IRC log for #brlcad on 20080724

01:35.20 yukonbob hello, cadheads
01:35.55 starseeker_ howdy
01:35.59 starseeker_ read read read...
01:39.34 starseeker_ pacman87: Heh - when I see L6 I always think of Howard Clark's L6 katana blades:
01:39.38 yukonbob is "read read read..." what you're doing, or what I should do?
01:39.44 starseeker_ what I'm doing
01:41.24 brlcad howdy yukonbob
01:41.30 brlcad hasn't started the read read yet
01:46.17 yukonbob howdy brlcad :)
01:47.53 brlcad pacman87: awesome new pics .. got negative quadrants working now it seems
01:48.11 brlcad at least first and third
01:49.28 pacman87 brlcad: they're all working, of a sort
01:49.40 pacman87 the problem is with overlapping geometry
01:50.07 pacman87 if you have + and - sides of a sketch, you're fine unless you try to go more than 180 degrees
01:50.20 pacman87 then it ends up as an XOR-type thing
01:50.36 brlcad treat it like a union
01:51.23 brlcad so if you have 1,1->1,-1 and -1,.5->-1,-.5 .. you get a cylinder
01:51.40 brlcad I see them as sweeping solid space
01:52.04 brlcad that smaller left side shouldn't both create material and carve out the right me thinks
01:52.44 pacman87 ok, that will require more condition handling for sketches over 180 degrees
01:54.28 brlcad seemed like it should simplify things
01:54.53 pacman87 no, because i'll have to determine which surfaces to ignore
01:55.08 brlcad since that's the same as treating the -x as the same as a +x curve, just only for half
01:55.32 brlcad do left and right independently, then you can merge your segment lists for the result
01:56.09 brlcad just have to trim all curves that cross from + to - x
01:56.43 brlcad at least it's a thought, it's the thought that counts right? :)
01:57.22 pacman87 i'm already finding the angle for each hitpoint to determine whether it's valid
01:58.04 brlcad just seems to me like it should make things simpler .. at least over xor'ing
01:58.13 pacman87 i'm not doing anythign special to XOR
01:58.18 pacman87 it just happens naturally
01:58.51 brlcad unless you go over 180
01:59.04 pacman87 no, only if you go over 180
01:59.16 brlcad then what's the problem? :)
01:59.22 pacman87 if it's under 180 the + and - sides dont' interfere
02:00.42 pacman87 in this image:
02:00.58 pacman87 the holes are caused because the top and bottom surface are traced twice
02:01.12 pacman87 once for +, once for -
02:01.27 brlcad g'dammit .. that server sends the wrong mime type every so often
02:01.40 pacman87 um... sorry?
02:01.42 brlcad really wierd/craptastic
02:01.53 brlcad it spews the png data as binary into the browser
02:01.58 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:01.59 pacman87 fun
02:02.07 brlcad till something resets, and it's fine
02:02.08 pacman87 that's the lynx compatibality mode
02:02.12 pacman87 ;)
02:02.49 pacman87 anyway, the curved hole surfaces are from valid hits on the - side
02:02.53 brlcad so what am I looking at in 20? what's the sketch?
02:03.01 pacman87 two vertical lines
02:03.08 pacman87 one at -4, the other at +8
02:03.14 pacman87 from -1 to 1 in y
02:03.25 pacman87 it's 270 degrees
02:04.24 brlcad huh? i'm missing a coordinate or a reference frame
02:04.31 brlcad "at -4" ..
02:04.45 brlcad and what way is the image oriented
02:04.57 pacman87 ae -135 60
02:05.14 pacman87 so +z is up through the center
02:05.18 *** join/#brlcad cerrayo (
02:05.25 pacman87 +x is upper right
02:05.32 pacman87 going away
02:06.21 pacman87 you want the .g to play with?
02:07.51 pacman87
02:09.05 brlcad arg, I don't have a recent compile .. this might take a bit
02:10.11 brlcad does a g2asc and sees the values anyways
02:10.59 brlcad {-4 -1} {-4 1} {8 -1} {8 1} helps ;)
02:12.57 poolio brlcad: Holy cow it is pouring :P
02:13.07 brlcad nay a drop here :)
02:13.40 poolio Heh, it was the same way when you had rain and I didn't last night. I just got home and the roads were crazy...a lot of lights were out and a few roads were flooded out
02:15.47 pacman87
02:16.13 pacman87 added coord axes: z=black; x=red; y=green;
02:16.37 brlcad heh, did you manually draw that? :)
02:16.41 pacman87 yeah :)
02:16.47 brlcad thanks, I figured that much
02:18.09 brlcad what bothers me about that is the first 90 on the -x side (third quadrant
02:18.40 pacman87 the bottom hole?
02:18.48 brlcad since if you just had -4,-1->-4,1 that would be filled in ..
02:18.51 brlcad yes
02:19.22 pacman87 but the +x side from 180 to 270 overlaps that
02:19.30 pacman87 giving zero-length hit segments
02:19.34 pacman87 which are ignored
02:19.36 brlcad likewise, the fact that 2nd quadrant is filled, I'd expect that to be open
02:20.14 pacman87 quad II is only swept once
02:20.32 pacman87 by the + side only
02:20.45 pacman87 quad IV is only swept by the - side
02:20.47 brlcad ah, right right
02:22.14 pacman87 i'm assuming you still want it fixed (ie, holes filled in)
02:23.14 brlcad i could be convinced either way really since it's sort of an "exceptional use" I think
02:24.15 brlcad just seems to ask for issues .. e.g. what does 1,1->-1,-1 and -1,1->1,-1 give you (i.e. an X)
02:24.30 brlcad nothing? two cylinders?
02:24.40 pacman87 if it's symmetric, you get nothing from a 360 revolve
02:25.52 pacman87 for a 180 degree, you'd get two cones
02:26.29 pacman87 a 270 would look the same as a -90
02:38.07 brlcad trying to think of a case where that's actually useful
02:39.35 brlcad (where either union or xor is more desired)
02:40.02 pacman87 xor is faster, as it requires no additional tests/code
02:40.14 pacman87 at least the way i have it coded now
02:43.09 brlcad hm, there is one benefit of xor
02:43.28 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennnedy (
02:45.14 brlcad with the union approach, you can obviously get the same result (with a 360) by using |x| for your curve or by unioning two separate revolves with |x| and ofsetting one 180
02:46.01 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
02:46.06 brlcad with xor, there are some shapes that you cannot get
02:46.22 brlcad at least not without subtractions and only performing partial rotations, etc
02:46.41 brlcad a bit more complicated
02:47.09 Ralith union seems a lot more intuitive
02:51.13 poolio brlcad: will I be seeing you tomorrow? :)
02:51.44 brlcad Ralith: can you think of a shape where you'd intentionally model the revolve curve over into -x though and expect/need that unioned result
02:51.57 brlcad poolio: heh
03:02.03 Ralith brlcad: well, say you wanted a disk with a ridge extending out for 270 degrees, but absent for the rest
03:02.42 Ralith you could rotate a rectangle with a ridge on one end around its center 270 degrees, and if it unioned you'd get that
03:03.27 Ralith of course, there are all sorts of other ways to do that
03:03.53 pacman87 Ralith: give me 5 min to make that sketch
03:04.16 Ralith 5 min? It's a painfully simple sketch :P
03:04.36 pacman87 i'm writing the sketch by hand, and doing the math in my head
03:04.39 pacman87 i was estimating
03:05.01 Ralith say, 1,1 -> 1,-1 -> -1,-1 -> -2,0 -> -1,1 -> 1,1
03:05.23 Ralith math?
03:07.54 pacman87 Ralith: that won't work
03:08.59 pacman87 least not with xor
03:09.34 Ralith huh?
03:09.38 Ralith that was a union example
03:09.42 pacman87 oh
03:09.52 Ralith I can't think of a case where you'd want an xor
03:14.16 pacman87 if you need a union, split the rev into two parts less than 180 and combine them
03:14.41 *** join/#brlcad stting (
03:14.43 pacman87 if you want an XOR, you can't get it if it defaults to a union
03:15.03 brlcad you can, it just takes a few more operations
03:15.23 pacman87 (A-B) U (B-A)
03:16.55 *** join/#brlcad stting (
03:22.37 pacman87 just found a new bug :(
03:23.31 pacman87 note to self: when testing shapes, don't always put the center at the origin, and line the vectors up with the axes...
03:26.07 brlcad pacman87: another argument against xor approach.. any +x curve rotated beyond 360 would wipe itself out
03:26.36 brlcad instead of what I'd intuitively expect where anything >360 == 360
03:27.41 pacman87 no, seperate code path for > 360
03:30.26 brlcad well then that sort of breaks the behavior consistency
03:31.38 brlcad i mean that the same reasoning that might result in xor being okay from 180->360 is similar to a +x-only curve for 360->720
03:34.01 pacman87 brlcad: it's still an xor
03:34.19 pacman87 but it treats everythign over 360 as 360 exactly
03:35.16 brlcad that's my point
03:35.43 pacman87 sorry, i'm not seeing what you're trying to say
03:36.08 brlcad that "but" case is the only reason it doesn't subtract away, where behaviorally I would expect it to
03:36.54 brlcad that is, i would expect it to iff it's using xor behavior
03:37.09 pacman87 (10:27:00 PM) brlcad: instead of what I'd intuitively expect where anything >360 == 360
03:37.17 brlcad with xor behavior, 360 != 361
03:37.43 brlcad right, intuitive modeling intent behavior, I would expect >360==360
03:37.50 brlcad but not if it's xor'ing
03:38.13 pacman87 it xor's the + and - half of the revolve
03:38.19 brlcad i'd expect it to oscillate on/off depending on the angle
03:39.10 pacman87 the way to handle >360 would be to rework the start vector and angle behind the scenes
03:39.24 pacman87 if you want it to keep xoring
03:40.33 brlcad wasn't saying it couldn't be dealt with, just that I would expect it to behave that way if it's going to xor for 180-to-360 angles for -x curves
03:41.25 brlcad that said, i'm not seeing the benefit vs. expected behavior still for why you'd specifically want an xor'd result -- some specific meaningful shape
03:41.26 pacman87 so you want consistancy
03:41.48 pacman87 it doesnt' really matter to me much either way
03:41.58 pacman87 i'm just throwing out the options
03:42.10 pacman87 so "what i code" == "what you want"
03:42.15 brlcad i mean, it could be an option when you create the revolve, could ask which way to behave .. but then that's more work and probably not necessary :)
03:42.23 brlcad heh
03:42.49 brlcad "what I want" == "everything"!
03:43.37 pacman87 does than mean i have to go back and set the universal constanst so that the universe evolves to contain a hard disk with your 'everything'?
03:44.23 brlcad yes please
03:45.03 brlcad the universe with hookers and blackjack
03:45.09 brlcad in fact, forget the universe
03:47.15 pacman87 so, final decision = union?
03:47.20 brlcad pacman87: see what daniel says about the revolve, but my inclination would probably still by my original assertion that a union behavior is more what I would expect (and overall simpler to account for consistently)
03:48.04 pacman87 ok
03:48.55 brlcad not to mention a hell of a lot easier to document and explain
03:49.13 brlcad if some twisted soul wants xor behavior, he can do the subtractions and union ops himself
03:49.33 pacman87 awww, i kinda liked catering to the twisted soul
03:50.05 brlcad mm.. sounds like the name of a rock band
03:50.20 pacman87 'catering to the twisted soul'?
03:50.40 brlcad yeah or even just 'twisted soul'
03:50.56 brlcad longer could be their cover song
03:51.12 pacman87 right
03:51.13 brlcad waits for punkrockgirl to write and sing it
03:51.27 pacman87 i managed a segfault with 'l revolve'
03:51.42 pacman87 now i've got 3 bugs to fix
03:53.19 brlcad l revolve should be an easy one
03:53.26 pacman87 yeah
03:53.36 pacman87 i'm pretty sure i know how to fix them all
03:55.39 pacman87 i still havent' managed to convince KDE that my monitor is 1680 px wide
03:56.14 brlcad still?
03:56.22 brlcad that something new? what changed?
03:56.45 pacman87 i turned off twinview
03:57.04 pacman87 it was giving me trouble playing bzflag :D
03:57.14 pacman87 so now i have three seperate X sessoins
03:57.54 brlcad heh
03:57.58 andrecastelo hey guys
03:58.03 pacman87 hi andrecastelo
03:58.04 brlcad hello andrecastelo
03:58.12 andrecastelo hey pacman87, hey brlcad
03:58.17 brlcad andrecastelo: how are the secondary rays coming?
03:59.01 *** join/#brlcad quentusrex (
03:59.09 brlcad don't linger too long on those -- you really need to get into the depths of path tracing soon (which requires secondary rays)
03:59.19 pacman87 we should schedule a mentors vs gsocers bzflag match ;)
03:59.23 andrecastelo i've been taking a look into rtexample.c and rt_simple.c and the idea is to set a new direction and a new point and fire again, right ?
03:59.37 brlcad pretty much
03:59.40 andrecastelo and perhaps write another function to handle those secondary rays
03:59.56 brlcad look at the new rtexample.c -- i merged the two
04:00.06 andrecastelo ok, will svn
04:00.16 brlcad same code, just more comments
04:00.26 andrecastelo okay
04:00.54 andrecastelo rtexample uses a main(), so there's the place to set the new points and directions
04:01.48 andrecastelo but which function works like that in a callback way (as is viewmlt.c ) ? i need to look into to which function it goes after it shoots the rays
04:03.25 brlcad at least one of the functions in viewmlt.c is basically a callback to rt_shootray() already -- just one that is being called for you by the code that shoots the original primary rays in a grid
04:03.48 brlcad inside that callback, you set up a struct application ap for each secondary ray
04:04.03 brlcad and call rt_shootray() yourself with your own callback(s)
04:04.49 andrecastelo hm, setting up a flag, perhaps, in mlt_app, to ensure no recursion madness (so the secondary rays dont call secondary rays)?
04:05.39 brlcad depending on what you need to do, recursion may be desirable
04:05.46 brlcad now for shadows, you don't need recursion
04:05.53 brlcad but for path-tracing...
04:06.05 brlcad that's sort of exactly how basic path tracing works
04:06.50 brlcad otherwise, though, you'll only end up with a recursive-potential-infinite-loop if you make your hit/miss callback also call that same hit/miss callback
04:07.11 brlcad you wouldn't call the same view callback though for the secondary rays
04:07.27 andrecastelo got it, i was misunderstanding
04:07.37 brlcad you'd call your own
04:10.35 Ralith smacks ogre around a bit with a large abort
04:12.33 pacman87 how do i append a bu_vls to another bu_vls?
04:16.20 brlcad bu_vls_vlscat()
04:16.37 pacman87 where are those?
04:16.52 brlcad bu_vls_vlscatzap() if you're done with the one being added
04:17.14 pacman87 this is for describe()
04:17.16 brlcad they're all in include/bu.h -- but easier to read the documentation in src/libbu/vls.c
04:17.47 brlcad it's on my todo to move all docs into the headers, but that's a hell of a lot of work.. :)
04:22.07 brlcad wow, the website is getting about 32k hits/day
04:22.20 pacman87 which site?
04:22.24 brlcad
04:22.27 pacman87 impressive
04:22.37 pacman87 unique?
04:22.50 brlcad no, indiv. requests
04:23.18 pacman87 turns on opera auto-reload every 2 seconds
04:23.44 brlcad looks like at least in the last 24 hours, 1081 unique IPs
04:24.06 pacman87 32 pages per user average
04:24.29 brlcad s/pages/requests/
04:24.55 pacman87 hits != pages ?
04:25.07 brlcad first page is about 7 requests
04:25.22 pacman87 so, 4.5 pages
04:26.05 pacman87 bugcount--;
04:26.13 pacman87 fixed the segfault
04:26.13 brlcad looks like it
04:26.26 brlcad fairly small sample, but interesting nonetheless
04:26.37 brlcad ~pacman87++
04:27.33 pacman87 describe was still treating the sketch name as a *char instead of a vls
04:27.56 pacman87 ~karma
04:27.56 ibot pacman87 has karma of 4
04:28.06 pacman87 thought it was 2...
04:28.38 pacman87 not complaining
04:30.06 brlcad ~pacman87++
04:30.34 brlcad you know you can get a char* from a vls too, yes?
04:30.39 brlcad bu_vls_addr() ftw
04:31.24 pacman87 i assumed vls->vls would be better
04:31.32 pacman87 rather than vls->char*->vls
04:31.45 pacman87 bugcount--;
04:31.55 pacman87 now there's one left
04:32.00 pacman87 that i know of
04:35.23 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03pacman87 * r31926 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: two bugfixes: segfault in describe() due to change from char* to bu_vls; and ignore the start/end planes for full revolves (>360)
04:35.37 brlcad 120,224 bytes in 6 files to be exact (on the main page)
04:35.53 brlcad oh sure, much better
04:36.07 pacman87 hmm?
04:36.12 brlcad i just meant in general
04:36.23 brlcad using bu_vls_addr() if you need a char*
04:36.31 pacman87 ah, ok
04:36.32 brlcad if you can stick to vls use, even better
04:37.17 pacman87 sorry, my bugfixing took over my local context
04:37.33 pacman87 needs a bigger L2 cache
04:37.57 pacman87 but going to bed would probably work too
04:38.11 pacman87 since i need to be up early enough to catch d_rossburg
04:39.10 brlcad you can always hit him up on the mailing list too
04:40.02 pacman87 if i dont catch him tomorrow morning, i'll do that
04:40.08 pacman87 good night
04:40.13 brlcad cya1
04:43.25 PrezKennedy ~karma
04:43.25 ibot prezkennedy has karma of 3
04:47.28 Ralith who's bot is ibot?
04:49.04 Ralith also: cool about the high traffic
04:49.07 Ralith wonder what's generating interest
04:49.11 Ralith any common referrers?
04:49.23 yukonbob ~karma
04:49.23 ibot yukonbob has karma of 2
04:49.41 yukonbob passes hat for karma
04:49.55 Ralith ~karma
04:49.55 ibot ralith has neutral karma
04:49.58 Ralith aw :[
04:50.10 yukonbob you're the switzerland of karma
04:50.17 Ralith that's not so bad
04:50.33 Ralith I have a full on citizen militia
04:57.39 brlcad Ralith: I didn't dig into the stats much further -- I'll do something more comprehensive and automated later, maybe at the anniversary
04:58.29 brlcad the bot is run by tim on one of his systems
04:58.57 brlcad on a couple hundred channels at last check
04:59.08 brlcad and probably the largest factoid database for an irc bot
04:59.23 yukonbob ~brlcad
04:59.23 ibot somebody said brlcad was like a learner wrapped in tofu best served chilled
04:59.39 brlcad ~stats
04:59.39 ibot Since Mon Jul 14 18:39:43 2008, there have been 143 modifications, 1468 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 1061 commands. I have been awake for 9d 10h 19m 56s this session, and currently reference 115036 factoids. I'm using about 21096 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 23166.69/1095.29 child 0.01/0.02
05:08.06 yukonbob installs
05:08.14 yukonbob tcl 8.5, listening:
05:08.18 yukonbob Boards of Canada
05:08.22 yukonbob ^- a haiku
05:09.25 PrezKennedy ~prezkennedy
05:09.33 yukonbob (read "8.5" "Eight Five")
05:09.34 PrezKennedy aww :(
05:21.53 louipc catering to the twisted soul eh?
05:22.40 louipc with human flesh. Death Metal!
05:42.46 *** join/#brlcad homovulg2ris (n=d@
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07:24.40 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
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09:21.38 mafm hi
09:33.27 alex_joni hi
10:34.32 louipc hi
10:40.23 homovulg2ris hi :D
11:57.32 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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13:03.56 andrecastelo brlcad: got it to shoot secondary rays and to use another function for the secondary hits.. the algorithm in the secondary rays hit function is a stub (it shades again), i need to work on that now
13:16.46 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
13:36.35 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
13:58.00 pacman87 ~seen d_rossberg
13:58.01 ibot d_rossberg <> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 7d 22h 35m 31s ago, saying: '(if not along a coordinate axis)'.
14:26.18 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
14:26.26 mafm network network network
14:26.45 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r31927 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/viewmlt.c: Added secondary rays support. rayhit() calls secondary_hit(). The algorithm in secondary_hit() needs to be changed, though.
14:57.43 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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16:01.40 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r31928 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcVariable.cpp pcVariable.h): making VariableAbstract more than an empty class by shifting data from Variable<T> templates
16:58.57 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03pacman87 * r31929 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/sketch/sketch.c: add carc support to rt_sketch_contains()
17:46.25 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r31930 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcVariable.cpp pcVariable.h solver_test.cpp): adding intersectInterval() function to Domain object , which among many other things would be helpful in implementing implicit constraints which result only in domain reduction
18:09.53 pacman87 <PROTECTED>
18:09.53 pacman87 <PROTECTED>
18:12.07 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r31931 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/pcBasic.h: scheduled removal/cleanup
18:39.49 louipc yeh I got that too
18:40.06 louipc mged seemed to work ok
18:40.36 pacman87 i just went back to and configure
18:43.53 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03pacman87 * r31932 10/brlcad/trunk/include/vmath.h: add V2ADD3() to vmath.h
18:44.33 louipc woo
18:47.30 louipc do your floats conform to IEEE 754?
18:47.39 louipc configure:38682: checking whether floats conform to IEEE 754
18:47.43 pacman87 i think i got that warning too
18:49.48 pacman87 configure:38993: WARNING: The floating point implementation does not seem to be IEEE 754
18:49.49 pacman87 configure:38995: WARNING: compliant. The behavior or htond and htonf may be incorrect.
18:50.40 pacman87 s/or/of?
18:52.58 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r31933 10/brlcad/trunk/ fix minor typo in warning, spotted by pacman87
18:53.01 ``Erik looks right to me
18:54.39 pacman87 hmm, and configure didn't fix the "WARNING: Too many of the pkgIndex.tcl and tclIndex files are empty."
18:55.12 ``Erik I get that, too... not sure why, haven't dug into it (what I do seems to work, so I haven't been concerned)
18:55.24 ``Erik the annoying thing is that I have to svn revert -R src/tclscripts once in a while
19:01.37 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:33.10 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r31934 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librtserver/rtserver.c: Eliminated call to exit() and added memory clean-up to shutdown method
20:09.50 pacman87 is it possible to alias commands within mged
20:28.55 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31935 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c:
20:28.55 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: Fix problem with nicks being removed from tread - turned out to be a problem
20:28.55 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: with the trimming of the tread ellipse, which was trimming material from inside
20:28.55 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: the tread as well as outside. Switched to using two trimming cyls getting only
20:28.55 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: the necessary outer parts - tread now renders without visual defect.
20:31.11 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r31936 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: note fix to tire tool in NEWS file.
20:39.19 brlcad poolio: in your home dir again
20:40.29 homovulgaris brlcad: i was doing some header include cleanup .. to use std::string we don't need to have any #includes ?
20:40.52 brlcad pacman87: sure, you can create a proc that calls any number of other procs, even overriding commands already provided
20:41.32 brlcad homovulgaris: what do you mean? should include <string> I'd think, no?
20:41.52 homovulgaris yeah that was what i was thinking.. but it compiles fine :P
20:42.19 brlcad if you use it, include it
20:42.22 homovulgaris anyways.. good coding practice is to #include <string> :)
20:42.26 homovulgaris i guess
20:42.53 brlcad just means somewhere earlier in the header dependency chain, someone else needed it and is including it
20:43.00 brlcad but that's not a guarantee
20:43.37 brlcad so you should alwways include what a given file uses -- either its interface header (which includes what its implementation needs) and/or including the necessary implementation headers
20:44.20 homovulgaris hmm.. :)
20:44.36 brlcad is rather pedantic on headers
20:44.44 brlcad s/pedantic/picky/
20:45.31 homovulgaris on another note i was almost about to delve into RTTI ..I think i should search for a better solution.. basically the issue is I want to support constraints which support multiple Variable types
20:45.55 brlcad yeah, I think you need a really good reason to start using rtti
20:46.05 brlcad that causes a handful of portability problems
20:46.23 brlcad if your project wasn't so important, I would have said "absolutely no" :)
20:46.51 brlcad but as a last resort, he can try to make the headaches work if needed
20:47.05 homovulgaris I don't want to use it either.. I just need to write a heterogeneous container
20:47.06 brlcad still, if you can find a better solution, it would probably be preferred
20:48.06 pacman87 i'm pretty sure a bug is in revolve.c lines 302-344, so if someone wants to lend a fresh set of eyes to it, i'd appreciate it
20:48.19 brlcad ah, yeah, there are better ways to get to that end (change the problem, use multiple containers, use a base class, type identifiers, even void* marshalling)
20:49.03 pacman87 the problem is determining which side is + and which is - for a hitpoint on the start/end planes
20:49.11 homovulgaris basically implementationwise how would the constraint evaluation function know the type of variables in the expression it evaluates.. I tried a bit with Variable Inheritance .. but function pointers still cause trouble due to signature difference.. I am experimenting a bit with boos::function and boost::lambda .. but it's proving to be tricky
20:49.25 brlcad looks like someone checked in a bunch of tclIndex files
20:50.38 brlcad wags his finger at bob
20:53.18 ``Erik casting pointers with a magic check is pretty common in BRL-CAD
20:54.35 pacman87 ``Erik: that's how extrude determines which segment type to use
20:56.03 brlcad homovulgaris: I was actually going to talk to you about that bit .. what are your thoughts on using something a little more "less custom" for parsing the expressions
20:56.03 ``Erik heh, that's core to just about everything librt does, pacman... :D
20:57.24 starseeker brlcad: heh - another regex recruit?
20:57.44 homovulgaris brlcad: u mean not using spirit ? and using flex/yacc instead ?
20:59.38 homovulgaris I think spirit along with phoenix would be able to put in a lot of functional programming techniques into constraint generation.. performance wise though i think spirit is a bit of an issue..
21:01.34 homovulgaris about phoenix :
21:02.34 homovulgaris basically i want the precompiled constraint functors to be as generic as possible..
21:04.50 homovulgaris hmm.. magic check..
21:15.07 pacman87 bugcount--;
21:16.17 brlcad pacman87: so what exactly is the bug in that section?
21:16.23 brlcad or is that the bugcount--?
21:16.27 pacman87 i fixed it
21:16.31 brlcad ah, bah :)
21:16.34 brlcad what was the problem
21:16.38 brlcad and the fix :)
21:16.46 pacman87 i wanted the untransformed hit, and was using the transformed hit point
21:17.03 pacman87 i was taking the dot product of the start vector and the point
21:18.06 pacman87 so i switched to use the translated point and the original ray's direction
21:18.12 brlcad this is part of turning that chunk into a union instead of subtraction/xor based?
21:18.16 pacman87 no
21:18.22 brlcad ah, just some other issue?
21:18.24 pacman87 yeah
21:18.29 pacman87 the last one i found last night
21:18.33 brlcad what was the issue?
21:18.41 brlcad i.e. the end result
21:19.01 brlcad wrong hit points I presume?
21:19.08 pacman87 it was confusing +/- for the x coordinates to pass to rt_sketch_conatains()
21:19.15 homovulgaris :| i will have to burn a lot of midnight oil for clearing my solver segfault :(
21:20.13 pacman87 but i didnt' see it before since my testing had all been aligned with the coordinate axes
21:20.32 brlcad homovulgaris: i'll have to read up on phoenix later tonight, but it does sound like there's a need for some direction discussions here rsn :)
21:20.33 pacman87 so the transformed was the same as the untransformed
21:21.08 homovulgaris brlcad: amen :)
21:22.12 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03pacman87 * r31937 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: fix bug that caused flipping the start/end plane's x-axis for certain revolve start vectors
21:35.40 *** join/#brlcad stting_ (
21:37.03 *** join/#brlcad stting (
21:37.09 *** part/#brlcad stting (
21:37.15 *** join/#brlcad stting (
21:41.47 poolio brlcad: thanks
21:58.36 brlcad pacman87: makes complete sense, thanks :)
22:32.10 CIA-22 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r31938 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (8 files): Include cleanup
22:44.03 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
23:15.47 brlcad wonders if he got stuck
23:38.49 pacman87 who got stuck?
23:39.30 brlcad starseeker
23:39.33 brlcad but he didn't
23:39.50 starseeker I'm back :-)
23:40.14 starseeker may get stuck in another sense, as he attempts to tame regex to his will...
23:40.30 brlcad starseeker: contains offsets to the start and end, not copies
23:40.39 starseeker right
23:40.41 brlcad so you just allow as many entries as you'll have matches
23:41.06 starseeker how do I tell which substring was matched by which pattern?
23:41.13 brlcad which yeah, could be strlen and/or something big
23:41.33 brlcad they're ordered
23:42.07 starseeker k
23:42.16 starseeker starts working on a test case

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