IRC log for #brlcad on 20081009

00:12.50 brlcad starseeker: arf, just missed you I suppose
00:12.56 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
00:12.56 starseeker eh?
00:13.02 brlcad starseeker: you home?
00:13.09 starseeker no, back at work - grabbed supper
00:13.17 brlcad OOoooh . . .
00:13.25 brlcad forgot his keys
00:13.30 starseeker ouch
00:13.37 starseeker in your office?
00:13.38 brlcad so I couldn't get in :)
00:13.46 brlcad I'm over in kermit's
00:13.49 Axman6 bah! well the latest brl-cad still fails to build properly on my system 9OS X 10.5.5) the benchmark dies with lt-rt crashing with some error about symbol not found: __cp_png_create_info_struct
00:13.51 starseeker well, come on back - I'll be here :-)
00:14.05 Axman6 (*
00:14.17 starseeker (sounds like there may be some unhappy equipment in your room, come to think of it)
00:14.25 Ralith Axman6: on your system 9OS X? O.o
00:14.39 Axman6 OS X*
00:14.58 brlcad Axman6: hm, the png thing is easily fixed, but I forget what exactly the fix it :)
00:15.20 Axman6 yeah i seem to remember that was a fix
00:16.14 brlcad reads backlog, and I do believe iges-g is in the windows mix
00:16.28 brlcad the 3-letter extension shouldn't be a problem/relevant
00:17.33 brlcad TunaSushi: there should be a 'bin' directory, iges-g should be in there .. but yeah, you'll need some terminal lovin'
00:18.04 starseeker bparker was talking about sucking the converters into libged - boy would that be nice
00:18.09 brlcad Axman6: can you post a full build log including configure up somewhere? (sorry to repeat, but I really just don't remember)
00:18.20 starseeker has daydreams of a dialog with dropdowns for CAD filetypes
00:18.33 brlcad starseeker: even better .. into their own library
00:18.46 brlcad and then just having two ged commands for import/export
00:18.53 Axman6 yeah i will. gimme a sec to get my mouse again. this piece of crap macbook pro's keyboard and mouse randomly stop responding
00:18.55 brlcad that support any available type
00:19.14 starseeker licks his chops at the idea of such a lib
00:21.43 Axman6 brlcad:
00:22.31 brlcad Axman6: cool thanks, give me a bit
00:22.37 Axman6 sure :)
00:23.09 Axman6 well, the good news is mged works fine so far
00:23.23 brlcad oh, so what's the problem then? :)
00:25.17 ``Erik I think it's even in to TODO file, starseeker
00:25.29 ``Erik I know I started the hackery that is the 2d image equivelant :)
00:25.37 brlcad yeah, it's been in TODO and doc/PROJECTS ever since going open source
00:29.17 Axman6 brlcad: the benchmark dies, and i guessing raytracing will too
00:29.27 brlcad yep
00:29.44 brlcad the benchmark calls rt
00:29.58 Axman6 hmm, it has been far too long since i've used brl-cad. i can't remember how to do anything
00:32.53 Axman6 there isn't an object browser of any kind is there? like a gui where i can browse what objects i have, and display them?
00:33.27 ``Erik sorta kinda
00:33.33 ``Erik the geometry viewer
00:33.37 ``Erik in 'tools' I believe
00:33.50 Axman6 yeah, just found it
00:34.02 Axman6 i had looked, not very hard obviously
00:36.37 ``Erik shakes fist at emacs
00:36.51 Axman6 and how do i just look at the raytraced image, without the outline of the objects?
00:39.53 ``Erik if you pull up the raytrace panel and choose 'underlay'
00:46.19 Axman6 urgh, how do i copy text from the mged commandn window? i'm getting an error i remember for a while ago, and i don't know how or if it can be fixed
00:47.08 Axman6 "The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionallity safely. You MUST exec()."
00:52.18 ``Erik O.o weird, I don't recall seeing that, the X proto worked for me on osX last I checked
00:52.31 ``Erik but I don't run mged often, and I'm more apt to run it -c so *shrug*
00:52.53 ``Erik what about running an xclipboard and seeing what happens there?
00:53.23 ``Erik I vagually recall needing to use it to bounce things between and system cut&paste once upon a time, but that seems to have been fixed for me
01:02.51 Axman6 i don't know how to copy things :\
01:59.36 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
02:11.04 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
02:24.52 brlcad Axman6: run mged -f
02:25.03 brlcad should be default if you're compilng off of head though..
02:26.03 brlcad Axman6: copying text from the mged command window is the same for any other x11 window (which unfortunately is not the same key bindings as aqua by default) .. make your selection then middle mouse click
02:35.51 poolio brlcad: howdy
02:38.05 brlcad howdy poolio
02:38.09 brlcad how's it going
02:49.32 poolio brlcad: good good. I've been insanely busy lately. And you?
02:50.06 Axman6 brlcad: -f is unrecognised, and i have middle click bound to another action. stupid X11 -_-
02:53.08 brlcad poolio: similarly insane
02:53.13 brlcad and busy too I suppose ;)
02:54.10 Axman6 brlcad: this is with the latest release i think (7.12.6)
02:55.36 brlcad hm, that's really bizzare then .. it no longer forks
02:55.44 brlcad do you maybe have a previous install somwehere?
02:56.29 brlcad does it say "Initializing and backgrounding, please wait..." when you start mged?
02:56.31 Axman6 i do... but i did run sudo make install, so it should've installed over it shouldn't it?
02:56.40 Axman6 no
02:57.01 Axman6 installs again
02:58.22 Axman6 bleh, i need to get going
03:06.14 brlcad hm, it entirely should have if you used the same build settings, but if one was --enable-all and the other wasn't, that might change matters
03:07.24 brlcad Axman6: it could also just be that something has been missed wrt forking, but like I said -- we did have clean compile/installs a week or two ago on 10.5 (though we had some customizations that you probably don't have wrt external dependencies)
03:08.12 yukonbob hello, cadheads
03:12.47 brlcad howdy yukonbob
04:09.11 yukonbob man, what a day
04:09.33 yukonbob and what a slow interweb... is everybody watching Heroes or something tonight?
04:10.24 yukonbob checks to see if it's Heroes night tonight
04:17.11 starseeker Well, confirmed that the iges-g crash is fixed
04:17.20 starseeker should update NEWS file...
04:17.57 starseeker Now the problem is the .g file wiped out my memory when I tried to draw it
04:18.52 starseeker brlcad: feel like attempting to crash your Mac? :-P
04:25.37 starseeker does a g2asc and is awed to see a single 35MB bspline
04:30.02 starseeker hmm - well, nirt is reporting hits and LOS values
04:30.47 starseeker rt can't seem to do much with it though
05:15.38 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
05:44.52 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
06:59.20 brlcad goes walkabout to stretch the legs
07:43.04 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
07:54.15 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:01.10 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
09:12.45 brlcad shakes his fist at the air in front of him
10:29.18 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:29.45 mafm hi
11:19.47 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
11:32.55 brlcad howdy
11:55.31 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:02.57 claymore Mernin!
12:04.24 mafm_ holy disconnections, batman!
12:04.38 mafm_ mourim, claymore
12:10.10 starseeker brlcad: What did that air ever do to you?
12:18.43 brlcad hm? air?
12:18.47 brlcad oooh
12:18.47 brlcad heh
12:20.47 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32893 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
12:20.47 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: John fixed a bug reported on both Gentoo and Redhad Linux where iges-g was
12:20.47 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: crashing when run with the -n option. The cause turned out to be an incorrect
12:20.47 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: upper limit on a loop adjusting knot values that caused a failure when the
12:20.47 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: program attempted to free the knot array.
12:23.12 starseeker faces up to the reality of morning rush hour traffic and gets going
12:23.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32894 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/bombardier.c: extract the name of the command that crashed from the crash report itself.
12:23.52 claymore Starseeker: Just bring a book ;)
12:24.05 starseeker <snort> Not a bad idea
12:24.34 starseeker thinks they should do "Programming Books on Tape (well, CD nowadays)"
12:25.01 starseeker can see listening to Practical Common Lisp as read by the author on his way to work
12:25.04 claymore is listening to audio books during is 1.2 hour commute. Working through Anne McCaffery's Pern books.... MUCH better on tape.
12:25.10 claymore lol
12:25.22 starseeker Heh. I never could get into the Pern series
12:25.41 starseeker likes David Weber's stuff so far
12:26.08 claymore The very very frist one, Chronologically, is the first I ever read. Got hooked. If you try to start in the middle with the first book that was written... its tough to swallow.
12:26.22 claymore Weber has some gems also:)
12:26.22 starseeker Ah, that might help
12:26.36 starseeker really likes Empire from the Ashes
12:27.06 claymore DragonsDawn covers the initial colonization of Pern. so its more Scifi that Fantasy. I have the Audio Book on mp3 if you want it ;)
12:27.22 starseeker is tempted
12:28.45 claymore just lemme know and I can burnin it to cd or email a tar to ya.
12:28.55 starseeker Cool - thanks!
12:29.21 claymore lol actually, i just checked. I have a backup copy at work ;)
12:29.26 starseeker hehe
12:29.50 starseeker sounds good :-)
12:30.18 starseeker really stops procrastinating and heads in, particularly since he just gave himself one more item to add to the CCB list
12:30.43 starseeker time to watch the rest of the world pretend it knows how to drive - see ya!
12:31.00 claymore cyas
12:35.33 mafm_ bye
13:14.46 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ub (
13:40.14 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
15:31.33 *** join/#brlcad comics (n=asus@
15:31.48 comics starseeker: ?
15:42.08 *** join/#brlcad archivist_emc_ (
15:44.48 ``Erik scratches his brain
15:50.42 *** join/#brlcad claymore (
15:51.35 comics claymore has gone from one server to another.
15:52.22 comics or has come from one server to another... has gone or has come uh uh uh.. don't know
15:56.01 claymore is an irc newb, please cut him some slack ;)
15:57.46 comics ok, i cut some slack toast for claymore
15:58.25 claymore is rather hungry.... good idea!
15:58.34 comics actually 'Karmakoma' from MassiveAttack - my previous words reminds that video
15:59.06 ``Erik karmakoma, jamaica and a rome-uh
15:59.07 ``Erik O.o
15:59.55 comics yeah...
16:32.40 comics ``Erik: I want automatic dimensioning. Not myself, but e.g. separate details
16:33.08 comics probably, 2022 fromthe birth of Jesus?
16:57.39 *** part/#brlcad comics (n=asus@
17:13.06 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
17:17.24 PrezKennedy <3 IRC
17:20.09 ``Erik erm, tmi? :D
17:23.07 starseeker comics: sorry, preparing for a meeting right now
17:35.17 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
20:24.18 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r32896 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/asc2g.c: add a comment token (must be first character of line)
20:24.43 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r32897 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/librender/camera.c: default to phone instead of normal
20:28.14 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
22:50.31 *** part/#brlcad TunaSushi (
23:00.05 ``Erik O.o

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