IRC log for #brlcad on 20080801

00:19.43 yukonbob hello, cadheads
00:22.07 Ralith hello, tundrahead
00:24.14 yukonbob :)
00:40.07 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32178 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (5 files in 3 dirs): re-merge r31669 - fast4-g cleanup
00:40.48 starseeker arrgh -
00:43.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32179 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (COPYING INSTALL misc/enigma/COPYING misc/enigma/INSTALL): ack, how'd that happen? put trunk's COPYING and INSTALL files back
00:51.27 starseeker can't figure out how those COPY and INSTALL files got switched
00:51.31 starseeker grrrr
00:55.15 starseeker is a bit freaked out
01:02.34 poolio brlcad: tgc almost works, it's flipped about the z-axis...
01:35.49 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32180 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (9 files in 6 dirs): re-merge up to r31701, previously in this branch 32087
01:38.00 starseeker thinks he may be finally getting the hang of this merge thing
01:38.05 starseeker ++FileMerge~
01:43.43 ``Erik effin' fate bitch pizz0wned one of my astros and it'll take 3 hours to get a liberation fleet there *sigh*
01:44.30 starseeker isn't sure if ``Erik is playing a game or learning a new language
01:50.10 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
01:59.22 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32181 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (3 files in 3 dirs): re-merge up to r31744 where the changes weren't related to new work, including extensive changes to pipe.c , previously in this branch 32092
02:00.36 brlcad starseeker: that can happen during an automatic regeneration during make
02:01.11 brlcad if you update/merge and updates, and don't run -- it will try automatically
02:01.45 brlcad and depending on the exact ordering of things, it can end up blowing away what you have and sticking defaults
02:02.05 brlcad I'd bitched about it (informally) to the gnu guys in the past but they didn't seem to really care
02:02.35 brlcad since it's obscure and it's the content they think should be in every one's copy of those files anyways
02:02.41 starseeker ah
02:02.56 brlcad poolio: awesome!
02:03.04 starseeker grumbles in the direction of the GNU guys, who sure won't listen to him if they don't listen to brlcad
02:03.17 brlcad starseeker: go for it
02:03.37 brlcad it was several years ago, I'm sure it's just a matter of catching the right guy(s) at the right time
02:03.54 brlcad one of them was zealotry trolling
02:03.55 stustev good evening gentlemen
02:04.02 brlcad with which I sometimes have very little patience
02:04.11 brlcad howdy starseeker
02:04.14 stustev question - how do I use TRA?
02:04.53 starseeker heh - howdy stustev
02:05.11 starseeker hands brlcad some coffee
02:05.14 stustev I can't seem to get it to affect anything
02:07.10 stustev do I describe geometry after I issue tra xxx yyy zzz? I am trying to mirror and move an object
02:09.21 brlcad stustev: you have to be in an edit mode first
02:09.44 brlcad either solid/primitive edit or object/matrix edit mode
02:09.45 stustev I can't issue this in the command window?
02:10.04 brlcad sure, sed primitive ; tra 100 0 0
02:10.11 brlcad accept
02:10.13 brlcad reject
02:10.19 stustev this is for editing one object at a time?
02:10.29 brlcad what are you trying to do?
02:10.41 brlcad that would apply an edit to a specific primitive
02:10.42 stustev I have a region.
02:10.55 brlcad sed == solid edit mode == for editing primitives individually
02:10.58 stustev I want to mirror the region and translate it.
02:11.06 brlcad oed is for editing groups
02:11.39 stustev trying
02:11.41 brlcad so mirror; oed; tra
02:12.26 brlcad mirror old new ; oed / new/path/to/primitive ; tra x y z ; accept
02:12.59 brlcad there is a great tutorial on oed specifically on the website under documentation
02:15.23 stustev I will try to tutorial - thanks
02:15.30 stustev s/to/the
02:18.31 brlcad stustev: starseeker wrote it so if you have any questions -- he's the man
02:18.55 brlcad it describes the command pretty well and in detail, including its limitations
02:19.07 brlcad as well as it's power/flexibility
02:19.16 starseeker feedback welcome :-)
02:20.03 starseeker does need to add a section in there about moving objects used multiple times in a combination by blasting in just that component and working on it alone...
02:23.25 brlcad more useful would be implementing "oed all.g" ;)
02:23.37 starseeker hehe
02:23.52 starseeker should add that to the TODO
02:24.05 brlcad or even 'ed object'
02:24.21 starseeker with type identification that could work
02:24.44 brlcad there's no useful reason for there to be two
02:24.50 brlcad it was just a technical artifact
02:24.53 starseeker absolutely :-)
02:24.56 brlcad just like rhs
02:25.36 starseeker would very much like to do that, but then he'd have to redo all the docs for it again :-P
02:25.41 brlcad and I really hate to say it, but 'e' should probably enter edit mode
02:26.11 starseeker wouldn't that cause a lot of trouble with our old timers?
02:26.13 brlcad the one-letter commands all need reviewed
02:26.18 brlcad yeah it would
02:26.22 brlcad so not likely going to happen
02:26.28 brlcad but it should"
02:26.40 brlcad e means edit, but you don't actually get to edit
02:27.03 brlcad s/means/meant/
02:27.25 brlcad rather "display for editing" .. but that's often also just viewing
02:27.31 starseeker maybe we can have "command profiles" the way g3d has blender and MGED modes?
02:27.35 brlcad hence draw == e
02:27.48 brlcad yeah, command sets
02:28.08 brlcad and "standard aliases"
02:28.24 brlcad i.e. treat it like a full shell
02:28.29 brlcad make it BE a full shell
02:28.46 starseeker that would rock
02:28.53 brlcad then e would just be an alias to the draw command in the mged-compatibility command profile
02:29.50 starseeker hehe - e, ed, sed and oed would all end up leading to the same command by default
02:30.58 starseeker maybe have the sed and oed versions check to make sure what they're editing, to preserve behavior
02:31.10 starseeker or the sed one anyway
02:32.35 brlcad possibly, though the modal edit modes need to go eventually too
02:33.34 brlcad or combine it into a new non-modal command space
02:33.56 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos__ (
02:34.06 brlcad so things like "tra object 100 0 0" would work, or "object tra 100 0 0"
02:34.56 starseeker would like to have the option to go modal or non-modal - modality can be tremendously productive if you want to take the time to learn it (vim)
02:35.12 starseeker but the default should be non-modal
02:36.31 brlcad in our case, though -- there are still N lines of commands
02:36.50 brlcad so the modality really just introduces errors
02:37.43 brlcad all it saves you us is typing object names per command as there is a modal "loaded" set (e'd objects)
02:39.08 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32182 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (18 files in 7 dirs): re-merge up to r31822, previously in this branch 32099
02:45.38 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
02:49.24 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
02:52.57 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
03:40.45 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
03:49.06 starseeker brlcad: sorry, connection decided to quit
03:49.31 starseeker true, modality does mainly save typing names
03:50.36 brlcad could get a similar effect with named edit sets, akin to registers
03:51.14 brlcad register 1 obj1 obj2 obj3
03:51.18 brlcad tra 1 100 0 0
03:51.47 starseeker hmm - essentially create temporary groups for the purposes of command application
03:51.49 brlcad for what might otherwise be three tra lines for each obj
03:51.54 starseeker not bad
03:51.55 *** part/#brlcad stustev (
03:52.35 starseeker sees potential for confusion though - "does registering objects create combinations? how is a combination different from a register?"
03:52.54 brlcad even with just one object, it eliminates the modality and minimizes it to two characters (for at least 0-9 sets)
03:53.04 brlcad so regsiter is a bad word
03:53.23 brlcad sort of like a named 'e' set
03:53.35 starseeker "edit sets"
03:54.17 starseeker editset obj1.s obj2.r obj3.c
03:54.24 starseeker editset obj1.s obj2.r obj3.c obj1
03:54.43 starseeker maybe enforce that an edit set name does not map to any database object name
03:54.57 brlcad something, but the power would be in using "registers", i.e. some simple int id
03:55.04 starseeker right
03:55.25 brlcad otherwise if you allow arbitrary names, it is confusing/overlapping with groups
03:55.30 starseeker true
03:56.09 brlcad though .. I can see a case, maybe it's just a matter of defaults
03:56.27 starseeker would that be the command line equalivent to graphically selecting several objects and then doing something with them?
03:56.42 brlcad exactly
03:56.46 starseeker cool
03:57.05 starseeker could tie into the exact same functionality we will eventually use to do that graphically
03:57.20 brlcad yep, that'd be the intent too I'd hope
03:57.47 brlcad I'd like *all* gui actions to actually go through the scripting layer unless there's some unresolvable performance problem
03:58.05 brlcad at least, end state actions
03:58.37 starseeker maybe we could have a default of a "hidden" name if none is supplied, and then then commands without arguments supplied could default to that
03:58.48 starseeker eg editset obj1.s obj2.s obj3.s
03:58.52 starseeker tra 100 0 0
03:59.01 starseeker unselect
03:59.03 starseeker or some such
03:59.36 brlcad so, for example, rotating an object around and dragging it up/down might be thousands of gui events, but they'd amount to one command-line transaction of "apply this matrix" when you go to a different tool/action
03:59.55 starseeker cool :-)
04:00.19 brlcad "select"
04:00.27 brlcad select obj1 obj2 obj3
04:00.39 brlcad returns an int id for that set
04:01.46 brlcad so you could "tra [select obj1 obj2] 0 0 100" or "select -id 5 obj1 obj2" .. "tra 5 0 0 100" or something similar
04:04.19 starseeker cool
04:04.21 brlcad or ftw, the posix shell interface: tra `select obj1 obj2` 0 0 100
04:05.23 starseeker should we optionally avoid an explicit int return, to conceptually match the GUI case? I.e. "just do this on what I just selected, I don't want to care what # it is"
04:05.48 starseeker specify an int return if we want the selection to persist beyond the next select command
04:06.42 brlcad it still matches the gui with an int -- the gui is just hiding data keeping track of the int for you, akin to setting it to a var
04:06.57 brlcad set id [select obj1 obj2] ; tra $id 0 0 100
04:07.37 brlcad the idea being that the gui would actually do exactly that or some similar technique
04:07.43 brlcad so you could replicate what the gui is doing exactly
04:07.52 starseeker sure
04:07.54 brlcad and have a transaction list regardless of which you use
04:08.35 brlcad would love to hit the "play" button on a full vehicle being constructed .. with full revision history as it was put together
04:08.40 starseeker just wants to hide the selection of the int unless explicitly specified - under the hood all would do the same thing
04:08.48 starseeker that would ROCK :-)
04:09.19 brlcad rockage on so many levels
04:09.31 Ralith then export it to a physics engine and testdrive it :>
04:09.34 brlcad that'd probably be worth a paper somewhere
04:13.46 starseeker doesn't want any of his revision histories played back just yet
04:13.56 starseeker :-P
04:14.50 Ralith hehe
04:15.31 starseeker steady cam it ain't
04:22.25 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
04:25.11 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32183 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (50 files in 30 dirs): re-merge up to r32062, r32120 previously - this should incorporate most of the relevant trunk changes up until that point, and seems to have completed a build on OSX - need a clean checkout to be certain.
04:25.20 starseeker brlcad: Can I grab the new mged initialization for 7.12.6?
04:51.57 starseeker and the new kill stuff?
04:52.11 brlcad initilzation?
04:52.34 brlcad I don't think you can merge killrefs without libged
04:52.40 starseeker mrf
04:52.52 brlcad ooh, new mged init -- yeah, that should merge easy
04:52.54 starseeker your new mged mods that let mged start through menus/icons
04:52.57 starseeker cool :-)
04:53.16 starseeker that'll be a nice feature to have in the stable release
04:54.10 starseeker looks at killrefs quick...
04:56.30 starseeker is sorely tempted to try, but it looks like you're probably right
04:56.54 brlcad there's always next month
04:57.10 starseeker will libged be ready by then?
04:57.19 starseeker WOOOOO HOOOOOOOO
04:57.23 brlcad gotta draw the line somewhere else it can drag on indefintiely
04:57.34 brlcad iff bob keeps up his pace, possibly
04:57.44 starseeker gets mged to start up built from the HEAD of pre-7-12-6
04:58.01 brlcad maybe two months -- but it should be stabilizable within a couple weeks regardless of libged being finished
04:58.20 brlcad if anything, can just start throwing the bugs at bob as they're found until he's done, or help him debug
04:58.57 starseeker true
04:59.17 starseeker does happy dance that he can now build and install with almost all the changes merged in
04:59.45 Ralith yay!
05:00.01 starseeker That was a big first step on the road to a release
05:00.14 Ralith if it needs testing on other platforms, I'm happy to give it a build on FreeBSD
05:00.36 starseeker please - check out branches/pre-7-12-6 to give it a whirl
05:02.06 starseeker would appreciate
05:03.05 Ralith uh
05:03.13 Ralith I can't seem to work out how that translates to a svn checkout url :/
05:03.18 starseeker one sec...
05:03.46 starseeker svn co
05:03.59 Ralith ahh, double brlcad.
05:04.42 brlcad starseeker: ran make benchmark and make test ?
05:05.09 brlcad have to scan the test output, it'll keep going even if it fails
05:05.26 brlcad also be sure to do a make distcheck .. that will really show where things are pooched
05:06.50 starseeker not yet
05:07.04 starseeker just got done getting basics working :-)
05:08.29 brlcad then checking both default build and --enable-all builds ;)
05:09.07 starseeker :-)
05:09.25 starseeker saw the release section in the HACKING file - he'll step through it
05:09.39 brlcad then doing all those same steps for all platforms ;)
05:09.48 starseeker this is just the first time I've had any hope at all of working ;-)
05:10.01 starseeker will make Bob do the Windows binary :-P
05:10.44 Ralith yawns and watchs svn scroll
05:10.57 starseeker dreads the drive home
05:11.08 brlcad just sent a long e-mail to the vice pres. after today's irc meeting
05:11.20 brlcad talking about performance .. albeit web performance
05:11.38 starseeker subversion you mean?
05:11.49 brlcad nope, project sites
05:11.56 starseeker ah
05:11.57 brlcad subversion is just migration pains
05:13.19 brlcad crap, I think I broke mged regressibility on trunk
05:13.30 starseeker how so?
05:13.55 brlcad the mged init changes I think, doing something odd with the scripts
05:14.31 starseeker will hold off for the moment then (nuts)
05:14.34 brlcad some complete, some are failing
05:14.55 starseeker s ees it too
05:15.30 brlcad not good, really gotta stabilize trunk
05:15.37 brlcad this is the most instable it's been in years
05:15.46 brlcad er, unstable
05:15.52 brlcad uncredible
05:16.10 Ralith web performance?
05:16.17 Ralith it's that bad?
05:16.43 brlcad Ralith: yes, the fact that if you go to
05:16.55 brlcad uncached, that results in approx 72 requests
05:17.07 brlcad 23 of which are for advertisement data
05:17.29 brlcad those 23 dominate more than 50% of the data
05:18.02 Ralith that is a bit annoying, but is it actually a problem?
05:18.17 starseeker adblock plus ftw
05:18.58 brlcad about 230KB to load the page from scratch for starters .. of which abou 130KB is ad, 100KB for *everything* else
05:19.15 starseeker yeesh
05:19.15 Ralith 22:18:17 < starseeker> adblock plus ftw
05:19.17 Ralith qft
05:19.24 starseeker qft?
05:19.27 Ralith quoted for truth
05:19.33 starseeker heh
05:19.51 brlcad prefers /etc/hosts
05:20.04 Ralith /etc/hosts doesn't auto-update
05:20.06 brlcad easier to manage, less overhead, browser agnostic
05:20.24 Ralith adblock these days has other people blocking stuff for you
05:20.28 Ralith which works great in practice
05:20.46 Ralith don't remember the last time I saw an obtrusive ad
05:21.15 starseeker isn't too picky about sf adds given how useful they are, but that's just him
05:21.23 brlcad I don't mind some ads that are actually on-topic, low overhead, easy to ignore if I want to, etc
05:21.33 starseeker ah
05:21.46 starseeker edcolor is an expected unable to test in the mged regress?
05:21.46 brlcad e.g. /.'s ads are often just fine
05:22.02 brlcad starseeker: yeah for now
05:22.06 starseeker k
05:22.07 Ralith I like how /. serves microsoft ads, though
05:22.12 starseeker make test marchs on
05:22.13 Ralith it's funny when you see one on a ms-bashing article
05:22.22 brlcad yep
05:22.40 Ralith back to the point, though, has never been what I'd call terribly slow
05:23.03 Ralith and they're providing a lot of service for a lot of people for no direct profit
05:23.09 starseeker depends on the internet connection
05:23.20 Ralith oh hey, my checkout finished!
05:23.24 starseeker :-)
05:23.47 Ralith (kind of ironic, in the context of my argument that sf has decent speeds)
05:24.04 starseeker brlcad: 0 off by many is expected?
05:24.17 starseeker solids.rt.pix 0 off by many
05:24.51 starseeker if so, make test succeeded
05:25.06 starseeker makes a note to look at the regression system's reporting
05:25.27 starseeker wants a wtf just happened summary like the configure end of things has
05:27.30 starseeker what a great slashdot headline: The War Against Virtual Beer Pong
05:28.37 starseeker was sure he was losing it
05:28.53 Ralith sets the compile going
05:29.15 brlcad Ralith: don't get me wrong, I'm a huge supporter -- using them for nearly a decade in some fashion now
05:29.37 brlcad that's why they even care to hear my complaint
05:29.46 brlcad i think they do a lot of great even with the ads
05:30.14 brlcad it's just excessive that there is actually more ad data than real content (and that a page would take 72 requests, 72 potential latency points) to load
05:30.18 Ralith starseeker: hehe
05:30.31 starseeker confesses to wondering if ping started the war against pong
05:30.46 Ralith it is very frustrating when an ad site is down or something and that ruins a page's load time
05:30.52 brlcad starseeker: yes, 0 off is good
05:30.58 starseeker sweet
05:31.04 starseeker is running the benchmark now
05:31.10 Ralith but it's hard to serve ads on a site like without having lots of data-wise disproportionality
05:31.13 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32184 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcConstraint.cpp pcConstraint.h): Adding a display() method to the constraint object, modification of constructor to expect va_list * instead of (...)
05:31.22 Ralith most project relevent data is text, while the ads are generally images or even flash
05:31.28 Ralith (dunno if does flash ads)
05:31.29 brlcad and shaders is known to fail with 3 off by 1 on one of the 64bit platforms so you know .. but shouldn't any where else
05:31.43 brlcad er, 3 off by many
05:31.45 Ralith what's that a measurement off?
05:31.47 Ralith er
05:31.48 Ralith of?
05:31.53 starseeker how does look in text mode links?
05:32.04 Ralith testing in w3m
05:32.15 Ralith a few layout issues, but generally pretty clean
05:32.52 brlcad if you want to speed up benchmarking for testing (since it really only needs to run each frame once for testing purposes, set the TIMEOUT environment variable to 1
05:33.06 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32185 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcPCSet.cpp pcPCSet.h solver_test.cpp): addConstraint method of PCSet elaborated , modifications to the PCSet::display() method
05:33.14 brlcad er, sorry, TIMEFRAME!
05:33.28 starseeker :-)
05:33.42 starseeker will let it run, it's probably about halfway already
05:33.51 brlcad e.g. TIMEFRAME=0 make benchmark
05:34.00 brlcad or export TIMEFRAME=0, etc
05:34.11 starseeker holy cow, NASA's Phoenix probe found water in a sample on Mars
05:34.12 brlcad otherwise it'll take 10 minutes every time
05:35.05 brlcad Ralith: it's a high-level integration test of the ray tracer
05:35.33 brlcad which in turn ends up testing nearly everything in several libraries
05:36.04 starseeker brlcad: cool, thanks! :-) that will help quite a lot
05:36.27 brlcad it compares the ray-trace result against a known good result, if any pixel value in the resulting image is ever different -- it will detect and report
05:36.48 Ralith starseeker: actually confirmed, not just "oh hey that looks shiny and waterlike"?
05:36.58 starseeker Ralith: apparently
05:37.06 brlcad "off by 1" errors and "off by many" errors indicate the RGB for a given pixel is slightly (or not so slightly) different
05:37.15 Ralith sounds pretty rigorous.
05:37.45 starseeker pixcmp pixels: 262070 matching, 74 off by 1, 0 off by many
05:37.47 brlcad it is, it'll detect subtle floating point unit issues, compiler optimization bugs, etc
05:37.58 brlcad starseeker: for benchmarking, off by 1's are fine
05:38.21 starseeker k
05:38.24 brlcad those are floating point differences within tolerance
05:38.45 starseeker now why isn't there a sphflake.pix file for comparison??
05:38.46 brlcad 234 54 63 vs 233 54 63
05:38.56 brlcad there is
05:39.39 brlcad crew:~/brlcad sean$ ls -la pix/sphflake.pix
05:39.40 brlcad -rw-r--r-- 1 sean sean 786432 May 10 10:36 pix/sphflake.pix
05:39.44 starseeker I must have lost it somehow...
05:40.24 brlcad that's not good .. it's in svn .. or should be
05:42.49 brlcad now that we have a proper image gallery in place, should get rid of the unnecessary pix files from svn
05:43.01 brlcad move them into the gallery at some point
05:43.09 brlcad especially .. toilet.pix
05:43.29 starseeker is afraid to ask
05:43.40 brlcad check it out..
05:44.18 Ralith build went fine
05:44.21 Ralith running test suite
05:45.17 starseeker thinks a student got bored...
05:45.24 brlcad starseeker: pix-fb -h pix/toilet.pix
05:45.33 starseeker oh, me has it up :-)
05:45.40 brlcad that was chris johnson
05:45.43 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
05:46.02 Ralith ugh
05:46.19 Ralith make test popped up the mged gui while I was watching a movie fullscreen
05:46.25 Ralith which made X freak out and die
05:46.28 brlcad i mean neat n all, nice rounded edges, but .. heh
05:46.31 starseeker uh oh
05:46.42 Ralith >:|
05:46.43 brlcad yikes
05:47.03 brlcad starseeker: is that with the mged init code?
05:48.00 starseeker no, it's the new mged regress test
05:48.09 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
05:48.11 starseeker I saw an mged window flash by on my screen too
05:48.16 Ralith ok
05:48.25 Ralith looks like we have a problem.
05:48.38 starseeker what's that?
05:48.40 Ralith mplayer had nothing to do with that crash; it just happened again :|
05:48.47 starseeker uh...
05:48.58 Ralith might that have to do with an erroneously set BRLCAD_ROOT?
05:49.13 Ralith no, wait, I unset that the first time around
05:49.21 Ralith so yeah, mged seems to be killing my X on startup
05:49.33 starseeker that's not good
05:49.36 Ralith Xorg log:
05:49.37 Ralith Fatal server error:
05:49.37 Ralith Caught signal 11. Server aborting
05:49.37 starseeker how did you build?
05:49.49 Ralith no options to configure other than --prefix
05:49.51 starseeker wait, you mean it's STILL not starting up
05:49.53 brlcad starseeker: ah, one of the commands is basically "open the gui" so that seems right
05:50.01 Ralith no, X starts up again fine :P
05:50.04 brlcad and it intentially tests all commands (except edcolor)
05:50.13 Ralith that's the log from when it died
05:50.25 brlcad Ralith: sounds like an X11 bug even if we're provoking it
05:50.31 Ralith kk
05:50.35 brlcad i suspect it's the opengl driver killing X
05:50.37 Ralith will test running mged by hand
05:50.42 Ralith I'm using nvidia's proprietary driver
05:50.43 starseeker are you getting a system Tcl/Tk?
05:50.44 Ralith so that could be at fault
05:50.49 brlcad and mged using opengl making it go wah
05:50.50 Ralith no, it's using built in tcl/tk
05:50.58 starseeker hmm
05:51.02 brlcad you built it yourself?
05:51.07 pacman87 i'm running nvidia prop too
05:51.11 Ralith built which?
05:51.23 brlcad that version of mged
05:51.26 Ralith pacman87: yeah, but weird driver issues are likely to be hard to reproduce
05:51.28 pacman87 i had some trouble with mged taking 100% cpu
05:51.32 Ralith brlcad: yeah, I just built starseeker's pre
05:51.33 brlcad i suppose if you're running make test, then yes you are..
05:51.52 Ralith testing mged now
05:51.58 Ralith ...
05:52.01 brlcad test with ./configure --enable-all --without-opengl
05:52.19 Ralith sec
05:52.21 brlcad mged by itself should fail similarly
05:52.33 brlcad could try mged -c
05:52.34 Ralith we'll find out as soon as install finishes
05:52.55 brlcad then select X or ogl for the dm
05:53.06 Ralith my instinct is that the failure won't happen on a standard startup
05:53.10 brlcad X should work, ogl should fail I bet
05:53.24 Ralith hm
05:53.29 Ralith is there a way to run a nested X session?
05:53.53 Ralith ah well, here goes nothing.
05:54.03 brlcad heh
05:54.10 pacman87 i guess that didnt work
05:54.14 starseeker ow
05:54.18 starseeker feels bad
05:54.19 brlcad looks like it worked to me!
05:54.35 *** join/#brlcad saltan (
05:54.39 pacman87 for which defination of 'work'?
05:54.40 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
05:54.43 brlcad hehe
05:54.45 Ralith well
05:54.49 Ralith you don't need me to tell you how that went
05:54.59 Ralith how do I launch it with ogl disabled?
05:55.00 starseeker what about rtwizard?
05:55.08 pacman87 was that mged or mged -c?
05:55.09 brlcad Ralith: mged -c
05:55.32 Ralith er, wasn't there some way to set the renderer to something non-opengl?
05:55.34 brlcad select X or nu
05:55.40 Ralith oh
05:55.42 Ralith right
05:55.50 Ralith X works fine
05:55.55 Ralith nu too
05:56.00 Ralith testing rtwizard
05:56.08 brlcad in nu, try "attach ogl"
05:56.30 brlcad or just try ogl
05:56.37 brlcad from the prompt
05:56.39 Ralith % bin/rtwizard
05:56.40 Ralith Itcl_Init ERROR:
05:56.40 Ralith already installed: [incr Tcl]
05:56.40 Ralith ERROR: Application initialization failed
05:56.41 Ralith Error in startup script: couldn't load file "./lib/itk3.4/libitk3.4.a": Cannot open "./lib/itk3.4/libitk3.4.a"
05:56.46 Ralith when launching rtwizard
05:56.53 Ralith note that I've installed in a nonstandard location
05:57.04 Ralith the app does open, but with a featureless square window
05:57.08 Ralith ~square
05:57.15 brlcad that's a different issue, rtwizard is a pita
05:57.18 Ralith kk
05:57.31 Ralith testing 'ogl' on mged -c prompt
05:57.45 Ralith invalid command name "ogl"
05:57.46 Ralith :P
05:57.53 Ralith attaching instead.
05:57.53 brlcad "attach ogl"
05:57.59 starseeker ow
05:58.00 brlcad or ogl during the Attach prompt
05:58.10 starseeker thinks he figured it out
05:58.34 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
05:58.36 brlcad I think he's just yanking our chain
05:58.41 brlcad there's nothing wrong with it
05:58.43 Ralith :P
05:58.55 starseeker wonders if that happens with 7.12.4 and/or trunk
05:59.07 brlcad starseeker: it does, known issue
05:59.09 brlcad in the bugs file
05:59.10 Ralith I'm running 7.12.4 as built by freebsd ports
05:59.21 Ralith er
05:59.21 starseeker and that does work?
05:59.23 Ralith that is
05:59.31 Ralith 7.12.4 as built by freebsd ports works great
05:59.32 brlcad it is a driver bug, different versions are less catastrophic
05:59.36 Ralith haven't tested trunk
05:59.44 starseeker ah
05:59.49 Ralith shall I try trunk? Is this solvable?
06:00.07 brlcad it's based on whether we ask/get a direct opengl rendering context from glx
06:00.28 Ralith surely there's a way to fail more elgantly than killing X?
06:00.33 brlcad it's actually a one-character flag in one source file that usually will take it from all going to hell and not
06:01.23 Ralith so... fixable?
06:01.23 brlcad Ralith: iirc, it dies the first time it tries to draw on the context
06:01.29 Ralith ah.
06:01.32 Ralith no way to safely validate the context?
06:01.39 brlcad before that, everything checks out
06:01.49 starseeker evil
06:02.09 starseeker will have to ask ``Erik what the freebsd ports version does
06:02.13 pacman87 trunk still goes 100% cpu on me without -c
06:02.18 brlcad it avoids causing the crash by asking for a software rendering context
06:02.28 brlcad which absolutely sucks for performance
06:02.29 Ralith starseeker: I can see right off that the freebsd version doesn't patch anything
06:02.37 Ralith that would suck.
06:02.45 Ralith but I run glx things on here all the time
06:02.58 brlcad hence the suggestion to use --without-opengl during configure
06:02.58 Ralith what's brl-cad doing that they aren't?
06:02.58 brlcad same functionality,but avois the crash
06:03.09 Ralith wait, --without-opengl still allows acceleration?
06:03.14 brlcad Ralith: feel free to debug it ;)
06:03.19 Ralith no thanks :P
06:03.27 Ralith has reset enough for one night
06:03.43 brlcad sure, it often actually outperforms as the X calls have less overhead
06:03.50 Ralith heh
06:04.04 Ralith so long as the new gui doesn't have the issue.
06:04.14 Ralith (it doesn't. Yet, anyway.)
06:04.31 brlcad there's no loss in functionaltiy remember, this is pretty low level "what language am I talking to for this unknown generic display device thing"
06:04.50 Ralith doesn't it lose hardware accel?
06:04.51 brlcad new gui is entirely different architecture/design
06:05.01 starseeker should we just trigger the without-opengl flag on BSD for now?
06:05.04 brlcad only if X isn't accelerated
06:05.12 Ralith ...huh.
06:05.17 brlcad and if X isn't, you're not getting accelerated anything
06:05.19 Ralith so why bother with GL at all when X is available?
06:05.46 brlcad all the new stuff started happening in the X layer, it's more generalized
06:05.53 brlcad er, s/X/ogl/
06:06.11 brlcad so for example, there's an experimental "shaded mode"
06:06.15 brlcad that only works with ogl
06:06.19 Ralith there is? O.O
06:06.24 Ralith wants to play with that :(
06:06.26 brlcad but it's so experimental that it's not used
06:06.47 Ralith I wasn't aware we had the infastructure to support a shaded mode yet.
06:06.54 brlcad there aren't any production-ready features in ogl that X doesn't do
06:07.01 Ralith kk
06:07.02 brlcad we do and we don't
06:07.25 brlcad there has been a way in there for nearly a decade
06:07.25 starseeker I gotta run guys - I've still got a 35 minute drive home
06:07.25 brlcad it's just really expensive to evaluate .. and not robust
06:07.33 brlcad starseeker: yowsa!
06:07.44 starseeker yeah, I'm still at work :-/
06:07.45 brlcad cya
06:07.46 Ralith what's it do, shoot a bunch of rays to test for depth and assemble a mesh?
06:08.16 brlcad no, that could be done more robustly probably
06:08.23 brlcad though it's still be relatively slow
06:08.29 starseeker it was worth it though - now I have a firm foundation on which to shake out any release bugs :-)
06:08.40 Ralith if it's not terribly hard to explain, how does it work?
06:09.00 brlcad sure, so you have a geometry hierarchy
06:09.04 brlcad starseeker: excellent!
06:09.27 brlcad that hierarchy consists of nodes with boolean operations and leaf nodes that are primitives
06:10.12 brlcad basically, it tessellates each primitive, then pairwise combines their mesh per the boolean operation all the way up the hierarchy
06:10.18 Ralith ah.
06:10.40 Ralith and the mesh boolean ops have a tendency to fail?
06:10.50 Ralith (limited accuracy aside)
06:11.21 brlcad even the primitive tessellations can fail, though I'd characterise those more as tolerance bugs that can be fixed
06:11.30 brlcad but yeah, the mesh boolean ops can fail
06:12.01 Ralith That strikes me as weird, despite being an issue present in every mesh boolean tool I've seen
06:12.23 brlcad it's an np-complete problem at that point, lots of issues come into play -- floating point tolerance, numerical drift, several O(n^3) algorithms, and more
06:12.30 Ralith ah.
06:12.33 Ralith that's no fun at all.
06:12.48 brlcad conceptually, it's very simple
06:12.53 brlcad in practice, it's hell
06:13.05 Ralith so poolio's project is basically a rehash of that done the Right Way, with no tesselation involved?
06:13.21 brlcad especially if you try and guarantee that you end up with the same topological structure and that it's a closed solid volume (which a lot of meshers ignore)
06:13.40 brlcad there is still tessellation, but *after* the boolean is evaluated, not before
06:14.07 brlcad evaluating the spline surfaces against each other first, deriving evaluated spline surface results
06:14.38 brlcad then just walking each surface and asking for a tessellation .. much more stable (and efficient) approach
06:14.51 Ralith is it possible for a library user to get ahold of the spline data, so that one could e.g. generate a set of nice smooth vector slices appropriate for being fed into a rapid prototyper?
06:14.52 brlcad just a bit harder to implement
06:15.27 Ralith basically, get in before the tesselation induces imprecision?
06:15.59 brlcad sure, conceivably with this new multirepresentation format, you can evaluate any evaluated brep object with a plane and derive a vector representation of that slice
06:16.06 Ralith :D
06:16.09 brlcad use that for images, for g-code generation
06:16.12 Ralith awesome!
06:16.16 brlcad truely
06:16.48 brlcad for rapid prototyping, though, you can do that now discretely with ray-tracing
06:17.02 Ralith that's good to know
06:17.05 brlcad far far simpler to implement, should be more than sufficient to a given tolerance
06:17.14 jonored Getting the surfaces to trace doesn't seem as straightforward with the raytracing.
06:17.15 Ralith but for some purposes, bar extremely smart g-code generators
06:17.25 Ralith it's much more useful to have the vectors
06:17.26 brlcad jonored: how so?
06:17.45 Ralith jonored: if all else fails, just boolean subtract away all but a thin slice of the object, render orthographically, rinse, repeat
06:17.56 brlcad intersect your object (CSG intersection operation) for each layer, raytrace each layer orthogonally
06:18.06 Ralith right, intersect. that would be easier.
06:18.28 brlcad actually subtraction would be more efficient :)
06:18.34 Ralith hehe
06:18.44 brlcad but yeah, same result
06:18.57 brlcad assuming you're on the right side ;)
06:18.57 Ralith the great thing about the vector version, though, is machines like the reprap can accept g-code for smooth curves
06:19.00 jonored Well, infill seems simple, but I wasn't quite seeing how to pull the outline as a curve from just raytracing. I may be being dense.
06:19.17 Ralith which can then be printed perfectly smooth, and even at higher speed than a manyline approximation
06:19.31 Ralith jonored: we can't, but it's no worse than what we already do.
06:19.45 brlcad Ralith: raytrace it to a high-enough tolerance and then you can do edge reconstruction, interpolate a matching spline
06:19.51 Ralith edge reconstruction is no fun.
06:20.01 Ralith jonored: there's even a discussion on the reprap forums about doing a similar thing with povray.
06:20.11 brlcad it's not, but you can sample as much as you like to find boundaries
06:20.36 Ralith besides, there's something very satisfying about having *perfect* precision throughout the whole process
06:20.39 Ralith barring hardware fp errors
06:20.40 jonored ...which is why I wasn't hacking around with tcl already to get a slicer built on brl-cad.
06:20.42 brlcad true
06:21.22 Ralith jonored: I don't know if that would be worthwhile; brl-cad probably won't attract any serious use from the reprap guys very easily until the new gui is usable, and at that point poolio's work might be usable, too.
06:21.53 brlcad there are several really good papers that have sprung up this year on how to efficiently evaluate surface-surface intersections, so I'm pretty hopeful/convinced we can get something working out of this
06:21.54 Ralith brlcad: I'm the sort of guy who cares about the difference between a .01mm _| and a .01mm /
06:22.06 Ralith great :)
06:22.28 jonored There's a difference between using it as a modeler and using it because it has a bunch of converters in the context of writing a program.
06:22.31 Ralith at least, in the context of application for rapidprototyping
06:23.03 Ralith jonored: true, but you lose most of the awesomeness if you're importing non-csg data anyway.
06:23.21 brlcad Ralith: it's actually our #1 priority project right now
06:23.24 Ralith I'm not sure non-csg data can be very usefully imported for nonvisual purposes, anyway.
06:23.31 brlcad followed closely behind by STEP conversion support
06:23.39 Ralith that's really good to hear
06:23.45 brlcad followed by new geometry engine and geometry service
06:23.50 brlcad followed by new gui work
06:23.55 jonored Ralith: If you use Adrian's csg-of-half-spaces interpretation for STL stuff, it seems like it imports reasonably well...
06:24.11 brlcad they all tie in to each other though .. BREP/NURBS support is pretty foundational though
06:24.16 brlcad hence it being top-priority
06:24.35 Ralith jonored: csg-of-half-spaces? I'm not familiar with that.
06:24.36 brlcad can't do good gui or conversion support without it
06:25.21 Ralith heh
06:25.23 Ralith here's a thought
06:25.52 brlcad Ralith: we can import non-csg data .. ray-trace, analyze and manipulate it like any other geometry .. combine non-csg brep with csg primitives, etc
06:26.10 Ralith I wonder if you could convert meshes to CSG fairly easily by simply generating an extruded triangule at every face, then extruding them back until they intersect another face, then unioning them all.
06:26.12 brlcad you just have a heck of a time editing polygonal models
06:26.17 jonored Ralith: Going and looking up the thing - if you think about it a bit, an object whose surface is made up of planar facets and one that's a CSG combination of half-spaces seem to be the same set.
06:26.25 brlcad and there's pretty much no suport to edit spline surface models yet
06:26.43 Ralith brlcad: I wasn't aware there was good support for boolean operations on non-csg data. that's good to hear, too.
06:27.19 brlcad the ray trace engine will evaluate just about anything and any combination thereof
06:27.29 Ralith neat.
06:27.49 Ralith jonored: forgive my infamiliarity with terminology -- half spaces?
06:28.16 brlcad it's one of the strenths of our engine, part why brl-cad exists
06:28.44 Ralith I hope poolio's work will be as flexible.
06:29.12 jonored Ralith: The surface is a plane, and everything on one side is in the solid, and everything on the other isn't.
06:29.13 brlcad jonored: not sure if you're indirectly referring to it, but we have a specific primitive that is exactly that
06:29.40 brlcad arbn .. collection of n half-spaces that form an arbitrary convex polyhedral solid
06:30.11 Ralith no potential for nonconvex things?
06:30.21 brlcad not using half-spaces :)
06:30.28 jonored Ralith: Union of two of them?
06:30.53 brlcad oh sure, you can always perform additional booleans with others
06:30.56 Ralith jonored: I'm pretty sure they can be a bitch to cut apart computationally for that
06:31.48 brlcad unioning two arbn's though is not the same as taking the union of all the half-spaces that those two are comprised of
06:32.47 brlcad i.e. they're not associative
06:33.47 Ralith arbn is an arbitrary convex solid describable by a mesh?
06:34.56 jonored Ralith: The stuff I'm ranting about is there (admittedly without detail as to algorithm) at the bottom of
06:35.57 Ralith jonored: we should add brlcad databases to the article.
06:38.13 jonored ...You know, they do rather have all of the characteristics that we could want, don't they. Including the multiple material part. We should get a slice routine put together. That said, I am being dragged off to bed; it's 2:30 here.
06:41.07 Ralith yeah, I've been thinking about storing material properties in region metadata for a while
06:41.10 Ralith g'night
07:05.25 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:16.08 Ralith brlcad: do you ever sleep?
07:51.53 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
08:44.30 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
09:04.11 *** join/#brlcad cad00 (
09:10.04 brlcad Ralith: why bother?
09:10.47 brlcad and yes, arbn 'can' be fairly easily described by a mesh
09:11.43 brlcad presuming it's a convex mesh
09:11.44 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
09:19.41 brlcad unless you do what you indicated and piecewise deconstruct a concave structure into unions of convex
09:20.20 brlcad wanders back to code
09:37.23 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:46.10 mafm hallo
09:49.18 Ralith hay
10:13.12 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
10:27.03 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r32186 10/rt^3/trunk/data/g3d/RBGui/themes/ (9 files): Adding new icons for windows
10:27.46 Ralith oo, icons!
10:28.05 Ralith mafm: by the way, I think I can generate freebsd binary tarballs pretty easily
10:29.32 mafm goody
10:30.04 mafm I think that brlcad wanted binary tarballs for every platform, not "native formats" (deb, rpm, whatever)
10:30.26 mafm I don't know if cmake has some support for it?
10:31.05 Ralith it's moot
10:31.13 Ralith you can make one by having cmake install to an empty dir
10:31.14 Ralith then tarring up the dir
10:31.46 mafm yep, that too :)
10:34.30 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r32187 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (GuiWindowManager.cxx GuiWindowManager.h): Adding new method for getting the default theme being used (and thus be able to ask for resources like images easily)
10:34.53 Ralith I really need to get to sleep, anyway
10:34.54 Ralith good luck
10:35.12 Ralith if you come up with anything you'd like to delegate to me, just let me know
10:36.10 mafm Ralith: I think that we need to talk more deeply soon
10:36.25 Ralith alright
10:36.32 mafm but this weekend I'm going to a festival and wouldn't return until tuesday or so :D
10:36.36 Ralith :|
10:36.47 mafm I really need a break
10:36.51 Ralith kk
10:36.53 mafm ;)
10:36.57 Ralith you can always just write up something and email me
10:37.05 Ralith I'm happy to work on whatever
10:37.13 mafm yep, maybe I even join from my parent's home too :)
10:37.21 Ralith kk
10:37.28 mafm as for areas ready to work in, packaging is a good candidate
10:37.32 mafm if you like that
10:37.41 Ralith well
10:37.44 Ralith not much I can do for that
10:37.48 Ralith don't have linux boxes handy
10:37.56 Ralith and screw setting up a win32 dev environment
10:38.06 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r32188 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/GuiCamera.cxx: Showing the new icons
10:38.18 mafm do you prefer programming?
10:38.19 Ralith I'm pretty sure I can already throw together a BSD tarball on short notice
10:38.29 Ralith of course I prefer programming :P
10:38.46 mafm maybe you would like to take care of the camera system?
10:39.10 Ralith that's fairly large, and I have no past experience with ogre or rbgui, but I'd love to give it a try
10:39.26 Ralith what you have right now *should* be plenty to learn-by-example from
10:39.30 Ralith thanks!
10:39.34 mafm RBGui is not involved, except for the focusing maybe that you said :)
10:39.49 Ralith well, and there are some settings I'd like to have exposed in a guifical way
10:40.06 mafm like zooming in and rotating?
10:40.18 Ralith actually not coming to mind at the moment
10:40.36 mafm the current window that I'm creating is for that
10:40.37 Ralith probably because it's 3:40 AM where I am
10:40.38 mafm camera control :)
10:40.46 mafm ok, so we'll talk in another moment
10:40.49 mafm good night! :)
10:40.49 Ralith yeah, that sounded relevant
10:41.04 Ralith and things like precision position display/entry seem appropriate for the console
10:41.21 Ralith maybe a small overlay text could show current az/el/etc?
10:41.53 Ralith discussions to be had later I suppose.
10:41.54 Ralith g'night!
10:42.06 mafm I guess ;)
10:57.16 mafm brlcad: getting more minions for the WDMP
11:34.41 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32189 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractNet/src/ (68 files in 15 dirs):
11:37.17 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32190 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractNet/ (.classpath .project):
11:41.42 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32191 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractNet/src/stractNet/ Testing commit from windows
11:46.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32192 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractNet/docs/ (5 files):
12:26.58 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32193 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractThread/ (15 files in 4 dirs):
12:27.17 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
12:28.39 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32194 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractThread/docs/:
12:29.41 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32195 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractNet/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
13:03.27 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32196 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractNet/src/stractNet/messaging/ (
13:13.50 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32197 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractNet/docs/stractNet.eap:
13:30.17 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r32198 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (7 files): Enhancing camera modes by adding bindings for actions in the camera control window
13:31.55 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r32199 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (GuiCamera.cxx GuiCamera.h): Bind actions in camera control window with camera modes
13:39.15 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32200 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/java/stractNet/docs/ (stractNet.eap stractNet.ldb):
13:56.31 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
14:13.15 mafm I go for the weekend, to my homeland
14:13.28 mafm to a festival, to visit my parents, friends, etc
14:13.58 mafm so I think that I won't be back until tuesday, in the case that somebody wonders why I won't be here
14:50.01 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
15:01.53 starseeker regains consciousness
16:12.31 starseeker brlcad: Hmm - has the mged regression test ever been run in an out-of-tree build situation before?
16:14.56 starseeker mged appears to have built and installed successfully, but the regress script couldn't find
16:15.00 starseeker it
16:17.00 brlcad ~wdmp
16:17.35 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
16:17.37 brlcad starseeker: I don't think so
16:18.11 starseeker wdmp?
16:18.14 brlcad rather, "maybe" but it's not really critical .. it just needs to work for 'some' configuration
16:18.22 brlcad 06:57 < mafm> brlcad: getting more minions for the WDMP
16:18.30 starseeker ah :-)
16:19.32 brlcad has no idea what that means :)
16:44.11 poolio web development marketing and promotion?
16:45.07 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32201 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS src/proc-db/tire.1 src/proc-db/tire.c):
16:45.07 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: Add w option to tire to allow modelers to avoid wheel/rim generation (also
16:45.07 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: changes how air region is built accordingly) - eventually this option will also
16:45.07 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: be used to specify different wheel types but right now the only options are on
16:45.07 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: and off.
16:45.59 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32202 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/src/proc-db/ (tire.1 tire.c): Add tire updates from trunk r32201
17:12.39 starseeker grr
17:12.40 starseeker make[2]: Entering directory `/home/cyapp/cadtoplevel/brlcad/release-build/misc/pkgconfig'
17:12.44 starseeker make[2]: *** No rule to make target `', needed by `distdir'. Stop.
17:13.07 brlcad sup?
17:13.14 starseeker make distcheck failed
17:13.19 starseeker on the above problem
17:13.21 brlcad you want to know the fix?
17:13.21 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
17:13.26 starseeker twood be nice
17:13.30 brlcad tis a one-character typo
17:13.35 brlcad libwdb
17:13.53 starseeker turns mildly red
17:14.01 brlcad so there's a liwdb.pc probably listed in
17:14.07 poolio starseeker: :)
17:14.19 brlcad either there or in misc/pkgconfig/
17:14.22 poolio brlcad: are you at your office?
17:14.51 brlcad poolio: no, I'm not - sup?
17:15.14 poolio was just wondering if you could send me some schtuff. maybe the next time your in, it's on the desktop as a .zip again
17:15.31 brlcad ah, hold on
17:15.48 poolio *you're. My grammar is terrible on IRC :\
17:15.57 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32203 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/misc/pkgconfig/ Oops, thanks Sean - typo in pkgconfig
17:15.59 starseeker needs to get into the office, now that his brain has booted
17:16.30 starseeker must have introduced that himself when he removed libpc
17:16.31 starseeker gah
17:17.21 starseeker Oh well, at least I won't have to hear complaints about how hard it is to remove rims from a tire generated wheel :-)
17:17.22 brlcad poolio: yeah, I gather it's off the net .. I should have it later today
17:17.48 brlcad starseeker: nah, I think that was there and later fixed
17:17.53 poolio alrighty. no rush, I just wanted to get some work in this weekend before I head off
17:17.57 brlcad so you're just a couple revisions shy
17:18.13 starseeker <snort> and after all that rev by rev updating too...
17:20.39 starseeker /bin/sh ../pre-7-12-6/sh/
17:20.39 starseeker ERROR: cannot find src/libbn/CMakeLists.txt
17:20.51 starseeker oh,
17:20.55 starseeker I hadn't tested it
17:21.01 starseeker certainly not out of source
17:22.07 brlcad yeah, it assumes pwd is a specific place
17:22.23 starseeker notices - so make distcheck should be run only in-tree?
17:22.37 starseeker gah, my CMakeLists are way out of sync
17:26.05 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32204 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/src/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Update cmake lists to avoid MISSING errors in, should check that they really do match source trees
17:26.36 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32205 10/brlcad/trunk/ make the cmake distcheck check work out of dir (untested)
17:26.57 starseeker :-)
17:27.11 starseeker can you do the mged regress script to? :-) :-)
17:29.13 brlcad it's not the only one, most of them aren't set up for it
17:29.37 starseeker OK, nevermind - I'll reconfigure
17:31.00 brlcad what's the actual error?
17:31.12 brlcad if you run "make mged" in the regress dir?
17:32.21 starseeker I think it couldn't find mged, i'll run it as sone as autoconf shuts up...
17:32.49 starseeker Unable to find mged, aborting
17:32.49 starseeker make: [mged] Error 1 (ignored)
17:40.58 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32206 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/ (8 files): go an extra mile to find mged and set up paths properly regardless of the compile being in or out of dir -- untested and there are undoubtedly other commands, but it's one step
17:44.09 starseeker brlcad: that dir command doesn't work in - tries to change to directory "ir"
17:44.40 starseeker I think you want something like currdir="`pwd`" ; cd $(top_srcdir) && ${SH} $(top_srcdir)/sh/ ; cd $(currdir)
17:45.25 starseeker aaah, crud
17:45.41 starseeker messes up his out of source build by configuring for an in-source one
17:46.02 starseeker OK, I've got to get in there - this is looking good though :-)
17:46.32 starseeker brlcad: Didn't mean to pull you off your other stuff, I know this is supposed to by my baby right now :-/
17:52.17 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32207 10/brlcad/trunk/ oops, it's a shell var
17:52.44 brlcad you have to escape the $ since it's a shell var, not a makefile var
18:12.29 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
19:15.26 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
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20:26.28 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32208 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (TODO pcNetwork.h pcPCSet.h solver_test.cpp): code rearrangement, addition of BinaryNetwork(PCSet &) constructor skeleton. seems like BinaryNetwork needs to be de-templated as well
20:31.14 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:31.14 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || BRL-CAD is participating in the 2008 Google Summer of Code! || Release 7.12.4 is posted (source-only release)
20:51.10 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32209 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (TODO pcNetwork.h solver_test.cpp): BinaryNetwork generation from PCSet complete.. implicit assumption that all the variables are of the same type dut to BinaryNetwork<T>
21:09.26 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32210 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (TODO pcConstraint.cpp pcConstraint.h pcNetwork.h): renaming evaluating functor of a constraint to eval from funct, making the Variable list of constraint object private for encapsulation
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22:26.47 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32211 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (9 files in 2 dirs): Update r32205, r32206 - steps towards out-of-tree regression testing.
22:38.59 starseeker well, out-of-tree still doesn't seem mged but in-tree make distcheck seems to be succeeding.
22:40.52 Ralith was a workaround going to be implemented for the driver issues I hit, or are we going to rely on ports to disable opengl at the configure stage?
22:47.06 starseeker Probably the latter at the moment :-(
22:47.49 Ralith nothing new as far as ports is concerned
22:48.05 Ralith who's ""?
22:48.11 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
22:48.26 Ralith (he's listed as the port maintainer)
22:49.30 Ralith if this problem is common on nvidia/freebsd it would be bad to make a release without the workaround
22:55.32 starseeker I believe it's ``Erik here
22:55.43 starseeker the workaround may take weeks
22:55.52 starseeker I have no idea how hard it would be
22:56.39 starseeker someone with more knowledge of that part of the system might be able to track it down faster, but I don't have the expert knowledge yet :-/
22:57.03 starseeker would have a lot of learning to do just to get started :-(
22:57.37 Ralith starseeker: uh, the workaround is disabling opengl :P
22:57.51 Ralith you're thinking of the fix.
22:57.55 starseeker Oh, gotcha
22:58.05 Ralith ``Erik: you around?
22:58.21 starseeker the fix is to get BSD's drivers fixed ;-)
22:59.37 Ralith yeah, good luck convincing nvidia to do something about that.
22:59.48 starseeker indeed :/
23:00.02 starseeker YAY make distcheck succeeded
23:02.28 Ralith :D
23:02.30 starseeker ``Erik may pop in later
23:05.07 Ralith so long as later is before he puts up the port.
23:08.35 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
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