IRC log for #brlcad on 20080719

00:55.23 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
01:27.04 *** join/#brlcad thing1 (
01:28.47 starseeker_ brlcad: Cool example - thanks!
01:53.35 *** join/#brlcad starseeker_ (
02:12.50 starseeker_ bemusedly predicts that the Mummy III movie will start prompting jokes about the franchise itself joining the ranks of the undead...
04:29.00 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=Timothy@
05:15.25 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
06:34.24 brlcad yawns
07:20.43 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:40.28 *** join/#brlcad starseeker_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:58.05 *** join/#brlcad saltan (
09:22.17 *** part/#brlcad saltan_ (
10:17.19 *** join/#brlcad cad06 (
11:25.40 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:35.55 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
13:37.37 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
14:04.00 ``Erik apparently pauly short desease is transmittable, brenden frasier caught it when he was doing encino man O.o
14:04.20 ``Erik shore, even
15:03.55 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
15:10.45 ``Erik it's really handy that emacs binds help to ^H, I mean, it's not like that could mean anything else, like delete
15:26.31 brlcad (global-set-key "\C-h" 'delete-backward-char)
15:29.43 brlcad having a tailored .emacs is handy, here's what I usuaully use:
15:31.32 jonored I'll take :help any day, even when writing Lisp.
15:42.15 ``Erik slime is damn sexy. limp is not quite there yet, and tic is busy with his masters thesis. :(
15:42.55 ``Erik jonored++ for lithp :D
15:44.28 ``Erik if vim could provide me the swank bridge, something like ^c^c for form eval, and sane tab completion... that'd be it, I'd put emacs back in the bit bucket :)
15:45.15 ``Erik (by "sane" tab completion, I mean interrogating the environment on the other side of the swank bridge for candidates)
15:54.01 starseeker_ 's pet annoyance is that on the Aquamacs the end key goes to the end of file rather than the end of line
15:55.01 starseeker_ looks over brlcad's dotemacs to see if he solved that...
15:57.43 brlcad starseeker_: erm, should learn the standard bindings for that ..
15:57.52 brlcad ctrl-a ctrl-e for begin/end of line
15:58.08 starseeker_ Ah
15:58.19 brlcad that's portable to most command lines, and goes back to the dawn of time
15:58.30 starseeker_ very good
15:58.49 starseeker_ keeps using the end key by reflex, then has to find his way back...
15:59.12 jonored Both scripts I found to do that quickly use some perl glue, but not terribly much. vim doesn't do terribly well with talking to continuously-running processes. I'm only finding the form eval part, but the tab completion part is derivable from that...
16:34.25 brlcad starseeker_: added the bindings for home/end
16:34.30 brlcad (refresh)
16:35.34 starseeker_ cool - thanks!!
16:35.38 brlcad but seriously .. should learn the standard navigation keys ..
16:35.46 starseeker_ Oh, I'll try :-)
16:36.08 starseeker_ the problem was it takes only one split second mistake and you're off to lala land...
16:36.14 brlcad ctrl-a,e,b,f,p,n
16:36.50 starseeker_ is learning both Emacs and vim intelligent editing
16:36.55 brlcad erm, whenever in doubt ctrl-g ctrl-g
16:37.09 brlcad that'll break out of just about anything
16:38.01 brlcad think of it as your "uh oh, i better start over" binding (ctrl-gg)
16:41.25 starseeker_ Or the "oh, crap!" binding :-P
16:41.34 brlcad sure :)
16:42.01 brlcad akin to esc esc in vim
16:42.55 starseeker_ wishes vim had nxml
16:43.03 brlcad (including the detail that one is usually enough, but two will get you out of most anything)
16:44.07 starseeker_ is planning to post the VIM cheat sheets up on the wall of his work area
16:44.12 brlcad have you been using the docbook major mode?
16:44.27 starseeker_ for vim you mean?
16:44.32 brlcad for emacs
16:44.36 starseeker_ just nxml
16:44.51 starseeker_ looks up docbook major mode
16:45.26 brlcad
16:46.54 brlcad dunno if it's actually any better, was more asking if you'd compared :)
16:47.06 brlcad nxml could very well be better
16:47.33 starseeker_ hadn't heard of docbookxml
16:47.45 starseeker_ nxml dominated most of the searches I did, IIRC
16:48.04 starseeker_ REALLY likes nxml's ability to check validity in real time
16:48.30 starseeker_ even with the xinclude stuff messing it up, it still underlines the errors usefully - a very impressive piece of work
16:49.01 brlcad cool
16:49.28 starseeker_ It knows what tags should and shouldn't be in environments, as well - kept me from making a few errors
16:53.26 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r31882 10/brlcad/trunk/include/conf/: ignore TS
17:28.01 poolio brlcad: I recently read a fairly old paper on 'geons' and how we recognize things based on their structure. Makes me want to keep going on beset :)
17:28.42 poolio Also, looks like the DoD is interested: :P
17:39.22 brlcad poolio: nobody stopped you in the first place ;)
17:50.46 poolio brlcad: true true. but i can work on the brep code and get paid :) need money for chinese carry out all next year.
17:57.09 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
18:09.23 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
19:49.09 *** join/#brlcad saltan (
21:35.18 *** join/#brlcad jonored (n=jonored@
23:09.44 starseeker_ must say he is impressed with the open games being developed off the quake engine
23:27.00 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (

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