IRC log for #brlcad on 20080907

00:03.23 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32593 10/brlcad/trunk/ (13 files in 7 dirs): (log message trimmed)
00:03.23 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: absorb the old mged 'edcolor' command into the 'color' command as a -e option.
00:03.23 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: this reduces the entropy by removing a lot of duplication shared between the two
00:03.23 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: commands. they still could use some refactoring to make _ged_edcolor go away,
00:03.23 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: but it's a start. this ALSO makes it so there is no mged command that doesn't
00:03.25 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: have non-blocking behavior when run without arguments (edcolor blocks until
00:03.27 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: editor terminates). there are still some edcolor hooks that need to be removed
00:09.00 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
00:29.03 deeeffache Im going through all the docs now and tutorials.. Is there a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts anywhere? And, what does Shift+z do and how do i stop it??
00:32.29 brlcad press 0
00:33.01 brlcad xyzXYZ all rotate the view along that axis forward and reverse (in caps)
00:33.10 brlcad 0 stops the rotation
00:33.18 brlcad emulates a knob device
00:34.03 brlcad there isn't a comprehensive list of shortcuts for mged's display manager -- there is, however, a command quick reference sheet and a shift-grips guide (for manipulating the view with your mouse)
00:34.19 brlcad the menus will show you what the shortcuts are if there is a key bound
00:40.00 deeeffache thanks, the 1000 fps of a rotating wireframe sphere was causing my pc to overheat a lil bit, i do have those to reference sheets you mentioned.. moving on
00:44.16 starseeker brlcad: The difficulty with finding non-standard options is if I not something that finds standard attributes, it also returns things that have NO attributes
00:44.45 starseeker brlcad: I'll think about it some more - I was a tad tired working on it earlier
00:45.26 starseeker I need to make sure it doesn't return just things that have ONLY non-standard attributes
00:47.29 starseeker also Dwayne wants a table printout of objects and attributes, which isn't what find does.
00:47.32 brlcad starseeker: sounds like you need another option
00:47.39 brlcad what do you have now?
00:48.34 brlcad find is considerably more powerful and useful than table processing
00:48.35 starseeker just the stdattr option - 1 returns all objects with only standard attributes, 0 returns all objects with 1 or more nonstandard attributes, and -1 is Dwayne's table
00:48.40 brlcad tis a valid request, but different problem
00:48.45 starseeker nods
00:48.57 starseeker the attr table should probably just be a new command
00:49.13 brlcad gut says find really shouldn't dump multiple formats at this point
00:49.22 starseeker thought so too
00:49.43 starseeker just wanted to use find to kill that feature request - in retrospect that doesn't make much sense though
00:51.18 starseeker can I just make a nonstdattr command that takes a list of "standard" attributes and does what Dwayne wants?
00:51.28 starseeker didn't like hardcoding what "standard" was either
00:52.13 brlcad for find, I expected you'd have something like -attr akin to -name, -aregex akin to -regex but for attributes, and -stdattr basically being a shorthand for a long list of ( -attr regionID -or -attr color -or ... )
00:52.37 brlcad maybe even exactly doing that expansion in the plan preparation
00:53.21 starseeker would prefer to take the "stdattr" question out of find - you think it has merit?
00:53.33 brlcad so if you wanted all objects with non-standard attributes set, find / -attr * -not -stdattr
00:53.49 brlcad i could go either way
00:54.15 brlcad seems out of place, but there is a lot of value in knowing what's off the norm in a db
00:54.29 brlcad no sure what the corrollary in that case is with fs find
00:54.44 brlcad also, if you want a 'find' that doesn't conflict namespace-wise, you could just call it 'search'
00:55.08 brlcad makes it unambiguous and doesn't conflict with system or tcl
00:55.15 brlcad even if use is the same
00:57.43 starseeker brlcad: find / -attr * -not -stdattr was what I was trying to figure out
00:57.59 starseeker I knew this would go faster with you around ;-)
00:58.56 brlcad also, if you're going to return full-path matches, you'll probably need some way to deal with the duality nature of the searches (sometimes as tree, sometimes as flat dir)
00:59.14 brlcad maybe make "/" and "." imply one or the other
00:59.34 starseeker Hmm - there is some kind of "path" option - maybe that will work.
00:59.42 starseeker bbl, gotta get supper
00:59.48 brlcad e.g. find / -name whatever vs find . -name whatever
01:00.08 brlcad with the prior returning /path/to/whatever and the later returning just whatever pathless
01:00.41 brlcad so if you do find . -type region, you get a list of all regions in the db
01:01.06 brlcad but if you find / -type region, you get a list of all uses of a region in an assembly in the db (unless there are top-level regions)
01:58.17 *** join/#brlcad deeeffache (
02:00.19 *** join/#brlcad deeeffache (
02:54.48 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32594 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (nfind.c nfind.h): Revert nattr and stdattr commands - the former should be handled with not and the latter needs a bit of rethinking.
02:56.00 brlcad starseeker: another option is to just use -attr but provide some keyword/group
02:58.25 brlcad e.g. something like -group for permissions, like "--attrgroup default"
02:58.37 starseeker that's an idea
02:59.18 brlcad the "better" fix I think would be to introduce namespaces and all the defaults would just be in a default namespace
02:59.25 brlcad then you'd just use -attr
02:59.43 starseeker namespaces?
02:59.59 brlcad find . -attr ::std::*
03:00.12 starseeker ah
03:00.16 brlcad instead of regionID, it'd be something like ::std::regionID
03:00.33 brlcad but that entails a fair bit of changes to support it
03:00.39 starseeker indeed
03:00.43 brlcad since the point is to have a namespace that is only optionally specified
03:01.32 starseeker re: name - do you want me to change it to "search"?
03:01.41 brlcad another option could be to make the defaults all UPPERCASE
03:02.23 brlcad then you don't even need namespaces, you'd just find . -regattr '[A-Z]+'
03:02.47 brlcad or some similar naming convention
03:02.53 starseeker I actually kind of like the "attrgroup" notion, particularly if we let the user make their own
03:03.33 brlcad heh, if you do that .. they have to be stored :)
03:03.35 starseeker have an attrgroup attribute that lists which attributes are "groups", and then have attr_standard, attr_analysis1, etc.
03:04.01 brlcad could set the attribute groups as attributes on _GLOBAL
03:04.38 brlcad could hook it into the attr command
03:05.19 starseeker nice
03:05.25 brlcad hm, have to think on that some .. it is a bit error-prone/fugly
03:05.49 starseeker sure
03:06.09 brlcad it's certainly more work too (compared to a naming/namespacing convention)
03:06.28 brlcad wanders home
03:06.33 starseeker isn't too sure he wants to change the naming convention at this point for the standard attributes...
03:06.37 starseeker where's home now?
03:06.44 brlcad hotel :)
03:06.50 starseeker ah :-)
03:06.59 starseeker will you be in Monday?
03:06.59 brlcad finally healed
03:07.04 starseeker ??
03:07.04 brlcad yeah
03:07.16 starseeker what happened?
03:07.18 brlcad was in quite a bit of pain, lots of injuries from the move
03:07.29 starseeker owowow
03:07.33 starseeker not good
03:08.06 starseeker ok, take care - glad to see you back!
03:08.16 brlcad yeah, on the last day after I'd been up about 40 hours hauling stuff around and on my feet the whole time was probably the worst
03:08.28 starseeker jeez
03:08.40 brlcad i've not been in that much pain in years, probably not since I had hypothermia .. very very painful
03:09.20 starseeker you shoulda asked for help - we could have pitched in
03:09.39 brlcad I know, lots of offers to help I turned down :)
03:09.45 brlcad appreciated though
03:09.58 brlcad it was just something I had to do this go-round
03:10.20 brlcad maybe get help when I move in someplace next month
03:10.30 brlcad for now, though, it's really nice being mobile
03:10.35 starseeker heh
03:10.48 starseeker can see you getting to like it...
03:10.49 brlcad but I now have a mountain of e-mails and past-due deadlines to respond to, hence the weekend
03:10.54 brlcad I am already!
03:11.07 brlcad it's very addictive.. I could just pack up and go anywhere
03:11.08 brlcad tonight
03:11.11 brlcad pretty cool :)
03:11.21 starseeker ah, yes - I take it you got the messages from all sides about presenting next week?
03:11.31 brlcad late thursday :)
03:11.45 starseeker you good there? Anything I can do to help?
03:12.01 brlcad apparently I was signed up to present while out at siggraph (of which I've still not gotten to those e-mails yet)
03:12.10 brlcad unless I missed something even older
03:12.17 starseeker eeek
03:12.20 brlcad no matter, it shouldn't be anything difficult
03:12.33 starseeker OK. Let me know if you change your mind
03:12.34 brlcad just needed to have a dry run on tuesday and I took leave the whole week
03:13.05 brlcad at least there's no way I could have done that on tuesday .. physically could not have made it in at that point
03:13.29 starseeker jeez
03:13.50 brlcad still have to find my phone though
03:14.07 brlcad it's dead somewhere
03:15.24 brlcad the only thing I really miss is my data archive ... which I annoyingly and inadvertently put into a crate at the very back of my storage
03:15.32 starseeker ouch
03:15.38 brlcad oh, and my scotch glass
03:15.41 starseeker lol
03:15.47 starseeker sounds like you needed that
03:15.57 brlcad has the scotch, just not his glass
03:16.27 starseeker sounds like an excuse for a scotch glass upgrade
03:16.36 brlcad I should at least have internet now .. didn't at first while still between spots
03:16.42 starseeker figured
03:17.12 starseeker kinda unnerving working on find on my own though :-)
03:17.12 brlcad really wanders back now
03:17.15 starseeker k
03:17.22 starseeker have a good night!
03:17.27 brlcad yeah, I haven't gotten to that bin of mail yet :)
03:17.38 brlcad I have like 300 message that have piled up
03:17.44 brlcad 200 are for gsoc though
03:17.46 starseeker tries to fix all the bugs before brlcad sees them...
03:18.09 brlcad the only thing I saw at a glance that was questionable
03:18.12 brlcad was the new walker
03:18.13 starseeker oh, when you get a chance, can you set me up with admin so I can do a 7.12.6 news post on the website?
03:18.23 brlcad trying to have *fewer* walkers, more generalized :)
03:18.30 starseeker brlcad: Yeah, I figured you would be leary of that...
03:18.32 brlcad not more specialized :)
03:19.16 starseeker I wanted full paths, walking the tree not the pointers, and function calls for every comb and leaf
03:19.29 starseeker couldn't figure out how to get that out of any of the existing options
03:19.34 brlcad there are plenty of walkers that will give you every comb and leaf
03:19.53 brlcad not sure what you mean by "walking the tree not the pointers" though
03:20.08 starseeker db_functree uses the next pointer to get all objects
03:20.21 starseeker I wanted the db_walk_tree style "follow the children" approach
03:20.53 brlcad still don't "get" what you mean, but I don't need to just yet :)
03:20.57 starseeker I'll run it by you when you get a chance - that's one of the reasons it's not announced yet
03:21.05 brlcad it's also under the hood
03:21.16 brlcad save for the raytrace.h publishing
03:21.23 brlcad should add a comment saying don't use it for now
03:21.30 starseeker right
03:21.32 brlcad so it doesn't have to be deprecated
03:21.41 brlcad or don't even put it there
03:21.59 starseeker can I call it from libged without it?
03:22.08 brlcad sure
03:22.12 brlcad it's just a declaration
03:22.20 brlcad you just declare it where you use it
03:22.41 brlcad sans all the BU RT wrapping that the public headers need
03:23.08 brlcad really wanders off now
03:23.19 starseeker OK - I'll slap a comment in tonight and look at it on Monday
03:23.20 starseeker night!
03:23.20 brlcad i'll be back on-line in a few min
03:23.26 brlcad cya
03:23.28 starseeker Oh, OK :-)
03:25.24 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32595 10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h: Add comment to not use db_fullpath_traverse as it is experimental - may take it out of public altogether.
04:15.06 brlcad munches on a most excellen gyro
04:24.36 starseeker brlcad is eating gyroscopes?
04:24.59 brlcad yep
04:25.02 brlcad spins
04:25.37 starseeker "food that will give you balance in life"
04:27.07 brlcad :)
04:27.59 starseeker brlcad: I hope find is worth a month 'cause it's looking like it could take that :-P
04:29.19 starseeker should learn how to write tcl scripts for real fun inside MGED...
04:29.22 brlcad it's probably worth more frankly
04:29.38 brlcad it really is one of those uber-powerful commands
04:29.43 starseeker phew :-)
04:29.47 brlcad especially if done well
04:30.01 starseeker will try to do it well - he sure doesn't want to do it poorly
04:30.54 starseeker did get through some of the grunt stuff like rewiring the error handling last Thurs, but at the expense of a 2am night
04:31.04 starseeker got me in a bit of trouble ;-)
04:34.33 starseeker updates his gentoo box, just to keep things lively
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10:51.02 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
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12:37.58 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
14:34.57 ``Erik wow, brlcad isn't dead, nor living out of his car anymore!
14:54.38 *** join/#brlcad deeeffache (
14:54.41 brlcad heh
16:51.18 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32596 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/plot.c: use the appropriate root instead of relying on a PATH search
17:08.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32597 10/brlcad/trunk/ (11 files in 5 dirs):
17:08.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: mged no longer requires that the PATH be set in order to run various commands
17:08.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: that get externally invoked under the hood (e.g. fbclear). this has come up
17:08.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: before, but was reminded by a forum post from Murray Blakeman (mblakeman). The
17:08.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: fix is to simply call bu_brlcad_root with the bin/command so that it does the
17:08.13 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: proper lookup.
17:13.24 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo___ (n=chatzill@
19:27.36 starseeker note to self: investigate possibility of a -printattr option for new find command
22:17.29 *** join/#brlcad punkrockgirl (
22:33.33 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=Ralith@

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