IRC log for #brlcad on 20081001

00:08.18 starseeker YEEEESSSSS!!!!
00:12.29 starseeker which is not to say that it doesn't need a lot of work, but the basic machinery is now functional. Thanks brlcad!
00:12.29 ``Erik holy crap, I got a title and team in ae, crap, now they'll expect me to do something
00:12.38 starseeker heh
00:12.49 ``Erik oh, uh, hey cliff, uh, still need automake help? :D
00:12.52 claymore loves his wife. She bought Ironman and SHE wants to watch it. *love*
00:13.06 claymore who the hell put you in charge?!?!?!?
00:13.36 starseeker ``Erik: Actually, yes :-). How do I teach automake to identify and install all the output files from a chunked html docbook translation?
00:13.46 ``Erik I was thinking "R0x like Br0X" for the title, but they gave me "R0x your S0X Br0X" or something
00:14.00 ``Erik chunked how?
00:14.03 ``Erik lemme upgrade...
00:14.36 claymore Thats got a dr seuss ring to it Erik...
00:14.37 starseeker docbook supports two basic modes of producing html documents - "all in one" and "one file per chapter/section/etc." the latter is known as chunked
00:15.04 ``Erik ok, I've done sectioned things using the latex2html system
00:15.24 starseeker basically I feed it a different stylesheet - that part's OK - but the filenames are random
00:15.26 Ralith mm, LaTeX
00:15.39 claymore Ralith: lol, beat me to it.
00:15.39 ``Erik random?
00:15.40 starseeker well, as far as automake knows anyhow
00:15.59 ``Erik is there a common file that you know will exist and be able to do path name globbing?
00:16.00 starseeker based on the chapter/section names probably
00:16.11 starseeker output file?
00:16.18 starseeker or input file?
00:16.23 ``Erik output
00:16.25 ``Erik like
00:16.32 ``Erik index.html: crap.xml
00:16.34 starseeker not to my knowledge, except maybe index.html
00:16.51 starseeker hang on, let me do some down and dirty testing...
00:16.57 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
00:17.22 ``Erik you might have to abuse the uninstall hook to clean up properly, though
00:19.37 ``Erik "(RSQ) R0X ur S0X Br0X" heh
00:19.40 starseeker er - are you thinking take index.html and follow all its links to install?
00:20.29 ``Erik I'm thinking that your xml will generate index.html, which should be sufficient to generate support files, and you can do fugly globbing to handle all the incidentals
00:20.49 starseeker I take it there's no "non-fugly" way?
00:20.51 ``Erik but it won't be "right" unless you can explicitely name all the generated ones
00:21.01 starseeker like "watch all the output from running this operation and install it?"
00:21.10 ``Erik uh, no, :(
00:21.19 starseeker darn it
00:21.26 starseeker why not? ;-)
00:22.07 starseeker probably CAN collect all the chunked names, given enough braincells lost to boredom
00:22.11 ``Erik well, how the hell do you know what random program xyz outputs when it's non-uniform?
00:22.31 ``Erik now if you felt like being horribly gauche, you could collect output and regenerate the makeful with that information
00:22.42 starseeker simple - save a list of all files in the directory, then do a diff after the command is run. Anything new is output
00:22.57 ``Erik otherwise, you need to simply know the output and sync your .am
00:23.06 starseeker nods
00:23.10 starseeker was afraid of that
00:23.31 ``Erik it's a non-recursive evaluation, think of it as a single pass operation
00:24.03 starseeker bah - need a lisp build system. This would be child's play
00:24.21 ``Erik yes, this is not lispy, this is simple shell scripts
00:24.58 ``Erik lisp has the zomfg awesome of freakin' recursively evaluated macros, C doesn't do that, and this is even further off in the wrong direction :D
00:25.01 starseeker wonders how the rest of the world solves this problem
00:25.27 ``Erik uh, fugly hacks or knowing all the generated files and maintaining a solid am file?
00:25.35 starseeker blegh
00:25.35 ``Erik 99% of the world would say "uh, don't do that"
00:25.36 ``Erik :)
00:25.55 starseeker generate chunks in the first place you mean?
00:26.23 ``Erik I honestly can't see this stuff being nondeterministic
00:26.51 ``Erik I think you're just expecting too much automagic, if you change a section name, update the am file to reflect that... no?
00:26.59 starseeker Oh, I'm quite sure it's deterministic. It's just the idea of a big laundry list doesn't appeal
00:27.20 ``Erik <-- points to several places where we have big laundry lists in BRL-CAD's autofu
00:27.54 starseeker objects to doing things computers can (or at least should) be able to do.
00:29.07 ``Erik ok. You must know the output of every program in existance, ever. Without getting to look at docs or try running them.
00:29.27 ``Erik due to the pipelined trivial nature of the auto* approach, that is the issue :)
00:29.49 ``Erik given any possible data set as input.
00:29.57 ``Erik :D
00:46.32 starseeker Heh. Before and after diffs on the directory are fine unless you get side cruft generated, but nevermind
01:06.05 ``Erik many programs generate side cruft
01:17.00 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
01:17.00 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || The 2008 Google Summer of Code is complete! -- Thanks deserved to all of our students! || (Source) Release 7.12.6 posted 2008-08-19 || Mailing lists are now reply-to-list instead of reply-to-sender by default
05:51.41 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:01.37 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:02.00 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:34.58 claymore me yawns.
08:35.01 claymore Mornin all.
08:49.05 ``Erik you wake up far too early.
08:51.49 ``Erik tegan and sarah.. they're not pretty,but they make good music
08:52.54 *** join/#brlcad iandaletter (n=asus@
09:31.11 *** join/#brlcad archivist_emc (
10:31.17 claymore Well it appears you wake up too early also :)
10:31.32 iandaletter me?
10:31.50 iandaletter it is rather evening...
10:32.11 claymore well i was talking at Erik, but hi!
10:32.24 iandaletter hi
10:34.47 claymore Erik as for their music... its okay. That song 'back in your head' drives me insane... too squeak of a voice. 'Speak slow' is rock enough that I actually like it.
10:35.14 claymore And the looks, eh, I believe the category they fall into is 'bag & tag' ;)
10:36.53 claymore iandaletter: Whereabouts are you located?
10:37.09 iandaletter пье +7
10:37.14 iandaletter gmt +7
10:37.46 iandaletter ending up translating QCAD's manual
10:38.15 clock_ iandaletter: QCAD the 2D editor from Switzerland?
10:38.19 claymore what for?
10:38.21 iandaletter claymore: are you a student?
10:38.54 iandaletter clock_: yes, and it seems it loads 3D dxf as orthogonal view - but i'm not sure
10:39.08 clock_ orthogonal view?
10:39.13 iandaletter claymore: i'm graduated student...
10:40.05 iandaletter clock_: probably it fully support dxf, but it's a 2D editor - XY plane can be saved, but i'm not sure
10:40.46 claymore ianda:negative ghost rider, I am a oldguy. Done did gradjiated and have to work the rest of my life now :)
10:41.45 iandaletter claymore: clay more - you probably love off-road or it's a name of a city?
10:42.27 claymore gmt +7 = China, mongolia, russia ...?
10:42.37 iandaletter russia
10:42.47 iandaletter
10:42.54 iandaletter my university
10:43.07 claymore Actually, 'Claymore' is just an internet handle I have had since I was a weee lad. Base on the Scottish Two Handed Sword.
10:43.54 iandaletter claymore: i thought it means "Waha!.. more clay after the rain (under my wheels)!.."
10:44.45 claymore ianda: Very well could mean that :) I just never heard that. I DO own a jeep and like to go off road evern now and then...
10:45.24 clock_ claymore: some people go off road without a jeep - in a sharp curve in a rain, after a lot of drinking...
10:46.13 claymore lol, not I. I don't drink and never will. Lost 2 good friends in High School to drugs & alcohol...
10:46.29 iandaletter i own a motorbike, heavy one.. like to ride it to e.g. scrambler thru muddy road after rains and so on... When on asphalt tires - it's fun...
10:46.35 claymore I go offroad on purpose and in a rather controlled manner ;)
10:46.55 iandaletter lol... sharp curve
10:47.19 clock_ claymore: did they die from drugs and alcohol?
10:47.41 claymore yes they did.
10:47.48 clock_ heroin?
10:48.41 iandaletter claymore: why developers of brl-cad have not included some new features, as e.g. automatic dimensioning?
10:49.39 iandaletter clock_: "hero in" - and it's usually not so... it is "you + drugs" Why don't they call heroin as "youdrugs"?
10:49.47 claymore Father came home drunk and high on something, i don't know if they ever found out what, but had a shotgun and was looking to kill his wife. Mistook his daughter for his wife.
10:50.51 clock_ claymore: oops
10:51.30 clock_ claymore: what happened afterwards with the father?
10:51.51 claymore iandaletter: When it comes to features added into brlcad, well, its a matter of person-hours... there just isn't enough coders to go around ;)
10:52.14 iandaletter claymore: it's bad a bad opportunity to get fire weapons easily. In Russia, lots of people vote "no" for it. But "our capitalists" still want it, though
10:52.21 claymore clock: Prison, haven't heard from him since. Don't care to either.
10:52.38 clock_ claymore: and mother?
10:52.40 iandaletter claymore: ok, i thought it
10:53.11 iandaletter clock_: don't sure mother is happy
10:53.26 claymore clock_: She committed suicide shortly thereafter.
10:53.32 clock_ no wonder
10:54.19 clock_ so effectively the family disappeared from the surface of earth?
10:54.58 claymore pretty much.
10:55.39 claymore its a said story, sure, but that was many years ago now. Just the reason why i have never and will never partake. *shurgs*
10:55.56 clock_ how many years do you get in the US for shotgunning down your own daughter?
10:56.09 clock_ claymore: partake == got to parties?
10:56.25 iandaletter Drugs 'fresh' up their mind, but they don't pleasure in life. Instead, they try to resolve old problems. Or sit and wait for drug intake - when the problems actually begins - in relations or smth.
10:56.51 claymore Murder no longer commands the death sentence, so he will be out in about another 10 years. I think he did 25 total.
10:57.10 clock_ So then he can find another woman and the story can repeat
10:57.32 clock_ If the wife added one homicide to the suicide, she could have prevented this.
10:57.36 claymore partake == go to parties, but not drink. I usually end up being the designated driver... which is lots of fun by itself :)
10:57.54 claymore If he makes it out alive... the prisons are not nice to child killers.
10:58.20 clock_ she was a child at that time?
10:58.31 iandaletter clock_: "partake" = to take a part of
10:58.34 claymore Grief makes people do very irrational things.
10:59.17 claymore Yes, she was 12 or 13 at the time. We had known eachother since we were babies.
11:00.42 clock_ why did the father want to kill the mother?
11:01.06 clock_ that's not how a harmonic family works, I'd guess
11:01.50 claymore Who knows. He was drunk and high on some drug. He probably didn't even know, just seemed like good idea probably. The mother and daugther were wonderful people. The mother just picked a bad apple when it came to husbands.
11:02.25 iandaletter clock_: he has something to say, and he'd chosen inappropriate way to do it - after drugs "Drugs 'fresh' up their mind, but they don't pleasure in life. Instead, they try to resolve old problems. Or sit and wait for drug intake - when the problems actually begins - in relations or smth."
11:03.31 iandaletter "husbands" - "house band"
11:04.17 claymore husbands = married man. e.g. Husband and Wife.
11:04.25 clock_ An advantage of a single mother. There is no husband to shotgun her down
11:05.10 claymore ...well thats an intersting angle to look at it from Clock_ ...huh, never thought if that way.
11:06.20 iandaletter clock_: and a choice of partners, and a need for being a cute lady...
11:06.46 claymore $5 USD says that Erik comes back on the channel and says "zomg you guys talk too much!"
11:08.29 claymore so, what do you all do for a living? if you don't mind me askin of course
11:08.50 clock_ is a software engineer, which is a posh name for programmer
11:09.31 iandaletter i'm mechanical engineer, and sometimes a translator
11:09.42 claymore posh? might you be in the uk somewhere clock?
11:09.53 clock_ no Switzerland
11:10.02 iandaletter Probably, i will be a super-duper e.g. sportsman later
11:10.11 claymore only missed by a few hundred miles :)
11:10.56 clock_ I program in C.
11:11.00 claymore cool, a MechEng. I was a ElecEng in the US Navy for a while. What area of the industry do you work in iandaletter?
11:11.14 clock_ mechanical engineer is good
11:11.24 iandaletter i want to drive thru europe someday... but the main distance will be my own country - nice views as mountains and plains
11:11.27 claymore lol, join the crowd. There are some serious C zealots here where I Work.
11:11.49 iandaletter heavy machinery of metallurgical plants
11:11.52 claymore I am the 'new guy' and the 'oo guy' :)
11:12.15 clock_ object oriented
11:12.30 clock_ is object oriented, where the object is attractive gay guys
11:12.47 claymore ianda: Awesome, so I understand: The machines at the plants where the alloy mixing occurs, or more like the mines where the metals are extracted?
11:13.29 clock_ how to produce heavy machinery: take ordinary machinery and add a lod of lead weights
11:13.35 iandaletter big coefficient of reliability - the only difference from other machines... same ratio weight / reliability
11:13.49 clock_ iandaletter: so everything i sbasically thicker?
11:14.06 claymore clock: lol, I am not sure if you are calling OO guys gay, or just saying that you like gay guys....
11:14.29 clock_ claymore: I am not calling oo guys gays, I am just stating I am gay in a oo-paraphrase manner
11:14.39 iandaletter clock_: come on! you can not live wit no womans.. as russian com
11:15.07 claymore clock_: i figured it was one of the two :)
11:15.22 clock_ claymore: hope I didn't offend you
11:15.48 clock_ is listening to a tune recorded on a dot matrix printer
11:15.57 iandaletter ComedyClub says: "No, no... I'm same yours, still a clothes' esigner, and don't believe them all - i'm still a gay..."
11:16.14 claymore ianda: so what industry do your machines primarily function in?
11:17.18 claymore clock: nah, no offense. You can be as gay or straight as you want. No matter to me. I like my 5'8" brown eyed wife though, so its TnA all the way for me :)
11:17.20 clock_ claymore: I understood in metal forges :)
11:18.05 iandaletter clock_: due to large geometrical dimensions, e.g. casted metal could have cavities, that's why e.g. coefficient of reliability reaches 5-6 ration. not e.g. 1.5-2 as in cars - the only difference. "thicker" - right word
11:18.30 clock_ iandaletter: you don't test the metal with x-rays?
11:18.42 claymore Cool. I worked with a guy in the navy who got a job making equipment that performs checks on the machines that perform checks on the machines that make pharmacutical products. He loves describing his job just to confuse people :)
11:18.59 clock_ sounds like multiple levels o recursion
11:19.36 clock_ My father worked in the atomic clock department.
11:19.42 claymore he gets paid very well. I am rather jealous.
11:19.57 clock_ They had like a 20m well into the ground and an atomic clock on the bottom. To ensure maximum possible environmental stability.
11:20.36 clock_ And they had a lot of oscilloscopes counters phase locked loops and signal comparators and made the national time standard for the whole country.
11:20.54 clock_ Even the horizontal retrace of all television channels were synchronized to this so you could get atomic time from you TV set.
11:21.11 iandaletter clock_: no, usually... it is not really needed - most of equipment has been designed long ago... ain proportions and so on. Now it's fea and "longevity / pit stops"
11:22.58 iandaletter "main proportions"
11:23.12 clock_ iandaletter: do you use BRL-CAD to design your monstrous machines?
11:25.18 iandaletter no, it is usually AutoCAD - but now, when internet access is well ...possible for everyone - we can not use pyrate software in firms... People at home can use it still. I'm about BRL-cad, QCAD, blender, and soon
11:25.50 claymore is learning blender.
11:26.11 clock_ what is code-aster? It's in French I don't understand
11:26.31 clock_ iandaletter: I use BRL-CAD and qcad on my DIY garage made optical wireless data link 10Mbps full duplex 1.4km
11:26.39 iandaletter Do you know Finite Element Method? FEA or FEM - this and continual modifications to get good "longevity/ pit stops" ratio - all what we do
11:27.00 clock_ FEM yes you divide into small pieces and then calculate the mechanical parameters
11:27.47 iandaletter clock_: i can not even download it... it's in french, but i will use it and other free programs instead of non-cheao
11:28.45 claymore
11:29.11 iandaletter - for crush tests, written on java, it works with shells and mesher
11:30.47 iandaletter clock_: "DIY"?
11:30.54 clock_ iandaletter: Do It Yourself
11:31.08 iandaletter ah!
11:31.59 iandaletter my old PC was "RIY" with couple coolers'n'such in store
11:32.32 claymore okay, my turn... RIY == ??
11:33.09 iandaletter Repair it yourself
11:33.36 clock_ I bought factory new skateboard trucks and they were RIY
11:33.41 clock_ Repair The Faulty Design Yourself
11:33.42 iandaletter and now it's a laptop, and by now i hate computers
11:33.59 claymore ah, lol.
11:34.06 clock_ They left unmachined casted surface in a place where the ball bearings required precisely prependicular surface
11:34.27 claymore I am getting ready to make the switch from laptop back to desktop as my primary machine.
11:34.33 clock_ I had to file 4 these surfaces and 4 nuts (also crooked) down to prevent the bearings from being destroyed
11:35.03 clock_ claymore: I did the same
11:35.15 iandaletter uh... I have bought K2 sk8board for 50$ instead of 150$ - promo model - someone'd groung tails a bit...
11:35.37 clock_ claymore: Especially at home I have a dual CPU high performance desktop since I render BRL-CAD videos for my hobby project.
11:35.57 iandaletter clock_: claymore: I hate computers by now...
11:36.03 clock_ iandaletter: I have a G&S Stacy Peralta Warp Tail 2 reissue
11:36.50 claymore wow, you use brlcad for videos? got any samples to see?
11:37.00 iandaletter don;t know brands... i used to biking, but this thing has no brakes!
11:38.50 iandaletter we have no much asphalt... for a while...
11:39.42 clock_ claymore:
11:40.17 iandaletter clock_: I have ABEC 5 and people say it is a bit fast for freestyle - and soon it will be even faster. I'm from
11:40.20 clock_ claymore: sorry, the video is empty. I have to fix it.
11:40.30 clock_ iandaletter: I have Bones Swiss.
11:40.57 claymore clock: no problem, but can you put it in either mpeg or avi? I am at work and don't have the ability to view ogg.
11:40.58 clock_ you regulate speed by crappiness of the bearings?
11:41.10 clock_ I thought the job of bearings is to reduce friction as close to 0 as possible.
11:41.25 clock_ claymore: no. I tried mpeg but the mpeg encoder shifted sound and video.
11:42.13 clock_ If I stop maintaining Ronja for a month always some things screw up
11:42.34 clock_ This time it was the fucking video.
11:42.39 iandaletter well, i don't really know... Only know opinions - while i'm just skating. I like flatland as Rodney Mullen - and "rally" to somewhere thru every bit of asphalt
11:42.47 clock_ I fix my skateboard and my BRL-CAD video breaks.
11:42.53 clock_ Life is like the 15 game.
11:43.16 clock_ is nowhere as far in skateboarding as Rodney Mullen
11:44.56 iandaletter clock_: you mean you can less... I'm too - for a while... I like to spend time this way. Earlier, i liked e.g. brooks + mountain bicycle
11:45.16 clock_ iandaletter: I can less
11:45.27 clock_ All I can do is some kind of almost-bert like Jay Adams
11:45.51 clock_
11:45.56 clock_
11:46.32 iandaletter i don't know jay Adams, but sk8 - it is a way to spend time as kids do. No, i can not handle pics with my current internet access
11:47.03 iandaletter later, save as bookmarks
11:47.20 clock_ iandaletter: build a Ronja and you'll be able to stream DVD video realtime!
11:47.42 clock_ but only if the next hop has as strong connection as well ;-)
11:48.05 clock_ iandaletter: Jay Adams is one of the best skaters ever
11:48.14 iandaletter i'm on GPRS it is digital-thru-GMS on mobile cell phone
11:49.28 iandaletter i don;t have cheap internet to have a good pastime in the internet... I saw videos only in licensed games of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
11:51.45 claymore how much do you pay for your internet service ianda?
11:52.19 iandaletter us $ for 10 mb at night or 5 mb at day
12:08.11 *** join/#brlcad iandalette1 (n=asus@
12:20.10 iandalette1 connection check
12:20.18 claymore connection check sat.
12:21.30 iandalette1 roger
12:45.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32797 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/bot_dump.c: Added code to dump sat files.
12:57.41 ``Erik fights the urge to pull up his bank account and apples store site in windows next to eachother O.o
12:58.25 claymore have it both ways: Give in to the urge to buy something, but then give it to someone... like me!
12:58.28 claymore muwahaha
12:58.30 ``Erik and, claymore, you're doing it wrong, when someone says SYN, you say ACK, then they say ACK back
12:58.40 claymore attempts a Jedi Mind Trick.
12:59.14 claymore lol. Rule #1: Never tell a Sub Electrician how to do phone comms ;)
12:59.25 ``Erik <-- looks at modem
12:59.31 ``Erik dis ain't sat comm, boy
12:59.44 claymore no one said it is.
12:59.50 archivist_ub sets rts
13:00.12 claymore oh no, someone set the channel to RealTime Strategy!
13:00.13 ``Erik rule #0xff14: never tell intarweb nerd details of ip
13:00.56 claymore lulz. ip == ?? in this case?
13:01.32 ``Erik I've tuned 300 baud modems to crank about 900 bps, I've decided things like psnuke were inferior and rewrote them to be more brutal
13:01.37 ``Erik internet protocol
13:01.53 ``Erik ip/tcp is probably the inferior format you've seen
13:02.03 *** join/#brlcad claymore_ (
13:02.14 claymore_ well that was strange.
13:02.21 ``Erik apparently claymore fails IP rules
13:02.22 ``Erik :D
13:02.25 archivist_ub rtty on the PET was entertaining
13:02.50 ``Erik zmodem, ymodem, kermit... I think I mostly used y
13:02.54 ``Erik it was a LONG time ago
13:03.04 claymore_ who'd thought dropping a bottle of Mt Dew on a keyboard would have such an effect....
13:03.18 ``Erik the z80 cp/m box was amusing, but I really grooved on the c64
13:03.52 claymore_ did you have a tape drive or two?
13:04.05 ``Erik had hayes 300 and 1200 rs232 modems, I was badass :D
13:04.22 ``Erik no, even in '83, with the coleco adam, my dad bought a disk drive....
13:04.54 ``Erik the disk drive on the coleco never worked. Period. So we used 4track there, but the commie disks worked like a charm
13:04.55 claymore_ lol. I think my first modem was a hayes 1200. Can't really remember. Only used it to play games :)
13:04.58 clock_ is watching Iggy Pop: Passenger on an 30 MHz analog oscilloscope
13:05.17 claymore_ thinks clock needs to get out more ;)
13:05.18 ``Erik a couple 1541's, a couple 1571's, a precious 1581
13:05.43 ``Erik I was a bbs sysop in the late 80's
13:05.56 claymore_ wow you must be OLD.
13:06.00 claymore_ :)
13:06.19 ``Erik we were a scary group. A bunch of adult males who couldn't get laid. it was a scary time.
13:06.24 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32799 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/bot_dump.c: ws, indent
13:06.44 clock_ claymore: get out like outside or into society?
13:06.49 ``Erik and I'm only a year older than you, claymore
13:06.56 claymore_ lets see... what was I doing in the late 80's... oh thats right, middle school :)
13:07.22 ``Erik '76 representin', yo!
13:07.26 ``Erik *sob*
13:07.29 claymore_ clock: just away from the o-scope :)
13:07.35 archivist_ub ``Erik, is a youngster
13:07.48 claymore_ erik: 77 was better: First apple, first Starwars movie..... you missed it by a year imo :P
13:08.12 ``Erik I was at the very first screening of starwars, tyvm
13:08.36 ``Erik and, uh, bicentenial, yo? or is the nation inferior to a pathetic 8b micro?
13:08.37 claymore_ wonders why Erik just admitted to that...
13:09.00 archivist_ub went to see 2001
13:09.02 ``Erik NERDCORE!
13:09.09 claymore_ I am aspiring to see the tricentennial.
13:09.29 ``Erik at this point, I'd be impressed if there was one :(
13:09.29 claymore_ wow. 2001, thats one acid trip of a movie. :)
13:10.00 ``Erik I like the middle of it.. monkey land was .. kinda lame, and space baby was... wtf
13:10.15 claymore_ I might have to celebrate it while hiding from the lynch mobs or in a bomb shelter, but i am still planning on being there :)
13:10.56 claymore_ my opinion was that good old Stanley K had a good script going but dropped a few tabs of acid 3 pages from the end.
13:11.00 ``Erik the travesty, though, was AI
13:11.17 ``Erik kubrick wrote a fucking goddamn brillian dysoptic story
13:11.29 claymore_ erik: the new movie with that 6th sense kid?
13:11.42 ``Erik '01
13:11.54 ``Erik speilberg directed the original screenplay disturbingly well
13:11.59 ``Erik but then the story ends...
13:12.09 ``Erik and... then... speilburgs writing shows up... and... it sucked
13:12.21 claymore_ ah. yeah. I didnt get 2001 until i watched 2001 and 2010 back to back, like 7 times in a row. Then the whole Genesis idea kicked in and I got it. lol
13:12.28 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
13:13.33 ``Erik seriously, if you watch ai, when the brat is at the bottom and it does the slow fade to black, turn it off! that is seriously the end of the movie. the shit after that is just gratouitous cg wankery to make a disney ending out of a zomfg awesome story
13:13.38 claymore_ and thats strange because Shpeilburg's made some really good movies...
13:14.02 mafm hello
13:14.13 claymore_ I will have to remember that if I ever bring myself to watch it...
13:14.19 claymore_ mafm: hai!
13:14.22 ``Erik eh, they were awesome when I was 10
13:14.23 ``Erik ...
13:14.50 claymore_ Schindler's list still haunts me to this day. Watched it once. Dunno if i can watch it again.
13:14.59 ``Erik that was a good movie
13:15.08 mafm ``Erik: which is the status of the debian package?
13:15.11 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32800 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/ (8 files in 3 dirs): ws
13:15.21 ``Erik when I was in highschool, they bussed everyone to the theater to see it
13:16.16 claymore_ Saving Private Ryan, although somewhat weak on plot, was a visual punch in the face. My gramps, who was at ohmaha beach, had to leave the room.
13:16.40 ``Erik mafm, the debian machine I had access to has been port blocked for months. all my freshmeat entries have been deleted. They say it's because of some 'hacker' software, and I hav ea gut feelign that they're seeing the self policing crap instituted after the box was hacked, years ago
13:17.29 ``Erik that was an interesting flick, the big issue with that seemed to be everyone arguing about the first half hour, calling it gratuitous violence... I think it was a clever way to set the brutal ugly mood of the era
13:18.03 ``Erik y'know, war ain't pretty, ladies, it's a lot of ugly followed up by more ugly
13:18.49 claymore_ oh dear god... imdb says there is a Jurassic Park 4 in the works..... *slams head on desk*
13:19.29 ``Erik now, help me remember, both shindlers list and saving private ryan were zomfg real stories, right?
13:19.51 mafm ``Erik: is it just a matter of using your scripts and building, or do you think that more substantial work is needed?
13:19.56 ``Erik so there was no actual crative writing in those? just emulation?
13:20.04 claymore_ erik: Pretty sure, yeah. I know they were based on real stories, but I don't know how accurate they are.
13:20.25 ``Erik the debian package stuff I wrote was sufficient at the time I wrote it, I can't imagine things changing that much
13:21.10 ``Erik well, dave, when AI fades to black at the end then goes into the alien thing, it gets... really fucking lame
13:21.17 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32801 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: add support for color and vectors to pnts so it can be announced
13:21.56 ``Erik it was genious up to that point, then got retarded... so retarded, I had to look it up... and, uh, that shift point was where kubrick stopped writing and speilburg picked itup
13:22.31 ``Erik they said that kubricks manuscript was incomplete, I think it actually was complete, it was a good morbid end
13:22.46 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32802 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: need to wrap up revolve too
13:23.19 claymore_ probably right. EVERYONE wants a Disney ending nowadays.
13:23.46 claymore_ One thing i liked about the Terminator series: 3 movies thus far and they still can't stop the world from being destroyed, lol.
13:23.59 ``Erik I think it's a movie worth watching, it really is terrific... but if I were in the room, I'd walk out or hit hte stop button with 20 minutes left, cuz that's where the story ends
13:24.21 ``Erik erm, if they do, then the events of the first never occur... :D
13:24.30 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32803 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: cliff now has the docs autogenerating, at least a good first stab at it
13:24.58 mafm ``Erik: I could try to build them for ia32 and amd64 if you help me :)
13:25.09 claymore_ Ill put in on my list. The wife picked up Ironman yesterday. not as impressed as the hype had me antcipating it.
13:25.26 ``Erik all I can do is offer advice, mafm, with that box gone, I'm all bsd and mac
13:25.47 ``Erik I was surprised with how amusing 'tropic thunder' was
13:26.18 mafm ``Erik: he
13:26.30 mafm ``Erik: yep, that's mostly what I need :)
13:26.35 ``Erik robert downey jr was in it, he's the dude who played iron man, right?
13:26.50 claymore_ erik: right.
13:27.08 claymore_ CG was good... okay, CG was awesome, but the plot wasn't well balanced.
13:27.22 ``Erik I was saddened by the transformers movie
13:27.27 claymore_ they spent a bulk o fht emovie developing characters and the last 30 minutes telling the story.
13:27.40 ``Erik there was no plot, and they boned the legacy
13:27.44 claymore_ Really? Did you actually expect anything other than eye candy?
13:27.50 claymore_ I sure didn't
13:28.07 ``Erik well, I kinda didn't expect my childhood to be bent over and rammed without lube
13:28.38 claymore_ I didn't really pay attention to the plot. I was focused on the CG and Megan Fox... with Michael Bay at the helm, I knew the movie was going to have a weak ass plot.
13:28.44 ``Erik but, yeah, michael bay movie...
13:28.53 ``Erik what I'm really amused by, though
13:29.09 ``Erik is my gf is a huge dbz fan, and mike bay is doing a dbz live action movie
13:29.26 claymore_ serious? Sounds like you got a keep then.
13:29.27 ``Erik so I'm all over that, y'knwo BWAAAAAHAHHAHHA YOU'RE GONNA GET THE BAY TREATMENT!
13:29.57 claymore_ and... i will have to look that up. But dbz's fate is pretty much sealed.
13:30.25 ``Erik well, y'know, you get mebbe 70 minutes of grunting and powering up to super saiyan
13:30.28 ``Erik then, uh
13:30.32 ``Erik some explosion or something
13:30.34 ``Erik movies over
13:30.58 claymore_ lol
13:31.00 ``Erik isn't that how the animated series worked?
13:31.40 claymore_ according to imdb, Bay is working on remakes of: Friday the 13th, The Birds, and a nightmare on Elm Street...
13:31.41 ``Erik sorry, if you're talking anime, give me y'know, ghostin the shell or cowboy bebop
13:32.14 claymore_ ah... I have limited exposure to anime, but GitS and Vampire Hunter D are my current favs.
13:32.32 claymore_ Well, the animatrix also, if you can count that.
13:32.35 ``Erik odddd, there was an anouncement that he was doing dbz, and a LOT of public outcry
13:32.50 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32804 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/bot_dump.c: braces
13:34.12 claymore_ well, thats not all he's doing, but just 3 of the interesting ones. didn't see dbz on there, but then again imdb is 100% accurate all the time.
13:35.09 ``Erik special effects are lovely and all, but I want a story... bay just doesn't do that
13:35.50 claymore_ true.
13:35.53 ``Erik I mean, loaded in my dvd player right now... kung fu
13:36.11 ``Erik the story and backdrop are immense
13:36.30 ``Erik but it's, y'know, a cheesy 70's western tv show as far as effects go
13:36.38 claymore_ I can forego plan if there is enough awesome cg, fight scenes and hot women ...;)
13:36.50 claymore_ so you're at home today>
13:36.57 ``Erik I used to, I can't anymore
13:37.06 ``Erik yeah, I called in sick, was feeling shoddy when I got up
13:37.41 claymore_ based on all the commits, i think Sean won't be in today either ;)
13:38.08 ``Erik he does what he does, no one knows when he'll be in
13:38.37 ``Erik if they say "hey! you're presenting at a ttm!" he seems to show up, but *shrug*
13:38.50 claymore_ truth be told, I am fighting a killer headache. Haivng trouble focusing. Perhaps thats just because i forgot my meds....
13:39.28 ``Erik ok, dude, it's not meds if it involves a mirror, razer and straw.
13:39.33 ``Erik :D *duck*
13:39.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32805 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/bot_dump.c: refactor and simplify, write the number of triangles inside write_bot_stl_binary instead of reseeking afterwards
13:39.50 starseeker will be heading in in a few minutes, once his headache is under control
13:40.01 claymore_ shhhhhh damnit erik!
13:40.43 claymore_ its getting to the point where we will need to rename the channel #sickbay
13:41.31 ``Erik "why is there a postit with sickbay written on it on the aft starboard airlock?"
13:41.33 claymore_ ponders on ways to get Cliff addicted to AE as well...
13:41.43 claymore_ lol
13:42.00 iandaletter starseeker: you need to get a fruit smoothie
13:42.15 starseeker winces
13:42.35 ``Erik bites his tongue on the obscene perverted comment fighting to escape
13:42.42 iandaletter oh, starseeker, don't wince
13:42.52 iandaletter we're with you!
13:42.59 claymore_ ...
13:43.13 claymore_ speak for yourself :)
13:43.29 claymore_ I am withholdin help until i find out why he is wincing.
13:43.38 starseeker iandaletter: I did take a look at your translation stuff - thank you for sending it.
13:43.48 starseeker is wincing at the idea of a smoothie with a headache
13:44.10 starseeker iandaletter: I'm preparing a docbook template to use for commands, which should work regardless of language
13:44.15 claymore_ just heat it up in a microwave.
13:44.53 ``Erik I, uh, have to walk away before I type something that'll make i leave the channel again :D bbiab
13:45.28 starseeker iandaletter: The structure will be one file per command, and we'll set up directories for the various languages ala firebird
13:45.51 claymore_ ah.... eye candy:
13:45.53 starseeker this lets us generate man pages, html, and pdf from a single source file
13:46.26 iandaletter starseeker: have you checked an email?
13:46.34 starseeker Yesterday or today?
13:46.40 iandaletter then "main" variant
13:46.48 starseeker yes, main variant
13:46.54 iandaletter well, "my today"
13:46.57 starseeker heh
13:47.21 iandaletter don't know... when just, the last one
13:47.46 iandaletter and a bit more plain formatting than in old mged cmd index, right?
13:48.32 starseeker It will be similar to the search example in doc/docbook/system/man1
13:49.08 starseeker I'll put up a template later today
13:50.04 iandaletter ok, i'm on it... just finishing another translation, 2nd of 2
13:50.12 starseeker :-)
13:51.11 starseeker gears up for the drive in
13:51.41 iandaletter i'll se a template - and offer few first commands in it... but can not download files for using docbook file format under openoffice. It will be html with proper formatting at the start... Then i will save it as docbook.
13:53.07 brlcad heya mafm
13:53.15 brlcad and iandaletter, how goes it?
13:54.40 ``Erik nice pic, claymore, what series/movie? 'ikula' is a russian sub designation, foxhound is overloaded :/
13:55.14 brlcad iandaletter: does OO read docbook?
13:55.16 ``Erik akula, rather
13:55.44 iandaletter brlcad: i've sent an example to starseeker. Next evening i'll have checked the way it must be formatted. Then the main work will have been started. My floss -translation are finished as 190% of whole 200%
13:55.46 claymore_ its an original work from a guy named Coolhand who frequents that site. I think he is either russian or has a love of russian military assets since ALL of his projects have Russian designations to them.
13:56.02 iandaletter brlcad: don't know yet, will see
13:56.05 ``Erik ah, damn impressive
13:56.49 claymore_ his designs are my current fav. check out his profile/gallery. lots more where that come from. The detail on those ships.... must have taken months to do.
13:56.52 ``Erik I'll have to talk to the dude about cover art when I decide I'm destined to be a great scifi author :D
13:57.59 claymore_ lol
13:58.07 claymore_ have you made any short stories yet?
13:58.09 iandaletter but i like to produce something "in hands"... don't really love computers... only a help to support documentation, and to design something
13:58.16 ``Erik hell no, I hate writing
13:58.18 brlcad iandaletter: okay, cool -- lemme know because if it can, that'd be pretty useful to set up some default style templates for easy editing
13:58.29 ``Erik I haven't even done my accomplishments yet
13:58.29 iandaletter ok
13:58.36 brlcad iandaletter: working on docs is a huge help, thanks :)
13:58.39 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32806 10/brlcad/trunk/ (8 files in 4 dirs):
13:58.39 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: bot-raw is killed now that bot_dump pretty much replaces its functionality.
13:58.39 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: there is some potentially significant differences, though, that should be
13:58.39 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: reconciled (bob?) in the output format (like why bot-raw was outputting the
13:58.39 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: vertex count but bot_dump does not)
13:58.50 iandaletter ok
13:59.21 claymore_ lol
14:00.34 iandaletter claymore: comics911 at - my doubtful stuff
14:01.09 ``Erik I have the kernel of a book on my drive, but it's not really a fiction, it's kinda a physics book from a fictive view... "physics for the interplanetary traveler", goes into newtonian and kepler style physics with a semi-pragmatic mindset
14:01.35 ``Erik tongue in cheek comedy style
14:01.37 claymore_ So a compendium for Hitchhikers Guide? :)
14:01.48 ``Erik yeah, actually, exactly
14:01.54 claymore_ nice.
14:02.17 ``Erik but I stopped about five years ago
14:02.33 iandaletter ``Erik: you write a book... well, i thought about it, too
14:02.33 claymore_ Eddie, the flamboyany ships computer.... that had me nearly pissing myself.... lol
14:03.06 ``Erik the recent movie that came out really didn't do justice to the books
14:03.26 iandaletter about my book... but always remind Zigmund Freid's psychological sublimation...
14:03.48 claymore_ haven't seen it yet, kinda don't want to...
14:03.51 ``Erik in, uh, 2002, I actually got pulled out of line because I had the hhgg paperback with me, the foil on the cover set off the metal detecter
14:04.10 iandaletter ``Erik: can a date of publishing to be some kind of a copyright?
14:04.29 ``Erik so I put my held belongings down on a seat and they wanded me for a while, before figuring out it was my book
14:05.01 ``Erik amusingly, my dad had a book with him and was using a carbon fiber knife as a bookmark, forgot to take it out... he went through no problem
14:06.04 ``Erik iandaletter: us copyright law states that copywrite is implicit, with date of publishing being the official date for the length
14:06.17 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32807 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: it looks like bot-bldxf outputs a much better dxf than bot_dump, the two should be merged
14:06.31 ``Erik was changed to implicit in the 70's I think
14:06.49 brlcad ``Erik: was (fix metaball "shelling" issue) fixed? what is that?
14:06.54 iandaletter i mean publishing on e.g. livejournal dot com
14:07.22 brlcad and "extend metaball control info beyond simple points" (?)
14:07.25 ``Erik no, never fixed, um, the primitive inverted weirdly
14:07.39 ``Erik nope, I put in teh stubs to do lines, but not the intersect code
14:08.11 ``Erik the shelling issue is that ellipsoid where I cut a cube out of it and it looked hollow inside
14:08.49 ``Erik I was instructed to ignore it and work on other things :/
14:08.52 brlcad how's that inverted?
14:09.06 ``Erik uhhhh, are you in the office?
14:09.15 brlcad not yet
14:09.28 brlcad after lunch
14:09.36 ``Erik ok, on the, uh, web server, in my home dir is a metaballs dir, one of those pics shows the issue
14:09.56 ``Erik if I knew what it did what it did, it'd be fixed
14:10.15 brlcad I get what you mean by it looking hollow, just not how that equates to inverted
14:10.28 ``Erik but the shell thickness is an artifact of the 'step past' value
14:11.21 ``Erik probably my ugly stepping algorithm being not quite right, it makes the first intersection, then imagines everything else to be below threshold or something
14:12.06 iandaletter decide to go to sleep
14:12.09 *** part/#brlcad iandaletter (n=asus@
14:12.21 ``Erik I assumed the water ball test meant it was all keen, I think I made a mistake there
14:13.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32808 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: expand the metaball items a little so I hopefully knows what they be later
14:14.26 ``Erik bah, I know what they mean, and no one else cares :D
14:14.42 ``Erik I thought I put verbose notes, uh, somewhere
14:16.25 brlcad you knowing what they mean doesn't help me (and I care:P)
14:16.52 ``Erik well, with the shelling, if you subtract on it, it's not solid inside, it looks like a shell...
14:17.42 ``Erik and I was hoping to make lines and triangles valid control surfaces instead of simple points, so like a line could be run down a rotor blade or something
14:18.23 ``Erik I think I added an expandable last term to the struct with a second point as an example
14:19.23 ``Erik just didn't add the distance logic in the code
14:20.06 ``Erik in theory, being able to call any arbitrary geometry a control surface would be gnarly
14:20.43 ``Erik but the point strength function would need the ability to compute the distance to the nearest point on that surface
14:20.46 claymore_ did you just say 'gnarly' ?
14:20.58 ``Erik yes... yes I did... SHUT UP
14:22.07 claymore_ hahahaha
14:22.15 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32811 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/oed/oed.xml: Oops - put the image links for oed back where they should be. This leaves only tire to fix up.
14:22.33 brlcad mm, blobify a bot could be an interesting way to heal mesh geometry, close up thin gaps via medial-axis remeshing
14:24.27 ``Erik be damn slow without excessive cleverness
14:24.49 brlcad healing geometry is a one-stop job usually
14:25.18 ``Erik also; the pain of communicating that the right way to use that primitive to s2 is NOT to think of rays was... brutal
14:25.55 ``Erik I had to give her the zomfg drop in code twice
14:28.29 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32813 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: already covered a brief mged intro doc in the docs section below
14:28.31 ``Erik I'm out of funding for pushing adrt, but I think I need to keep doing it :/
14:30.18 brlcad so do it
14:30.37 brlcad that's like the biggest payoff tool around atm
14:31.25 brlcad if it "just worked", it'd be really useful even at slow refresh rates
14:32.24 ``Erik yeah, but I get yelled at for working on unfunded shit
14:32.59 ``Erik and I need to prove that I did awesome things for it, like, today, actually
14:34.00 brlcad making it runnable would be a great way to do that ;)
14:34.07 ``Erik heh, it does run
14:34.12 ``Erik most of it, anyways O.o
14:34.14 brlcad it does?
14:34.20 ``Erik has for six months
14:34.24 ``Erik I demo'd it to pjt
14:34.37 ``Erik without a fbsd cluster, even :D
14:35.06 brlcad how do you run it?
14:36.14 ``Erik um, you luck out by having a mysql database with the appropriate data, you run adrt_master, then 'adrt_slave localhost', and isst, tell isst all the right info
14:36.32 ``Erik cross your fingers, sacrifice a chicken, and mebbe you see a t62 or stryker
14:37.01 brlcad heh
14:37.57 ``Erik cut view and shotline don't work yet, my next push is to let it grab a .g file and eliminate the mysql thing, then I might tie the rendering engine straight into the isst binary, so the entire network architecture becomes superfluous
14:38.46 ``Erik a single 8 core mac pro runs like a fucking champ with insane geometry, I'm thinking the tide has turned against distributed once again
14:39.08 brlcad mm, no isst binary
14:39.21 brlcad though adrt_* do seem to run without puking
14:39.35 brlcad what's it doing if I don't have a db??
14:39.40 ``Erik it's not in the sf repo, some of the names are inappropriate
14:39.59 ``Erik adrt_master and adrt_slave will fire up, but once isst sends the load geometry command, it'll vomit
14:40.09 ``Erik isst is in svn on the, uh, internal web server
14:40.45 ``Erik the only reason I haven't renamed things and made a .po file to unrename is because it uses gtk+
14:40.46 brlcad working on that sounds so much more interesting than ef
14:40.57 brlcad needs to stop procrastinating
14:41.12 ``Erik is a gtk+ app permissable in the BRL-CAD repo?
14:41.28 brlcad god, no
14:41.39 ``Erik then there ya go, that's why you don't have isst
14:41.45 brlcad i mean separate module, sure
14:41.56 ``Erik hrm, *ponder*
14:42.13 ``Erik I imagine moving it to libfb/tk would be nice
14:42.28 brlcad could even make it use ogre
14:42.30 ``Erik lee has argued that it cannot work since tk doesn't update fast enough, but I think he's blowing smoke
14:42.35 brlcad that'd probably be just as easy
14:42.46 brlcad yeah, that sounds like hogwash
14:43.12 ``Erik well, he's in brady mode, jumping up and down going "manta manta manta!"
14:43.21 brlcad now I'd believe libfb having some bottleneck in there depending on the buffering mode you go into
14:43.44 ``Erik tk's update frequence was the specific thing he zeroed in on
14:44.14 ``Erik and if it matters, libfb can be fixed
14:45.06 brlcad if they can get this working, tk's not the problem:
14:45.27 ``Erik when you get in the office, make sure to hack src/adrt/slave/Makefile to have the mysql cflags, libs, and -DHAVE_MYSQL=1
14:45.41 brlcad yeah, the performance in libfb is just silly memcpy'ing and inefficiencies that haven't ever mattered before
14:45.49 ``Erik and compile the isst binary with, uh, I think it's -DHAX=1
14:45.54 brlcad doesn't want mysql
14:46.09 ``Erik that's the only way the slave nodes can acquire the data at the moment
14:46.25 ``Erik twinky gutted the file approach and went all mysql
14:46.26 brlcad hell, it'd probably be easier (for me at least) to hook in .g parsing than set up the mysql backend
14:46.43 ``Erik it's there, the db is on the amd64 fbsd box
14:46.50 ``Erik just hack the makefile and go
14:46.56 brlcad oh wow, xslt actually built the docs for me
14:47.35 ``Erik making it grok specially prepped .g files is my next big move, though
14:48.26 ``Erik with the insane overhead of the tree generation, I'm half wondering if I need to add a 'last modified' field to all nodes :/
14:49.25 ``Erik so I can store the kdtree info in the .g itself, and only regenerate it on change
14:49.54 brlcad holdy crapoldy, the doc html generation actually worked too
14:49.57 brlcad ~starseeker++
14:50.07 brlcad prepped .g files?
14:50.13 ``Erik wait, what? cliff did something right? O.o
14:50.15 ``Erik :D
14:50.39 ``Erik yeah, all bot, with a special command to generate the kdtree cache
14:50.44 claymore_ be nice!
14:51.16 brlcad adding a timestamp attribute to the database would be interesting to test .. our slick low-overhead I/O on .g's might get screwed a little, would need some testing
14:51.48 brlcad otherwise, could simply just create some binary hash object that had the prepped kdtree and the hashes for the geometry they correspond to
14:51.50 ``Erik hey, cliff went from the land of hovercars that you tell your destination and sit back to the odd world of cranking the engine by hand to get it started... i'm surprised he's adapting to the primitive world so well
14:51.57 brlcad then you wouldn't need to change the geometry format
14:52.35 ``Erik my fear is that I make an 'all.g
14:53.21 brlcad i fear you doing that too
14:53.24 ``Erik in ktank, hit the funky buttons to make it all bots, get an all.f or whatever, generate th kdtree cache, move something and regenerate teh kdtree
14:53.52 brlcad all.f ?
14:54.14 ``Erik but if I don't think to regenerate the kdtree, it's irrelevant and suddenly I'm missing crap that should exist
14:54.18 ``Erik yeah, facets
14:54.23 brlcad ah
14:54.33 ``Erik I've taken to the behavior of calling facetized objects .f
14:54.38 brlcad usually does *.bot
14:55.06 brlcad looks like a fortran object *shudder*
14:55.28 ``Erik just wait until I start commiting geometry with .CBL objects
14:55.55 brlcad mm.. combinatorial ballisic lethalities
14:56.07 ``Erik sure, if you wanna call cobol that
14:56.08 ``Erik :D
14:57.44 brlcad still, worrying about the kdtree time seems less-than-prioritous before .g's are first working
14:57.56 ``Erik uh
14:57.58 brlcad let 'em wait
14:58.04 brlcad they'll get it
14:58.08 ``Erik we're talkin' overnight issues here
14:58.15 brlcad he had a fast one too
14:58.19 ``Erik like, click the button on a friday, mayb e it's done by monday
14:58.26 brlcad his overnight was a pig
14:58.40 brlcad and only gave a couple % iirc
14:58.49 ``Erik ok, I just remember the stories of the full weekend grind
14:59.15 brlcad yeah, he was proud (or amused) at how piggish he'd made it :)
14:59.24 ``Erik ktank should be trivial, so my intent is to make it 'just work' with a facet representation
14:59.28 ``Erik then move on to the saved cache
15:00.15 ``Erik the timestamp idea is just to say when that saved cache is outdated
15:01.00 brlcad still wants to hook libtie behind rt_bot_*() and then hook rt_shootray into adrt
15:01.17 ``Erik yeah, that'd be a nice end state
15:01.30 ``Erik I've talked about doing both those things to various pointy hairs
15:03.04 ``Erik my working notion has been that the tree generation would become a net loss if libtie were shoved into rt_bot without either serious isoliation (to eliminate it's utility) or significant modification to the tree generation
15:04.14 ``Erik but I've argued long hard and uselessly that things like "time to market is more important than that last 1% of efficiency"
15:06.03 ``Erik twingy, sir, you bitch, why didn't ya document this better? not the i++; // increment i crap, but "this is how th enetwork protocol works" :D
15:09.36 ``Erik I cannot get this tegan and sarah song out of my head
15:10.52 claymore_ put your head through a window or wall... that might help!
15:11.15 ``Erik ... ok, *erik smash* hi sandy! :>
15:11.28 claymore_ lol jerk!
15:11.34 ``Erik yoh, not YOUR window?
15:13.09 claymore_ Thats fine, as long as you pay for it.
15:13.51 ``Erik
15:19.53 ``Erik also; how awesome is this?
16:22.30 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
16:56.07 claymore_ lol she is a on person 'Stomp'
16:56.20 claymore_ wussed out on the headache...
16:59.22 PrezKennedy tegan and sarah? like doctor who?
16:59.43 PrezKennedy pokes ``Erik
17:29.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32814 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/bot_dump.c: Modify coedge output.
18:30.15 mafm night
18:31.13 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
18:45.53 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
18:54.03 brlcad howdy Ralith, andrecastelo
18:54.14 andrecastelo howdy brlcad :D
18:54.26 brlcad typed any good code lately? :)
18:54.40 brlcad code code type type
18:55.09 brlcad waits for an export to finish
19:03.46 claymore_ whatcha exporting?
19:05.54 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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19:10.40 brlcad verifying the size of the current repo
19:10.46 Ralith hullo brlcad
19:11.20 starseeker is probably to blame for most of the size increase...
19:13.11 brlcad actually, i'm just on a slow wireless connection at the moment, that's partly to blame
19:13.22 brlcad hasn't even gotten to doc yet :)
19:13.30 starseeker ew
19:13.38 starseeker doesn't care for slow wireless
19:14.00 Ralith concurs
19:14.02 brlcad it's not anywhere near saturated, so I suspect it may be on sf's end
19:14.08 Ralith still, better slow than unstable
19:14.12 starseeker brlcad: Oh, are the CCB scripts around here somewhere? Ed wants me to learn "the process"
19:14.25 starseeker brlcad: sf has been VERY slow of late
19:14.28 brlcad sh/
19:14.52 brlcad and sh/
19:15.05 brlcad start with those
19:15.19 brlcad since sf unveiled a new design, they may require tweaking
19:15.49 brlcad they invariably require little tweaks every few months, it's far from an automated process
19:15.55 brlcad but a lot of it is automatic
19:16.43 brlcad none of the formatting is automatic at this point (usually takes about a half-hour to format)
19:17.04 starseeker ok
19:17.40 starseeker winces at how long this will take with sf in its current state
19:18.07 brlcad oh, it takes about 10 minutes to run regardless
19:18.15 brlcad just due to how it works
19:18.31 brlcad it's the only way to get at the actual public data, though
19:18.37 starseeker ok
19:18.43 brlcad read the headers/docs in those files
19:18.53 starseeker wonders if sf could make this easier...
19:19.04 brlcad you don't want "everything" usually -- you find the number of days since the last time it was pulled and use that
19:19.18 brlcad sf tried, but what they put in place wasn't as good
19:21.04 starseeker uh - when was the last time we did a CCB?
19:21.08 brlcad fyi, those scripts are entirely "not important" so you shouldn't put any more time into them other than to get them to work with a balance of manual repairs where needed -- they get attention as often as we do the review, no more .. otherwise, it's lost time
19:21.17 starseeker hunts through email
19:21.20 starseeker k
19:21.59 brlcad they're infrastructure scripts, any way hacked forward is a good way, improving as much as is warranted
19:22.16 starseeker won't get sucked into them
19:22.23 brlcad this next go-round, I was going to fix the html entities
19:22.52 brlcad it'll bring in &amp; and other &; entities that are a couple quick regex/sed/perl replaces
19:23.09 brlcad you'll see what I mean when you open the report
19:24.05 brlcad prepares to caffinate for the long haul tonight
19:24.05 starseeker Eeep
19:24.09 starseeker june
19:24.22 brlcad ~spell caffeinate
19:25.26 brlcad there's only been one arl distribution since then so it's reasonable
19:26.02 starseeker thinks this script should be accompanied by a giant sucking sound...
19:26.15 brlcad which one are you running?
19:26.33 brlcad news2tracker is decently quick
19:26.44 starseeker the other one
19:26.49 brlcad tracker is the gaping hole .. but fun to run in verbose mode
19:26.58 starseeker grins :-)
19:27.35 starseeker Dunno if you've seen email, Ed sent out an Oct. 9 date
19:28.04 starseeker will try and do grunt prep work so brlcad can do more important stuff
19:28.34 brlcad it's on my cal
19:32.22 brlcad yay, export completed
19:32.45 brlcad about 38 minutes, just under 200MB
19:33.02 brlcad doc is about 42MB
19:33.13 starseeker ow
19:33.28 brlcad src is 120, regress is 10, pix 10, db 9
19:33.40 brlcad so not too bad
19:34.03 starseeker heh - can't wait til OGRE gets into the main tree :-)
19:34.21 brlcad still would be nice to generate all those images, though .. as part of the "compilation" process
19:34.32 starseeker nods
19:34.57 starseeker some of the Vol II images would probably be pretty tough
19:35.15 brlcad ogre probably won't meet up the the 'brlcad' module any time soon -- intentionally keeping a clean separation between the OO layer and the procedural API
19:36.00 Ralith starseeker: what for?
19:36.11 Ralith (OGRE, that is)
19:36.13 brlcad nah, I can't think of any image that can't be generated (at least with a suitable replacement)
19:36.26 starseeker Ralith: new GUI work (eventually)
19:36.37 brlcad e.g. the truck, use m35 -- the axes, import that axes model
19:36.57 Ralith starseeker: so iow you can't wait 'till the new GUI becomes usable?
19:36.57 starseeker brlcad: I was thinking more about viewing angles and zoom
19:37.21 brlcad the mged screenshots might be tricky, but there may be a way to get tk to dump the drawing context
19:37.29 starseeker Ralith: I'm just saying it's a big sucker - we don't NEED to import it for a while
19:38.10 brlcad the views don't have to be exact for most of them, tedious sure but doable and not too tricky
19:42.48 starseeker brlcad: Um - what criteria is using to pull in items? There are lots of open items here - don't we want only closed ones?
19:45.42 ``Erik didn't we do one in spring?
19:45.57 starseeker last one was June
19:46.09 ``Erik oh, summer I guess
19:46.53 ``Erik usually brlcad goes over the closed ones and if we aren't all dead from boredom, starts on the open ones
19:48.05 ``Erik darth boss loved the excessive minutae, I think most would prefer just a big hit grind for like 10 minutes, then a real dialogue for the rest
19:49.29 ``Erik I imagine claymore would have valuable insight as he's now sat in both rolls :)
20:34.27 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
21:33.11 starseeker prods CIA-4
22:33.06 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo_ (n=chatzill@
23:55.30 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03andrecastelo * r32816 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc9/brlcad/brlcad.sln: Removed bot2raw from the project build.

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