IRC log for #brlcad on 20080709

00:07.15 *** join/#brlcad cad61 (
00:07.43 *** part/#brlcad cad61 (
00:13.54 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
00:40.03 *** join/#brlcad prasad1 (
01:31.49 yukonbob hello, cadheads
01:54.06 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:16.02 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
03:51.55 poolio brlcad: for planar faces of an NMG, is there a way to somehow get an area that encloses the face? I've got a bounding box and a surface normal...can I intersect those to find what I want? (I'm trying to create a rectangular surface that I know is large enough to fit the face, then cut it out using the trimming loops)
04:30.36 brlcad poolio: hm
04:30.47 brlcad I don't think you have enough information with that approach
04:31.28 brlcad not sure why you'd want to make them all rectangular with trimming loops to make the actual surface though
04:32.14 brlcad why not make it match it identically and make the trims simply match the edges (i.e. trim nothing like in twisted cube example)
04:36.43 poolio Well, the main issue is I'm not sure how to create a surface that way :)
04:38.11 poolio Do you just define more control values and it works? I think the issue might be I'm still shaky on the U-V mapping
04:39.13 brlcad less src/other/openNURBS/example_brep/example_brep.cpp
04:39.22 poolio Heh, I've read through that many times :)
04:40.06 brlcad mm, there's a simpler one then too
04:47.33 brlcad there it is, example_write/example_write.cpp
04:47.56 brlcad that one actually helped me initially understand how uv trimmings worked
04:48.33 brlcad that example writes out about a dozen different objects
04:48.43 brlcad there are two or three that should be interesting to you
04:48.57 brlcad write_trimmed_surface_example() in particular
04:49.28 brlcad they create a simple single triangle
04:50.05 brlcad with real xyz values so you can see how that would correspond to a given nmg face
04:51.07 poolio ah cool, thanks. I'm off to bed but I'll read through it first thing tomorrow
04:51.14 poolio was hoping to finish NMG schtuff by the end of thursday
04:51.46 brlcad awesome
04:55.39 brlcad what I don't know is whether an ON_Mesh would be sufficient since none of the nmgs we have actually need trimmings, write_mesh_example() is much simpler
04:56.46 brlcad whether the ON_Mesh it creates will validate as IsSolid() is the question .. I suspect it won't
06:59.29 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:13.41 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
09:17.07 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
09:23.21 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:13.40 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:14.34 brlcad mafm: saw your note, but I'll reply via e-mail ;)
10:14.35 mafm hi
10:14.49 brlcad g'morning
10:14.59 mafm are you going to make comments? grrr :P
10:15.11 mafm that was a rhetoric artifact...
10:19.59 brlcad for what it's worth, you have nothing to worry about for the midterm eval
10:20.59 mafm heh, that's good :)
10:21.45 mafm I only intended to make an auto-evaluation in advance, specially since I barely interacted with Robert
10:21.52 brlcad all four of you have been making steady progress for the most part, good stuff
10:21.59 brlcad heh, he goes by "Bob"
10:22.16 mafm Silent Bob? :P
10:22.27 brlcad think's he'll call him Robert all day today just for fun
10:22.33 brlcad yep, bob is pretty silent
10:22.45 brlcad he's been working pretty hard on libged
10:22.58 brlcad that requires refactoring about 100k lines of code
10:23.07 brlcad lots of lots of issues
10:23.08 mafm
10:23.11 mafm no offence :D
10:23.44 brlcad none taken
10:24.03 mafm I mean for him, if he happens to read the logs or something
10:24.36 brlcad i've heard of those movies, not one of my favorite directors
10:24.39 mafm it's just that the fact of you calling him Bob and the silent thingy, sparked in my mind :D
10:24.58 mafm I don't like them either, although most of my friends do
10:25.46 brlcad highly doubts bob will know the reference (or read the log, prove me wrong bob ;)
10:25.59 mafm so do you work with Bob everyday? are you in ARL buildings?
10:26.14 brlcad he's a pretty traditional guy, irc's a bit much for him
10:26.27 mafm well, IRC is pretty traditional
10:26.57 mafm myspace kiddies don't even know what it means :D
10:26.59 brlcad heh, from one perspective I suppose
10:27.56 mafm and many ppl (being IM users of gmail, msn etc) gets confused when I tell that I know A or B from IRC
10:28.02 brlcad traditional "dev" in the sense he doesn't coordinate/communicate over irc for his dev needs -- he's a face-to-face guy, "maybe" e-mail if you can find an account he's using
10:28.27 mafm teh ninja programmer!
10:28.45 brlcad hehe
10:29.33 mafm if he managed to refactor 100K LoCs mostly in silence, he surely must be...
10:37.29 brlcad neat, looks like he just recently passed up john
10:37.38 brlcad #3 all-time contributor now
10:38.13 mafm where's that?
10:38.33 brlcad according to ohloh, he's changed 882k lines of code in brl-cad
10:38.38 brlcad ohloh stats site
10:38.52 brlcad
10:39.53 mafm oh, them
10:40.16 mafm them punks don't have mi contributions
10:40.42 brlcad you're on page 3
10:41.07 brlcad moving up through the ranks..
10:41.24 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
10:41.46 mafm hum, so it works now? it didn't before
10:41.50 mafm hi d_rossberg
10:41.51 brlcad interesting that andre commits more frequently than you apparently, even though he's more behind on his progress
10:42.00 mafm they had problems with caret in rt^3
10:42.33 mafm I think that I made much more than 25 commits, I have more than 10 some day...
10:42.39 d_rossberg hi mafm, brlcad
10:42.39 brlcad mafm: er, it's been indexing rt^3 for about a year
10:42.48 brlcad howdy d_rossberg
10:42.56 mafm well, they confirmed that as a bug
10:43.15 mafm and there was only the main brlcad/ in enlistments
10:43.59 brlcad huh, wonder if someone removed it
10:44.10 brlcad because I'd added it a long while ago
10:44.45 mafm probably you did, but it was removed because of problems indexing
10:44.47 brlcad where was the chatter about the caret?
10:47.04 mafm
10:48.41 brlcad thx
10:49.42 mafm $ svn log | egrep "^r.* \| mafm \|" | wc -l
10:49.42 mafm 74
10:50.11 mafm $ svn log | egrep "^r.* \| mafm \|" | wc -l
10:50.11 mafm 75
10:50.26 mafm (before svn update, that it affects for the logs)
10:51.13 brlcad yeah
10:51.38 mafm so it seems rt/3, not rt^3 :PPPP
10:51.53 brlcad fwiw, ohloh also collapses commits if the log messages are identical within a given time window
10:52.07 brlcad but yeah, I'd bet it's missing some commits
10:52.21 brlcad with so few, should be able to figure out which and could let robin know
10:52.32 brlcad he's pretty good at chasing down those problems
10:53.02 brlcad we had a handful of issues to sort out when ohloh first went on-line a couple years ago
10:53.43 brlcad they'd never indexed a cvs project with a history as extensive as ours, they had a few bugs in their cvs backend
10:53.46 mafm
10:53.55 mafm it seems that it's only my commits since 30th june
10:54.32 brlcad well, you haven't committed 50 times since 30th, so it's still missing something :)
10:55.01 mafm hmm?
10:55.18 mafm I mean that it's only counting the ones after 30th, which must be the 25
10:55.27 mafm being another ~50 before that
10:55.36 brlcad ah
10:56.00 brlcad could try readding the enlistment
10:56.45 brlcad or even just telling robin that much
10:57.31 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r31755 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/BrlcadCore.def: some additional exported functions in BrlcadCore
10:58.00 brlcad wonders how long before d_rossberg just ends up exporting everything :)
10:58.47 mafm
10:59.45 d_rossberg :) my initial point was to not export everything
10:59.57 mafm wantz to pwn commits
11:00.17 brlcad hears "Robert"
11:02.18 mafm it would be important for me, but the interviewers don't even know what GSoC is, not what Grid is (they always think of map grids, or UI layouts...)
11:02.36 mafm so half the interview goes to explain what I'm really doing
11:02.57 mafm so they would clearly won't look at my ohloh stats... :)
11:04.42 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r31756 10/brlcad/trunk/ (misc/win32-msvc/CMakeLists.txt src/conv/patch/CMakeLists.txt): added the patch converters to the CMake build
11:12.07 mafm lunch time!
12:06.52 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r31757 10/brlcad/trunk/m4/ ( ax_boost_base.m4): Adding boost checking macro, unchanged (WIP)
12:07.23 brlcad neat
12:21.18 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:30.06 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
13:19.09 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
13:19.57 mafm hi again
13:22.52 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
13:52.37 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
14:00.09 brlcad good lunch?
14:01.01 mafm pretty good
14:01.53 mafm but now I have these network outages... they're switching (pun intended?) the router
14:08.05 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31758 10/brlcad/trunk/ (8 files in 3 dirs): Added shift-grip functionality to libtclcad's ged object.
14:32.06 mafm brlcad: could you briefly describe how to imagine a session where you would model a simples totem of cubes/balls/whatever, composed by ~3 pieces?
14:34.51 clock_ in a rpp 0 1 0 1 0 1 ...
14:34.52 clock_ then rt
14:36.31 clock_ would have to try it actually out and record everything he types
14:37.07 clock_ tries to avoid the Graphical Unusable Interface
14:38.11 brlcad mafm: I'd start by thinking of it from a read-only perspective, locking down the synchronization of the gui with the command-line (so they are in-fact one in the same), and getting all of the visualization manipulations working
14:38.20 brlcad *then* thinking about creating stuff ;)
14:39.05 brlcad that is all going to tie into the geometry service framework that is being developed
14:39.28 brlcad that will actually manage the actual commands possible (like 'in' and others you find in mged)
14:40.05 clock_ can't get it to stay on the display more than split second
14:40.23 clock_ mafm: do you also want to see what you've created? Then I am of no help, I can't do that even myself :)
14:42.46 mafm clock_: it's for my new project, not mged
14:42.48 brlcad otherwise, how I'd forsee that happening is similar to the IOE example where you'd have a content panel on the left or right that would have your primitives, you'd drag them into the view to create them in a stack or use an on-demand command to create them with the keyboard
14:44.31 mafm with locking down sync you mean to only update the GUI (and OGRE?) on keystrokes, instead of the usual renderloop of 3D apps? That would make sense for an app like this without animations, I guess
14:45.19 brlcad mafm: if you're to the point where you want to start seeing geometry, you should probably hook in libged -- it's already good to go for wireframe and polygonal display
14:46.17 mafm the wireframe stuff is already sorted out -- it's just to switch a flag in the renderwindow or camera, already created a command for that
14:46.46 mafm and I'm starting to create a geometry, tried with a tetraedron, but no luck showing it
14:48.29 mafm so basically, the app would inquiry libged about available primitives, commands
14:48.54 mafm then create a panel with the primitives and zone as "sheet"
14:49.18 mafm and then allow to apply commands on the objects in the sheet, or via keyboard
15:04.26 brlcad mafm: it's not fully sorted out ;) .. I saw the commits
15:08.23 brlcad there's various complications given we're dealing with unevaluated CSG
15:08.55 brlcad toggling from wire to poly to shaded only works if you already have an evaluated boundary representation (e.g. polygonal)
15:09.07 brlcad which we don't always have
15:09.35 brlcad so *all* you might have would be a wireframe representation represented as a raw display list of points and segments
15:10.01 brlcad needs to be able to manage that in addition to polygonal forms that can be more easily toggled
15:11.57 brlcad but yeah, you have it spot on for the rest!
15:12.23 brlcad query what's available and display/respond accordingly
15:12.57 mafm Oh, I see
15:13.16 mafm I'm not sure if opengl can work with non-triangles really
15:13.21 mafm or rather, OGRE
15:16.08 brlcad it can, it all boils down to display lists in the scene
15:16.34 brlcad and even if it couldn't, you could fake it if you absolutely had to
15:20.24 mafm yep, I suppose
15:20.31 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31759 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ ( mrot.c rot.c slew.c vrot.c zoom.c): Added more view related commands.
15:20.34 mafm but a.t.m I can't even show the tetraedron :D
15:26.59 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (
15:32.40 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
15:32.57 pacman87 my computer doesnt like me anymore
15:35.43 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r31760 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/pc.h src/libpc/pc_main.c src/libpc/pc_test.c): removal of outdated functions:pc_write_parameters, pc_generate_parameters etc.
15:36.06 brlcad quick scan, looks like has what you'd need probably
15:37.12 brlcad calling Ogre::SceneManager::manualRender() or Ogre::SceneManager::renderObjects() or Ogre::SceneManager::renderSingleObject()
15:37.30 brlcad and passing the right container that would just represent a wireframe
15:37.46 brlcad otherwise you could turn the wires into pipes and spheres
15:41.19 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r31761 10/brlcad/trunk/ (33 files in 33 dirs): pc_param_set deprecated, replacing with pc_pc_set (WIP)
15:42.30 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
15:48.40 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31762 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/ged_obj.c: Increase av size to account for the optionial argument.
15:50.19 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r31763 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcSolver.h solver_test.cpp): #include cleanup . boost specific includes already in pcNetwork.h not repeated
15:51.30 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31764 10/brlcad/trunk/include/ged.h: Added declaration for ged_vrot.
16:01.53 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31765 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/tra.c: Added more view related commands.
16:13.54 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31766 10/brlcad/trunk/include/ged.h: Added declarations for ged_mrot and ged_rot.
16:23.24 mafm mm, I guess that the conversion is more feasible
16:24.42 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31767 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/libged/libged.vcproj: Added files to windows build.
16:31.22 *** join/#brlcad cad09 (
16:38.59 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r31768 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/boost/ (53 files in 22 dirs): (log message trimmed)
16:39.02 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: boost::spirit import and other boost updates. Spirit is an object-oriented
16:39.04 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: recursive-descent parser generator framework implemented using template
16:39.06 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: meta-programming techniques. Expression templates allow us to approximate the
16:39.10 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: syntax of Extended Backus-Normal Form (EBNF) completely in C++. Spirit would be
16:39.12 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: particularly helpful in writing the parser for generating constraints from
16:39.17 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: expressions for libpc with its object oriented methodology and particularly
17:11.19 brlcad yay for finding spirit++
17:11.31 brlcad was going to suggest that to him
17:11.43 brlcad that or good ol' lex/yacc
17:14.25 prasad_ good ol' lex yacc
17:14.41 prasad_ ply has the best implementation of it
17:14.56 prasad_ or should i say most intuitive
17:15.08 prasad_ representation
17:21.39 mafm w00t
17:21.55 mafm I can se my tetraedron \o/
17:22.11 pacman87 congrats
17:23.06 mafm first step for creating pr0n programatically :P
17:51.03 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
17:51.28 mafm brr
17:51.30 mafm damn router
18:02.58 mafm well, nuff for today, no commits
18:04.58 mafm see you!
18:05.04 pacman87 farewell
18:05.21 mafm same
18:05.26 mafm keep up the good work :)
18:17.31 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
18:17.58 poolio brlcad: for the trimmed circle they aren't specifying the iso (the direction that it trims). When I tried to add in another point and make it trim for a square it's telling me I need to define there a reason for that? (why you don't need to specy for a triangle but do for shapes with more points)
18:18.29 andrecastelo hey guys
18:23.32 andrecastelo brlcad: i've reworked some stuff, commented a lot of code, set the same color for both hits and misses.. and now it draws two vertical lines
18:44.36 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
18:49.44 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (
19:00.37 andrecastelo are you there ``Erik ?
19:13.42 andrecastelo pokes CIA-60
19:13.52 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31769 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/viewmlt.c: Commented some parts of code and simplified view_pixel. It shows the silhouette of the image now.
19:14.03 andrecastelo thanks CIA-60
19:31.36 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
19:40.06 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
19:43.58 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
19:47.38 *** join/#brlcad docelic__ (n=docelic@
19:48.43 pacman87 wishes there was an option for 'focus follows eyes' instead of 'focus follows mouse'
19:50.39 poolio pacman87: that's what tiled WMs are for :)
19:52.31 pacman87 i have two code windows side by side, both with tabs. one is for reference, the other one i code in, and too many times i start typing in my 'reference' side instead of the 'code' side
19:53.39 alex_joni pacman87: I think there was some experimental "follows eyes" thingie
19:56.08 pacman87 alex_joni: i'd still have problems because all my code is in the same window (kdevelop)
20:09.05 brlcad poolio: hm, that's interesting about the trimming loop .. dunno other than there may be special code in there for handling triangles where it simply defaults to clockwise or CC orientation
20:09.27 brlcad yet in the more generalized case, there is no such default for that class
20:09.42 brlcad just a guess, would have to dig through the code
20:14.45 andrecastelo brlcad: hey, brlcad, it works now!
20:14.56 andrecastelo :D
20:15.39 poolio brlcad: It looks like special triangle also fails when the edge is along an edge of the surface...
20:16.06 poolio I found some code in Dump() that looks like it calculates the proper trimming direction somehow so I'm using that
20:17.51 poolio This is what I've been stuck on (both in the nmg_brep() code and modifying the write_trimmed to write a rectangle): Distance from end of ON_Brep.m_T[2] to 3d edge is 1. (edge tol = 0, trim tol ~ 0).
21:03.20 poolio wow. I just spent around 2 hours trying to get the rectangle trim to work and the issue was that I had a 2 instead of a 3. rawr.
21:04.49 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
21:34.53 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r31770 10/brlcad/trunk/ (8 files in 2 dirs): doxygen edit: division of libpc into modules
21:37.51 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r31771 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ ( pcParser.h solver_test.cpp): Skeleton Structure for libpc Parser: pcexpression_grammar, Parser class and functor interface defined
21:46.28 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31772 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/wdb_obj.c: Fixed bug in get_new_name() that caused an infinite loop when using the dbconcat command with NO_AFFIX.
21:55.39 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31773 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/viewmlt.c:
21:55.41 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: View_pixel() now receives the color from ap->color; Commented the creation and
21:55.43 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: insertion of point_lists and path_lists. It is always creating the path list,
21:55.45 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: but it isn't accessible in view_end(), thus creating memory leaks.
22:17.01 brlcad andrecastelo: cool!
22:17.06 brlcad ... what works? :)
22:17.31 andrecastelo brlcad: not much, but it shows the silhouette
22:17.33 andrecastelo
22:17.49 brlcad woo hoo!
22:18.15 andrecastelo i was having problems freeing the loads of structures that i added
22:18.22 andrecastelo i mean, i still am
22:18.55 andrecastelo i've added the structs allocation and insertion in the rayhit function
22:19.42 pacman87 brlcad: allowing the sketch to be on both sides of the revolve axis complicates things immensely
22:19.53 brlcad poolio: if distance from trim coordinate to an end coordinate can mean that you have a uv-3d coordinate mismatch
22:20.23 andrecastelo it goes like this - a point_t is in struct point_list, that is inside a struct path_list, which is inside the struct mlt_app
22:20.51 brlcad andrecastelo: sounds reasonable
22:21.43 andrecastelo yep, but i allocate memory for the path list inside rayhit, if it doesn't exist already.. but despite the checks, it always allocates memory for it
22:21.50 andrecastelo there was this huge memory leak
22:26.25 brlcad sounds like you need to initialize it to zero/null
22:27.16 brlcad andrecastelo: the next step is to probably get flat shading working
22:30.09 brlcad for that, you look at each hit, get the surface normal and compare deviation from your light source(s)
22:30.19 brlcad use that to color the intensity
22:31.31 brlcad pretty trivial step, but that'll give you some shape definition
22:33.19 brlcad then maybe add in some basic logic for optional distance falloff just to give you some testable definition
22:34.07 brlcad then add shadows so you have to account for secondary rays
22:34.25 brlcad at that point you should be just about ready to jump to forward path tracing
22:43.48 andrecastelo hm, ok, ok
22:44.06 andrecastelo is the shadework system needed?
22:44.32 andrecastelo (i mean, struct shadework and viewshade() function)
22:48.33 starseeker Grr... where are the irc logs again?
22:48.45 pacman87 starseeker: in the topic
22:48.56 pacman87
22:49.09 starseeker Ah, right - thanks
22:49.38 starseeker brlcad: Is there any way we can provide a searchable interface to the IRC logs?
22:53.04 brlcad andrecastelo: for you to figure out ;)
22:53.22 andrecastelo hm ok ;}
22:53.37 pacman87 starseeker: i wrote a script to download the logs, so i can search locally
22:53.44 brlcad starseeker: yeah, i've got a placeholder for the logs in my "site map" (on paper)
22:53.54 brlcad would love to pretty-print/colorize them
22:54.04 brlcad riker's logs are crap for many reasons
22:54.35 starseeker Actually, the formatting could be worse - but gzipping them by default and no searchable interface...
22:54.38 starseeker arrgh
22:55.14 starseeker The best irc log system I've ever seen is for #lisp, but it's SLLLOOOOWWWW these days (to the point of un-usability) and it's search has been busted for years now :-(
22:55.15 brlcad I could allow that irc logging group that made /. headlines last year in here, they've been asking if we want to be indexed
22:55.28 brlcad they provide automatic logging, very nice interface .. mildly intrusive
22:55.38 starseeker what group is that?
22:55.52 brlcad mm.. i'll have to hunt
22:56.25 brlcad they made headlines because they were quitely logging thousands of channels for months before going live without anyone's permission
22:56.33 starseeker ouch
22:56.52 brlcad they responded to the outcry and removed everyone and made it opt-in instead of opt-out after than happened though
22:57.27 archivist irseekbot
22:58.32 brlcad yeah, that's them
22:58.48 archivist we have one in #mysql atm
22:59.11 archivist they dont seem to stay up properly
23:00.22 starseeker tries to figure out the irseek search
23:00.35 brlcad example:
23:01.01 starseeker what if I only want to search within one channel
23:02.42 brlcad don't think it has that option directly, maybe add #channel but I suspect that just adds 'channel' as a keyword
23:02.54 starseeker yep
23:02.56 starseeker meh
23:03.16 brlcad ah, I see what you're wanting to do
23:03.42 starseeker the ircbrowse search used to allow me to search #lisp for keywords, and specify how many minutes of conversation around the keyword hit to display
23:04.01 starseeker has yet to find any system to match it
23:04.33 brlcad nods
23:04.54 starseeker must be one SOMEWHERE though - if I can find it, would it be an option for us?
23:05.24 brlcad mm.. i bet there's a drupal module somewhere..
23:05.28 archivist easy enough to add to a database type logger
23:05.50 archivist I should add one to the #mysql bot
23:08.29 brlcad hm, looks like there's a bot and cgi:irc as a drupal module, but no irc log pretty-printer
23:08.43 brlcad could mod the bot I suppose
23:12.04 starseeker This is interesting, although I don't know how mature it is:
23:14.14 brlcad woo.. the bot does log
23:14.15 brlcad
23:15.44 brlcad horrible theme, but an example:
23:16.08 starseeker Are the logs searchable?
23:17.29 brlcad to store content as a drupal module, it 'should' be searchable like all of the site content
23:17.43 brlcad would have to install it and test
23:20.45 starseeker really a shame that the irc collective project is inactive
23:21.43 starseeker can't help thinking how awesome it would be to have a link to display all the images linked to in the last X hours (obvious problems with nasty links though...)
23:22.27 starseeker unbelievable - I don't see ANY apps that mention the type of searching ircbrowse had. I must be looking in the wrong place
23:41.55 yukonbob hello, cadheads
23:54.59 poolio woot! an NMG cube works :D
23:55.28 poolio One line of code changed and voila. I recall thinking about t his bug while coding but I guess I never fixed / documented it.

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