IRC log for #brlcad on 20080714

00:17.25 brlcad yeah, can use a pre-allocated memory pool, reuse allocations no longer needed, etc
00:17.25 brlcad can allow allocations, but do them in huge chunks at a time to minimize the system calls to just a handful (e.g. 64MB at a time as needed)
00:20.41 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31813 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/dsp/dsp.c: clean up the warning messages
00:24.41 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
01:14.48 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31814 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (11 files): include cleanup -- common.h should come before _all_ system headers in order to ensure portability (and type wrapping and macro behavior) when compiling
01:49.35 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31815 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (8 files): (log message trimmed)
01:49.37 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: style and formatting are only issues when they are completely disregarded..
01:49.39 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: please be more careful/consistent with the style guide. much of these changes
01:49.41 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: aren't even self-consistent within a single function. use space after commas
01:49.43 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: and intrinsic keywords (if, while, for) but not after functions or within
01:49.45 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: parens; prefer spaces around operators (especially for streams). whitespace and
01:49.51 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: indents also seem to be horribly inconsistent (run sh/ and sh/ if
01:51.18 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31816 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/dsp/dsp.c: align the followup info
01:53.34 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
03:06.34 starseeker_ figures either his computer has gotten slower or software has gotten harder to compile since the last time he rebuilt everything
03:06.41 starseeker_ grr
03:14.10 yukonbob hello, cadheads
03:14.49 yukonbob disables his covert daemons running on starseeker's puter.
03:17.12 starseeker_ yukonbob: heh - in reality, I can't fault my machine
03:17.33 starseeker_ the world rebuild totaled over 1000 packages, including things like VTK, Paraview, KDE, and Blender
03:18.40 Ralith blender isn't a big build
03:19.00 Ralith I'd be more worried about firefox
03:19.09 jonored starseeker_: gentoo?
03:19.16 starseeker_ Yep, gentoo
03:19.38 starseeker_ hadn't done a kernel upgrade in a couple years, was finally noticing potential issues
03:19.55 starseeker_ so did the big jump - world upgrade
03:20.02 jonored Same. PII toughbook - full rebuilds take a something like a week or two... :)
03:20.09 starseeker_ ow
03:20.18 starseeker_ is better off than that, at least...
03:20.29 starseeker_ I wimped out on openoffice though
03:20.46 starseeker_ that's a full day just to build it, assuming it works
03:21.02 starseeker_ considering I just need it for the odd office doc anyway...
03:21.09 jonored Ick. Glad I avoid office-like software... wvHtml for me :)
03:21.38 poolio Debian ftw ;)
03:21.43 starseeker_ heh. Once in a while you can't avoid the .doc format - some businesses speak only .doc
03:22.16 starseeker_ never quit got the hand of doing development on Debian - I'm sure there was some "always install the friggin dev packages" option but I didn't find it
03:22.45 jonored probably will need to use it at some point after school, but for the moment I'm just reading them - so converting them out of .doc works reasonably well.
03:22.52 poolio starseeker_: hmm, I've never had an issue other than the broken libtool stuff
03:22.57 starseeker_ as a result, compiling anything was always a game of "ok, which dev package do I still need..."
03:23.10 starseeker_ poolio: It's been years, so I would have to revisit it
03:23.41 starseeker_ Gentoo has always been good even for weird scientific stuff and lisp implementations
03:23.48 poolio starseeker_: heh, there's still a little bit of that if you're compiling stuff, but it's not that difficult...and the time it takes to sort out the dependencies is far less than the time it would take for gentoo to compile them
03:24.43 starseeker_ poolio: Oh, sure :-). But at least on gentoo it's automated - I can let the build go overnight. So far I've not met a Debian install that's smart enough to go find the dev packages
03:24.47 jonored polio: I would suggest that that does depend on machine, and on whether you're doing development on a package you've already installed once.
03:25.02 starseeker_ is always compiling weird stuff...
03:26.13 starseeker_ It's driving me nuts. I want to recompile BRL-CAD and start a proc-db, but I don't dare until I'm sure my system is done putting itself back together
03:26.48 starseeker_ It'll be interesting to see if the iges-g crash still behaves the same...
03:27.48 starseeker_ still wants to try a Fourth -> Lisp bootstrap someday, unless it turns out going straight to Lisp is easier/just as hard...
03:28.45 starseeker_ alright, sleep
03:29.07 jonored ...Fourth->Lisp? a simple Scheme wouldn't take that much to build up and would be quite sufficient for building any lisp you'd want...
03:29.27 jonored g'night :)
03:29.57 Ralith starseeker_: proc-db?
03:30.02 Ralith jonored: also, toughbook? awesome!
03:30.37 jonored Ralith: CF-27, with some modifications and a strap to carry it nestled on my back with.
03:30.52 Ralith I want a toughbook.
03:30.59 Ralith Sadly, I want up to date hardware more.
03:31.04 Ralith (also, some money left over)
03:31.42 jonored *Nod*. There's the occasional newish ones that are not terribly much - my girlfriend got a CF-19 for $1000 off of craigslist...
03:32.20 Ralith wow.
03:32.27 Ralith didn't think stuff worth anything ever showed up there
03:33.09 jonored which is just a bit absurd. A fully rugged tablet PC with a modern (albeit crazy-low-power) processor is kinda impressive.
03:35.02 Ralith yeah
03:35.09 yukonbob starseeker_: how do you like paraview?
03:35.44 Ralith what *is* paraview
03:38.01 yukonbob data visualization -- used in FEM, medical, others...
03:38.28 yukonbob cmake is the build system that spawned from that project...
03:41.22 Ralith oo
03:41.38 starseeker_ proc-db - a tool in BRL-CAD for generating models
03:41.51 starseeker_ brlcad's fence routine is a good example
03:42.04 jonored Ralith: So you know, we ran into two similar systems in our area <=$1100. It would seem that it's surprisingly effective to get the beasties - Perhaps it's time for me to upgrade.
03:42.13 starseeker_ yukonbob: Can't say I've used paraview much, actually
03:42.18 starseeker_ not yet anyway
03:42.50 starseeker_ jonored: It's an interesting question. Forth has the property of being easy (relatively speaking) to bootstrap on cool hardware
03:43.04 starseeker_ jonored: I don't know how scheme would do in such circumstances
03:43.25 starseeker_ er cold hardware - nothing but machine/assembly language available
03:44.33 starseeker_ For the sake of verifiability all the way through the software stack, being able to do a true "cold", from the metal bootstrap is actually important.
03:45.01 starseeker_ Even though no one does that anymore, and probably haven't for 40 years except as a hobby...
03:45.28 starseeker_ has a knack for nutty ideas...
03:46.11 jonored starseeker_: Scheme has impressively few primitives - something like seven or eight fundamental ones and you really want to implement some of the other stuff like arithmetic. I've looked at setting up one for a microcontroller.. much of the complexity comes from the extensible compiler.
03:47.16 jonored but then, some of it doesn't mesh well with some hardware - like the not having a standard stack thing.
03:47.26 starseeker_ Hmm. How much machine/assembly code would you estimate it would take?
03:49.09 jonored That I'm not sure of; wanting to do it was associated with my major qualifying project, and it didn't seem a good idea to pursue concurrant with trying to make a UAV fly.
03:49.43 starseeker_ ah
03:49.46 starseeker_ point
04:33.13 Ralith jonored: I'd ask you to grab me one if I had the money lying around.
04:34.44 Ralith also, what kind of UAV?
05:22.19 jonored One quadrotor design (four fixed-blades in a square), the other a more normal-looking miniature helicopter. Never got very far - Prof said I wasn't allowed to do the controls side, and the aerospace people who were the rest of the team took so long to do it I couldn't get the programming done before the project ended.
05:22.59 jonored (er, fixed-pitch blades.)
05:37.48 Ralith that's a shame.
05:38.26 Ralith but, uh, what's abnormal about a four-bladed heli?
05:39.38 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
05:43.05 jonored Rather than having one motor and controlling attitude and thrust primarily by varying the angle of the blades, it has four motors with solid props on them out on booms and controls itself by varying the speed at which each prop is spinning.
05:45.20 Ralith ooh
05:45.21 Ralith neat
05:45.34 Ralith sounds mechanically simpler, too
05:46.18 Ralith now I want to build one :/
05:47.18 jonored And control-wise more of a headache. To go sideways you have to turn up one side and turn the other down, and then reverse that torque before the thing flips over, and do the reverse to stop it going sideways...
05:47.44 jonored but much of that is actually common to both.
05:49.32 Ralith it's easier to handle things in software than in hardware
05:50.33 Ralith and I'd imagine you could keep yourself mostly safe by setting up a software governor that'd ensure no matter what any other bits told it to do, it always remained mostly upright
05:50.53 Ralith of course, that would preculde really cool maneuvers, but those are generally beyond the scope of a UAV anyway.
05:51.01 Ralith how were you planning on powering it?
05:51.21 jonored Sometimes. Sometimes not. It's a lot easier to do precise positioning with a set of linear axes than with a roomba. That's basically what the control scheme we were aiming for did - use nested saturation functions to keep what it's doing sane.
05:52.32 Ralith hm, I bet you could simplify the control issue by physically angling all of the rotors so the pointed inwards something under 45 degrees from vertical
05:52.51 Ralith that way it'd strafe in the direction of any prop putting displacing less air
05:53.00 Ralith s/putting//
05:53.43 Ralith you'd sacrifice some energy for that conveniences, of course
05:54.00 jonored Power was from a fairly gigantic lithium ion polymer battery. I want to say it was rated for something like 40A, with a 4 amp-hour capacity... and four little brushless motors that spin the props such that you're convinced they'd take a finger off if you let them. Scary to have the thing spin up.
05:54.25 Ralith that must have been pretty powerful if it could lift a heavy battery like that
05:54.27 jonored eleven volts coming off the battery.
05:54.29 Ralith I *really* want one of these
05:54.42 Ralith how long could it stay in the air?
05:54.46 jonored lipoly batteries are crazy light, though.
05:54.49 Ralith also, altitude ceiling?
05:55.36 jonored Don't know - project ended too soon after they got me their control stuff, and awkwardness with not having sufficient computing power to run the control scheme they wanted on the microcontroller.
05:56.03 Ralith surely swapping in a more powerful controller wasn't that big a deal
05:56.11 Ralith I mean, a project like that would need a big budget already
05:56.43 jonored We went over. it's something like $300 per person for those projects.
05:56.56 Ralith how large a team?
05:57.30 jonored Six and six, I think. I was sorta in the middle and the only one who could write code.
05:57.44 Ralith that must've sucked
05:57.47 jonored (Two projects.)
05:58.56 Ralith I have to build myself one of these things; it sounds remarkably affordable.
05:59.22 Ralith was this a univ course project, something professional, or what?
05:59.42 jonored Yeah, rather did. Didn't help arguing with the aerospace engineers that any accelerometers we could get weren't going to magically differentiate between gravity and acceleration...
06:00.07 jonored University, ours has something like a thesis for undergraduates.
06:01.31 Ralith I wish there was some entity out there that would happily give out a few thousand dollars to people just for the sake of building cool stuff
06:02.55 Ralith I'd think with an aircraft like that you'd be able to do some neat hacks
06:03.32 Ralith it's going to be mostly upright most of the time, so if you assume relatively still air, you could mount a laser rangefinder aimed straight down
06:03.46 Ralith it'd get easily confused at higher altitudes, though
06:04.18 jonored There are people doing that sort of thing. It's surprisingly awkward getting one to know where it is if you can't just stick a GPS module on it. A sonar module also is an option; we were trying for an indoor device, so that seemed reasonable.
06:05.12 Ralith sound-based rangefinding would be iffy
06:05.19 Ralith who knows what sort of surface it would end up above
06:05.40 jonored For us, floor, mostly. But other things yes.
06:06.12 Ralith yeah, but floor can be all sorts of things
06:06.18 Ralith from concrete to shag carpet
06:06.25 Ralith which can't be good for sonar.
06:07.04 jonored True.
06:07.05 Ralith if you want to get more creative here's an idea
06:07.14 Ralith this one only works outside, but eh
06:07.17 Ralith take a laser rangefinder
06:07.37 Ralith aim it horizontally at a spinning 45 degree mirror with an encoder so you know where the mirror's pointed
06:07.52 Ralith then estimate the location of the horizons on both side based on when the range given goes to infinity
06:08.04 Ralith this should give you pretty accurate orientation information in anything but heavy fog
06:09.56 jonored Would be reasonable, yes. Outside is, surprisingly enough, easier to deal with than inside. Among other things, you can get a location and velocity in a fixed coordinate frame to within a few meters with a small, easy device...
06:10.05 Ralith heheh
06:10.24 Ralith inside you could do a similar thing, except aim the assembly downwards
06:10.42 Ralith it wouldn't be so useful for orientation, admittedly
06:11.05 Ralith but it'd be pretty awesome in terms of other tasks you'd have to do to have a realtime map of surroundings at the current altitude
06:11.22 Ralith of course, it'd crash into mirrors all the time.
06:11.24 jonored Much nicer than trying to integrate from accelerometers and gyroscopes for all of it and get it to be stable for the few minutes to test the control system..
06:12.52 Ralith I'm not sure what problems you'd have with accelerometers
06:13.23 Ralith zero it while it's sitting on a table, then just have everything try to keep them at zero
06:13.48 Ralith put one at the extreme of each prop boom and you've got lots of info
06:14.23 Ralith I can see the problem with keeping track of what upright is, though :/
06:14.34 jonored Accumulation of errors. Double integration mixed with noise is not a happy prospect. Could certianly try to just keep them at zero - on the other hand, for a quadrotor, what you get back is that you are accelerating upwards at 9.8 m/s^2 if you're thrusting as you would to counter gravity.
06:15.10 Ralith treat that as zero :P
06:15.20 jonored What you get putting them out on the ends of the boom is that you've built a gyro out of accelerometers.
06:15.36 Ralith this is useful and probably cheaper than a real gyro.
06:15.57 Ralith but yeah, with error accumulation you'd lose track of which way's up
06:15.59 Ralith hm.
06:16.12 Ralith well, wait
06:16.19 Ralith this thing isn't stable in anything but vertical
06:16.21 jonored The problem with treating that as zero is that accelerating straight towards the ground at 18.6 m/s^2 looks awful similar...
06:16.31 Ralith so couldn't you examine the specifics of its current instability and correct?
06:16.56 Ralith I'd hope your accelerometers can tell the difference between negative and positive :P
06:17.15 Ralith uhh
06:17.16 jonored it is positive. The accelerometer is oriented the same direction as the props.
06:17.20 Ralith and just hope you don't get flipped upside down.
06:17.27 Ralith cuz if that happens you're pretty much fucked.
06:17.58 Ralith I don't see that being even remotely recoverable when you've got so little room to maneuver, even if you're omniescient
06:18.01 jonored You can get the information that needs from gyros/equivalent devices. That's even just a single integration.
06:18.55 jonored the problem is that if you think about it, the raw accelerometers should always be reading zero in the 'horizontal' axes in the body frame, and 9.8 in the 'vertical' axis.
06:19.24 Ralith I'm still not sure where the problem lies
06:19.30 Ralith you could even give a brute force approach, if properly tweaked
06:20.00 jonored it's not impossible to fly something like this on that kind of system.
06:20.14 Ralith when you're tilting one way, crank up the motor on that side; wouldn't it stabilize at vertical?
06:20.40 jonored Yes. the problem is telling you're tilting one way.
06:21.05 Ralith it would be rotationally accelerating, wouldn't it?
06:21.09 jonored You can get the derivative of the thing you want to control from a gyro, but it's not easily done to get the actual number you care about.
06:21.17 Ralith ah.
06:21.46 jonored Just rotating is detectable. the problem then is that you care about the angle. That said, you can get good enough sensors that this works for a good while.
06:21.59 jonored but I need sleep...
06:22.04 Ralith alright
06:22.07 Ralith good discussion
06:22.15 jonored g'night
06:39.41 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
07:01.31 *** join/#brlcad kylec (
07:02.28 kylec hey, anyone out there?
07:23.05 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
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08:10.24 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r31817 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt: added some files to be consistent with
08:17.11 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r31818 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: fixed crash because of a corrupted function stack
08:36.41 *** join/#brlcad esben_ (
08:46.54 homovulgaris brlcad: hmm.. was planning on style cleanup later.. not coding complete .. true
08:49.55 homovulgaris should write self consistent code.
09:00.49 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:12.59 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
10:14.32 *** join/#brlcad davidg (
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10:26.29 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:27.37 mafm hi
10:27.50 homovulgaris howdy mafm :)
10:30.23 mafm sigh
10:30.27 mafm too much work
10:30.34 mafm but that's a common illness, I guess :)
10:40.58 brlcad sleep less ;)
10:42.42 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
10:58.32 mafm I can't
10:58.45 mafm I can sleep less for a few days or so, but then I have to recover
10:59.50 mafm hmm, ibot_ is actively ignoring me :|
11:00.45 archivist the saturday lie in, zzzz, /me didnt get up till about 3pm this last weekend
11:01.24 mafm oh, now I read it -- brlcad: I'm already using Ogre::ManualObject to build and render the sample shapes
11:02.49 homovulgaris :D sleeping less is always a good solution ;)
11:03.11 homovulgaris plenty of time to sleep later :)
11:05.07 mafm that's only fun when you haven't had serious sleeping problems in the past :P
11:06.56 homovulgaris :) i had some trouble with 30 hour sleep per week ;)
11:07.25 homovulgaris i mean not trouble per se :P class bunks
11:14.38 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
11:17.29 mafm I mean health problems :)
11:17.32 mafm hi andrecastelo
11:17.44 andrecastelo hi mafm
11:18.47 homovulgaris hey castelo ;) nice castle
11:36.10 brlcad breifly documents,
11:40.54 andrecastelo thanks homovulgaris :D
11:41.05 andrecastelo (i didn't model it though)
12:02.02 mafm castelo's castle... you have to patent it
12:21.53 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
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13:52.12 yukonbob browses sketch docs, suggests a pictures are worth thousands of words...
13:52.22 yukonbob hello, cadheads
13:56.25 starseeker tests whether the X updated that busted tk on gentoo also busts BRL-CAD's internal tk
13:56.37 ``Erik O.o
13:56.52 ``Erik pets fbsd :)
13:57.37 starseeker It looks like it's a change at the Xorg level
13:57.55 starseeker reads bug report...
13:58.16 starseeker Possibly a hardcoded Tk assumption is being violated by new xproto behavior...
13:58.53 starseeker They seem to think ALL tk versions are impacted
13:58.59 starseeker ouch
13:59.08 starseeker here's hoping BRL-CAD doesn't trigger the behavior
14:05.26 starseeker So far so good...
14:14.49 starseeker crap crap crap crap
14:15.48 yukonbob heads to work...
14:15.56 yukonbob starseeker: good luck
14:16.24 yukonbob (see also #tcl, if you think it might help... lots of Tcl Core Team hangs out there...)
14:17.25 starseeker Oh, I know why it's failing (or at least someone does)
14:17.52 starseeker Alright, here's the failure and the links to info - to discuss with brlcad:
14:18.25 starseeker figures apply the patch to our tree and move on with life, but it doesn't look like the tk devs have their final solution as yet...
14:18.46 starseeker heads out...
14:19.16 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
14:32.58 *** join/#brlcad andre|away_ (n=chatzill@
15:07.55 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (
15:10.15 brlcad heh, "This has been a valid assumption (from 1991 up until very recently)"
15:10.49 brlcad pats Xorg on the back for breathing some new life into X11
15:14.07 brlcad starseeker: yeah, probably should just apply john's patch for now
15:14.22 brlcad er, joe i mean
15:30.37 *** join/#brlcad esben_ (
15:31.03 brlcad gets peckish
15:35.11 ``Erik O.o
15:35.44 prasad_ peck peck
15:37.35 ``Erik quit being a pecker, prasad ;D
15:41.44 ``Erik wonders if brlcad is in the office today
15:52.22 brlcad nope
15:52.43 brlcad ironically have too much work to do
15:54.11 ``Erik heh, yet anther fine framework, I hear
15:54.37 brlcad starts after tomorrow
15:56.55 *** join/#brlcad andre|away__ (n=chatzill@
16:10.09 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
16:30.54 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
16:39.37 brlcad hugs CIA-60
16:39.37 CIA-60 hugs brlcad
16:42.05 Axman6 oh, i can see i came back whole you were having a moment...
16:42.08 Axman6 while*
16:59.23 brlcad yeah, it's apparently back-logged..
16:59.38 brlcad just now springing back to life
17:02.07 ``Erik O.o
17:04.44 starseeker so a peckish brlcad is either hungry, easily annoyed, or both?
17:10.50 brlcad annoyingly hungry
17:11.02 starseeker heh :-)
17:11.38 ``Erik <-- pats his belly full of expired chef boy r dee ravioli
17:12.24 ``Erik I know you're jealous, you can admit it
17:12.25 brlcad ponders pizza
17:12.31 brlcad heh
17:12.44 brlcad I think I have a can of that crap .. not going there today
17:12.58 starseeker around starseeker pizza seldom lasts long enough to ponder
17:13.11 brlcad i get a craving for it like two times a year, it's there "just in case"
17:13.22 poolio I just had way too much free pizza for lunch :D
17:13.31 ``Erik remembers to taze starseeker when the pizza's arrive for any pizza party
17:14.21 starseeker makes note to drain the charge on ``Erik's tazer
17:16.45 starseeker although given ``Erik's approach to toys, he's probably got a mini-nuclear reactor in there...
17:16.51 brlcad wow, just a couple weeks since I last used that on-line ordering dude's new site and he's already got a dozen new restaurants
17:17.00 starseeker cool
17:19.42 ``Erik nah
17:20.01 ``Erik just enough capacitors to flash vaporize a 1" diameter steel rod :D
17:22.30 starseeker ``Erik: Ah, of course - the gigaFarad capacitor :-). After all, what good are the large scale SI unit prefixes if you don't make use of them? :-)
17:23.03 starseeker I guess it would probably be gigafarad, actually...
17:23.55 starseeker remembers someone once comparing measuring capacitance in Farads to measuring egos in Stallmans - uselessly large units...
17:24.02 ``Erik mine are gibifarads
17:24.20 ``Erik O.o
17:24.36 starseeker digital farads?
17:25.00 ``Erik only fools count in decimal, you have to count in binary to be cool
17:25.07 ``Erik and I'm the coolest! or something
17:25.21 starseeker well, you're certainly the somethingist
17:26.25 ``Erik lithp people are... thpecial.
17:26.47 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31819 10/brlcad/trunk/sh/
17:26.48 starseeker They're metapeople ;-)
17:26.51 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: add support for RFC 2822 dates in addition to UNIX dates, this should fix a
17:26.59 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: couple of timing issues that have been noticed. also make the argument
17:27.03 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: processing more robust including detection of the date format. add support for
17:27.12 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: env variable overrides and --debug|DEBUG in addition to --seconds|ONLY_SECONDS
17:27.16 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: support. woot.
17:27.51 ``Erik apparently all 3 public branches of ucw are dead(ish), the various developers have their own private repos, and the 'proper' way to get it at the moment is to download something called paragent and extract it from that
17:29.00 ``Erik neat, huh? :D
17:29.28 starseeker restrains an impulse to knock ucw dev's heads together and read them the git user maual
17:29.33 starseeker manual even
17:29.41 ``Erik they like darcs
17:30.05 andrecastelo hey guys
17:30.10 starseeker howdy
17:30.18 CIA-60 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31820 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/Commands.h: Changed initialization sequence
17:30.18 ``Erik though I have to admit, I did get a minor urge to use git... while I was flying
17:30.20 andrecastelo hey starseeker
17:30.28 andrecastelo hi ``Erik :D
17:30.48 ``Erik the 5 hours of airport/aircraft non-access made git almost look attractive... but *shrug* then the 5 hours was up and I could resume not being a git :D
17:30.54 ``Erik afternoon, andre
17:31.01 starseeker git is good for situations like that where everyone has a branch - it's precisely what tends to happen with the Linux kernel
17:31.11 ``Erik nice screenies, started the bidirectional stuff yet?
17:31.40 andrecastelo i was trying to do much detailed things
17:31.41 ``Erik yes, I did a little linux kernel hacking in the 90's, a bunch of gits sounds about right :D
17:31.43 starseeker pokes CIA-60
17:31.58 andrecastelo brlcad told me to keep it simple, try to make it work as a simple raytracer
17:32.12 ``Erik fbsd is preparing to move to svn O.o
17:32.22 andrecastelo it saves the hit points now, will be useful when path tracing
17:32.29 ``Erik <-- thought he suggested that to andre long ago... :D
17:33.05 andrecastelo my bad, then :S
17:33.06 starseeker Well, for the record - the tk patch is added. It didn't break the Mac, but I'll have to wait til I get back home to confirm it fixed the new Xorg issue
17:33.11 ``Erik I believe twingy rendered the castle using rise/adrt at one time, d'no if I have the images from that anymore
17:33.19 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
17:33.23 ``Erik ssh -X ?
17:33.58 starseeker has never set up remote access to his box - too much trouble between modem, ISP, and securing box
17:35.02 starseeker hopes one day to be in a place where he can get a direct fiber hookup...
17:35.09 ``Erik sweden?
17:35.24 starseeker heh
17:35.49 starseeker do I detect a slight mistrust of the USA's ability to roll out broadband?
17:36.30 ``Erik um, ability, or desire?
17:37.00 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
17:37.00 starseeker desire I never doubt, unless it's the MPAA/RIAA
17:37.21 ``Erik the companies don't particularly want to do it, they're cr^Happing all over the intartoobs, and most people don't particularly care as long as their por^Wmail gets to them fast enough
17:37.39 ``Erik supposedly a large number of people use dialup and don't want to switch to "broadband"
17:38.04 ``Erik and we tend to be a pretty spread out country compared to some :)
17:38.05 starseeker has run into a few and always has to resist the urge to scream...
17:38.15 starseeker true
17:38.47 starseeker (which is why we need faster trains, doggone it - what will we do when flying gets too expensive?)
17:39.52 ``Erik my round trip flight was about $200 after the fees and taxes, train woulda been more expensive and time consuming :/ a sleeper ride probably woulda been $2k and taken 2-3 days
17:40.19 prasad_ dc to chicago is 17 hrs :o
17:40.28 starseeker <snort> - all that means is Amtrak should be beet read
17:40.30 prasad_ for the same price as a plane ticket
17:40.30 starseeker red
17:40.37 ``Erik and the notion of 2-3 days in cattle is unpleasant
17:40.37 prasad_ which is 2 hrs
17:40.59 starseeker right. We need bullet maglev trains for 1/4 the cost of air travel
17:41.17 starseeker what's wrong with learning from the rest of the world?
17:41.19 ``Erik rode a train from seattle to oakland in '85, and one from some mudhole to osan (south korea) around '87
17:41.35 ``Erik other than subways, haven't ridden any others :/
17:42.23 starseeker road Amtrack two or three times - one time he got sick, one time he was stuck near the smoking lounge and one time he was 17 hours late
17:43.00 ``Erik but we run into the issue of things being spread out so much, combined with the inability to accept darwinism so the tracks must be caged to prevent r-tards from getting pasted... huge cost :D
17:43.01 clock_ starseeker: sick from dry air?
17:43.22 starseeker clock_: Dunno. More likely being couped up with other sick people
17:43.35 clock_ 17 hours late lol
17:43.41 clock_ how long did the journey normally take?
17:43.49 starseeker ``Erik: Nah, just build elevated maglev tails
17:44.05 ``Erik again; expensive :)
17:44.09 starseeker clock_: Little over a day or two
17:44.20 clock_ here in switzerland there is a fence around
17:44.23 starseeker ``Erik: Up front, yes, but it's a fixed cost
17:44.27 clock_ i climbed it once and wont do it anymore
17:44.40 starseeker airplane fuel looks to be open ended
17:44.45 ``Erik building a 50 mile city loop might be fine, building a single 5000 mile run...
17:44.55 clock_ I saw like for half kilometer crossed carefully and suddenly a silent doubledecker train going like 120km/h was whistling at me
17:45.13 clock_ my brother said he saw it there was huge clearance no danger but i wont do it anyway
17:45.14 starseeker hey, they probably said the same thing about a continuous railroad across the US
17:45.30 clock_ its not czech republic where the trains go 60km/h you hear them few kilometers and people normally cross the tracks safely
17:45.57 starseeker agrees with ``Erik that any opportunity for stupidity in the US will be taken advantage of by someone
17:46.00 ``Erik yeah, but we can't pay chinese people 2 cents a week and let them die without concern anymore... O.o it was an achievement with some insanely horrible prices attached
17:46.36 starseeker <snort> we've learned a few things technologically since then
17:47.16 ``Erik I was thinking more about the social abuses of dehumanizing a large work force
17:47.31 starseeker as opposed to (say) IT support call centers?
17:48.11 starseeker I'm guessing proper maglev installation isn't going to be about dehumanizing people so much as it is making the install foolproof
17:48.21 ``Erik *shrug*
17:48.27 starseeker the labor requirements are different
17:48.27 clock_ I think a wire fence like in CH suffices
17:48.29 ``Erik I don't see it happening in the near future
17:48.35 clock_ with ocassional sign do not cross life danger
17:48.40 starseeker I agree, it won't be near term
17:48.47 ``Erik rednecks won't go for tax hikes when they never leave their trailer park
17:48.49 ``Erik :D
17:49.12 starseeker has seen Japan's train system, and is still green with envy
17:49.28 starseeker you can get almost anywhere you want to go without a car, between the rail systems and busses
17:49.52 ``Erik yeah, but remember; japan is a small country with a high population density and a culture that pushes more for common good than personal wealth
17:50.02 starseeker Sure.
17:50.28 ``Erik <-- was dumbstruck at the cultural difference at first
17:50.37 starseeker But unless you seriously think our population will stop going up, shouldn't we be planning for the long term here as well?
17:51.02 ``Erik of course I think we SHOULD
17:51.08 starseeker figures we elect officials to watch out for the common good, after all...
17:51.08 ``Erik ...
17:51.12 starseeker heh
17:51.36 starseeker keep voting, I guess...
17:51.37 ``Erik elected officials tend to only worry about the future to a term length
17:51.52 starseeker very true
17:51.52 ``Erik just like companies end to only worry out to a quarter away
17:51.56 ``Erik tend
17:52.05 ``Erik and most of the US only worries about a paycheck away
17:53.05 starseeker that's natural (frustrating, but natural)
17:54.33 ``Erik thinks the highway system mostly exists because a large part of the population was in awe at the german system they used first hand, as well as a huge economy rebuilding push by the gov't
17:55.02 ``Erik if it weren't pimped so well to a choire of an audience, I doubt we'd have it :)
17:55.55 ``Erik computer geeks discussing socioeconomic philosophies, that just ain't right
17:56.00 ``Erik pokes at computer stuff :D
17:56.23 starseeker is back to xml conversion - getting close to the end of volIII
17:56.33 starseeker lotta appendices
17:58.25 ``Erik vestigial organs in our documentation? ohs noes!
17:59.05 starseeker wishes the Build Pattern doc qualified...
18:00.39 ``Erik O.o as in 'builder design pattern'?
18:08.01 brlcad loves riding by train, with or without delays
18:08.22 brlcad one of the few means of travel where you can actually do something almost the *entire* trip, very productive
18:09.10 brlcad pull out the laptop, plug it in, prop up your feet, code code type type all day, get up and go get a beer from the bar, back to coding, enjoy the scenery
18:12.38 ``Erik give me a teleportation booth any day
18:15.06 ``Erik detaches brlcad's screen and doesn't give it back until he's done coding O.o :D
18:15.26 brlcad heh
18:15.46 brlcad this isn't so much coding, it's writing, and it doesn't start until tomorrow
18:16.50 ``Erik detaches brlcad's screen and doesn't give it back until bz is migrated :D *duck*
18:17.00 ``Erik <-- running updates on it yet again
18:21.06 ``Erik curses up a storm at yet another lithper thpecialnethth
18:32.14 ``Erik hey, neat, a tarball with emacs ~ files, a .DS_Store file, a 23 meg core file, ... a mixture of CVS, .svn and _darcs directories...
18:40.17 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:40.17 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || BRL-CAD is participating in the 2008 Google Summer of Code! || Release 7.12.4 is posted (source-only release)
18:42.37 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
18:51.09 andrecastelo finishing blog report and then off to class
18:57.58 ``Erik looks at andres checklist... the +'s are done and -'s are not?
18:58.24 *** join/#brlcad CIA-22 (
19:00.12 pacman87 i think i found a bug in kde
19:00.25 pacman87 either that, or i'm doing it wrong
19:00.40 andrecastelo ``Erik: yup
19:00.48 brlcad avoids the lewd joke
19:01.14 andrecastelo but that is not up to date
19:01.15 pacman87 every so often, i end up with a whole bunch of kdesktop_lock and kblankscrn.kss processes running when i come back
19:02.40 ``Erik but lewd jokes are the best kind!
19:08.40 ``Erik hum
19:11.49 ``Erik a horrible bug in andres code! it assumes a single worker thread doing lines in order instead of saving scanlines where they belong
19:14.47 andrecastelo ``Erik: in view_pixel() ?
19:16.32 ``Erik I didn't look that close, but when I run it on a 4 core machine, I get what looks like a few random grey strips with a lot of black background, but when I give it -P1, it looks ok
19:19.57 ``Erik hm, and no save image ability
19:20.25 ``Erik try um, running it with like -P4 or -P512 or something
19:21.29 andrecastelo yeah, the view_pixel() assumes BUFMODE_SCANLINE
19:21.37 andrecastelo that'll be changed
19:22.05 andrecastelo also, i temporarily cut the save image ability from it, when i was trying to make it work with a frame buffer
19:22.14 ``Erik okie, I mostly use 4 and 8 core boxes, so I was wondering what was broken until I tried explicitely giving -P1
19:22.17 andrecastelo (plus it created a 128mb file o.O)
19:29.59 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
19:37.57 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennnedy (
19:40.10 mafm have to go home before the night falls: strange creatures roam Lisbon city during the night :P
19:45.42 mafm nighty night
19:47.22 *** join/#brlcad esben_ (
19:51.36 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
20:05.07 andrecastelo pokes C
20:05.12 andrecastelo pokes CIA-22
20:05.50 andrecastelo ``Erik: updated viewmlt.c, it outputs an image file now
20:06.18 andrecastelo i'm still downloading a program to visualize .pix files, though :S
20:12.17 ``Erik heh, um, there's a program to dump a pix to an fb :) or cnvert fb to png
20:13.29 ``Erik is nervous about hacking on it lest he modify thing that'll be deleted/replaced O.o
20:18.23 andrecastelo i'm off to class now
20:18.27 andrecastelo cya later
20:18.55 ``Erik hasta
20:35.12 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
20:41.58 *** join/#brlcad CIA-22 (
21:07.38 *** join/#brlcad CIA-22 (
21:24.12 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r31826 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/ged.h src/libtclcad/ged_obj.c): Reworked things a bit to make it easier to add commands in the GED object.
21:33.24 pacman87 is there a problem with me adding this to vmath.h?
21:33.24 pacman87 #define MAX(a, b)( (a) > (b) )?(a):(b)
21:33.24 pacman87 #define MIN(a, b)( (a) < (b) )?(a):(b)
21:33.35 pacman87 or is there a better place?
21:33.38 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
22:00.05 ``Erik has thought about doing that himself O.o
22:00.30 pacman87 need to wrap another () around it, though
22:02.13 ``Erik hrmmm, I forget if anything takes precedence over the ternary
22:02.31 pacman87 MAX( 5, 3 ) + 1;
22:02.49 pacman87 won't the +1 be included with :(b) + 1;
22:03.45 ``Erik ah, yeah
22:04.12 pacman87 the carc_seg struct isn't very friendly
22:04.47 ``Erik (((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) /* and people think lithp has lotth of parenthethith */
22:04.49 ``Erik O:-)
22:05.25 pacman87 (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
22:05.25 pacman87 <PROTECTED>
22:05.47 ``Erik yeh
22:06.04 ``Erik I just got home, my brain needs a few minutes to acclimate, it's frikkin' 80f in my house :(
22:06.14 pacman87 nice and toasty
22:06.51 ``Erik some day, I'll get my a/c fixed
22:06.53 ``Erik honest
22:07.01 ``Erik or wait until it's cold outside and sell my house *cough* O:-)
22:07.51 pacman87 my ac broke last summer in austin
22:08.16 pacman87 twasn't fun
22:11.20 ``Erik hrmmm, can V_MAX() be twisted to your needs?
22:16.31 pacman87 i want to compare a and b and store in c
22:16.43 pacman87 not necessarily store back in a
22:17.22 ``Erik yeah, I think it's a silly construct, just looking for ways to avoid adding there
22:17.45 pacman87 which is silly?
22:17.54 ``Erik and { int c = a; V_MAX(c,b); blah(c); } is ugly
22:18.12 ``Erik the store instead of return approach
22:19.17 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31827 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Add build pattern tutorial
22:20.10 ``Erik sees MAX defined in /usr/include (in a few places)
22:20.23 starseeker hugs CIA-22
22:20.24 CIA-22 hugs starseeker
22:21.00 ``Erik HEY! keep it family friendly, freaks!
22:21.25 starseeker CIA forgave me - I was being ignored for the longest time
22:21.32 ``Erik c.h php/main/snprintf.h php/Zend/zend.h sys/param.h X11/extensions/xtrapddmi.h
22:21.58 ``Erik (this is on a mac, btw)
22:22.08 pacman87 yeah, i probably need a new name
22:22.54 ``Erik (defun in (x) (asdf-install:install x))
22:23.32 starseeker heh - making lisp user friendly, one abbreviation at a time
22:23.42 ``Erik :D
22:24.37 ``Erik I'd rather type (in 'thlime) than (asdf-install:install 'thlime) if I'm doing a gazillion of 'em
22:25.31 ``Erik huh, how does lithp do variable arity? in thcheme, it's (define (func arg1 ... argn) form)
22:26.04 ``Erik or, uh, one ., sorry
22:26.07 ``Erik C macros on the brain
22:26.20 ``Erik (define (println . args) (for-each display args) (newline)) ; for example
22:26.53 starseeker the #lisp channel is actually good for stuff like that :-)
22:27.05 starseeker if the right folks are on
22:27.26 ``Erik the personal lithp yoda named cliff is good for that, too, now turn green and start spouting wisdom or I'll whack you with my lispsaber
22:27.34 ``Erik :D
22:27.48 starseeker pulls his brain out of docbook and looks...
22:28.30 starseeker what's variable arity?
22:28.34 ``Erik google is being mean to me
22:28.35 ``Erik varargs
22:28.52 starseeker you want to define how many arguments you will pass to a command?
22:29.06 starseeker er function
22:29.19 ``Erik I want to define a function that takes a variable number of args
22:29.24 ``Erik like format
22:29.51 starseeker just pass it a list?
22:29.57 starseeker stuff the args in the list?
22:30.09 starseeker is out of shape lisp wise
22:30.36 ``Erik well, that's what it boils down to in scheme, but the syntatic sugar is nice
22:30.59 ``Erik (myfunc 'a 'b 'c) instead of (myfunc '(a b c)) ... :)
22:31.44 ``Erik is not finding satisfaction via google :(
22:32.06 starseeker try #lisp if you can take the heat - they have helped me in the past
22:33.20 starseeker does this help?
22:33.40 starseeker check the &optional symbol
22:34.49 ``Erik ah, &rest
22:34.57 pacman87 decides to take a shotgun approach to carc bounds, instead of using a rifle
22:36.46 pacman87 ... at least for now, anyway
22:45.04 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31828 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Add build_region appendix
22:54.07 starseeker woot!
22:56.03 starseeker lots of holes to fill in, but progress!
23:00.10 brlcad yeah, nifty -- what's different? :)
23:00.51 brlcad starseeker: and what's up with the images.. some are way too big (oversampled), some way too small (super low res)..
23:03.14 brlcad ``Erik: huh, nervous about hacking on what? his code is fair game, he probably needs to learn how to correctly resolve conflicts anyways
23:05.26 ``Erik yeah, but if he's gonna gut&replace, *shrug* i'm trying to be lazy :D
23:05.32 ``Erik uh, anyone using firefox 3?
23:06.15 brlcad pacman87: posix provides fmax(), fmin()
23:06.45 brlcad we use that throughout the code, that's why there's nothing defined already
23:08.47 ``Erik downgrades firefox due to inexcusable brokeness :(
23:12.09 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
23:19.48 ``Erik and now the old one is broken the same way. *sigh*
23:20.15 PrezKennedy UE!!
23:24.25 ``Erik starts wondering if his pref file hacking is coming back to haunt him
23:34.49 Ralith ``Erik: I use FF3
23:35.18 PrezKennedy I use IE!
23:35.22 Ralith D:
23:35.25 PrezKennedy gets struck by lightning
23:37.13 ``Erik when I upgraded from ff2 to ff3, it quit showing tabs and would get stuck on pages, when I downgraded back to ff2, the tabs were still gone :( annoying crap
23:39.26 Ralith sounds like mangled prefs
23:39.30 Ralith kill your profile
23:41.58 ``Erik yeah, trying to do that in a way that keeps my bookmarks
23:42.39 Ralith copy the bookmarks over after you have a new profile
23:42.42 Ralith should work fine
23:42.46 Ralith they're in they're own file iirc
23:42.48 ``Erik tried that, they're not sticking
23:42.57 ``Erik grepped through the directory to make sure, even
23:43.10 Ralith complain on their IRC channel
23:44.21 Ralith I'm curious -- the docs and website use all these really neat looking detailed military vehicles for example pics
23:44.25 Ralith are those available anywhere?
23:44.29 Ralith (the models, that is)
23:44.47 brlcad nope
23:44.51 Ralith aw.
23:45.04 brlcad the only one that is available is havoc
23:45.10 Ralith ?
23:45.12 Ralith got a link?
23:45.19 ``Erik um, mi28 iirc
23:45.26 ``Erik the helicoptor
23:45.41 Ralith to the file, I meant
23:45.53 ``Erik russian, never fielded, it's in the distribution
23:46.02 ``Erik as is the US m-35 2.5 ton truck
23:46.15 brlcad installed as havoc.g
23:46.41 ``Erik wouldn't mind getting the t62 in public release status :)
23:47.00 Ralith <3 detailed and accurate military models
23:47.07 brlcad i think that one's doable if it's just pressed (at the right time to the right people)
23:47.19 Ralith in the distribution?
23:47.22 Ralith you sure?
23:47.25 Ralith % find ./ -iname '*.g'
23:47.26 Ralith ./doc/html/manuals/mged/cup.g
23:47.41 ``Erik should be in share/brlcad/7.12.4/db/havoc.g
23:47.59 Ralith weird.
23:48.06 ``Erik how did you install?
23:48.07 Ralith that's not in the source tarball
23:48.10 Ralith but it's in my install
23:48.18 ``Erik it's in the source as havoc.asc
23:48.21 Ralith ahh.
23:48.23 brlcad in the source dist it's db/havoc.asc
23:48.30 Ralith why store it that way?
23:48.33 brlcad that's converted to .g during compilation and installed
23:48.37 ``Erik we have an ascii mode format of the .g file and "compile" it to binary
23:48.38 Ralith better versioning system handling?
23:48.56 brlcad yes, human readable
23:49.08 ``Erik um, v4 db wasn't smart about endian and width, CVS is bitchy about binary files, etc
23:49.14 Ralith cool, thanks
23:49.19 ``Erik human readable is nice, but I think a lot of it is historic
23:49.23 ``Erik *shrug*
23:49.30 ``Erik would like asc updated to v5
23:49.33 ``Erik :)
23:50.05 Ralith also, my GUI's console occasionally opens as a tiny vertical rectangle (you can't even see anything besides the wm decorations)
23:50.15 Ralith can't find a way to reliably reproduce it, but it happens often
23:50.22 ``Erik asc2g generates v5's I believe, but the info in asc is still v4, I think
23:52.00 Ralith what's the license on these?
23:54.25 brlcad see COPYING
23:54.52 brlcad (bsd)
23:56.43 ``Erik should db/ be explicitely called out around line 46 of COPYING?
23:57.33 ``Erik ponders adding comments to asc to hold that info there O.o
23:57.35 ``Erik :D

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