IRC log for #brlcad on 20080710

00:02.29 pacman87 sketch:
00:02.29 pacman87 wireframe:
00:02.42 pacman87 raytrace:
00:05.02 louipc swept around Z?
00:05.21 pacman87 yes
00:05.48 pacman87 the sketch is revolved about its y-axis, which i told revolve to line up with the 3d Z-axis
00:06.22 louipc cool
00:06.53 pacman87 showing the 'auto-close' for open sketches
00:07.16 louipc yeah I was wondering heheh
00:09.40 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (n=Me@
00:10.23 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:15.13 *** join/#brlcad poolio ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:42.54 brlcad poolio: yahoo! .. pics?! :)
00:46.23 brlcad pacman87: interesting closure on the base -- does it stay open if the base of those two segments line up perfectly? do they line up now?
00:47.41 brlcad if they do line up, that's the one case I might have expected it to stop at the inner segment
00:50.56 poolio brlcad: looks exactly the same as brep_cube/breplicator/etc...
00:52.03 poolio I'm working on generalizing to not just 4-sided things now. Is there a way to define surfaces shaped like say, triangles? I know there is...I'm just not quite sure how :) The approach I was going to do was creating a rectangle that encloses the area and cutting out of that.
00:52.06 brlcad ah, k
00:53.19 brlcad that example file I pointed you at made a triangle..
00:54.36 poolio Yes, but it did so by creating a rectangular suface and trimming a triangle
00:55.04 brlcad pacman87: oh, I see what you did now .. never mind :)
00:55.16 brlcad the rt is "upside down" from what I thought I was looking at
00:58.11 pacman87 brlcad: yeah, they stop because on the inside, it's a zero length hit segment, so i ignore it
01:04.49 brlcad oh.. heh, I was thinking that if you draw lines from the endpoints to the y axis, the wider base ends up connecting the two edges on the outside leaving the base open yet the narrow top has a clear path the the y axis for both segment endpoints so you end up with a thick top
01:09.24 brlcad from a 'top' view, render rt -k 0,0,1,0 .. what does that look like?
01:10.01 pacman87 lookign down along Z?
01:11.31 pacman87 two circles
01:11.39 pacman87 bright white center, grey outside that
01:12.08 pacman87 *two concentric circles
01:15.20 brlcad erm
01:15.35 brlcad you said is rotating around the +Y axis?
01:15.54 pacman87 that is the sketch
01:16.00 brlcad cutting +z should cut it in half (a "C")
01:16.22 pacman87 it rotates about the sketch's y axis
01:16.32 pacman87 the 3d axis is 0,0,1
01:16.38 brlcad ahhh
01:16.53 brlcad so left view with 0,1,0,0
01:21.56 pacman87 rt -F/dev/X -C 128/192/255
01:24.03 pacman87 oops
01:24.09 pacman87
01:43.40 brlcad cool!
01:43.47 brlcad wierd black line...
01:44.03 brlcad if that's straight-on, it's probably a bug
01:44.42 brlcad normal going the wrong way on grazing or something
02:16.09 pacman87 no, it's a little above
02:16.19 pacman87 straight-on is buggy
02:16.39 pacman87 so is looking along the revolve axis
02:16.54 pacman87 those i'll have to handle as special cases
02:26.05 pacman87 s/above/below
02:30.21 brlcad cool
02:30.49 pacman87 is there a way to choose 'X' from commandline after -c?
02:47.12 poolio brlcad: code works with rectangular faces...triangles make it blow up for some reason :\
03:14.07 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
03:15.27 brlcad pacman87: '
03:15.33 brlcad 'X' ?
03:15.48 brlcad poolio: ahh :)
03:16.05 pacman87 attach (nu|X|ogl)[nu]?
03:17.34 brlcad ooh, *mged* -c .. was thinking rt -c :)
03:22.05 brlcad yes, either answer X at the attach prompt or run "attach X" afterwards
03:23.00 pacman87 i was hoping for a one-line way to start mged so i could skip the prompt
03:23.22 pacman87 /usr/brlcad/bin/mged -c ~/brlcad/test/open.g
03:23.50 brlcad ahh, interesting
03:23.51 pacman87 if it's possible to have -c take an argument
03:24.00 brlcad don't think anyone has ever asked that :)
03:24.02 pacman87 /usr/brlcad/bin/mged -c X ~/brlcad/test/open.g
03:24.16 pacman87 well, i restart mged every time i compile
03:24.34 brlcad no, at least not optionally and still be able to tell the diff with a filename arg that optionally follows
03:25.08 pacman87 what about just -X instead of -c
03:25.29 brlcad i do too, but mged -c file.g[enter][enter] does the trick for me ;)
03:26.08 pacman87 it defaults to nu, right/
03:26.09 poolio brlcad: So I failed a bit on some basic geometry stuff. I'm trying to enclose a face in a rectangular surface. I want to compute 2 points on the plane that will be the lower left/upper right of the rectangle. Is there an easy way of doing this?
03:26.09 pacman87 ?
03:26.48 brlcad -x and -X are taken, they are debug options for almost every one of brl-cad's apps
03:26.58 pacman87 -cX?
03:27.07 brlcad librt and libbu respectively
03:27.58 brlcad -cX is no different than -c -X
03:28.08 pacman87 --cX?
03:28.15 brlcad (think tar -xvf == tar -x -v -f
03:28.23 pacman87 yeah, i forgot about that
03:29.45 brlcad could maybe add "-a display_manager", e.g. -a X
03:30.02 brlcad or take over the deprecated -n
03:30.38 pacman87 would that imply -c?
03:30.58 pacman87 ie, would specifying the display manager make sense for non-classic mode?
03:37.21 starseeker brlcad: Random mostly off topic question - what's the leading finite element library with a license compatible with BRL-CAD?
03:42.40 brlcad right now -c == -n and both are optionless
03:43.37 brlcad but yeah, a -a would imply -c
03:44.23 brlcad starseeker: why our own libfem of course!
03:44.49 starseeker :-)
03:44.52 brlcad depends, you wanting meshing, analysis, or both?
03:45.05 brlcad open soure fea/fem sucks
03:45.49 starseeker was thinking anything we don't have that we would need to do in-BRL-CAD analysis...
03:46.12 starseeker notes that the first hit on google for libfem is the mailing list for Liberty and Feminism
03:46.55 brlcad gmesh is probably one of the better fem tools, i've heard of impact for fea but not looked into it
03:47.26 brlcad they're about as far away from high-end commercial fea codes as we are from full-blown catia
03:48.34 starseeker ow
03:48.57 brlcad pacman87: not pertinent to what you're needing, but if you didn't know -- you can add a command after the .g file and mged will run it
03:49.02 starseeker Is openFEM worth anything?
03:49.03 brlcad and then quit..
03:49.25 brlcad could add a mod to make certain commands keep mged running
03:49.39 brlcad ones (like attach) that make no sense as single-action commands
03:49.47 brlcad so this would work: mged -c brlcad/db/moss.g attach X
03:50.37 pacman87 can you do multiple commands?
03:51.49 brlcad mged -c brlcad/db/moss.g "attach X ; puts hello"
03:52.41 brlcad alternatively, it'll take stdin too so you can batch commands together
03:53.03 brlcad e.g. mged -c blah.g <<EOF
03:53.04 brlcad tops
03:53.06 brlcad whatever
03:53.08 brlcad EOF
03:53.43 brlcad or put that in some mged_script and "mged -c blah.g source mged_script" instead
03:54.03 brlcad starseeker: yeah, they're pretty good
03:54.16 brlcad not so much a tool but set of routines
03:54.31 starseeker Ah
03:55.30 starseeker guesses this sounds like a situation where maybe we will end up creating a libfem :-)
03:55.34 brlcad inria's pretty intense in their research
03:55.50 brlcad they're a research powerhouse
03:55.55 starseeker :-)
03:57.48 starseeker groans as he updates his gentoo profile and starts one more round of re-compiles...
03:58.46 starseeker 'course, Mike is already working on some FEM stuff, IIRC...
04:01.14 brlcad inria is the source of gems like OCaml and SmartEiffel
04:01.29 brlcad oh, and you probably know of coq and scilab
04:01.31 starseeker Ah, yes - Scilab too, IIRC
04:01.35 starseeker heh - yep
04:01.53 starseeker coq is amazingggggggggg
04:02.20 brlcad yeah, mike hooked an importer into sandia's cubit
04:02.42 brlcad cubit is pretty snazzy, they have one of the *best* mesher libs
04:03.19 brlcad and one of the best low-budget fem tools (alas not fully open source nor free)
04:03.27 brlcad though their geometry lib is lgplg
04:03.50 brlcad there mesh lib is the bread n' butter, though, and they're not letting go
04:04.08 starseeker hmm - is there any chance at all they can be made to see reason?
04:04.35 brlcad only if someone(tm) hooked brl-cad into their backend as the geometry format and geometry engine
04:05.02 brlcad they have to charge "something" for cubit as they use the ACIS engine
04:05.12 starseeker oh
04:05.18 brlcad licensing issues
04:05.21 starseeker googles ACIS
04:06.56 starseeker hmm. Would they be supportive of a port or fight the idea?
04:07.11 brlcad hook all of our converters, librt, libged, libwdb, libbu, and libbn together into one clean unified object-oriented API, and we overlap about 75%-90% of what ACIS does, they're the big dog of CAD kernels
04:08.04 starseeker ouch
04:08.04 brlcad oh everyone would be supportive, sandia said they'd love it (if it worked as well/better)
04:08.22 brlcad just a lot of work for somewhat minimal payoff and no manpower to dedicate
04:08.39 brlcad really begs for BREP support being fully in place first as well as our OO geometry engine
04:08.54 brlcad (next year's priority)
04:09.00 starseeker Ah
04:09.57 starseeker looks for his API scrubbing gear...
04:11.32 starseeker So it makes the most sense to do BREP and the OO engine (needed anyway) and then use the new functionality + cleanup to get cubit off of the ACIS gravy train
04:11.44 starseeker and thus take advantage of some really good code
04:12.19 brlcad we would increase (developer) interest in BRL-CAD by more than an order of magnitude if we had an ACIS-compatible geometry kernel API
04:12.44 starseeker Does ACIS publish the specs for their API?
04:12.53 brlcad e.g. something that'd convert an acis call into our geometry engine, like wine
04:13.10 starseeker nods
04:13.44 brlcad don't think so, you'd have to (legally try to) reverse engineer it
04:13.53 starseeker ow ow ow
04:14.30 brlcad just guessing, I haven't searched too hard given our other priorities
04:14.38 starseeker right
04:16.02 brlcad really need BREP/NURBS representation working, CSG eval of NURBS working, tessellation of NURBS, LIBGED completed, and our object-oriented geometry engine working before working on that becomes a tractable semi-even-thinkable/practical task
04:16.23 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
04:16.28 brlcad howdy andrecastelo_
04:16.36 brlcad ~andrecastelo_++
04:17.10 brlcad excitedly anticipates a flat-shaded image
04:17.30 louipc ö
04:19.17 yukonbob like 'toon-shading?
04:19.37 starseeker Hmm -
04:20.04 brlcad yukonbob: no, that'd be cell-shading
04:20.21 brlcad
04:20.32 yukonbob s/cell/cel/
04:20.49 brlcad nods
04:21.05 brlcad more like the two distance falloff images on the wikipedia page
04:21.28 brlcad (more specifically the left first, then next get the right working)
04:22.07 starseeker Looks like at least some of ACIS has public docs, although they have some "coming soon" links to what is probably the core ACIS docs
04:23.50 brlcad starseeker: this makes me think it's entirely closed even if you do find bits n pieces:
04:24.24 brlcad otherwise one of the other 4 billion dollar per year cad giants would have done it already
04:25.27 starseeker hmm
04:26.38 starseeker Depends on what he means by "expose the API" - that sounds as if they have a full version of the ACIS sources and plan to keep working based on those
04:26.54 starseeker unless I'm reading the article wrong
04:28.08 brlcad but that they're forced to shimmy a layer between their kernel and the acis api (so they cannot possibly be a drop-in replacement)
04:29.07 starseeker Right, but I'm reading that as hiding the ACIS API because their license to the source doesn't let them just take it and expose it - they'd be exposing ACIS's api using ACIS's own source code behind it
04:29.23 starseeker So they're keeping the ACIS source, but using a different API
04:29.30 starseeker easier than a new kernel, I'd guess
04:31.48 starseeker is hoping there is a difference between "exposing" and "implementing from scratch" the API
04:33.27 starseeker kinda unclear though
04:35.05 starseeker Yeah, thought so - Autodesk proposed to continue based on the ACIS code:
04:37.06 brlcad yeah, i know the article was referring to multiple things
04:37.35 brlcad regardless of them 'extending' acis or not -- the fact that they had to make their own api layer
04:37.45 starseeker yep
04:37.46 brlcad api == headers == some source
04:38.35 brlcad there are acis headers for cubit, but have to specifically ask for them (and hey have clauses in them saying no redistribution)
04:38.42 brlcad no authorized, that is
04:38.53 brlcad er, unauthorized
04:39.37 brlcad or even better -- just do what acis does but do it even better
04:39.53 starseeker Right
04:40.25 brlcad hence libged and new geometry service which begs a middle oo geometry engine
04:41.16 brlcad yay for it finally being prioritied (started that particular crusade as a student when I started, that brl-cad needed an OO api)
04:41.50 starseeker :-)
04:42.17 brlcad MinuteElectron: any luck on figuring out why the contact page won't prompt a captcha? :-)
04:42.51 brlcad new spammer started two weeks ago, I've gone from about 2-5 a day to 20-50 a day
04:43.29 starseeker knows FEM analysis is long term at best, but had a random interest pop up
04:43.36 starseeker probably needs sleep...
04:46.57 louipc that captcha was tough. It took me three tries to get it right
04:48.22 brlcad woot, mafm's up to the second contributor's page now that rt^3 ohloh stats are fixed
04:48.46 brlcad puts him in the gsoccer lead
04:49.16 starseeker now if only I could build it...
04:49.17 brlcad starseeker: you're a mere 50 away from front-page ;)
04:50.19 starseeker 50?
04:50.25 brlcad commits
04:50.29 starseeker heh
04:50.31 starseeker ah :-)
04:50.32 brlcad
04:50.50 brlcad louipc: which one?
04:51.06 brlcad (there are three)
04:51.15 louipc oh when I registered for the wiki
04:51.31 brlcad ah, that should have been recaptcha
04:51.38 brlcad it's good stuff
04:52.02 brlcad that's what I *want* on the contacts page, but can't figure out how to enable it
04:52.24 starseeker blegh - primary language XML
04:52.33 starseeker hangs head in shame
04:52.46 brlcad hehe
04:53.11 starseeker will write his spring tool just for the hell of it...
04:53.33 brlcad spring?
04:53.43 brlcad ooh
04:53.51 brlcad right
04:54.07 starseeker
04:54.16 starseeker no one will care, but it will be fun
04:54.21 brlcad could try to implement a helical sweep
04:55.49 starseeker heh :-)
04:57.27 starseeker that might be a good way to do advanced shapes like springs with elliptical wires
04:59.17 starseeker or the spring in the lower right corner here:
05:01.25 starseeker inserting pipes with libwdb looks to be fairly complicated all by itself
05:04.16 pacman87 starseeker: would you be modelling the spring behavior, or jsut the position?
05:04.43 louipc yes do the helical sweep please
05:05.29 starseeker pcman87: Initially just the position
05:05.44 starseeker pacman87: Behavior modeling would probably require FEM
05:06.05 starseeker or one heck of a mathematical model
05:06.16 louipc behaviour depends on the type of material too
05:06.23 pacman87 i was thinking more in terms of F = -kx
05:06.25 starseeker exactly
05:06.51 starseeker pacman87: What would you do with F=-kx?
05:07.01 pacman87 um...
05:07.31 starseeker animate it?
05:07.44 pacman87 pass it off to libphy created in next year's gsoc?
05:08.01 starseeker Well, you could assign a behavioral equation as an attribute
05:09.23 starseeker has always had the knack for making the most seemingly simple little problems complex and challenging... sigh
05:10.11 pacman87 dealing with the behavior side of it in BRL-CAD is over my head
05:17.50 brlcad reminds starseeker of
05:23.08 brlcad starseeker: doc/IDEAS .. could implement a Kaleido primitive or a Kaleido proc-db :)
05:24.13 brlcad not that it's any more practical, but pretty cool
05:24.18 brlcad
05:35.21 starseeker So either hook the kaleido code to a primitive or tie it to a proc-db? Hmm :-)
05:35.29 brlcad removes revolve from his ideas.html page given latest progress!
05:36.24 starseeker sleeps now...
05:36.49 brlcad mm.. pull command
05:39.05 brlcad strikes out the docbook tasks too!
05:41.59 brlcad for those motivated or bored:
05:48.36 brlcad figures he should probably nap a bit too
05:54.59 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
05:58.49 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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10:06.03 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:06.46 mafm hi
11:30.21 mafm CIA-60: register my commit, at once! >:|
11:30.36 brlcad it's slower notifications no
11:30.38 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31774 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (Application.cxx Application.h): Adding methods for basic camera manipulation, and to add a sample geometry to the scene
11:30.38 brlcad now
11:30.42 mafm :)
11:30.47 mafm goody
11:30.58 mafm time for a cookie for mafm (lunch), bbiab
11:31.12 brlcad ~cookies mafm
11:31.15 ibot ACTION hands mafm a nice, steaming chocolate chip cookie, hot from the oven
12:06.46 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31775 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/wdb_obj.c: A better fix for the dbconcat infinite loop bug.
12:07.55 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:08.18 *** join/#brlcad clock_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:08.18 *** join/#brlcad poolio ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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12:13.38 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
12:19.18 mafm cookies, yay \o/
12:22.05 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
12:23.45 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31776 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (Commands.h GeometryConversion.cxx GeometryConversion.h): Adding GeometryConversion, and modifying the command so we can create at least sample tetraedrons
13:37.58 mafm brlcad: would an orbital camera be enough, or it would be better another/different modes?
13:55.47 *** join/#brlcad cad27 (
13:59.35 *** join/#brlcad lleroy (
14:01.43 lleroy ?
14:02.30 mafm !
14:02.46 lleroy help
14:03.47 lleroy commands
14:04.53 lleroy hi... can anyone help me with a problem in 7.12.4 ?
14:05.09 lleroy db_lookup(-n) failed: -n does not exist
14:05.12 mafm probably not me, but if you shoot somebody could eventually help
14:05.25 lleroy while executing
14:05.27 lleroy "_mged_ill -n -i $ri $spath"
14:05.28 lleroy (procedure "solid_illum" line 14)
14:05.30 lleroy invoked from within
14:05.31 lleroy "solid_illum $item"
14:05.33 lleroy (procedure "lbdcHack" line 35)
14:05.34 lleroy invoked from within
14:05.36 lleroy "lbdcHack .emid_0.listbox 43 10 99876703 id_0 s1 junkpath"
14:05.37 lleroy (command bound to event)
14:05.47 lleroy hmm... I never used irc, so I'm not sure how this works
14:06.10 mafm lol, that's why you were writing "help, commands"? :D
14:06.21 mafm basically you write, and everybody can see it
14:06.36 mafm if you stick for a bit somebody will hopefully tell you something :)
14:06.49 lleroy yeah...
14:07.05 lleroy how can you see who is around ?
14:07.45 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31777 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libged/tra.c libged/vutil.c libtclcad/ged_obj.c): Mods to add more shift-grip functionality. Added more bindings to the new_view command.
14:08.13 lleroy I posted a question on a week ago, but I got no reply
14:11.37 clock_ lleroy: once I posted a bugreport on Samba and they fixed it after a year
14:12.39 lleroy i see... I had feedback one issue I reported 4 years ago in mozilla recently:-)
14:13.48 lleroy thing is, it seems so basic (like it's the first entry on one of the top level menu's and it's not working in a major release) so I hoped to get feedback somewhat quicker than a year
14:14.01 clock_ which one of the hundreds of thousands bugs they have was it? :)
14:14.52 clock_ lleroy: what did they say? That the version for which you reported is already discontinued so it's your fault?
14:15.28 lleroy nah, iirc they moved it to a future milestone or so :-;
14:15.34 lleroy ;-)
14:16.24 clock_ with software like this I think the term "trashheap" is more suitable than "milestone".
14:17.42 mafm lleroy: depending on the client, you can see a list on some side of the window/tab/whatever showing you who's there
14:17.52 mafm otherwise maybe "/whois #brlcad"
14:26.51 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo__ (n=chatzill@
14:31.55 mafm hi andrecastelo
14:33.46 andrecastelo oh hi mafm
14:34.18 andrecastelo my internet is not that stable and chatzilla reconnects after every disconnection
14:34.37 andrecastelo so i usually have a few minions of my own in the channel (andrecastelo_ )
14:35.14 mafm I only have one minion, he's called brlcad
14:35.22 mafm but he has life of his own :P
14:35.31 andrecastelo mafm: hahaha
14:36.46 mafm damn artificial intelligence!
14:46.17 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31778 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (Application.cxx Application.h Commands.h):
14:46.25 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: More tweaks to the camera. I'm waiting for confirmation from other devels, but
14:46.29 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: I think that the proper thing to do is to create one or several camera modes
14:46.33 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: with better and more complete functionality, encapsulated in a proper way.
14:49.24 lleroy andrecastelo: you still there?
14:49.51 andrecastelo yes, why?
14:49.54 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03pacman87 * r31779 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/ (revolve.c revolve.h): revolve prep() and shot(): automatically close open sketches - still bugs with partial revolves
14:50.13 pacman87 i had that commit typed in last night, and apparently never hit enter...
14:50.18 lleroy I posted a bug on the forum:
14:50.40 lleroy and I wonder if this is a "yeah, we know about it" bug or a "that should normally work" bug
14:50.47 mafm pacman87: sounds like lazy evaluation...
14:51.01 lleroy db_lookup(-n) failed: -n does not exist
14:51.36 pacman87 mafm: i got distracted by more coding, and went to bed without looking back at that console tab
14:52.20 mafm lleroy: what do you mean with "and I wonder if _this_ is a...", I cannot see any comment to that bug
14:53.01 lleroy I mean... does this work in the released version, or is this broken ?
14:53.03 mafm pacman87: so you only "evaluated" it just when you needed it commited, I guess ;)
14:53.20 lleroy just to know if it's broken due to my compiling it or if it's in the release
14:53.45 pacman87 i need a better process scheduler - shouldnt' have to wait all night to get processor time ;)
14:53.56 mafm lleroy: well, the three guys that are babling actively in the channel (except for clock_) are newcomers to the project, afaik
14:54.18 mafm and I only fired mged a couple of times, so I can't really confirm or deny..
14:54.46 mafm you'll probably have to wait around until some experienced devel appears
14:55.37 mafm pacman87: you're thinking about overclocking yourself with coke, or what?! :)
14:55.38 lleroy mafm: ok thanks. It worked on 7.10.2 for windows... so I want to know if I did something wrong during compiling on slackware...
14:56.04 pacman87 no, i just need to renice 'sleep' to a lower priority
14:56.22 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (n=madant@
14:56.29 mafm lleroy: did you have some special compilation warnings?
14:56.33 mafm homovulgaris o/
14:56.53 homovulgaris hi all .. phew.. long time..
14:57.14 homovulgaris mafm: did u see my 200 minute build screenshot :(
14:57.20 mafm pacman87: well, Linus sleeps 9+ hours per day, apparently; brlcad about 4 or less... your mileage may vary :D
14:57.29 lleroy mafm: it didn't exactly check each warning during compilation, to be honest...
14:58.52 mafm lleroy: if you have the source around, maybe you can try to compile with "make -s", so it leaves only prominent warnings and not the whole compiler command line
14:59.02 homovulgaris pacman87: seems like revolve is making good progress :) hows the sketch editor wishlist going :) ?
14:59.03 mafm so errors and warnings are easier to spot
14:59.21 mafm homovulgaris: you mean the mail about g3d? I did, yes
14:59.35 lleroy mafm: ok, will try tomorrow. unfortunately i cannot be around on irc when the developers are on
15:00.06 homovulgaris mafm: naah not the rt^3 build. brlcad build on my p3 took 197 minutes :P
15:00.15 mafm lleroy: also you can try to write to brlcad-devel mailing list, it's probably the best place for things like this
15:00.37 homovulgaris
15:00.43 mafm homovulgaris: building brlcad on arm, eh? :P
15:01.00 *** part/#brlcad lleroy (
15:01.54 homovulgaris mafm: i'd experiment with rt^3 when i get my laptop hard disk fixed or when my desktop crosses the flood somehow :P
15:02.45 mafm why is it so slow?
15:02.47 homovulgaris mafm: I had a few ideas about constraint representation in the new gui.. but that is pretty far away.. I need to finish a minimal system first :P
15:03.38 mafm yes, I have quite a few things to do myself... :)
15:05.39 pacman87 d_rossberg: for closing an open sketch, right now i just have all open endpoints connecting directly to the y axis, instead of trying to string multiple open segments together. i think this will be more consistant, as all of the added lines can be clearly differentiated from the original sketch.
15:06.07 homovulgaris check out Spirit sometime .. EBNF parser generator library.. almost even looks like BNF grammar :)
15:07.50 mafm homovulgaris: why is the compilation so slow?
15:10.33 homovulgaris 7 year old computer and processor with 128 MB ram :|
15:11.00 mafm seesh
15:11.34 mafm might the access to a remote machine help you?
15:12.08 homovulgaris :) with brlcad on it ?
15:12.38 mafm I don't know if you can perform your work remotely
15:12.54 mafm and if the lag would be a problem
15:12.59 pacman87 distcc?
15:13.25 homovulgaris naah.. i mean it is not that bad.. just the whole system build takes a long time.. as long as i have to do a make clean things are ok i guess
15:13.53 mafm but probably someone around (even me if there's nobody else with better chances) can offer you access to a better machine than that one
15:14.16 homovulgaris grrr.. I love my first computer :D
15:15.02 mafm what's the problem with the floods anyway?
15:15.16 d_rossberg pacman87: that's ok, automatically closing the loop will probable produce a result the user doesn't want
15:15.19 mafm did you have to move because of them or something?
15:15.39 homovulgaris desktop in college stuck with the courier service :D
15:15.39 d_rossberg therefore it isn't important how it looks like as long as it is consistant
15:15.54 pacman87 ok, that's what i thought; just making sure
15:16.17 d_rossberg the result should help the user finding the errors
15:16.37 homovulgaris hmm.. k .. me going back to writing grammar and finishing the parser :)
15:16.50 mafm I see
15:18.53 d_rossberg pacman87: your method can produce intersection in the closed loop you have to handle
15:19.37 pacman87 hmm?
15:23.47 pacman87 d_rossberg: intersections how?
15:25.27 homovulgaris brlcad: when passing information from C to C++ : specifically rt_*_params to pcParser.h objects, one method is to pass them as data structures : the existing unions, pointers and so on ( example pval.vectorp ) . Since I am writing a parser for constraint expressions anyways, should i consider transfering variable/parameter information to pcParser.h via pc_pc_set as parseable text ?
15:27.22 homovulgaris brlcad: for example, something like "@Radius#2.3#4.2#2.8" .. which is better precision wise .. conversion and passing as string or passing on a fastf_t/double as such ? and which one whould i use ?
15:28.26 d_rossberg pacman87: look at the example i send you by mail, if you connect the end point of the first line with the y-axis this connection line will intersect the second line of the sketch
15:31.28 pacman87 then the area to the left of the line (1,1.5); (1.5,2) will be open
15:31.44 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31780 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/book/tutorial_series/VolumeIII.xml: Markup through half of Table 8
15:33.39 d_rossberg if you see the intersection and handle it it's ok
15:33.55 homovulgaris starseeker: did u think about making the industry and overview diagrams maintainable via xml ?
15:34.15 pacman87 d_rossberg: why does it need to be handled seperately?
15:34.46 pacman87 are you saying the hollow area is bad?
15:35.08 d_rossberg not seperately, but you have an implicite line on the y-axis which connects the two closing lines
15:46.59 pacman87
16:20.13 mafm :D
16:57.53 homovulgaris pacman87: distcc is nice :)
17:00.51 mafm have to go now, take care
17:03.52 *** join/#brlcad smurfette (
17:15.44 MinuteElectron mmh
17:24.09 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
17:29.26 brlcad wowsa, lots of backlog to respond to .. but I gots another couple hours of meeting to go still
17:30.05 brlcad i'll be back, but yeah .. shouldn't need to rebuild everything every time, that's for sure
17:39.57 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
17:42.07 homovulgaris brlcad: 403 Forbidden error while editing wiki
17:43.35 MinuteElectron What page?
17:52.15 homovulgaris
17:52.59 MinuteElectron Do you get this every time you try to edit that page, or just once?
17:53.40 homovulgaris i edited it last yesterday i guess.. today when i am trying to restructure a bit .. 403
17:53.50 homovulgaris tried a couple of times..
17:54.13 MinuteElectron I don't get an error, strange.
17:54.21 geocalc what is the good svn to dl ?
17:54.36 MinuteElectron brlcad: Still looking into the CAPTCHA thing.
17:54.38 homovulgaris geocalc: u mean svn client ?
17:55.06 geocalc no svn of brlcad
17:55.42 homovulgaris oh.. i thought we had only the repository at sourceforge
17:56.01 homovulgaris ~cadsvn
17:56.01 ibot To obtain BRL-CAD from Subversion: svn checkout brlcad
17:56.24 geocalc thanks
17:56.35 homovulgaris np
17:56.57 homovulgaris MinuteElectron: you are able to edit the pages ? as in submit the changes ?
17:57.00 MinuteElectron yes
17:57.17 homovulgaris i get the error message when i make the changes and press either preview or show changes or submit changes
17:57.29 homovulgaris hmm.. weird..
17:57.31 MinuteElectron I don't, which is odd.
17:57.33 MinuteElectron yes
17:57.54 homovulgaris k.. let me try anonymous editing
17:58.55 MinuteElectron brlcad: I'm stuck on this one, it seams very strange that the CAPTCHA point isn't being registered and no one in the drupal support knows either. The only other thing I can think of is the upgrade to Druapl 6.
18:00.29 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:02.03 homovulgaris the present CAPTCHA looks pretty nice . Are we having trouble with that ?
18:02.18 MinuteElectron It doesn't show up on the contact page.
18:02.39 homovulgaris brlcad: error message is You don't have permission to access /w/index.php on this server.
18:04.43 homovulgaris same error from multiple browsers.. maybe my ip is in some banned range or something ?
18:12.45 homovulgaris geocalc: also check out
18:12.45 geocalc ok thanks homovulgaris
18:12.45 homovulgaris np :) .. just ping this channel if u have any build trouble
18:15.49 geocalc ;)
18:16.17 andrecastelo brlcad: my irc client reconnects on disconnection, so sometimes when I join the channel it's the client reconnecting
18:16.38 andrecastelo but yes, i'm trying to tame RT_HIT_NORMAL, checking how it is used
18:17.03 andrecastelo to find the normal vector
18:18.07 andrecastelo but it is seg faulting.. I'm probably doing something wrong (i think it has something to do with soltab)
18:19.34 andrecastelo here's the rayhit function,
18:29.31 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31781 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/tutorials/tire/ (19 files): Add docbook and images - user documentation for the tire procedure.
18:31.16 starseeker homovulgaris: That's a difficult thing to attempt - svg is probably the best bet
18:33.14 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennnedy (
18:33.49 starseeker thinks his inkscape file was/is a good start, but brlcad will probably need to look into it - there was a lot of very careful design put into things like font choices, colors, etc.
18:41.52 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennnedy (
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18:45.00 homovulgaris starseeker: I was thinking of something in dia with svg output.. but that wouldnt look very nice.. and inkscape is seriously kewl stuff..
18:45.45 homovulgaris somebody should build up a software project based on this : revision controllable generated diagrams and images :)
19:06.13 homovulgaris going to watch some dumb hbo to get my brain fresh :)
19:09.01 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31782 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/book/tutorial_series/VolumeIII.xml: Add other half of Table 8
19:56.38 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31783 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/book/tutorial_series/VolumeIII.xml: Markup through chapter 7, stub for references. Remainder will be included from articles.
19:57.38 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31784 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Added ae2dir and dir2ae commands to libtclcad's ged object.
20:04.23 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31785 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/dir2ae.c: Added ae2dir and dir2ae commands to libtclcad's ged object.
20:06.34 *** join/#brlcad lleroy (
20:10.33 lleroy Has anyone had this problem : "db_lookup(-n) failed: -n does not exist" in "Primitive Selection"?
20:11.20 lleroy I posted a problem on the sourceforge forum some time ago but got no reaction...
20:16.20 *** join/#brlcad lleroy (
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20:46.46 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31786 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: Use MAX_FASTF instead of 1.0/0.0
21:08.30 pacman87 awww, i liked dividing by zero ;)
21:11.49 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo__ (n=chatzill@
22:21.21 pacman87 i think i just killed a bug
22:53.41 poolio pacman87: code or real life??
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23:34.28 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || BRL-CAD is participating in the 2008 Google Summer of Code! || Release 7.12.4 is posted (source-only release)

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