IRC log for #brlcad on 20080802

00:37.21 brlcad yawns
01:06.17 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
01:58.26 starseeker brlcad: I don't seem to have svn2cl on my box - where's the right place to get it from?
01:58.55 starseeker is awed brlcad is still awake, and wonders if there will be an east coast coffee shortage soon
01:59.44 starseeker ?
02:01.38 starseeker yay, portage has it
02:01.43 starseeker emerge ftw
02:02.34 brlcad haven't gotten to caffeination yet
02:02.37 brlcad maybe tonight
02:03.00 brlcad yeah, there's only one svn2cl .. though various versions
02:03.28 starseeker tries 0.9
02:03.32 brlcad some older ones don't have the --break-before-message option
02:03.40 brlcad if not, just leave it off, not important
02:03.43 starseeker k
02:03.49 brlcad other versions are buggy and won't work without --stdout and a redirect
02:04.03 starseeker will just be sucking in the branch history anyway, which is mildly embarassing
02:04.25 brlcad it is what it is
02:04.48 starseeker nods
02:04.49 brlcad cranks up the music since nobody is around
02:04.56 starseeker you're into work?
02:05.19 brlcad yeah, needed a change of scenery
02:05.30 starseeker wow
02:05.32 brlcad and the friday night sci-fi rotation is too tempting
02:05.36 starseeker :-)
02:08.08 starseeker hates to have to ask this, but... is there a special way a "portable" Linux binary is built?
02:08.16 starseeker ditto for Mac
02:12.01 brlcad in what sense?
02:12.22 brlcad making one binary that works any/everywhere?
02:21.53 brlcad not possible, at least not for all values of any/every
02:34.50 brlcad what you can usually get, though, is portable to a given version of libc
02:35.06 brlcad still architecture specific
02:35.52 Ralith starseeker: compile all the libs in and make sure it knows where to look for config data?
02:36.02 Ralith relative paths everwhar, etc
02:36.10 brlcad mac goes a lot farther and there's ways to make a 'universal' binary, but we're not fully set up for that (requires dynamic runtime endian checks)
02:36.33 brlcad Ralith: that's not practical for a brl-cad release
02:36.47 brlcad compiling in all the libs will result in a binary install that is a couple GB in size
02:37.30 Ralith O.o
02:37.31 brlcad we are already relocatable, that bit was done a while back
02:37.59 Ralith yay
03:10.04 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
03:24.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32212 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (6 files): Making constraint check (Constraint::check() ) be argumentless by passing PCSet reference and Varialbe id list to the eval functor: stage 1/2 - all the changes outside the functor implementation
03:27.43 starseeker just needs to know how to do the binary builds for the release
03:30.41 brlcad damn, houdini event is already full
03:31.49 brlcad starseeker: i can answer the questions, but a bit of it is platform-specific so I'd ask as the questions come up
03:32.01 starseeker ok
03:32.10 brlcad the general process is after testing is complete, take these steps
03:33.24 brlcad ensure /usr/brlcad exists but without any /usr/brlcad/rel-* directories (you can move them out and back if needed)
03:34.36 brlcad for config, you'll want to use on all(?) platforms: ./configure --enable-all --enable-optimized --without-opengl --prefix=/usr/brlcad/rel-7.12.6
03:35.01 brlcad make sure it compiles, passes tests, run /usr/brlcad/bin/mged and do some quick sanity checking
03:36.06 brlcad then make sure there are symbolic links in /usr/brlcad for bin, include, lib, man, and share that point to stable/same .. and then a stable link that points to rel-7.12.6
03:37.08 brlcad so you end up with something like:
03:37.51 brlcad then two steps remain, make the tarballs and uploads to
03:38.52 brlcad tarball can be made with: sh/ BRL-CAD 7.12.6 /usr/brlcad
03:39.47 starseeker excellent - thank you!
03:39.49 brlcad make a copy of that and encrypt in bz2, gz, and zip format using: sh/ BRL-CAD
03:40.03 starseeker encrypt... - you mean compress?
03:40.07 brlcad er, yeah
03:40.21 brlcad wow, what a slip back to pre open source days
03:40.22 starseeker didn't know we signed release tarballs
03:40.37 brlcad there used to be an encrypt step :)
03:40.39 starseeker heh - password alphabeta?
03:40.43 brlcad not signed, actually encrypted
03:41.59 brlcad each platform in turn has a specific naming convention it should use, documented in HACKING
03:43.09 brlcad source tarball is lowercase, binaries are upper
03:43.20 brlcad thinks "what else"
03:44.35 brlcad ah yes, uploading to sourceforge -- there are instructions on sf site for using the file release system (FRS), basically entails using sftp, adding a version entry for each platform, setting the news and release notes, then selecting that binary
03:45.15 brlcad I can walk you through that part when you get to it, it's one of the few where you really don't want to make a mistake because there are several actions that are absolutely unrecoverable through the FRS
03:45.25 starseeker OK
03:45.40 brlcad (never delete anything! .. unless you are 100% sure what you're doing is okay)
03:45.45 starseeker :-)
03:46.09 brlcad once you hit the "notify users", there is no going back too
03:46.30 starseeker OK
03:46.43 brlcad and no removal of a bad tarball after the first day even if there is a problem -- have to upload a new rev
03:46.52 brlcad i.e. it's forward-only
03:47.04 brlcad thinks that about covers it
03:47.14 starseeker make distcheck succeeded on the Mac, along with the other tests, but I still need to check Linux and think figure out what to do about a Windows build
03:47.42 starseeker Not to mention invent some release notes for the NEWS file...
03:47.56 brlcad then there is a slew of announcements that go out, but I'd hold off on those
03:48.02 starseeker sure
03:48.13 starseeker will let brlcad decide when/if to notify anyone
03:48.43 brlcad minor releases don't *have* to have additional release notes -- depends on what is worth emphasizing
03:49.22 brlcad all the various announcement outlets have their own format requirements anyways, you never get to just write it once and use it everywhere
03:50.10 starseeker Oh, sure - I'm just trying to decide about the NEWS file in the distro
03:50.18 starseeker maybe the pipe improvements?
03:50.19 brlcad the linux-cad mailing list needs to be linux-centric, freshmeat wants a human-readable short paragraph only, our news list is all events since the last posting, main website is that release, sf site has additional footer info, ... :)
03:50.40 starseeker blegh ;-)
03:50.42 brlcad usually spends an entire day formulating the appropriate notifications if it's a big release
03:51.59 brlcad reads the list
03:52.17 brlcad ah, hell -- the nirt changes are definitely worth calling out
03:54.04 brlcad as well as the mged (various) changes
03:54.11 brlcad and the tire changes
03:54.16 brlcad that's two or three paras
03:55.49 brlcad then all it needs..
03:55.53 brlcad ~cowbell starseeker
03:55.54 ibot starseeker, try it with a little more cowbell ... really explore the object space this time
03:56.24 starseeker isn't familiar with the reference
03:56.31 brlcad heh, really?
03:56.34 brlcad ~cowbell
03:56.34 ibot they're gonna want more cowbell in your program
03:56.45 starseeker ah :-)
03:57.18 starseeker can try writing notes, but knows how particular brlcad is about such things - should it wait until you have time?
03:57.19 brlcad
03:57.39 starseeker suspects he will be testing for a day or two yet, particularly with windows thrown in
04:05.37 starseeker needs to check and make sure which of the MGED improvements made it in
04:07.46 Ralith imagines a cwbl primitive
04:08.05 starseeker that'd be some funky primitive math ;-)
04:08.18 starseeker Ralith: btw, thanks for testing the build on FreeBSD
04:08.21 Ralith no problem
04:08.33 Ralith I don't think I ever ran all the way through 'make test' though
04:08.33 starseeker was rather sleep deprived at that point, can't remember if he said that
04:08.38 Ralith I'll update and rebuild and do that again
04:08.44 starseeker thanks :-)
04:09.04 Ralith happy to contribute
04:09.15 starseeker I'll make sure to check with ``Erik about the port and keeping the opengl disabled
04:09.24 Ralith thanks
04:14.12 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32213 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ (7 files in 6 dirs): Update all the version numbers I can spot, start tweaking the NEWS file.
04:14.25 starseeker grr - comcast, quit messing with my ssh connection
04:15.49 Ralith <3 grep
04:17.39 starseeker grepped, but sometimes the pieces are scattered
04:19.32 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32214 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ChangeLog: Release ChangeLog, per HACKING. Since this release is a true branch and not a tagging of trunk, ChangeLog is from pre-7-12-6 branch - the release building effort.
04:20.00 Ralith testing
04:20.03 Ralith prays it won't eat X
04:20.13 starseeker without opengl, it shouldn't
04:20.22 Ralith yeah
04:20.24 Ralith but you know X.
04:20.28 starseeker heh
04:20.32 Ralith it's so very... edible.
04:20.41 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
04:20.43 starseeker mmm, crunchy
04:20.53 starseeker that's not good
04:21.31 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
04:21.35 starseeker ow
04:21.36 Ralith --disable-opengl, huh?
04:21.48 starseeker suggests grabbing the config flags used by the port
04:21.50 Ralith that doesn't seem to have disabled anything.
04:21.57 Ralith I didn't use the port
04:22.01 starseeker I know
04:22.02 Ralith I configured it manually :P
04:22.07 Ralith orite
04:22.20 Ralith but didn't we isolate this to the GL stuffs already?
04:22.33 Ralith why doesn't --disable-opengl stop it from using opengl in mged?
04:22.39 starseeker did you do a make clean
04:22.51 Ralith ...wups
04:22.56 Ralith I thought GBS was smarter than that
04:23.15 Ralith rebuilding from scratch.
04:23.19 starseeker not sure - given you got death by gl, my first response is to scrub
04:24.11 Ralith reasonable
04:24.26 Ralith iirc I didn't make test last night cuz the mged binary was inexplicably dated to before my reconfigured rebuild
04:24.33 starseeker did you do make install or are you running from the build tree?
04:24.39 Ralith build tree
04:24.46 starseeker hmm
04:24.54 starseeker yeah, clean out that sucker
04:25.00 Ralith did, building again
04:25.03 starseeker cool
04:25.09 Ralith would be angry if he didn't have a dual core
04:25.34 starseeker didn't realize he had gotten a dual core until he installed it
04:25.48 starseeker <3 dual core
04:26.10 Ralith hehe
04:26.20 Ralith seriously; I never imagined it'd be this helpful.
04:26.51 starseeker me either - all of a sudden I could do two things at once without straining the system :-)
04:27.12 Ralith compiling and watching a movie go well together
04:27.30 starseeker 'cept for when I forget to compile in the kernel's disk IO drivers - no helping performance then
04:28.26 Ralith blinks
04:28.37 Ralith uh, without disk I/O drivers, how is your system operable?
04:29.39 brlcad neat, there will be an advanced screening of the clone wars
04:30.05 Ralith the clone wars?
04:30.15 Ralith did we hop back several years or something?
04:30.21 PrezKennedy Star Wars 2.5 "The Clone wars have raged for years, and now we take an inside look because George Lucas has decided he needs more cash."
04:30.25 brlcad the new one coming out in a couple weeks
04:30.28 Ralith oh.
04:30.29 Ralith that.
04:30.45 Ralith you know it's bad when they start releasing minor versions
04:30.57 brlcad yeah, maybe meh, but the animations look like it might be interesting
04:31.15 brlcad and can't beat a free screening (assuming it doesn't conflict with something)
04:32.24 brlcad not --disable-opengl .. it's --without-opengl
04:32.29 PrezKennedy They should do Star Wars: Episode 4 -- The Animated Movie
04:32.34 Ralith :|
04:32.37 brlcad enable/disable is internal, with/without is external
04:32.55 starseeker whoops
04:33.01 starseeker should have spotted that
04:33.31 brlcad INSTALL file details ftw
04:34.06 Ralith restarts the build again.
04:35.01 brlcad how the pixar night on tuesday .. that should be great
04:37.37 brlcad i totally shouldn't have looked at the siggraph site.. so .. distracted .. and .. excited
04:37.43 Ralith wut?
04:37.56 brlcad Ralith: ever been to siggraph?
04:37.59 Ralith nah
04:38.03 Ralith sounds interesting though
04:38.07 brlcad ah, explains it ;)
04:38.14 Ralith lots of projects I follow/have followed are represented there
04:38.19 brlcad it's "the" event for anyone and everyone in computer graphics
04:38.24 Ralith yeah, I know a bit about it
04:38.37 Ralith does BRL-CAD offer a presence?
04:38.39 brlcad I turn into a giddy school girl every year right about this time
04:38.42 Ralith hehe
04:39.05 brlcad yeah, we've held BoF's in the past, technical papers, collaborations
04:39.17 Ralith fun!
04:39.24 brlcad we'll have several guys attending this year
04:40.13 brlcad if you feel the urge to drive the distance, glad to treat you to drinks on me! :-)
04:40.27 Ralith hehe
04:40.35 brlcad not sure a couple hundred bucks in gas are work a couple dozen in drinks though :)
04:40.36 Ralith I'd love to, but it's infeasible
04:41.01 starseeker hasn't been before either, so he is clueless - just wants to make sure he gets to the most useful things for him
04:41.10 brlcad starseeker: any ideas of something we can render?
04:41.10 Ralith you're going?
04:41.10 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32215 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (5 files): much needed cleaning up of pcNetwork.h and separation of code into pcNetwork.cpp, removal of obsolete functions
04:41.35 starseeker Ralith: yep
04:41.40 brlcad starseeker: only if you leave the center early or just aren't paying attention will you not find "too much" useful
04:41.57 starseeker brlcad: Heh
04:42.00 brlcad you're barraged by information, ideas, people, research, graphics, ...
04:42.05 starseeker brlcad: render for...
04:42.10 brlcad for a poster!
04:42.13 starseeker Ah
04:42.21 starseeker ... a moose? ;-)
04:42.31 brlcad there is usually a guerilla studio where you can get just about anything printed up in large-scale format
04:42.34 brlcad heh
04:43.27 brlcad was thinking more along the lines of maybe a super-high detailed tire with tread, texturing, .. the works
04:43.34 starseeker Ah :-)
04:43.37 starseeker that would be cool
04:43.44 brlcad or even one of the old gsi images .. shiny tank
04:44.12 starseeker didn't want to seem like he was tooting his own horn
04:44.13 Ralith that's certainly very iconic of brlcad.
04:44.14 brlcad or I could get the source visualization working again .. that would be cool
04:44.22 Ralith source visualization?
04:44.47 starseeker brlcad: Any models better than m35 I could put nice tires on?
04:45.03 Ralith imagines a tank with a spare tire on the back
04:45.04 brlcad Ralith: I worked on a tool a couple siggraphs ago for fun that lets you visualize an entire codebase (in source code / text form) as one mega image
04:45.16 Ralith got any screenshots?
04:45.26 brlcad with syntax hilighting, merge blend with another image
04:45.33 brlcad mm, not on hand
04:45.36 Ralith aw.
04:46.10 starseeker sounds like that project some years back that made a map of the linux kernel as a huge postscript file
04:46.34 starseeker can never remember the name of the project
04:46.56 starseeker Ah - Free Code Graphing Project
04:47.02 Ralith myself I was always impressed by the translucent renderings of the fully modeled bradleys and such
04:47.03 brlcad this is more like catting every file together (sans src/other of course) in the tiniest font that remains legible
04:47.07 starseeker
04:47.11 starseeker hehe
04:47.19 Ralith although those don't really show off any new features
04:47.22 brlcad then you have something that actually prints at about 600 dpi in (huge!) poster size
04:47.23 Ralith they look *very* cool
04:47.38 Ralith brlcad: hm, it would be more interesting to visualize it abstractly
04:47.45 starseeker likes the way his earth model came out, but it's waaaay too simple for a BRL-CAD poster
04:48.03 Ralith huge amounts of code are cool and all
04:48.06 brlcad starseeker: could try running that (fcgp) on brl-cad sources, see how it looks
04:48.08 Ralith but, I mean, it's a literal wall of text.
04:48.27 starseeker dunno if it would work - I think it takes a lot of customization
04:48.30 Ralith brlcad has more interesting things to show off than how many lines of code it has.
04:48.52 brlcad Ralith: there's an idea (old talk with transparency), but they take a lot of time to get approval on
04:48.56 starseeker would be an awesome thing if it did work though
04:49.13 brlcad if would have to be something already done .. and even then even more effort to dig up the .g
04:49.29 Ralith don't you still have high resolution copies of those ones in the gallery?
04:49.43 brlcad some of them
04:49.50 brlcad the gsi ones, yes
04:49.51 Ralith I mean, just a small grid of nice big printouts of the more clean images from the gallery would be very cool.
04:49.58 Ralith the gsi ones were what I had in mind
04:50.05 Ralith and there's always sphflake.
04:50.18 brlcad well, we're not making marketing materials -- we can do that any time
04:50.35 starseeker idly wonders what would be a good tire texture...
04:50.49 brlcad we get maybe one or two free printouts at siggraph, so it's usually fun to do something new
04:50.53 Ralith ahh.
04:51.07 brlcad printouts that commercially are normally 50-100 a pop
04:51.18 brlcad bring it back, frame it, etc
04:51.19 Ralith yeah, I was thinking about how expensive poster size at 600dpi would be
04:51.36 starseeker would live to take a ruler and go find an old m35 somewhere - could REALLY improve the model
04:52.12 starseeker wonders what the m35 would look like in surface normal rendering...
04:52.21 brlcad large format printings, variable size, but common is 2'x4' (yes feet) though you can go bigger if they like what you're printing
04:52.29 Ralith I don't suppose the new lighting system from the SoC has anything to show yet?
04:52.45 Ralith I want a printer like that
04:52.46 brlcad nah, he won't be done in time
04:52.50 Ralith aw.
04:52.54 Ralith not even a pretty WIP?
04:53.14 brlcad would be faster to try to get rise working on a tessellation
04:53.21 Ralith rise?
04:53.42 brlcad the realistic image synthesis engine, part of ADRT .. the stryker image is a rise image
04:54.03 Ralith oo, that one
04:54.14 Ralith adrt isn't part of brlcad?
04:54.18 brlcad it is
04:54.32 brlcad but there's a fair bit of prep .. it's cumbersome
04:54.49 Ralith review the image to see render time 5 days
04:54.50 Ralith
04:54.53 brlcad great results, but not user friendly :)
04:55.14 brlcad that was before some optimizations -- that same image would take about a day with current resources
04:55.20 Ralith on 48 xeons.
04:55.25 Ralith still...
04:55.33 Ralith well, I guess raytracing all that grass would be a huge drain
04:55.36 brlcad yeah, there is a lot of devil in the detail there too
04:55.55 Ralith is still amazed by the detail of models like that one.
04:55.58 brlcad every blade of grass, every leaf, every nut bolt and wire inside the vehicle
04:56.03 Ralith shame they're so hard to get released
04:56.16 brlcad performing a full global illumination simultion (via forward path tracing)
04:57.02 starseeker has idea - the earth model with the caption "Welcome to the world of open source CAD" ;-)
04:57.10 brlcad heh
04:57.13 Ralith got a pic of the earth model?
04:57.26 brlcad in the gallery
04:57.37 Ralith oh, thought it was new
04:58.20 starseeker we could stuff in the imported Cassini probe model orbiting it
04:58.50 Ralith doesn't really show off anything new, though, does it?
04:59.01 starseeker new features, you mean?
04:59.04 Ralith yeah
04:59.17 starseeker brlcad: What new features would we like to show off this year?
04:59.26 Ralith hey, here's a tangental idea
04:59.59 Ralith every year, render in high quality and print at poster size something really elegant that demos all the Big New Features that can be easily shown visually
05:00.06 Ralith line them up on a wall
05:00.27 Ralith would be pretty interesting to walk down the line years later
05:03.37 brlcad interesting idea
05:04.39 Ralith you'd need a long hallway to take over or something, for futureproofing
05:04.52 brlcad would be fun to host an open source model competition each year, use the winner
05:05.12 Ralith that would be pretty cool, but do we have sufficient userbase?
05:05.28 Ralith I suppose it'd be straightforward to require the prominent display of at least one major new feature
05:05.32 brlcad if there's money involved? the users will show up :)
05:05.36 Ralith hehe
05:05.47 starseeker hmm - evidently, I did NOT successfully import bob's dbconcat fix
05:05.49 Ralith where'd the money come from, though?
05:06.10 brlcad is still willing to pay someone to make him a light-cycle with pure csg like the original
05:06.17 Ralith light-cycle?
05:06.20 Ralith as in tron?
05:06.38 brlcad indeed
05:06.54 brlcad tron was almost entirely done with csg when it was made
05:06.58 Ralith 'the original' as in the props from the movie?
05:07.06 Ralith s/props/models/ then
05:07.12 brlcad yeah
05:07.21 Ralith that would be an interesting project...
05:07.22 brlcad reverse engineer the shapes
05:07.45 brlcad there are several clips in the film that show what the primitives were
05:09.07 brlcad just have to reconstruct the locations and sizes as close as possible, that's the hard part
05:09.10 Ralith those models don't look terribly complicated
05:09.25 brlcad there are a few surprises in it
05:09.30 brlcad a few really tricky blends
05:09.42 brlcad iirc, it was a couple hundred primitives per bike
05:09.46 brlcad they have internals too
05:10.14 brlcad that are only visible for a few frames in the entire film as the bikes are constructed
05:10.45 Ralith kudos to the modelers
05:11.40 Ralith I wonder if anyone still has the original full quality renders
05:11.44 brlcad something that showcased all of the primitives available would be interesting .. something better than my info sheet
05:13.26 Ralith the info sheet is incomplete?
05:14.22 Ralith likes the idea of a competition, if there really are enough skilled modelers to make it worthwhile, but can't imagine where funding would come from
05:14.36 Ralith short of some corporation spontaneously adopting brl-cad internally and donating large sums to the development
05:15.26 brlcad at the prize monies we're talking about, finding funding isn't too hard
05:15.35 Ralith hm?
05:16.00 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32216 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcNetwork.cpp pcNetwork.h): Further pcNetwork.h cleanup
05:16.27 brlcad I would gladly sponsor it myself -- it's more the time/effort of running the first few to get a sustainable event, getting the right announcements out, etc
05:16.47 brlcad otherwise, we might participate in GHOP next year, it's geared for exactly this
05:16.52 Ralith GHOP?
05:16.53 Ralith googles
05:17.42 Ralith ooh
05:17.55 Ralith that does sound applicable.
05:18.09 brlcad it is, there was just a pilot test last year
05:18.16 brlcad but it was a success so it will likely be expanded
05:18.26 Ralith although I think they'd want it to be less "make us a pretty model" and more "do something useful"
05:19.05 brlcad we dictate what is useful, what the tasks are
05:21.10 brlcad alright, I think "shiny gsi tank" wins unless I can get srcviz up and running again
05:21.52 Ralith as cool as shiny gsi tanks are, it's something brl-cad has been capable of for several years :/
05:21.57 Ralith oh that reminds me
05:21.59 Ralith completely unrelated
05:22.11 Ralith at what bounce depth is sphflake in the gallery rendered?
05:22.15 brlcad of course, that image is more than 10 years old now
05:22.50 Ralith heh
05:22.52 Ralith now there's a thought
05:23.10 Ralith "BRL-CAD: We could do this 10 years ago. Come see what we can do now."
05:25.41 Ralith remembers to start the test again
05:25.43 brlcad bounce depth for phong reflectivity is 5
05:25.59 starseeker scowls at dbconcat
05:26.22 brlcad presume you mean this one: ?
05:26.24 Ralith XXX: Unable to test edcolor
05:26.24 Ralith It probably shouldn't kick off an editor without an argument
05:26.38 brlcad yep, I added that
05:26.53 brlcad so it'll annoy the hell out of me and others till someone changes it
05:26.53 Ralith so that's normal?
05:26.57 Ralith hehe
05:27.13 Ralith ...rtcheck
05:27.13 Ralith bu_log: write error
05:27.32 brlcad that's expected .. the ray-trace terminates before it has a chance to log
05:27.44 brlcad async race
05:27.57 starseeker growls at dbconcat, then looks at the clock and decides sanity must temporarily prevail
05:28.05 Ralith bunch of 0 off by many, which sounds great
05:28.21 Ralith seems to have completed without error
05:28.30 brlcad excellent
05:30.43 starseeker nice
05:30.53 Ralith anything else to be done?
05:31.30 starseeker does mged open and run?
05:32.03 starseeker if so, generate an example model with tire -p 1, then open it with mged tire.g and try a raytrace
05:32.49 Ralith kk
05:33.04 starseeker (tire runs from the command line)
05:33.12 Ralith yeah, got that
05:33.39 starseeker Oh, e tire will draw the tire
05:34.54 Ralith e?
05:35.39 Ralith odd abbreviation for draw
05:35.50 starseeker or draw tire :-)
05:35.58 Ralith also if X is accelerated
05:36.02 Ralith why is this rotating so laggily :|
05:36.10 starseeker the wireframe?
05:36.12 Ralith yeah
05:36.21 Ralith raytrace works and looks nice
05:36.26 starseeker tries rotating
05:36.47 Ralith well
05:36.51 starseeker rotates OK for me... weird
05:36.52 Ralith the ports installed opengl-y version is a bit laggy too
05:36.53 Ralith so w/e
05:37.02 Ralith guess it's just very complicated :P
05:37.07 starseeker it is complex
05:37.21 starseeker you can try fence for another cool example
05:37.22 Ralith can only guess
05:37.25 Ralith fence?
05:37.42 starseeker fence will genrate a chain link fence using pipes
05:37.54 starseeker since pipes got an update, it's a good one to try
05:38.02 starseeker shouldn't need any options
05:38.08 starseeker will give you fence.g
05:38.54 Ralith works, looks nice too
05:39.03 Ralith I just realized something
05:39.16 starseeker That was brlcad who created that tool :-)
05:39.21 Ralith I've never done the classic zoom-in-tons-and-ogle-how-smooth-everything-is renders in mged
05:39.43 starseeker ah :-)
05:39.55 starseeker beware a close zoom on tire - it will test your CPU
05:40.13 Ralith hm, fence looks a little less elegant from an angle
05:40.21 Ralith most real chain link fences dont' use 90 degree twists :P
05:40.36 brlcad you can still saturate the rendering with too many line segments, as it shovels data through the display manager
05:40.49 starseeker there are lots of options to fence if you want to play around
05:41.01 Ralith kk
05:41.11 brlcad starseeker: it doesn't use pipes.. :)
05:41.18 brlcad pipes weren't done
05:41.36 starseeker Oh, really????
05:41.46 brlcad they are connected rcc's with sph joints
05:41.47 starseeker well, darn then
05:41.51 starseeker Ah
05:42.00 Ralith well, it certainly works fine.
05:42.10 starseeker well, probably faster in the end anyway
05:42.25 brlcad dunno, would be an interesting comparison
05:42.35 Ralith is not at all used to being able to render in really close and not see *any* mesh artifacts
05:42.58 brlcad although the biggest gains would still be to make it instead be procedurally generated during ray-trace time -- similar to the grass shader but for geometry
05:52.02 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32217 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/src/libged/wdb_obj.c: doggone it dbconcat is crashing - revert and take another look at the changes to try and figure out why.
05:54.53 jonored is amused. He was spoilt by povray...
05:55.13 Ralith ?
05:55.45 jonored hasn't ever seen mesh artifacts on stuff he's done.
05:55.50 *** join/#brlcad starseeker_ (
05:55.53 starseeker_ OK, fine I give up
05:56.22 starseeker_ hopes someday to have an ISP not hostile to ssh connections...
05:57.25 jonored starseeker: speakeasy isn't, at least...
05:58.15 brlcad starseeker: connect through .bz -- should stay persistent
05:58.27 starseeker_ did
05:58.33 brlcad huh
05:58.46 starseeker_ why I'm thinking it's the ISP - I keep having the connection die
05:58.49 brlcad oh, maybe a late night reset
05:59.03 brlcad they do that around 2-4am sometimes if they're doing maintenance
05:59.13 brlcad usually comes back to life after a minute or two
05:59.16 starseeker_ hehe - I should get the NASA deep field and use it as a background:
05:59.48 starseeker_ probe scaled by 50000000
06:00.17 Ralith jonored: povray doesn't have mesh artifacts?
06:00.32 brlcad should be able to do at scale if you turn on perspective
06:00.49 brlcad might need a wide angle
06:01.09 starseeker_ :-)
06:01.35 starseeker_ has to sleep or hit his head on the keyboard - Ralith, thanks again for your testing efforts!
06:01.39 brlcad Ralith: only if you're rendering meshes (for most primitives)
06:01.52 Ralith oh, I thought povray was a mesh-only renderer :P
06:01.53 brlcad povray also does implicits
06:01.57 Ralith implicits?
06:02.02 brlcad implicit geometry
06:02.07 Ralith not familiar with the term
06:02.10 brlcad non-boundary representation
06:02.19 Ralith starseeker_: and again, very happy to help.
06:02.31 Ralith brlcad: I'm not very up on terminology in this field yet :/
06:02.50 Ralith I can guess at meanings
06:02.56 Ralith but that's about it
06:02.57 brlcad normally what you probably think of as "CSG" is "CSG operations on primitives defined via implicit mathematical equations"
06:03.07 Ralith ah.
06:03.14 Ralith so, our kind of solids.
06:03.37 brlcad yeah .. "solids" in our case generally refers to implicit geometry
06:03.42 Ralith kk
06:04.06 Ralith implicit meaning, all the data says for, say, a sphere, is "it's over there and about -so- big"
06:04.10 Ralith ?
06:04.19 *** join/#brlcad thing1 (
06:04.22 brlcad though strictly speaking, solid just means that it (hopefully with a strict guarantee) topologically represents a closed volume
06:04.24 jonored Precisely. Also a few i don't remember seeing here - they can do a solid based on where an expression in three variables is less than a threshold...
06:04.44 brlcad sort of
06:05.03 brlcad the fact that you define *and* evaluate a sphere using just it's point and radius
06:05.10 brlcad there is no surface mesh being evaluated
06:05.17 brlcad no boundary
06:05.36 brlcad there is an implicit boundary where it's solid and not solid
06:05.59 pacman87 implicit: x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = r^2
06:05.59 pacman87 explicit: x = f(u,v); y = g(u,v); z = h(u,v);
06:06.06 brlcad mathematically, that's an implicit equation where you define all values > 1 as outside, < 1 as inside, and == 1 as "on the surface" for example
06:06.41 brlcad where 1 can really be any value, but is conventionally 1 or 0 usually
06:06.54 brlcad yeah, exactly what pacman87 shows ;)
06:08.15 brlcad the two approaches generally have pretty profound differences in terms of implementation, evaluation, ray-tracing, solidity guarantees, compactness of representation, performance, etc
06:10.11 brlcad that representation is at the heart of why brl-cad shows you a wireframe instead of a polygonal view -- there is no surface to visualize, you have to find/evaluate it
06:11.54 Ralith I'm looking forward to playing with a polygonal view.
06:12.12 pacman87 ev?
06:12.27 Ralith ?
06:12.47 brlcad that's where BREP comes into play -- it's making all primitives describe themselves in both implicit and boundary representation form .. so they can be directly evaluated and visualized, without incomplete knowledge
06:12.50 Ralith yeah
06:13.11 brlcad Ralith: he means, try the "ev" command in mged
06:13.14 brlcad or "E"
06:13.40 brlcad that does/attempts the (painful) conversion
06:13.59 Ralith probably shouldn't be testing this on the tire.
06:14.04 pacman87 i'm afraid of writing that for revolve
06:14.21 pacman87 since last time was mostly a chop job on ehy's function
06:14.25 Ralith kills mged
06:14.25 brlcad oh hell, yeah .. tire isn't one I'd start with :)
06:15.03 Ralith brlcad: is it likely that poolio's work will be appropriate for realtime use (e.g. mouse-dragging a subtracted primitive around the edges of another to see how it looks), or would it be more something you'd grab a new mesh from every time you applied a change?
06:16.05 Ralith E worked on the 'cube' demo pretty well
06:16.13 Ralith except it's still a wireframe -- just now a wireframe of the mesh :P
06:16.27 brlcad Ralith: because you're using X instead of ogl :)
06:16.33 Ralith aw.
06:16.37 brlcad that's the one feature that ogl provides, shades it
06:16.39 Ralith wait
06:16.40 Ralith no I'm not
06:16.45 Ralith this is the ports-supplied version
06:16.46 Ralith that uses GL
06:16.48 Ralith and works
06:16.59 brlcad o.O
06:17.05 Ralith also, there's a srs Z ordering issue
06:17.15 Ralith all the spheres are drawn on top of all the bars
06:17.33 Ralith it's very confusing when I'm not rotating it.
06:18.25 Ralith this does not appear to be an issue in the normal wireframe, although it's harder to tell due to lower line densities
06:18.55 brlcad do you have Z clipping, lighting, and z buffer turned on?
06:19.00 brlcad (on the Misc menu)
06:19.02 Ralith I have absolutely no idea.
06:19.13 Ralith oh, that helps
06:19.45 Ralith there's no lighting/z buffer
06:19.49 Ralith will verify ogl
06:19.57 Ralith hm.
06:20.06 Ralith oh, maybe I amusing the wrong mged after all
06:20.07 brlcad type "dm set"
06:20.09 Ralith how did that get into my path O.o
06:20.24 brlcad it should say if it's dm_ogl or dm_X
06:20.37 Ralith I'm confused now
06:20.39 Ralith it's X
06:20.45 Ralith maybe the port did disable gl
06:20.52 Ralith I didn't see it in the config options :/
06:21.21 pacman87 'attach ogl'?
06:21.53 brlcad Ralith: some older versions auto-disabled opengl support (because of the driver problems)
06:22.03 Ralith this is 7.12.4; not exactly old.
06:22.05 Ralith ah well
06:22.06 brlcad and some others were hard-wired to off
06:22.09 Ralith guess this means we don't have to bug ``Erik
06:22.15 brlcad ah, hm
06:22.21 brlcad then it should have been a flag
06:22.26 Ralith to configure?
06:23.05 Ralith looking at the CONFIGURE_ARGS line in the root Makefile now
06:23.10 Ralith could be set by more convoluted means I suppose
06:24.09 Ralith only line containing 'gl' is USE_GL= gl
06:24.20 Ralith which I'm pretty sure just means it needs gl
06:24.29 Ralith (despite not using it, funnily enough)
06:30.52 brlcad yeah, I don't see what it's doing to turn it off
06:31.08 brlcad good question for ``Erik
06:31.31 brlcad otherwise, your compile may simply have determined that opengl wasn't fully available (e.g. now dev headers)
06:31.37 brlcad s/now/no/
06:36.28 Ralith that wouldn't make sense
06:36.37 Ralith this is freebsd with all packages installed from ports; everything have dev headers
06:36.52 Ralith and the prerelease build enabeled opengl by default, too
06:39.21 brlcad drools as he scrolls through the journal of graphics tools
06:39.47 brlcad Ralith: I understand that -- but doesn't mean it failed the test ;)
06:39.55 brlcad just means that it "shouldn't" have failed the test
06:40.25 brlcad heck, could have been a typo in the file
06:40.30 brlcad are there any patches that get applied?
06:41.02 brlcad or can you find the config.log from your compile?
06:41.17 brlcad it'll have a summary near the end that will say exactly what it intends to do
06:41.39 Ralith for which?
06:42.02 brlcad hm?
06:42.10 brlcad for the brlcad port
06:50.00 Ralith kk, building it
06:50.06 Ralith normally cleans out the work dir
06:50.59 Ralith from configure:
06:50.59 Ralith OpenGL support .......................: yes
06:56.07 brlcad then something is indeed amiss
06:56.16 brlcad perhaps your test build installed overtop the ports one
06:56.22 brlcad default is /usr/brlcad
06:56.49 brlcad and I don't see a --prefix in the ports file
06:57.28 Ralith ports go to /usr/local
06:57.36 Ralith and I certainly didn't make install as root
06:57.39 Ralith so an overwrite is impossible
06:57.50 Ralith plus, I've been using the ports version safely since forever
06:58.05 Ralith when it finishes building we'll see if mged offers opengl
07:01.17 brlcad simple check, which mged ?
07:01.24 brlcad ls -la /usr/brlcad
07:02.09 brlcad the 'binfo' command in bin will indicate the compilation date
07:03.01 yukonbob !
07:03.05 yukonbob hello, cadheads
07:03.29 brlcad reading the Makefile more carefully, looks like it's configured to install into /usr/local/brlcad
07:03.38 brlcad howdy yukonbob
07:05.47 Ralith <PROTECTED>
07:05.59 Ralith yeah, that can't have been the prerelease build
07:27.04 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:25.20 Ralith brlcad: looking at the camera code mafm's delegated to me now -- which lib was it that provides our vector?
08:28.02 Ralith libbn, lookslike
08:30.17 Ralith weird -- my ports install seems to lack vmath.h
08:31.16 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
08:31.21 Ralith and even bn.h
08:36.58 Ralith hm, g3d isn't set up to build with vmath.h visible
08:41.21 Ralith not sure what to do here, what with rt^3 being outside the normal source tree
08:41.24 Ralith brlcad: any tips?
09:10.06 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
09:11.09 brlcad Ralith: hm, not sure I understand
09:11.28 brlcad the header isn't in /usr/local/brlcad/include or /usr/local/brlcad/include/brlcad ?
09:11.48 brlcad suspects the latter
09:14.19 brlcad if that's not the case, then ports install is busted and that should get fixed next or should install manually so you know you have everything in the "usual" place (/usr/brlcad)
09:14.38 Ralith oh, it's the latter
09:14.42 Ralith was not expecting redundant nesting
09:14.48 brlcad nods
09:15.09 brlcad the ones in /usr/local/brlcad/include are 3rd party headers
09:15.15 brlcad makes more sense when prefix is /usr
09:15.15 Ralith that makes sense.
09:15.37 brlcad or even /usr/local
09:15.42 Ralith yeah
09:16.10 Ralith but I still don't know what to do about g3d's include paths and such
09:16.40 Ralith right now, #include "brlcad/vmath.h" can't find its .h
09:16.45 Ralith which is not surprising
09:16.51 brlcad at some point somewhere in g3d's build, it has to say where brl-cad is installed
09:17.08 Ralith does it currently?
09:18.42 brlcad historically, we install to a given BRLCAD_ROOT which is akin to --prefix with no other --whatever-dir flags that reorganize piecewise; and with that assumption g3d should just be adding cppflags of BRLCAD_ROOT/include BRLCAD_ROOT/include/brlcad (along with ldflags)
09:19.01 brlcad don't remember what it presently does
09:19.08 brlcad you tell me :)
09:19.21 Ralith so BRLCAD_ROOT is expected to be correctly set at g3d's build time?
09:19.43 Ralith or wait
09:19.48 Ralith cmake just needs to know the prefix somehow
09:19.49 brlcad well, *somewhere* the build needs to know
09:19.53 Ralith yeah, got it now
09:20.08 Ralith keeping in mind I've never hacked cmake before...
09:20.13 brlcad whether it's a cmake flag or an env var or hard-coded into a build file, etc
09:20.36 brlcad understands
09:21.03 brlcad it's actually my first steps into cmake as well beyond web readings on the design intent, use cases, etc
09:21.13 brlcad intimately familiar with the gbs
09:21.23 brlcad it's a fall-back if we run into hard problems
09:23.33 brlcad cmake does have several really enticing feature points though for consistent cross-platform maintenance that thses new C++ modules became a good test case (after a moderately successful go on the main brlcad module building libs and a few binaries with cmake)
09:23.59 Ralith its pretty colors and % progress indicator are pretty neat too :]
09:25.21 Ralith does brlcad define a pkgconfig thingy?
09:25.37 brlcad fairly untested, but yes -- there are pkgconfig files for all of the libs
09:25.47 Ralith or does the root need to be determined manually via flag/search/env
09:25.53 Ralith cool
09:26.13 Ralith is it acceptable to depend on that, or should I be moving this build system away from it?
09:26.26 brlcad if it does the trick, why not?
09:26.39 Ralith kk, great
09:26.43 brlcad especially since we can control whether it exists or not
09:26.47 Ralith thought I recalled you saying something to the contrary earlier
09:26.52 brlcad unlike some of our external deps
09:26.57 Ralith well, we can't control whether pkg-config itself exists
09:27.09 Ralith but it's pretty damn common.
09:27.15 brlcad ah ah, true .. forgetting
09:27.21 brlcad macs and windows
09:27.31 Ralith hm
09:27.31 Ralith good point
09:27.32 brlcad gets lost in bsd thoughts
09:27.37 Ralith hey!
09:27.46 Ralith this is the first time I've ever actually forgotten that mac/windows exist!
09:27.47 Ralith :D
09:27.56 brlcad hehe
09:28.34 Ralith . geekpoints++
09:29.08 Ralith I'll refer to BRLCAD_ROOT for now
09:29.19 brlcad so I dont' know what the usual cmake approach is for testing for a dependency, but I could imagine some conditional test logic that uses pkg-config if it finds it else has options to specify where things are at
09:29.35 Ralith wait a sec
09:29.47 Ralith is BRLCAD_ROOT set to --prefix in the build environment?
09:29.51 Ralith because that would be handy
09:29.55 Ralith and make this reliable
09:30.05 brlcad que?
09:30.18 Ralith in configure
09:30.38 Ralith export BRLCAD_ROOT=whatever_the_install_prefix_is
09:30.50 Ralith that way subordinate build scripts can just refer to that var
09:31.26 brlcad it is set during the configure for the brlcad module as an AC_SUBST but I'm not sure how that helps you
09:31.52 Ralith that doesn't mean anything to me :/
09:32.05 Ralith wait
09:32.14 Ralith AC_SUBST exports autoconf vars to the environment right?
09:32.20 brlcad no
09:32.23 Ralith damnit!
09:32.33 brlcad nothing in auto* ever exports anything to the env
09:33.08 Ralith ...starting over then.
09:33.10 brlcad even if you had a manual export VAR=blah in, that'd be lost when the subshell terminates
09:33.18 Ralith hm :/
09:33.43 brlcad now in addition to the pkg_config files .. there is also a 'brlcad-config' script
09:33.51 Ralith wait, existing subordinate builds just refer to the internal headers and libs and such, right?
09:33.53 brlcad that has the prefix saved
09:34.11 Ralith scratch what I just said
09:34.18 Ralith g3d will in all cases be built after brlcad is installed?
09:34.31 brlcad I think that's a safe assumption
09:34.39 Ralith then brlcad-config is perfect.
09:34.40 Ralith thanks.
09:34.49 brlcad perfect for everyone except windows ;)
09:34.52 Ralith wait
09:34.55 Ralith it doesn't exist on windows?
09:34.56 Ralith O.o
09:34.59 brlcad course to find brlcad-config .. you have to know the prefix
09:35.05 brlcad it exists.. but it's a script
09:35.05 Ralith ...damnit.
09:35.16 Ralith shell script.
09:35.19 Ralith sigh.
09:35.28 brlcad i mean, it could be a binary, but you still have the other problem
09:35.46 brlcad cmake really just needs an option that says "the brl-cad root is HERE"
09:35.51 brlcad and then go from there
09:36.00 Ralith can cmake even take options?
09:36.01 brlcad otherwise stick to the env VAR for now, that works everywhere
09:36.04 brlcad sure
09:36.52 Ralith makes a guess at how to do the env var bit
09:38.07 Ralith hrm.
09:38.55 brlcad
09:39.18 Ralith yeah, I need that
09:39.18 Ralith thanks
09:40.44 brlcad ah, looks like they control everything through vars
09:40.52 brlcad this may be a lot more informative:
09:41.53 brlcad particularly the example that hints at something like this working, cmake -DBRLCAD_ROOT=/path/to/root
09:43.09 Ralith all I really need is the ability to pull data from environment variables :|
09:44.19 brlcad well, what I just said -- that should do the trick
09:44.46 Ralith less effort with an env var I already leave set
09:44.48 Ralith but I suppose
09:44.55 Ralith grabs
09:45.00 brlcad then in the cmakelists.txt file somewhere you'd have INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES("${BRLCAD_ROOT}/include ${BRLCAD_ROOT}/include/brlcad")
09:45.26 brlcad using a var is just a temp measure
09:45.48 brlcad from just a quick view through that tutorial, there are external PKG facilities that you can apparently set up
09:46.06 brlcad so it could do things like have defaults, check env vars, check command-line overrides, etc
09:46.17 Ralith oo
09:46.28 Ralith worth my while to go through and do this elegantly at this stage?
09:50.12 brlcad up to you!
09:50.34 Ralith kk
09:50.50 brlcad tis always a work in progress, even g3d's sources aren't where they probably belong, e.g. his general functionality that belongs in a utility lib
09:51.06 Ralith had noticed that.
09:52.05 brlcad feel free to fix it :)
09:53.26 Ralith hehe
09:53.33 Ralith some of this stuff I wouldn't even have abstracted out in the first place
09:54.16 brlcad hrm, I don't see vmath.h being used anywhere
09:54.19 Ralith ok, including vmath.h or even bu.h is raping this
09:54.23 brlcad where did you run into that?
09:54.28 Ralith I'm trying to add it
09:54.33 brlcad ooh, got it
09:54.48 brlcad was going to ask how he dealt with i
09:54.50 brlcad *it
09:55.41 Ralith /usr/local/brlcad/include/brlcad/bu.h:170:58: error: tcl.h: No such file or directory
09:55.44 Ralith O.o
09:55.44 Ralith what's going on here
09:55.50 brlcad it needs both
09:56.01 brlcad /usr/local/brlcad/include and /usr/local/brlcad/include/brlcad
09:56.04 Ralith it has both
09:56.14 brlcad er, then
09:56.16 brlcad what's going on there?
09:56.20 brlcad :)
09:56.22 Ralith :P
09:56.47 brlcad oh, perhaps your install used an auto-detected tcl.h ?
09:56.55 Ralith yes
09:56.58 brlcad ah
09:57.04 Ralith tcl8.h
09:57.08 Ralith instead of tcl.h
09:57.16 brlcad gdffs
09:57.19 Ralith just how did everything else build without encountering this issue
09:57.32 Ralith er wait wait
09:57.33 Ralith my bad
09:57.44 Ralith tcl8.4/tcl.h
09:57.51 brlcad there it be
09:58.35 brlcad brlcad configure loads up the among many other optional things to locate resources and optionally toggle on/off
09:58.56 brlcad sounds like another VAR
09:59.05 Ralith I suspect that reconstructing all that is going to be a nightmare
09:59.13 brlcad at least until we finish unwiring tcl from libbu
09:59.23 Ralith that will be nice :]
09:59.48 brlcad that's *after* libged is done .. because it's another huge chunk of code to refactor
10:00.24 brlcad some of it has started, but it's hella lot
10:00.48 brlcad you could forget vmath.h for now and just do what he's been doing
10:01.19 Ralith I'd rather not -- this will have to be done at some point
10:01.47 brlcad looks like he's using a mix of Ogre::Vector3, SimpleVector3 (CameraMode.h), and Mocha::Vector2 depending on what's being tweaked wrt the 3D graphics, the view, and the gui respectively
10:01.57 Ralith yeah, that's pretty bad already :/
10:02.20 Ralith also, is there a C++ wrapper for vmath.h? If not, should there be? If so, where?
10:02.26 brlcad I see the need ffor the first and third since they're what those respective APIs need
10:02.34 brlcad just doesn't need the SimpleVector3 class
10:03.00 Ralith well, so long as they're not used gratuitously
10:03.04 brlcad the new geometry engine will address having a c++ wrapper on vmath
10:03.10 Ralith kk
10:03.24 Ralith will make do with C for now then
10:04.00 brlcad without some really extensive testing/optimization, the vmath macros are exceptionally hard to beat performance-wise
10:05.23 Ralith awesome
10:06.25 Ralith argh
10:07.04 Ralith what I like least about working in C++ is how the errors are almost never anything directly to do with what you're doing wrong >:|
10:11.02 Ralith including vmath.h should be harmless assuming it can find all its needed headers and is wrapped in extern "C"
10:13.02 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
10:16.22 Ralith OH! name conflict.
10:20.09 Ralith oh no.
10:20.26 Ralith or, hm.
10:21.25 Ralith brlcad: vmath.h line 105 conflicts with OgreMath.h line 552 in a way which does not have an immediately apparent resolution.
10:22.38 brlcad hm, I bet it's both of us using X, Y, Z
10:22.44 Ralith actually, it's both of us using PI
10:22.51 brlcad ah
10:22.56 brlcad that's deprecated in our case
10:23.26 Ralith time to follow through on that deprecation, perhaps?
10:23.36 brlcad we have a deprecation process
10:23.38 Ralith aw.
10:23.46 brlcad it's in the pipeline
10:24.01 Ralith wonders if this might not be resolvable via reordering includes somewhere as HACKING recommends
10:24.25 brlcad ah, true
10:24.32 Ralith ah, there's the culprit.
10:24.37 Ralith smacks mafm
10:24.37 brlcad vmath.h should come later
10:25.06 Ralith yep
10:25.14 brlcad common.h, system headers, external deps, our public headers, our private headers
10:25.23 Ralith nods
10:25.44 Ralith this was done exactly backwards -_-
10:25.57 Ralith suspects in more than one file, too
10:26.08 brlcad probably
10:26.23 brlcad thinks Ralith should be committing as he finds these things.. :P
10:26.34 Ralith oh right
10:26.40 Ralith still isn't in the habit of good atomic commits
10:26.58 Ralith I think to myself "I'm going to implement proper vectors" and then I forget to commit anything until that's done
10:27.07 Ralith even if I pause and go do ten other fixes halfway through
10:28.03 brlcad and then the commit for "implemented proper vectors" ends up containing a dozen other changes that have little to nothing to do with implementing proper vectors, right? :)
10:28.11 Ralith exactly.
10:29.16 brlcad committing frequently in succint little packets was one of the first traits I learned (and appreciated) when I started getting seriously into oss development
10:29.23 brlcad (many many moons ago)
10:30.03 Ralith thanks for the reminder
10:30.17 brlcad it's a different pattern of thinking and development, one that is exceptionally "better" imnsho for most types of collaborative development where constant 1-to-many communication is critical
10:30.30 brlcad just anecdote, not a comment on you in the least :)
10:31.08 Ralith nods
10:31.09 Ralith I quite agree
10:31.20 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r32218 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/CMakeLists.txt: Proper include/link paths for BRL-CAD libraries (required, manually specified) and TCL (optional, manually specified)
10:31.48 Ralith also makes for much more interesting changelogs
10:32.12 brlcad and useful
10:32.20 brlcad I actually read them now
10:32.23 brlcad :)
10:33.50 Ralith do interface headers go before or after local headers?
10:34.06 Ralith (that is, interfaces for the implementation in the file in question)
10:35.16 Ralith is systematically fixing header ordering in every single file; good thing g3d isn't too big yet,
10:36.40 Ralith oh, good, that's in hacking
10:36.44 Ralith didn't remember that
10:36.57 brlcad ah, that list I gave was for C-style, for C++ the terms just change a little
10:37.15 Ralith the list in hacking might cause problems
10:38.01 Ralith the interface headers include brlcad headers
10:38.24 Ralith and then the implementation might include the ogre headers
10:38.29 Ralith which creates a conflict
10:38.49 Ralith the solution is to treat interface headers like generic public headers
10:38.52 Ralith this acceptable?
10:39.56 Ralith (it could also be placed absolute last, for clarity, I suppose. Can't think of any reason its relative position would matter much))
10:42.16 brlcad erm, the interface header is a public header
10:42.24 Ralith yes
10:42.25 brlcad are you reading the brlcad module's HACKING file?
10:42.27 Ralith yes
10:42.40 Ralith it places interface headers absolute first
10:42.44 brlcad ah, that single "interface" header is really for C code
10:42.54 Ralith thought as much
10:43.09 Ralith so what's the preferred position for the C++ version?
10:43.26 Ralith so far I've stick it immediately before public headers
10:43.56 brlcad sounds like that'll do for now
10:44.00 Ralith kk
10:44.04 brlcad it really shouldn't be position dependent of course
10:44.33 Ralith well, beyond after the system headers, it doesn't matter; it's just good to have a One Place imo
10:44.41 brlcad solution being to wrap the header with an #undef of whatever conflicts, for example
10:44.57 brlcad checks on that deprecation status
10:47.47 Ralith putting the #undef in the gui code seems like a hack to me
10:47.51 Ralith it belongs in Ogre's code
10:49.45 brlcad yeah, ogre should be checking like we do
10:51.31 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32219 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/deprecation.txt: PI was left out of the 7.12 vmath deprecation list
10:52.00 Ralith tests to ensure his reordering didn't bork anything
10:52.01 brlcad looks like it can formally go away in the 7.14 release
10:52.22 brlcad it passes our "minimally impacting" criteria
10:52.34 Ralith yay!
10:54.12 Ralith also, a thought
10:55.03 Ralith wrapping C headers in a preprocessor-conditional extern "C" seems to be common, but we don't do that
10:55.12 Ralith necessitating use of it in C++ that includes it
10:55.17 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r32220 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (20 files): Reordered #includes as recommended by HACKING
10:56.47 Ralith any reason for that?
10:58.04 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32221 10/brlcad/trunk/ (doc/deprecation.txt include/vmath.h):
10:58.04 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: the deprecated M_SQRT_DIV2 and PI defines fit the criteria for minimally
10:58.04 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: impacting given their deprecation spans a minor release and they have fully
10:58.04 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: equivalent replacements (M_SQRT1_2 and M_PI respectively). make them now
10:58.05 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: obsolete.
10:59.01 brlcad yeah, just that the headers hadn't been cleaned up for C++ yet -- the C headers should be fixed, not hacked around on the C++ side
10:59.08 brlcad some have, some havent'
10:59.19 Ralith got it
10:59.42 brlcad if you see one missing its wrapper or some other logic in the brlcad module, go for it
10:59.49 Ralith yay
10:59.59 brlcad I clean them up as I run into them
11:02.05 brlcad gets the munchies, and wanders off to forage for a bit
11:05.01 Ralith appreciates the help
11:05.39 brlcad no problemo
11:05.53 brlcad and no! thank you.. :)
11:06.14 brlcad you have it building at the moment?
11:07.08 brlcad have something to compile-test, but can't test it proper here atm
11:07.19 Ralith 'it'?
11:07.29 Ralith something's still triggering the conflict in g3d
11:07.34 Ralith but brlcad as a whole works
11:07.46 brlcad I mean g3d
11:08.04 Ralith no luck yet; this one's thrown me
11:08.22 Ralith reordering fixed the first instance of the error, but the exact one recurred when cmake moved on to the next file
11:09.04 Ralith oh wait.
11:09.07 Ralith wups >_>
11:09.55 Ralith probably unrelated, but still wups.
11:10.04 Ralith oh hey!
11:10.07 Ralith 32222 get
11:10.11 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r32222 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/CMakeLists.txt: Fixed mangled if statement
11:10.48 Ralith well what do you know, that did it
11:10.52 Ralith ...for a while
11:10.58 brlcad cool
11:10.59 Ralith nevermind
11:11.04 brlcad heh
11:11.12 Ralith was misled by the build time being nonzero after a clean
11:11.12 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32223 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (Application.cxx Logger.cxx):
11:11.12 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: this is untested and might break the build temporarily, but re-remove the
11:11.12 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: blasted using namespace std lines. namespaces should be explicit unless it's on
11:11.12 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: an implementation only but still never with std in order to avoid a handful of
11:11.12 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: portability and maintenance issues.
11:11.23 Ralith palindromic commits!
11:11.49 brlcad well if you get it working, that might have just broken it, but shouldn't be anything difficult to fix .. just a missing std:: here and there
11:11.50 Ralith noticed those but didn't touch them as it wasn't a header
11:11.54 Ralith yeah
11:13.05 brlcad i've removed them from those exact same files before
11:13.15 Ralith :|
11:13.29 brlcad i think he just forgets
11:13.49 Ralith probably
11:13.59 brlcad just need to get him to have to deal with 20 other coders on a couple more platforms in order to break that habit..
11:14.05 Ralith hehe
11:14.49 brlcad aiight, foodage needs me
11:14.53 Ralith seeya
11:14.54 brlcad cheers
11:26.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r32224 10/rt^3/trunk/src/other/mocha/Include/Mocha/Platform.h: Disabled MSVC-specific warning removal #pragmas on non-MSVC
11:26.29 Ralith gives up on fixing this tonight, considering the hour
11:26.32 Ralith -> sleep
11:29.21 brlcad eww :)
11:29.38 brlcad fun
11:33.14 Ralith at least I assumed they're MSVC
11:33.19 Ralith because gcc has nfc what to do with them
11:33.28 Ralith and I doubt anything else has errors that dumb
13:03.28 starseeker_ For the g3d people, here's what's happening with fonts when I build and run:
14:04.32 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
15:34.14 jonored [ajaa
15:35.44 jonored ...oops; sorry. Failure to press modkey followed by accidental enter...
15:57.23 *** join/#brlcad elmom (
16:10.07 starseeker_ brlcad: I'm getting a crash on dbconcat when I apply your infinite loop check - it looks like the first comparison it's doing is to an empty prev_name and it doesn't like that somewhere along the line.
16:17.13 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
16:25.13 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32225 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/src/libged/wdb_obj.c:
16:25.13 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: OK, restore the previous wdb_obj changes (checking for infinite looping in
16:25.13 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: naming) while initializing prev-name to a space char - this way the initial
16:25.14 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: comparison doesn't trigger a crash and a single space character is an unlikely
16:25.14 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: name choice for any object.
16:27.43 starseeker_ isn't sure if the problem appears in trunk or whether this is the "right" fix, but it does make dbconcat work again here
16:28.41 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
16:32.03 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
16:32.20 andrecastelo morning guys
16:50.41 starseeker_ morning
16:50.59 starseeker_ can't figure out how to make a good texture or bumpmap to use on a tire...
16:58.58 starseeker_ heh -
18:34.24 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
18:38.04 brlcad starseeker_: okay, i'll check -- more than likely head is busted too then
19:09.14 poolio brlcad: did you ever get a chance to upload that zip?
19:09.27 poolio brlcad: my head is literally busted :P
19:14.11 brlcad poolio: yes! it's in /tmp
19:14.56 brlcad starseeker_: i'm betting bumpmap wants a bw and you're giving it a pix or vice versa
19:15.25 brlcad g'morning andrecastelo
19:22.21 poolio brlcad: ah, thanks. I was planning on working a lot this weekend but I've suffered a bit of head trauma, so I'm not sure how competent my coding will be :)
19:22.58 brlcad o.O
19:23.05 brlcad dare I ask?
19:23.07 poolio I stood up into a fan :(
19:23.10 brlcad hehe
19:23.23 poolio Had to get 5 stitches...wasn't a very fun experience.
19:24.19 brlcad and no youtube video? misfortunes like that spread like wildfire ;)
19:25.14 poolio heh, I wish. I was totally fine, no concussion, totally lucid. Just bleeding profusely.
19:25.28 poolio I think a youtube video would be hilarious. I'm gonna go do it again, brb.
19:25.35 brlcad :)
19:25.43 brlcad hilarious for everyone *else* :)
19:28.01 brlcad starseeker_: woah, wtf .. initializing to non-empty was the problem?
19:28.21 poolio -- "Normal household fans do not have the power even to inflict serious injury while spinning at top speed—they are more likely to break first. " LIES.
19:28.51 poolio Hmm, well that paste got messed up. I'm going to try to unbreak the tgc code now :)
19:28.55 brlcad by serious, they probably meant lethal
19:29.13 poolio True true. It
19:29.13 brlcad iirc during the show, they said it probably would mess you up pretty bad
19:29.15 poolio 's also wikipedia
19:29.18 brlcad just wouldn't cut your head off
19:29.31 poolio Well, didn't they have it on a lawn mower engine with sharpened blades?
19:29.33 brlcad and "probably" wouldn't kill you
19:29.39 brlcad yeah
19:29.47 poolio I remember they reused it for the cutting a sword with another sword myth
19:29.57 brlcad never liked that one
19:30.21 brlcad so much slop in the experiment
19:30.33 poolio Yeah...they really butcher the scientific method sometimes. Damn popular media.
19:55.27 poolio brlcad: just FYI, tornado warning for you :)
19:55.41 poolio I think that's the first time I've seen the emergency response system in use
19:57.02 brlcad poolio: ah, is that what all that rumbling is about :)
19:58.35 poolio brlcad: aye. I'd be careful, they did the typical get in your basement/closet/etc.. thing. I've never seen that before, even for that awful storm a few weeks ago
20:00.19 poolio brlcad: They say high probability of tornado in next 45 minutes
20:00.30 poolio brlcad: good luck :)
20:01.33 brlcad it was really nasty last night for about ten minutes with huge lightening events and the momentary monsoon, car window was partially open
20:01.47 poolio ah yes, I drove through that storm to the hospital :)
20:01.59 poolio s/I drove/someone drove me
20:02.02 brlcad at which point I though ... why the f* is there a big metal tip on the end of my umbrella
20:02.04 poolio The lightning was absolutely gorgeous
20:02.59 brlcad stripped off his shirt instead and ran out amidst the booming happening all around within less than a mile
20:04.47 poolio haha, i'd like to see that on youtube as well
20:09.39 brlcad I was actually thinking something along those lines last night
20:10.46 brlcad along with "someone is going to find me dead on monday with nothing but shorts on outside work"
20:12.25 brlcad at which point I comically locked myself out of the building when the door shut .. fortunately I'd (accidentally) left my keys in my pocket
20:16.45 ``Erik reminds me of when I was beating on twingies door wearing jeans and a tshirt (no shoes) in snow
20:20.32 Ralith ``Erik: just a heads up before the next release (for the FreeBSD port); I'm not sure how common this issue is in the real world, but I'm getting a fatal X crash launching mged when opengl is used, relating to my nvidia drivers. It might be a good idea to disable that for this build, at least if the user has the nvidia drivers installed.
20:29.33 Ralith starseeker_: your font rendering issues remind me a lot of how my inkscape GUI looked after I upgraded some libs it depended on
20:29.48 Ralith maybe you've got something like that going on?
20:35.06 Ralith hm, just rebuilt my inkscape and its gui still displays similar behavior
20:35.31 Ralith so it's probably not a lib incompatiblity issue
20:39.20 *** join/#brlcad iday (
21:11.24 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32226 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/vls.c:
21:11.24 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: starseeker pinned down an insideous little crash where bu_vls_strcmp() was
21:11.24 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: crashing if the bu_vls was empty. this was due to a bug in the bu call where it
21:11.24 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: wasn't accounting for how bu_vls represents emptry strings (they're null strings
21:11.24 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: with no allocation at first). this makes sure they are at least a valid (empty)
21:11.27 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: string when someone asks for a comparison. also clean up and document the magic
21:11.29 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: constants.
21:26.21 *** join/#brlcad iday (
23:54.04 yukonbob loves reading commit reports...

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