IRC log for #brlcad on 20080731

00:08.26 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
00:26.51 yukonbob hello, cadheads
00:34.02 brlcad howdy yukonbob
00:34.49 yukonbob how'd your day turn out?
00:40.12 starseeker goes into convulsions as sourceforge svn goes offline...
00:43.43 starseeker decides to do some Gentoo upgrading...
00:45.06 brlcad yukonbob: alright, sort of a day of exhausted relaxation before the storm
00:50.33 starseeker proposes a study of brlcad to learn how to make a human body function without sleep
01:03.14 *** join/#brlcad iday (
01:04.42 brlcad practice makes perfect!
01:13.08 starseeker sees slashdot article on virtualbox and checks it out
01:27.50 stustev good evening - is anyone up for another question? Here goes. Is there a way to run a script and have the script history in the command window?
01:29.55 brlcad howdy stustev .. hmm
01:30.09 stustev good evening
01:30.10 brlcad I think the short answer is no
01:30.18 stustev that's too short
01:31.33 stustev that would be very nice for me. Write a script, load the script without running it and step through it to make it work
01:32.32 brlcad I can see the utility in that, but it'd probably require a new command or an option to an existing command
01:33.04 brlcad actually, could probably write a little tcl script that does exactly that for you
01:33.31 stustev just give me an idea how to do it and I will try to do it
01:33.42 brlcad does fopen on specified file, loops over lines in the file, runs each line interactively asking if it's okay or to skip
01:34.15 brlcad proc hello {args} {
01:34.23 brlcad <PROTECTED>
01:34.24 brlcad }
01:34.30 brlcad hello
01:34.52 stustev I am here - just talking to my daughter
01:35.02 brlcad from there, just find a tutorial on-line for reading the lines from a file
01:35.21 brlcad (using Tcl)
01:35.35 brlcad should be all of about 20 lines of code probably
01:35.57 stustev I will look at it - thanks
01:36.18 brlcad if you get stuck, let me know
01:42.11 stustev I am already stuck - but I want to try anyway - It will take more time to help me do it than if you did it yourself but then I would learn anything. :)
01:43.16 stustev I have been scripting models today. It is a LOT like APT programming. I am an APT programmer.
01:44.42 ``Erik my condolances
01:44.56 stustev :)
01:47.15 stustev here is not a way to read the whole script into the command window and then be able to move forward and back in the file using the keyboard? Just like what you would have if you typed the script into the command window?
01:47.21 stustev there
01:53.19 stustev Can I put a command in the script to over write the existing database with the created database when the script runs? Even better would be a question when I load the script "Do you want to erase the existing database: Y/N".
01:57.35 brlcad almost made it off post, only to turn right back around
01:57.51 stustev welcome back
02:01.20 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:01.20 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || BRL-CAD is participating in the 2008 Google Summer of Code! || Release 7.12.4 is posted (source-only release)
02:01.23 brlcad a litl bit of tcl scripting
02:02.32 stustev The command to load the file? Is it possible to load the entire file instead of one line at a time. Your suggestion seemed to me to load one line at a time.
02:05.34 brlcad it's a full language, you can make it do whatever you want
02:05.46 brlcad read the whole file if you like, ask line by line
02:06.08 stustev Maybe I am thinking the command history is a file but it isn't. Is it the command history like the 'history' command in a terminal window.
02:07.15 brlcad there are various command histories in mged -- the one you see when you up/down arrow are always actions that have *happened* .. so if you want a command to show up there, it has to have run
02:07.31 brlcad but that doesn't prevent you from stepping through a transcript for the user
02:07.47 stustev that is what I am just understanding
02:10.48 stustev In APT we have what we call a source file. It is all the APT commands to create geometry if we need to and then move the cutter around the geometry. We load the whole file and then run through the file how we need to (sometimes - one line at a time). It doesn't sound as if brlcad is structured the same.
02:11.43 brlcad sounds more like an interactive debugger
02:12.11 brlcad different tool, different purposes
02:12.11 stustev exactly - that is how it functions
02:12.18 brlcad your point? :)
02:13.11 stustev It seems more intuitive and functional to me. That is probably because that is what I am used to.
02:15.36 brlcad that's a pretty grandiose statement to make on one simple interaction data point (regardless of it being true or false)
02:16.07 brlcad there are plenty of ways mged can be improved, working on usability is one of our top (long-term) priorities
02:16.38 jonored stustev: It doesn't seem like it's even impractical to do things that way in brlcad... I've mostly been editing files and running them. Haven't written up a line-by-line execute command, but that should only be a few lines to write...
02:17.03 stustev my process now - write the script, run the script, look at the error messages to decipher why it didn't work, edit the script, erase the database, repeat until I get no errors, check the model to see if it looks like what I expected, edit the script , erase the database, repeat until the model looks like what I want. :)
02:17.40 stustev not too bad just different than what I am used to
02:18.11 brlcad stustev: i.e., you'd like an interactive script debugger
02:18.44 jonored I find myself wondering if this is actually a procedural-stuff-stored-in-database thing...
02:18.49 brlcad it's not ground-shaking insightful, it's just not a feature we presently provide even if it would just take a few lines of code to implement
02:19.00 stustev I had never thought of the APT process as debugging before but that is exactly what it is
02:19.02 brlcad in fact you're the first person to (ever) suggest such a feature
02:19.27 brlcad (for mged)
02:20.03 brlcad it really would amount to just one routine, probably less than 50 lines tops including interactivity unless you slap a gui in there too
02:28.44 Ralith what would be really neat would be a way to step forward and back (via a not-yet-present undo system) through a script to see what each line does (good for learning *and* debugging!) in an integrated editor, next to a nice pretty shaded view of the model
02:28.45 yukonbob stustev: [source] is your friend... and if you're using [X]Emacs as your editor, inferior-tcl-mode is also your friend.
02:28.52 Ralith of course, this has nothing to do with mged
02:29.14 Ralith other than using mged commands
02:30.01 stustev Ralith: now you are talking
02:30.18 Ralith I don't think it would be very hard to do
02:30.20 jonored Ralith: Defining a variant on 'in' that kills the solid first seems like it'd get closer to that...
02:30.22 Ralith even as a completely unique system
02:30.33 Ralith jonored: I don't follow
02:30.53 jonored Unless I'm mistaken, that makes those commands repeat by themselves...
02:31.33 Ralith still lost
02:31.43 jonored or I might just be being a noob... checking.
02:33.25 jonored, it doesn't seem like it. Make it so that if you go up in the history/external program and rerun the command it essentially updates the object. Or is it not based on name in the db?
02:34.00 Ralith I really have no idea what you're suggesing
02:34.11 Ralith other than that it sounds like some kind of undo system to implement what I described
02:35.21 stustev jonored: yes that would be the ticket - move up to rerun the command - the model is updated to the just run command - using the same entity name as before
02:35.37 Ralith that's exactly what I said :P
02:35.44 jonored I've been finding myself (as I play with scripting) putting a "kill" statement immediately before every statement that creates something. Although that doesn't work for combinations easily, nevermind - they need to not get killed sometimes and killed other times.
02:36.32 brlcad jonored: there's the more dangerous killtree for combinations
02:36.35 stustev Ralith: not exactly - the undo system I have seen will erase the entities when the undo command is issued
02:36.46 Ralith jonored: there are all sorts of things that can't be undone with a kill, though
02:36.56 Ralith stustev: what
02:37.03 Ralith that sounds more like a delete button than an undo system
02:37.30 stustev isn't undo - the same as delete?
02:37.59 Ralith uh no?
02:38.03 Ralith not remotely
02:38.09 Ralith where did you get that idea
02:38.10 jonored It's close. It's more like a "Rerun and replace" button for this... or "edit definition".
02:38.20 Ralith what if you want to undo moving something
02:38.24 Ralith or undo changing its color
02:38.24 jonored (to a delete)
02:39.02 stustev if you undo the last command (whatever it is) isn't that like deleting the last command - not just entities
02:39.26 Ralith hell, what if you want to undo deleting an object?
02:39.45 Ralith databases don't store commands >.<
02:39.46 stustev I see - you are thinking ahead of me
02:39.55 stustev :)
02:39.55 Ralith they store primitives and their relationships
02:40.07 Ralith deleting a command from your text editor has no bearing on anything
02:41.18 jonored I think this is really getting to the part where some people just really, really want to have procedurally-generated stuff that they can edit the definition for, rather than manually rerun the generating program...
02:41.35 brlcad there are plenty of commands that are not reversible or have no corresponding reverse action -- from a data storage perspective, 'undo' merely restores previous revisions (and that's all it needs to do really)
02:41.54 Ralith thank you :]
02:41.56 brlcad regardless of what reverse action it might correspond to
02:42.01 brlcad it doesn't need to know really
02:42.18 Ralith so at the barest level
02:42.21 brlcad if complete construction history is preserved (infinite undo)
02:42.27 Ralith all we need is a binary diff of the db state every time an action is made, right?
02:42.32 brlcad basically
02:42.39 Ralith that sounds very simple to implement
02:42.43 brlcad tis
02:42.49 brlcad there is even a lib that already does it
02:42.56 Ralith *blinkblink*
02:42.59 brlcad part of the geometry service design
02:43.00 Ralith then why isn't mged hooked up?
02:43.35 brlcad because that's active development, pretty big collaborative development effort with lots of simultaneous development threads
02:43.58 Ralith the API's likely to change under your feet?
02:44.09 brlcad the new features like that one will probably only go into the new gui, especially complete versioning
02:44.32 jonored But would that let you change something ten steps back without having to redo everything in between?
02:44.33 Ralith unless mged is being completely abandoned, I'd think it would benefit from it
02:44.38 brlcad the API is still being *written*, just getting started actually -- just one piece of a bigger effort
02:44.56 Ralith jonored: that might require a bit more than a binary diff :/
02:44.58 brlcad there's the libged refactoring effort, that alone is moving and restructuring nearly 100k lines of code
02:45.14 Ralith you'd have to have the logic to modify the future actions to acomodiate for any effect missing the past action would have
02:45.36 Ralith ah, so there's only a lib that does it in the sense of their being a project.
02:45.58 brlcad no, there are libs that already do the diffing
02:46.22 Ralith you know what
02:46.28 Ralith I have no doubt that you're doing things the Right Way
02:46.32 Ralith so I'm going to go get breakfast/lunch/dinner
02:47.02 Ralith (my schedule is that messed up. I am accordingly hungry.)
02:47.51 brlcad like I said, there are several pieces to this puzzle -- the new geometry service is a fairly big effort that involves the new gui, a new OO geometry engine, a major mged/libged code refactoring, hooking into revisioning libraries, development of a service protocol, and binding that all together in phases
02:48.31 Ralith oh, the undo bits depend on the geometry service as a whole which is itself incomplete?
02:48.35 Ralith (or something like that)
02:48.37 jonored Ralith: or store "how to get this shape" on the level of abstraction that the user types as well as on the level of straight CSG trees and matrices, and let it be edited and rerun easily.
02:49.24 Ralith jonored: that would be pretty awesome, but it sounds pretty challenging to keep those in sync
02:50.39 Ralith anyway.
02:50.40 Ralith HUNGRY.
02:50.43 Ralith -> food
02:50.43 stustev jonored: I do not want just another point and click CAD program. If I wanted that I would go with Solidworks or some such like. I like brlcad because it can be so flexible. If I need to work in the brlcad manner I can learn that. I started this by suggesting a few things I thought I would like to see. I have CADKEY, Solidworks, Catia, Unigraphics, ProE and VX. I know how to use VX and I don't want to learn any of the others. They are very
02:51.00 brlcad the "undo" functionality (which doesn't exist because the geometry service itself is far from complete) leverages a revision control layer (that already exists completed, but is a generic data versioning system)
02:51.16 Ralith neat.
02:51.23 Ralith shame it's not edible.
02:53.24 *** join/#brlcad iday (
02:53.40 brlcad the whole project is estimated around 6 staff years of effort in whole to achieve base production quality (not including new gui work), with around that many people presently contributing from 20% to 100% of their time
02:54.29 brlcad stustev: irc has message limits, you were cut off ;)
02:54.41 brlcad try breaking at the sentance level ;)
02:54.49 jonored stustev: I'm not trying to say that the way brlcad works now is bad - but I was in here a few days ago asking about what I think is the same thing, and it's done somewhat, but isn't quite comfortable to me. I've been prodding at a line-by-line batch while we're talking because I'd use it too.
02:55.16 stustev will do
02:55.31 brlcad seriously, line-by-line command parsing is really pretty simple to implement
02:56.05 jonored and I've been (distractedly; i have classes) prodding at stashing the TCL definitions of things in attributes and having a command to open it in an editor and rerun it when done... or just vim integration... stuff like that.
02:56.06 brlcad wham, bam, could be done in less than an hour if you knew the scripting syntax
02:56.23 brlcad jonored: neat
02:56.30 stustev the whole thing shows up on my screen - where were you cut off?
02:56.52 brlcad They are very
02:57.44 stustev expensive and continue to get more expensive. The continue to box you into the capability programmed into the point and click interface.
02:58.06 jonored is trying to find either stdin or a get-line-from-user in tcl.. five lines, I think, to go through it line-by-line, but with no backwards.
02:58.49 jonored is wrong, that breaks for multi-line commands.
02:59.48 jonored misses (read).
03:00.33 brlcad thinks he set a record this week for too many hours..
03:00.48 stustev it is only Wednesday
03:01.19 brlcad but end of month
03:01.59 stustev it is that
03:03.57 stustev bbl
03:04.26 brlcad puts "next? [y/n]"
03:04.38 brlcad catch {gets stdin answer}
03:05.14 brlcad if {$answer == "y"} { ..process line.. rinse and repeat
03:05.42 jonored Out of curiosity, how much of the graphical display stuff will libged be able to do? Would I be able to tell it to use a window like mged does now, or does the program using it need to do that?
03:05.58 brlcad maybe write a "prompt user" command (I sent an example to one of the mailing lists many months back)
03:06.26 brlcad "tell it to use a window like mged does now"? no entiendo
03:06.45 brlcad libged has nothing to do with gui -- it's a geometry editing library
03:07.28 brlcad it's moving a ton of editing, querying, analysis, and other command functionality (i.e. pretty much *all* commands in mged) into a library so that it can be reused
03:07.41 brlcad and cleaned up at the same time
03:07.54 brlcad refactoring is giving us the chance to remove some of the cobwebs
03:08.23 brlcad performs his "take 2" homeward bounding
03:11.21 yukonbob finishes reading scrollbck
03:11.23 yukonbob *back
03:15.48 jonored *Nod*. I'm asking if libdm is in libged, aren't I. I should look at these things before asking and confusing people...
03:32.09 starseeker wishes he knew enough to contribute something useful to the Geometry Engine email... his only suggestion might be that a brief summary of the potential pros/cons of the various approaches available might be educational, although orthogonal to the purpose of the email...
03:39.17 brlcad starseeker: you are contributing something *vital*
03:40.00 brlcad feature requests, bug fixes, releases .. those *have* to keep happening, so if you're not doing them then that just falls back on others (me!)
03:40.13 brlcad jonored: libdm is definitely not in libged
03:40.56 brlcad libged does provide generic display lists though .. which libdm uses .. which opengl can use .. and others because they're .. generic ;)
06:20.21 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:08.01 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:12.13 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:28.45 *** join/#brlcad clock_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:30.46 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
08:44.30 brlcad hrm
08:44.35 brlcad decides to call it a day
08:48.44 d_rossberg brlcad: who is davidloman?
09:15.59 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:20.24 mafm hi
09:41.35 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32155 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcVariable.cpp pcVariable.h): Adding type information to Variable classes so as to avoid RTTI during construction/destrcution
09:43.08 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32156 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcPCSet.cpp pcPCSet.h): addVariable() and addConstraint() functions for the operation of PCSet object: argument list to be changed to non pointer type
10:51.53 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32157 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/ged_obj.c: Added light and zclip commands to ged_obj.
10:54.22 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r32158 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt: some modifications to be consistent with
11:07.44 d_rossberg mafm: is rt^3 for gui development only or is it a more general C++ developmend sandbox?
11:12.09 mafm d_rossberg: I don't know, it was created before me
11:12.25 mafm Sean suggested me to put my new interface there
11:12.51 mafm AFAIK it was not really used, the rest of code around are placeholders/sketches
11:13.28 mafm and it was devised as a place to put things like 3D interfaces, thus the name rt^3
11:16.53 d_rossberg same to me: Sean suggested me to put my C++ interface there
11:17.29 d_rossberg so don't be surprised
11:17.55 mafm all right
11:18.07 mafm it was you who was creating directories yesterday?
11:18.34 d_rossberg no, it was David Loman
11:19.27 d_rossberg he works probable at the ARL, but i don't know his intention in creating these directories
11:23.10 *** join/#brlcad saltan (
11:27.21 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
11:28.04 mafm OK
11:28.20 mafm so well, at the moment I've only put stuff in src/other, src/g3d and data/g3d
11:28.52 mafm I don't know much about the rest
11:29.48 mafm if we're going to use same code, like patterns and so on, we could move our code to libUtility or similar dirs
11:36.16 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32159 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/ged_obj.c: Removed a bit of temporary/test code.
11:39.34 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r32160 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/intaval/ ( tgf2g.dsp):
11:39.34 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: removed MSVS 6.0 project file
11:39.34 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: BRL-CAD doesn't support this VS version any more
11:45.57 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r32161 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/intaval/ (8 files): made the copyright and license notice compatible with the rest of BRL-CAD
12:10.42 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
13:23.48 starseeker brlcad: Thank you :-). I was referring more to the issues you had asked for comment on in the email "BRL-CAD C++ Geometry Engine" - things like run-time typing and single object hierarchies are a bit beyond my expertice level as yet ;-)
13:25.03 brlcad nods
13:25.50 brlcad ah, missed daniel
13:30.01 poolio brlcad: I'm leaving now :)
13:53.34 starseeker there we go, much better:
13:54.00 starseeker needs to docbook those suckers once 7.12.6 is out...
13:54.44 brlcad the OLD subdir should get merged in
13:55.08 brlcad it was just a place to put the previous site mirror
14:03.03 starseeker I know
14:03.12 starseeker but at least there is SOME active link now
14:03.30 starseeker merging it in will take longer, especially if we docbook/wikify it
14:04.11 starseeker I could pull it out and make a "reports" directory to hold them in the main site, if that's preferable
14:05.51 starseeker just let me know - if you don't want any link until they're ready I can revert it, too
14:07.13 brlcad nah, it's better
14:07.26 brlcad just saing it's not where it should be
14:11.26 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r32162 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (GuiWidgetRotation.cxx GuiWidgetRotation.h): Adding custom Widget based in RBGui::Widget intending to represent and control rotations
14:15.43 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r32163 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (GuiCamera.cxx GuiCamera.h): Adding window to control camera and display different properties
14:37.15 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r32164 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (GuiBaseWindow.cxx GuiWindowManager.cxx): Whitespace and debug logging messages
14:38.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r32165 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (Application.cxx Application.h): Adding new window and widget, and commenting out test code
14:39.16 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
15:00.06 brlcad mafm: it is a general c++ development sandbox if the question comes up again ;)
15:01.42 mafm :|
15:01.55 mafm so people can deposit cat droppings in there... not good!
15:15.03 mafm nice, I try to draw lines and I got back characters being rendered
15:16.25 brlcad cool
15:16.34 brlcad so maybe you should draw characters, see if you get lines
15:25.45 mafm text leads to text
15:32.19 mafm huh, that's strange
15:32.55 mafm it seems that the font manager decodes something in every widget and thus the characters get rendered
16:34.53 brlcad mafm: how are you rendering fonts? (what font manager? one in ogre?)
16:35.32 brlcad notes he also works with ftgl .. so would be highly inclined to use that where we need ofnt rendering -- it's good stuff
16:42.11 *** join/#brlcad elmom (
16:44.47 mafm brlcad: freetype, I think
16:46.50 brlcad eh, that might be what's under the hood, sure
16:46.57 brlcad but what are you interfacing through?
16:47.03 brlcad something ogre provides?
16:48.18 mafm RBGui
16:48.42 mafm I don't know if in turn in uses some OGRE thing -- might be
16:50.58 mafm #include <ft2build.h>
16:50.59 mafm #include FT_FREETYPE_H
16:51.09 mafm (in RBGui::FontManager.cpp)
16:51.15 mafm so they use that directly, I guess
16:59.00 starseeker brlcad: Know anything about Growl for Mac OSX?
16:59.10 starseeker
17:00.11 mafm I have to go now
17:00.13 mafm take care :)
17:02.49 brlcad starseeker: I do now
17:10.31 starseeker heh - those scripts that get subversion to use FileMerge seem to want to use it
17:11.05 starseeker Growls in frustration
17:15.46 brlcad really? that's odd
17:15.52 brlcad change the scripts
17:21.17 starseeker they'll work without it, but there seems to be some feature it provides that they benefit from
17:21.37 starseeker maybe you don't have to manually quit FileMerge if you have it around
17:23.39 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:16.40 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03pacman87 * r32166 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: don't need to check the angle for hits on start/end planes, replaced with a check for rev->ang > M_PI
18:40.27 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32167 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/current_successful_compile_rev.txt: upload notes on progressive compile issues identified so far
18:53.50 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
20:18.32 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
20:33.00 Ralith What sort of OS do most devs here run on?
20:33.14 pacman87 i run slackware
20:33.35 Ralith linuxes, then?
20:33.36 pacman87 occasionally boot winXP on weekends
20:33.42 pacman87 but not for dev work
20:49.48 PrezKennedy vista!
20:50.09 PrezKennedy except im not a dev... just an innocent bystander
20:50.23 pacman87 if you run vista, you're not innocent...
20:52.46 PrezKennedy at least im not fingering people and mounting drives like you sickos :P
20:53.23 pacman87 hey, i never said we were innocent either
20:53.37 Ralith at least we're experienced :>
20:55.20 PrezKennedy "hey baby, i know how to mount a drive" ;)
20:58.20 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
21:05.57 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32168 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcConstraint.cpp pcConstraint.h): forward declaration of PCSet for usage of PCSet methods
21:07.45 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32169 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/pcVariable.cpp: correcting inherited protected variable access name
21:07.51 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
21:11.13 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32170 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcPCSet.cpp pcPCSet.h solver_test.cpp): Variable addition methods for the PCSet object
21:11.14 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
21:17.19 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
22:13.24 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
22:24.25 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
22:45.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32171 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (69 files in 35 dirs): OK, take a step back. Reverting to 32083.
22:54.13 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32172 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/src/rt/rt_simple.c: Opps, add rt_simple back in to get to 32083 state.
23:02.27 brlcad Ralith: Mac, BSD, and Linux for most of the devs
23:03.16 starseeker keeps waiting for someone to port BRL-CAD to HaikuOS ;-)
23:03.37 brlcad that would be fun
23:03.43 Ralith so an acceptable form of binary release for g3d would be a binary tarball for extraction into an installation root?
23:04.34 brlcad ah, for g3d, sure -- it can be pretty much anything
23:05.04 brlcad it's more just getting it into some dev users hands for easy testing, getting a feedback loop started
23:05.22 brlcad there the OS doesn't matter, could pretty much pick anything
23:05.25 starseeker needs to check if it's still doing the screwed up font thing on his Gentoo box...
23:06.34 Ralith finds the idea of a binary release for devs to be somewhat odd
23:08.01 brlcad it's not just for devs -- its for anyone really
23:08.28 starseeker Does it still need all the libs installed as root?
23:08.37 starseeker or did it ever, for that matter?
23:09.00 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32173 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/TODO: list of minor tasks/ plan in libpc
23:17.38 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32174 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
23:17.38 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: Merge in changes to get the tree back into a working state, circa 32083 as far
23:17.38 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: as merging in of trunk changes. Testing indicates there be dragons in the 32085
23:17.38 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: and 32086 changes, so prepare working base and re-attempt the subsequent merges
23:17.38 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: from trunk from there.
23:18.11 brlcad if he's making a binary release, he has the opportunity to sort that out
23:18.20 starseeker ah.
23:19.14 starseeker goes to get dinner before attempting to get over the next merge barrior
23:23.53 Ralith I don't know many libs that do need to be installed as root
23:30.15 brlcad think he meant that need to be installed beforehand/separately
23:32.06 brlcad in which case the installer for the dependency (e.g. on Mac) might be set up to require perms to go where the installer wants to put it
23:33.02 brlcad there's never been a release of it yet, so it's a mostly moot point though -- he could make the whole thing one big stand-alone static binary if he wanted
23:40.23 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32175 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcParser.cpp pcVariable.cpp): cleanup / debug removal
23:40.42 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
23:42.59 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32176 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/pcVariable.h: intersectInterval modified to take into account empty Domain; display function modified to show Variable type
23:45.44 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32177 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcPCSet.cpp pcPCSet.h solver_test.cpp): modification to addVariable() and pushVar() functions of PCSet. small *hack* in pushVar() since default specialized constructors are not being used

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