
06:58.58 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:10.41 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:48.56 clock_ Sorry for offtopic
08:49.01 clock_ Anyone been in San Francisco?
11:43.10 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
11:43.49 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r31271 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/table.c: enable asc2g for hyp (elliptical hyperboloid of one sheet)
11:44.53 d_rossberg pacman87: you have to initialize hyp in rt_hyp_prep (it has to point to some valid memory)
11:45.38 d_rossberg clock_: 10 years ago
11:58.50 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r31272 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librtserver/rtserver.c: Corrected calculation of obliquities
12:19.59 clock_ d_rossberg: is it like a crowded city?
12:29.59 d_rossberg no, it's a very nice city, more european (e.g. in opposite to Los Angeles)
12:32.04 clock_ What do you mean with more european?
12:35.09 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
12:35.55 d_rossberg it has a centre, some historic buildings, i.e. somebody from europe should feel comfortable there
12:37.52 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
12:38.50 clock_ Los Angeles has no centre and buildings are modern?
12:43.33 d_rossberg no centre in "european" meaning: in the centre district you will find some high buldings (e.g. the round one from "Independence Day") but this is a place for business and not a tourists
12:45.42 d_rossberg the touristic centres are spreaded over a large area, e.g. Hollywood boulevard, Disnayland, UniversalStudios, museums, etc.
12:46.19 d_rossberg the area of Los Angeles (and its satalite cities) is gigantic
12:47.24 d_rossberg (sorry, "sattelite")
12:51.48 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
12:57.12 clock_ Is it true that Los Angeles has high air pollution?
12:59.17 brlcad yep, you can see it from a distance quite clearly
12:59.41 brlcad LA really is *huge* in comparison to most cities .. it's very much spread out
12:59.44 clock_ And San Francisco?
12:59.50 brlcad completely different
13:00.03 clock_ Does LA reach to the shore? Like Santa Monica etc.? Is it already part of the LA?
13:00.06 brlcad only thing they have in common is they're both in the same state
13:00.12 ``Erik even sf doesn't have the same center construction as most european cities, afaik
13:00.32 ``Erik very few US cities have the notion :(
13:00.48 ``Erik it's all "new", built more for cars than anything else
13:00.55 ``Erik as far as I can tell :)
13:01.06 ``Erik being able to walk to anything I wanted to go to in japan was weird
13:01.16 clock_ brlcad: query
13:03.29 ``Erik *buildbuildbuild*
13:03.47 ``Erik I don't like how asc2g and g2asc have all primitive logic in them, they should delegate that to librt imho :/
13:04.12 ``Erik unless asc is deprecated (it seems very tied to v4)
13:17.15 starseeker ``Erik: I think asc is how we store models in svn
13:17.32 starseeker ``Erik: That does sound weird that there is primitive logic in them
13:17.45 ``Erik it is
13:18.09 starseeker uses g2asc and then asc2g to remove size creepage
13:18.15 ``Erik but unlike cvs, svn stores xdelta info for binaries, ... just seems like something that needs to be addressed
13:18.45 ``Erik heh, do we need an fsck_g to fix/compress? :D
13:19.08 starseeker I asked brlcad about that a while back - can't remember what the answer was...
13:19.24 ``Erik was probably "sure, go do that!" or something of that nature :)
13:19.28 brlcad there already is a command to compress not that it's coming to me at the moment
13:19.30 starseeker I think it was when I was doing my earth model - it was waaaaay bigger than a few spheres and arbs needed
13:19.44 brlcad there are three or four places in the code that have per-primitive logic
13:19.50 brlcad that would be good to merge back up into librt
13:20.01 brlcad just hasn't happened
13:20.03 brlcad refactor ftw
13:20.18 starseeker ``Erik: "go do it" ;-)
13:20.24 ``Erik heh, that word still sends chills down my spine :/
13:20.50 ``Erik "refactor"... watching a group attempt to replace things like thinking, planning, design, etc with "refactor it"... *shudder*
13:21.52 brlcad asc conversion, mirror, typein, soledit to name a few
13:22.32 starseeker makes note to find the compress command
13:25.49 brlcad i think it's garbage_collect
13:25.52 brlcad or something like that
13:26.13 brlcad it's a dev command, not a user command
13:44.05 *** join/#brlcad karlprof-cgiirc (
13:46.51 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31273 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob modified mged nirt command to include air in results (now passes the -u 1 option to nirt)
13:46.55 brlcad hello karlprof-cgiirc
13:47.41 karlprof-cgiirc hello, I am afraid I am abusing your fantastic cgiirc service because my pc is being odd
13:49.16 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31274 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/argv.c: fix the header, this isn't vls.c
13:49.29 brlcad karlprof-cgiirc: no problem, though I can't see how you'd "abuse" it :)
13:49.58 brlcad it doesn't allow connections to anywhere but channels relevant to our needs
13:50.52 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31275 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/argv.c: unnecessary headers
13:51.04 karlprof-cgiirc I need to send some queries out to helpful people :) relating to aforementioned oddness
13:51.35 brlcad ah, k
13:51.38 karlprof-cgiirc Apologies for any inconvinience or unnessessary strain on your web server
13:51.47 brlcad heh, it's no strain
13:52.05 brlcad it could probably support hundreds of users beofre being an issue
13:57.36 ``Erik heh, yeah, all the strain is coming from other services, and once brlcad gets off his duff and migrates, the machine will be overpowered anyways :)
14:03.09 karlprof-cgiirc Cheers for the connection, all done
14:03.11 *** part/#brlcad karlprof-cgiirc (
14:04.00 brlcad wonders why a staffer would need our cgi:irc
14:06.42 ``Erik pheer incoming r00tage?
14:28.21 brlcad coffee break!
14:28.32 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31276 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ (5 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)
14:28.32 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: sample of new primitive organization where each primitive will be housed in a
14:28.32 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: subdir named by it's table label. the intent will be to keep all of the table
14:28.32 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: hook functions together in a main xxx.c file with structures and interface
14:28.33 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: properties separated into an interface header, then allowing whatever other
14:28.33 ``Erik <-- hands brlcad his mug :D
14:28.35 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: source files, documentation, and supporting materials to live in that directory
14:28.37 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: with the primitive. this new organization should better support the addition of
14:29.05 brlcad not quite as good as the 2005 solid modeling, but still pretty good/useful .. some interesting papers
14:29.26 brlcad slaps self for knowing better re it's
14:32.17 ``Erik named by it is table label
14:32.31 ``Erik I'm gonna sick crazy daisy on you to learn you up some apostrophes
14:32.38 ``Erik apostrophe's :> *smirk*
14:33.51 prasad_ howdy
14:34.03 ``Erik
15:29.21 brlcad howdy prasad_
15:30.12 brlcad woot, there's the money
15:30.43 brlcad great paper on computing volume and surface areas using ray sampling that minimizes sampling errors
15:47.31 pacman87 brlcad: thanks for the info re: mged/rt; i'm tracking down the problem
16:17.17 brlcad pacman87: np
16:43.10 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
17:22.45 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:57.35 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31277 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/tclsh/library/installTree.tcl: Added code to copy nirt sfiles. Modified code that copies g_xxx.c.
18:18.51 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31278 10/brlcad/trunk/ (103 files in 37 dirs): mass (initial) restructuring to place each primitive into their own subdirectory. the g_ files are stripped of their prefix, using a directory and 'main' interface file name that matches the table.c label.
18:21.39 poolio wowza.
18:25.37 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31279 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ g_bot_include.c is in the bot dir
18:35.02 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
18:35.43 andrecastelo good afternoon people :D
18:35.49 pacman87 hi andrecastelo
18:35.49 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31280 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/nsis/brlcad.nsi: Several minor mods to get things working again.
18:35.57 andrecastelo hey pacman87
18:36.24 poolio howdy andrecastelo, pacman87
18:36.28 poolio Wasn't there a 3rd gsocer?
18:36.33 andrecastelo howdy poolio
18:36.41 pacman87 poolio: there's 4 of us
18:36.49 andrecastelo there is mafm
18:36.58 poolio Ah yes. Who's the fourth?
18:36.59 andrecastelo and the fourth one i don't know the nickanem
18:37.04 pacman87 homovulgaris?
18:37.07 andrecastelo nickname*
18:37.10 poolio If he's not in IRC he must not exist ;)
18:37.41 pacman87 that was the old one, switched recently and i don't remember the new one
18:37.54 andrecastelo iirc, brlcad talked about someone who communicated exclusively through the mailing list, don't know if he/she got accepted
18:38.55 pacman87 andrecastelo: yeah, that was the libpg proposal
18:38.59 pacman87 and it was accepted
18:39.23 andrecastelo is checking wiki
18:39.25 pacman87
18:40.05 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31281 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc9/tclsh/library/: add missing library dir for distcheck
18:40.06 brlcad howdy andrecastelo
18:40.11 brlcad how goes it?
18:40.12 andrecastelo howdy brlcad
18:40.48 brlcad dawn's other/better nick is madant ;)
18:41.15 pacman87 brlcad: i'd recognize it if i saw it, but not off the top of my head
18:41.17 brlcad he's since been in a couple times, but yes tends to prefer e-mail
18:41.27 andrecastelo brlcad: i'm fine, you ? :D
18:41.42 brlcad dawn == homovulgaris == madant
18:42.13 brlcad andrecastelo: doing great! .. I love going to conferences, and I'm at solid modeling all this week
18:42.27 brlcad great for getting work done, networking, and inspiring new ideas
18:42.33 andrecastelo brlcad: oh, so i've heard :D
18:42.38 andrecastelo and how's ny?
18:43.58 brlcad mildly warm outside today, but nice .. SUNY Stony Brook is way up long island .. other than the roads, it's far up into the woods and pretty quiet
18:45.27 andrecastelo pretty nice, though i always liked the cold, i'm actually starting to miss the warm days
18:56.33 ``Erik <-- scratches his head at the new src/librt ugliness O.o :)
19:04.58 brlcad still not complete
19:05.15 brlcad have to break out the interface
19:05.28 brlcad and then start migrating the various table files
19:07.17 poolio Heh, my dad teaches at SUNY
19:07.31 poolio (not that one...he teaches at the upstate medical one in Syracuse)
19:08.51 pacman87 maybe it's just me, but i have a feeling my raytracing is wrong:
19:10.42 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31282 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libged/ librt/ add private headers xxx.h and ged_private.h missing from dist
19:11.34 poolio pacman87: looks perfect to me ;)
19:11.49 poolio pacman87: what WM is that?
19:11.55 pacman87 kde
19:12.59 pacman87
19:13.07 pacman87 there's another one, different angle
19:16.50 pacman87
19:19.20 brlcad hehe
19:19.27 pacman87 ...yeah
19:19.29 brlcad doesn't think those are "quite" right :)
19:19.41 pacman87 but it's not crashing on my anymore ;)
19:19.46 brlcad progress!
19:19.57 brlcad and it ray-traces something
19:20.14 brlcad you could be one +/- character away from completion ;)
19:20.17 pacman87 i find it odd that all three have that ellipse in the exact same spot
19:21.11 brlcad yeah, that is interesting
19:21.29 brlcad the caps should be fairly easy
19:21.36 brlcad at least compared to solving the roots for the sheet
19:21.54 pacman87 first one was -a 0, second was -a 90, and last was -a 45
19:22.09 brlcad easier said than done, of course, though the code should be nearly identical to that for the epa and tgc
20:13.47 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31283 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/librt/librt.vcproj: It looks like torus/torus.c changed to tor/tor.c
20:15.16 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31284 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/brlcad/brlcad.sln: Temporarily remove rtmlt from solution until it builds.
20:30.59 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31285 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/view.c: Updated the usage string to include -U.
20:49.07 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31286 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (34 files in 33 dirs): update the headers for the new file names, use something better than g_ for the doxygen group
20:49.42 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31287 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/doxygen_structure: rename g_ group to primitives
21:33.36 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
22:48.20 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
23:25.20 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
23:31.37 andrecastelo brlcad: does this answers a few of the "week #1" questions?

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