IRC log for #brlcad on 20080703

00:08.19 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
01:05.41 pacman87 woohoo, partial revolves are working now!
01:09.05 pacman87 raytrace;
01:09.15 pacman87 wireframe:
01:10.20 pacman87 now i need to clean up all the commented out, failed code
01:14.58 pacman87 i had to edit my sketch using a hex editor, though
01:15.10 pacman87 i never got g2asc working
01:23.13 pacman87 kicks CIA-22
01:23.14 CIA-22 ow
02:05.17 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:47.15 brlcad pacman87: hah, awesome!
02:47.44 brlcad never got g2asc working??
02:48.14 brlcad as in it didn't work or you didn't see how to edit the sketch or something else?
02:49.14 pacman87
02:49.54 pacman87 revolve angles > 180 still have a bug
02:52.53 brlcad can you pastebin the unknown-3488-bomb.log file?
02:53.48 pacman87
03:05.47 brlcad hrm, looks like it's corrupted somewhere before that point
03:05.55 brlcad can you post the .g somewhere?
03:06.11 pacman87 yeah
03:07.43 pacman87
03:15.42 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
03:25.40 brlcad thanks
03:27.07 brlcad pacman87: huh, that succeeds for me without a hitch .. do you have a modified sketch.c ?
03:27.42 pacman87 no
03:30.36 brlcad tries a linux host
03:39.47 brlcad hm, clean on ubuntu
03:52.55 pacman87 fixed my bug
03:54.06 pacman87 CIA-22 is still dead...
03:54.56 brlcad the bot is alive, but yeah notifications are still down
03:55.10 brlcad I worked on it for a few hours this morning
03:55.35 pacman87 more pretty pictures:
03:55.45 pacman87 and wireframe:
03:55.58 brlcad either the problem is on's end or I totally missed where things are amiss on
03:56.55 brlcad neat :)
03:58.16 brlcad btw, if you'd like a book to help you with revolve or sweep, lemme know
03:58.38 pacman87 do you have a book that'd be useful?
03:58.50 brlcad nope :)
03:59.13 pacman87 revolve is shaping up nicely
03:59.20 brlcad i think i've already sent you the few research papers that I've read that relate to it
04:00.00 pacman87 and it's good i'm doing revolve first, rather than jumping head-first into sweep
04:00.10 brlcad hm, your sketch.c line numbers don't match up with head source
04:01.25 pacman87 yeah, i just did a svn up and it said it was updated
04:01.32 pacman87 so i'm recompiling
04:06.07 brlcad update again (just now)
04:06.16 brlcad added a sanity check
04:06.41 pacman87 i think i'm still on ./configure...
04:07.00 brlcad heh, configure? you updated a
04:07.11 pacman87 no, i started over jsut in case
04:07.15 brlcad ah
04:07.34 pacman87 make clean;; configure --enable-all; make; make install;
04:10.12 pacman87 i think i'm just going to go to bed
04:11.14 brlcad early :)
04:11.40 brlcad cya tomorrow
04:11.54 pacman87 yeah, my parents go to bed early
04:13.31 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
04:45.06 starseeker brlcad: Cool, thanks for the heads up :-)
04:45.09 starseeker answers
04:47.01 starseeker Nuts, IIRC this was covered in the draft NIRT writeup...
04:52.24 brlcad good answer
04:52.31 starseeker thanks :-)
04:52.44 starseeker the iges-g item below it looks like the same crash I got
04:53.58 starseeker That luck sonofagun got the backtrace easy - I had to manually walk through it
04:54.03 starseeker s/luck/lucky
04:54.35 starseeker Looks like the same steps though
04:55.17 starseeker brlcad: If that's the case, the openmoko files with the -n option DO trigger this on Linux, but not on the Mac
04:55.50 starseeker the openmoko conversion ran to conclusion on the Mac for the openmoko as well (didn't display, but it did finish converting)
04:56.15 brlcad sounds like it needs some debugger and/or valgrind love
04:57.21 starseeker The valgrind report complained about something all right, but it wasn't immediately helpful to me
04:57.29 starseeker wants to take another run at it
04:57.53 starseeker iirc, valgrind spat out an error and then ran screaming (metaphorically)
04:59.01 starseeker otoh, I am just finishing up with a massive system upgrade so I'll see if that did anything - iirc there was a valgrind update in there
04:59.35 starseeker should make a bug report and reference the duplication in this post...
05:10.41 starseeker does
05:27.39 pacman87 brlcad: g2asc works now
05:27.47 pacman87 really goes to bed now
05:45.36 brlcad odd, maybe just libraries out of sync .. I don't know of any actual code changes that would have affected/caused/fixed that crash in the least
06:16.20 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:01.35 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:08.47 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
08:55.50 *** join/#brlcad wuxia (n=wuxia@unaffiliated/wuxia)
08:56.03 wuxia the wireframe model for brlcad -- it's opengl based?
09:00.23 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
10:35.36 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:36.45 mafm hi
10:37.13 poolio mornin mafm
10:45.19 mafm 'sup
11:32.14 brlcad (for the now gone wuxia) the wireframe can be drawn using a variety of (equivalent) backends
11:32.21 brlcad mornin' gents
11:44.07 starseeker morning
11:47.50 archivist hmm coverity is looking at the source
11:52.03 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow_ (
12:45.30 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
13:17.10 brlcad archivist: it's been at that status for over a year .. it's stuck
13:17.24 brlcad we have far more than 178k lines of code :)
13:17.58 archivist ew
13:18.03 brlcad David Maxwell is overloaded trying to get an automated system in place right now
13:19.06 brlcad we would be the #4 or #5 largest code in there otherwise, somewhere between 1M and 3M depending on what they count
13:21.05 archivist I shall watch with interest (trying to get my C head back on at the moment)
13:22.33 brlcad it's like watching paint dry ..
13:23.28 mafm brlcad: did you get to compile Ogre at least? I'm stuck since, for some reason, I can't get it to compile now
13:23.31 brlcad from what he was saying, running coverity on BRL-CAD broke their scanner at frist
13:24.04 brlcad it also didn't have a means to ignore 3rd party sources and/or he didn't set it up
13:24.48 brlcad mafm: yes -- I didn't have trouble compiling the deps other than the time factor itself
13:24.56 archivist heh fun for him
13:25.21 mafm macs have a pentium4, don't they?
13:25.31 brlcad mafm: that's probably enough 'poking' for now, I did say just occasionally poke on it :)
13:26.03 brlcad macs can have x86 or ppc cpus
13:26.11 brlcad 32bit and 64bit
13:26.54 mafm I mean yours
13:27.02 brlcad i have several i use
13:27.22 brlcad i'm actually on a ppc right this second
13:28.09 brlcad any particular reason?
13:28.30 mafm because it's failing for me in an optimized version for SSE instructions
13:29.39 mafm so with PPC you don't have the problem, but I do
13:30.19 brlcad I can give it a go later today on an Intel, but not too surprising with a random point of their svn trunk
13:30.51 brlcad I'd say don't worry about it since you have another path that works
13:31.17 brlcad you definitely shouldn't be fixing 3rd party sources this early
13:31.41 brlcad even integrated we avoid that like the plague
13:32.33 mafm well, yes, but I had it working before and I barely changed my system in the last months, so it's strange
13:32.55 mafm and apart from that, I don't know if automatic compilation && installation works
13:34.49 brlcad nods
13:35.39 brlcad well I can certainly test and work on the latter from here
13:36.02 brlcad you've got some more pieces plugged in
13:36.35 brlcad investigating what's changed since your last test, well .. :)
13:37.15 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
13:38.16 brlcad nifty,
13:44.44 mafm neat
13:44.52 mafm now ogre works
13:46.01 mafm I think that they should substitute clean&distclean for mrproper like the linux kernel :P
13:56.47 mafm if I maintain ogre & the like as PHONY, then it repeats the configuration && compilation steps when I do make install
13:56.54 mafm is there an easy way to fix this?
14:13.32 brlcad if you make them phony, you have a build rule for them?
14:13.41 brlcad in there you'd have to do your own timestamping
14:13.46 brlcad at least with plain makefiles
14:14.18 brlcad the better integration route will be to hook it into a cmake configuration step so it doesn't even traverse those paths (but leave that for later since cmake isn't a forte)
14:14.25 brlcad s/later/someone else/
14:17.48 mafm I have "all" and "install", and then a function for each one
14:18.06 mafm so all,ogre,ois...,install,install-ogre...
14:18.11 mafm and install-ogre depending on ogre
14:18.22 mafm and PHONY ogre, ois
14:18.43 mafm so unless you call "make install" initially, it's repeated twice
14:20.15 mafm so people having cmake && pkg-config; and some dependencies of OGRE (I think that only DevIL is needed), can get it up and running by just:
14:20.29 mafm cd src/other; su -c "make install"
14:20.56 mafm and then compile g3d with cmake && make as usual
14:21.06 brlcad k, that's much better than it was ;)
14:21.10 mafm no SCons needed now or other manual commands
14:21.20 mafm to copy libraries
14:21.35 mafm since I made pkg-config files for Mocha & RBGui in the Cmake-files themselves
14:21.59 brlcad there's almost guaranteed to be cross-platform build issues still, but none that have to be addressed now
14:22.11 mafm maybe I should explain this in the mailing list so ppl start testing it before the midterm evaluation?
14:22.42 brlcad sure!
14:22.45 mafm oh yes btw -- about paths and so on, I'm assuming Unixes only
14:23.15 mafm and I guess that even Macs won't accept all paths and things like that
14:23.19 brlcad oh, I mean issues in their code, other build system assumptions
14:24.12 mafm OGRE and OIS should be multi-platform, but Mocha and RBGui's Cmake-files were made by the guy who created the RPM and me, so...
14:24.16 brlcad e.g. one of them was already using cmake iirc, but they made assumptions that if you ran "make" after cmake that you were on linux, and started compiling linux-specific files
14:24.41 brlcad you had to go to the generated xcode project instead and manually install the files after compile
14:24.53 brlcad a lame busted assumption on their part
14:25.14 brlcad not cmake's fault, they made it behave that way (perhaps by accident/ignorance)
14:25.45 brlcad anyways, not important for now.. :)
14:26.22 mafm I guess that you meant RBGui
14:26.34 brlcad i forget which it was
14:26.42 mafm the problem with RBGui is that they published the SVN site in Ogre forums, but just that
14:27.02 mafm (it was RBGui because OIS and OGRE don't have it, and for Mocha I created it yesterday)
14:27.23 mafm so that's why RBGui and Mocha need external patches to even compile in Linux/GCC
14:27.28 brlcad nods
14:27.40 brlcad classic corporate toss-over-the-wall
14:27.51 mafm and one of RBGui's patches was the CMake-files themselves, so...
14:27.52 brlcad runs off to a meeting
14:28.03 mafm ok, so I'll write to the mailing list :)
14:36.49 *** join/#brlcad archivist_emc (
16:21.12 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
17:59.53 mafm bye
18:13.45 starseeker brlcad: Would it be useful to add stresstest.c to the repository, or should it just live in the bug report?
18:14.02 starseeker only asks because he is afraid of accidently committing the makefile logic he has to build it
18:47.45 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:07.56 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
19:08.02 andrecastelo hey guys
19:08.59 pacman87 hi andrecastelo
19:52.57 brlcad starseeker: stresstest.c ?
19:53.09 brlcad howdy andrecastelo
20:18.34 poolio howdy brlcad, get my note?
20:24.27 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
20:28.41 brlcad poolio: yup, welcome home
20:29.15 brlcad
20:33.50 brlcad interesting, updated quarterly stats on OS distributions: 71% Windows XP, 16% Windows Vista, 8% Mac OS X, 2% Windows 2000, 1% Linux (and leaving about 2% unknown)
20:34.50 brlcad s/unknown/iphone, playstation, etc/
20:36.48 poolio brlcad: danke
20:39.40 prasad1 so i visited firaxis yesterday
20:39.52 prasad1 finally got to do it
20:39.53 prasad1 heh
20:40.46 prasad1 2 pool tables, a ping pong table, 3 console centers, a cpl of arcade machines...
20:40.48 prasad1 yup..
20:52.07 poolio prasad1: isn't that near baltimore?
20:52.19 prasad1 hunt valley
20:52.43 starseeker ponders stress test proc-db which is also useful and remembers the spring idea
20:53.02 starseeker looks up spring characterization...
20:56.39 starseeker figures this one will have to be on his own time - large scale spring generation and usage is unlikely...
21:20.31 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
22:37.59 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
22:50.13 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)

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