IRC log for #brlcad on 20080616

00:06.33 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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01:06.59 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:27.53 *** join/#brlcad vedge ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:33.50 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:19.44 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:38.52 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:39.30 brlcad wee
03:14.55 andrecastelo weeee
03:14.57 andrecastelo :D
03:15.19 andrecastelo hey brlcad , what should i do about functions used both in view.c and viewmlt.c ?
03:15.55 andrecastelo for example, i'm going to use scanlines, so free_scanlines() is a nice function to have.. external header?
03:27.47 brlcad what do you mean used in both? viewmlt is a separate version of view
03:28.06 brlcad utility funcs that view happens to use?
03:28.12 brlcad or actual callbacks?
03:28.52 andrecastelo utility functions that will be useful in viewmlt, as the view_pixel function will be pretty similar
03:30.23 brlcad okay, well for that particular example .. I'd move the scanline struct and the free_scanlines into their own scanline.h/scanline.c files, and reuse
03:30.51 brlcad and make a pairing alloc_scanlines() to match the free (presently is inline in view_init2 i think)
03:31.11 brlcad other funcs, depends what they do :)
04:23.15 starseeker raises eyebrows at Intel's demo of raytraced quake...
04:41.25 andrecastelo ok, i'm going to add scanline.c and .h
04:41.46 andrecastelo but here in the makefile, there is a line 'EXTRA_PROGRAMS = rtmlt'
04:41.56 andrecastelo rtmlt isn't included in the build ?
04:43.55 andrecastelo ok, checked the log
04:44.23 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
05:23.43 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31410 10/brlcad/trunk/ (7 files in 3 dirs):
05:23.43 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: Added files scanline.c and scanline.h, to contain functions and definitions of
05:23.43 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: scanline, that are shared by view.c and viewmlt.c. Updated msvc9 build files and
05:23.43 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: the Moved and modified free_scanlines() function to work with
05:23.43 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: parameters (int height and struct scanline* scanline). Updated view_pixel()
05:23.45 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: function in viewmlt.c and made some other minor changes in the file.
05:36.10 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31411 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ (scanline.c scanline.h view.c viewmlt.c): Added alloc_scanlines(int, struct scanline*) function and made appropriate changes in view.c and viewmlt.c.
05:38.22 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31412 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/view.c: Removed commented code (that is now alloc_scanlines() ).
05:58.57 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:22.03 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:17.28 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r31413 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ libremrt needs stuff moved to scanline. Remove the EXTRA_PROGRAMS thing
09:54.51 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
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10:29.30 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
10:35.23 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r31414 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/CMakeLists.txt:
10:35.23 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: include new constraint object import export functionality in CMake build
10:35.23 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: we need to include libpc too if any function from this library will be used here
10:59.42 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:00.22 mafm hai
11:04.53 andrecastelo hai mafm
11:06.04 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
11:17.44 andrecastelo hey ``Erik good morning :D
11:21.31 brlcad howdy folks
11:23.47 ``Erik well, it's A morning, that's for sure :)
11:24.30 mafm A morning?
11:24.34 ``Erik andre: you might have to tweak the msvc proj file to include scanline.c in libremrt (in src/rt)
11:24.57 ``Erik I ran into missing symbol issues in src/remrt
11:26.06 ``Erik half wonders if some of those functions might be better held in librt
11:28.57 brlcad andrecastelo: changes look good, one thing though -- you can use "make distcheck" to do a sanity check when adding new files (needs header)
11:29.29 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
11:30.18 ``Erik heh, doh, I missed that, too :)
11:30.27 andrecastelo hmm ok ok
11:32.11 andrecastelo libremrt ?
11:32.40 andrecastelo or librt ?
11:35.00 ``Erik libremrt in src/rt/
11:35.10 ``Erik used by src/remrt/
11:36.30 ``Erik patched it earlier (couple hours ago)
11:37.21 andrecastelo ah so it's a new lib?
11:37.59 andrecastelo o.O
11:38.01 ``Erik uhm, not... new... it's been in src/rt/ as a noinst for quite a while, src/remrt uses it for a lot of rt guts...
11:38.40 andrecastelo ok, i'll setup a new project in msvc
11:38.53 ``Erik basically rt as a library, so remrt can re-use that code (stuff that might be better in librt *cough*)
11:39.04 ``Erik you don't build src/remrt/ in msvc?
11:39.23 andrecastelo let me see
11:50.37 andrecastelo apparently not o.O
11:54.12 andrecastelo this is weird
11:54.34 ``Erik ?
11:55.18 ``Erik huzzah for bad system calls in ld
12:00.34 andrecastelo remrt is described in src/rt/, right ?
12:00.39 andrecastelo looks
12:01.12 ``Erik libremrt is in src/rt/, remrt is in src/remrt/
12:01.33 ``Erik remrt uses libremrt to crib rt functionality
12:04.25 ``Erik straps some shoes on and drives to "that place", bbiab
12:08.16 andrecastelo ``Erik: here's a screenshot of brlcad/brlcadinstall/lib
12:44.36 brlcad mafm: you received my memo?
12:46.43 brlcad it was basically "check out wmii", there may even be code that you could use (it's certainly small enough) and it has many of the same usability traits as IOE
12:57.16 mafm memo?
12:57.21 mafm ah, IRC one
13:02.04 mafm lol
13:02.04 mafm the p9 window manager
13:12.29 ``Erik andré, libremrt is a compile time convenience library, it is not intended to be installed.
13:14.19 mafm brlcad: did you use wmii?
13:17.00 brlcad mafm: i've used it before (long time ago)
13:18.21 brlcad I'm just not at a linux desktop frequently these days it seems, one of the other devs uses it fairly regularly
13:18.32 andrecastelo ``Erik: i'm having trouble setting it up
13:18.40 brlcad (the ioe guy)
13:19.02 andrecastelo i've created a new project for libremrt, exports a .dll.. but it's having some problem compiling
13:19.29 brlcad you shouldn't need a libremrt
13:19.41 brlcad that's just the easy way to put it together in automake
13:19.50 mafm which is the interesting part in our perspective? the general layout? the taskbar at the bottom? the tiling of windows?
13:20.20 brlcad mafm: "yes"
13:20.26 andrecastelo the thing is that remrt isn't there as a vcproj file either
13:20.48 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31415 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/librt/librt.vcproj: Added pc_constraint.c to build.
13:21.33 brlcad it has many of the same usability conventions, tiled windows, tabbed contexts, quasi-shaded windows, full keyboard navigation, task/info bar, etc
13:22.22 ``Erik um, if remrt is put in, it should have, uhm, all the sources used by libremrt included... like, uh, ...\src\rt\view.c ...\src\rt\shotline.c ... etc
13:22.39 andrecastelo hm ok
13:22.49 ``Erik looks at the mail list
13:23.14 ``Erik tjyang is the one who was arguing for LaTeX instead of docbook?
13:24.01 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31416 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc9/librt/librt.vcproj: Added pc_constraint.c to librt.
13:24.19 andrecastelo ``Erik: yup
13:24.37 mafm I see
13:24.44 ``Erik thinks someone is looking for a large helping of "patches accepted"
13:24.52 mafm I'll try to check it out, but I'm fighting with cmake at the moment :)
13:24.55 ``Erik or, welcome, rather
13:26.46 mafm latex? he must be a mad physicist
13:31.28 ``Erik "Can god code something so unusable even he can't use it? No, but I can and so can you:"
13:32.32 andrecastelo lol
13:33.12 andrecastelo "We offer opportunities around the world to make an impact with the next generation of technology we're building today."
13:33.16 andrecastelo s/building/copying
13:37.19 mafm s/copying/borking
13:42.15 starseeker LaTeX does offer easier customization on the output side, but that's probably not worth the tradeoff
13:42.42 starseeker is still early on the Docbook learning curve, in some respects
13:42.55 ``Erik <3 LaTeX for print, and it's web thing isn't too terrible, but has seen docbook work damn well, too *shrug*
13:43.18 starseeker is rather surprised by the apparent lack of "here's how to write a docbook file and get a pdf" step by step
13:45.38 mafm well, certainly docbook is more writer-friendly :D
13:45.44 ``Erik has seen jade->pdf shtuff
13:45.51 mafm for non-english texts especially
13:46.58 starseeker ``Erik: Occasionally, but not like I would expect - Docbook's "get up and go" threshold is fairly high as compared to LaTeX's
13:47.24 starseeker reflects that it does help that ALL of the TeX tools are usually crammed into one huge installation
13:47.54 ``Erik pheer the teTeX
13:48.05 ``Erik which I guess is deprecated now? heh
13:48.11 starseeker :-)
13:48.19 starseeker pheer the TeXlive
13:48.41 ``Erik lets his package management system worry about all that for him, is old and lazy
13:49.09 starseeker I think to do DocLive you would have to bundle java, xml tools, fop, the stylesheets, and lord knows what else
13:49.14 starseeker does too
13:49.44 starseeker To date, the only successfully running toolchain for docbook that I have working is on my Gentoo box (yay portage!)
13:51.01 starseeker meh - firebird seems to be using ant
13:53.40 starseeker doesn't want to use ant - I'll concede java as a necessity for fop, but arrgh...
13:53.57 starseeker alright, what are they up to here...
13:54.08 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31417 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/rt/rt.vcproj: Added scanline.c to build.
14:03.03 mafm about the rt^3 module... should I consider g3d a separate project?
14:03.32 mafm I mean so that you can build g3d but not other utilities/whatever inside there
14:32.19 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
14:37.35 starseeker brlcad: do we want to keep all docbook documentation build results (html, pdf, etc.) in the share directory or should we make a /usr/local/doc/brlcad/7.12.4 type layout?
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15:38.58 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
15:49.55 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
15:56.19 louipc starseeker: I'd say leave them in the same place as the .xml after make, then put them into brlcad/doc or brlcad/share/doc on `make install`
15:58.45 louipc starseeker: err I wasn't paying attention. Yeah keep them under the brlcad root please :D
16:43.46 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (n=homovulg@
16:44.25 homovulgaris hi all :)
16:44.47 louipc hi
16:44.55 pacman87 hello
16:45.33 homovulgaris hi pacman how is it going ? :)
16:45.54 homovulgaris hi louipc
16:46.05 louipc what's up yo
16:46.15 pacman87 pretty good. putting the finishing touches on hyp, then optimizing everything
16:46.33 homovulgaris have been studying gecode structure for sometime.. they are a generic constraint solver
16:46.54 homovulgaris but their architecture is good.. was thinking could use something for geometric constraint solver..
16:47.44 homovulgaris Ideally though i think in effect any constraint solver is in the end generic.. all csps- constraint satisfaction problems can be translated from one "language" to the other
16:48.07 homovulgaris pacman87: how are the plans on sweep going ?
16:48.35 pacman87 i've kinda put them on hold while finishing hyp
16:48.43 pacman87 you have any ideas/suggestions?
16:48.48 homovulgaris how exactly would u be storing the dependence between the existing geometry and the new one ( sweep ) ?
16:49.23 pacman87 i'm planning on using the sketch to store the outline, and i need to find a way to store the path
16:49.35 homovulgaris i mean in the .g .. would it be like a name reference to the sketch object , inside the sweep object repersentation..
16:49.56 pacman87 i need to see how 'extrude' does it
16:50.14 pacman87 becasue that's just a sweep in a straight line
16:50.24 homovulgaris indeed :)
16:50.46 louipc you can extrude a sketch?
16:51.14 pacman87 louipc: what else would you do with a sketch?
16:52.45 louipc sketch in 2d I suppose
16:52.53 pacman87 louipc: yes
16:53.37 louipc but that's cool
16:54.01 homovulgaris brlcad: i checked out boost interval library.. not very confident it is useful in csp solving .. though still keeping it as an option now..basically the type of intervals i need are for example if x belong to (3,4) and (4,5) the effective domain should be shown as (3,5) or in a sense (3,4) + (4,5) = (3,5) set union basically .. whereas interval arithmetic is basically (3,4) + (4,5) =(7,9) basically the domain of x+y if x and y belong to the respect
16:54.01 homovulgaris ive ranges
16:54.10 homovulgaris oops :)
16:54.38 homovulgaris pacman87: what are sketches themselves made of ?
16:55.01 homovulgaris hmm i should read mk_sketch
16:55.08 homovulgaris is there one ?
16:55.13 pacman87 not sure
16:55.26 pacman87 src/librt/primitives/sketch/sketch.c
17:02.14 homovulgaris hmm.. splines
17:02.14 homovulgaris for the constraints thingy i mentioned
17:03.06 homovulgaris brlcad: so basically i am writing the interval class myself whose list<> makes the domain
17:05.42 homovulgaris pacman: sketches dont have to be closed right?
17:06.02 homovulgaris pacman87: and u intend the sweep path to be a 3d curve right ?
17:06.23 pacman87 i dont think you can sweep an open sketch
17:06.31 pacman87 and sweep path will be 3d
17:06.57 louipc I guess it depends on how you sweep it eh?
17:07.18 homovulgaris i mean we can sweep an open sketch right ?
17:07.41 pacman87 how would you get a 3d solid from sweeping an open sketch?
17:07.46 louipc if you're just sweeping along one axis it could be open
17:07.55 homovulgaris and regarding 3d i mean ofcourse minimally it would be a 2d curve and maximally 3d :)
17:07.59 louipc like turning on a lathe
17:08.07 homovulgaris hmmm..
17:08.30 homovulgaris thats revolve right ?
17:09.01 pacman87 if you sweep an open sketch, you end up with a surface, not a solid, right?
17:09.13 homovulgaris yeah
17:10.43 pacman87 a closed sketch is already a surface, so sweeping that gives you the soldi
17:10.46 pacman87 solid
17:12.03 andrecastelo ``Erik: :O
17:13.58 homovulgaris yikes.. this iterator thingy is getting on my nerves i better get back to kicking some c++ butt
17:13.58 homovulgaris defining ur own containers is so much like writing a manual :(
17:14.02 homovulgaris true
17:14.14 homovulgaris pacman87: have u seen this page ?
17:15.49 homovulgaris andrecastelo: huh :O no time.h ??? 0.o
17:16.19 andrecastelo apparently no! hehehe
17:16.23 ``Erik neato
17:16.35 ``Erik netdb.h may be handled by winsock.h on windows, I d'no
17:18.45 andrecastelo ``Erik: its weird though, that a module such as remrt wasn't present in the solution file
17:18.50 andrecastelo msvc 9 solution file*
17:27.22 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03pacman87 * r31418 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/hyp/hyp.c: implement curve() for hyp, hyp is now fully functional
17:27.44 pacman87 optimizations, here i come!
17:29.09 ``Erik *shrug* the msvc8 stuff was not ALL of BRL-CAD, bob's still working on making more build on win32
17:29.26 ``Erik and remrt/rtsrv should probably be modified to use libpkg instead of direct sockets
17:47.34 andrecastelo ah ok ok
17:47.50 andrecastelo should i commit the changes?
17:54.31 brlcad starseeker: I believe docs are covered by the --data-dir setting, so somewhere under there
17:54.55 brlcad (which is what the's in doc/ already do iirc
18:07.26 brlcad homovulgaris: I realize that it wasn't exactly what you needed, but you can get that different range through different operators .. but more a thought of what structures you could leverage
18:07.38 brlcad instead of growing everything from scratch, which will be tough
18:07.46 brlcad (but also viable solution)
18:10.39 brlcad pacman87: I believe extrudes just use a vector, you'l probably want to use spline paths for sweeping (maybe struct curve's)
18:11.50 pacman87 brlcad: i was referring more to how the sketch is stored for the extrude
18:12.13 brlcad it's "not"
18:12.22 brlcad sketches are independent objects
18:12.27 brlcad extrudes refer to them by name
18:13.04 pacman87 right, that's what i'm planning for rev/sweep, too
18:13.18 brlcad sounds like a good plan
18:13.55 pacman87 is there a standard set of benchmarks to test my primitive's performance?
18:14.50 brlcad andrecastelo: are you creating a new project for remrt?
18:15.18 brlcad pacman87: not per-primitive
18:15.34 brlcad there are benchmarks that quantify performance for regression purposes
18:15.43 andrecastelo brlcad: yes, created and added the sources of libremrt
18:15.44 brlcad and testing/optimization, etc
18:16.31 brlcad andrecastelo: ah, okay -- those header woes are build system issues -- the sys/time.h header should be wrapped in HAVE_SYS_TIME_H, the netdb.h is probably a missing preprocessor search path
18:17.33 brlcad sweeping a non-closed sketch would be invalid -- we don't deal with zero-thickness surfaces
18:30.45 louipc ah right you might want a hollow object
18:34.18 andrecastelo brlcad: i have a class right now, i'll work on it when i get back :D
18:34.32 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:43.16 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31419 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/ (qray.c setup.c): Temporarily disable qray while transitioning to libged.
19:10.20 brlcad pacman87: there are a few remaining polish points for hyp to be "done", if you're interested
19:10.30 pacman87 brlcad: sure
19:10.56 brlcad nothing critical, you're more than welcome to "move on" too, I can certainly implement them
19:11.43 pacman87 well, i ran into a bug somewhere trying to ev a combination
19:13.58 pacman87 nmg_region_v_unique(): 2 verts are the same, within tolerance
19:17.50 brlcad the ones I noticed are the 'make' comamnd (libged/make.c), 'mirror' (librt/mirror.c), solid edit menu options (mged/edsol.c), and the 'ted' command (mged/tedit.c)
19:18.05 brlcad all are pretty easy
19:18.50 brlcad interesting about unique vertices ..
19:27.14 pacman87 and i'm getting a segfault when raytracing at view.c:1474
19:27.28 pacman87 for all rt's, not just hyp
19:38.29 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31420 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (CMakeLists.txt cmake/ cmake/UsePkgConfig.cmake): Preliminary support for CMake, not working yet
19:53.03 andrecastelo so the professor couldn't go today :S
19:59.56 mafm I feel your sorrow andrecastelo
20:02.58 mafm w00t
20:02.59 mafm cmake is starting to work :)
20:05.19 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
20:08.17 prasad_ applied for graduation :o
20:08.40 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31421 10/brlcad/trunk/src/remrt/rtsrv.c: Wrapped sys/time.h with HAVE_SYS_TIME_H macro.
20:12.09 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31422 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc9/ ( brlcad/brlcad.sln remrt/ remrt/remrt.vcproj): Created remrt project file, with files in src/remrt and the files that belong to libremrt, in src/rt/, and added the .vcproj to the MSVC 9 build.
20:15.59 mafm I go now, bye
20:16.07 brlcad cya mafm
20:16.11 brlcad any progress? :)
20:16.19 mafm it compiles in cmake
20:16.27 brlcad cool
20:16.36 brlcad building just the g3d dir sources?
20:16.39 mafm yes
20:16.47 brlcad okay
20:16.48 mafm I asked about that before, let me find
20:17.10 brlcad should you consider it a separate project? no
20:17.20 mafm <mafm> about the rt^3 module... should I consider g3d a separate project?
20:17.25 mafm <mafm> I mean so that you can build g3d but not other utilities/whatever inside there
20:17.27 brlcad it *is* the project
20:17.46 brlcad the other dirs/folders are very closely related
20:17.59 brlcad the "rt^3" name is just misleading
20:18.02 mafm so basically all the rt^3 "module" is for g3d?
20:21.53 mafm well, be back tomorrow anyway :)
20:21.56 mafm cheers
20:52.00 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (n=homovulg@
21:06.48 pacman87 andrecastelo: i think your changes to view.c broke rt
21:07.44 andrecastelo pacman87: hmm, what's happening? it isn't compiling ?
21:07.59 pacman87 no, it compiles
21:08.03 pacman87 but rt fails
21:08.31 andrecastelo seg fault?
21:08.34 pacman87 yeah
21:12.12 andrecastelo hm, did you try reverting ?
21:12.44 pacman87 yeah, it works for rev 31409
21:15.01 andrecastelo ok, i'll take a look
21:31.35 andrecastelo ok, fixed
21:31.44 andrecastelo just reviewing and will commit
21:33.53 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31423 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ (scanline.c scanline.h view.c): Fixed a bug in rt that had to do with scanlines. The memory allocation function now returns a pointer. Checks to see if scanline already exists were added.
21:36.01 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31424 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/viewmlt.c: Fixed scanline functions and added checks in memory allocation. Did some irrelevant formatting and added a bit more to view_pixel().
21:37.40 pacman87 viewmlt.c: In function 'view_pixel':
21:37.40 pacman87 viewmlt.c:184: error: 'width' undeclared (first use in this function)
21:39.37 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31425 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/viewmlt.c: Fixed a minor bug - int width not declared.
21:39.52 andrecastelo my bad :S
21:39.56 andrecastelo did you try rt ?
21:40.06 pacman87 that's why i generally compile before committing
21:40.34 andrecastelo yeah, i do that too, just missed this time
21:41.24 andrecastelo anyways, i'll have to leave now
21:41.28 andrecastelo will be back later
21:41.30 andrecastelo cya
21:41.32 pacman87 bye
22:05.42 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
22:24.20 ``Erik thinks you should compile and try running stuff you may've impacted before compiling
22:24.59 ``Erik like view/viewmlt/scanline shoulda seen test runs of rt, rtmlt and remrt/rtsrv :)
22:26.00 ``Erik er
22:26.03 ``Erik before committing
22:33.02 ``Erik "what good is mining nose-gold if I can't share it with the towns-people???"
22:34.32 andrecastelo ``Erik: yeah Erik, i usually compile stuff and try a few runs (viewarea for example), but totally forgot this time o.O
22:35.00 ``Erik *shrug* eventually, it should become pretty much automatic, muscle-memory
22:35.14 andrecastelo i'll work on it ;)
22:35.17 ``Erik but I've committed without even doing the "does it compile" test just recently, so'z *shrug* :) it happens
22:38.13 ``Erik nice, a bf2c compiler written in bf
22:38.19 ``Erik
22:48.04 poolio howdy all
22:49.15 ``Erik greetings, ben
22:51.02 poolio ah it is quite bizarre reading my real name on IRC, hi ``Erik. How's the office?
22:53.48 ``Erik the office is 20 miles over that way *point* so I'm happy :D
23:20.25 brlcad yay for problems getting fixed before I get to compile
23:35.40 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow_ (

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