IRC log for #brlcad on 20080621

00:00.26 pacman87 Tempy]_: what's the idea?
00:01.46 pacman87 personally, i think a forum-type system would be best, because it'd be easier to search for questions that have already been answered
00:04.28 Tempy]_ Well, you could add an ajax-based IRC chat system to the website that brings people here. Then (in the unlikely event people aren't able to get the help they need) the bot spits out a key every 15 minutes, use an ajax based chat system to connect with the developers by typing in 3 keys. It gives people a route to the developers, guarantee's it won't be used in haste, and forces them to try IRC before they bother the developers. The
00:05.40 Tempy]_ Not to mention the forums I have about 9 usernames on because I join with some junk e-mail address, give the answer, and leave forgetting my login information.
00:05.42 pacman87 the developer are already in the irc channel
00:05.56 pacman87 devs
00:06.23 Tempy]_ Yeah... I didn't say it was very useful... if you have a very active developer you don't have to worry about it.
00:06.43 pacman87 and from what i can see, you're trying to solve a problem that doesnt' exist
00:07.05 pacman87 ie, not too many people rush in here asking foolish questions
00:07.12 ``Erik nah, the developers are inactive, and we'd never want anything like *cough* O:-)
00:07.32 pacman87 ``Erik: yeah, that too
00:07.35 Tempy]_ It was a survey question on the BRL-cad forum... about how you would rather get help. I'm saying... anything can be made available from the website... IM, IRC, anything.
00:07.45 Tempy]_ Sorry... BRL-cad website
00:07.51 pacman87 IRC already is available
00:08.35 pacman87 and your idea assumes theres a 'dev' channel and a 'users' channel
00:08.51 Tempy]_ Ah... you beat me to the punch... by over 2 years it looks like.
00:09.11 Tempy]_ Well... then I think I'll ask an actual question about the source of BRL-cad.
00:09.55 ``Erik I think the irc page has been up for mroe than 2 years, the CGI was last updated on that date, I think
00:12.01 Tempy]_ Cool... CGI... hmm. The question is... hypothetically... how complicated would it be to pull out the CSG system of BRL-cad... it's... the only open source CSG system I could find. And... is it even possible? (I intend to make a level editor for a game engine... well... actually... I intend to fail miserably... but go out giving it everything I have and maybe learn a lot).
00:13.01 ``Erik it's mostly contained in include and src/libt, might not be too difficult to extract
00:13.31 pacman87 librt?
00:13.36 ``Erik however; it does not generate new geometry by itself, it modifies the way evaluation... so it might not do what you want it to
00:13.56 ``Erik yeah, like comb.c for the boolweave
00:14.08 Tempy]_ *Hallelujah, angels sing... FINALLY!* .... Um... hmm... what do you mean?
00:14.12 ``Erik er, bool.c
00:15.23 ``Erik csg evaluation only happens in resolving a ray into a partition list. After all the primitives along the ray are evaluated. ray-trace time only.
00:15.48 ``Erik one of the future projects is NURBS on NURBS evaluation to resolve a new geometry, but that's future work
00:16.41 Tempy]_ Actually, I'm waiting for swept surfaces from google summer of code.
00:16.58 pacman87 Tempy]_: that'd be my project :)
00:17.18 ``Erik we can do final evaluation via the nmg stuff when you convert CSG geometry into triangles (like in the g-stl or g-adrt convertes)
00:17.45 Tempy]_ GO PACMAN!!!! I'm rootin for ya!
00:17.50 ``Erik but the nmg stuff needs... help :) buggy and not so very well maintained
00:18.16 pacman87 what are you plannign on doing with sweeps?
00:18.25 Tempy]_ I wish I could help but I can't even figure out how to do collision detection of swept surfaces unless they're circles in parallel...
00:19.06 Tempy]_ Oh... mostly learn... and CSG... swept surfaces allow for pipes, roots, and other complex structures.
00:19.30 ``Erik if you're thinking about using it in game stuff, you probably want to reduce it to triangles for opengl or direct3d, and cd against triangles is well known? :)
00:20.52 pacman87 right now i'm planning on a single 2d cross section swept along a 3d spline path
00:21.55 Tempy]_ Well... I'm planning on leaving the CSG layer in the engine for collision detection in the environment. Collision detection for triangles is well known... but HELL... convex hulls are used to narrow down the areas for collision detection... but detecting if a convex hull hits another one... or if one circle hits a square is a lot simpler... from there it's boolean logic.
00:23.03 Tempy]_ Aigea Physx can't actually do triangle mesh to triangle mesh collision detection!!!!!!!
00:23.13 Tempy]_ AT... ALL!!!!
00:28.18 Tempy]_ Hmm... though it's only really quick and effective for points... which is why it works very well to collide the triangle mesh of the player with the CSG object.
00:29.28 ``Erik flips over to "code monkeys"
01:15.57 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31524 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/book/ ( VolumeII.xml): VolII in docbook is already in better shape - remove this one
02:32.45 punkrockgirl i'm djing if anyone cares to listen
02:32.49 punkrockgirl
02:33.13 punkrockgirl i am having some mic issues though so i cant talk... which sucks... but i can take requests, and i have a lot of stuff that isnt on that playlist too
02:33.53 punkrockgirl and brlcad: i can play that request of yours from last week, i was done by the time you asked for it last week, so let me know if youre listening
03:13.00 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31525 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ (3 files in 2 dirs): ids need to be unique for pdf book generation. Default formatting is bad but this does generate a pdf now.
03:14.59 starseeker is going to have to resize all the volII images - fop doesn't seem to be using the scaling info.
04:03.51 yukonbob punkrockgirl: how long are you on for?
04:04.37 yukonbob (and is the music punk?)
04:04.46 yukonbob (or opera?)
04:05.00 yukonbob hello, cadheadas
04:05.04 yukonbob *cadheads
04:05.41 punkrockgirl lol
04:05.47 punkrockgirl more punk, less opera
04:05.51 punkrockgirl another hour
04:06.07 punkrockgirl actually more rock than anything
04:07.32 punkrockgirl i have a half correct playlist on the site
04:07.35 yukonbob tries to tune in...
04:08.20 punkrockgirl sweet :)
04:08.49 yukonbob ah -- /me adjusts firewall
04:09.07 punkrockgirl :P
04:09.17 punkrockgirl youre missing alice in chains
04:10.36 yukonbob you can't shake me 'round now...
04:10.43 punkrockgirl :D
04:11.18 yukonbob so -- what's the setup that you DJ with?
04:11.26 punkrockgirl well, winamp
04:11.27 punkrockgirl :)
04:11.42 punkrockgirl and a crappy headset that seems to not want to work tonight so i have no mic
04:12.05 yukonbob hrmm... and you just stream once to a server to stage it and serve it?
04:12.16 punkrockgirl pretty much
04:12.21 yukonbob nods
04:13.09 punkrockgirl weird it skipped a song
04:13.13 punkrockgirl winamp hates me
04:13.21 yukonbob Windows hates everybody
04:13.25 punkrockgirl i know
04:13.32 punkrockgirl erik keeps telling me that
04:13.50 yukonbob you need to code your own OS by hand, in assembler, like everybody in #brlcad has...
04:13.57 punkrockgirl hahaha
04:13.58 punkrockgirl yeah
04:14.06 punkrockgirl i'll get on that
04:14.22 punkrockgirl i'm just here to stalk erik :)
04:14.39 punkrockgirl lol
04:14.40 yukonbob well... don't let me hold you up...
04:15.16 punkrockgirl :P
04:15.50 yukonbob this reminds me of Sublime... is it?
04:15.54 punkrockgirl actually im here to give you guys good music :)
04:15.56 punkrockgirl its phish
04:16.04 punkrockgirl this song is sublime-ish
04:16.11 yukonbob mmm -- i'm not a phishhead, but when I hear it, I like it.
04:16.16 punkrockgirl i could play some sublime
04:16.25 yukonbob put on some old punky REM
04:16.32 punkrockgirl i wish my mic worked *sigh*
04:16.35 yukonbob something from Reckoning
04:16.42 punkrockgirl oh, i'll try
04:16.55 yukonbob this is no try. only do, or do not.
04:16.57 punkrockgirl most my rem is on tapes and when i try to find it it doesnt work
04:17.01 punkrockgirl lol, ok :)
04:17.19 yukonbob or something from Document.
04:18.39 punkrockgirl damn it wont play my weezer
04:23.19 punkrockgirl not having much rem luck :/
04:23.27 punkrockgirl i have a playlist on that site
04:26.53 yukonbob checks playlist
04:26.57 punkrockgirl :)
04:31.47 yukonbob hey -- does that Clutch cowboy bebop have anything to do w/ the Cowboy Bebop cartoon?
04:34.14 punkrockgirl i believe its from the soundtrack
04:34.40 punkrockgirl or not
04:34.42 punkrockgirl im not sure
04:34.47 punkrockgirl im scared to check lol
04:36.28 yukonbob Clutch reminds me of Friday night Arts and Crafts; one town where I used to live, on Fridays we'd go over to a friends house, make dinner, drink beer, listen to Clutch and do arts and crafts.
04:37.42 punkrockgirl hehehe
04:37.59 punkrockgirl sounds awesome
04:38.00 punkrockgirl :D
04:38.22 punkrockgirl reminds me i need a beer :D brb
04:41.42 punkrockgirl :P
04:42.47 punkrockgirl this isnt very punk
04:42.48 punkrockgirl :)
04:44.45 yukonbob hey -you've got REM Pretty Persuasion on your list
04:45.13 punkrockgirl oh
04:45.17 punkrockgirl :P ok its next :)
04:47.37 yukonbob STP Interstate Love Song or Sour Girl get votes from me too (STP are great, but their "slow" songs are super-great, imo)
04:48.04 yukonbob whatever -- it's your show... /me needs a beer too
04:48.23 yukonbob heh
04:48.50 punkrockgirl i agree, stp was the first band i saw live
04:48.58 punkrockgirl well, the first good band... ;P
04:49.22 yukonbob doesn't remember who his first band was...
04:49.30 yukonbob but saw REM for Monster
04:50.08 yukonbob Alice in Chains at one of the Lollapalooza tours (and Ministry, Ice-T, etc., etc.)
04:50.14 punkrockgirl nice
04:50.18 yukonbob big tours like that are the way to see music
04:50.25 punkrockgirl i never got to see rem or alice in chains
04:50.29 punkrockgirl i saw ministry
04:50.51 punkrockgirl my stp show was a long time ago, they opened for butthole surfers
04:50.58 yukonbob remembers Jesus and Mary Chain were at that Lollapalooza too, and were *SO* loud.
04:51.02 punkrockgirl lol, nice
04:51.14 yukonbob wow stp + bhs -- good show.
04:51.22 punkrockgirl yeah it was cool :)
04:51.30 yukonbob "Ministry Stole my Hotrod"
04:52.40 punkrockgirl ;D
04:55.41 yukonbob is Tori Amos' Choirgirl Hotel a good album?
04:57.05 punkrockgirl all tori amos is good
04:57.21 punkrockgirl althoug i personally like the older ones better
04:57.37 punkrockgirl but thats because i dont get a chance to enjoy it as much as i used to i suppose
04:58.30 yukonbob got into her w/ Little Earthquakes and Under the Pink, and for UtP is a highmark
04:58.48 yukonbob *and for me, UtP...
04:59.15 punkrockgirl yeah
04:59.26 yukonbob lol
04:59.32 punkrockgirl i saw her in concert a bunch
04:59.46 yukonbob ticky tick tick of a gun.
04:59.52 punkrockgirl back when i went to concerts
04:59.56 yukonbob has never seen Tori, but imagines it would be good.
05:00.02 punkrockgirl yeah, she was awesome
05:00.13 yukonbob lives in the Big City again, so should try to take time to see music
05:04.45 punkrockgirl good idea :)
05:05.00 punkrockgirl lol, there is this guy in my wow guild freaking out from that ministry song
05:05.06 punkrockgirl so i'm trying to make him explode
05:06.01 punkrockgirl he must like kenny g
05:09.02 punkrockgirl its some poor 17year old kid
05:09.09 punkrockgirl who has never listened to music apparently
05:15.31 yukonbob this really reminds me of buckethead
05:17.06 punkrockgirl oh
05:17.19 punkrockgirl yeah
05:17.24 punkrockgirl they did stuff together
05:17.33 yukonbob ah -- no wonder, then.
05:17.37 punkrockgirl :)
05:59.33 *** join/#brlcad aten (
06:01.18 aten hello, I'm trying t build brl-cas under fedora8. make complains about "undefined reference to `TclReFree"
06:01.29 aten am I missing some package?
06:01.42 aten err brl-cad
06:06.29 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
06:18.04 yukonbob aten: sounds like error linking in tcl libs
06:18.31 yukonbob ReFree makes me think regexp, but I doubt it matters about the particulars, Tcl is the issue...
06:19.03 yukonbob you need to make sure you can link against a pre-installed version of Tcl, or that you use the distributed version and link against it...
06:26.32 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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06:40.10 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.49 *** join/#brlcad clock_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.49 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:34.00 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
09:38.14 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
11:37.03 aten yukonbob, uhm... link against it?
11:44.23 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
12:04.15 ``Erik actually, that's an issue of /usr/include not coming before $(top_srcdir)/src/other/tcl/generic/ in the include path, do a "make clean" and reconfigure with --enable-build-tcl --enable-build-tk
12:04.38 ``Erik on fedora 8 even, I've only seen that issue on osX so far :/
12:05.11 ``Erik grouses some more about tcl shadowing a system header name
12:15.06 aten ``Erik, thanks, trying
12:23.01 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
12:34.32 brlcad punkrockgirl: sorry I missed the offer, was a busy offline night
13:08.57 *** part/#brlcad thing0 (
13:27.12 brlcad aten: that problem is fixed in the latest svn sources, there's a change you can manually apply, or you can add --enable-all to configure
14:01.56 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r31526 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/viewmlt.c: photonmap.h required for struct shadework (in light.h)
14:02.32 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r31527 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libbu/argv.c libged/erase.c librtserver/rtserver.c): add missing headers
15:41.33 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
17:02.46 punkrockgirl brlcad: its ok, i think i'm on again from 7-9 cst tonight, although i'm still having mic issues
17:03.30 brlcad aw, no mic :/
17:37.24 punkrockgirl i know, its lame
17:37.40 punkrockgirl i need to mess with it, it was working when i played wow but not when i dj'd so im assuming its a winamp issue
18:28.33 *** join/#brlcad thing1 (
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18:37.56 ``Erik heh, mute button? :>
18:38.51 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:45.55 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03louipc * r31528 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/archlinux/PKGBUILD: Don't strip debugging symbols and keep documentation in Arch Linux package.
19:27.28 brlcad looks like e-mail is finally unstuck.. flowing in like gravy
19:27.46 alex_joni nice and slow?
19:28.12 brlcad constant stream, steady n slow
19:28.22 brlcad basically everything on friday
19:42.03 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
20:10.38 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
20:13.28 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=Timothy@
20:56.24 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31529 10/brlcad/trunk/include/magic.h: change the magic number to PC_CONSTRAINT_INTERNAL_MAGIC to something readable/useful, 'pcim'
20:58.43 *** part/#brlcad louipc (
21:08.18 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31530 10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h: ws
21:15.33 yukonbob hello, cadheads
21:17.34 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31531 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ell/ell.c: use the same parameter names that mged uses (in fact we probably want to refactor edsol to use this)
21:51.00 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (n=homovulg@
21:51.22 homovulgaris hi all :0
21:51.25 homovulgaris :)
21:51.33 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31532 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob added a -C color option to the big E command
21:51.41 homovulgaris ok my 0 key has problems :P
21:53.04 homovulgaris brlcad: check this out ;) maybe u have seen it already
21:53.41 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31533 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/helplib.tcl: help consistency, the options are independently optional
21:54.14 homovulgaris I have been toying with boost graph .. but what i am really looking forward to is a hypergraph system which they don't have.. their ideas in terms of bgl interface is good. but i guess it would probably be better to write a Hypergraph structure similar to their bgl interface
21:54.25 brlcad nope! haven't seen that
21:54.50 brlcad looks like a useful library though
21:55.10 homovulgaris indeed.. maybe not in our constraint thing.. but kinda cool..
21:55.11 brlcad likes
21:55.38 homovulgaris boost had a hypergraph proposal.. didnt proceed i guess..
21:56.59 homovulgaris i am trying to see how their constrained values ideas could fit in my constraint definition system :)
21:57.41 homovulgaris the way in which they generically represent constraints using predicate is neat
21:58.11 brlcad I like the callback overrides, similar to other stl containers
21:58.23 homovulgaris it just came up for formal review yesterday though.. the boost constrained value library
21:58.44 brlcad that looks like it really could be useful actually
21:58.57 brlcad not just for constraints, but especially for them
21:59.50 homovulgaris indeed... :)
22:01.17 brlcad your pc_c_set could return/store/encapsulate a set of constrained<> objects
22:01.50 homovulgaris yeah .. implicit constraints should be easy to implement using constrained<> type
22:02.00 homovulgaris i am still thinking about the explicit ones
22:02.06 brlcad constraining parameters with given things
22:02.49 brlcad there'd presumably be some set of common constraints needed (like vector > 0)
22:03.59 homovulgaris as i see most of the implicit constraints are either domain restricitions like a<vector<b or equality ( vector 1 = vector 2 )
22:04.06 brlcad or pc_c_sets would still be generic, and get converted to those during processing
22:04.56 homovulgaris i was thinking conversion during processing since that would keep c/c++ a little bit segregated
22:05.49 brlcad equality, perpendicularity, |length|, yeah, there's probably just a handful
22:06.15 brlcad yeah, I was thinking the same, not exposing C++ through the C api
22:07.47 homovulgaris btw .. how would we be incorporating the boost headers in our code structure ?
22:08.05 homovulgaris just add the necessary hpps to a folder ?
22:08.29 brlcad src/other/boost
22:08.56 brlcad then defining cppflags in
22:09.46 brlcad libregex is similar, can follow that logic as an example (REGEX_CPPFLAGS in particular, but a few other checks relate)
22:10.03 homovulgaris hmm.. and we wont be adding the whole boost library right.. for example if we are using bgl ( boost graph library) do we include only bgl or those bgl hpps which we want ?
22:10.04 brlcad I can help with that bit if you get stuck
22:10.14 homovulgaris k..
22:11.04 brlcad right, boost on the whole is huge, just the portions that are needed (but do include all the portions needed directly or indirectly)
22:11.38 homovulgaris yeah basically i was planning to add everything connected via includes
22:11.39 brlcad anything in the c++0x subset is easily fair game to include
22:11.58 brlcad do you know if that includes the graphs?
22:13.22 homovulgaris i dont think bgl is in c++0x
22:13.40 homovulgaris eventhough it is quite stable for sometime now
22:13.55 brlcad ../../../src/libpc/pcVariable.h:36:21: error: pcBasic.h: No such file or directory
22:14.05 brlcad probably missing from
22:14.05 homovulgaris and the constrained value has just started undergoing formal review
22:14.11 homovulgaris yikes..
22:14.42 homovulgaris yeah.. but i added it i thought
22:15.07 brlcad well it's not committed :)
22:15.59 brlcad the other updates that were clobbered by r31454 are still missing too ;)
22:16.45 homovulgaris oh.. there were some conflicts.. i manually edited with hand all the files which i changed in r31454.. hmm will check again
22:17.24 homovulgaris basically 31451-31453 right ?
22:17.28 brlcad easiest is probably to svn diff the revisions that preceeded in that dir that day
22:17.36 brlcad probably, something like that
22:17.52 brlcad an svn merge should do the trick
22:18.12 homovulgaris yeah thats what i did svn diff -r 31454:31451 etc.
22:18.40 brlcad reversed range
22:19.03 brlcad something like 31450:31453
22:19.20 brlcad if 51 was the first and 54 the last
22:19.24 brlcad er, 53
22:19.33 homovulgaris oh .. ok :)
22:19.37 brlcad 54 was yours
22:19.58 homovulgaris yeah
22:20.51 homovulgaris hey sean , i will be taveling home on 27th .. 2200 km train journey :P 36 hours will be out of touch during that time :) leave in advance :)
22:21.06 brlcad cool, thanks for letting me know
22:22.06 homovulgaris k.. i'll make the Makefile edits + restore 31450-3 and commit and then start adding a bit of boost
22:22.07 brlcad travelled about double that distance across the US a couple years ago just for fun
22:22.18 brlcad (by train)
22:22.27 homovulgaris hehe.. :)
22:22.36 brlcad absolutely beautiful
22:22.45 homovulgaris i traveled around 6k km when i was 18 ;)
22:23.02 brlcad those can be separate commits, btw :)
22:23.09 brlcad remember, succint more frequent commits
22:23.15 homovulgaris ok :)
22:23.31 brlcad you probably have a dozen queued up if I had to quess
22:23.36 brlcad s/quess/guess/
22:25.00 homovulgaris yeah.. i was reading about the commits on windows build system and realised i have no idea whatsoever about how it works :)
22:26.00 brlcad there are two types of windows builds in the repository, cmake and msvc (8 and 9)
22:26.14 brlcad msvc files are all in misc
22:26.23 brlcad cmake files are distributed, set of CMakeLists.txt
22:26.26 homovulgaris hmm.. cmake mafm was also planning to use right ? for g3d ?
22:26.30 brlcad yeah
22:26.37 brlcad he's got it working
22:27.00 homovulgaris oh i will update and check
22:27.09 brlcad cmake would potentially be interesting for the whole repository, but it'd be several weeks/months of work to replicate what we have
22:27.32 brlcad the dependencies don't build automatic yet, they take some more effort
22:28.21 homovulgaris and sean regarding the posix shell script .. while we do the make arent all of them made to be shell scripts
22:29.17 brlcad que?
22:29.31 brlcad all of them, who? what?
22:29.35 homovulgaris for example when i was doing solver_test or roots_new_test for example.. make was generating shell scripts.. for debuggin i had to manually do the compilation on commandline
22:29.48 brlcad ah
22:29.55 brlcad libtool tutorialage needed
22:30.19 brlcad libtool generates wrapper scripts prior to install that ensures the binary running uses the right libraries
22:30.38 brlcad they are just "preinstall" objects
22:30.53 homovulgaris thought so.. :)
22:31.03 brlcad to debug you can either run make install or run through libtool
22:31.57 brlcad e.g. to debug: ./libtool --mode=execute gdb --args src/libpc/solver_test --your --stuff
22:32.22 homovulgaris hmm.. :) libtool tutorialage needed indeed :)
22:32.23 brlcad or ../../libtool --mode=execute gdb ./solver_test etc
22:32.40 brlcad otherwise, just install and debug as normal
22:33.39 homovulgaris but solver_test etc. are under no_inst right..
22:33.58 brlcad the scripts basically guarantee in a cross-platform manner that when you run solver_test (or rt or mged, etc) that it's using the uninstalled libraries that are in the source tree, and not some other installed or LD_LIBRARY_PATH library that could otherwise override
22:34.06 homovulgaris *noinst
22:35.05 brlcad ah, then you can't install obviously ;)
22:35.12 brlcad the same library problem holds though
22:35.21 homovulgaris yeah i noticed as much.. i mean for example when i was making changes to rt for example make would make the roots_test to use the proper libraries within the make system and not the ones "installed"
22:35.23 brlcad you'd have to make them static to get rid of the wrapper without installing
22:35.45 brlcad (-static LDFLAG)
22:37.35 homovulgaris hmm.. * note to self.. add -O2 or -O3 in the Makefile for optimizing boost
22:37.53 homovulgaris k.. i'll get back to my vim :)
22:37.54 brlcad optimization settings are set in
22:38.01 homovulgaris oh..
22:38.11 brlcad --enable-optimized will turn them on (and destroy your ability to debug)
22:38.17 brlcad at least effectively
22:38.38 homovulgaris hmm.. i will check libregex setup
22:39.04 brlcad yeah, don't worry about compiler flags.. that should all be golden ;) you just need a few cpp flags
22:39.04 homovulgaris and i still have tcl issues :)
22:39.18 brlcad really? that was fixed
22:39.28 brlcad have you ran make clean since?
22:39.43 brlcad the symbols would still be there
22:39.54 homovulgaris lots of times.. :)
22:40.14 homovulgaris it is not a make error.. just version compatibility issue
22:40.38 brlcad ah, not the tclrefree error
22:40.49 homovulgaris nopes :)
22:40.50 brlcad mged failure
22:40.59 homovulgaris yeah
22:41.18 brlcad k, *that* is a different issue --enable-all ;)
22:41.53 homovulgaris yeah i know.. then i get an ogl_ error.. unable to open .. something.. i will get back ;)
22:42.02 brlcad --without-opengl
22:42.48 brlcad that'd be a good one to fix and/or get more info on, it can't readily be debugged without sitting at a box that has the problem
22:43.09 homovulgaris hmmm.. :)
22:43.10 brlcad should add the info to BUGS
22:43.26 brlcad (not the tcl one, the ogl run-time error)
22:44.02 homovulgaris hmm. k
22:44.34 homovulgaris procedural geometry is awesome :)
22:44.46 brlcad indeed
22:44.53 homovulgaris who works on it ?
22:45.01 brlcad what part?
22:45.21 brlcad the src/proc-db examples?
22:45.27 brlcad or libwdb?
22:45.27 homovulgaris yeah
22:45.33 homovulgaris proc-db
22:46.20 brlcad proc-db is usually something students get to work on after getting through the modeling tutorials, various authors
22:46.28 brlcad or devs testing out new bits of functionality
22:46.36 brlcad (like new primitives)
22:46.41 homovulgaris k
22:46.57 homovulgaris plans to read more on libtool
22:47.00 brlcad basically just a bunch of random stuff, some way more cool than others
22:47.26 brlcad the new tire procedure that starseeker worked on is pretty snazzy
22:47.37 homovulgaris :)
22:47.53 homovulgaris thats how i noticed :)
22:48.43 brlcad vegitation can be fun if you seed it the right parameters
22:49.38 homovulgaris the one in stryker ICV is from vegitation ?
22:49.38 brlcad oh, by the way, did I send you this link?
22:50.54 homovulgaris Erik and twingy were talking about adrt and RISE
22:51.32 homovulgaris nope.. checking it out
22:52.23 brlcad no, stryker vegitation is from a nearly identical blender script
22:53.13 homovulgaris the presentation is nice: notes on geometric constraint systems
22:53.14 brlcad at least in function
22:54.06 homovulgaris i hear..with mlt we will have such renders at much less time :)
23:04.43 brlcad mm, not sure about "much less time" unless you include the time it takes to tessellate a model (which can be substantial)
23:05.05 brlcad it should certainly make it a heck of a lot easier
23:23.01 aten brlcad, tell me about the change please, because ``Erik's advise did not help
23:25.06 brlcad aten: edit src/librt/regionfix.c and add "#undef regfree" after all the #include lines
23:26.32 aten brlcad, Done, trying to build. Thanks
23:27.10 aten brlcad, do I have to ise that --enable-all still?
23:27.11 brlcad you may need to rm src/librt/regionfix.lo if it still comes up
23:27.51 aten ther is no src/librt/regionfix.lo, I did make clean
23:27.57 brlcad i'd recommend it at least until you have a full build -- whether it'll work without it depends on what system libraries you have installed (and versions of them)
23:42.45 brlcad totally awesome, on-line ordering to a couple dozen restaurants in about a 30 mile radius
23:43.07 brlcad gets giddy for indian
23:55.19 aten brlcad, sweet! It compiled. installing now. Do you guys ever had a spec file for rpm or something?
23:57.02 brlcad oh, there was one the last time we made actual rpms.. about 4 years ago for release 6
23:57.36 brlcad we have a spec file in misc/brlcad.spec .. but the script to build the rpm isn't there
23:57.39 brlcad and it's untested
23:57.44 brlcad feel free to fix that problem ;)

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