IRC log for #brlcad on 20080805

01:09.19 *** join/#brlcad ad7op (
02:11.24 *** join/#brlcad cad20 (
03:12.49 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
03:36.17 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
04:12.51 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32254 10/brlcad/branches/pre-7-12-6/ChangeLog: Update Changelog again
05:42.25 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
05:58.13 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
07:06.50 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:08.47 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r32255 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt: added some files to be consistent with
07:13.48 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
08:01.10 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
08:16.24 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
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10:45.31 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:50.23 mafm hey there
11:02.12 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32256 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcSolver.h solver_test.cpp): removing using namespace boost
11:30.05 brlcad howdy mafm
11:59.37 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32257 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcPCSet.cpp pcPCSet.h pcSolver.h solver_test.cpp): Adding a generic PCSolver to take care of non-binary constraints as well taking data directly from the PCSet without using the graph structures
11:59.43 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
12:08.26 mafm brlcad: what's the logic behind including headers' order, from the HACKING file?
12:13.57 mafm if you include system headers before your code's headers, your headers are not autocontained
12:14.41 mafm say, if you need std::vector in a header, you might not put it but still works in your code
12:15.09 mafm but then brokes when somebody wants to include the header in a new implementation file, and forgets to include what the header needs
12:24.41 brlcad mafm: portability/overridability
12:24.55 brlcad "you might not put it" would be an error in that header
12:24.59 brlcad s/header/source/
12:25.08 brlcad each file should include what it needs
12:26.02 brlcad the ordering ensure consistent inclusion across platforms and allows you to globally (and consistently) override or account for system peculiarities
12:34.15 brlcad it also helps identify/fix cyclic header dependencies because it's really hard to keep them in the prescribed order if the interfaces form a cycle (which is generally a bad design)
13:18.18 *** join/#brlcad mac- (
13:18.21 mac- HI THERE
13:18.25 mac- sorry for caps :)
13:18.50 mac- i wish to install BRL-CAD on my slackware Linux
13:19.00 mac- there is sense to compile it ?
13:21.03 starseeker sure, that should work fine
13:21.55 mac- but i`m looking now on download page from sourceforge
13:21.56 starseeker The binary should be OK if you just want to try it out, but the compile is pretty straightforward if you want to build it yourself
13:22.17 mac- and there is only 64 bit version precompiled
13:22.24 mac- when I`m working on IA32
13:22.25 mac- :/
13:22.43 starseeker Ah, yes - for the most recent one that's true
13:22.52 starseeker 7.10.4 has 32 bit versions
13:23.40 mac- I`m working on AMD Athlon 750 MHz with 768 MB ECC RAM and SCSI 10k disks it is enough ?
13:23.53 starseeker sure
13:24.01 starseeker plenty ;-)
13:24.20 starseeker BRL-CAD has historically run on just about everything, from a VAX on up to a supercomputer
13:24.37 mac- i wish to draw robot`s effector
13:24.43 mac- :>
13:25.09 starseeker effector?
13:25.12 mac- there is module for motion simulation like on Deassault Systemes Catia ?
13:25.26 starseeker our motion tools are pretty limited at the moment
13:25.50 mac- effector is an robot working tool at the and of robot arm
13:25.51 mac- :>
13:26.15 mac- but there is tool for motion simulation ?
13:26.51 mac- i know that Catia is very experienced software on this area
13:26.55 starseeker I guess you could start here:
13:27.17 starseeker I've never used them myself, so I'm not really qualified to comment
13:27.34 mafm brlcad: what I told there it was only a simple problems, but there are more complex scenarios; like including RBGui header (external non-system header) which includes things that make that some .c/xx files have to include system headers before other local headers, or not
13:28.09 mafm brlcad: but well, it was just for curiosity seeing what Ralith has done, it's about the same for me -- just that I was "fixing" them in the other direction recently
13:28.47 mac- i`m student of mechanical engeenerig
13:28.52 mac- engeneering
13:29.11 mac- then i wish to define trajectories of elements motions
13:29.59 mac- it will be very syntetic but should work proper for my requirements
13:30.01 mac- :)
13:34.57 mac- hmm, 24 MB of bz2 sources file, and it is complete BRL-CAD with all features ?
13:34.58 brlcad mafm: that's a failure of encapsulation in the rbgui header then, which can be accounted for by having an rbgui wrapper private header that includes common, system-that-rbgui-needs, rbgui header
13:35.16 brlcad or fixing rbgui's files
13:36.37 brlcad the problem is there regardless
13:37.18 brlcad mac-: what else would you expect?
13:38.31 brlcad catia has more than 1k developers and a 5-figure per-seat license fee (USD/EUR) so keep that in mind :P
13:39.00 mac- and is written in VisualBasic :P
13:40.49 mafm oh, that explains why it's so expensive
13:40.58 mac- :>
13:41.16 mac- do you worked on Catia ?
13:41.27 mac- did you work on Catia?*
13:47.57 mafm (not me)
13:50.20 mac- catia is very 'heavy' software
13:51.09 mac- I`ve installed it on my slackware unser wine, and moreover it started but can`t work :P
13:51.37 pacman87 mac-: i run slackware too, and i compiled from source
13:52.11 mafm pacman87: he's talking about a software called Catia, not BRL-CAD :D
13:52.40 pacman87 i was responding more to the scrollback than the latest comment
13:56.34 mac- uhm, on which hardware and how long it taken ?
13:57.01 pacman87 p4, 2.8ghz, 30-40 minutes
13:57.14 mac- and how big binaries are ?
13:59.04 mac- it will take about 3hrs to compile :)
13:59.10 mac- on my machine
13:59.11 pacman87 /usr/brlcad is 317MB
13:59.24 mac- it`s quite big after compile :)
13:59.37 pacman87 my svn checkout directory is 997MB
14:07.21 PrezKennedy i should try compiling it on my wimpy centos box
14:11.47 mac- :)
14:11.53 mac- You are engeeners ?
14:12.20 pacman87 i'm a ME major/EE minor at UT, class of '09
14:13.17 mac- what kond of constructions You are drwaing on BRL ?
14:13.30 PrezKennedy im an IT major, class of someday :)
14:14.01 brlcad mac-: why would I work on catia? did they make it open source recently? :)
14:14.14 mac- heh
14:14.17 brlcad I just know a couple of their devs
14:14.36 brlcad s/know/have met/ .. not like we chum out every week
14:15.34 PrezKennedy brlcad, you going to siggraph?
14:15.35 brlcad PrezKennedy: you should do something about that 'someday' :)
14:15.39 brlcad absolutely
14:18.07 PrezKennedy brlcad, i will, work is going to pay for it
14:18.40 brlcad paying for it isn't the hardest part .. it's doing the work and finsihing :)
14:19.39 PrezKennedy yeah there is that too
14:24.52 PrezKennedy brlcad, ive got the motivation and i know where i want to go with it now... didnt have that before :)
14:25.06 mac- oh, there is any rewuirement i.e. OpenGL graphic adapter or something ?
14:25.21 mac- I have Matrox MGA G200
14:29.22 brlcad mac-: nope
14:31.00 mac- gr8 :)
14:45.11 Axman6 wow, been a long time since i've seen anyone use that
14:50.40 mac- what ?
14:50.42 mac- G200 ?
15:24.03 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (n=psilva@
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16:10.06 starseeker mac-: You should be fine to compile and run it
16:10.06 starseeker just remember that it's not intuitive for beginners - you will NEED to read the docs
16:10.09 brlcad wee, fun
16:10.12 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
16:26.04 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
16:27.38 *** join/#brlcad CIA-23 (
16:33.03 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
16:33.06 *** part/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
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16:50.14 brlcad initial testing of using constant integers for X, Y, Z, etc seems to give about a 40% decrease in performance (at least on unoptimized) .. testing at least one other platform and optimized
16:51.12 brlcad supposes that is more intended for Ralith who is not here
16:51.47 prasad_ i wont be able to make it to siggraph :(
16:53.51 brlcad prasad_: ahh, shame
16:54.29 brlcad I'm sure the girls will cry when I tell them you couldn't be there
16:57.04 mafm brlcad: why Ralith? I can't see traces of those changes in the diffs
16:57.24 brlcad mafm: it was a discussion we were having a few days ago
16:58.31 brlcad the changes weren't committed
16:58.37 brlcad (*gasp* -- changes to the core ray-trace or numerics library that might affect performance shouldn't be committed without testing)
16:59.28 mafm ah OK
16:59.37 brlcad it's come up before, so it was worth testing out to see what the impact would be like .. alas it looks like what we do is for a very good reason (and should probably be documented as such)
17:00.06 brlcad it's the kind of thing you don't remember 10 years later, no matter how intuitive it seems 'today'
17:04.37 brlcad needs faster computers
17:05.52 prasad_ indeed :(
17:06.14 prasad_ but we'll prolly unveil gfx on iphone/mobile there
17:06.17 mafm what do you use instead of const int? macros/straight numbers?
17:06.55 brlcad yes
17:07.34 brlcad I'm expecting optimized to do much better, but how much better is the question
17:14.09 starseeker brlcad: What was the name of that FB variable again?
17:17.38 mafm hmm
17:17.52 mafm I thought that the compiler would treat const int as a macro
17:18.04 brlcad starseeker: FB_FILE ?
17:18.35 starseeker Is that the remote display one?
17:18.38 starseeker that wasn't working?
17:18.47 brlcad well yes and no
17:19.02 brlcad FB_FILE is simply an alternative to using the -F option with all the tools
17:19.23 brlcad it's having an FB_FILE or a -F using the remote interface that seems bused
17:20.12 brlcad rt -Flocalhost:0 or rt, etc
17:20.21 brlcad fbhelp
17:23.38 starseeker hmm - confirmed, it didn't like the remote addy
17:25.19 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
17:25.49 starseeker interesting - the pkg_open printing shows the name of the target host minus one character
17:26.33 starseeker e.g. pkg_open(machin,remotefb): unknown service instead of pkg_open(machine,remotefb): unknown service
17:32.48 starseeker prods CIA
17:46.46 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:16.04 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (n=d@
18:26.08 mafm brlcad: did you talk anything with Ralith about modifying the CMakeFile to include BRL-CAD root?
18:26.38 mafm or the TCL includes?
18:27.08 mafm I wouldn't think of any reason why TCL/TK would be necessary for this project
18:31.04 homovulgaris howdy mafm :)
18:33.16 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=homovulg@
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18:35.46 mafm hi homovulgaris, everything all right?
18:36.40 homovulgaris :)
18:39.07 homovulgaris pretty much
18:39.39 homovulgaris my broadband has now a maximum limit of 512 kbps.. what is broad about that :|
18:40.55 mafm I could live with less than that, if bills were smaller :)
18:44.03 starseeker or if there were less free software to upgrade regularly ;-)
18:44.34 mafm nope, I rarely update
18:45.25 homovulgaris looking at an apt-get dist-upgrade size of 1289 MB right now
18:45.50 starseeker heh - easier when you don't use Gentoo
18:46.03 starseeker 's distro downloads the sources for everything and compiles - somewhat bigger
18:46.41 mafm oh, sure
18:46.45 mafm Debian ftw :P
18:47.04 starseeker Nah, I like knowing everything is self consistent ;-)
18:47.15 mafm I use unstable but don't update unless it's necessary feature-wise, or I'm bored and not in the middle of important projects
18:49.51 starseeker If I were to use a binary distro though, it would be Debian or Ubuntu
18:51.17 mafm and Debian is pretty consistent
18:51.33 mafm int random { return 4; }
18:51.35 mafm :)
18:51.48 mafm random()* even
18:53.07 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (n=d@
18:58.14 homovulgaris ibot says i have a message awaiting from brlcad .. how do i read ? :| irc noob
19:02.42 mafm read 1, maybe
19:03.45 mafm have to go now, see you later folks
19:03.48 homovulgaris :) nope
19:03.55 homovulgaris and :P
19:03.58 homovulgaris ~read
19:03.59 ibot ACTION reads Lord of the rings
19:04.22 homovulgaris ciao mafm
19:29.00 *** join/#brlcad CIA-23 (
19:57.15 pacman87 ~botmail
19:57.41 pacman87 ~botmail read
19:57.53 pacman87 homovulgaris: ^^
19:58.47 homovulgaris :) grr..
19:58.54 homovulgaris ~botmail read
19:59.28 homovulgaris hmm.. that was 7d 9hours ago
20:02.42 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32263 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: Add note about possibility of level of detail based wireframe drawing.
20:02.50 starseeker hugs CIA-23
20:03.16 homovulgaris why is having so much trouble these days
20:03.36 starseeker not sure. It is a complex chain to keep up
20:03.37 CIA-23 hugs starseeker
22:03.09 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32264 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (15 files): renaming PCSet to VCSet for Variable-Constraint set since it is precisely what VCSet is, also necessary for adding a Parameter abstraction over the Variables . A vector is a collection of 3 variables for instance
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23:03.17 brlcad starseeker: ah, then you might have found the bug -- an off-by-one on the string processing
23:08.22 brlcad starseeker: yep
23:08.43 brlcad they're good as-is if the docs are all updated/committed
23:08.57 brlcad don't forget to tag it at that point
23:09.12 starseeker_ Right - tag it in the branch?
23:09.41 brlcad svn's idea of a tag is just a dir-to-dir cp
23:09.58 brlcad but yeah, cp/tagging off the branch dir to the tags dir
23:10.06 starseeker_ got it
23:15.44 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32265 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/librender/ uses vmath.h so link libbn
23:16.08 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32266 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/ uses vmath.h so link libbn
23:17.15 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32267 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/convert.c: doesn't need/use vmath.h
23:18.13 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32268 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ uses vmath.h so link libbn
23:53.57 starseeker_ brlcad: Did you want to back something out of mged before I tag?
23:54.08 brlcad ah, yes

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