IRC log for #brlcad on 20081016

00:00.08 starseeker brlcad: Yep, looks like it does do in-memory:
00:02.49 louipc I'm amused any chance I get to laugh at the bankers
00:02.57 louipc because usually they're laughing at me
00:09.30 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
00:10.24 louipc yeah when they're taking your money
00:14.06 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
01:47.41 brlcad starseeker: I believe what we already had was 4.0 too .. maybe check for a patch number or use the protocol number (it's in one of the header files)
02:24.22 ``Erik crap, my chest is hurting from laughing at this southpark
03:35.36 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
05:37.57 starseeker brlcad: hmm. I'll see if I can dig up the protocol number
05:49.11 starseeker checks diffs on .h files and so far turns up alot of copyright date updates...
05:51.12 brlcad 200707189
05:51.30 brlcad i.e. 4.0.2007.0718
05:52.22 brlcad (opennurbs_version.h)
05:52.51 starseeker ah, dingnabbit
05:52.53 starseeker thanks
05:53.07 brlcad no matter, I had the number wrong anyways
05:53.27 starseeker updates news file again...
06:05.51 starseeker Well, unless we want a zillion diffs with just /* $Header$ */ in them I'd better trim this diff down a bit
06:18.36 brlcad there was an option with cvs to not include cvs vars
06:18.41 brlcad er, rcs vars
06:19.46 starseeker I think I've got the major ones isolated
06:20.06 starseeker couple ws related ones that needed to come out too
06:26.39 starseeker prods CIA
06:33.00 brlcad puts on a pot
06:50.43 brlcad starseeker: that number wasn't right :)
06:50.49 brlcad 01:56 <@brlcad> no matter, I had the number wrong anyways
06:57.44 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
07:01.54 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:59.07 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
08:25.12 brlcad saws off the extra r on claymorer
08:28.25 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
08:53.49 claymore Tired fingers don't type correctly :P
08:53.56 claymore yawns.
08:54.19 claymore Brlcad: slept since I last saw you?
09:00.08 brlcad why bother?
09:01.18 claymore Just thought the whole 'body need sleep or you'll die' thing....nevermind, doesn't apply to coding machines eh? ;)
09:03.24 brlcad it's a myth
09:04.19 claymore Have you been able to break away and check out that 1.6 acre plot during the daylight yet?
09:04.24 clock_ well check wikipedia they have an answer to almost anything :)
09:05.29 claymore sure, Wikipedia has 'an answer' to everything, but that doesn't make it 'the answer' or anywhere near correct!
09:06.58 brlcad nope
09:07.36 clock_ I had 8.5 hours of sleep and I had concerns if I amt destroying my body by going to sleep at 23.00 and not 22.00
09:07.58 claymore brlcad: Hitting the road enroute to work. Need somethin drom Dunkin?
09:09.59 archivist recommends Dunkin Donuts I haz tasted them
09:11.09 AFK-claymore ...nothin? okie.
09:11.15 AFK-claymore Cyas
09:36.24 brlcad you get up insane early AFK-claymore
11:14.52 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
12:42.27 claymore hai mafm!
12:54.00 mafm hi
13:04.09 ``Erik claymore: brlcad's mantra seems to be "there'll be plenty of time to sleep when you're dead", mebbe he's lookin' to flare out and sleep soon O.o :D
13:04.49 claymore I just want to make sure I have minimum safe distance when he does flare out ;)
13:04.54 ``Erik candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long?
13:05.02 claymore Erik: You get my email?
13:05.12 ``Erik uhmmmm, haven't looked yet
13:05.21 claymore Work email.
13:05.26 ``Erik getting the important stuff done first, y'know, reading irc backlog...
13:05.30 claymore lol
13:05.44 claymore its just a software approval.
13:06.31 Donuts ``Erik: is regular sleep necessary to maintain health?
13:07.30 ``Erik I'd always heard so, karel... I've also heard that if you've been awake for 18 hours, you function as if at the legal driving limit for intoxication, and 24 hours is far far worse
13:08.07 ``Erik there was a french study that claimed you operated a lot better taking two 3-hour naps in a 24 hour period than single full 8 hour
13:08.15 ``Erik in like the 80's I think
13:08.26 Donuts lol
13:08.37 ``Erik but it was french, so may not apply to humans
13:08.41 ``Erik O:-)
13:08.44 Donuts I never function well no matter what naps I take
13:08.53 Donuts I either sleep too little and then I am tired from sleeping too little
13:09.05 Donuts Or sleep enough but then my nose blocks and I cannot sleep well anyway
13:09.11 ``Erik lay off the opiates and alcohol? :D
13:09.18 Donuts I do NOTHING!
13:09.24 Donuts No opiates alcohols drugs nothin
13:09.59 Donuts how old is brlcad?
13:10.04 Donuts Maybe he still can make into the Club 27
13:10.08 archivist I miss nights and just nap if needed, no real problem
13:10.10 claymore Yeah, there are PLENTY of things that can help you sleep better ;)
13:10.28 Donuts fact is I usually dinner just before falling into the bed
13:10.28 claymore Rumor has it BRLCAD is 157 years old.... no one knows for sure though.
13:10.43 Donuts which is supposed to make crappy sleep
13:10.52 Donuts He could ground the CLub 157
13:11.07 Donuts People who dies 157 years old from too much alcohol drugs
13:12.41 claymore Ever seen the Matrix? brlcad makes NEO look like a newb. Little known fact: the Matrix uses BRL-CAD libraries.
13:12.56 Donuts claymore: oh really?
13:13.01 Donuts What do they use it for?
13:13.18 Donuts uses not only BRL-CAD libraries but the whole BRL-CAD, will he get more famous than the Matrix?
13:13.47 claymore well see, the problem is that is IS not BRL-CAD.....
13:13.58 claymore wow, i crapped that on epretty bad.
13:14.02 ``Erik <neo> duuuude! totally excellent! let's totally go, bill... erm, I mean, morpheus!
13:14.17 claymore well see, the probem is that there is NO brl-cad.
13:14.51 Donuts bil kaulitz?
13:14.54 claymore Just once, i wanted Neo to look at Morpheus and say, "Rufus? Is that you?"
13:15.05 Donuts Whos Rufus? :)
13:15.14 Donuts I think I heard that name. isn't he homeless?
13:15.20 ``Erik character from 'bill and ted's excellent adventure'
13:15.27 ``Erik played by carlin iirc
13:15.30 claymore He drives a telephone booth.
13:15.35 Donuts lol
13:15.40 Donuts sounds like on hard drugs
13:16.25 ``Erik it was the 80's, all of hollywood had the healthy look of freshly powdered noses O.o
13:16.45 Donuts powedered from inside?
13:16.55 claymore Strange things are afoot at the 7-11.
13:16.57 Donuts from THE inside, my f. english
13:17.16 ``Erik no, karel, from the lines cut onto the mirror :D
13:19.51 Donuts oh its raining like hell here
13:20.59 claymore Never been, so I really don't know how bad it rains in hell...
13:21.34 ``Erik <-- has been told that it's hot and dry there, convinced it's a synonym for arizona
13:23.57 ``Erik sees no email from claymore
13:24.04 claymore Some even say that the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada's were once one range... then hell erupted out and split them. Once the hole was resealed, Arizona, Nevada and Utard remained....
13:24.47 claymore erik: Sent wednesday at 0815
13:25.05 claymore ... I think there was a Buffy episode about that ;)
13:25.38 ``Erik hum, the last email I got was monday, something musta busted
13:25.48 claymore I will resend.
13:26.00 ``Erik well, hold up
13:26.18 ``Erik let me try reconnecting to the server, I surspect my uplink to that pile just went fruity
13:26.37 ``Erik I bet my password there expired or something
13:28.54 claymore resent
13:28.58 claymore you at work or home?
13:29.25 ``Erik yeah, password was expired, and at the office
13:30.22 claymore stupid stupid outlook....
13:30.28 claymore shakes head.
13:31.18 ``Erik entourage, actually. For some reason, it doesn't bother tell you why it failed to connect, where outlook seems almost useful in popping up the 'please change it' dialog O.o
13:32.25 claymore points at the outlook servers. Phear.....
13:33.20 ``Erik exchange
13:34.01 ``Erik is CIA-4 busted, or just being ... special?
13:34.28 claymore Call it what you will, guano is still poop.
14:00.39 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
14:07.41 PrezKennedy
14:17.12 claymore lol, thats good stuff Prez.
14:18.33 ``Erik secure edition, nice
14:26.53 claymore Gotta atdmit, though, at first glance, i was hoping the secure edition had something to do with the x-files. kinda ruined it for me when I realized it was probably a Mac Fanboi that made the graphic :/
14:37.19 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
14:41.39 starseeker brlcad: erm? It was in opennurbs_version.h: 200707180
14:45.16 starseeker 's brain doesn't seem to be in working order atm anyway...
14:51.17 ``Erik neato, breakage in the opennurbs array shtuff now
14:55.41 starseeker ``Erik: eh?
14:56.08 starseeker as a result of the upgrade? The breplicator example wasn't working in 7.12.6 either
15:14.13 ``Erik
15:39.10 starseeker erm
15:39.21 starseeker Is that on BSD?
15:45.35 starseeker ``Erik does including #include "opennurbs_array.h" in opennurbs_array_defs.h help any?
15:45.45 starseeker looks like previous revision had that
15:47.20 starseeker goes to car fixer people...
16:25.34 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
16:25.58 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
17:57.16 *** join/#brlcad cad45 (
17:57.46 cad45 hello
17:58.11 claymore hai!
17:58.31 cad45 is this the brlcad developers
17:58.48 louipc yep there are a few here
17:59.26 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:59.50 cad45 we are looking to find more information on how the models are stored in brlcad
18:00.11 cad45 for the purpose of finding surface area and volume of the model
18:01.36 louipc hmm I think that was being discussed not long ago, but I couldn't comprehend any of it haha
18:02.28 claymore Surface area and volumes can be calculated via Raytrace interrogation of any given target.
18:02.30 ``Erik volume can be estimated using rtweight, rtarea can give you "exposed" surface area
18:02.56 claymore ah, you are too slow grasshoppa
18:26.36 mafm going home, take care
18:33.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r32977 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_array_defs.h: fix breakage on *nix/opteron, calling non-msvc compilers lame while not grokking pointer casting ftl. s/unsigned int/size_t/
18:51.32 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32978 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/all_sf.xml: add tweaks to all_sf man page from Janine.
19:06.03 ``Erik Q: What's a 'special variable'?
19:06.03 ``Erik A: Some variables have values that must be accessed very quickly. They are stored in memory that is connected to the CPU by a high speed datapath called 'the short bus'. Special variables ride the short bus.
19:16.21 cad45 where can I find documentation on rtarea and rtweight?
19:16.31 ``Erik they both have man pages
19:16.45 cad45 thank you
19:21.40 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32979 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/ ( anim_cascade.xml): add anim_cascade manual - worked on by Janine and Cliff
19:33.39 claymore timmmmah!
19:33.53 starseeker ?
19:49.04 ``Erik CRIPPLE FIGHT!
19:55.59 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32980 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/ ( anim_fly.xml anim_hardtrack.xml): add anim_fly and anim_hardtrack manuals - worked on by Janine and Cliff
20:07.16 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32981 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/ ( anim_keyread.xml): add anim_keyread manual - worked on by Janine and Cliff
20:45.17 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r32982 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/ ( rtedge.xml): add rtedge manual - worked on by Janine and Cliff
21:37.10 *** join/#brlcad punkrockgirl (
21:37.20 punkrockgirl hi
21:59.27 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
23:00.09 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
23:06.42 louipc starseeker: brlcad I don't really know enough to do the test for tkhtml3 but I got it to not build tkhtml3 with the --disable-tkhtml3 ... Is that OK to commit?

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