IRC log for #brlcad on 20081008

00:00.30 ``Erik iirc, png allows you to set the width arbitrarily
00:00.34 brlcad we actually have the start/stubs to a floating point raw image format (dpix) that was getting added to everything
00:00.47 ``Erik nifty
00:02.19 ``Erik hah, john stewart is refering to palin as "the she-bush"
00:03.06 brlcad ah, so it does..
00:26.47 dtidrow howdy, brlcad - finally moved into our new home
00:29.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32867 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/bomb.c: erm, think the three fputs calls are stale debug leftovers. kill em
00:29.33 claymore good lord.. a 1 TB 7200 spin SATA drive... $89...
00:30.25 dtidrow lik please ;-)
00:30.31 dtidrow link, that is...
00:31.17 claymore bah, 119 with a 30 mail in rebate... never mind
00:31.21 claymore
00:31.51 dtidrow still, $120/TB is still a good deal
00:32.36 claymore I know, I am just super impatient ;) Mail In Rebates != instant satisfaction....
00:32.48 starseeker prods CIA-4
00:33.14 claymore quadcore AMD socket am2 2.6GHz for $190. Now thats not bad at all...
00:50.12 starseeker hopes his hardware holds out for a while
00:57.46 ``Erik looks at his 1.2ghz athlon and ponders
01:14.58 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32869 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/ Oh yeah, might help to actually build tkhtml3
01:21.25 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
01:21.25 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || The 2008 Google Summer of Code is complete! -- Thanks deserved to all of our students! || (Source) Release 7.12.6 posted 2008-08-19 || Mailing lists are now reply-to-list instead of reply-to-sender by default
02:01.02 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r32870 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/spline.c:
02:01.02 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: Corrected the limit on a loop. I believe this corrects bug #2009424
02:01.02 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: "iges-g crashes with -n option on Linux". Also improved handling of rational
02:01.02 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: vs polynomial surfaces (to reduce memory usage of non-rational Bspline surfaces).
02:14.12 ``Erik
02:42.54 brlcad woo hoo! ..
02:43.05 brlcad halfway there
02:45.50 PrezKennedy you should have put in "Having fun" in the place where it asks what you were doing
02:46.02 starseeker sweeeet!
02:50.38 louipc fancy
02:51.00 louipc I thought that was going to be a model of a water bomber or something
02:52.02 brlcad :)
02:52.15 brlcad it's what I'm calling the crash report tool
02:52.34 brlcad dtidrow: congratulations!
02:52.53 brlcad dtidrow: so where abouts are you now?
02:54.20 brlcad so aquatk is still a bit of a pita to get matching x11 .. and I have to jump through hoops to force it to use the right libs (it's sort of all or nothing)
02:54.29 brlcad but it does indeed work at least for that simple example
02:56.33 starseeker YES!
02:56.56 brlcad hah
02:57.09 brlcad I've been trumped, nice work :)
02:57.24 brlcad that looks great
02:57.31 starseeker nah, not trumped - just didn't want to get too far behind :-P
02:57.32 starseeker thanks
02:57.59 starseeker rendering isn't absolutely perfect (one of the tables is left justified for some reason) but it should do
02:58.19 brlcad nods
02:58.29 starseeker right now, only search and rt on that list work
02:58.44 brlcad i know it's powerful and can do pretty much any layout, but it always seems a pita to me to get tk layouts to behave
02:59.02 starseeker I need to use the dirent functionality to look at whats actually available and build a list from that
02:59.12 starseeker agrees
02:59.21 brlcad they just seem to go contrary to how I learned layouts or something and I always feel like I'm hacking it (probably due to just not sitting down and spending the time to learn it proper)
03:00.47 starseeker brlcad: Right now it's more or less held together with chewing gum and string, but I think it should be fairly safe as far as crashing goes - can I go ahead and commit so I don't lose it?
03:01.13 starseeker doesn't think it's brlcad - I've got the frigging intro book in front of me and it feels weird
03:02.18 brlcad the only concern is the compilability of tkhtml3
03:02.30 brlcad if that's working cleanly, I don't see why not
03:02.56 brlcad maybe test a bsd and mac at least
03:03.11 brlcad make sure it builds and installs without a hiccup
03:03.15 starseeker Mac's OK (at least this one is)
03:03.19 starseeker hunts up linux box
03:06.09 louipc builds tkhtml
03:06.13 louipc woohoo
03:20.48 brlcad what's the usual Linux/X11 key binding to quit an app and/or close a window?
03:21.52 brlcad control-q ?
03:24.13 starseeker hmm. Ctrl-q sounds good. I'm not sure there really is a standard per say - I usually either quit via the program or kill the sucker
03:26.10 ``Erik whatever has been mapped to xkill :D ctl+alt+escape (then click the window) shows up on a google
03:26.32 ``Erik if that doesn'twork, ctl+alt+backspace will definitely get it
03:26.37 ``Erik *duck*
03:26.47 brlcad heh
03:27.04 starseeker sounds like an approach Mike would use for quitting an app - "Nuke 'em all!" :-P
03:28.45 starseeker will test john's iges-g fix when he gets home - that'll be NEWS worthy if he got it
03:29.12 ``Erik many moons ago, back when I used to code,I was having issues with X locking up during opengl development with my 3dfx card and the opengl/glide bridge... ended up writing a joystick polling program that mapped things like killing X to a button, rebooting the machine to a button, etc... :)
03:29.19 ``Erik I used to be cool! honest!
03:29.35 starseeker heh
03:30.00 starseeker was only ever cool in a relative sense
03:32.45 starseeker reached the Zen of floppy divination - the true master needs no labels
03:34.03 ``Erik
03:34.13 ``Erik my first programs went on things that looked like those
03:34.14 ``Erik :D
03:35.04 starseeker eh
03:35.15 starseeker at least neither of us was there to suffer through punch cards
03:35.23 ``Erik my mom did O.o
03:35.26 starseeker ow
03:35.45 starseeker might still take punch cards over old style mechanical typewritters though
03:36.03 ``Erik she was in college taking programming classes... fortran on punch cards... her guidance councellor told her there was no future in programming or computers
03:36.08 ``Erik woops O.o
03:36.14 starseeker did she listen?
03:36.20 ``Erik yeah
03:36.49 starseeker whoops
03:37.48 Ralith fortran existed on punch cards?
03:37.49 Ralith wow.
03:37.56 Ralith I didn't know they were at all high level.
03:39.12 starseeker pretty much ignored his undergraduate councellor
03:39.38 ``Erik up through fortran 4, the format was "fixed column" to facilitate punchcard programming...
03:47.08 starseeker Works on linux
03:47.14 starseeker swwweeeet
03:49.11 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32871 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/ (6 files in 2 dirs): Early stage attempt at html based manual page display in MGED
03:50.02 starseeker decides that's probably enough for one day and heads home.
03:50.36 starseeker on the plus side, it doesn't look like my hours will be quite as long as I was afraid they would be
03:55.48 brlcad great
04:01.27 dtidrow brlcad: we're about 15 miles north of Detroit
04:50.50 brlcad dtidrow, oh wow .. dunno if I knew that already, but .. yeah, wow :)
04:51.18 brlcad I have family about a mile or two from M59
04:52.18 brlcad kicks CIA-4
04:52.18 CIA-4 ow
04:52.56 brlcad given the e-mails are making it out, CIA must be dropping commits now when load is high
04:55.24 brlcad more or less final appearance now,
06:33.21 starseeker very nice!
06:33.56 brlcad thx, still needs word-smithed
06:34.03 brlcad still needs to send the report somewhere
06:34.05 starseeker erm
06:34.10 brlcad still needs to get hooked into an app
06:34.10 starseeker In file included from ../../../brlcad/src/util/bombardier.c:35:
06:34.10 starseeker /usr/include/tk.h:23:3: error: #error Tk 8.4 must be compiled with tcl.h from Tcl 8.4
06:34.25 brlcad hm
06:34.38 brlcad sounds like might be needing some autogenification love
06:34.48 brlcad or cppflags are lacking
06:35.03 brlcad ah, yes..
06:35.08 brlcad doesn't bite on mac
06:36.59 brlcad hrm, not what I thought it might be
06:37.24 brlcad ah, maybe this..
06:40.51 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32874 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ try adding the tk and tcl cppflags for bombardier since it needs both
06:41.24 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32875 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/bombardier.c: re-enable the tclcad_auto_path so that we can run cleanly uninstalled (nasty to include all of libtclcad just for that routine, but oh well)
06:45.04 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32876 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/bombardier.c: quell warnings, use fclose instead of close so we don't have to invoke bio.h or unistd.h
06:52.40 brlcad give that a go
06:59.33 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32878 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/bombardier.c: and say bye bye to the second fixed buffer too, all hail the new vls overlords
08:13.29 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:14.05 brlcad gets back to work
08:39.19 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:40.41 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:00.39 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
09:10.48 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
09:11.13 *** join/#brlcad justin_ (n=justin@
09:11.36 pacman87 finally finishes ~5 hours of assembly programming and breadboard prototyping
09:11.47 pacman87 good night/morning
09:14.40 brlcad g'morning claymore
09:15.02 brlcad howdy pacman87
09:15.21 *** join/#brlcad clock_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:15.21 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:15.21 *** join/#brlcad geocalc ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:15.33 pacman87 waking up for my circuits lab in 4 hours isn't going to be fun
09:15.33 brlcad :)
09:15.34 brlcad don't go to sleep
09:15.45 brlcad then you don't have to face that unpleasantry
09:16.03 pacman87 if it's less than 3 or so, i usually just stay up and go running
09:16.25 pacman87 anyway, my bed is calling
09:17.17 clock_ pacman87: circuits lab? Is it something to do with electronics
09:17.54 brlcad circuits usually do
09:18.19 clock_ That reminds me how I am trying to teach 2N3904's to ride 10 MHz swell
09:18.54 clock_ Using a circuit simulator I found out the emitter capacitance is not 8pF as written in datasheet, but under current, it goes up to 57pF!
09:19.17 clock_ No wonder it was deforming the signal so horribly when I designed for 8pF!
09:20.02 archivist dont over trust simulators
09:20.13 clock_ But it makes sense
09:20.31 clock_ Under current the capacity of every junction goes much higher
09:21.22 clock_ In reality when built the circuit I got a 500 MHz oscillator.
09:21.45 clock_ It couldn't amplify 10MHz properly, but had no problems with oscillating at 500 MHz ;-)
09:21.47 clock_ Even when the transistors stop working at 300 MHz
09:22.00 clock_ knows how to design circuits for astonishing results
09:22.40 archivist the models in circuit simulators can be poor approximations and ive seen some maths effects from poor simulator design
09:23.00 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32880 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ ( bombardier.h):
09:23.00 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: add an icon to bombardier in old-school bitmap format (since that's what tcl
09:23.00 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: wants). it's nice when all the old tools still work. bitmap was custom
09:23.00 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: hand-edited based off a picture of real Bombardier wings, dithered to bitmap,
09:23.00 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: exported as png, converted to bw, rotated/inverted to 4th quadrant with bwrot,
09:23.02 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: converted to ascii via bw-a, and then to X11 bitmap format using atobmp. so
09:23.04 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: nice when everything works.
09:23.42 clock_ archivist: yeah the theory vs. praxis problem
09:24.38 clock_ archivist: reminds me surfing. All the surf people told me to train stand up at home. I trained a perfect standup on a floor. But when I got to a real board it didn't work at all, because the board has a different mechanical impedance
09:25.25 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32881 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/bombardier.c: hook in a preliminary query dialog that asks the user if they'd like to report the crash (displaying the nifty bombardier wings as a bitmap icon). good to go now for sending the report on in.
09:41.06 brlcad more preview shots:
09:43.00 clock_ Please describe what you were doing when the crash occured:
09:43.13 clock_ I was eating a phone order pizza and masturbating under the desk.
09:47.21 brlcad and that description will get the attention it deserves
10:07.58 *** join/#brlcad quentusrex (
10:18.02 claymore wants to know what kind of pizza it was...
10:35.42 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32882 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ (11 files in 11 dirs): ignore the generated files for a clean svn status
11:03.35 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r32883 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/CMakeLists.txt: added a file to be in sync with
11:18.22 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:16.21 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
12:30.17 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
12:30.35 mafm hi
12:48.12 claymore hai!
12:57.36 starseeker brlcad: Yep, that looks like it builds now - thanks!
12:57.48 starseeker (sorry, crashed last night)
12:59.50 mafm hai
13:00.09 starseeker howdy
13:01.36 starseeker brlcad: those screenshots look awesome
13:06.36 starseeker wooot - tkhtml3 works on my gentoo box too
13:08.08 starseeker is stunned - once I get MGED to generate a "proper" list of available man pages and hook in a command line call, this might actually be ready to roll
13:10.04 starseeker should get ready to roll too...
13:10.29 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
14:19.49 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
14:56.54 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32884 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/ ( bwscale.xml): Add bwscale man page docbook conversion from Janine.
15:18.48 brlcad starseeker: so is she just going down the list and the first ones started with B ?
15:20.01 brlcad er with the b's
15:26.45 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32885 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: call out the work being put into converting, reviewing, and editing the documentation as it is massaged into Docbook format by cliff and janine.
15:27.05 starseeker no, that was just a random short file I gave here as a test
15:27.50 starseeker I gave here the full set now, with the list of cmds MGED knows about as the high priorities
15:27.58 starseeker er gave her
15:28.17 starseeker should think about waking up
15:28.47 brlcad "the full set"?
15:28.59 starseeker all man1 man pages
15:29.13 starseeker she knows to avoid the 3rd party ones
15:29.18 brlcad ah, okay -- so they are all command-line commands
15:29.25 starseeker nods
15:30.01 starseeker is there a good example of starting a dialog from the mged command line anywhere?
15:30.23 starseeker needs an id to feed the dialog request
15:33.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32886 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
15:33.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: this one is a little more tricky to word from an external user perspective but
15:33.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: it's not critical to get it right since it should have a suymmary paragraph
15:33.37 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: talking about it anyways come release time. mention the enhanced documentation
15:33.37 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: processing system in mged that cliff now has integrated and working.
15:33.56 brlcad erm, yeah, look at bombardier :)
15:34.04 brlcad tk_dialog
15:34.08 starseeker turns red
15:34.11 starseeker I knew that...
15:36.47 brlcad i.e., this line in that file: set response [tk_dialog .supg {Ooops...} $msg bombardier 1 {Close} {Report...}]
15:37.38 starseeker wants to set up a "man" command on the MGED command line such that "man search" opens up the html search doc - is it better to do that in tcl or C?
15:49.32 brlcad "yes"
15:50.18 brlcad given it kicks off a gui, that portion belongs in tcl as tcl
15:50.44 starseeker ok
15:51.03 starseeker is there an example of that (maybe the sketch editor?)
15:51.17 brlcad you could, however conceivably have a 'man' command inside mged that was even available in classive mode, and that wouldn't/shouldn't involve tcl at all
15:51.37 starseeker how would it display results?
15:51.38 brlcad sketch editor is a pig, but yeah -- it's an example
15:51.42 starseeker k
15:51.48 brlcad probably a better example would be the geometry browser
15:51.54 brlcad it's hooked in as the "geometree" command
15:52.02 starseeker cool - thanks!
15:52.04 brlcad src/tclscripts/geometree/geometree.tcl
15:52.42 brlcad and yes.. I believe it's not documented ;)
15:52.59 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32887 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/mged.tcl: Only list MGED commands if they actually have an html man page available.
15:53.04 starseeker doesn't dare document that - he'll end up rewriting it
15:53.30 starseeker Ah dingnabbit, now I've got to update the CCB notes again and this time I did it to myself
15:54.04 claymore has extreme sympathy for starseeker.
15:54.33 starseeker 's sarcasm detector just had its needle broken off
16:02.04 claymore spent nearly 10 years dealing with the QA aspect of running nuclear power plants, so when it comes to paperwork, claymore DOES have sympathy for starseeker ;)
16:02.17 starseeker Ah :-)
16:02.33 starseeker yes, I've heard legends about nuclear power plant requirements for documentaiton
16:03.02 claymore legends? Nah. More like living mightmares.
16:04.31 claymore True story: I had to spend 3 hours one time to replace a set of 25A/450V fuses in a switchboard. 1.4 hrs for the initial paperwork/permissions, .2 hrs to replace the fuses in the live board, 1.4 hrs for the followup paperwork closeout.
16:04.59 claymore that was the point at which i knew i was finished with the Nuke Power aspect of my life ;)
16:05.01 Axman6 nice
16:05.12 starseeker winces
16:05.27 Axman6 those sound like large fuses...
16:05.49 claymore Nope. 25A fuses are about the size of half a crayon.
16:05.56 Axman6 what was it like working there?
16:06.00 Axman6 heh, fair enough
16:06.13 claymore I think they were for a 450V recepticle actually.
16:06.32 claymore Well, it was active duty Navy, so it was like any other active duty really.
16:07.14 Axman6 ah yes, right. makes sense why you're here then
16:07.51 claymore 'here' ?
16:08.00 Axman6 #brlcad
16:08.12 Axman6 the whole army thing... nevermind
16:08.18 claymore looks out his window for suspicous looking cars...
16:08.40 Axman6 *cough*
16:09.04 claymore Yeah, i had 10 years in governent service... couldn't just toss that away and I couldn't stand any more deployments... SO, seemed like a natural choice.
16:09.48 claymore Plus, I will hit my retirement window at the age of 42 and will probably switch over to contracting at that point. Nothing like the double dip!
16:10.22 Axman6 so what are you doing now?
16:11.26 claymore I am a newb software dev for the Army Research Labs ;)
16:11.51 claymore en you?
16:12.49 Axman6 first year uni student in australia. falling heavily in love with haskell...
16:14.23 Axman6 i'm not sure why i still hang around here tbh. i haven't used brlcad for most than two years (mostly because X11 is broken on OS X). just has a nice feel i guess
16:15.17 claymore isnt the x11 in 10.5 behaving? Like I said, I am just a newb with the brlcad package (from the dev side that is)... so I am unsure.
16:15.32 Axman6 i should test it out again.
16:20.12 Axman6 fetches the source
16:20.47 brlcad starseeker: if all you're going to do is %s formatting, format is pointless
16:21.06 Axman6 a while ago brlcad was trying to see if he could get it all working under leopard, and i let him use this lappy via ssh. kind of anoying that it was apple's fault in the end :\
16:21.08 brlcad instead of format "html/man1/en/%s.html" $cmd, just use "html/man1/en/$cmd.html" instead
16:21.17 starseeker ah, ok
16:21.25 starseeker isn't used to tcl yet
16:23.43 brlcad Axman6: that should all be working now -- we had successful 10.5 compiles just a couple weeks ago
16:23.48 Axman6 brlcad: how would you feel about solving this, just to show off?
16:23.57 Axman6 brlcad: excellent :)
16:24.59 pacman87 Axman6: i already did that one 2-3 weeks ago :)
16:25.12 Axman6 nice :)
16:25.35 pacman87 i came up with the algorithm over dinner, written on the back of a napkin
16:25.50 pacman87 when one of my friends brought up the problem
16:25.50 Axman6 i've become a bit addicted to project euler. i still have a long way to come though :\
16:25.53 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32888 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/ ( man.tcl tclIndex): Not quite perfect yet, but this flips up the window if you type 'man search' in the command window.
16:26.04 Axman6 heh, very nice
16:26.52 starseeker not yet it isn't - I need to figure out how to avoid blocking the command line
16:27.13 pacman87 ~25 lines of code
16:28.33 Axman6 one of the reasons i really like haskell s that i can write clear, one line solutions, that are very fast. often i don't use one line, because i confuse myself... but many could be
16:33.51 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32889 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/mged.tcl: Don't need format here (per Sean)
16:39.45 Axman6 brlcad: anything more i need to do to get a 64 bit build than --ebable-64bit-build? ./configure's whinging :\
16:41.13 brlcad Axman6: yes, you have to set flags
16:41.35 brlcad the configure flag isn't sufficient due to how libtool works
16:42.06 brlcad CFLAGS=-m64 LDFLAGS=-m64
16:43.19 brlcad starseeker: tk_dialog is blocking -- if you want non-blocking, you'll want to do something different (create a proper window)
16:46.32 brlcad the geometry browser does it by creating a panedwindow (itk widget) inside the GeometryBrowser constructor
16:46.54 brlcad there are a couple dozen other ways you can get a similar result
16:53.41 *** join/#brlcad comics (n=asus@
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17:17.05 *** part/#brlcad comics (n=asus@
17:31.53 mafm night
18:09.57 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
18:16.17 claymore how does one turn the terrian off?
18:18.26 brlcad claymore: que?
18:21.56 *** join/#brlcad archivist_emc (
18:25.36 ``Erik haskell does some damn sexy things in some very limited fields, but it suddenly gets weak when you leave that arena :/
18:29.04 ``Erik like, "find the smallest number evenly divisable by every number between 1 and 20"... foldr1 lcm [1..20]
18:56.56 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
19:00.24 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32890 10/brlcad/trunk/bench/ fix it so clean/clobber work atain. treat those two commands like help and instructions, processing them before the benchmark 'begins'.
19:08.36 brlcad starseeker: toggling .so and .dll isn't portable (and won't be right on mac where it's neither)
19:08.47 brlcad try to avoid bob's bad habits :)
19:09.16 starseeker brlcad: Yeah, that's were I got it - OK, what's the right way? (how come it is working on Mac, then?)
19:09.47 brlcad you should also *never* peek into .libs dirs
19:11.47 ``Erik unless you're über
19:12.52 brlcad it's working because you told libtool to make a "module" (which is sort of like a fake library instruction)
19:12.58 brlcad which makes it build the thing static
19:13.09 brlcad so package require doesn't do anything, it just happens to be compiled in
19:13.16 starseeker was following what tkimg was doing...
19:13.36 brlcad tkimg is a broken way to do it, and part why archer has so many problems
19:13.54 starseeker ok, what's the better one?
19:14.11 brlcad where'd the build files for tkhtml3 come from?
19:14.17 brlcad you write them or did upstream?
19:14.47 starseeker wrote them
19:14.59 starseeker they had some but they didn't seem to "fit"
19:15.08 brlcad what'd they use?
19:15.28 starseeker Make, but they were using tclsh to generate c files on the fly
19:15.56 brlcad the "right way", which tkimg doesn't do, is to set up the build through the tcl extensions interface, TEA
19:16.31 brlcad straight up make or automake or ?
19:16.53 starseeker,, no
19:17.24 brlcad this explains TEA a bit (and is a good read to follow regardless),
19:17.32 brlcad okay, so autoconf project
19:17.44 brlcad they may have been using tea then already
19:17.58 starseeker yes, i think they were
19:19.29 brlcad too
19:19.51 starseeker Are any of the src/other libs handled "the right way" currently?
19:19.51 brlcad ah, there it is --
19:20.05 brlcad mm, don't remember
19:20.13 brlcad maybe iwidgets
19:20.52 starseeker groans - I take it the "right" thing to do is to fix 'em all?
19:20.55 brlcad I think maybe incrTcl too possibly, but it's got other complexities
19:21.19 brlcad nah, I wouldn't worry about fixing a problem that doesn't exist or has zero-cost at the moment
19:21.26 brlcad just don't add to it ;)
19:21.32 starseeker heh
19:21.50 starseeker checks what iwidgets does
19:21.53 brlcad and avoid the bobish if platform copouts :)
19:22.16 brlcad they continue to bite us in the ass years later
19:22.19 starseeker That seemed rather weird to me at the time, but I was assuming Archer did things the "right way" - guess not...
19:23.21 brlcad i've spent weeks discovering/debugging and then rewriting something that amounted to a hack done a decade ago because a problem came up
19:23.24 brlcad dozens of them
19:24.04 brlcad it saved the original dev 'maybe' a couple days of extra work at the time
19:24.26 starseeker nods. I'll attempt to retool the tkhtml3 build to the "correct" behavior
19:24.48 starseeker I think we still want to avoid the tclsh generated c files - those are a pain
19:24.57 brlcad archer does the tcl side better, but not any of it's dependency management
19:25.15 brlcad it's initialization really sucked horribly as well, hard coded filesystem paths everywhere
19:25.19 brlcad impossible for it to run anywhere
19:25.34 brlcad but i've since rewritten it when I got it working on mac
19:25.54 starseeker cool
19:26.24 brlcad took over a month to diagnose, learn, and fix .. and probably only saved a week to do the hack
19:26.44 starseeker we need to send Bob to boot camp :-P
19:26.46 brlcad really has grown to despise the maintenance burden of hacks
19:27.06 brlcad oh, I don't mind *bob* so much doing it
19:27.25 brlcad but it means he needs a finisher, someone that follows up after him and cleans up while it's all still in context
19:27.58 brlcad at least I don't mind "too" much .. sometimes the hacks aren't even worth it if he's really being lazy
19:28.30 *** join/#brlcad pacman87_ (
19:28.43 brlcad howdy pacman87_
19:28.47 starseeker was so happy to have a working tkhtml3, too...
19:29.24 brlcad damn commit e-mails ruining your fun ;)
19:29.41 starseeker you were supposed to be too shot to read them :-P
19:31.00 *** join/#brlcad pacman87_ (
19:31.21 starseeker erm. Does each src/other directory need its own version of tcl.m4?
19:32.19 brlcad technically, no, but it's easier to leave upstream as pristine as possible
19:32.28 brlcad and to distribute stand-alone..
19:32.51 starseeker Ah...
19:33.12 brlcad fyi, not to add to the greivances but make dist is busted in tkhtml3 too ;)
19:34.06 brlcad chuckles
19:34.17 starseeker OK, OK, I give up - I'll look over the iwidgets setup.
19:34.51 brlcad read the TEA docs, act like you're writing an extension .. then see what the others have done
19:34.59 starseeker will see about staying closer to the original tkhtml3 build logic, but it doesn't clean up after itself properly
19:35.43 brlcad it is possible to hook in their .in files into our configure so that they build as a proper subconfigure
19:36.43 starseeker would prefer not to do that - they've got a snarl of several things stuffed in there, some of which may or may not be working...
19:36.50 brlcad unless they were doing something horrible, I'd try to leave them as pristine as possible just so we can upgrade with near-zero effort
19:37.32 starseeker can submit a patch to them... :-P
19:38.53 starseeker mumbles something under his breath about getting Bob for this...
19:43.32 ``Erik heh "what about bob?" ? :D
19:44.02 ``Erik hopefully with windows, linux and osX all on his desk, he'll avoid those issues :)
20:03.06 brlcad you'd think
20:03.56 brlcad but he still reverts to #ifdefs all the time, and 90% of the time they're not needed or desirable
20:07.27 PrezKennedy need some goto statements
20:11.19 ``Erik logs in and 'updates' his cpp :D
20:12.38 PrezKennedy brlcad, have you talked to my brother about his classes this semester?
20:14.53 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32892 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/man.tcl: Would help to be able to scroll.
20:36.29 brlcad PrezKennedy: nope
20:37.12 brlcad starseeker: scrolling example in bombardier
20:37.34 brlcad you basically just tie the text area to the scrollbar
20:42.11 ``Erik wiggles his toes
20:44.04 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
21:04.26 PrezKennedy i hate when the Internet goes down at work
21:04.29 PrezKennedy phones go too
21:04.36 PrezKennedy but somehow people still manage to find me
21:18.08 starseeker brlcad: Oh, I've got a scrollbar hooked up - I was just overriding all mouse events at the window level so when I clicked on the scrollbar to move it the window closed
21:18.40 starseeker brlcad: sort of a "you touch it, it vanishes" kind of arrangement
21:42.26 *** join/#brlcad TunaSushi (
21:42.38 TunaSushi hello, any humans in here?
21:43.48 starseeker will aliens do?
21:44.38 TunaSushi close enough... i have a newbie question...
21:44.57 TunaSushi what's the easiest way to get dimensions and volume from an igs file?
21:45.15 starseeker igs?
21:45.28 starseeker iges you mean?
21:46.11 starseeker You can give the iges-g converter a shot and then examine the components in BRL-CAD
21:46.14 TunaSushi oops. typo. yes. plus i'm using windows with a 3-letter file extention.
21:46.35 starseeker erm. brlcad, you know if the iges-g convert is in the Windows build?
21:49.13 TunaSushi i haven't used brl-cad before. downloading now... i try to use catia for iges, but i have not been able to get simple drafting info for print.
21:49.21 starseeker nirt can be used to examine a solid model for dimensions
21:50.01 starseeker if the iges-g conversion preserves the right info - not sure about that
21:50.09 TunaSushi is nirt a component of brl-cad?
21:50.28 starseeker yes
21:51.02 TunaSushi ok.
21:52.47 TunaSushi are you one of the developers?
21:53.01 starseeker not a senior one, but yes
21:53.54 ``Erik nub
21:54.04 starseeker nurb
21:54.37 starseeker oh, shorthand for noob?
21:54.44 starseeker fair enough
21:54.59 ``Erik like noob, but meaner :D
21:55.19 TunaSushi i was crass enough to spell it 'newbie'.
21:55.47 TunaSushi what OS do you guys run this on?
21:56.03 ``Erik I mostly use FreeBSD and MacOS-X
21:56.21 starseeker OSX and gentoo linux
21:56.33 ``Erik bbiab, my computer told me to go home
21:57.29 starseeker should get supper
21:58.44 TunaSushi i'm lost.
21:58.59 starseeker what's the problem?
22:00.06 TunaSushi i have Archer, MGED, and RTWizard.
22:00.13 starseeker The iges-g tool is a command line tool - if it is in the Windows build it will need to be run from the Windows terminal
22:01.06 starseeker Look in the BRL-CAD install directories for iges-g.exe
22:01.35 starseeker probably in a bin directory
22:01.56 starseeker if it's there, open a terminal and CD into that directory.
22:02.38 starseeker then it's iges-g -o file.g path_to_iges_file
22:02.51 starseeker or iges-g.exe maybe
22:03.00 starseeker must run - bbiab
22:09.08 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
22:34.01 louipc haha windows terminal
22:49.52 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
23:53.47 Axman6 bleh, bre-cad doesn't want to build 64bit for me -_-
23:54.03 Axman6 brl-cad too

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