IRC log for #brlcad on 20081022

00:00.58 louipc I use git. It's way faster and cleaner in my opinion
00:05.43 ``Erik cleaner how? (the other argument sounds like a no-starter to me *shrug* personal opinion I suppose)
00:06.24 louipc my directories aren't littered with CVS
00:07.10 ``Erik heh, true, but subversion makes .svn directories, darcs makes an ugly _darcs directory, both of those have FAR more crap than cvs... what's git use?
00:08.08 louipc .git at the top level only
00:08.29 louipc all diffs/config/etc is stored there
00:08.43 ``Erik so you have to go to the top level directory to do any operation?
00:08.47 louipc nope
00:08.54 louipc you can be in any subdir
00:09.11 ``Erik huh, recursive parent checking? O.o
00:09.18 louipc I don't need a separate checkout to look at an branch
00:09.33 ``Erik hops on louipc's box and makes ugly stuff in /.git/ :D
00:09.59 louipc git is pretty sweet. better than svn or cvs at least
00:10.10 louipc I can't speak for the other stuff out there since I never used it
00:10.14 ``Erik _darcs is directory top-level, too, and it drives me nuts *shrug*
00:10.34 louipc hehe yeah they could have made it a .darcs
00:10.58 ``Erik personally, I like cvs more than svn... svn copes with moving files, but that's the only leg up it has on cvs to me *shrug* :)
00:11.23 ``Erik even so, "find ." returns about twice what it SHOULD
00:11.32 louipc hehe indeed
00:11.43 ``Erik and it uses twice as many inodes as it should, and craps all over the directory table, and ... :D
00:11.48 louipc yeah git is grep/find friendly
00:12.17 louipc all objects have SHA1 hashes and they're stored based on that hash too
00:12.38 ``Erik O.o
00:12.40 louipc so you get some corruption/tampering warnings if things don't add up
00:31.53 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
03:15.19 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33040 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/tclconfig/tcl.m4: (log message trimmed)
03:15.19 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: This fixes a problem that showed up in make distcheck, but will also be
03:15.19 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: triggered in any situation where there doesn't happen to be a correct tk.h
03:15.19 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: include file installed - the list variable used by tcl.m4 already had
03:15.19 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: directories in it when the time came to find the tk.h file to use, and those
03:15.23 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: pre-existing paths caused a build failure on some machines (in my case, it was
03:15.25 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: trying to use /usr/include/tk.h despite the enable-all flag because it 'saw'
03:18.20 starseeker can't believe that took him so long :-(
03:20.29 louipc nice
03:21.36 louipc starseeker: do you think tkhtml3 should be installed in the same place as brlcad? right now it's installing in /usr/lib
03:22.36 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33041 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libged/ libpc/ other/ These tweaks get make distcheck up to the documentation build.
03:29.02 starseeker louipc: Is it? crud It's supposed to install wherever tcl/tk packages are supposed to go
03:29.49 louipc well my system tcl is in /usr but itcl, etc is all in the brlcad dir
03:30.23 starseeker weird. On my system it's in /usr/brlcad/lib/Tkhtml3.0
03:31.05 louipc are you using a brlcad build tcl or system tcl?
03:31.12 starseeker brlcad build
03:31.46 starseeker if you're using a system build (assuming that works, I haven't tried it) it would probably have to go where the system tcl/tk could find it
03:34.07 starseeker unlike tkimg (don't know about the rest) we're building a "proper" tcl package that "package require" can find
03:34.57 louipc hmm so if it was installed in the brlcad directory you'd just have to add it to the path eh?
03:35.06 starseeker not sure
03:35.31 louipc or tcl's version of
03:35.36 starseeker in theory bwish could/should be aware of a brlcad specific location for things, I'm just not sure what it does
03:36.30 starseeker should tackle the last issue for using system libs on gentoo and get that working so he can test properly
03:37.31 louipc :D
03:38.22 starseeker right now though, I'm trying to make sure all my new stuff isn't killing make distcheck
03:41.21 louipc yeah this build system is kind of difficult to figure out
04:13.32 yukonbob hi, cadheads
04:13.44 starseeker howdy
04:44.39 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennnedy (
04:58.42 starseeker brlcad: Do I need to manually add the targets for the dvi portions to the in tkhtml3?
05:32.55 brlcad dvi portions?
06:25.14 *** join/#brlcad lol (
07:36.59 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
07:45.38 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:38.43 claymore You guys stay up way tooo late ;)
10:43.05 starseeker brlcad: Making dvi in tkhtml3
10:43.05 starseeker make[4]: Entering directory `/home/cyapp/cadtoplevel/brlcad/brlcad/brlcad-7.13.0/_build/src/other/tkhtml3'
10:43.08 starseeker make[4]: *** No rule to make target `dvi'. Stop.
10:50.52 Axman6 claymore: 9:50pm is late?
10:54.52 claymore Axe: No, but 0136 is :)
10:55.55 claymore Does anyone have experience with nVidia's CUDA tech?
10:56.04 clock_ what is it supposed to be?
10:56.29 claymore Just by reading all the online reports/hype, it sounds awesome... but we all know how nVidia likes to toot their own horn.
10:56.51 claymore Its an API designed for utilizing nVidia GPUs as computational processors.
10:56.55 clock_ I don't like nvidia because of their proprietary approach to drivers.
10:57.37 clock_ can it be used in BRL-CAD?
10:58.17 claymore There is no reason why it couldn't.... would probably be a pain to impliment though. Although that is just a guess.
10:58.41 clock_ are you interested in it in because of BRL-CAD?
10:59.09 claymore Partially work related, partially hobby related :)
11:00.18 claymore All the benchmarks I have been seeing are comming in at 10-64x faster than a cpu.....
11:00.29 clock_ lol
11:00.33 clock_ so it can render 64x faster?
11:00.50 clock_ I would have use for that, Ronja compiles 1 week and most of it is video rendering time
11:01.00 clock_ OpenOffice is peanuts compared to that...
11:01.10 claymore a GTX280 nVidia module clocks 64 Gflops while a 2.4GHz Opteron clocks 1.6
11:01.26 clock_ What is Opteron?
11:01.34 clock_ That's the new AMD CPU?
11:01.44 claymore AMD's server CPU...not really new
11:02.06 clock_ looks like the transistors inside must be substantially faster than the good ole 2N3904
11:02.30 clock_ probably don't have 272pF of base-emitter capacitance either ;-)
11:02.42 claymore well yeah, they are like 60nm big :) not much substrait there.
11:02.53 clock_ the smaller the better
11:03.08 clock_ I hate dinosaur transistors which take half an hour just to charge their mammoth junction
11:03.08 claymore sneeze wrong and you could forward bias a 60nm transistor ;)
11:03.15 clock_ ;-)
11:03.31 claymore lol.
11:04.03 clock_ I was designing a 16MHz amplifier and had to resort to 5GHz transistors because the slower ones were so slow...
11:04.20 claymore wow.... CUDA can utilize as many GPUs as you have in your system.... *ponders*
11:05.06 claymore wonders why clock was designing a 16MHz amp....
11:05.18 clock_ for my optical project
11:05.26 clock_ whose casing and holders ar desigend in brlcad
11:05.43 claymore personal or professional project?
11:06.00 clock_ it has to have 100dB of gain, clip flawlessly and -3dB @16MHz
11:06.03 clock_ personal
11:06.15 clock_ but the performance is rather professional
11:06.28 claymore 'optical project' is pretty vague...
11:06.39 clock_ free space optics 10Mbps full duplex 1.4km
11:06.43 clock_ 62nm or 875nm
11:06.47 clock_ 62 -> 625
11:07.11 clock_ It's like fibre optics except there is no fibre
11:11.27 claymore sorry, phone.
11:11.36 claymore so free space = out in the open air?
11:11.53 clock_ yes like openair just without the music
11:12.10 claymore do you have functional prototypes yet?
11:12.24 clock_ Far beyond that
11:12.30 clock_ there are 153 registered installations worldwide
11:12.42 clock_ But at the moment I have no complete functional prototype :)
11:12.53 claymore .... confused....
11:13.10 clock_ well it's already in widespread use.
11:13.14 claymore if you don't have a prototype... how can there be installations? Or are you reverse engineering an existing tech?
11:13.49 clock_ Because I left the prototype in the home of my parents where it was partially disassembled partially left on the roof and disconnected
11:14.08 clock_ it's a from-scratch development nothing to do with existing tech
11:14.20 clock_ It's built from peanut cans, rusty smoke flues and Chinese magnifying glasses
11:14.29 claymore And you have managed to sell this?
11:14.37 clock_ And can transmit DVD video realtime with 10_9 bit error rate
11:14.45 clock_ claymore: no I didn't even try to sell this
11:15.55 claymore sounds pretty cool. is the purpose to create a point to point network bridge?
11:16.06 clock_ yes with standard Ethernet interface
11:17.03 clock_ thanks
11:18.58 claymore and to make sure I get your benchmarks correct, you sustained 10Mbps over a 1.4km distance?
11:19.16 clock_ yes and full duplex
11:19.23 clock_ with 10^-9 bit error rate
11:20.13 claymore impressive. Whats the deltaPerformance over the range of weather types?
11:20.29 clock_ deltaPerformance?
11:20.35 claymore change in performance
11:20.58 clock_ It doesn't work in fog, works in haze rain and snow
11:21.16 claymore cool.... no radiation hazard then?
11:21.19 clock_ works in -25degC and also when the sun is heating it in the summer so you can't hold hand on it
11:21.31 clock_ and also under frost buildup
11:22.13 clock_ Also once someone didn't seal the casing and the thing filled half with water so it was like aquarium and all the electronics was underwater but it still ran
11:22.19 clock_ But that's not a designed mode of operation
11:22.29 claymore haha nice.
11:22.36 clock_ I have a video of this aquarium
11:23.04 clock_ Here is the frozen one
11:23.18 *** join/#brlcad cad30 (
11:23.29 claymore so the power required to bridge 1.4km doesn't require a laser powerful enough to pose a radiation hazard eh?
11:24.42 clock_ Here is the aquarium video
11:25.12 clock_ claymore: the power is 17mW, the 625nm is totally eye safe, the 875 you are not supposed to stare into it with binoculars from < 20 meters
11:25.32 clock_ According to Czech legislature. The individual national limits may of course vary.
11:25.45 clock_ It doesn't use a laser, but an LED
11:26.22 claymore laser/led.... radiation is radiation ;)
11:26.50 clock_ Here is the warning sign I made in Czech :)
11:27.22 elite01 whoo, believe it or not, i heard of ronja before :)
11:28.06 clock_ elite01: from me boasting here in this channel?
11:28.21 elite01 noo quite a while ago
11:28.27 clock_ from Slashdot?
11:28.28 elite01 no idea how i stumbled upon it
11:28.30 elite01 nah
11:28.54 elite01 maybe because of links
11:28.59 clock_ hack-a-day? O'Reilly blog?
11:30.23 elite01 *shrug* i don't visit those sites often
11:51.08 brlcad starseeker: ah
11:52.33 brlcad i'm not sure what that option actually means, when do you see it getting called?
11:53.06 brlcad I mean, I don't see how you would have run into it since we don't have any dvi
11:55.08 brlcad ah, I see that the top-level distcheck calls it on the hierarchy
11:57.51 brlcad ooor, not on the hierarchy .. how'd you run into it again??
12:06.44 brlcad aaand never mind, I see it's recursive
12:26.34 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:39.22 *** join/#brlcad mafm (n=mafm@
13:39.39 mafm hallo
13:43.25 claymore Hai!
13:47.26 starseeker wishes they would hurry up and deliver the firggin filing cabinet already
13:50.13 brlcad howdy
13:58.49 claymore hands starseeker his Easy Button.
14:01.30 starseeker <snort> I was about an inch away from being able to load the thing into my car this weekend
14:01.38 mafm brlcad: is my big fat commit of yesterday ok?
14:02.00 starseeker but noooo. And this morning I get a call that it's been "shipped from the warehouse" whatever that means
14:03.22 starseeker they're supposed to deliver it, but it's not clear if they can leave it at the front desk or I have to sign for it
14:03.22 starseeker I'm starting to regret not strapping it to the roof
14:04.04 mafm starseeker: lost in tansportation
14:04.26 starseeker brlcad: Got another one missing - make check
14:04.32 starseeker fakes up another one...
14:12.00 brlcad nods
14:12.25 brlcad starseeker: if you look at the distcheck: rule in the top-level Makefile, you'll see all the recursive targets that get called
14:12.41 starseeker nods - trying that now
14:13.04 starseeker should be getting fairly close to a clean distcheck
14:13.20 starseeker didn't realize just how badly he had torpedoed it
14:14.11 brlcad happens :)
14:14.44 brlcad at least most of the problems are actually just simple build system integration tweaking
14:14.52 starseeker True
14:15.01 starseeker 'cept for that sneaky tcl.m4 problem
14:19.45 ``Erik clock, your 'optar' was linked in a +5 slashdot comment a few days ago, didja see that?
14:20.02 clock_ ``Erik: no. what does it mean +5?
14:20.11 clock_ what was it about?
14:20.30 clock_ Recently they posted some research centre was started to develop networking over light
14:20.34 ``Erik
14:20.36 clock_ and someone posted a link to my Ronja page
14:22.39 starseeker optar looks cool
14:23.22 starseeker needs a good printer though, and things like dot based watermarking would tend to be a problem
14:24.08 ``Erik probably why the 3x3 pixel cell size, no? :D
14:24.46 starseeker yeah, that should get above all but the worst toner noise
14:25.15 starseeker is reading
14:26.07 starseeker almost wants to take some pages printed out on this system to a notary just to see the reaction
14:28.28 brlcad reminds me of work I did many years ago for Hopkins hospital, a DARPA project with unfortunately inept management
14:28.44 ``Erik wait, what?? inept mgmt in the DoD? no way!
14:28.51 clock_ I have some optar files
14:28.55 clock_ I recently wanted to print them
14:29.15 clock_ but the printer had bad mood and created huge vertical smudges of missing toner across the whole page
14:29.24 starseeker nods
14:29.28 clock_ A printer is not enough. Must be a printer which actually works.
14:29.43 starseeker used to develop printer components, seen how bad some of the outputs can get
14:29.56 brlcad to prove that our xray encryption was working and "secure" (which it was, AES before it was finalized), I took one of the xray films, scanned it, encrypted the data, and reprinted a new xray of the encrypted data
14:30.16 brlcad which of course just looks like white noise, but printed up on xray film
14:30.19 clock_ starseeker: with output do you mean the actual design that comes out of the development deparment?
14:30.26 starseeker brlcad: Cool :-)
14:30.36 ``Erik out of curiousity, does optar have the ability to work around, say, a tri-folded letter?
14:30.37 brlcad still has those films *somewhere*
14:30.56 clock_ ``Erik: I don't know. I tried just a two-folded letter.
14:31.00 starseeker clock_: Nah, the test pages from developing physical hardware (my thing was Optical PhotoConductor drums)
14:31.11 ``Erik means 3 'panels', two folds
14:31.24 starseeker worked on variety of common desktop and small business level printers
14:31.28 clock_ I actually tried one vertical and one horizontal fold
14:31.37 clock_ put the paper into the pocket of my jeans and took out
14:31.45 ``Erik the ink damage from folding didn't adversly effect it?
14:31.52 clock_ yes it did
14:31.57 clock_ but that's why there are golay codes
14:32.20 ``Erik <-- imagines having gutters in the print format for folding would be the best approach on that
14:33.01 claymore just heard forests around the world scream in terror.
14:33.08 clock_ A friend helped me on Ronja project
14:33.12 ``Erik heh
14:33.21 clock_ he wa clever he backed up his work on CD for the case the hard disk failed
14:33.21 starseeker clock_: Hmm, looks like the view_vc links aren't working
14:33.27 clock_ The hard disk actually failed in 2 weeks
14:33.33 clock_ So he took the CD and realized he cannot read it
14:34.02 clock_ That's why I made optar. I don't fold my prints. I put them into a transparent foil and file them with contracts etc.
14:34.13 clock_ starseeker: there is more things not working
14:34.14 ``Erik well, claymore, if someone in the US writes crypto with more than 128 bits in the key, it cannot be legally distributed to anyone outside the US electronically. but it CAN be printed and sent
14:34.28 clock_ with optar?
14:34.41 ``Erik that's why all the cool crypto stuff is coming from like israel and germany and shit
14:35.30 clock_ free speech in the C language, that's not implemented in the US?
14:35.34 ``Erik (iirc, it was 56, and clin-ton upped it to 128, but anyone who doesn't suck uses at least 1024)
14:35.37 clock_ What does the onstitution say?
14:35.48 clock_ Bill Cliton?
14:36.18 claymore stares at his joke, lying on the floor, beaten to death by Erik, who obviously mistook it for something else.....
14:36.23 starseeker clock_: The tarball from the website has two bad links in it - font.h and golay.svg
14:36.37 clock_ starseeker: I already have this bugreport in the pipeline
14:36.42 starseeker ok
14:36.48 clock_ Now I am going to add the one with viewvc
14:36.53 clock_ for this I have to send myself an e-mail reminder
14:37.01 clock_ for this I have to login into the e-mail system of my provider
14:37.15 ``Erik sorry, I don't wake up until 5:30-6 pm
14:37.19 clock_ but this e-mail system is running in Java and takes about 10 minutes to react to the "login" button
14:37.22 clock_ So patience please
14:37.37 ``Erik the vacuum tubes in my humor circuits are still cold :D
14:37.45 clock_ If they don't return 501 Internal Server Error, or the login page again, your report might actually get filed.
14:38.00 clock_ Oh I broke through already into the write e-mail page
14:38.20 clock_ But when I click write e-mail it shows a page "thank you for logging off"
14:38.22 clock_ Well - Java.
14:38.53 starseeker claymore: We need an open source humor detector bot :-)
14:39.27 claymore well the Geekdar just caught on fire, lemme put it out ;)
14:39.50 clock_ after trying 3 times finally succeeded to get into the write e-mail page
14:40.21 clock_ OK filed successfully
14:40.30 clock_ now wait about 10 years and I might actually get to it
14:41.30 starseeker the golay.svg file can be gotten from the website, it's the missing font.h that's the problem
14:42.11 starseeker likes neat archiving ideas
14:42.12 clock_ doesn't remember anything anymore
14:42.44 ``Erik 'cept paper for archiving may not be good these days, most paper is acid washed and deteriorates quickly in a decade or two
14:42.54 clock_ I am now realizing the best way how to get a surge of popularity is put deadlinks on the website
14:43.05 starseeker claymore: I'm surprised it isn't on continual burnout where we work ;-)
14:43.12 ``Erik tufte has one of his usual tufte-esque rants on the topic, and pays out the butt to get his books printed on "good" paper
14:43.19 clock_ ``Erik: sometimes I get receipts from a cash desk which are completely white after 2 weeks
14:43.40 clock_ I wonder if it's legal to give out purchase proofs like these
14:43.55 ``Erik ink deterioration is one thing, I have 10 year old papers that are crumbling :/
14:44.02 starseeker ``Erik: Yeah, durable paper is expensive
14:44.25 clock_ Well you can at least tell when it's crumbling and re-scan
14:44.32 starseeker IBM (I think) has some nifty stuff that is really hard to rip, not sure about it's long term storage
14:44.46 ``Erik if you want text to stick around for a while, grab a hammer and chisel and find some marble :D
14:44.49 clock_ But can you look at a hard disk and say "shit I see the bits flipping, I should copy it to another one"?
14:45.07 clock_ ``Erik: marbles are subject to deswtruction by interplanetary impacts
14:45.27 starseeker wait, might have been Xerox
14:45.37 ``Erik yeah, and everything is subject to destruction by universe heat death *shrug*
14:45.40 starseeker yeah, marble sucks - go granite
14:45.46 clock_ ;-)
14:46.04 starseeker or those plastic bottles everyone claims will be around for 1 million years
14:46.09 clock_ load the granite into a dot matrix printer and print optar 1000 times without the ribbon :)
14:46.12 ``Erik marble and even pottery has done a good job for 2-3k years
14:46.44 ``Erik the languages die/mutate a lot faster than the medium :)
14:47.06 clock_ good to have a medium which lasts 500 years when the civilization will obviously destroy itself in 100 years anyway :()
14:47.25 ``Erik which civilization?
14:47.33 clock_ well don't store the data itself
14:47.53 clock_ assume that in 1000 years the archaelogy will be so advanced they will be able to tell what you've been thinking just from your ashes
14:47.56 ``Erik only one of the original 7 still exists, civilizations come and go, and are not a singleton :D
14:49.32 clock_ I am sure in 1000 years people will be able to travel in time and extend their lifespan, but they will still not be able to make a reliable electrical connector.
14:50.22 clock_ ``Erik: which are the remaining 6 ones?
14:50.38 claymore clock: assuming electricity will still be in use then ;)
14:50.56 starseeker Ah, there it is - Xerox DuraPaper:
14:52.52 starseeker or I guess now it's DuraDocument paper
14:54.17 clock_ What's the point in storing data?
14:54.25 clock_ Who is interested in the tons of information?
14:54.35 starseeker future historians
14:54.47 starseeker we have to make sure they can get to all those youtube videos
14:55.01 starseeker it will explain why our civilization collapsed
14:55.18 clock_ because all of the earth mass was converted into iPods
14:55.40 claymore they will also need to know who Jenna Jameson was ;)
14:55.58 clock_ I am gay so I don't know the names of the current female porn stars.
14:56.34 clock_ Also the list of patents so they know what all they are not allowed to invent
14:56.45 starseeker Once we can put out a new BRL-CAD manual, it'd be fun to have a copy printed on this super paper :-)
14:56.59 clock_ in optar format all on one page :)
14:57.13 brlcad it's more than 200k :)
14:57.20 clock_ BRL-CAD: extermely simple UI: all the manual fits on 1 page :)
14:57.24 clock_ brlcad: how many K?
14:57.33 clock_ Maybe "The whole manual fits on just 10 pages"?
14:57.52 brlcad maybe compressed
14:58.28 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
15:00.23 starseeker if it's pdf, and we agglomerate everything into one big book... that's a lotta megs, even compressed. Good quality raytraced images are big
15:01.04 brlcad the text looks like it's about 1158714 chars in docbook and text format .. images are the big ones
15:02.41 brlcad gets on the road
15:02.59 brlcad ``Erik: probably not till noon now :/
15:04.50 clock_ In 1000 years we will be able to back up the whole Universe on a USB stick
15:04.59 clock_ But this stick will lose all it's data in 10 seconds
15:05.21 clock_ And consumer warranty will be only 5 seconds.
15:06.51 starseeker heh - the quantum USB stick - you delete what's stored on it by trying to read it
15:08.26 claymore how about the precog USB stick: It copies/creates what data you want on it before you do.
15:11.18 clock_ quantum USB stick: there is nothing on the stick, random data are created at the time you attempt to read them
15:15.54 claymore Matrix USB Stick: There is no USB Stick.
15:16.53 clock_ You take the blue pill you read 1
15:17.00 clock_ you take the red one you read zero
15:17.07 clock_ You can freely decide what you are going to read
15:17.39 clock_ Chinese USB stick: it is a stick, but it's actually not USB.
15:18.03 clock_ Q: what's the difference between a wooden stick and Chinese USB stick?
15:18.11 clock_ A: the wooden stick is more USB-compliant
15:18.25 louipc brlcad: why are there so many darned aliases for the config options?
15:19.19 claymore scolds louipc for being on topic.
15:35.33 ``Erik crap, I gotta look that up, heh
15:35.36 ``Erik and he left
15:48.37 starseeker arrrrrrgh - tkhtml3 just does not want to play the distcheck game
16:12.10 starseeker brlcad: Is there something about putting directories in EXTRA_DIST that messes with make distcheck? I'm getting errors about their removal
16:47.01 mafm I go home, c'ya
16:57.07 louipc cya
18:14.42 brlcad louipc: because I can never remember (and hate having to remember) whether it's --enable-optimize --enable-optimized and --disable-debug --disable-debugging etc
18:14.58 brlcad nobody has to use them, they're only defined for convenience (and don't show up in help)
18:23.29 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:36.51 louipc ah I figured it would be easier to remember if it was only one or two aliases
18:37.07 louipc err one alias rather
18:47.33 brlcad the aliases also help catch mistakes .. since configure has no way of reporting "unrecognized option" by default
20:04.59 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
20:11.22 ``Erik thinks he'll leave his windows machine blue-screened until the admins notice it :D
20:45.07 brlcad heh
20:45.53 brlcad calls a dozen liquor places and is amazed at how many different languages other than english everyone seems to know
20:46.08 brlcad at least finally found what I was looking for though
20:46.29 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
20:59.29 starseeker out of source build, not doing make distcheck succeeded
21:00.00 brlcad where'd it put the tkhtml3 object files?
21:00.07 brlcad source dir or build dir
21:00.46 starseeker build dir
21:00.57 starseeker is rerunning make distcheck now
21:05.38 starseeker brlcad: Is this the first time we're hooking in something without any
21:05.51 brlcad nope
21:06.01 brlcad well, sorta yes/no
21:06.07 starseeker heh
21:06.46 brlcad tcl/tk's been hooked in without a before and sorta still is (though there is the one wrapper)
21:07.32 brlcad they also don't use automake for their build so their subconfigure and the traversal into their dir is similarly non-conformant with automake
21:08.05 starseeker ok
21:28.30 starseeker ????? With a fresh checkout, now I'm getting the Permission denied errors
21:35.53 starseeker
21:37.00 starseeker brlcad: stocks dove
21:37.58 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
21:39.36 ``Erik nifty
21:54.59 ``Erik boos at common lisp some
21:55.05 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
22:04.55 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=Ralith@
22:21.44 louipc the smallest one?
22:30.46 brlcad that looks like english to me
22:55.46 ``Erik (format nil "~r" 532144321321)
22:55.46 ``Erik "five hundred thirty-two billion one hundred forty-four million three hundred twenty-one thousand three hundred twenty-one"
22:56.13 ``Erik neat stuff, but unable to cope with BIG numbers
22:56.32 brlcad me too
22:56.52 ``Erik huh, it doesn't seem to handle complex numbers, either :( scheme does
22:57.02 brlcad patch it up!
22:57.33 ``Erik but it's a lot easier to sit around and bitch! :D
23:24.30 PrezKennnedy brlcad, i drove for the first time on the highway today
23:24.33 PrezKennnedy got it up to 60
23:24.57 brlcad woot
23:25.09 brlcad and the 'need for speed' begins....
23:25.47 PrezKennnedy no casualties, no fatalities!
23:29.10 ``Erik then ur doin' it rong
23:29.11 ``Erik :D
23:29.26 PrezKennnedy :D
23:29.45 PrezKennnedy told the coworkers that if i go out... im going to do it with style
23:29.58 PrezKennnedy somehow land the car on the roof of the building or something
23:30.45 ``Erik on the roof? lame, get it to stand up on the nose, ontop of a flagpole
23:30.55 ``Erik that'd be worth some points
23:31.15 ``Erik "freestyle Xtreme"
23:31.48 PrezKennnedy its the tallest building in the area... getting the car on the roof would be pretty amazing since nothing is highe
23:31.51 PrezKennnedy *higher
23:33.41 PrezKennnedy i had lots of practice in burnout though...
23:33.53 ``Erik that's where the freestyle xtreme part comes in, you gotta hit the half-pipe just right and not botch it :D

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