IRC log for #brlcad on 20080811

01:41.49 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
01:57.53 siggraph Derevko: howdy
02:02.25 *** join/#brlcad jonored (
02:14.42 siggraph Derevko: if you're working on an updated .deb for Debian, I have several suggestions/comments relavent to your build
02:22.28 siggraph Derevko: namely 1) for a package-management system, you want --disable-all instead of all the --disable-*-build options you're using; 2) there is no reason for you to use --enable-warnings or --enable-progress (those are dev-team options); 3) you don't need or want java as a dependency, let it autodetect or force it off using --without-java (unnecessary but explicit); 4) there is a BIG ALERT warning about installing with --prefix=/usr .. there
02:22.35 siggraph lemme know if that cut off :)
02:27.25 siggraph 6) use --without-opengl for now as well (buggy nvidia drivers will crash X hard on some configurations); 7) .. the crash log is interesting, looking into it
02:35.40 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32372 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/librender/ contrary to libtool tweakage, debian is apparently bitching about LIBADD symbol dependencies in adrt's librender.
02:36.17 siggraph Derevko: 8) that last commit should kick start the build for you, or you can manually remove the 'adrt \' line from src/
02:53.52 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (n=d@
02:55.32 homovulgaris brlcad: can you have a look at r32371. I changed made libpc a dependency of librt. I am not very sure about my modifications.. especially where i added LIBSTDCXX
03:22.04 siggraph homovulgaris: I did
03:23.29 homovulgaris ok
03:24.03 siggraph homovulgaris: they looked alright -- whether LIBSTDCXX needs to go there or with $PC instead depends on a few other things
03:24.20 siggraph which won't really know without building across a few other platforms
03:24.54 siggraph the header removal of raytrace.h was right, rt uses pc -- not the other way around
03:24.58 siggraph so that was good
03:25.06 homovulgaris ok.
03:25.22 homovulgaris also right now constraint.c in librt depends on wdb ..
03:25.45 homovulgaris should i remove that dependency ? I mean should i be using wdb from rt ?
03:26.48 siggraph in general .. "no" -- libwdb sits on top of librt
03:26.56 homovulgaris sorry, it is just a blank header include i guess, not using any wdb stuff
03:27.15 siggraph but it's not fully consistent at the moment either, so it's understandable
03:27.44 homovulgaris so basically, i can shift my mk_constraint code with modifications into libwdb
03:28.01 siggraph you had an mk_constraint in libwdb already didn't you?
03:28.04 siggraph that you removed
03:28.14 homovulgaris well it was in libpc
03:28.20 siggraph oh
03:28.24 siggraph blinks
03:28.24 homovulgaris i should have shifted it to WDB long back
03:28.34 siggraph yeah
03:29.27 siggraph it either belongs in librt as an rt_constraint or some similar librt "creator"
03:29.58 siggraph but primarily in libwdb as mk_constraint (which could call this hypothetical rt_constraint or not)
03:30.34 homovulgaris sean, now tests will depend on both pc,wdb and rt when i do actual constraint writing geometry updation etc, so the pc_test files should be shifted somewhere so that it gets built after librt and libwdb is built
03:30.54 siggraph misspoke, s/rt_constraint/wdb_export/ .. which would call the librt export routine for a constraint object
03:31.22 siggraph okay, sounds reasonable
03:31.36 homovulgaris yeah, the export functionality is in rt/constraint.c
03:33.58 siggraph so libwdb should probably just call that, but still provide the mk_ interface
03:34.34 siggraph mk_ is the easy 'public interface' for creation, default constructor of sorts
03:35.07 homovulgaris yeah, sort of hardcoded parametrics ;)
03:35.32 homovulgaris ok, i will get back to finishing up the read-solve-update-write cycle
03:35.39 siggraph how's that goin? :)
03:35.48 siggraph oh question
03:36.32 homovulgaris well parameter passing is done, I need to work with constraint passing now.
03:37.17 homovulgaris The problem with passing just a function pointer is that I have to pass the signature type information in some way as well
03:37.55 siggraph noticed in pc_main that it nicely sorts out the data types, but then pcVCSet uses different structures on the type
03:38.10 siggraph e.g. PC_DB_VECTOR_T being a vect_t and a Vector class
03:38.26 homovulgaris like istangent() expects two arrays/2 vectps , ispositive() expects 1 array/vectp and so on
03:38.39 siggraph right
03:39.05 siggraph could do something like what opengl does with the format encoded in the name
03:39.54 siggraph e.g. isPositive3f()
03:40.12 siggraph not really elegant, but a thought
03:40.23 homovulgaris hmm.. I was thinking of something like that in MathVM, add##2 for add expecting two inputs... but that was just for double check.
03:40.30 homovulgaris hmm..
03:40.40 siggraph or could make the signature simply be a vararg ..., and let the function typecheck itself (yikes)
03:41.02 homovulgaris i only like varargs when all the types are the same :D
03:41.34 siggraph you mean like printf? :)
03:41.42 homovulgaris hmm.. i think i could do something similar to what i am doing for passing parameter by structure.. pass a void * and a type variable
03:41.43 siggraph if the types are the same, there's not much point to using varargs :)
03:41.55 siggraph could just use an array :)
03:42.07 homovulgaris :P yeah.
03:42.10 homovulgaris exactly :D
03:42.54 siggraph yeah, data-driven is pretty straightforward
03:43.21 siggraph though there are some problems with that with strict c99
03:43.53 siggraph I forget the rules off the top of my head at the moment, but there's some issue there iirc
03:44.02 homovulgaris oh
03:44.27 siggraph something to do with void*'s and casting to function pointers not being allowed
03:44.37 siggraph I'd have to dig, it's come up before
03:45.21 homovulgaris ok.. i'll check too
03:45.47 siggraph might be C++ or c99, might be confusing my languages, but it'd still be relevant
03:46.25 siggraph so think you're going to make implicit constraint checking by next week? :)
03:47.32 homovulgaris confident :)
03:47.47 homovulgaris { hopefully :) }
03:48.16 siggraph heh, { great :) }
03:48.50 homovulgaris because once this constraint passing is done, the actual implementation of constraints , most cases being simple, is really not time-consuming
03:48.57 pacman87 are you two proposing an extension to lolcode, where semicolons are replaced by ':)'?
03:49.37 homovulgaris uses {} as equivalent of clouds in cartoons
03:49.59 homovulgaris howdy pacman
03:50.24 pacman87 hi homovulgaris
03:51.25 homovulgaris :D i should change that nick, i like madant much more anyways :)
03:51.40 homovulgaris something vulgar about latin
03:52.31 homovulgaris sean, on a scale of 1 to 10 how much trouble would one face when trying to make a .deb package for brlcad ?
03:55.01 siggraph likes "madant" more too .. fewer vulgar connotations ;)
03:55.23 siggraph homovulgaris: "it depends" .. on a lot of things
03:56.06 siggraph their familiarity with making deb's being the biggest, followed by autotool build familiarity, followed by knowledge of what our options mean
03:58.23 siggraph otherwise, if you know all three of those then it's like a 2 .. if you don't then it's like an 8
04:01.26 siggraph howdy andrecastelo
04:01.34 siggraph how goes the hemispheres?
04:02.06 andrecastelo howdy siggraph
04:02.37 andrecastelo i see you are excited about the event :)
04:03.46 siggraph of course!
04:06.21 siggraph alrighty, about time to /away ... blasted interweb lackage
04:07.38 andrecastelo when is your flight?
04:08.09 siggraph i'm already there
04:08.22 siggraph twas two/three days ago
04:10.24 andrecastelo oh, my bad :)
04:10.31 andrecastelo how's the weather? :P
04:11.03 siggraph already slightly sunburnt
04:11.17 siggraph that daystar is viscious when you don't see it very often
04:11.19 starseeker <snort> from lunch, probably
04:11.46 siggraph misses the golden tan he used to keep
04:11.48 starseeker still wants to know who's bright idea (no pun intended) the white tablecloth was
04:12.12 siggraph sunglasses ftw
04:12.29 siggraph really detaches now
04:12.45 andrecastelo good night, cya tomorrow :D
04:13.16 starseeker signs off too, sleep ftw
04:14.13 andrecastelo 'night starseeker
04:28.33 yukonbob waves in -- hello cadheads
04:33.48 *** join/#brlcad homovulgaris (n=d@
04:44.15 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
04:47.50 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
04:47.52 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
04:49.28 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
04:57.10 *** join/#brlcad madant (n=d@
06:23.27 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:07.38 Derevko siggraph: thanks a lot. Just a question, why should I force java off?
07:29.10 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:47.07 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
09:04.44 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
10:09.27 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32373 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (6 files in 2 dirs): shifting test to outside libpc since it depends on pc,rt,wdb
10:15.52 mafm siggraph: are you brlcad? :D
11:09.11 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32374 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/boost_1_35_0/libs/graph/ (. LICENSE index.html):
11:15.54 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32375 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/boost_1_35_0/libs/graph/test/ (65 files): Library addition for GeometryService
11:33.55 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
12:13.01 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
12:19.28 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:34.25 mafm anybody with linux amd64 around?
12:34.40 mafm I'd like somebody to test my package
12:38.01 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
12:45.07 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (n=ric@
12:53.01 archivist_ub starts an svn checkout
13:13.07 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32376 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/boost_1_35_0/libs/graph/test/planar_input_graphs/ (30 files): Library addition for GeometryService
13:13.10 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:13.11 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:33.20 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
13:41.44 ``Erik EVERYBODY DANCE!
13:42.18 archivist_ub ugh, dancing is too much like hard work
13:42.38 ``Erik I dance incredibly white, so it's pretty easy for me *shrug* :)
14:08.19 *** join/#brlcad stustev1 (
14:12.00 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r32379 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/pc_test.c: include headers, uncomment code, test compilation & execution
14:23.53 stustev1 hello world
14:28.21 ``Erik return 0;
14:55.05 *** part/#brlcad pacman87 (n=Timothy@
15:00.31 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
15:07.45 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (n=timothy@
15:18.57 pacman87 /* User has no tolerance for this kind of drink */
15:19.13 pacman87 (tor.c, 1043)
15:19.19 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32380 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/boost_1_35_0/libs/ (26 files in 26 dirs): Major svn connection issues, reworking the Boost library
15:30.54 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (
15:46.57 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
15:47.09 ``Erik oi, andre, how goeth the mlt?
15:47.25 andrecastelo hey ``Erik
15:47.54 andrecastelo had exams last week plus one wednesday and one monday
15:48.17 andrecastelo didn't have much time to put in mlt
15:49.18 andrecastelo i'm still stuck.. when the secondary rays hit anything, *everything* shades
15:49.32 ``Erik 'everything'?
15:49.42 andrecastelo yes
15:50.00 andrecastelo currently, if it's supposed to be shadowed, it paints a dark blue
15:50.12 andrecastelo if not, gray
15:50.17 ``Erik hrm, dark blue like 0,0,1 ?
15:50.25 ``Erik do you have a screenie of this?
15:50.45 andrecastelo yes i can set recreate it
15:51.11 andrecastelo it paints a specified color, in ray hit, just to note what's supposed to look like
15:52.04 ``Erik ok, so still flat shading
15:57.48 ``Erik looks at the calendar O.o
16:00.09 andrecastelo screens taken, uploading
16:02.20 andrecastelo rtmlt cornell.g floor.r right_wall.r ->
16:02.40 andrecastelo rtmlt cornell.g floor.r right_wall.r short_box.r ->
16:06.52 *** join/#brlcad kcorbitt (i=d12559a6@gateway/web/ajax/
16:07.10 kcorbitt ping
16:08.08 kcorbitt anyone there?
16:08.58 ``Erik nope
16:08.59 ``Erik 'sup?
16:09.22 ``Erik interesting, andre, um, material information isn't being grabbed correctly... are you fully committed right now?
16:09.26 stustev1 hello
16:09.43 kcorbitt I read about the GSoC projects on the wiki
16:09.53 kcorbitt is there anywhere where the progress on those is being tracked?
16:10.01 kcorbitt they look like super useful improvements
16:10.05 ``Erik their individual blogs
16:10.32 ``Erik each project should be linking to the appropriate place for status if not on the wiki... :)
16:10.54 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32381 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/boost_1_35_0/ (more/ people/ regression/ status/ tools/): Major svn connection issues, reworking the Boost library
16:10.54 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32382 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/boost_1_35_0/wiki/: Major svn connection issues, reworking the Boost library
16:10.58 stustev1 I have brlcad on two machines. One at home and one at work. The home machine is svn. The work machine is a binary download. They behave differently.
16:11.53 ``Erik howso? (the latest source release has significant differences from svn trunk, and binaries are all quite a bit older...)
16:12.24 stustev1 so I should load the svn on my work box. thanks
16:12.49 stustev1 I will do so
16:13.37 stustev1 the clone works different and the mirror. This tells me what I need to do to make the systems the same.
16:14.17 stustev1 I am unable to use the extrude command. It asks for a K value. nothing seems to work for the K value.
16:14.53 pacman87 the K value isn't used
16:15.11 andrecastelo ``Erik: i'll have to leave in about 20 minutes, have classes this afternoon
16:15.51 andrecastelo and won't be back for another 8 hours o.O
16:15.54 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32388 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/ (107 files in 3 dirs): svn:mime-type & svn:eol-style fixes
16:15.58 andrecastelo what you have in mind?
16:16.10 stustev1 i understood that from a previous answer but the prompt asks for one and no answer works. leaving it blank doesn't seem to work either.
16:16.50 pacman87 i just use 1
16:17.02 stustev1 I will try that - thanks
16:18.38 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r32389 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/viewmlt.c: Minor updates.
16:22.18 ``Erik clone changes have been merged into the latest stable, so the source tarball on the webpage should work for you. svn trunk can be hit or miss, there's a big code migration happening right now
16:22.35 ``Erik andre, I'll take a peek and see if there's anything blatant *shrug*
16:22.41 ``Erik have fun at class O.o
16:23.57 stustev1 I will download the tarball and see what happens - thanks
16:30.31 kcorbitt I read the project log for mafm's GUI project
16:30.47 kcorbitt looks like there's still a lot of coding going on
16:31.10 kcorbitt I assume that won't be ready for use for a while yet then?
16:38.37 andrecastelo cya ``Erik
16:38.51 andrecastelo if you need me,
16:51.45 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
16:55.58 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32390 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/edsol.c: Fixed a typo.
17:13.51 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32391 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ librender relies upon libutil so build it later. patch from Giuseppe Iuculano (derevko) via sf bug report 640802.
17:14.45 siggraph mafm: yep
17:16.49 mafm kcorbitt: for real use, it needs a while, yep :)
17:23.15 siggraph stustev1: clone and mirror have been under active development/improvements lately, so it's to be expected that they'd be different for you
17:24.01 siggraph ah yeah, what erik said
17:25.20 stustev1 very good - I am configuring a tarball download now - thanks
17:25.57 kcorbitt mafm: thanks. this is a GSoC project, but is anyone out there planning on actively continuing dev work after summer ends?
17:26.13 siggraph kcorbitt: hopefully he is ;)
17:26.41 siggraph but even if he's not, it's one of our top-priorities .. most paths of development relate to it in some way
17:26.49 ``Erik how was the irt thing, brlcad?
17:26.58 siggraph it was pretty good
17:27.18 siggraph not as immediately useful as solid modeling was, but still pretty good
17:27.22 ``Erik <-- hopes to thumb through materials when ya'll get back
17:27.49 siggraph ``Erik: if you can get ahold of the low man .. he just set a hell of a lot of files with the wrong mime types
17:28.09 ``Erik eh? who? whu?
17:28.11 siggraph yeah, they should actually have all the presentations on-line too
17:28.18 ``Erik oh
17:28.18 ``Erik dave
17:28.24 siggraph yeppers
17:28.37 siggraph test/plain isn't exactly .. right
17:29.13 siggraph they were text/plain .. oddly changed them to test/plain saying he was fixing them
17:29.21 siggraph .. fix'd em real good ;)
17:29.36 ``Erik he seems... confused, but is looking now
17:29.53 ``Erik "oops, hehehehe"
17:30.00 ``Erik thanks for the heads up
17:30.02 siggraph specifically r32388
17:30.10 siggraph but the one(s) preceeding too
17:31.51 ``Erik he says it's all fixed now
17:31.56 siggraph also should set the svn:eol-style
17:32.16 siggraph on the text files
17:32.26 ``Erik he says he did, it won't let him commit if he doesn't set that
17:32.58 siggraph if only halts on mime-types, and then "suggests" eol-style
17:33.01 siggraph
17:33.09 siggraph he might want the sample config file
17:35.52 ``Erik ok, got him on that page
17:38.12 siggraph danka sir
17:38.27 siggraph how's the land of mary doing?
17:39.08 ``Erik still seems to be here *shrug* looking like I might need to bring my lunch this week, or go hungry and eat bigger dinners :D
17:39.47 ``Erik oh, btw, I'm pillaging desks of people who're at siggraph
17:39.49 ``Erik mwahahaha
17:39.52 siggraph :)
17:40.22 siggraph leave my stash of porn and booze alone!
17:40.26 ``Erik (nah, I left my kbd at home, so I'm borrowing starseekers for today)
17:40.45 ``Erik um, what booze? *burp* and I think nick beat me to the pr0n
17:41.21 siggraph speaking of nick, he may need some svn skooling
17:41.37 siggraph supposed to be committing his stuff soon, pointed him in your general direction
17:41.45 ``Erik yuh oh
17:42.14 siggraph and he's never used svn or any other vcs before
17:42.32 siggraph sent him instructions via e-mail, but he might need some poking
17:43.02 ``Erik aight, if he wanders my way, I'll show him out to irreperable thrash the repo
17:43.11 siggraph heh
17:45.13 siggraph wonders what "stract" means .. dave picked an odd name there..
17:45.25 mafm kcorbitt: "but is anyone out there planning on actively continuing dev work after summer ends?" -- ,e
17:45.27 mafm me*
17:45.45 siggraph ab-stract, dis-stract, .. ex-stract
17:45.46 ``Erik w00t
17:46.01 siggraph ~mafm++
17:46.04 mafm there's some other people interested and who started commiting some changes
17:46.17 mafm kcorbitt: maybe you want to work in that too? :D
17:46.34 siggraph yeah, that mess needs to all come together at some point :)
17:46.34 ``Erik abstract
17:46.59 mafm (sorry for the delay, but it seems that notifications don't work properly with this IRC client, or this channel)
17:47.19 kcorbitt cool, that's good to hear
17:47.23 siggraph channel doesn't have anything to do with highlights :)
17:47.45 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r32392 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/ (149 files in 7 dirs): svn:mime-type & svn:eol-style fixes
17:47.45 siggraph unless you told your client to do something per channel of course
17:47.48 kcorbitt found out about brl-cad some months ago and have been wanting to teach myself it
17:48.20 kcorbitt but haven't found the time to really spend a day going over the mged tutorials
17:48.46 kcorbitt that's why I found mafm's project and got very excited!
17:49.03 mafm :D
17:49.09 mafm what's your platform kcorbitt?
17:49.34 kcorbitt I use vista or ubuntu at home and CentOS at work
17:50.06 mafm siggraph: I think that it doesn't highlight or show smalls windows when I leave this channel as the active one, and it happens often since it's the more active amongst the ones I join :)
17:50.24 mafm kcorbitt: 32/64 bits?
17:50.32 kcorbitt actually main reason I use vista still is because there's no decent CAD package for linux
17:50.36 kcorbitt 32
17:50.51 kcorbitt but hoping brl-cad will change that
17:50.57 ``Erik erm, pro/E and unisys were available for linux last I heard
17:51.21 mafm meh, I just prepared a package for amd64 and wanted to find some vict^H^H^H^Hbrave volunteers to test it
17:51.22 kcorbitt oh, I hadn't heard
17:51.25 ``Erik I'm under the impression that they're considered "decent", just expensive
17:51.35 kcorbitt yeah they're good
17:51.35 siggraph kcorbitt: even with an easier to use interface, there's no production CAD system that doesn't require some level of training to be useful :)
17:51.40 jonored That doesn't mean that an organization keeps the license, though... so might be expensive for a person to get the linux version.
17:51.48 kcorbitt yeah
17:51.56 kcorbitt I'm no professional engineer, just a student/hobbyist
17:52.22 kcorbitt managed to get an edu license of Autodesk Inventor which I've used a lot
17:52.43 kcorbitt but this project is very intriguing
17:53.10 jonored Happily, my school does... worth checking. Won't do anything on my machine, but it's there.
17:54.33 kcorbitt I write C code for my day job though
17:54.47 siggraph woot
17:54.51 ``Erik neat
17:54.59 siggraph kcorbitt: we need devs more than we need users at this point ;)
17:55.04 ``Erik I attend meetings, read email, and attend more meetings for my day job
17:55.08 siggraph though users are always welcom ;)
17:55.26 kcorbitt and I want to look into doing some dev work if it won't suck away my life
17:55.37 kcorbitt like some other open source projects I've involved myself in in the past ;)
17:56.00 kcorbitt admittedly, that is my own fault
17:56.10 kcorbitt this sort of thing is so darn cool!
17:57.15 siggraph indeed!
17:57.24 siggraph lots of stuffs to be done
17:57.27 mafm abstracting away from society? sure, it is :)
17:58.07 siggraph sociewho?what? :)
17:58.14 kcorbitt lol
17:58.37 kcorbitt out of curiousity, any kind of estimate for the current userbase of brl-cad?
17:59.49 kcorbitt (if any?)
17:59.58 siggraph not anything reliable
18:00.12 siggraph we used to have 2k registered site licenses before we were open source
18:00.42 siggraph but now we're seeing about 10k downloads per month, so it's really hard to say
18:01.05 kcorbitt good stuff
18:01.13 siggraph i'm sure a lot of folks checking things out and learning/using brl-cad that never interact, other users that try it once and never again, etc
18:01.20 ``Erik even if you sum all that up, some people just download it, look, and throw it away... others redistribute it
18:01.21 kcorbitt sure
18:01.49 siggraph can say that our rate has been increasing year over year, so if anything .. more people are noticing
18:02.01 kcorbitt (I was one of the download-once-and-never-actually-use-it crowd for the month of July ;))
18:02.38 kcorbitt is there a centralized list of feature requests/bugs?
18:02.48 mafm siggraph: I PM'ed you, I don't know if it's a convenient time for you :)
18:04.01 mafm kcorbitt:
18:04.28 mafm (I just noticed new SF interface, not very convenient for direct links it seems :)
18:04.41 mafm tab "Public"
18:05.43 kcorbitt thanks
18:06.38 kcorbitt for history, why was it decided to go open source?
18:06.46 kcorbitt if anyone is still around from when that happened
18:09.54 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
18:11.24 siggraph kcorbitt: for brl-cad, it was more why *not* go open source?
18:11.57 siggraph brl-cad has always been developed in a relatively open manner, as open as the team could get away with at the time
18:12.56 siggraph there are many benefits and potential benefits that were obtained when we were allowed to go open source
18:13.32 siggraph note "allowed" != "decided" .. wanted to a long time ago, but it took over a half-decade to get it approved
18:13.44 kcorbitt I see
18:14.17 kcorbitt sounds like you've been a developer for quite some time
18:14.41 kcorbitt does the project have paid/full time devs, or is it solely volunteer?
18:15.13 siggraph it just makes sense .. the gov isn't into the business of making money on brl-cad (and they shouldn't be imho) .. and it's not in the public's interest for such an extensive code to NOT be in the public's hands
18:15.18 kcorbitt from reading the history page it sounds like it was first designed by the military, so I assume there were paid developers at some point at least
18:15.38 siggraph both, some paid/full some not, some via ARL, some other orgs
18:16.27 kcorbitt neat
18:16.57 siggraph ARL still funds, develops, and monitors/reviews brl-cad development, though the project is a 'complete' open source project with its own community around it where those that participate are the ones that direct development
18:17.09 kcorbitt that's reassuring - projects with even a few full-time developers seem to be much healthier in general than volunteer only ones
18:17.18 mafm siggraph: so about the private message?
18:17.23 siggraph i.e. a development meritocracy with just some basic peer review to make sure we have a consistent vision
18:17.38 siggraph mafm: sorry, on a roll :)
18:18.01 kcorbitt heh, sorry for taking your time
18:18.12 kcorbitt just trying to get a better handle on the structure
18:19.14 siggraph some of that is covered in the HACKING file in our distribution
18:19.23 siggraph some in the README
18:26.53 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32393 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/ (buttons.c dodraw.c muves.c qray.c rtif.c setup.c): Getting rid of a few warning.
18:27.39 mafm so I'll repeat myself now that the channel is a bit more active...
18:28.10 mafm <mafm> anybody with linux amd64 around?
18:28.15 mafm <mafm> I'd like somebody to test my package
18:30.25 siggraph mm.. have an amd64 back at the office somewhere, but I'm of course nowhere near that right now :)
18:39.16 mafm I think that I should compile for i386, it's more popular :D
18:40.57 siggraph is there a reason you need amd64?
18:42.23 siggraph if it's for the gsoc 'goal' of making a dev/test binary -- anything should suffice really
18:44.15 mafm yes, it is -- both computers are with amd64
18:44.30 mafm and I would like somebody to test :D
18:44.44 mafm if it's not to be tested, what's the point of making it? :)
18:50.05 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32394 10/brlcad/trunk/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Added the following commands to libged and libtclcad: idents, regions, solids, loadview, saveview and solids_on_ray.
18:51.41 siggraph ah, you mean both of yours are amd64
18:51.52 siggraph yeah, just compile for i386 to hit a wider audience
18:52.15 siggraph the point is exposure/availability, otherwise you're right -- it'd be a waste of time
18:54.08 mafm yep
18:54.33 mafm my next laptop would be i386 I guess, I didn't like being an early adopter :D
18:55.15 mafm (not that early, it had been commercialized for years, but there are still some things missing at this point)
18:55.43 mafm but I think that it would be a Dell and would only arrive by the end of august, at the very least
18:56.23 siggraph you can compile for i386 on amd64 no?
18:56.50 mafm I think so, but I never did for big projects
18:57.06 mafm and Debian has only native distros, not mixed ones like fedora
18:57.39 mafm g3d and the libraries are not much of a problem, but I think that OGRE is
18:58.05 siggraph you'll probably just have one file, one staticly compiled binary file -- probably easiest to make and get into hands for testing
18:58.30 siggraph looks for food
19:03.29 mafm hmm, I'm doing it with dynamic libs
19:10.19 mafm ok, I leave this cross-compiling ... going home now
19:10.37 mafm kcorbitt: hopefully tomorrow I'll have a binary package for you :)
19:12.10 kcorbitt nice!
19:38.21 *** join/#brlcad andre|away_ (n=chatzill@
19:39.11 ``Erik brlcad: low-man says thanks for the config
20:30.24 prasad_ sean, did the expo start?
21:05.22 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
23:03.53 siggraph prasad_: not yet
23:03.59 siggraph ``Erik: okies dokies
23:04.05 siggraph thanks for relaying
23:04.46 siggraph sips his cognac whilest listening to the advances in real-time rendering session
23:05.15 siggraph praises this glorious new "Geek Bar"
23:14.53 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32396 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob and andre have added procedural geometry tools to the Windows build
23:48.50 siggraph hopes starseeker is watching the data structures for computer graphics class

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