IRC log for #brlcad on 20080721

00:19.45 jonored hmm... what does "loop transits plane of shell/face" mean from g-stl? it keeps bailing with that message, and I didn't think my geometry was that odd...
00:38.49 brlcad jonored: it's part of the solidity constraint checking as it evaluates geometry, going from one representation format to another (solid polygonal)
00:39.39 brlcad more specifically, the topological 'loop' that defines a given face is non-planar (which shouldn't regularly be happening)
00:40.33 brlcad it'll complain and even "bu_bomb" reporting errors -- that doesn't necessarily mean that it succeeded or failed though -- have to inspect the result
00:40.51 jonored Any idea why it'd do that? I've got a trc with a bunch of other trcs and spheres subtracted out, and intersected with an rpp... it's saying that it didn't write any triangles.
00:44.40 jonored which is to say, what should I be looking for to figure out what's wrong?
00:53.23 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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01:00.58 jonored Found it. Using a sphere as an endcap to smooth between two cones, and having them all have the same radius was breaking things, even though they're unioned together. Wasn't expecting that.
02:06.12 ``Erik pheers code monkeys
02:58.29 poolio brlcad: Do you know what's up with the incomplete brep code in conv/iges?
03:48.20 *** join/#brlcad starseeker_ (
05:08.32 brlcad poolio: that was started as a means to test the new brep primitive
05:09.03 brlcad a separate iges importer, started from scratch
05:11.57 poolio ah k. It's incomplete, no? It looked like an almost already done snurb/cnurb -> brep aside from a few missing (crucial) functions
05:12.36 brlcad yeah, incomplete
05:13.55 poolio The reliance of a cnurb on the associated snurb really messes up the structure of my NMG -> brep code :\
05:14.29 poolio Is there a way (outside of openNURBS) to evaluate a snurb at a given (u,v) point?
05:15.16 poolio Ah d'oh. Found it in nurb_eval.c
05:15.45 brlcad oooh, you mean the old snurb/cnurb code
05:16.09 brlcad src/conv/iges has two iges converters, one using new 'brep' and one using old 'nurb'
05:16.59 brlcad the new brep stuff is looked at as mostly a full replacement for the old nurb code (when it's all working)
05:17.46 brlcad the old iges converter was the one place old nurb was actually put to use (and mostly works actually) .. just that it doesn't do a few things, e.g. doesn't do trimmed nurbs
05:17.47 poolio So, I was going to more fully implement nmg -> brep to supportthe old nurb code, this way I could use the existing tnurb callbacks
05:18.10 poolio Is that a bad idea? (are we trying to phase out all the old nurbs code?)
05:19.12 brlcad if brep fully works, the old nurb code will be deleted
05:19.53 brlcad don't worry about old spline surface nmg's (i.e. nurb primitives)
05:20.18 brlcad if you need it's code, you should probably convert it over as brep routines
05:20.48 poolio Ok. The thing was it looked easier to implement the NMG conversion then rewriting the tnurb callbacks to create a brep
05:21.33 poolio But it's not that bad to just rewrite the callbacks to create a brep instead...
05:23.33 brlcad but what do you need the old tnurb callbacks for (what callbacks?)
05:25.07 poolio So for example, in tgc.c, there is a rt_tgc_tnurb which creates an NMG to represent the tgc.
05:25.17 brlcad ah
05:25.47 brlcad creates a 'nurb' nmg .. specific subset
05:26.05 poolio I was going to take the NMB that rt_tgc_tnurb created and convert from that NMG -> brep as I already have working NMG code for planar faces, and I'd just need to add support for cnurb/snurb in the NMG -> brep code and then all these rt_xxx_tnurb callbacks would work fine
05:26.16 brlcad yeah, I wouldn't rely on that implentation, it needs to be converted to create an ON_Brep instead
05:26.35 poolio Alrighty, I'll take that path :)
05:27.07 brlcad might even end up being line for line identical with just different data structures
05:27.13 poolio So just to confirm: reliance on rt_xxx_tess is OK? I'm guessing that's going to be around for ... a hell of a long time :)
05:27.40 brlcad yeah, it's just the _nurb() routines that are getting replaced with _brep() routines
05:27.52 brlcad tess is fair game
05:35.03 PrezKennedy "<darkcrab> question: one of the screws came out of my laptop and one of the sides of my laptop is coming open, what should I do?"
05:35.06 PrezKennedy priceless
05:48.29 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
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09:11.22 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:12.42 mafm hi
09:21.31 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
10:24.42 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r31886 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt: added some files to be consistent with
10:43.08 *** join/#brlcad elmom (
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11:09.39 mafm brlcad: any news from Ralith?
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12:00.13 brlcad mafm, not that i'm aware of
12:00.50 mafm I haven't received mails or anything, I wonder if he ever got to compile the project
12:29.02 *** join/#brlcad elmom (
12:47.20 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (n=d@
12:55.45 mafm hi homovulgaris
12:56.14 mafm mater tua mala burra est :P
13:02.04 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
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13:20.04 starseeker_ hmm - for some reason trying to compile the other directory RBgui can't find OGRE
13:21.01 mafm are you also checking it out starseeker_? :)
13:21.38 mafm what's the exact error? ( or similar, please)
13:21.53 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31887 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (CameraModes.cxx CameraModes.h): Minor rearrangements to prepare for next changes, and to avoid warnings
13:22.00 starseeker_ one sec - let me run ldconfig
13:23.41 starseeker_ btw - is there a required version of gcc? I'm using a pretty new one and OGRE is throwing out warnings left and right
13:24.03 mafm yes, but that's ogre's fault
13:24.20 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
13:24.23 mafm I mean, it's normal, no especial version of gcc required
13:24.29 mafm I'm using 4.3.1 I think
13:25.01 starseeker_
13:26.29 starseeker_ I can try a clean checkout - I may have old incorrect stuff somewhere - but that'll take a while
13:32.55 mafm hmm
13:33.06 mafm do you build ogre and ois before?
13:33.20 mafm or call explicitly to build only mocha and rbgui?
13:35.33 mafm starseeker_: and also, do you have pkg-config installed?
13:36.14 starseeker_ built them before
13:36.19 starseeker_ let me see if I have pkg-config
13:37.03 starseeker_ yes, I have it
13:38.01 mafm is Ogre installed, rather than only compiled?
13:38.45 mafm you can find out if it's properly installed: pkg-config --cflags OGRE
13:39.18 mafm it should spit some compiling flags
13:40.08 starseeker_ let's see...
13:40.18 starseeker_ hmm, not found
13:40.23 starseeker_ let me re-check ogre
13:43.09 starseeker_ Oh, needed to manually point it to the src/other/ogre directory where `OGRE.pc' is located
13:43.27 starseeker_ let's see if that does anything...
13:46.20 mafm huh
13:46.43 mafm it should install it in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig or similar
13:47.01 starseeker_ /usr/qt/3/lib/pkgconfig is what it had by default
13:50.07 starseeker_ If I manually point the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to the directories where the *.pc files are found, it seems to be doing OK.
13:53.22 starseeker_ mafm: Arrgh, I set the video settings wrong
13:53.27 starseeker_ where's the config file?
13:55.00 starseeker_ oh, nevermind - ogre.cfg
13:55.26 starseeker_ yick - doesn't like my fonts or something
13:57.10 starseeker_ Ah, well - got it working :-)
13:57.12 starseeker_ sort of
13:57.16 starseeker_ thanks mafm!
13:57.44 starseeker_ heads in
14:01.04 mafm hmm
14:01.39 mafm well, default in unix systems should be /usr/lib/pkgconfig or with local, in the same spirits as includes and so on
14:01.54 mafm I don't know why would you *only* had the one of qt
14:01.59 mafm but well, it's OK :)
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15:30.06 starseeker mafm: might want to add a note in the INSTALL file about that and how to handle it
15:30.46 mafm I'm think about adding some kind of pre-flight test with the makefile itself
15:31.06 mafm checking whether pkg-config is available, and yelling when not available
15:31.41 mafm (it might be good to have workarounds when not having pkg-config, but I don't have time to fix it atm)
15:36.24 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob_ (
15:47.00 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (n=d@
15:47.25 homovulgaris howdy mafm :) whats with the latin :P ?
15:47.40 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31888 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (10 files): Separating camera modes (classes) in different files, as suggested by Sean.
15:48.17 mafm homovulgaris: I tried to said something that I recalled from high school
15:48.29 homovulgaris :D
15:48.31 mafm because your name is in latin
15:48.50 mafm tempus fugit!
15:48.55 homovulgaris :P just means common man :) but yeah latin is kind of a fun language i guess.
15:49.12 homovulgaris personally i feel sanskrit is much more well structured ..
15:49.36 mafm I speak several degenerate-latin languages, so... :)
15:50.20 homovulgaris latin is pretty neat foundation for learning all the romance languages i guess.. especially if you already have one as a mother tongue ;)
15:50.38 mafm and I my case I have two :D
15:50.47 homovulgaris I finally got my computer back :D 4.0 GHz dual core ;)
15:50.50 mafm but I don't remember almost anything from latin classes
15:50.54 homovulgaris overclocked ofcourse :)
15:50.56 mafm it's the age I guess :)
15:51.03 mafm congrats!
15:52.13 homovulgaris well compilation takes just around 12 minutes.. and planning to use distcc too :P
15:52.24 homovulgaris huge improvement from 200 minutes :)
15:53.06 mafm compilation from whole brlcad?
15:53.16 homovulgaris yeah :)
15:53.20 mafm not bad
15:53.36 mafm hopefully I don't have to compile it often :P
15:54.10 homovulgaris g3d looks neat ;)
15:54.18 homovulgaris what all stuff can i do in it now ?
15:55.45 mafm you can... compile it under 15s, I guess (OGRE aside :P)
15:56.06 mafm I've been working in camera modes lately
15:56.17 mafm I'm trying to create MGED mode today
15:57.01 mafm and next to it, start working in the last major part left: displaying geometry and operations, using the new libged
15:57.22 homovulgaris yeah i already have the window up and running.. :)
15:57.31 homovulgaris whats the triangle in the middle ? test draw ?
15:58.48 mafm it's a kind of tetrahedron
15:58.58 mafm so you somehow can see the camera mode movements :D
15:59.44 mafm you can manipulate the default camera mode with: +,-,8-4-6-2,5 in the numpad
16:00.16 mafm it would help to see it better if the tetrahedron would have texture and proper shading
16:01.30 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
16:01.42 homovulgaris tried it nice.. :) even drawing the edges would make it clearer
16:02.22 mafm (btw, the fist phrase in latin that I told before means "your mother eats red|mature apples", but for portuguese and italian and spanish and probably other it sounds as "your mother is a worthless donkey")
16:02.30 mafm you mean to set it in wireframe mode?
16:03.21 homovulgaris :P yeah that sentence is known to be pretty ambiguous :P wordplay or something :P : as per google :P
16:03.45 homovulgaris wireframe+shade. i mean show the edges as well as the faces
16:05.12 mafm well, I didn't implement any of that, it would be done when displaying the rest of geometries
16:05.53 mafm probably I'll have to write code to translate brl-cad primitives as vertices and lists
16:06.17 mafm you can set wireframe mode in the meanwhile with "polygonmode wireframe"
16:06.19 mafm in the console
16:07.35 mafm oh, and you can also click with middle mouse button and move around dragging the camera -- it's free rotation
16:09.41 homovulgaris hmm.. is adding mouse support tought ? i mean like this view rotation for example..
16:10.58 mafm you have to inject input, the camera mode sets parameters depending on the position of the pointer (vertical or horizontal rotations, translations, etc)
16:11.28 mafm then when painting the next frame, the camera uses these data to position itself, seeing the scene from different angles
16:11.55 mafm but getting to this "dettached" approarch took a few days and refinements :D
16:12.19 mafm hopes to not have to do big acommodations again for implementing MGED
16:14.15 mafm the key parts are only a few dozens lines of code, but it takes a lot to get it right
16:14.27 mafm well
16:14.42 mafm and what about your project? progressing steadily?
16:14.52 homovulgaris :) can imagine.. beautiful code is a nice read
16:18.32 brlcad mafm: one of the libged routines is effectively "give me a display list of vertices and edges"
16:19.28 brlcad should be ged_e or ged_draw -- ged_E or ged_ev should give you evaluated polygonal (slow to call on complex objects)
16:19.52 mafm you mean that that part is translated directly?
16:19.57 homovulgaris free rotation with the mouse works smooth and nice .. :) zoom with scroll coming up ;) ?
16:20.33 mafm directly by libged I mean, so I don't have to do that myself :D
16:20.48 brlcad mafm: yeah, libged handles that
16:21.03 mafm homovulgaris: mmm, it tried to copy Blender mode, not sure if they have that
16:21.11 brlcad with libged you really should be able to do just about everything that mged can presetntly do
16:21.33 mafm homovulgaris: >:| you found a bug
16:21.37 brlcad and if there's something you can't do with it, bob's probably just not gotten to it yet or it's something that needs refactoring still
16:21.54 brlcad but basic geometry loading and wireframe is there now
16:22.07 homovulgaris thinks irssi is awesome
16:22.11 mafm and the vertices list also takes into account "faces" of the triangle?
16:22.17 brlcad screen+irssi ftw
16:23.25 starseeker brlcad: Where does that example code of yours link from? the wiki home page doesn't seem to have a path to it
16:23.30 brlcad mafm: there are different render modes -- for e/draw you don't have faces, you just have unevaluated wireframe so you'll just display what they give you
16:23.36 homovulgaris brlcad: terminator+irssi .. i like screen.. but maybe will need more getting used to :)
16:23.59 brlcad mafm: for commands like ev/E, you get a polygonal display list -- plenty to do shaded displays and more
16:24.36 brlcad homovulgaris: what is terminator?
16:25.02 brlcad starseeker: mm, probably from nothing
16:25.11 starseeker digs it up...
16:25.13 starseeker confirmed
16:25.14 brlcad try special pages, unreferenced
16:25.36 brlcad link it under the dev docs/tutorials
16:25.48 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31889 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/Commands.h: Enhancing PolygonMode command so less typing is needed
16:26.08 brlcad could use expanding too, explaining each section, didn't get to that
16:26.12 homovulgaris brlcad: multiview terminal
16:26.38 homovulgaris not as useful as screen ..
16:26.40 starseeker brlcad: will do
16:26.43 brlcad homovulgaris: oh, heh .. that's not a screen replacement :)
16:27.18 homovulgaris yeah not at all a screen replacement :)
16:27.27 brlcad screen is useful when run from a remote server so you can log in and keep (the same) sessions running
16:27.45 brlcad like keeping irssi running so you never detach from irc ;)
16:27.46 jonored would rather have screen for when he remotes in/kills X because of occasionally glitchy wm.
16:28.31 jonored gets the tiling from the tiling window manager :)
16:28.45 homovulgaris rethinks why he runs X when most of the time all he has on are bash windows
16:29.10 brlcad ooh, terminator is a non-overlapper
16:29.23 brlcad nudges mafm :)
16:32.42 brlcad ala wmii/dwm/ion/awesome etc
16:32.46 mafm brlcad: what?
16:32.54 starseeker anybody else getting foobarred fonts in the ogre gui?
16:33.11 mafm starseeker: never ran into that problem
16:33.13 brlcad mafm just that homovulgaris' terminal program is .. related ;)
16:33.33 brlcad tiling
16:33.43 starseeker meh, just my luck
16:33.58 starseeker will post a screenshot when he gets home
16:34.14 mafm oh, the tiling thing... sorry but I was only reading my part of conversation
16:34.16 starseeker probably not worth worrying about if I'm the only one
16:34.31 homovulgaris what does foobarred look like :P
16:35.01 mafm I had an epyphany because I'm tired and I don't feel like having to type too much today, and "polygonmode wireframe" is way too long...
16:35.13 mafm so I'm trying to substitute it for "p<tab> w"
16:35.13 mafm :D
16:35.47 starseeker homovulgaris: unintelligble blurred mess
16:41.03 ``Erik pets screen
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17:16.23 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31890 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/namegen.c: Thanks to Sean's example, switching over to using db_functree - identification is now working.
17:24.11 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31891 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/namegen.c: break out object type detection into its own routine
18:36.55 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31892 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (4 files): Adding auto-completion functionality for the console and command overlay
18:57.45 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r31893 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (6 files): Adding missing functionality to Blender camera mode: zoom in/out with mouse scroll (discovered by Dawn Thomas <homovulgaris>)
19:08.25 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
19:08.34 mafm hi Ralith
19:08.45 mafm unfortunately I have to go now to go to hypermarket
19:08.52 Ralith hey
19:08.57 Ralith kk
19:09.04 mafm but I'd like to know about your progress, so if you can send me a brief or something, I would appreciate
19:09.09 mafm (or to the mailing list also)
19:09.52 Ralith will be submitting my mocha patch to sourceforge
19:10.12 mafm oki
19:10.14 mafm bye
19:16.50 poolio brlcad: do you know how the ctl_points in the old nurbs system translates into (u,v), it's just a 1-d array and doesnt seem to be in any order
19:17.43 Ralith kk, patch uploaded
20:19.44 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31894 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/namegen.c: More reworking - database opening and closing is no longer in the parsing routine, matching real world behavior.
20:24.01 *** join/#brlcad homovulg1ris (n=d@
20:26.02 Ralith submits Yet Another patch, this time improving the rt^3 src/other makefile
20:34.02 Ralith hm
20:34.03 Ralith so close :|
21:53.55 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31895 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/namegen.c: Starting to explore generating the strings. Some data structure evolution needed - this doesn't build right now, simply saving work - do NOT add to any build system yet.

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