IRC log for #brlcad on 20080610

00:29.53 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
00:34.27 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:39.52 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31348 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Check for situations where a pre-existing file conflicts with the name to be used for the .g file, and refuse to overwrite if a file is found.
02:40.52 starseeker has heard speculation that the way Mathematica was created was they wrote the documentation, and then made the software do what they had documented.
02:41.00 starseeker is starting to believe it
02:50.00 poolio starseeker: it's great software :) One of my professor's was working on a bunch of extensions for it.
03:02.36 starseeker prefers Maxima and Axiom, but must agree Mathematica is good stuff
03:04.17 starseeker reflects that the change in tire behavior is user visible and realizes he should have updated the NEWS file... darn it...
03:08.42 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31349 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
03:08.42 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: Changed default behavior of tire command to avoid silently overwriting
03:08.42 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: pre-existing files if the user supplies their names or has a pre-existing tire.g
03:08.42 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: file in the same directory - it now exits and prints an error message.
03:09.33 starseeker alright, that should be everything... sleep time :-)
03:34.58 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
03:55.51 yukonbob evening, cadheads
06:43.46 brlcad starseeker: bu_file_exists()
07:24.18 brlcad so there's a new cad on the open source block, hopefully he'll keep it up
07:31.09 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:57.57 archivist noo cad? a name?
08:37.32 brlcad shame he's got a nibm attitude, but well see what comes of it
08:53.16 brlcad poolio: sph_brep.cpp .. file header is bunk for several reasons
08:54.03 brlcad if you delete the header and run sh/ lgpl src/librt/primitives/shp/sph_brep.cpp it'll create what should be there
09:41.38 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
09:41.48 andrecastelo good morning folks
09:54.53 andrecastelo reads logs
09:59.41 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:00.06 mafm hey
10:17.19 brlcad howdy guys
10:24.17 mafm not bad
10:24.38 mafm holidays in Portugal, so full day to work with BRL-CAD! \o/
10:30.12 andrecastelo howdy brlcad.. i had internet problems sunday and yesterday i had to be at the university the whole day
10:31.27 andrecastelo i'll have to go there now, will be back in 4 hours tops, but probably will have the rest of the day to work on BRL-CAD
10:31.35 andrecastelo cya later
10:35.20 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31350 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (. main.cxx): Initial patch for the 3D Geometry Editor, the entry point of the application.
10:37.19 mafm svn is making strange things with the files >:[
10:40.00 mafm rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/Application.h : svn:mime-type is not set
10:40.29 mafm this happened with .cxx too... but I fixed it by hand, knowing that maybe .cxx is not a very popular extension
10:40.40 mafm but .h ...?!?!!!? :)
10:41.01 brlcad woo hoo! congratulations on commit :)
10:41.31 brlcad svn doesn't know about any file types by default
10:42.03 brlcad
10:44.18 mafm it's the 1st time that happens to me
10:44.47 brlcad it's the first time you've committed :)
10:45.00 brlcad (to our repository at least)
10:45.22 mafm yes, but not from this computer with SVN
10:45.34 brlcad there are commit hooks that validate the mime types
10:45.34 mafm and not with any previous computer either
10:45.52 mafm the hooks are specifically for BRL-CAD?
10:46.02 brlcad so you've only worked with repositories that don't have their mime types enforced
10:46.23 brlcad hooks are always repository specific
10:46.35 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
10:46.38 mafm ah, I see
10:46.39 brlcad moin d_rossberg
10:46.55 mafm now, I set by hand mime-type:text/x-cpp for .cxx
10:46.59 d_rossberg guten morgen!
10:47.11 mafm should I revert it and put as in your .svn/config?
10:47.14 mafm hi d_rossberg
10:49.15 brlcad mafm: it shouldn't matter
10:50.06 brlcad I don't, however, see text/x-cpp as an officially designated IANA mime type
10:50.40 brlcad where's text/plain is
10:51.28 mafm I copied it from here, my fault:
10:51.32 brlcad probably just happens to work out okay because probably most application handlers just key off the entire text/ subset
10:51.49 brlcad mafm: I figured
10:51.57 brlcad that doesn't mean they didn't make up their own mime types
10:52.21 brlcad lots of folks make up mime types without realizing that there's actually an official registration process
10:52.34 brlcad
10:53.08 brlcad there may be some caveat about x- extensions in the rfc, but it's still an unregistered type
10:55.37 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31351 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/main.cxx: Set proper svn:mime-type instead of forged one (copied incorrectly from some web page)
10:56.10 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31352 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (Application.cxx Application.h): Patch for the Application class of 3D Geometry Editor, mostly the RBGui example for OGRE.
10:57.52 mafm google suggestion: Did you mean: text/x-php
10:57.53 mafm :)
11:00.47 brlcad the main point is for proper web-server delivery and web-browser viewing, for with almost all text types are perfectly suited with just text/plain
11:01.09 brlcad it's the binary types that need subtyping for specific handlers
11:01.27 starseeker brlcad: ah, figures
11:02.41 mafm and specially to tag the virus, similar to the "evil bit" :P
11:06.07 starseeker brlcad: I'll switch it to bu_file_exists when I get a chance.
11:10.46 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31353 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (Application.cxx Application.h main.cxx):
11:10.46 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: Revision of the code (WIP) to set it up to BRL-CAD standards: naming
11:10.46 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: conventions, doxygen documentation, ... Also a couple of new functionalities: to
11:10.46 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: not waste CPU when the window is not visible (it seems that my contribution to
11:10.46 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: OGRE a few years ago comes back to me), and making the mouse cursor visible (at
11:10.48 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: least it was not visible in my platform)
11:31.28 mafm what's that jbrlcad thing? a testing implementation in Java? only some portions of the libraries?
11:32.47 brlcad mafm: a testing implementation of a small portion of librt in java
11:34.27 mafm oh, I see
11:38.09 brlcad it includes most of the basic .g file i/o parsing, object and scene management, prep, and raytracing for a few of the primitives
11:44.25 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
11:44.29 mafm is it mature, or testing-but-mostly-dead? :D
11:55.36 mafm I'm wondering if we can submit this to the repositories (default font that RBGui is using): Version 1.00 - Trebuchet MS version 1.00 was added to our collection of 'Core fonts for the Web' on 11 October 1996. Version 1.00 was also included in the Internet Explorer supplemental font pack.
11:56.05 mafm it's available from here:
11:56.40 mafm and Corefonts project is licensed under GPL
11:58.54 mafm from RPM spec: License: Spec file is GPL, binary rpm is gratis but non-distributable
11:59.30 mafm %description
11:59.30 mafm The TrueType core fonts for the web that was once available from
11:59.30 mafm The src rpm is cleverly
11:59.30 mafm constructed so that the actual fonts are downloaded from Sourceforge's site
11:59.30 mafm at build time. Therefore this package technically does not 'redistribute'
11:59.31 mafm the fonts, it just makes it easy to install them on a linux system.
12:01.14 mafm (I go to lunch, be back in a bit)
12:04.59 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
12:19.43 brlcad mafm: neither .. it works, has been tested and works well as a design, but was mostly just an experiment
12:20.17 brlcad the OO organization is actually a very nice model for how to go about designing our new C++ API
12:20.33 brlcad and will likely be joining your work in the rt^3 module soon
12:22.10 brlcad mafm: no, gpl is a no-no .. go with the bitstream vera fonts
12:22.53 brlcad there are others, but that one isn't very desirable
12:47.47 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
13:21.21 mafm oki
13:21.50 mafm where should they go, misc/gd3/ ?
14:16.49 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31354 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: add note about needed fix for rtweight
14:20.34 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
14:20.48 andrecastelo hey
14:22.16 mafm wb andrecastelo
14:22.22 andrecastelo hi mafm
14:26.29 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
14:31.56 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
14:32.29 mafm andrecastelo_: you're infringing andrecastelo's copyright
14:32.44 andrecastelo_ mafm: hahaha
15:05.26 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:34.58 andrecastelo hey ``Erik.. i'm thinking about the implementation of the rayhit function right now
15:35.10 andrecastelo the idea is to record each hit point in a point_list
15:35.16 andrecastelo then apply the mutation algorithm and so on
15:36.49 andrecastelo but rayhit will call rt_shootray() again, and how can i pass a point_list to be used without using global variables?? since rayhit()'s parameters are predetermined?
16:08.42 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * r31355 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/sph/sph_brep.cpp: fixed header. removed opennurbs_circle.h include
16:11.41 poolio brlcad: isn't this naming scheme a bit redundant? :)
16:15.25 mafm <brlcad> no. no.
16:22.23 brlcad poolio: what naming scheme?
16:27.31 mafm some classes that I'm using need to access other classes, which are in principle known to have only one instance
16:28.13 mafm I'm wondering if you prefer me to use Singletons, or to pass pointers when creating those classes, or don't care about that and it's up to me?
16:31.33 poolio brlcad: the primitives/xxx/[xxx.c,xxx_brep.cpp]
17:39.23 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
17:56.22 poolio brlcad: for arbn, does it make sense to duplicate a lot of the code in tess? In terms of solving for vertices, edges, faces, etc...
18:07.13 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (n=homovulg@
18:08.14 homovulgaris back finally :D
18:09.09 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
18:09.22 homovulgaris yikes No rule to make target nurb_basis.c
18:20.21 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31356 10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h: Added information about which files use struct rt_pt_node.
18:23.35 brlcad mafm: basically it's a judgement call -- it shouldn't be whether you *need* only one but whether you think you absolute *have to* limit it to only ever one instance
18:24.04 brlcad like a network socket manager is usually a good case for a singleton
18:25.31 brlcad poolio: is usually doesn't make sense to duplicate code .. could abstract up into src/librt/primitives it if you need the same functionality in two places
18:26.10 brlcad but given the data types are different, they're not necessarily duplicated beyond the algorithm for tess() so your call
18:26.16 brlcad wb homovulgaris
18:30.02 poolio brlcad: I mean it's a similar algorithm, but the structures used and what not are different. I could probably call tess(), get the structures, and work with them, but the prototype for brep() doesn't have everything that the current tess() implementation requires. So I think I will go ahead and rip it out
18:31.32 brlcad poolio: if the tolerances aren't used, you could still call tess
18:32.36 brlcad if they are used, you could define your own tolerance values and/or get at the global ones through other means (like adding them to the param list or they may be reachable through deeply through one of the other args)
18:42.58 poolio brlcad: alright, I'll have to think about it a bit more
18:44.00 mafm does anybody know if there is a quick way to produce a static build with .la files?
19:07.23 mafm nevermind, it seems that I need the .a's anyway
19:08.48 prasad_ heh justin's site is still up
19:23.06 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31357 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/Application.cxx: Setting a new theme, adding a cursor, instantiating the console
19:24.07 poolio mafm: so you're using .cxx for C++ files?
19:28.38 mafm it's in the HACKING guide
19:28.53 mafm it's the first time that I use it, I always used .cpp before
19:37.50 poolio mafm: I don't see it in HACKING...I normally use .cpp and there's only one .cxx file in trunk and many .cpp files
19:38.43 mafm erm... then it's the files already existing in the module
19:38.50 mafm all of them are with .cxx
19:39.14 poolio Oh, you raen't working out of brlcad trunk....nevermind
19:39.40 mafm it's in HACKING though:
19:39.42 mafm [20:39] <mafm@lnsys17> ~/soc2008-brlcad/rt^3-trunk $ grep cxx HACKING
19:39.42 mafm C files use the .c extension. C++ files use the .cxx extension.
19:40.09 mafm (I don't know if HACKING is the same in both modules, though)
19:40.28 pacman87 timothy@HAL9000:~/brlcad/brlcad$ cat HACKING | grep cpp
19:40.28 pacman87 files use the .cpp extension. PHP files use the .php extension.
19:41.30 mafm erm
19:41.36 mafm it's brlcad's fault
19:41.42 mafm hides behind the table
19:46.14 poolio pacman87: I used to do that all the time ... try grep cpp HACKING :)
19:47.13 pacman87 timothy@HAL9000:~/brlcad/brlcad$ grep cpp -A 2 -B 1 HACKING
19:47.13 pacman87 C files use the .c extension. Header files use the .h extension. C++
19:47.13 pacman87 files use the .cpp extension. PHP files use the .php extension.
19:47.13 pacman87 Tcl/Tk files use the .tcl/.tk extensions. POSIX Bourne-style shell
19:47.13 pacman87 scripts use the .sh extension.
19:47.33 poolio I would guess that using .cpp is more desirable but I'd wait for word from brlcad. I'm guessing they originally had the same HACKING and then rt^3 was pulled out and the HACKING file neglected
19:48.13 pacman87 check the svn log to see which one changed, and when?
19:49.56 mafm well, with SVN is trivial to change them (and not losing history, etc), so no problem
19:52.13 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:52.36 pacman87 hi clock_
19:54.42 clock_ hi
19:57.10 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31358 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Change file checking in tire procdb to use bu_file_exists
20:05.39 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31359 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (GuiConsole.cxx GuiConsole.h): Commiting work done so far in the class creating and managing the Console window. It works with some glitches (probably fault of the input system) but it's still lacking functionality.
20:06.48 mafm see you tomorrow, people!
20:10.31 andrecastelo ``Erik: should ap->one_hit be set? so the ray shooting stops on the first hit? is there anything else regarding ap->one_hit?
20:11.12 andrecastelo nevermind, it's already set
21:02.39 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
21:48.51 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
22:26.16 brlcad andrecastelo: that's a design consideration you could take into account in your algorithm
22:26.28 brlcad it would actually be an interesting extension of mlt global illumination
22:26.56 brlcad and a nifty performance boost as we can do full-shotline ray-tracing at only a fraction the overhead of one hit
22:27.18 brlcad that said, you should probably get it working with one hit before thinking about that :)
22:28.32 andrecastelo yeah, thought the same thing.. i'm taking a look at the callback functions in view.c, to understand the code that is common to both view and viewmlt
22:28.57 andrecastelo the idea is to store each hitpoint in a point list, what do you think?
22:29.42 andrecastelo also, how can i pass the point list address to the rayhit() function, without using global variables?
22:30.42 andrecastelo i thought of adding a pointer to a mlt app structure, inside the application structure, what do you think?
22:30.44 brlcad sounds like a plan
22:31.06 brlcad the application struct has a couple points you can use
22:31.18 *** join/#brlcad cad38 (
22:31.25 brlcad s/points you can use/user-provided pointers you can set/
22:31.37 brlcad userptr or something
22:31.54 brlcad you can make that an addrss to your struct, and then you'll have access to it in the callback
22:33.39 andrecastelo nifty!
22:33.48 andrecastelo a gen_ptr, right ?
22:34.52 andrecastelo thanks, brlcad
22:46.36 brlcad sounds about right
22:47.03 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (n=Matthew@
23:36.01 ``Erik uhm, one_hit is set for all optical rendering, I think, uhmmmmm, you might look at the glass shader to see how the secondary rays for reflection/refraction, maybe? (brlcad is gonna poopoo that idea, I bet)
23:37.36 ``Erik src/optical/refract.c ?

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