IRC log for #brlcad on 20080730

00:05.22 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32113 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (7 files in 5 dirs): r31957-66 misc updates by brlcad
00:18.49 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32114 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/src/ (4 files in 3 dirs): r31968-77 selective merging of updates to librt and librtserver
00:20.36 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32115 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/sh/ Add (r31980-81)
00:24.09 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32116 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (11 files in 11 dirs): r31983 - add svn properties for CMake lists
00:26.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32117 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (4 files in 4 dirs): r31985-91 various updates - pipe primitive and make logic
00:28.22 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32118 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/src/librtserver/ (rtserver.c rtserverTest.c): r32059-60 rtserver updates
00:29.33 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32119 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/src/ (librt/prep.c librtserver/rtserver.c): r32061-62 more rtserver updates
00:30.56 brlcad 19:42 < starseeker> stustev: I would suggest looking at clone for patterning geometry
00:31.36 brlcad it's invariably more easily scriptable for procedure development than the gui pattern tool
00:32.49 starseeker reaches the end of the svn trunk log (give or take the new kill stuff) and stops to see how bad the damages are
00:32.50 brlcad almost has mged working so it'll invoke as an icon/shortcut for linux/mac without thinking it's in non-interactive mode
00:33.03 starseeker cool!
00:33.11 starseeker may have spoken too soon...
00:36.37 stustev brlcad: thanks - I will look at it
00:39.00 stustev I would still like to learn the pattern commands though.
00:39.52 starseeker is more likely at this point to write a new pattern tool and document that - the interface on the old one is non-intuitive even by MGED standards
00:45.00 stustev that sounds like a marvelous idea
00:46.51 starseeker it's a lot of work though, and brlcad has me doing more useful stuff at the moment...
00:51.12 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32120 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ First tweaks to configure to let it know about the docbook libpc dirs - start looking at what havoc all the merges did.
00:52.07 *** join/#brlcad iday (
01:16.36 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32121 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/include/bu.h:
01:16.37 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: Grab the renaming of bu_structparse_get_terse_form, etc. in bu.h from r31595 -
01:16.37 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: have this in libbu via one of the updates. If it doesn't harm anything else
01:16.37 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: it's a logical renaming based on the use of Tcl_Interp in the functions,
01:16.37 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: otherwise need to revert both this and the corresponding libbu changes.
01:35.15 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32122 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (6 files in 5 dirs): Merge in changes r31595 and 31609 - libbu compiles now.
01:45.06 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:16.02 pacman87 old:
02:16.03 pacman87 new:
02:27.51 Ralith how's new work?
02:28.05 Ralith union?
02:28.12 pacman87 yes
02:28.47 Ralith that's where you have something like [===|=] where | is x=0?
02:28.54 Ralith and rotate it >180 degrees?
02:29.03 pacman87 yes
02:29.09 pacman87 270 there
02:29.11 Ralith cool
02:37.11 starseeker ooooohhh crap
02:41.32 Ralith ?
02:46.40 starseeker has more of the libged stuff mixed in than he intended
02:50.41 starseeker well, I can do it the hard way I suppose - start from the 7.12.4 release and check each change for breakage
03:38.37 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
03:44.48 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32123 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/current_successful_compile_rev.txt: Add file to record last revision verified to have built - will go away later, just for convenience now.
03:45.37 starseeker alright, I'm outta here
03:51.34 brlcad ~pacman87++
03:51.57 brlcad teh awesome
03:52.16 brlcad almost time for another showcase :)
03:52.51 pacman87 showcase?
04:10.13 brlcad to share some of the results with users
04:10.26 brlcad (nothing for you to do)
04:10.30 pacman87 ah, ok
04:10.47 pacman87 just fyi, revolve is still limited to straight line sketches
04:11.11 pacman87 i wanted to get that all ironed out before it gets too complicated
04:11.26 brlcad yep, got that
04:11.39 brlcad tis a great approach
04:11.54 pacman87 and i'm having some odd 'flipped normals detected'
04:12.14 pacman87 i can't quite figure out exactly what's causing them
04:12.18 brlcad that usually means that the hit points being returned from shot() aren't sorted
04:13.20 brlcad an exit before an entry for the given shotline .. or a problem actually in norm()
04:13.34 pacman87 i think it's in norm()
04:13.58 pacman87 does it ever ask for the normal for a hit other than the first one?
04:14.13 brlcad rt doesn't
04:14.25 brlcad but the "first one" might be wrong if they're not sorted right from shot()
04:14.41 pacman87 ok, i'll look at that again
04:15.15 pacman87 for a revolve about Z, i use x/y coords, plus the slope of the line at the hitpoint
04:16.17 pacman87 but that doesnt tell me which way is out from the surface
04:17.46 pacman87 so i end up doing my own dot test between normal direction and ray direction to see if i should flip
04:17.58 pacman87 which assumes only the first hit's normal is used
04:19.21 brlcad noteworthy: "Subversion service will be offline on 2008-07-30 from 17:00 Pacific for not more than 12 hours to permit a rebuild of the storage used by the service, followed by further performance tuning."
04:20.20 pacman87 is there a way to check whether a hitpoint is an 'in' or an 'out'?
04:20.24 brlcad that should be a fair assumption
04:21.18 brlcad obviously shouldn't be going away from the ray direction, should be coming back towards it
04:21.29 pacman87 right, that's what i'm doing
04:22.35 brlcad there's not really a fixed solution to check, primitive-specific -- usually, though, the logic goes into shot() and it just makes sure there is the right parity and ordering
04:22.45 brlcad so norm can just pop off the first hit and return the normal
04:22.53 brlcad there is an rt flag to debug normals
04:26.17 brlcad various ways to do it using either nirt or rt, the trick being to just fire a single ray so you're not drowned in data and use the -x option
04:26.33 brlcad various debug flags listed in include/raytrace.h, -x2 being useful for this
04:26.50 brlcad it'll tell you the in/out segments
04:27.39 pacman87 the thing is, the normal direction is right, so it's shaded properly; it's just reversed
04:28.06 brlcad nirt -x2 something.g your_object .. then there are a slew of interactive commands for shooting from az/el's of interest for example
04:28.37 brlcad rt trys to compensate when it gets a flipped normal by flipping it for you
04:28.45 brlcad it does the same dot check
04:39.06 Ralith hm, something's wrong with nirt's manpage
04:39.45 Ralith <standard input>:785: cannot use character `1' as a starting delimiter
04:42.49 pacman87 ah, i think i found it
04:43.09 pacman87 paying attention to the surfno in the flipped normals error is helpful
04:43.39 pacman87 my initial assumption that the sketch was always +x is coming back to bite me
04:57.45 brlcad ah
04:57.59 brlcad Ralith: there are only so many 1's in there, maybe you can pinpoint it? :)
04:58.46 brlcad ah, I found it
04:59.12 brlcad knows not what h does
04:59.17 Ralith I was going to
04:59.19 Ralith but then you found it
04:59.30 Ralith commitstealer. >_>
04:59.47 brlcad heh
05:07.32 pacman87 success!
05:07.50 brlcad ~pacman87++
05:07.56 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32124 10/brlcad/trunk/src/nirt/nirt.1: fix the manpage so it doesn't have a \h 1 delimiter error. snarf a .FN macro to list the files
05:08.39 starseeker returns to home base
05:11.11 brlcad starseeker: wow, long day :)
05:11.16 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32125 10/brlcad/trunk/src/fbed/fbed.1: apply the .FN macro
05:11.25 brlcad was thinking about maybe heading in soon
05:11.27 starseeker is ready to admit he probably went about the release prep the wrong way
05:11.35 starseeker heh - figures
05:11.40 brlcad my shedule is about 12 hours off sync now
05:11.53 pacman87 brlcad: move to new zealand
05:11.59 starseeker at this rate, I'll show up about when you leave ;-)
05:12.04 brlcad pacman87: heh
05:12.15 brlcad usually operates on west coast US time
05:12.45 starseeker is agast that subversion will be down - bad timing!
05:13.19 starseeker just when I'm going back and checking incrementally
05:13.20 pacman87 set up your own svn on brlcad's server?
05:13.34 starseeker could grab a git repo
05:13.38 starseeker or make one rather
05:14.21 starseeker brlcad: At least make fun of my release prep so I don't feel so newbish
05:15.33 brlcad or just build up into a bigger commit since you're on a branch, it's probably not worth the effort to do anything else but wait
05:16.02 brlcad starseeker: make fun of it? heh
05:16.10 brlcad it is rather .. methodical :)
05:16.36 brlcad but good experience reviewing/merging changes too
05:16.51 starseeker idiotic - I should have checked incrementally. I sucked in some libged stuff without intending to, and now it's well and truly foobared
05:17.21 brlcad you can undo individual ranges if you know the revision numbers
05:17.38 starseeker nods
05:17.44 brlcad svn merge -rstart:end
05:18.14 starseeker once I find the first breakage commit, that's probably what I'll do
05:18.15 brlcad where start would be the newest and end the pre-commit state -- that reverts the change
05:19.04 starseeker cool
05:19.16 starseeker did that a couple times when he grabbed the wrong range
05:20.15 starseeker I'm guessing I started to go off base when I merged in the primitive reorg - hyp and friends probably snuck in
05:20.47 pacman87 aww, poor hyp didn't want to be left out of the fun ;)
05:20.55 starseeker heh :-)
05:21.23 starseeker it's not quite ready for stable - that's most of the challenge for this release, and the reason it requires a branch
05:21.34 starseeker trunk has a lot of stuff in flux right now
05:21.34 pacman87 i understand
05:22.52 pacman87 if i have spare time during the 'finalize week', i'll look into finishing the todo for hyp
05:22.59 starseeker cool :-)
05:23.10 pacman87 when's the release date?
05:23.40 starseeker whenever I get the branch straightened out and tested - probably sometime next week at this rate
05:24.01 starseeker doesn't even want to think about the Windows build...
05:24.38 starseeker brlcad: If you do go in soon, watch out for the deer - I must have seen four or five on the way out
05:24.38 pacman87 just use (wine)^-1
05:24.51 starseeker heh
05:25.03 pacman87 translate from linux to windows calls
05:25.24 Ralith that's called mingw
05:25.56 brlcad starseeker: yeah, it's always that way after about 10pm
05:26.56 pacman87 "Students can begin submitting required code samples to Google" - from gsoc timeline
05:26.58 brlcad i don't know that i've ever not seen one traveling between 10pm and 4am
05:27.12 pacman87 what's that mean?
05:27.28 brlcad pacman87: you upload code you've worked on
05:28.02 brlcad that's technically your actual legal responsibility per the arrangement in place, that's what they pay you for
05:28.17 pacman87 hmm, don't remmeber reading that part
05:28.25 pacman87 and i though i read through the whole think
05:28.27 pacman87 thing*
05:28.29 brlcad which can be anything really, usually a tarball of files you've worked on, or svn diffs
05:28.37 starseeker thinks dark thoughts about venison burgers and realizes he probably needs sleep
05:30.52 brlcad crazy talk
05:31.21 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32126 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (7 files in 5 dirs): apply the same FN macro changes consistently to the (surprisingly few) manual pages that have a FILES section.
05:31.36 starseeker my grandfather used to hunt - venison meat is actually pretty darn tasty when prepared right
05:32.19 brlcad nods
05:33.15 brlcad one of the guys (that you haven't met yet) that used to work next to where you're sitting would bring in deer sticks and deer steaks from time to time, delicious
05:33.42 starseeker :-)
05:34.26 starseeker wants to read the slashdot LaTeX article but remembers he needs to be present at a presentation tomorrow...
05:34.40 starseeker brlcad: Incidently, thanks for reviewing that for her
05:34.43 pacman87 present and alert, or just present?
05:35.05 starseeker snores, so at a minimum I need to be awake
05:35.12 brlcad grrrr...
05:35.12 brlcad data is pending on stdin
05:35.12 brlcad DATA is: []
05:35.26 starseeker that's... odd
05:35.48 pacman87 wonders how he lived for so long without knowing shitf+left/right arrow to change konsole tabs
05:48.49 Ralith I don't understand the complaints some people have about LaTeX
05:49.41 Ralith for me at least, it had very little learning curve (largely thanks to google) and behaved wonderfully for everything short of long URLs, which it can't seem to work out when to break.
05:54.19 pacman87 brlcad: i'd rather keep " [ (x*x) / aa^2 ] - [ (y-h)^2 / bb^2 ] = 1 " in a comment in revolve, so i can remember where my variables are used in the formula for a hyperbola
06:01.42 pacman87 ctrl+z just saved my life
06:03.39 brlcad pacman87: ok .. am I supposed to object to useful comments? :)
06:04.00 pacman87 you deleted it with the rest of the old code
06:04.11 brlcad many of them spell out their equations, it's a good thing
06:04.15 brlcad ooh, that wasn't intentional
06:04.23 brlcad it was more the code
06:04.31 brlcad sorry about that
06:07.27 pacman87 np, but i'm pretty sure that line isnt' valid C when uncommented ;)
06:07.59 brlcad depends on what cpp macros are defines ;)
06:08.29 brlcad s/defines/defined/
06:08.56 pacman87 ok, maybe. but even if that was valid, it'd be horrible coding practice
06:09.55 brlcad indeed
06:10.01 brlcad obfuscated fun
06:10.11 brlcad ugh, the is horrible .. select says there is data waiting on stdin .. but there's nothing to read
06:10.29 brlcad that's seriously screwing with detecting whether we're interactive or not
06:10.56 pacman87 how hard would it be to add mged history between sessions?
06:12.02 brlcad not too hard, could probably keep a .mged_history file with a few variables to control it
06:12.31 pacman87 i find myself exiting to do make && make install
06:12.34 pacman87 then restarting
06:12.42 pacman87 and wanting to run the same commands again
06:13.05 pacman87 i've been using ; to seperate commands on a line
06:13.08 brlcad yeah, that's be pretty useful
06:13.10 pacman87 and shift+insert
06:22.06 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03pacman87 * r32127 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (revolve/revolve.c sketch/sketch.c):
06:22.06 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: change revolve to use a union instead of an xor when the -X and +X sides of a
06:22.06 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: revolve overlap (ie, angle > 180). also, modify norm() to give the proper
06:22.06 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: vector direction when the start/end surface is hit on a point with a -X
06:22.06 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: coordinate.
06:22.12 pacman87 that took way longer than it should've
06:22.31 pacman87 i need more practice merging
06:23.09 pacman87 almost completely wiped out my changes, then wiped out the other updates, and had to merge by hand
06:23.30 pacman87 and being past 1am probably had something to do with it
06:23.38 pacman87 anyway, goodnight
06:23.42 brlcad or could work on a direct checkout too ;)
06:23.53 brlcad avoid the hassle altogether
06:24.16 pacman87 i usually do
06:24.32 brlcad so why not?
06:24.52 pacman87 well, if i'm working and you commit changes, i'll have to merge, right
06:24.53 pacman87 ?
06:25.25 brlcad ah, you mean actually just dealing with svn update merging, conflicts, etc?
06:25.30 pacman87 yes
06:25.34 brlcad ah, misunderstood
06:25.41 brlcad though you were merging from a separate copy
06:25.51 pacman87 since i'm usually the only one working on my files, i rarely have to deal with it
06:26.00 pacman87 i think maybe three times so far
06:26.04 brlcad ah
06:26.11 pacman87 and most of those were oneliners
06:26.12 brlcad shame that you can actually count the times
06:26.32 brlcad what's really cool is seeing a half dozen guys all hit the same file simultaneously trying to get something done fast
06:26.41 pacman87 sounds scary
06:26.56 brlcad you end up wanting to svn up faster than you save
06:27.18 brlcad really cool watching the file grow, though
06:27.37 pacman87 so long as everyone know what part they're doing
06:27.47 brlcad just wish it could be done live -- like with shared emacs editing sessions very cool to watch code just grow live in front of you
06:27.58 brlcad two people editing the same line simultaneously
06:28.00 pacman87 that would be cool
06:28.10 brlcad it works, it's just a pita to set up
06:28.28 pacman87 use comments to discuss code
06:28.34 brlcad subethaedit folks also have it working, but for lan-only
06:28.53 brlcad yeah, like google docs, but for code
06:29.51 pacman87 really should be asleep, have fun playing with/trying to break revolve
06:29.56 brlcad now if someone made a module to eclipse for that, I'd seriously revisit a switch .. something that keeps you continuously up to date with live code updates (line by line)
06:30.01 brlcad hehe, k
06:30.17 pacman87 too bad i can't distcc sleep
06:30.35 pacman87 everyone else in the house is asleep, i'd be perfect
06:30.48 brlcad :)
06:31.07 brlcad the answer to that is to wake everyone else up, then go to bed
06:31.37 brlcad yay, progress
06:31.55 brlcad stdin has an exception pending in addition to select saying it's ready for reading
06:32.07 brlcad even though feof and ferror are clear
06:34.20 brlcad and NOW I run across a DDD snippet that does exactly what I just implemented
06:37.30 brlcad consults the stevens bible
07:12.38 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
07:13.11 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32128 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: restore the other portion of the comment that I accidentally blew away
07:21.36 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:26.43 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:52.42 d_rossberg pacman87: i would recommend to initialize "angle" in rt_revolve_shot before using it
08:00.52 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r32129 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt: some modifications to be consistent with
08:04.44 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32130 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt: presumably which.c, not which
08:06.54 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32131 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/mged.c: (log message trimmed)
08:06.54 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: significant change to mged's initialization. instead of using the (flawed)
08:06.54 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: approach of using isatty() to determine if we're interactive, make interactive
08:06.54 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: the default mode and find a reason to not be interactive. this is done by
08:06.54 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: checking for command-mode args or redirected standard input. the latter one in
08:06.57 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: particular was tricky given some means to invoke the application might leave the
08:06.59 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: stdin read fd set even though there may be no data. this was specifically
08:09.55 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32132 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
08:09.55 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: make it possible to have mged invoked without needing a controlling terminal
08:09.55 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: (e.g. as an icon or menu item). this specifically supports sf bug report
08:09.55 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 2019280 (mged incorrectly deduces interactivity) from lode_leroy where he tried
08:09.56 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: to create a linux mged.desktop icon. was previously using a flawed approach
08:09.58 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: that assumed being invoked from a controlling terminal.
08:24.24 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
08:24.49 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32133 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
08:24.49 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: bu_log() and friends use %S for bu_vls structures. this was
08:24.49 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: implemented long before libc decided to use it as an alias for %ls to
08:24.49 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: support wchar_t strings. we should migrate to something else unused
08:24.49 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: (like %V). somewhat non-trivial effort to deprecate and update even
08:24.50 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: our own uses safely.
08:26.30 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32134 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/mged.c: minor cleanup. quell warnings, add some headers.
08:43.50 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32135 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc/CMakeLists.txt:
08:43.50 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: stab in the dark. add the entire include directory to the run-time library
08:43.50 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: package so that folks can compile against the libraries. this was requested by
08:43.50 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: tom browder (ajem) in sf feature request 2019346 (Run-time Library Packaging).
08:51.22 d_rossberg if it would be so easy i would have already done it
08:51.28 d_rossberg ;)
08:52.04 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:02.38 mafm hey
09:06.37 Ralith hey mafm
09:06.41 Ralith got g3d working :]
09:07.00 Ralith had fun rotating your occluded wireframe
09:07.15 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32136 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): deprecate the duplicitous '-n' (not-new) option to mged. use -c console/classic/command option instead.
09:07.17 mafm yup, I saw it
09:07.21 mafm congrats :)
09:07.41 Ralith although either your 'zoom' actually moves the camera around or your near clipping plane is set unreasonably
09:07.49 Ralith cuz the example object dissapears after very little zooming in
09:08.33 mafm I don't set the near clipping plane, so it must be ogre defaults
09:08.42 Ralith (also, random though -- perhaps you could optionally render places where the near clipping plane intersects with an object as a specially colored surface?)
09:08.47 mafm but the zoom actually moves the camera, yes
09:09.12 Ralith mightn't literally zooming in be preferable?
09:09.32 Ralith alternatively, consider logarythmic progression of zoom towards/away from the point on which the camera is centered.
09:11.25 mafm I only discovered the zooming (by modifying size of window camera) yesterday, so the rest is implemented with distances
09:11.44 Ralith but what're your thoughts on the Correct Way?
09:11.57 Ralith btw, I'm happy to try implementing this myself, if you like
09:13.30 mafm dunno what's the correct way, I'm still fighting to implement some of the MGED's functionalities
09:14.27 mafm and trying to mimic them (Blender and MGED), althought the numeric approaches -zoom increments and so on- might not be always the more adequate
09:14.50 mafm so maybe things like log() are more adequate, who knows
09:14.55 Ralith I think both zoom and camera movement should probably be supported
09:15.07 Ralith though I'm not sure how to do so elegantly
09:15.44 Ralith for orthographic views it doesn't matter much, but once we start mapping g3d camera -> render config, this might become important
09:16.37 Ralith I've got to go for the night -- if you've got any thoughts, including things that I could work on now that I've got commit access, I'd be interested to hear them in email.
09:17.33 mafm ok
09:17.51 mafm the thing is that I'm still fighting my way to finish some of the milestones for gsoc
09:18.12 mafm I don't know if your work in some of the areas would be considered interfering or not
09:18.24 mafm probably not from brlcad's (the person) point of view
09:18.32 Ralith sean mentioned that collaboration was encouraged by gsoc
09:18.42 Ralith I'm not sure of the specifics
09:19.06 mafm you have my plans in the wiki page
09:19.11 Ralith but I'm eager to work on whatever I can there.
09:19.27 Ralith specifics insofar as the difference between collaboration and interference.
09:19.27 mafm I'm now trying to make a widget from rbgui, mged mode needs to be finished
09:19.50 Ralith I'm hesitant to pick work items off your TODO list for that reason
09:19.58 mafm also Sean wants me to make a binary release
09:20.09 Ralith tweaks and elaborations on what's already there are another matter
09:20.18 Ralith anyway
09:20.19 mafm and another thing that I can't remember at the moment
09:20.22 Ralith we can discuss this more later
09:20.24 Ralith gtg
09:20.27 Ralith good luck
09:20.31 mafm okay, g'night!
09:20.33 mafm :)
09:34.19 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ub (
09:44.57 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
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11:49.56 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:58.15 yukonbob morning, cadheads
12:59.55 brlcad howdy yukonbob
13:00.14 brlcad ponders taking a nap or heading in
13:01.44 yukonbob gets ready to head to work...
13:03.48 yukonbob ...and heads out.
13:04.10 yukonbob bbl. Hope everybody has a good day...
13:07.35 brlcad likewise!
13:11.07 brlcad mafm: absolutely, you should put him to work given he's interested (and capable)
13:11.44 brlcad it's all about grooming new devs, not reaching some end-of-summer project goal
13:13.23 brlcad there's nothing he could do that will negatively reflect on you no matter how much you collaborate (nor what he screws up)
13:14.16 brlcad ideally if this wasn't such a busy summer, all the devs would have been heavily coordinating with other devs on their projects throughout
13:34.59 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
13:52.55 starseeker brlcad: Is there any way to run filemerge on OSX from the command line, supplying the two files as arguments?
13:53.51 brlcad dunno
13:53.52 brlcad probably
13:54.00 brlcad run the binary directly
13:54.54 brlcad tries
13:55.39 brlcad doesn't look like it
13:55.57 brlcad would have to script it via applescript
13:58.23 starseeker ick
13:58.33 starseeker likes xxdiff
14:00.20 *** join/#brlcad elmom (
14:01.32 starseeker brlcad: ah - does opendiff work?
14:02.08 starseeker reads man page on web and is hopeful
14:02.23 starseeker that would increase the utility of FileMerge considerably
14:02.32 starseeker OK, time to get in there
14:13.49 starseeker note to self - check this out:
14:24.58 brlcad ah yeah, opendiff does it
14:25.57 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r32137 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc/CMakeLists.txt: undo previous change, it breaks the CMake build (add_subdirectory has to point to a directory containing a CMakeLists.txt file) and has no effect on the *_devel package
14:26.26 brlcad oopses
14:26.36 brlcad blind stab ftl
14:29.18 d_rossberg commented your commit here in the irc
14:30.01 d_rossberg i've created a package which includes the header files
14:32.21 brlcad yeah, I read it .. but didn't imply that it was a totally failed attempt :)
14:32.52 brlcad took it as "incomplete", was just busy processing to comment at the time
15:02.45 andrecastelo good morning all
15:03.15 pacman87 morning, andrecastelo
15:03.50 andrecastelo i've been looking at the light sources creation, using light_maker(), in sh_light.c and it doesn't set a specific position for the light
15:04.15 andrecastelo makes sense, since default light rays give the impression of being parallel..
15:04.30 andrecastelo it does, however, set up the direction of the light
15:04.56 andrecastelo is it safe to make the secondary rays point in the opposite direction?
15:06.21 andrecastelo when the light list is not empty, I get the first element position though
15:11.52 pacman87 secondary rays for shadows?
15:15.54 andrecastelo yes
15:16.04 andrecastelo the ones that i shoot after the first hit
15:20.23 pacman87 then yes, the secondary rays would point opposite to the light direction
15:20.35 pacman87 the question now is 'how far away is the light source'?
15:24.25 andrecastelo why? i think that at the moment it doesn't matter
15:25.29 pacman87 i guess you could assume the light source is infinately far away
15:26.23 pacman87 you need distance to the light in order to determine whether the first intersection of your secondary ray is before or after you get to the light source
15:30.09 andrecastelo hmm.. true
15:30.55 pacman87 though for default illumination, putting it at infinity is probably fine
15:48.52 mafm brlcad: so he can chime in and work on *anything*?
16:04.00 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
16:04.37 pacman87 primitives/arb8/arb8.c:1771: error: conflicting types for 'rt_arb_calc_planes'
16:41.26 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32138 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/mged.c: Minor mods to get things compiling. :-)
16:58.36 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32139 10/brlcad/trunk/ (19 files in 4 dirs): Convert more dg_obj commands for use by libged (i.e. rtcheck, rtabort, importFg4Section and vdraw.
17:58.56 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
18:31.28 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32140 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/:
18:35.51 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32141 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/:
18:36.28 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32142 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/:
18:37.45 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32143 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractNet/:
18:37.58 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32144 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/title.c: Fixed typo.
18:38.08 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32145 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractThread/:
18:42.29 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32146 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/stractNet/:
18:58.46 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32147 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/tol.c: Mods to allow getting individual tolerance settings.
19:00.48 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
19:05.31 mafm hi Ralith
19:05.51 mafm I was about to write you, but basically: you can work on anything you want
19:07.54 *** join/#brlcad paroneayea (n=user@fsf/member/paroneayea)
19:08.11 mafm Ralith: preferably if it's not something in what I'm working on without agreement ;) you have the list of what I do in the wiki
19:09.27 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32148 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/summary.c: Minor alteration of the error message.
19:09.55 Ralith mafm: so leave the stuff on the wiki alone?
19:10.43 mafm You can work in things like platform/compilation support, if that pleases you
19:11.00 mafm including to make releases, is one of the things that Sean wanted to see
19:11.47 mafm if you want to work with cameras as you suggested before, I can also delegate, but it's something that I was working on actively and some things are not finished yet (e.g. some MGED constrained modes)
19:12.30 mafm so I think that either you or me do it, but not both at the same time (because I think that involves some possible heavy refactoring/redesign)
19:12.59 mafm now I'm trying to create a window to control the camera, using some custom widgets
19:13.15 mafm and the last remaining part is to start showing real geometry, using libged
19:14.33 mafm Ralith: (and the log, in the bottom, might be also interesting for you)
19:14.38 mafm I have to go now, see you! :)
19:33.25 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
19:53.11 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32149 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/showmats.c: Flesh out the showmats command.
19:54.15 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:54.17 poolio stabs a tgc
20:08.50 *** join/#brlcad Rigolo (
20:08.57 Rigolo good evening ...
20:15.29 *** join/#brlcad saltan (
20:15.45 Rigolo good evening ...
20:16.00 saltan evening all
20:16.13 Rigolo well .. all ...
20:16.29 Rigolo has been her now for a few minutes .. and nobody talks :-)
20:16.36 saltan evening some
20:16.36 Rigolo untill you joined
20:16.57 Rigolo saltan: can I ask you a BRL-CAD conversion question?
20:17.11 saltan please do but not an expert
20:17.32 Rigolo knows noting about BRL-CAD ... so everybody in my is the expert
20:17.45 Rigolo have you ever heard about the openmoko project?
20:18.05 jonored grins and covets.
20:18.22 saltan No, can't say that I have
20:18.26 starseeker Rigolo: If you're asking about converting their cad files to BRL-CAD, we can convert the IGES files - sort of
20:18.42 Rigolo starseeker: that was indeed my question .. :-)
20:19.15 Rigolo on their wiki they are looking for other formats than what they currently have ... so i thought .. let's ask here
20:19.27 saltan is off to find openmoko on the net
20:19.54 Rigolo saltan: ... they are building a complete "free" mobile phone
20:20.27 Rigolo that is where the CAD drawings for their phone can be found
20:20.29 starseeker
20:20.49 Rigolo see .. I should have googled some more :-)
20:21.28 jonored covets because he wants a phone that'll actually let him compile and use SSH and gpsd, and can be casemodded to survive being strapped to the outside of a kayak...
20:21.56 Rigolo jonored: well .. then openmoko is your friend :-)
20:22.06 Rigolo ssh and gpsd are standard on the new freerunner
20:22.56 Rigolo although still under development .... you can make and receive calls, connect via sub to your desktop .. and then ssh into your phone
20:23.01 starseeker iges-g is the convertor used - I forget the options
20:23.13 starseeker so far i can only get the wireframe though
20:23.20 Rigolo it contains a agps device ...
20:23.48 Rigolo starseeker: and the other formats .. like those Pro/E files?
20:24.40 starseeker Pro/E - not on its own, no
20:25.11 starseeker needs other (commercial) libraries
20:25.34 jonored I'd expect them to be - unfortunately, family plan with sister where only verizon has coverage for two years. And I've been curious whether it's actually got more computing power than my current laptop (CF-27, 300mhz PII..) - and ssh and phone (X perhaps) are all I need anyways :)
20:25.36 starseeker Pro/E formats aren't documented anywhere that I'm aware of, so importing them directly is a tough problem
20:25.42 Rigolo starseeker: okee ..because the wikipedia says it can import them ...
20:26.21 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
20:26.27 starseeker Rigolo: You might ask brlcad about that, when he shows up
20:27.21 Rigolo jonored: X is also on there .. it has a VGA touchscreen display (640x480 2.8")
20:27.27 jonored Rigolo: I think the restriction is something loosely on the order of requiring a copy of Pro-E to do conversions with it's format.
20:28.22 Rigolo jonored: okee ... so if the people that made these drawings (apparently using Pro/E) install BRL-CAD .. they could do it them selfs?
20:28.28 jonored is aware. He's aware of the device, just stuck not having a service he can run it on for a couple years, and so hasn't ordered one already.
20:28.56 Rigolo has one right here .. to the left ... GSM is eveywhere here in .nl
20:29.13 Rigolo well ... you could start with the gps bits :-)
20:29.21 Rigolo and start using the phone later :-)
20:29.46 jonored Rigolo: For that I'm not sure - I was more justifying the listing of being able to convert, as it's as possible as it's reasonable to make it.
20:30.58 Rigolo jonored: okee ... well ... I might update the openmoko wiki page and point to BRL-CAD as at least an opensource free software applicaiton that can do something with the CAD files
20:31.50 Ralith Rigolo: does the latest model support 3G?
20:32.01 Ralith starseeker: 'sort of' import IGES?
20:32.03 Rigolo jonored: and ... within 2 years you must be able to design a nice casing for the freerunner
20:32.10 jonored There's also the part where it's on the list after college expenses and a reprap :) - and GSM is, unfortunately, not available in the north end of Vermont - hence the sister needing verizon.
20:32.20 Rigolo Ralith: no, only GSM with GPRS at the moment
20:32.33 Rigolo but is has wifi
20:32.35 Ralith Rigolo: call me when they've got 3G, then I want one.
20:32.38 Ralith wifi drains battery life like no other.
20:32.39 starseeker Ralith: It doesn't quite get you what you're probably expecting - it's not something (so far) that I can raytrace, for example
20:32.53 Ralith starseeker: that doesn't sound like a very useful import
20:33.21 Ralith it seems silly for me to ask you this, but did you try creating regions of the parts manually?
20:33.39 Rigolo Ralith: no idea when that happens ... it is hard to get a "open" 3G chipset at the moment ... and that is not to expensive
20:33.45 starseeker no, I was just testing the direct conversion
20:34.02 Ralith Rigolo: unless the openmoko becomes incredibly cheap, I don't really care about the 'why'
20:34.14 starseeker I rather expect we'll need robust BREP support before we can really handle openmoko importing "properly"
20:34.17 Ralith I mean, it sounds like the perfect phone in all other respect
20:34.18 Ralith s
20:34.24 starseeker again, brlcad is the real expert here
20:34.33 Ralith but I might as well wait for a proper commercial android phone
20:35.02 Rigolo Ralith: even on androids you can not get to the real low level .. like with the openmoko phones
20:35.18 Ralith Rigolo: they're linux. What's stopping me?
20:35.56 Ralith jonored: by the way, did you start out here and go to reprap or vis versa? I can't work out where you originated >:|
20:36.08 jonored Ralith: Possibly no root, binary kernel modules with tight lockdowns...
20:36.11 Rigolo Ralith: start reading about android .... as far as I can tell .. they use a linux framework, but you can not "escape" from the android enviroment .. but I might be wrong
20:36.36 Ralith jonored: that sounds kinda ghey
20:36.48 Ralith Rigolo: you can escape from any environment when you own the hardware
20:37.35 Rigolo Ralith: well, but if you can do anything with it .. that is an other question
20:38.44 jonored Ralith: I've been watching the reprap since it was meccano and hot glue guns (and trying a little to get going doing useful things), and looking at BRL-CAD (and playing with it a little) since it hit slashdot... and just started using IRC, so hit the channels :)
20:38.47 Ralith it'd be ludicrous if they didn't give you root
20:38.50 Ralith even the iphone gives you root
20:38.58 Ralith jonored: oh, neat!
20:39.01 Ralith a kindred spirit :>
20:39.08 Rigolo Ralith: .... software installed by end-users must be written in Java, and will not have access to lower level device APIs ...
20:39.17 Ralith Rigolo: that sounds like BS to me
20:39.18 Rigolo
20:39.35 Ralith wikipedia is not my idea of a reliable source :P
20:39.54 Rigolo Ralith: and the iphone does not give you real root .... you can not run anything on the iPhone when it is not signed by apple
20:40.56 Rigolo .. read this then :-)
20:41.45 Ralith Rigolo: people do it all the time; it's called hacking it :P
20:41.50 Rigolo but ... this channel is about BRL-CAD .. not iphones and the pro and cons of free software :-)
20:42.04 Ralith in practice I don't care if something's locked down if it's a straightforward hack
20:42.04 Rigolo Ralith: well .. .the iPhone linux guys are still strugling ...
20:42.15 Ralith iphones are already unixy enough for me
20:42.26 Rigolo Ralith: okee
20:43.02 jonored The openmoko thing is a bit like the differene between having a tivo that's built on linux and hacking into it and having a gentoo box running a media app...
20:43.02 Ralith I'm more interested in just where you got the idea that andriod would only support java for third party stuff
20:43.38 Ralith jonored: to me, that says "openmoko probably won't work, but at least it'll take all week to set up."
20:43.52 Rigolo
20:44.19 Rigolo and openmoko at the moment works for basic things like calls and sms ..
20:44.29 starseeker uses and likes Gentoo
20:45.03 Rigolo openmoko is build using the openembedded framework ...
20:45.31 Ralith Rigolo: that says quite clearly that *all* apps run on a VM, not that java is used
20:45.46 jonored is quite pleased with his Gentoo machine; it's the one that lives on his back in the CF-27.
20:45.58 Rigolo and just like with any linux device .. there are multiple "distributions" already .. so you can choose what you like .. but don't expect the iphone user experiance just yet
20:46.36 Ralith Rigolo: I don't mind a unpolished GUI. Ever used windows mobile?
20:46.47 Ralith You wouldn't believe how horrible their GUI is.
20:46.48 Rigolo Ralith:
20:47.03 Rigolo Ralith: that is why I never user WinMob
20:47.32 Ralith What I want is mobile high speed internets in a pocketable form, and with a sufficiently unixy system that I can do fun things like set it up as a wifi access point
20:48.16 Rigolo Ralith: well .. that last bit kills the moko for your completly .. their wifi chips do not allow AP functionality .. only client
20:48.33 Ralith that can be prevented in hardware?
20:48.38 Rigolo but don't expect an android phone to do that either
20:48.41 Ralith that sucks
20:48.43 Ralith but it was only an example
20:48.46 Rigolo Ralith: yes
20:48.50 Rigolo Ralith: oke :-)
20:49.02 Ralith Rigolo: that agains says that java is not used, and the former article implies that the VM is language independent
20:49.08 Ralith really
20:49.17 Ralith so long as I can make the thing route traffic from outside sources
20:49.20 Ralith I don't mind having to wire it up
20:49.37 starseeker Ah, no wonder they hyp primitive got sucked into the reorg - it was there in 7.12.4
20:49.38 Rigolo Ralith: android apps are writen in java .. and then compiles to a google owned VM enviroment
20:49.38 Ralith Rigolo: can it do USB host?
20:50.03 Ralith starseeker: despite being considered incomplete?
20:50.05 Rigolo Ralith: openmoko can do both ... but usb 1.1 on this version
20:50.21 Ralith so long as it can be a host
20:50.24 jonored Ralith: Being an AP requires capabilities that aren't required for being a client - it's not really surprising that they wouldn't neccessarily include it in a chipset.
20:50.36 Ralith jonored: I wasn't sure how much is done in hardware.
20:50.48 starseeker Ralith: it happens sometimes - 7-12-4 was a tag, it might have been removed from the tarball
20:51.11 Ralith if openmoko can be a USB host, that probably means I could wire up a USB wifi stick that *does* have AP support
20:51.19 Ralith even if it's unpowered host, it's not too hard to stick a battery inline
20:51.41 jonored Ralith: Depends on the chipset, I think.
20:51.43 Ralith then, instant mobile wireless internet for anyone in my vicinity :>
20:51.46 Ralith jonored: huh?
20:51.52 Rigolo Ralith: yes ... that should work ...
20:52.05 Ralith awesomeness.
20:52.15 Ralith still needs to have 3G before I spend >$100 on one though
20:52.16 Rigolo Ralith: but I already did that with a 50 Euro ASUS wifi router and a UMTS usb card ..
20:52.37 Ralith can you make/receive phone calls with that router? :P
20:52.50 Rigolo connected a complete computer retails shop like that for over 30 days
20:52.51 Ralith one cellular subscription is enough, ty
20:53.03 Ralith although
20:53.12 Ralith do you know where I could get a USB HSDPA card for not-hugely-expensive?
20:53.25 Ralith with north american frequency support
20:53.50 Rigolo not straight away .... got mine via my provider .. with a 2 year unlimited data only plan ...
20:54.15 Rigolo and cancelled that after 30 days .. (and got money back ..minus one month subscription fee)
20:54.56 Ralith US cell phone providers are nowhere near as kind
20:55.05 Ralith $200+ cancellation fees
20:55.13 Ralith shitty hardware-with-contract deals
20:55.17 Rigolo well .. it helped that we had 200 other subscriptions with them :-)
20:55.24 Ralith heh
20:55.50 Rigolo and .. they were also our DSL provider that scrwed up with installing DSL at a new shop :-)
20:55.55 Ralith has a PCMCIA HSDPA card, but his new laptop only has an express card slot >:|
20:56.24 Rigolo Ralith: there must be express cards with HSDPA out there .. or not?
20:57.53 jonored Ralith: If there are USB ones, then there should be express card ones - same design, just a different connector - USB is one of the lines going to that slot.
20:59.29 Ralith there are plenty, they're just all very expensive
20:59.46 Ralith $200+ for what I've seen
20:59.57 Ralith cellular tech is very price-raped :(
21:00.06 jonored Ah, okay.
21:00.38 Ralith whereas my PCMCIA card was about $70 on ebay
21:02.49 saltan is off now and thanks for fascinating banter
21:04.16 Rigolo and Rigolo is also going .. thanks for the update on BRL-CAD and openmoko CAD files :-)
21:08.15 *** part/#brlcad Rigolo (
21:09.37 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32150 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (9 files): detemplating the PCSet class. Using a list of VariableAbstract* rather than Variable<T> to hold the set of Variables. noticing valgrind memory leak of 160 bytes : due to pc_pc_set macros/functions
21:12.19 Ralith so poolio's working on the code to generate an accurate set of surfaces from an arbitrary region is poolio's WIP, right? Anyone feel able to quantify the state of that project?
21:37.33 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
21:55.50 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32151 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/current_successful_compile_rev.txt: builds ok to this point with the one exception noted.
22:12.21 *** join/#brlcad poolio ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:12.49 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:13.26 *** join/#brlcad starseeker ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:32.51 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
22:46.26 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32152 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcPCSet.cpp pcPCSet.h): forward declaration of Constraint Class and definition of getVariableID function so as to support usage of PCSet methods by the constraint object
22:49.22 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32153 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcConstraint.cpp pcConstraint.h solver_test.cpp): specifying PCSet reference in the constraint object and corresponding modification in the constructors
23:05.16 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r32154 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc9/libged/libged.vcproj: Added several missing files to the msvc9 build.
23:09.32 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
23:30.31 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
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