IRC log for #brlcad on 20081007

00:00.49 ``Erik oh yay :)
00:05.01 ``Erik learn something new about submariners every day :>
00:05.03 ``Erik *duck* *run*
00:08.36 ``Erik apparently, research time is dictated by the number of research labs you had at the beginning, adding more during research does NOT change the duration
00:09.58 ``Erik on the up side, you can downgrade all the way down to the minimum number for the current level without impacting it as well
00:27.15 starseeker louipc: That's the idea
00:31.08 starseeker The individual files can be xincluded into a convenient larger document, and the individual ones can generate things like man pages
00:36.51 starseeker eventually, there should be very little distinction between "command line" and "mged" commands - the latter can usually be run from the command line if they make sense, and a unified system of documentation simplifies a lot
00:49.58 starseeker the new docbook "one per command" files are intended to serve the purpose of man pages, and one of their output formats actually IS man
00:50.22 starseeker the nice part is we also get other formats (like html and pdf) for free
00:50.56 starseeker html in particular will be handy - I'm currently looking at ways to get MGED to display html pages
00:53.31 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
00:58.29 mafm hi Ralith
00:58.42 mafm and good night all, I go to sleep :)
01:18.18 ``Erik starseeker is just itching to see the dreaded "filesystem out of inodes" message
01:27.01 starseeker ``Erik: suck it up, BSD man ;-)
01:29.52 ``Erik heh, all *nix have that issue, dude O.o
01:30.13 starseeker I know, but surely the leet BSD hackers will get around it
01:31.04 ``Erik sure, we just create fs's with more inodes *shrug* even linux can do that, but it requires a newfs
01:31.15 ``Erik uh, mkext2fs for you leenewx weenies :)
01:34.53 starseeker will switch to opensolaris and the almighty ZFS
01:35.40 ``Erik um, hrm, I d'no if zfs has the ability to tweak inode count on the fly O.o (but fbsd does fully support zfs, and mostly supports dtrace!)
01:35.41 ``Erik :D
01:35.43 starseeker eyes Tokeneer project with interest
01:36.19 starseeker heh - BSD license is nice sometimes
01:37.12 starseeker REALLY doesn't understand the appeal of 3D television
01:37.54 starseeker can only see 2D without moving around - how can the couch potato adapt to such an environment
01:40.41 ``Erik immediately patents a moving barka
01:41.02 ``Erik barcalounger
01:41.09 ``Erik :D
01:43.26 starseeker that would be a patent worth framing
01:44.00 ``Erik does scifi count as prior art? O.o
01:44.25 starseeker wished it did - probably depends on the circumstances
01:45.02 starseeker still wants to contact the dude who has the cat laser pointer patent after it expires and purchase the original document
01:46.55 Ralith starseeker: is your depth perception borken?
01:47.09 starseeker eh?
01:47.18 Ralith starseeker: also, what about DragonflyBSD and it's shiny new HammerFS?
01:47.25 Ralith 18:37:53 * starseeker can only see 2D without moving around
01:47.43 starseeker depth perception is deduced based on two dimensional information
01:47.54 Ralith everyone else can see full 3D while sitting still
01:48.01 Ralith why do you think we have two eyes :P
01:48.24 starseeker Sure, but the benefits of 3d television are minor unless you move around it
01:48.39 starseeker you're losing most of the information due to a limited vantage point
01:49.00 starseeker It might make more sense with a holographic sterogram type display
01:49.18 Ralith I'm not personally interested in a multi-PoV 3D display
01:49.24 Ralith but I would love to have a depth-capable display.
01:49.35 starseeker that's different
01:49.36 Ralith e.g. stereo glasses
01:49.41 starseeker nods
01:49.51 Ralith wants a nice high res pair, but it'll be forever before he can afford one :(
01:49.58 starseeker amen
01:50.00 Ralith at least by the time I buy one, hardware to drive it will be cheap
01:51.14 starseeker Ah yes, here it is:
01:51.20 Ralith I have this deep-set desire to custom-build and integrate an enhanced-reality set in a car.
01:51.28 starseeker my favorite monument to the flaws of the US patent system
01:51.52 starseeker Ralith: Heh - there was this ride at universal studios that was pretty good at that...
01:52.23 Ralith oh?
01:52.34 starseeker I think it was back to the future relate
01:52.35 starseeker d
01:52.58 starseeker I may have been too young to really appreciate its flaws though
01:54.05 Ralith I'm obsessed with the potential useful||entertaining aspects of something actually built to help you out
01:54.11 Ralith lots of fun to think about
01:54.25 starseeker :-)
01:54.51 starseeker 's particular fun with thought experiments is renewable energy and efficient house design
01:55.13 Ralith lacks sufficient technical knowledge to cover that sort of area
01:55.15 Ralith also, bbs
01:55.44 starseeker didn't say he had sufficient knowledge either ;-)
01:56.16 Ralith hehe
02:17.09 louipc starseeker: cool. I wonder if it could somehow be integrated into the mged help system
02:17.25 louipc that would be sweet
02:20.17 Ralith </bbs>
02:20.59 Ralith starseeker: what *would* make a multi-PoV display neat is if it was opaque and projected in such a way that you could walk in the middle of it without interrupting anything
02:24.30 louipc
02:24.39 louipc this one is awesome
02:43.32 ``Erik could be worse, starseeker, check out australias awesomeness
04:18.31 brlcad fixes libged
04:23.24 brlcad iirc, there are about 300 mged commands, 400 unix command-line commands
04:25.20 brlcad there's a couple ways to ask mged for the list of all commands, e.g. info commands
04:36.23 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32856 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/rtgeom.h src/libged/make.c src/mged/typein.c): need to update the pnts in use in libged as well for the make command. prefix all of the pnts types with RT_ since they are (presently) part of the API that you have to go through to use them.
04:40.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32857 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS:
04:40.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: add janine gettier to the contributors list for her help with documentation.
04:40.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: she's worked on reviewing some documents in the past but has stepped up
04:40.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: contributions recently with the work on docbook integration with cliff.
04:55.40 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32858 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
04:55.40 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: bob improved mesh normals from Pro/E exporter. he said that it seems like
04:55.40 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: they're exporting with a left-hand orientation, so the bot is now created
04:55.40 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: accordingly set as lh or unoriented depending on whether there are normals
04:55.40 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: available during export.
06:30.32 brlcad booyah
06:30.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32859 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS TODO bench/ bench/benchmark.1 bench/
06:30.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: greatly improved the usability of the benchmark suite by providing additional
06:30.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: processing commands including not doing anything by default any more unless the
06:30.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 'run' command is requested. added detailed usage and instruction commands along
06:30.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: with updated manual page to match. the options that control how the benchmark
06:30.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: behaves can now also be specified on the left or right side of the 'benchmark'
06:30.40 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: command as well on the command-line.
06:33.07 brlcad should docify doc/ and bench/benchmark.1 into one (unified) document at some point
07:20.03 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:55.22 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:24.47 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
09:15.59 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:17.46 mafm morning
10:07.48 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
10:11.33 brlcad howdy mafm
10:13.32 mafm hi brlcad
10:14.01 mafm I'm under attack of micro-bugs, as my flatmates calls them :P
10:14.07 mafm other than that, pretty well
10:15.04 brlcad sick?
10:16.48 mafm yup
10:17.54 mafm cold/flu
10:18.23 *** join/#brlcad quentusrex ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:21.43 brlcad fun
10:27.07 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32860 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: remove stray rt_revolve_prep debug printing
11:13.03 *** join/#brlcad quentusrex ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:24.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32861 10/brlcad/trunk/ (10 files in 5 dirs): Added bot_dump functionality to libged.
11:48.05 starseeker louipc: integrating into (even replacing much of) the current MGED help system is exactly the goal :-)
12:21.18 brlcad gives up on the revolve bug hoping pacman87 can make better sense of it
12:56.40 claymore never give up, never surrender!
13:03.33 ``Erik it's not surrender, it's passing the buck :D
13:04.28 claymore Delgation: The greatest power on earth ;) Men can move mountains with it.....
13:04.52 ``Erik men can delegate others to move mountains with it, you mean
13:05.04 ``Erik will, determination, and an endless supply of slave labor?
13:05.06 clock_ claymore: you mean atomic bomb?
13:05.23 PrezKennedy newkular bombs
13:07.48 clock_ ;-)
13:10.17 claymore Erik: Bingo ;)
13:10.40 claymore clock: Perhaps, as long as we are discussing the delegation of deploying a nuclear weapon!
13:11.34 claymore Erik: What's you impression of Ubuntu? Good/Bad/indifferent?
13:11.41 claymore you = your
13:13.31 ``Erik it's... linux...
13:14.15 ``Erik I haven't used ubuntu, I was doing kernel development in linux and uh, was a bit terrified :D all those nippets of MS and enterprise code that people laugh at... I've seen worse in the kernel
13:14.35 ``Erik ubuntu is based off of debian, right? debian was my favorite leenewx back in the day
13:15.04 claymore cool. Since you're the OS zealot, i figured I'd ask ;)
13:15.29 clock_ ``Erik: you want to say that in the Linux kernel there are even worse pearls than in MS and enterprise code?
13:16.07 ``Erik clock: there are some real stinkers.
13:16.20 clock_ ``Erik: do you remember some?
13:16.38 clock_ A friend found a chain of functions that were doing nothing else just one caling another
13:16.45 clock_ So he removed that and sent a patch
13:16.50 clock_ Don't know if they accepted it though.
13:17.18 ``Erik um, iirc (it's been many years), ioctl is treated as a pass through unguarded pointer remapping instead of a guarded copy that divides top and bottom half
13:17.32 clock_ A friend who wrote his own operating system and did a surprising discovery in the filesystem area so maybe he knew what he was doing ;-)
13:17.57 ``Erik which certain driver writers demonstrated horrible ways to abuse *coughnvidiacough*, basically permitting arbitrary overflow into kernel space
13:17.58 clock_ I don't understand it
13:18.03 clock_ I know what a top and bottom half is
13:18.19 clock_ that's in interrupt drivers the top half puts some request on a que and the bottom half then does the real work
13:18.30 clock_ I know what a pointer is
13:19.13 clock_ oh nvidia is shit already just by the name isn't it?
13:19.43 ``Erik ok, you call an ioctl, you get the ability to write to kernel protected memory from a user process... on most OS's you actually write to a user buffer, then the kernel copies a kernel defined number of bytes from your user memory into kernel space
13:20.17 clock_ with ioctl you pass 2 ints and a variable amount of parameters
13:20.17 ``Erik with the linux way, it just maps a pointer to both without a guard (or it used to), so if you were malicious, you could just keep writing into kernel memory to your hearts content (at least for that page)
13:20.24 clock_ I don't see any way how to write into kernel memory
13:20.34 clock_ Who's writing into the kernel memory is the kernel isn't it?
13:20.55 clock_ Or is the ioctl somehow significantly translated by glibc? I am looking into the manpage not into the kernel interface spec
13:21.04 clock_ (frankly, I wouldn't expect Linux to have any kind of interface spec)
13:21.09 ``Erik it's a syscall
13:21.28 ``Erik lemme try to find my minirant
13:21.33 clock_ ``Erik: what pointer? It returns an int
13:22.00 claymore technically speaking EVERYTHING is a pointer ;)
13:22.33 clock_ Linux is crap anyway. For exacmple the whole VT_ACTIVATE virtual terminal switching mechanism is flawed by design, resulting in a serious and irreparable race condition that can crash the video card and thus the whole machine
13:22.34 ``Erik
13:22.51 clock_ We were debugging Links crashing when switching VT's
13:22.58 clock_ Kernel people keep saying it's a bug of svgalib.
13:23.10 ``Erik this rant is trying to move the abused linux code into the 'safe' bsd approach
13:23.16 clock_ But I found it isn't. And then the kernel people confirmed me that the VT_ACTIVATE mechanism in the linux kernel is buggy by design.
13:23.49 clock_ "ioctl address" -> what's an ioctl adddress?
13:23.56 clock_ knows just what ioctl is, see ioctl
13:23.59 clock_ see man ioctl
13:24.12 clock_ is it an address associated with some specific ioctl?
13:24.38 ``Erik some ioctl's act like memcpy()
13:25.09 clock_ and?
13:25.17 clock_ where's the problem?
13:25.20 ``Erik um
13:25.42 clock_ you instruct the kernel to write somewhere into the kernel space and he doesn't check if you have permission for that?
13:25.52 ``Erik or read, and yes
13:25.59 clock_ basic eror
13:26.20 clock_ same like calling unlink("/etc/shadow") under user privileges
13:26.28 clock_ If the kernel doesn't check the permission, youre screwed.
13:26.30 ``Erik UNIX: memcpy(dst,src,len); Linux: dst=src;
13:26.40 clock_ Why should this be anything different? Why does it need discussion?
13:26.46 clock_ Because the linux kernel developers are retarted?
13:27.09 ``Erik or too trusting and looking for speed *shrug* this was a while ago, hopefully that gripe has changed
13:27.16 clock_ omg
13:27.33 clock_ Not only Linux is crap, also the x server
13:27.42 clock_ they have a piece of code that is guarded by cli and sti
13:28.11 ``Erik really? in X? neat
13:28.11 clock_ if a page boundary happens in between and the lower page happens to be paged in and the upper paged out
13:28.13 clock_ it throws a page fault the fault handler asks the disk to serve the page and waits for an interrupt.
13:28.21 ``Erik guess if you have to run it as root, you're able to be fugly like that
13:28.31 clock_ The disk brings the page pulls the interrupt and NOTHING HAPPENS, BECAUSE THE INTERRUPT IS DISABLED.
13:28.42 clock_ Now the machine hangs and he user can happily press the RESET button.
13:29.04 ``Erik I haven't run across that issue yet
13:29.28 ``Erik these days, I sit at a mac, run and do everything over remote X
13:29.55 ``Erik <-- been thinking about buying a linux subnotebook, though
13:33.12 clock_ I get all kinds of problems with X
13:33.41 clock_ For example 99% times I shut down X in the work with ctrl-alt-backspace, the lower edge of the screen fills with thin vertical coloured stripes and a square is painted on the screen.
13:33.56 clock_ Then I have to press alt-sysrq-u-s-b because the system doesn't react to anything else.
13:37.38 ``Erik that sounds more like a video driver reinitialization issue than a straight up X issue
13:38.26 clock_ Well if there are things like this - and I have verified that myself with the cli and sti in the source code - than I simply don't trust X
13:38.28 PrezKennedy windows is pretty good
13:38.38 clock_ puts a "broken by design" stamp over X and stops worrying about any crashes
13:39.58 ``Erik uh, we're talking performance cars at a drag strip, don't brag about your honda civic with a type R sticker and dragging muffler, boy :D
13:40.26 clock_ Trabant car
13:40.43 archivist_ub car! cycle
13:41.11 claymore Score for egging people on: PrezKennedy: 1, Erik: 0
13:41.46 ``Erik aw, c'mon, that ain't fair, I jump at any excuse for an off the wall analogy :D
13:42.24 claymore thinks Erik jumps at any excuse to slam windows.
13:42.53 ``Erik speaking of off the wall car analogies, funroll loops has moved O.o it's now
13:46.10 claymore newb question: When it comes to load average, should it be 1.0 per cpu?
13:46.26 ``Erik um, load is a red herring
13:47.21 PrezKennedy load should be whatever is just below locking up the system
13:48.10 claymore Understanding that its more of a qualitative measure than a quantitative one, is it 1.0 per cpu?
13:48.50 PrezKennedy thats what ive heard people say
13:50.35 PrezKennedy
13:57.14 claymore cool thanks for the link. didn't have a browser open and figured you all would know.
14:06.02 ``Erik it's the length of the runnable queue, if you sustain a load of 1.0 per cpu, you're probably in the neighborhood of full utilization and minumum process latency
14:06.08 ``Erik (sorry, someone walked in my office)
14:07.39 ``Erik linux includes uninterruptible sleeps in its load computation? laaammmeeee
14:14.10 claymore hates the sloooowness of a wireless connection. grrr.
14:17.45 clock_ claymore: not every wireless connection is slow, you should say the wireless connection!
14:18.05 clock_ claymore: there are wireless connection with latency less than an optical fibre, with 10^-9 BER
14:23.59 claymore okay Mr Specific: Claymore hates the slooooownes of a 802.11g wireless connection.
14:25.20 brlcad if you're being pedantic, that should probably be an 'an' too ;)
14:25.21 PrezKennedy hates the slowness of an 802.11a/b connection
14:25.28 brlcad yay, an
14:26.05 claymore glares at Sean.
14:27.10 claymore VMware's virtual networking is kinda strange.... Need to read more.
14:27.58 PrezKennedy stares hard at Sean through the monitor
14:28.06 PrezKennedy you can't see it... but im staring hard!
14:28.11 ``Erik hehehe
14:29.52 ``Erik so, uh, this one time, at band camp
14:35.08 claymore I never knew you played flute Erik....
14:35.30 ``Erik nah, dude, oboe O.o
14:35.40 claymore doh, my bad.
14:35.42 ``Erik that movie had some very disturbing scenes
14:35.49 claymore yes it did....
14:36.06 ``Erik (that was an oboe he violated, right?)
14:36.07 claymore i mean, apple pie? Come on, thats a new level of desperate...
14:43.45 PrezKennedy yeah i mean c'mon... pumpkin pie is so much better
14:43.47 PrezKennedy XD
14:44.37 ``Erik backs away
14:44.42 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32862 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/ (bot_dump/bot_dump.vcproj brlcad/brlcad.sln): Update bot_dump project.
14:53.37 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32863 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/brlcad/brlcad.sln: Remove bot2raw project reference.
14:56.36 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
15:15.09 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
15:22.20 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
15:43.39 *** join/#brlcad Naaatan (
15:48.19 starseeker oh, ICK
15:48.37 starseeker tkhtml3 is using some kind of parser to extract the c files before compiling
16:01.45 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
16:02.30 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
16:07.07 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
16:51.12 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
17:02.24 mafm going out, see you
17:06.27 pacman87 brlcad: i've got to run now, but i should be back in ~2hrs if you want me to take a stab at the revolve bug
18:02.26 brlcad pacman87: ok cool
19:10.20 pacman87 is back
19:15.02 pacman87 brlcad: ping
19:54.31 *** join/#brlcad cad95 (
20:00.46 brlcad pacman87: pongo
20:00.57 pacman87 what's the bug?
20:01.14 brlcad did you see the revolve.g that daniel sent to the mailing list?
20:01.58 brlcad the hit points on the top/bottom don't seem right (possibly just inverted)
20:02.26 pacman87 i don't remember getting that one
20:02.50 pacman87 sent to the -devel list?
20:03.05 brlcad yeah
20:03.23 brlcad ah, not the devel list
20:03.32 brlcad posted to the help forum
20:03.43 brlcad
20:04.12 brlcad you're probably not subscribed to the forums
20:09.16 pacman87 i'm in winXP atm, and have another class in 20 min
20:09.24 brlcad k
20:09.49 pacman87 17 hours of all engr classes (2 labs, plus my senior design project) doesnt leave much spare time
20:10.58 brlcad http:/
20:11.04 pacman87 but the bug you're talking about is for revolve faces that are perpendicular to the axis of rotation?
20:11.17 pacman87 ah, i see
20:11.52 pacman87 if you try that with a different bg color, are those faces still black?
20:12.20 brlcad I did see in a simple single ray query that it is getting a in/out hit computed there, but it didn't seem like they were right
20:12.51 pacman87 so the hitpoint could be off there
20:12.53 pacman87 ?
20:13.33 brlcad yeah, or simply inverted points
20:13.55 brlcad the panels don't register as background, so even with a bgcolor set, they render black
20:14.24 brlcad both the top and the bottom
20:15.07 brlcad basically all surfaces that are perfectly perpendicular
20:15.28 pacman87 if you add a rpp overlapping with the revolve, do those surfaces intersect properly?
20:15.50 pacman87 (to test for proper hit distance)
20:18.24 brlcad seems ok
20:19.09 pacman87 ok, so the distances are probably correct, and the normals need fixing
20:19.31 pacman87 adds it to my todo list
20:19.56 brlcad hm, that gives me an idea actually
20:21.33 brlcad hm, firing straight down, I get
20:21.43 brlcad <PROTECTED>
20:21.44 brlcad OUT: ( 1.66, 1.00 ) 2.6224
20:22.33 pacman87 looking along the revolve axis is handled seperately for hitpoints
20:23.55 pacman87 i've got class; i'll check back in ~1.5hrs
20:24.27 brlcad cya
20:26.12 brlcad hm, yeah -- that in/out looks right
20:27.23 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
22:00.09 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
22:00.53 pacman87 is back again
22:16.42 brlcad aha, vpriv is ending up with Z == -inf
22:16.54 brlcad causing nan's during norm()
22:20.34 pacman87 hmm, i though i handled that in norm()
22:21.28 brlcad actually, really shouldn't rely on ieee encoding
22:21.43 brlcad division by zero on some platforms will result in a floating point exception instead of nans
22:21.51 brlcad i.e., the app can crash
22:22.18 brlcad best to always protect with NEAR_ZERO tests and do the extra book-keeping and conditionals
22:22.19 pacman87 is looking up the code
22:22.42 brlcad it's undoubtedly the m = dir[Y] / dir[X] where things start
22:23.23 pacman87 what happened to the sourceforge svn browse?
22:26.12 brlcad looks like they're in the middle of setting up a new web server
22:26.26 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
22:26.31 brlcad it was fine just yesterday
22:27.10 brlcad ah, interesting, it works if you go deep .. just not the top-level places that used to redirect
22:27.13 brlcad e.g.
22:29.51 brlcad woot, fixed at least one of the problems
22:29.58 brlcad still have a problem if they're dead-on
22:31.33 pacman87 dead-on = ?
22:31.36 pacman87 along the revolve axis?
22:32.09 brlcad top-view
22:32.19 brlcad yeah, looking down the revolve axis
22:47.56 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32864 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c:
22:47.56 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: fix at least one problem with the revolve normals where nan's were making their
22:47.56 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: way into the norm() calc causing badness. this protects the division by zeros
22:47.56 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: applying some naive fallback logic that probably needs reviewing/improving but
22:47.56 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: does fix the problem for at least a few orientations. there are still problems
22:47.58 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: with looking straight up/down the rotation axis.
22:52.53 brlcad pacman87: feel free to review/revert that ..
22:53.18 brlcad the near-zero cases should probably be handled better than that
22:54.11 brlcad I left some XXX debug statements in there for you if you want to poke it
22:54.21 pacman87 ok
22:55.29 pacman87 don't you need an else in front of line 432?
23:00.25 pacman87 and if dir[X] is near zero, then m would be very large, not one
23:01.17 brlcad ah, yeah -- there was an else there at one point .. where'd it go
23:03.19 brlcad yes, huge, but then they're caught with the subsequent near_zero tests for /m to just make vpriv[z] = 0
23:04.08 brlcad those seem like they should be 1/-1 instead of 0, but I was following/faking intent
23:05.50 pacman87 subsequent test == line 455?
23:06.17 pacman87 shouldn't that be dir[X] is near zero, instead of m near zero?
23:07.20 brlcad heh, copy-paste ftw .. you can see how careful/awake I am :)
23:07.59 brlcad actually, hm, 455 you say?
23:08.16 pacman87 and if you're worried about inf, then you need a check for dir[Y] == 0, cause then m = 0 and 1/m is inf
23:08.34 brlcad 455 looks right to me
23:08.37 pacman87 yeah, i'm looking at the diff on sourceforge
23:08.45 pacman87 <PROTECTED>
23:08.49 brlcad it's protecting the /m
23:09.06 pacman87 oh, right
23:09.08 brlcad the point being to avoid inf/nan altogether
23:09.51 pacman87 so all the problems arise when either dir[X] or dir[Y] are zero, yeah?
23:10.56 pacman87 the easiest way to ensure correctness (i'd think) would be to replace m or 1/m with dir[Y]/dir[X] or the opposite, and it'd be easier to check the condition you need
23:11.37 brlcad yeah, I think so
23:12.43 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32866 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: ws, indent
23:12.43 brlcad kicks CIA-4
23:12.43 CIA-4 ow
23:12.45 pacman87 another way would be to add another surfno to designate that the face is perpendicular to the revolve axis
23:13.18 brlcad is that your HORIZ_SURF ?
23:14.28 pacman87 yeah, but in shot(), i think i'm only using it when i have to close the sketch myself
23:14.46 pacman87 though the code should be applicable to this problem, too
23:15.25 pacman87 so i think that boils down to "if (dir[y] is near zero) surfno = HORIZ_SURF
23:18.17 pacman87 dinnertime, back soon
23:18.56 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
23:20.44 brlcad cheerio
23:21.03 ``Erik cheerios for dinner? *ponder*
23:28.26 starseeker never cared for cheerios
23:29.27 ``Erik I used to get frosted miniwheats and raisin bran, but I don't eat breakfast anymore :/
23:29.43 ``Erik if I do, I cook up crepes or pancakes or waffles or eggs/hashbrowns/bacon or something
23:30.10 ``Erik grabs his pink apron and prances about
23:30.53 brlcad yay, threats from someone 35 levels higher than me now that I'm about to pass 30
23:31.02 starseeker tries to scrub that mental image out of his head
23:31.25 ``Erik on ceti, I assume?
23:31.44 ``Erik I think 50 is the high end of epsilon right now
23:31.46 brlcad beta
23:31.54 ``Erik oh, beta, my bad
23:31.59 ``Erik "the other one"
23:32.24 ``Erik my first lithp web app project, I think, is going to be a suite of ae helpers
23:32.57 ``Erik extending the notion that created
23:32.57 ``Erik :)
23:35.00 brlcad I find myself getting increasingly apathetic given I only check the status every couple days now
23:35.14 brlcad not writing enough code, even if it's only getting 5 minutes of my day
23:36.16 ``Erik opposed to tv? :D
23:36.31 brlcad yep, that already doesn't really get much/any of my time
23:37.05 brlcad especially since I moved, I've gotten weened off of everything
23:37.24 ``Erik <-- pads ae in around his down cycles, fun diversion :)
23:37.26 brlcad even missing the new season of heroes (though I *will* catch up on that at some point)
23:37.47 ``Erik bought a place yet? bob says you have another townhouse in canton that caught your eye?
23:37.50 brlcad heh, but you only consist of down cycles??
23:38.01 brlcad yeah, it's a sweet place
23:38.02 ``Erik heh, on occasion
23:38.20 ``Erik when, say, I svn up, run make and it breaks, yeah, that's a downtime day :D *duck*
23:39.06 brlcad you sound like someone else now
23:39.31 ``Erik heh
23:39.45 ``Erik pizza time :D
23:39.49 brlcad someone who shall go unnamed but doesn't even read the error message before "giving up" on even simple typo errors :P
23:41.11 ``Erik oh, I saw the message, followed the commit message, looked at the diff, looked at the infracting code
23:41.37 ``Erik and figured you must've just forgotten to commit src/libged/make.c
23:41.40 ``Erik :)
23:42.12 brlcad nope, never even made the edit
23:42.15 brlcad but it was trivial :P
23:42.28 brlcad i was just compiling per-dir at the time
23:43.09 ``Erik I'm thinking you gutted a void* type 'magic' thing to overload it with switching structs using a type enumerator
23:43.25 ``Erik but the enumeration was set up like a bit vector in octal for some strange reason
23:43.27 ``Erik O.o
23:45.23 ``Erik so *shrug* it was paperwork, answering make questions, etc
23:45.43 brlcad it's exactly as you read it
23:47.15 brlcad even down to the strange reason (exclusive id, just so you could look up the type via bitmask or equivalence)
23:47.19 ``Erik the part that really had me step bck and go "uh, wtf?" was using an enumeration with a value set on every name instead of just letting it be a real enumeration or doing #defines
23:47.28 brlcad custom structs just being a way to pack them in memory tight
23:47.46 ``Erik why not a union in the struct?
23:48.02 brlcad thought about it
23:49.02 ``Erik unfortunately, I still have loads of non-code things to deal with :/ so something weird like that, Igo do the unfun stuff for a bit :)
23:49.03 brlcad but the size of a union is the size of it's largest member iirc
23:49.13 brlcad which defeats the whole purpose
23:49.23 brlcad otherwise I could just have done what the DSP did
23:50.17 brlcad (which was to just shove it all in a struct and access members based on the type)
23:50.58 ``Erik yeah, union will always be the biggest member
23:51.06 brlcad which makes for one pig of a structure .. I was debugging it a while ago and it looked like it's using 160 bytes per cell(!) .. maybe just a bug but damn
23:52.23 brlcad points should now take up just exactly what they need with the only cost being that you have to typecast the container to the right struct
23:52.51 brlcad would also make a really trivial extension to add per-point weights/scales now too
23:54.29 ``Erik ponder this
23:54.45 ``Erik resuming a raytrace is gone, no more, an ex-feature
23:54.51 ``Erik <-- beats it on the countertop
23:54.55 brlcad the other thing I could have done would have been separate lists for the point data, normal data, color data, etc, just having null lists for the ones that don't have that data .. that would have avoided the void*
23:55.09 ``Erik does the 0,0,1 'base' color still make sense? or can we have pure colors?
23:55.18 brlcad ahhhmmmmmmmmmm
23:55.33 brlcad that wasn't just done for resuming
23:55.45 ``Erik <-- has half been thinking about adding an .rpx format that'd journal how much was written
23:56.20 ``Erik so my 40000x40000 -H37 -J3 poster render could be picked back up O.o :D
23:56.59 ``Erik what else is 'not really black' used for? O.o
23:57.13 brlcad i'd completely go for eliminating that magic color if we had proper alphachannel support -- knowing which are "background"/missed pixels is a feature used by quite a few tools
23:58.32 ``Erik heh, png is looking better and better :)
23:58.59 brlcad hell, I'd go for full 64-bit images, hdr internally ftw
23:59.15 *** join/#brlcad archivist_emc (
23:59.15 ``Erik png can do that :D
23:59.42 brlcad it does?
23:59.49 brlcad thought they only did 16bit
23:59.55 brlcad exr does 32-bit

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