IRC log for #brlcad on 20080924

00:01.35 PrezKennedy hm... long time ago
00:02.17 louipc wowzas
00:15.46 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
00:18.07 docelic_ hey folks I'm following mged tutorial.. When I run "in spkr.s tor 16 16 16 1 0 0 12 1", mged crashes with "Illegal instruction".. It's a 7.12.4 release compiled on Debian.. have any ideas? Btw, mged crashes but object is in the db, I see it with ls.. If I try to draw it, it also crashes... (But other objects like rpp, rec, etc. work correctly).
00:21.32 brlcad docelic_: yeah
00:21.58 brlcad there was a thread on the mailing list where an ingenious fellow traced down that problem
00:22.37 brlcad quite obscure and insideous, amounts to a compilation/configuration problem with SSE instructions
00:23.36 brlcad you apparently have hardware that doesn't support sse instructions, yet a compiler happy to generate binaries with sse instructiongs
00:24.12 brlcad the fix it to either obtain the latest from svn or edit and disable our SSE tests
00:24.21 docelic_ well, the system is Amd Athlon, and cat /proc/cpuinfo lists sse under flags
00:24.31 brlcad could be sse2
00:24.50 docelic_ that could be, yes.
00:25.16 brlcad edit, look for a section that says BC_COMPILER_AND_LINKER_RECOGNIZES([-msse2], [msse2], [nokeep])
00:25.41 brlcad comment out that entire block and then run "sh" to regenerate a new configure script
00:25.56 brlcad from there you should be able to rebuild as before
00:26.59 docelic_ sure... ok thanks, it'll be recompiling while I continue without speaker element..
00:27.08 brlcad sorry you had to run into that, we're trying to get another release out so it doesn't bite others
00:27.53 brlcad but we're also in the middle a big restructuring so it'll still be a week or two
00:28.59 docelic_ no probs,.. I'll get onto the ML later too
00:30.19 docelic_ btw, is TAB supposed to autocomplete or not in mged's tk window? I get bgerror failed to handle background error.
00:30.19 docelic_ , Original error: bad text index "--"
00:30.19 docelic_ , Error in bgerror: invalid command name "::swidgets::togglearrow"
00:31.04 brlcad it should autocomplete, works like a charm here
00:31.20 brlcad blinks in confusion at that error
00:31.47 docelic_ another error from TAB is:
00:31.52 docelic_ Error in bgerror: window name "_secErrorDialog" already exists in parent
00:31.55 brlcad mged doesn't even use swidgets
00:32.46 brlcad you're using mged and not archer, yes?
00:33.14 docelic_ yes, I run mged from cmdline and in the window title it says MGED 7.4.12 command window id_0
00:33.38 brlcad hrm, never heard of that happening before
00:33.51 brlcad so you just hit tab and it pops up a dialog with that error?
00:33.57 brlcad or it displays in the command window?
00:33.57 docelic_ yes
00:34.31 docelic_ (hit tab and it inserts that in cmdwindow)
00:34.39 brlcad do you have tab bound to something/anything in your window manager?
00:34.52 docelic_ nope, works normally in i.e. xterm
00:35.12 brlcad can you upload that .g somewhere?
00:35.42 brlcad actually first, does it happen with any/all .g files?
00:35.49 brlcad or just the one you're working on
00:35.58 docelic_ yes, I was about to say -- it happens on empty .g too
00:36.46 docelic_ first time it pops up it says about ::swidgets::togglearrow like I pasted above, then on all futher TABs it prints about _secErrorDialog ...
00:36.58 docelic_ s/pops up/displays/
00:37.29 brlcad try running: mged -c
00:37.38 brlcad press enter (for nu)
00:37.51 docelic_ works there
00:37.54 brlcad then etab]
00:38.12 brlcad sry, e[tab]
00:38.28 brlcad should display something like: e e_muves eac echo edcodes edcolor edcomb edgedir edmater em eqn erase erase_all ev exit expand extrude eye_pt
00:38.39 docelic_ yes, it works there
00:38.51 brlcad so try again without the -c
00:38.56 brlcad and no database open
00:39.36 docelic_ doesn't work (same 2 errors -- swidgets and _secErrorDialog)
00:40.31 docelic_ does it depend on what libs mged links to during compile?
00:40.54 docelic_ btw, is there a 'draw all' command?
00:41.00 brlcad it "shouldn't", at least nothing that I can think of that would cause that problem
00:41.12 brlcad only if there is an 'all' object in the database
00:41.22 brlcad the 'tops' command will list the top-level objects
00:41.31 brlcad you usually want to draw one of those
00:41.31 docelic_ no I mean something that would draw all objects at once
00:41.39 docelic_ ah, :)
00:41.42 docelic_ got it draw *
00:41.50 brlcad draw * is very evil... :)
00:42.09 starseeker check in from c++ land
00:42.10 docelic_ sure but not for a radio that's missing a tor element :)
00:42.12 brlcad that's drawing every primitive, every combination that uses those primitives, every assembly of every combination, etc
00:42.29 brlcad i.e. drawing everything many many times over
00:42.43 brlcad hardly ever what you really want
00:43.19 brlcad there's a geometry browser on the tools menu for pointy-clickedness
00:44.30 brlcad otherwise the usual command-line way is like on the unix cmd line with 'tops' and 'l' letting you traverse a hierarchy listing
00:44.45 brlcad the tree command often helps too
00:44.55 brlcad there's an mged quick reference sheet that spells a lot of this out
00:45.05 brlcad howdy starseeker
00:45.10 brlcad how's it been so far?
00:46.19 starseeker nice
00:46.26 starseeker fairly basic, but already some good stuff
00:46.48 starseeker commute is murder
00:49.43 starseeker brlcad: From an html documentation standpoint - what's your take on the table column width? Is it ok to leave it free floating?
00:49.43 yukonbob thought "meat is murder"
00:49.43 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32744 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS:
00:49.44 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: docelic reported that mged (on debian) displays an swidgets error when tab is
00:49.44 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: pressed. The problem was noticed on 7.12.4 and happens regardless of there
00:49.44 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: being a db opened or not. The problem does not occur in classic mode.
00:50.46 brlcad starseeker: in general, I abhore fixed width layouts that don't utilize available space
00:50.58 brlcad so free floating sounds fine with me
00:51.05 brlcad unless I misunderstand you of course
00:51.22 starseeker Possibly. Did you take a look at the html version of search.html on bz?
00:51.35 brlcad yep
00:51.50 starseeker If you look at the tables, you'll notice the column widths aren't uniform
00:51.52 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
00:51.59 starseeker they match the widest text in each row
00:52.02 starseeker er column
00:52.06 brlcad ah, that kind of alignment
00:52.29 starseeker Oddly enough, I think the fo->pdf conversion does handle it
00:52.31 brlcad ambivalent for that kind of plain conversion
00:52.51 brlcad that could be set up with a single css file
00:52.56 starseeker it apparently needs an xslt processor with support for some kind of extension
00:53.01 starseeker ah :-)
00:53.05 starseeker hadn't considered that
00:53.08 brlcad nah, I bet they just leave it to css
00:53.33 brlcad you're just seeing a default html4 table style
00:53.41 starseeker nods
00:54.10 starseeker docbook supports a colspec attribute for tables which is somewhat annoying but can be used to set the relative (or absolute) width of the columns
00:54.24 brlcad yeah, looking at the sources, it's fully span/divified, just no css to format anything
00:54.31 starseeker apparently saxon and xalan can translate that into html table output, although I've yet to test it
00:55.03 starseeker nods. I hadn't considered the css route - that might make more sense if it can be slipped into the template
00:55.41 starseeker is afraid he's picking up brlcad's taste for perfectionism in quality ;-)
00:56.12 brlcad tis a painful disease
00:57.42 docelic_ you can specify html.stylesheet parameter for auto-including a reference to css..
00:57.54 docelic_ (works with xml only, sgml requires manual hack to put that in)
00:58.10 brlcad ah right, docelic_ you're a regular on #docbook aren't you
00:58.46 starseeker docelic_: That's a good idea. I know I'm eventually going to have to start making custom xsl overlays (the nirt docs ALREADY require it) but I've yet to sort out the mechanisms of doing that with basic xsltproc
00:58.48 docelic_ ay ay
00:58.54 brlcad thought your name was familiar, more than just being a lurker in here :)
01:00.22 starseeker sighs in relief - that leaves fop/pdf support as the only other thing needing configure support, and that should be quite simple now that I understand the basics
01:00.51 starseeker <evil grin> maybe I can even start building pdf vol II and vol III tonight yet :-)
01:01.54 starseeker brlcad: Oh - is it ok to build html and man by default without providing a user option to turn off one or the other? I wouldn't worry except the time factor is significant and then some
01:02.16 starseeker build time
01:02.34 brlcad starseeker: that would be awesomeness
01:03.57 brlcad (that is, being able to build them tonight) :)
01:04.05 starseeker :-)
01:04.42 brlcad as for building them by default, it has to be all smooth and auto-detecting to be on by default, regardless of having a switch
01:05.45 starseeker Oh, that part's OK (I think) already - the trick is there isn't really a way to detect that the user only wants html or man format ;-)
01:06.03 brlcad i'd like to do a release with default off first, unless it really is cross-platform tested everywhere
01:06.08 brlcad oh you mean together
01:06.11 starseeker right
01:06.14 brlcad hell, sure --
01:06.36 brlcad I don't think there needs to be anything more than --enable-docs and --disable-docs
01:06.44 starseeker OK :-)
01:06.53 brlcad if they want more granular than than, they can rm the files they don't want
01:07.04 brlcad s/than than/than that/
01:07.27 starseeker nods. I just figured saving ~20 mintes of build time (for the full set) of an unwanted format might be appreciated
01:07.43 brlcad nah, they asked for docs
01:07.45 brlcad they get docs
01:08.52 starseeker lol
01:09.08 brlcad I'd like txt, man, html-single, html-multi, and pdf by default myself
01:10.18 starseeker <grin> I'll see what I can do
01:11.23 docelic_ 30
01:11.35 starseeker 30?
01:11.56 docelic_ that should've been an input for mged
01:12.09 starseeker Ah :-)
01:21.09 brlcad 31!
01:28.54 brlcad starseeker: heh, you can see an example of what happens if I just drop in that crazy orange css template I use on the ideas page
01:28.58 brlcad
01:29.19 starseeker eeeeeep
01:29.33 starseeker It's the Halloween man page
01:29.58 brlcad neat, the links actually work
01:30.23 brlcad though the a.hover is a bit annoying :)
01:30.36 starseeker heh
01:31.18 brlcad heads out
01:31.27 starseeker can automake handle nested ifs?
01:31.35 starseeker oh, sorry - nevermind
01:31.38 brlcad it's not pretty
01:32.01 brlcad see src/ for an example
01:32.26 brlcad it's very duplicative and can be confusing given we support 1.6
01:33.02 starseeker what about something like if BUILD_DOCBOOK && !BUILD_DOCBOOK_PDF ?
01:34.41 CIA-4 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r372 10/trunk/libirc/ (6 files in 2 dirs): add invite event
01:42.07 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennnedy (
01:53.07 *** join/#brlcad cad35 (
02:27.02 starseeker ``Erik: What was the trick again about using something like .fop.pdf: to get an automatic calling of dependency in a
02:27.10 starseeker I can't even get fop to RUN
03:24.05 starseeker grrrrrr
03:51.07 starseeker ``Erik: Help. Apparently the previous success at building html was a fluke, since I can't duplicate it for html + pdf. The current I'm trying is here: and the ONLY thing it builds right now are the man pages. What am I doing wrong?
04:09.31 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
04:18.30 brlcad starseeker: nope, only supports simple single-symbol syntax
04:25.27 brlcad starseeker: looks like there's several things wrong with that
04:26.22 brlcad including some basic typos (e.g., mac1DOCBOOK)
04:34.48 brlcad you should test each of your build rules one at a time, individually
04:59.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32745 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: improved DSP tessellation now also honors cut type and handles zero values
05:01.58 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32746 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: Mouse cursor turns into a huge yellow-translucent arrow when running MGED through remote X11
09:10.40 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
09:10.40 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || The 2008 Google Summer of Code is complete! -- Thanks deserved to all of our students! || (Source) Release 7.12.6 posted 2008-08-19 || Mailing lists are now reply-to-list instead of reply-to-sender by default
10:45.26 starseeker turns bright red
10:45.46 starseeker brlcad: thanks - that mac1DOCBOOK was most of the problem, evidently
11:08.18 starseeker brlcad: That yellow-translucent arrow happens on Netscape too, IIRC. I looked that up - it has something to do with X11 on MacOSX, if I remember right - I don't think it's MGED's fault specifically
11:10.21 *** join/#brlcad archivist_emc (
11:13.44 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32747 10/brlcad/trunk/ ( doc/docbook/system/man1/ Add support for building pdf versions of Docbook files via Apache FOP
11:15.13 starseeker note to self - do not attempt makefile logic when too tired to keep eyes open
11:18.05 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32748 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/ Use proper variables instead of hardcoding the extensions.
11:44.32 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
11:50.08 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
11:55.34 brlcad starseeker: it's not, but there's a simple fix for mged that works around the problem
11:55.57 brlcad it ends up sending the cursor over with the wrong byte encoding, making it look fugly
11:56.21 brlcad so if you set it to something, the local X server you're connecting through gets to display it (correctly)
11:56.32 brlcad jim hunt somehow figured that out for mged
12:03.03 clock_ what's going on with these 700 billion dollars in the US?
12:05.45 brlcad clock_: the gov't is buying everyone new ipods
12:06.36 clock_ I was like surfing for 3 weeks so it went past me
12:34.31 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:35.01 docelic hey folks is brlterm still an active thing or it's been removed in recent versions?
12:36.29 brlcad brlterm?
12:37.59 docelic ah I see.. that thing exists but it's not related to brlcad...
12:38.57 docelic in any case, someone made debian package for brlcad, and it installs those hundreds of executables into /usr/bin.. I was thinking if a shell wrapper could be made which adds a non-system bin path to your PATH when you enter it
12:39.15 docelic similar to how grass does it.. when you run it, you have tools from /usr/lib/grass/.../scripts/ in your path
12:39.59 brlcad ah, the debian wrapper thing..
12:40.29 brlcad yeah, that would be great actually
12:40.40 brlcad having a brl-cad terminal is actually on our todo list
12:41.41 brlcad the idea being an actual double-clickable terminal app that would provide the same posix environment cross-platform (so I can get a goddamn decent console on Windows g'dammit)
12:42.34 brlcad and it'd set up the PATH, MANPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and whatever else is needed to allow for relocation (if it's a system like Mac OS X where that becomes trivial)
12:43.18 docelic right.. are there some notes written about it? (besides just todo item)
12:46.22 brlcad mm, somewhere
12:46.33 brlcad you interested in working on it?
12:47.18 brlcad it's not terribly complicated, the hardest part is how to get a tty on systems that don't have one :)
12:47.18 docelic sure
12:48.42 brlcad i'll see if I can get some notes up into the wiki later today (in about 4-6 hours)
12:49.02 docelic cool
12:49.17 brlcad it is pretty simple, though (intentionally), and could easily be done without any notes ;)
12:49.54 brlcad it'd sort of be a way to provide a command-line and a graphical launcher all in one "app"
12:50.40 brlcad could even call the thing "BRL-CAD" and it'd be the one double-clickable application that gets installed (maybe one of two)
12:51.16 brlcad with a means to launch mged or start issuing command-line commands right there in the console
12:53.30 docelic yes.. well as I see it, what could be done is just find a shell that compiles on all platforms supported by brlcad.. compile it together with brlcad and provide a default shell config file which sets all the things needed..
12:54.11 docelic and ideally the shell would be just a tar.gz from upstream which can be replaced by user with newer/older version before compile, and the build system wouldn't care
12:54.52 docelic or even better,
12:55.51 docelic for platforms that do have good shells on their own, just create config files, and user or install procedure can make a shortcut brlcad -> this_shell -config brlcad.cfg
12:55.58 brlcad docelic: have you tried looking for such a shell? :)
12:56.44 brlcad harder than you'd think, at least without pulling in a massive dependency chain like kde or cygwin
12:57.17 docelic you wouldn't like cygwin for windows? what if a person could download binary build of the cygwin-based shell?
12:57.31 docelic (unrelated to brlcad)
12:57.50 brlcad it's alright if you're going to do everything through them
12:58.22 brlcad i wouldn't mix msvc compilation in along with a cygwin-built terminal though
12:58.51 brlcad and most windows devs I know aren't too fond of having anything to do with cygwin
12:59.05 brlcad unless they're unix devs just using windows because they have to :)
12:59.08 docelic I believe that :)
12:59.15 docelic k bb later
12:59.20 brlcad cya
13:22.34 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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13:23.04 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 (n=CIA@
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15:33.35 yukonbob morning, cadheads
15:33.53 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
15:36.51 docelic oi yb
15:57.25 brlcad howdy yukonbob
15:57.35 brlcad gut en tag
16:00.04 *** join/#brlcad i (n=asus@
16:02.41 i What if i want to revolve a line, which represents a shaft's half-symmetry? I think i have two choices: 1 sketch mode and 2 solid modeling. Am I right?
16:03.46 i !brlcad
16:04.18 brlcad hi i
16:04.29 i hi
16:04.57 i Am i right that solid modelling shall be used in this case, in BRLCAD?
16:05.12 brlcad i: solid modeling approach is used throughout brl-cad
16:05.46 brlcad i: hold on a sec (on phone)
16:06.22 i and i can not e.g. revolve relatively precise lines around an axis as in e.g. AutoCAD? Well, i do't really need it...
16:08.16 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
16:12.10 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
16:27.35 iandaletter brlcad do not support export into different file formats as e.g. iges... I need to build it with Open Cascade support. Is it much to download? Is it a separate source tarball?
16:35.29 docelic how are binary builds for downloads done? is there a makefile command that comes up with the ready-made tarball or?
16:36.44 prasad_1
16:38.38 iandaletter is it hard to build brlcad with open.cascade support? Is there much to download? or only few megabytes?
16:39.32 docelic
16:41.48 iandaletter docelic: tarball, ./configure, make, make install, ubuntu needs m4, bison, flex and xorg-dev with its dependencies.
16:42.13 iandaletter and more or less... e.g. open cascade to support iges...
16:42.45 docelic iandaletter, no, I'm asking how are the tarballs are made, not how to compile source from them
16:45.01 iandaletter .tar, which is bzipped, extract it in home directory, cd into it, in terminal, write './configure', then 'make', then 'sudo make install'
16:45.22 iandaletter
16:46.06 docelic iandaletter, and then what? bzip the resulting installation from /usr/local?
16:49.51 iandaletter no, it installs by default into /usr/brlcad after 'sudo make install' - and all u need is to edit .bashrc into your home folder, as 'cd', then 'gedit .bashrc', addinto the end of the file: 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/brlcad/bin', and then e.g. reboot to let system to read that changed .bashrc and tipe in terminal 'mged'
16:50.15 docelic dude, iandaletter , you completely do not understand what I am asking
16:51.48 iandaletter oh! yeah! wait...
16:52.43 iandaletter well... i'd just downloaded some old 32-bits source tarball...
16:56.49 iandaletter though, i'm able to add the path /usr/brlcad/bin contains over 400 programs, where oone is mged - it is a multidesktop graphical editing
16:58.27 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:15.25 docelic in brlcad 7.10 for irix , how do I get the geometry window to show up? I can add solids and call draw, but there's no window in which it draws
17:20.27 iandaletter when you start mged, you can "put a database to disk" thru 'mged -n new01.g' - why do you need it? it would ask you to chose between nu | X | gl, where e.g. X is an x window system's "private Rayan" Well, this operation shows you wheter you're able to chose between "nu" option (which means no graphics at all) and at least anything else...
17:22.39 docelic aha, ok.. well then must be that this thing is compiled with 'nu' option only, cause that's the only option I get.
17:24.29 iandaletter i bet, e.g. Ubuntu needs xorg-dev with its dependencies, totally about 5 mb to download... Probably, GL in ubuntu needs flgrx
17:24.33 iandaletter !flgrx
17:24.59 docelic i'm about sure you spelled it wrong
17:25.00 iandaletter uh... don't know anything about both irix and GL
17:25.54 iandaletter yes, ask 'ubuntu' at - he's a bot, he answers qestions
17:41.40 iandaletter i meant ubottu
17:41.43 *** part/#brlcad iandaletter (n=asus@
18:22.45 brlcad wows at the previous chatter
18:49.52 louipc fglrx
19:03.27 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
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21:46.03 *** join/#brlcad jjsimon (
21:47.54 jjsimon Hello, I was wondering if anyone could point me to documentation on writing a plugin for BRL-CAD? I'm working with a group of students on a sound modelling addon/program to/using BRL-CAD. Any advice is appreciated.
21:49.45 jjsimon I guess I should ask if writing a plugin is even viable...I see a plugins option in Archer, but not in MGED
22:06.59 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
22:29.19 brlcad jjsimon: howdy
22:30.24 brlcad jjsimon: mged plugins are more straightforward for mged, though it depends on what sort of extension you want to write (compiled vs scripted vs hybrid)
22:33.59 brlcad jjsimon: the basic first-level "plugin"/extension for mged is just a tcl script -- you can see an example of one such extension in mged under the Tools -> Geometry Browser menu item
22:35.24 brlcad compiled extensions are a little more involved but either amount to making new commands or run-time loadable extensions via a pkg binding interface (which are also tcl-loadable modules)
22:36.25 brlcad for your sound modeling project, I would expect that to involve a bit of a hybrid approach where you'd have an external program that does some work and a tcl interface in mged to present the results
22:42.13 *** join/#brlcad jjsimon-mtu (
22:42.21 jjsimon-mtu sorry, got DC'd
22:42.36 jjsimon-mtu also lost the reply :-/
22:42.47 jjsimon-mtu if you could copy/paste it, I'd appreciate it
22:43.06 brlcad 18:34 <@brlcad> jjsimon: mged plugins are more straightforward for mged, though it depends on what sort of extension you want to write (compiled vs scripted vs hybrid)
22:43.09 brlcad 18:37 <@brlcad> jjsimon: the basic first-level "plugin"/extension for mged is just a tcl script -- you can see an example of one such extension in mged under the Tools -> Geometry Browser menu item
22:43.13 brlcad 18:39 <@brlcad> compiled extensions are a little more involved but either amount to making new commands or run-time loadable extensions via a pkg binding interface (which are also tcl-loadable modules)
22:43.17 brlcad 18:40 <@brlcad> for your sound modeling project, I would expect that to involve a bit of a hybrid approach where you'd have an external program that does some work and a tcl interface in mged to present the results
22:44.10 jjsimon-mtu hm...well, we're starting out simple. The idea is to model a simple room with multiple sound sources...use ray tracing to model the reflections and analyze the interference
22:44.30 brlcad nods
22:45.23 brlcad examples of codes that do similar tasks are in src/rt (the various view*.c files are all separate programs) as well as src/rttherm
22:45.38 jjsimon-mtu excellent
22:45.45 jjsimon-mtu thanks a lot
22:45.47 jjsimon-mtu one more question
22:45.49 brlcad src/rt/rtexample.c is a simple starting point for writing a ray-trace application
22:46.07 jjsimon-mtu I saw jbrlcad in the SVN, how stable/usable is that?
22:46.17 jjsimon-mtu assuming it's a Java port)
22:46.18 brlcad the src/rt/view*.c programs utilize the "RT" application interface
22:46.40 brlcad yeah, it's the start of a java port of the core ray-trace library
22:46.49 brlcad it was more a proof of concept
22:47.49 brlcad it just implements a couple primitives, nothing complex, and uses a much simpler boolean evaluation method that is a couple orders of magnitude slower than what librt does
22:48.01 jjsimon-mtu ah ok, so stick to the C version...I noticed, on the wiki, mention C++ wrapper for the core libs, is that under development or actually usable? If usable, where can I find more info about it?
22:48.14 jjsimon-mtu *mention of a
22:48.14 brlcad there is a JNI interface to some of librt
22:48.43 brlcad see src/java
22:49.18 brlcad but yeah, I would recommend sticking to c/c++
22:49.36 louipc oh wow I thought jbrlcad was just java bindings
22:49.37 brlcad the c++ wrapper is bleeding-edge active development so I wouldn't recommend trying it
22:50.12 jjsimon-mtu Alright, thanks a ton, I'll poke around the wiki for more info
22:50.30 brlcad otherwise, the C++ interface does already exist and is being used by a couple 3rd party projects
22:50.44 brlcad if you do want to give it a go, it's in the rt^3 module
22:51.16 brlcad which also has two other development activities (new modeler interface and geometry service interface), so consider yourself forewarned :)
22:51.47 jjsimon-mtu :) thanks, I'm sure I'll be around here quite a bit over the next few months
22:51.50 brlcad jjsimon-mtu: sure, I'm usually here as are several others than can answer the coding questions
22:51.55 brlcad cool
22:52.26 brlcad louipc: yeah, it's a complete transposition by one of the core devs from C into Java
22:53.04 ``Erik no, jbrlcad doesn't touch brlcad at all, the only link is the toplevel repo and some overlap in file format and role O.o
22:53.15 brlcad our C api is already very naturally designed into categories of data processing routines which translates very well into an object-oriented layout with encapsulation
22:54.27 brlcad he implemented most of our low-level database I/O and proceeded on to ray-tracing and started implementing primitives, translating the code into Java along the way
22:54.38 brlcad iirc, he stopped when he got to the torus..
22:54.56 ``Erik jim's dorked with it some since, but nothing of serious consequence
22:55.39 brlcad the torus is one of the first primitives that requires a polynomial root solver for evaluating the ray intersection, that was another 10k chunk of code in its own right so he stopped :)
22:55.50 ``Erik as far as plugins, that's not a special category since our core isn't closed source, code is code :) where it comes from isn't particularly relevant
22:56.59 ``Erik (though I do plan on making plugins in the adrt shtuff so C stuff can be added and removed from a running instance)
23:00.21 brlcad how's the rippage going?
23:08.50 ``Erik ripwhathuh?
23:11.43 brlcad on adrt
23:11.49 brlcad derippage?
23:11.55 brlcad reparage?
23:16.52 ``Erik ah, I had a brain off day today, the current state is what's in the repo
23:17.29 ``Erik all forks are re-merged, split and shot don't work yet
23:17.44 ``Erik (I think it's protocol mismatch)

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