IRC log for #brlcad on 20081015

00:04.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32961 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/ ( mged.xml): Add first stab at an MGED man page that is a tad more current - needs some more work.
00:07.18 louipc starseeker: some funky line wrapping you've got there :D
00:07.49 starseeker mm?
00:08.00 starseeker you mean in the xml?
00:08.04 louipc yea
00:08.30 starseeker Doesn't look too bad here - what's it look like on your end?
00:09.44 starseeker what really counts is how it looks in output :-)
00:10.21 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
00:10.44 louipc
00:12.02 louipc well my term is at 79 cols is why hah
00:13.20 starseeker Ah
00:13.31 starseeker yea, I'm being a bit careless about that
00:13.36 starseeker feel free to correct it :-)
00:14.30 louipc I'd feel so lame doing that since you're actually doing the real work and stuff haha
00:14.40 louipc your rules
00:26.14 starseeker louipc: Nah, go for it
00:26.44 starseeker really shouldn't be doing doc stuff, but his new doc display system doesn't reach full potential until it has lots of material to work with
00:28.38 starseeker lots of instant gratification, as it were :-)
00:28.57 louipc hey man it's good work
00:29.24 starseeker louipc: Does the new tkhtml3 widget work for you?
00:29.31 louipc haven't tried it yet
00:29.58 starseeker ah. At the moment, if you type "man search" in a recent svn build you should get it
00:30.22 louipc that works in classic mode too?
00:30.31 starseeker no, needs Tcl/Tk
00:30.52 louipc aw
00:53.09 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
01:19.41 brlcad looks like -h is help and that's not in the man page either .. :)
01:20.20 brlcad that's where I'd really like to have the command spreadsheet complete to datamine what the predominant args in use are for various types of commands
01:20.55 brlcad would help to know what options would be best to be globally consistent (like -? or -h on any command always giving usage)
02:39.43 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
02:42.46 yukonbob hello, cadheads
03:26.56 starseeker howdy bob
03:29.54 starseeker brlcad: Is the other html stuff actually being used anywhere? If so, is it something we can swap out with tkhtml3?
03:36.18 starseeker Hmm. Wonder where the right place to store documentationon shift grips is - an article?
06:49.19 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
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07:55.28 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r32962 10/brlcad/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
07:55.28 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: fixed the libgcv integration into the MS Windows Dll build
07:55.28 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: added some libged file for consistency
10:34.01 brlcad starseeker: "the other html stuff"?
10:40.51 brlcad g'morning d_rossberg
10:41.44 d_rossberg moin moin brlcad
10:43.30 claymore begins the morning caffination cycle.
10:44.03 clock_ CIA-4: ;-)
10:44.07 clock_ claymore: ;-)
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12:17.24 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
12:21.02 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r32964 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): Added the clone command to libged.
12:23.06 mafm hallo
12:31.09 claymore hai!
12:32.09 brlcad howdy mafm
12:35.58 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32965 10/brlcad/trunk/src/README: add libgcv
12:57.32 mafm hey, my module still compiles fine!
13:04.58 starseeker regains consciousness
13:05.18 starseeker dingnabbit, I want brlcad's limitless endurance
13:07.55 mafm would be OK with half or one quarter of brlcad's endurance
13:08.04 mafm infinite/4 is not bad
14:16.58 brlcad mafm: heh, graet ;)
14:17.12 brlcad starseeker: not limitless, I slept some last night :(
14:30.07 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
14:39.02 starseeker brlcad: are my commit privs messed up somehow at sourceforge?
14:39.28 starseeker Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to MKACTIVITY request
14:39.40 brlcad sounds like a server hiccup
14:41.21 starseeker growl
14:43.28 starseeker dammit, even with a fresh checkout
14:43.31 starseeker BAD timing
14:43.36 starseeker how do I fix it?
14:44.14 brlcad time
14:51.01 ``Erik try scaring it or making it drink water
14:51.57 ``Erik echo "I'm going to install java on you" | telnet
14:57.08 mafm lol
14:57.36 starseeker Can anyone else commit?
14:58.09 starseeker needs to go in but would prefer to have his changes committed first
14:58.59 ``Erik I cannot
14:59.20 brlcad nor I
14:59.39 starseeker OK, at least it wasn't just me offending the sourceforge gods
15:00.12 starseeker blames this on the cat
15:01.08 brlcad a new svn was deployed yesterday, maybe some fallout today that needed addressing
15:01.15 starseeker ah
15:01.43 brlcad not the only project too, so they know about it:
15:03.55 brlcad heh
15:04.05 starseeker got in first, but not by much ;-)
15:04.17 brlcad wondered what that flash was
15:04.43 starseeker predicts this issue will rapidly get a lot more comments
15:04.59 brlcad heh, travis saw it
15:05.03 brlcad likes the live updates
15:05.09 starseeker this is cool
15:05.35 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
15:05.44 brlcad nice way to reduce load, no need to refresh
15:06.46 starseeker Heh - "Issues of this nature will typically be reviewed again by
15:06.48 starseeker the assigned member of the team within 3 business days"
15:07.28 brlcad i think it's more of an "alright already, I see it" :)
15:08.00 starseeker Oh, I know - I just like the mental image of what would happen if they did wait that long
15:08.36 brlcad I think you were probably one of the first
15:08.58 brlcad the earliest postings are all about 10 minutes after you first started having the problem
15:09.15 starseeker Tjat
15:09.22 starseeker that's what I get for doing a compile test
15:09.53 brlcad ah, actually looks like matplotlib beat you by 2 minutes
15:10.35 starseeker you mean 20 minutes?
15:11.16 brlcad no
15:11.29 brlcad they reported at 14:40, you commented here at 14:42
15:12.27 starseeker Ah :-)
15:12.30 starseeker hehe
15:12.56 starseeker how come I never have this kind of luck with lottery tickets?
15:14.46 starseeker goes to make some food...
15:15.26 brlcad what, you want to be two minutes late to buying a winning lottery ticket?
15:15.42 brlcad I'd rather not play with that level of frustration :)
15:18.50 brlcad sets up a notification
15:19.19 claymore erik: you get my email?
15:26.50 brlcad off to korean now if you're close
15:39.35 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r32966 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: pnts have vectors and colors now, just have to make them work
15:57.51 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32967 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/ (mged.tcl openw.tcl): Trim back the help menu a bit
16:04.07 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32968 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/openNURBS/ (254 files in 15 dirs):
16:04.07 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: Take first stab at updating OpenNURBS to 4.0. Have attempted to merge in all
16:04.07 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: BRL-CAD specific changes. Builds on gentoo in this form, although for some
16:04.08 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: reason I needed to include assert.h in opennurbs_curve.h and make a couple other
16:04.08 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: tweaks.
16:47.42 brlcad *burps*
16:47.44 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
16:58.34 starseeker brlcad: Does that integration of opennurbs look OK?
17:00.27 brlcad <PROTECTED>
17:00.42 brlcad if it works, then it looks great ;)
17:01.09 brlcad try running breplicator and raytracing the db
17:02.28 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:14.16 starseeker erm. Lots of WTF??? output
17:16.24 starseeker I'm guessing that's not right
17:16.25 starseeker crud
17:16.55 starseeker screen xy: 251,348
17:17.10 brlcad maybe maybe not.. it wasn't exactly flawless
17:17.18 brlcad lemme make sure it works
17:18.17 brlcad hm, yeah .. no .. it should work just fine :)
17:18.29 brlcad makes a cube, even renders clean
17:18.32 starseeker ding nabbit
17:19.11 starseeker let me get in there and I'll try to figure out what's messed up - worst comes to worst I can revert
17:19.52 starseeker crap - 5 hours+ potentially down the drain
17:19.54 brlcad I ran: ./breplicator && mged -c breplicator.g l brep && rt -F/dev/X breplicator.g brep
17:20.21 brlcad should dump a bunch of face info (twice) and render a cube
17:20.37 brlcad with no warnings/errors during render
17:21.00 brlcad it might not be your fault if they actually changed something, but chances are some patch needed
17:23.55 starseeker it dumps info alright, but it raytraced this:
17:24.24 starseeker Here's the .g file:
17:25.45 brlcad renders fine so it's not the structure
17:25.55 brlcad just the raytrace routines (which are related to the opennurbs mods)
17:26.37 starseeker sigh. OK. I'm heading in - I'll start digging once I get there. Confound it...
17:27.02 starseeker had hoped to surprise everyone with a working upgrade, but nooooo...
17:32.21 brlcad heh
17:32.31 brlcad well, it *is* surprising ;)
17:32.53 starseeker yeah, but now it's surprise breakage
17:33.30 starseeker still, good excuse to figure out debugging cpp/c interactions
17:35.01 starseeker is a bit taken aback by just how much code is in opennurbs
17:35.47 brlcad hm?
17:35.52 brlcad it's a pretty small library
17:36.27 brlcad sorta, i mean it's on par with librt line-wise
17:36.36 brlcad but it's c++, which is more verbose line-wise
17:37.01 starseeker Ah
17:51.56 mafm on the other hand, with new "auto" keyword, LoC counts for C++ files will drop down by 40% or so :รพ
18:18.44 brlcad hehe, probably
18:27.28 brlcad starseeker: NEWS updates ..
18:37.43 mafm I think that it would be the most appreciated feature of new C++ standard
18:37.49 mafm at least mine it would be!
18:54.03 mafm heading off, 'night!
19:08.49 brlcad yeah, auto will be great
19:12.58 louipc uh oh build error with latest SVN and openNURBS
19:29.11 starseeker louipc: Can you paste it to the bzflag pastebin? I can't get to that one
19:29.59 starseeker brlcad: oops, right
19:34.10 starseeker louipc: Is it opennurbs_box.h?
19:35.14 starseeker must have missed an add
19:40.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32969 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/openNURBS/ (opennurbs_box.cpp opennurbs_box.h opennurbs_crashtest.h): Bad developer, need to add files when they're new...
19:46.50 brlcad ~bzpaste
19:48.33 brlcad !listkeys bzp
19:48.39 brlcad er... *slap*
19:48.46 brlcad ~listkeys bzp
19:48.54 brlcad ~bzpastebin
19:48.55 ibot rumour has it, bzpastebin is or a place to put large chunks of text so as not to flood a channel
19:49.10 starseeker brlcad: thanks :-)
19:49.35 starseeker I'm guessing the missing files were the problem - they caused a failure for me too
19:52.07 starseeker jeez - who needs roller coasters when you have the stock market?
19:52.57 brlcad oh, dip?
19:53.07 brlcad looks
19:53.38 starseeker just a tad
19:54.21 brlcad woot, outstanding
19:54.34 brlcad buys
19:55.41 starseeker feels like the stock market needs mental help - it's bipolar
19:58.49 brlcad hah, this is awesome...
19:58.57 brlcad moves more funds into his trading account
20:03.26 brlcad taps foot impatiently waiting for account to reflect the change
20:03.34 brlcad woot!
20:09.03 starseeker alright, how can hits.size get a value of 3??
20:09.06 PrezKennedy who do you use brlcad ?
20:09.50 PrezKennedy hahaha and they *thought* the worst was over
20:09.52 PrezKennedy morons...
20:10.41 starseeker is forced to conclude the majority of market players have no clue what's going on
20:18.46 louipc starseeker: yep
20:20.33 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
20:21.14 brlcad PrezKennedy: etrade
20:23.19 louipc why buy now when you can buy later for pennies!
20:23.26 louipc muhahah
20:25.08 brlcad :)
20:25.16 brlcad will buy all the way down
20:26.00 brlcad it'll eventually go back up, especially on a local panic minima like it is now
20:38.17 starseeker builds 7.12.6 to have something to compare
20:48.13 PrezKennedy i need to buy in
21:01.47 louipc I'd say invest in a real business rather than magical numbers in a computer ;)
21:04.14 PrezKennedy a real business? like what?
21:04.35 brlcad thinks you should invest your money in the Bank of Sean
21:04.59 PrezKennedy sounds sketchy
21:05.20 brlcad it is, almost guaranteed 0% return on investment
21:05.32 archivist can archive your moneyz
21:05.44 PrezKennedy im waiting for the next fake announcement that jobs is having a heart attack
21:05.46 brlcad but there are perks, potato chips, and nice pat on the back
21:05.47 PrezKennedy then ill buy into apple
21:10.26 louipc PrezKennedy: like a hot dog stand or something
21:57.53 PrezKennedy wow... $50 and i could buyout Ford...
21:59.33 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
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23:28.05 louipc starseeker: I recall you said something before about sending a patch upstream for tkhtml3. What was that one about? I'm currently looking at the config scripts to disable the build since I already have tkhtml3
23:29.01 starseeker loouipc: Er, don't need to do that
23:29.09 starseeker figured out how to use their build
23:29.17 louipc ok cool
23:29.30 starseeker Do need to make a test for whether tkhtml3 is already present inside an already present tcl/tk
23:29.48 louipc hmm
23:30.08 louipc ah were you working on a config option?
23:30.11 starseeker isn't quite up on autoconf testing procedures yet - probably some sort of routine to look at the results of package require Tkhtml 3.0
23:30.18 starseeker louipc: not right now
23:30.22 starseeker go for it if you like
23:30.36 louipc yeah I just need to do the test
23:30.52 starseeker does happy dance that the openNURBS updates are OK after all
23:33.10 louipc
23:33.25 louipc well that's what I put so far...
23:33.34 louipc it won't work because I didn't do the test
23:34.06 starseeker I can't get to :-(
23:34.11 louipc erp
23:34.40 louipc
23:35.44 starseeker can't find that one either
23:35.48 starseeker weird
23:35.58 starseeker ~bzpastebin
23:35.59 ibot methinks bzpastebin is or a place to put large chunks of text so as not to flood a channel
23:36.04 starseeker might try that
23:37.05 louipc
23:37.19 louipc oh are you restricted to that domain or something?
23:37.49 starseeker last one worked
23:38.22 ``Erik I AM the shogun of harlem!
23:38.57 ``Erik
23:39.37 louipc sweet
23:39.41 starseeker louipc: We aren't looking for an la file in this case
23:40.19 starseeker There's probably some "standard" way to check for packages at the autoconf level
23:41.27 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32970 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS TODO): Note cleanup on MGED's Help menu and the integration of the latest release of openNURBS (4.0) into the BRL-CAD source tree. No longer a TODO item.
23:41.52 louipc the test for TNT is interesting. It seems to compile and run a little program imbedded in the config script
23:45.26 starseeker I think that's the "right" way
23:52.22 ``Erik sucks that garth marenghi's darkplace is only available as a region 2 dvd :(
23:52.59 starseeker ``Erik: I figured you'd have a BSD box set up with mythtv or some such to be able to watch anything
23:53.53 starseeker is it wrong to be amused by the wild swinging of the stock market?
23:54.17 ``Erik nah, haven't built a mythtv box
23:54.37 ``Erik looks like most of the episodes are on googles video site O.o

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