IRC log for #brlcad on 20080916

00:08.50 brlcad ~seen calito
00:08.59 ibot brlcad: i haven't seen 'calito'
00:10.51 starseeker brlcad: I've got name just looking at the object name, and path looking at the whole path string
00:11.10 brlcad yes, and? :)
00:11.27 starseeker doesn't that mean path isn't out of place?
00:11.29 brlcad like I said, I see the point .. but it's somewhat redundant
00:11.48 starseeker -not -name and -not -path will do different things...
00:11.56 starseeker well, it's easy enough to nuke
00:13.00 starseeker Unless you know of any other features needed, it may be time to turn the focus to -exec
00:15.01 brlcad something about -empty isn't sitting well with me
00:15.05 brlcad it's not really very general
00:15.30 brlcad but I can't think of why the general case would be needed atm or what exactly is so bothersome
00:15.41 starseeker nods
00:15.54 starseeker I think it actually addresses a bug request previously met with a tcl script
00:16.26 brlcad it's fine, I mean find has it too
00:16.33 brlcad it's just how it relates to primitives I think
00:16.39 brlcad what is an empty primitive
00:16.44 starseeker :-)
00:17.10 starseeker got me
00:17.16 brlcad actually somewhat well-defined for sketch, extrude, ebm, and dsp
00:17.29 brlcad kinda
00:17.51 starseeker you mean find sketch without data, or extrude without sketch, etc.?
00:17.55 brlcad right
00:17.59 brlcad maybe just always returns false
00:18.13 starseeker I think that's what i do now
00:18.21 brlcad really?
00:18.28 brlcad i thought you just checked if tree == null
00:18.35 starseeker yeah
00:18.44 brlcad then it'd always return true ;)
00:18.52 starseeker oh, you mean return false regardless of the -not option?
00:19.01 brlcad hm? no
00:19.21 starseeker right now, I check if the DIR_COMB flag is set before even trying to look for a tree
00:19.26 starseeker so primitives always get ignored
00:19.53 brlcad what does that mean wrt true/false?
00:20.03 starseeker if primitive, false
00:20.12 starseeker if combination with tree, false
00:20.14 brlcad hm, oki
00:20.18 starseeker if combination without tree, true
00:20.43 starseeker so a -not -empty spews back a lot of primitives too - you need to add a -type comb to filter them out
00:21.05 brlcad sure
00:21.31 starseeker That's what tutorials are good for :-)
00:21.48 brlcad what types did you end up implementing?
00:21.53 starseeker not that you need one, but for the rest of us mortals out here :-)
00:21.53 brlcad for -type
00:22.16 starseeker erm... - all the primitive types, plus combination and region
00:22.42 brlcad -type region ?
00:23.02 brlcad and -type combination or something else?
00:23.03 starseeker yes -type r or -type region get you the same thing
00:23.07 starseeker yep
00:23.10 brlcad k
00:23.18 starseeker -type comb and -type combination
00:23.25 brlcad -type c ?
00:23.27 brlcad :)
00:23.30 starseeker probably should
00:23.49 starseeker saves on typing
00:23.55 starseeker fires up vim...
00:25.39 brlcad there needs to be a way to get a list of objects at all four levels
00:25.55 brlcad you've got at least two (region, primitives)
00:26.06 brlcad how can the user get the other two?
00:26.12 starseeker combination and assembly?
00:26.33 brlcad combination == !primitive
00:26.44 starseeker right
00:26.54 brlcad which would be another useful one to have
00:27.10 starseeker -type comb doesn't do it?
00:27.11 brlcad -type primitive|prim|p
00:27.30 starseeker oh, a general primitive type match?
00:27.36 brlcad -type comb gets everything that's not a primitive, that's too much
00:27.43 brlcad that's three levels
00:28.06 starseeker actually, comb doesn't get regions
00:28.14 starseeker at least not the way I've got it set up
00:28.24 brlcad hm, that's no good :)
00:28.33 brlcad regions are combinations
00:29.16 starseeker right, but I was assuming at the user level if they want the set of all combinations they can do -type comb -and -type reg
00:29.37 brlcad i mean you could add -type assembly|a|group|g to get the topmost level
00:29.58 brlcad yeah, no .. don't do that
00:30.05 brlcad it starts screwing with the terminology
00:31.11 brlcad all the other commands and docs at least try to keep it clear that regions are combinations,
00:31.20 brlcad I would entirely expect a -type option to return them
00:31.31 starseeker ok
00:32.00 brlcad unless you named them nrc's or something, but then it's still ambiguous as to what you do about the third level (combinations below the region level)
00:32.18 starseeker I'll switch it - it's easy enough to do -type comb -not -type reg
00:32.58 starseeker awareness of where combinations are relative to regions is something else again
00:33.00 brlcad hm, won't that get levels 1 and 3
00:33.09 brlcad or just 1?
00:33.17 brlcad there's a good case for either
00:33.38 starseeker would get you 1 and 3
00:34.05 starseeker anything else requires awareness of position in tree depth relative to a region, and right now I don't have that
00:34.29 brlcad k
00:34.57 brlcad actually if you add a -type assembly|a option, you probably don't need the latter for level 3
00:35.26 brlcad since you can get level three with a double search once you have exec
00:35.40 starseeker right - combinations that are not assemblies would have to be the other group
00:36.00 brlcad oh, right .. just use the boolean
00:36.09 brlcad dont' even need a double search
00:36.39 starseeker -type comb -not -type region -not -type assembly
00:36.42 brlcad i was thinking something like: search . -type r -exec search {} -not -type p
00:36.58 starseeker that would work too, once exec is running
00:37.27 starseeker checking for assembly will take a bit of logic, but I think I've got it in namegen somewhere
00:37.56 starseeker let me fix combinations to report regions.
00:38.44 brlcad also should work, -not -type a -not -type r -not -type p
00:40.49 starseeker brlcad: Know what happened to CIA?
00:43.46 starseeker OK. So we can get all primitives with search -not -type comb
00:43.48 brlcad kicks CIA-4
00:43.48 CIA-4 ow
00:44.05 starseeker don't tell me my commit didn't go through...
00:44.10 brlcad it did
00:44.17 brlcad you're not on the commits list?
00:44.34 starseeker Get all regions with search -type reg
00:45.04 starseeker Get all combinations above and below the region level with search -type comb ! -type reg
00:45.13 starseeker Yep, assembly will do it
00:45.19 starseeker hunts up namegen...
00:47.13 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
00:47.34 starseeker brlcad: will db_functree give me everything below the tree if I supply it a dp, or do I need to walk the tree?
00:48.37 brlcad what do you mean?
00:49.05 brlcad it will call the comb or prim callback
00:51.22 starseeker right, but for an assembly check I need to know if any of the combinations below the target combination are regions
00:53.05 brlcad hm, i've implemented that before somewhere .....
00:53.38 brlcad ouch.. lap top hot
00:53.57 brlcad importing half a million points into the point primitive is taking .. a while
00:55.06 starseeker ow
00:55.20 starseeker IO limited, or just lack of optimization?
00:55.53 brlcad not i/o
00:56.31 brlcad probably a non-linear cost in there somewhere
00:59.27 brlcad mm, actually, looks like it's maybe just horribly inefficient command-line processing
01:04.09 brlcad heh, glob_compat_mode expansion
01:06.30 starseeker ~lart glob_compat_mode expasion
01:06.30 ibot strangles glob_compat_mode expasion with a 9-pole serial cable
01:07.21 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
01:08.08 brlcad ahh, and that'd be the N^2
01:08.30 brlcad my input point data set is one point per line
01:09.18 brlcad it's using the "i need more" mode in mged for the 'in' command
01:09.39 brlcad so then for every point, it scans the entire previous resulting input thusfar for possible expansion
01:09.54 brlcad instead of just the portion being added
01:10.01 brlcad because of where that check actually occurs
01:11.08 brlcad so after about a half-hour, it's not even halfway done
01:12.42 brlcad tries without globbing and without incremental command input
01:13.03 starseeker owowow
01:26.28 brlcad 298 registered mged commands and only 239 listed through the help system
01:26.49 brlcad that sucks
01:27.01 brlcad 59 with absolutely no documentation
01:27.56 brlcad wants to get mged's total command count down to less than 200
01:28.45 brlcad eventually getting to less than 100
01:29.32 starseeker well, search may help a bit there
01:30.20 brlcad a little bit
01:31.15 brlcad wow, some commands have help, exist, and are *not* registered
01:31.30 Ralith O.o
01:31.31 brlcad gets the total "real" command count
01:33.40 brlcad 324 commands total
01:34.49 starseeker THINKS he has an assembly type check
01:34.51 brlcad so 85 are undocumented
01:37.06 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
01:37.42 starseeker commits
01:38.58 starseeker That was suspiciously easy
01:39.57 starseeker brlcad: Ok, modulo bugs, check
01:42.59 starseeker brlcad: Does the command count reduction mean I get to merge the sed and oed commands? :-)
01:44.01 starseeker needs to head home now
01:44.51 brlcad they're a prime candidate
01:53.51 brlcad Aaaaaannnnd.. kerrash
01:53.58 brlcad pnts_in failure
01:57.13 starseeker ow
02:03.58 starseeker you're laptop is going to go on strike ;-)
02:04.01 starseeker er your
02:04.08 starseeker slaps self awake
02:23.02 brlcad ponders a workout now that he knows he's not got to wake up so early
02:24.53 brlcad ~starseeker++
03:21.48 prasad_ ahh still at work
06:33.03 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 (n=CIA@
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08:29.31 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
09:37.39 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
09:46.18 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 (n=CIA@
09:53.28 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo__ (n=chatzill@
10:47.02 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:53.41 mafm hi
11:50.07 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:13.20 *** join/#brlcad starseeker_ (
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15:46.19 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 (n=CIA@
16:09.02 brlcad pokes CIA-4
16:09.09 brlcad hey mafm
16:09.14 brlcad get my messages?
16:12.31 mafm brlcad: which one, the one of the code?
16:12.39 brlcad about uploading your code
16:12.49 mafm yup, I already did
16:12.52 brlcad ah, great
16:13.37 mafm there are no more requirements for google, I think
16:16.40 *** join/#brlcad Nikty (n=nicholas@
16:18.00 *** part/#brlcad Nikty (n=nicholas@
16:32.00 mafm brlcad: did you test g3d yet?
16:53.37 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 (n=CIA@
18:11.32 brlcad mafm: yep!
18:11.37 brlcad looking great
18:11.46 brlcad took a little finagling, it was a long while back
18:12.48 mafm :)
18:12.59 mafm glad that you like it
18:13.26 mafm so we should talk some day about how to continue
18:32.16 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo__ (n=chatzill@
18:39.37 brlcad absolutely
18:40.03 brlcad i mean, I think the next step is to do full libged integration -- it'll be this week probably that the command wrapper is finished
18:40.15 brlcad letting you run pretty much any mged command
18:41.17 brlcad the next step would then be more gui work to make it look nice, fix some of the usability patterns
18:50.25 mafm I see
18:50.38 mafm is anybody going to start working on it immediately?
18:51.29 brlcad what is "it"?
18:51.32 brlcad this task, yes
18:51.47 mafm on g3d
18:51.49 mafm who?
18:52.07 brlcad me, bob, and now starseeker have been working on libged quite a bit
18:52.14 brlcad not g3d directly
18:52.26 brlcad it needs libged, so the efforts been there first
18:54.01 mafm is there any plan at all to have other ppl working on g3d in the next few weeks?
18:55.20 mafm I have to travel to Turkey for about a week, and then I was planning to have a bit of holidays if everything goes Ok
18:56.02 brlcad I doubt it, honestly there is about two months of concerted effort remaining on libged to complete it
18:56.27 mafm right
18:56.40 mafm otherwise I could start talking with the people to coordinate a bit
18:57.34 mafm btw, Ralith isn't coding AFAIK, I guess that he needs some motivation, time, or something
19:26.03 brlcad yeah, ebb and flow
19:26.18 brlcad been a really busy summer in many respects
19:32.29 mafm :)
19:32.34 mafm ok, so I go for today
19:32.37 mafm g'night
19:33.20 brlcad cya!
21:06.12 *** join/#brlcad pacman871 (
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22:51.14 *** join/#brlcad Silver (
22:59.07 *** join/#brlcad prasad_1 (
23:59.42 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (n=psilva@

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