IRC log for #brlcad on 20081024

00:56.56 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
01:38.57 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
02:09.27 brlcad howdy pacman87
02:09.42 brlcad starseeker: it doesn't fully pass but nice work fixing the hard problems :)
02:09.43 pacman87 hi
02:10.01 brlcad looks like everything related to tkhtml3 is passing now, though, so life is good
02:19.28 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
02:21.33 brlcad waves across the pool
02:21.43 ``Erik_ *wave*
02:21.54 ``Erik_ knew I closed the blinds for a reason O.o
02:25.22 ``Erik_ 1.75l, I pheer
02:31.21 brlcad mmmm
02:37.17 starseeker brlcad: What's still busted?
02:40.14 ``Erik_ all of it, why'd you bust it up, dude?
02:40.24 brlcad not busted, just a few loose ends
02:40.39 ``Erik_ ponders walking to the front desk to inquire about orange juice
02:40.52 starseeker how goes the other side of the country?
02:50.02 ``Erik_ a little west
03:03.13 yukonbob hello, cadhedas
03:03.16 yukonbob *cadheads
03:09.07 ``Erik_ huh, orange juice
03:13.50 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
03:25.22 punkrockgirl stop it, i'm jealous
03:29.42 ``Erik_ of cadheads? O.o
03:31.52 punkrockgirl of oj
03:31.55 punkrockgirl and the stuff in it
03:31.56 punkrockgirl :P
03:36.19 ``Erik_ probably like $50 worth of crap heh, ~200 people, but most I imagine are shared rooms, so like, uh, ~5k on booze and nuts O.o crazy :D must be nice to have a massive expense account
03:37.03 ``Erik_ way more on the hotel rooms, though :) heh
03:37.20 ``Erik_ doesn't wana know the final cost of this summit
03:46.10 punkrockgirl cool
03:46.15 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (n=Ralith@
03:46.17 punkrockgirl i wanna go do something cool
03:47.42 ``Erik_ meh, so go to a honeywell space camp or something
03:47.46 ``Erik_ *duck* *run*
03:48.04 punkrockgirl oh
03:48.08 punkrockgirl heh
03:48.12 punkrockgirl good point :(
03:48.21 punkrockgirl i suck
04:13.42 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
04:27.10 ``Erik_ bleh
04:30.47 ``Erik_ Patrick Warburton has a very distinct vocal style
05:32.28 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
06:24.25 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
07:15.55 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:01.46 *** join/#brlcad mafm (n=mafm@
11:31.16 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
12:09.36 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
13:58.29 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@unaffiliated/elite01)
16:57.16 starseeker begins to see why the g_qa units were local - libbu is length only in the unit department
16:59.27 starseeker starts working on an expansion...
16:59.42 starseeker this simply won't do...
17:11.31 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33050 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/units.c:
17:11.31 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: Change the internal name of the unit table to reflect that it is length only -
17:11.31 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: other tables will be added so the 'unspoken assumption' that everything is
17:11.31 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: length will no longer hold. Can't do this (yet) for externally visible
17:11.31 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: functions but at least internally it should help avoid confusion.
17:39.11 starseeker brlcad: Where are we getting these conversion factors, by the way? They should be cited - correctness of these factors is a big deal because having to change them could invalidate who knows how many results.
17:39.43 starseeker brlcad: In particular, I'm wondering about the conversion of grains to grams (although all should be audited)
17:40.25 starseeker knows there are standards the officially define these units and NIST has some useful literature as well
17:41.09 ``Erik_ hrm, when I got to my hotel room, there was a 1.75l bottle of vodka, a six pack of beer, and a dude showed up with cold orange juice... assuming brlcad received the same ... "gift basket", I'm rather surprised he's not floating face down in the pool right now, but unsurprised he's not responding... :D
17:41.30 starseeker creating a proper units and dimensions package for a CAS system actually was what interested me in Axiom instead of Maxima, and is still one of my primary long term goals for CAS, so I'm probably a bit "geeky" on this topic...
17:41.44 starseeker ah :-)
17:42.02 ``Erik_ I know our distance measurement, by default, is mm, and we like kg
17:42.14 starseeker yes, but grams is the default in g_qa
17:42.21 starseeker kg is actually the SI standard
17:42.21 ``Erik_ volumes are usually internally kept as cubic mm
17:42.28 starseeker right
17:42.50 ``Erik_ the in/mm conversion goes back to the early 80's I believe
17:42.52 starseeker the pivot unit isn't so critical - it's the definitions of other units in terms of that pivot unit that become critical
17:43.27 ``Erik_ old s2 folk like to think of pixels as 4"x4" projections, new ones like to see 100mmX100mm projections
17:43.33 starseeker can't believe his single biggest interest in the CAS world has suddenly become job related
17:44.22 ``Erik_ personally, I'd default holding formats to strict SI (despite the frenchness) and use a library (there are plenty) for conversions
17:44.24 ``Erik_ *shrug*
17:44.46 starseeker erm - libbu has a conversion routine
17:44.59 starseeker hadn't considered ripping out the whole thing and replacing with an external lib
17:46.07 ``Erik_ what's the java one the m3 guys are using? it had a few aspects where I went "holy crap... that's important", but they threw those away
17:46.31 ``Erik_ like it carried translation error with the value, and propogated it correctly through the math
17:46.41 starseeker Java Units of measure?
17:46.53 starseeker It's LGPL at least
17:46.55 ``Erik_ no, it was something stupid
17:47.02 ``Erik_ unless something stupid renamed itself to that
17:47.06 starseeker grumbles at all the C ones being GPL
17:47.18 ``Erik_ carrying error with computation was zomfg holy crap awesome, I thought, but it was thrown away
17:47.25 starseeker that is impressive
17:47.28 ``Erik_ or, deviance, rather
17:47.45 ``Erik_ big performance hit, but *shrug* neglegible compared to other performance issues
17:47.48 starseeker correct handling of that issue is very nearly a research topic
17:48.03 ``Erik_ pessemistic bounding, not perfect bounding
17:48.15 ``Erik_ like jscience or something
17:48.17 ``Erik_ this is bugging me
17:48.21 starseeker Ooo, a BSD licensed one
17:49.30 ``Erik_ are you in the office?
17:49.30 starseeker yep
17:49.30 ``Erik_ jra knows the grim details of what I'm talking about
17:49.47 ``Erik_ I'd like to remember the naem of it, but I can't shell into one of those machines and do not carry a co with me :(
17:52.30 starseeker you had it - jscience
17:52.53 ``Erik_ aight, it carries ranges of values instead of "a value"
17:53.16 ``Erik_ for high energy physics, that seems zomfg critical to me
17:55.06 starseeker Hmm -
17:56.54 starseeker pity NIST doesn't have their own conversion library
17:57.07 ``Erik_ I bet they do, somewhere
17:57.52 ``Erik_ I ran across a trivial scheme conversion library that was more flexible than the unix "units" program, neat shizzlenitz
17:58.36 ``Erik_ (one thing that drives me up the wall with 'units', I can't convert between C and F, or F and K... temperature measurement is valid, damnit!)
17:59.43 starseeker indeed
18:00.31 starseeker ``Erik: Do you think it would be worth it to hook in an external units conversion library?
18:00.40 starseeker Or, more to the point, would brlcad think so?
18:00.59 ``Erik_ I might be a little excessive on that one, though... for mebbe 5 years, I ran a program that scraped temperature data on many zip codes hourly to plot, and I used to convert all measurements to kelvin when I was homebrewing :)
18:01.06 ``Erik_ um, depends on the size of it
18:01.30 ``Erik_ obviously, it's not something you'd expect in libc, so brlcad will push for inclusion in src/other/
18:01.50 ``Erik_ and I'll push for minimizing size and inode count :D so somewhere will be a balance
18:02.43 starseeker Hmm, Mayo Foundation - is that related to the mayo clinic folks I wonder?
18:03.40 starseeker Hmm, his email was at one point at the mayo clinic
18:03.43 starseeker interesting
18:06.36 starseeker huh - darned if it doesn't provide a TCL units interface
18:07.00 starseeker ok, ok...
18:07.06 starseeker downloads to check out
18:07.15 starseeker let's see how big it is
18:10.50 starseeker ``Erik: More important even than the size though - this would be a major expansion and even a bit of reworking of how BRL-CAD deals with units. Definitely an improvement, but also definitely a change - does anybody outside of BRL-CAD use our current unit functionality?
18:12.51 starseeker ``Erik: size of an uncompressed tar is 510KB
18:14.31 starseeker using TEAfor building
18:14.41 starseeker er TEA for
18:20.59 starseeker hmm, pity - it's tcl doesn't call the c side
18:37.00 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:22.26 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
20:27.15 brlcad starseeker: check the commit log on the file, they may be cited there
20:36.55 brlcad conversion lib is fine, though our conversion needs are very trivial at this point so I'd be hesitant for using a dep until there was some feature added
20:37.23 brlcad cleaning up g_qa by itself would be pretty marginal (as it wouldn't really change, it'd just get rid of the table)
20:40.12 *** join/#brlcad cad64 (
20:47.30 brlcad does not understand starseeker's comment to 1677383
20:47.54 starseeker brlcad: um, sorry.
20:47.56 starseeker rereads
20:48.45 starseeker Lee implemented dbfindempty as a tcl command
20:48.55 starseeker should it be integrated into MGED?
20:50.01 starseeker if not, dwayne seems to be satisifed. In addition, the search command can also find totally empty combinations (although it doesn't have the dbfindempty ability to find combs with only 1 or only 2 nodes)
20:50.55 starseeker I guess I'm wondering what needs to happen that hasn't already happened to be able to close that request
20:53.08 starseeker brlcad: re - unit conversions; No problem with waiting, what I can do for now is move the g_qa tables into libbu, add a couple more general calls to access them (that will also be able to pass requests to a more general library behind the hood if we want to do that in the future)
20:53.29 starseeker and then tweak g_qa to use the new libbu calls instead of its internal code
20:58.17 brlcad starseeker: the trackers are totally your domain, so you can decide if it's sufficient, rejectable, inadequate, etc
20:58.50 starseeker OK. I just didn't know if there was some reason dbfindempty wasn't in MGED - a.k.a Lee not wanting it in
20:58.53 brlcad I think search completely superceeds a "dbfindempty" command and would reject that patch
20:59.12 brlcad nah, it was probably just level of effort
21:00.32 brlcad it technically probably belongs as a patch submission once the attachments were added, but pettty at this point since he's also a dev also acting like a user
21:00.44 starseeker Looking at the tcl, there is an option to match if the number of elements in a comb matchs a number - is that useful enough to be worth adding to search?
21:01.41 starseeker doesn't think it belongs in an empty option - maybe empty could be replaced by a "number of nodes in comb" and "number of nodes in subtree" sort of system...
21:01.41 brlcad that would have been a way to generalize your -empty option
21:02.00 brlcad exactly
21:02.41 starseeker vim's up the search code and hopes he doesn't need yet another tree walker...
21:03.59 starseeker must protest the g_qa code grouping mass and weight - that's dimensionally flat out wrong
21:04.20 brlcad fix it!
21:04.34 starseeker OK :-)
21:04.40 ``Erik_ is it fixed yet?
21:04.45 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33051 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/avs.c: make initializaiton order match declaration order
21:04.51 starseeker hopes he isn't breaking someone's analysis code...
21:05.00 ``Erik_ crosses his arms and taps his foot
21:05.02 ``Erik_ why isn't it fixed yet?
21:05.10 starseeker finite typing speed
21:05.38 ``Erik_ signs starseeker up for the neural jack surgury
21:06.11 ``Erik_ (just remember... never EVER core dump while you're jacked in)
21:07.16 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33052 10/brlcad/trunk/include/bu.h: ws
21:08.56 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33053 10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h:
21:08.56 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: fix an initialization bug in RT_INIT_DB_INTERNAL that was causing a crash if you
21:08.56 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: initialized a rt_db_internal, never use it, but then try to release it. the
21:08.56 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: idb_meth wasn't being initialized causing the callback to crash on randomly
21:08.56 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: initialized values that were not a valid callback.
21:12.27 starseeker How's the GSOC thing going?
21:12.48 brlcad doesn't really start until tomorrow, dinner tonight
21:14.25 ``Erik_ if it was goin', do ya think we'd be talkin' here? :D
21:16.44 starseeker fair enough
21:17.01 starseeker brlcad: What's a good "clean" way to get a count on the number of nodes in a combination?
21:18.08 starseeker do we have a pre-defined function?
21:18.42 brlcad mm, that just counts? doubt it but I think you can just walk over a bu_list and count if you have a COMB
21:21.58 ``Erik_ that smells like a loaded question
21:22.07 ``Erik_ (similar to a loaded diaper, but scarier)
21:22.26 ``Erik_ is a comb the compacted human variant, or the binary internal variant?
21:22.58 starseeker what?
21:23.06 ``Erik_ last I checked, a simple union comb of 4 primitives is at least 7 nodes
21:23.28 ``Erik_ if you include both terminal and nonterminal
21:24.24 ``Erik_ include/raytrace.h around line 1073 is the gorey detail bit
21:25.30 ``Erik_ count(union(n)) >= n*log_{2}n where n is the number of primitives, or something
21:25.54 starseeker Oh, I get was Lee was up to - since it's a binary tree you can only have 0, 1 or 2 children per the data structure
21:26.00 brlcad ged_list_children()
21:26.25 starseeker would expect something else from a node count on a geometry tree
21:26.30 brlcad ah, so there is already: db_tree_nleaves
21:26.36 brlcad (librt)
21:26.49 ``Erik_ internel representation is a simple binary tree, but it's exposed as an n-ary tree to the user :/
21:27.02 brlcad that's why the docs need to be in the freaking headers so I can find that shtuff easier
21:27.27 starseeker brlcad: Thank you for finding it!
21:27.44 ``Erik_ so just terminal nodes, then :D
21:27.45 starseeker wouuld have felt so dumb writing his own...
21:28.37 starseeker erm, this one stops at regions though..
21:28.41 starseeker crud
21:28.43 ``Erik_ thinks we have too many already, someone needs to generisize and collapse existing functions and put in minor specialization stubs for compatability :/
21:29.11 brlcad it's actually an acyclic graph that can be munged to binary or non-binary depending on where in the api
21:29.28 ``Erik_ we need cl loop equivelant for our trees :D
21:29.45 ``Erik_ and yes, my spelling sucks.
21:29.52 ``Erik_ equivalent
21:29.55 starseeker wonders if the time has come to hit the tree walkers
21:30.31 ``Erik_ how is richards procdb coming?
21:30.59 starseeker still early days
21:31.08 ``Erik_ hm
21:32.12 ``Erik_ <-- tried to get him to consider an easier procdb to cut his teeth on, but he's in a 'marching orders' mentality :/
21:32.34 starseeker from whom? me or brlcad?
21:32.36 brlcad mm, daniel and jeff are here
21:32.59 ``Erik_ 4 hours until the dinner thing
21:33.12 brlcad er, isn't it in an hour?
21:33.22 brlcad oh craptastic.. I'm looking at edt time
21:33.24 ``Erik_ um, no? 1830 pst
21:33.25 brlcad sweet
21:33.30 ``Erik_ and it's 1433
21:33.39 brlcad yeah, my clock says 1734
21:33.47 brlcad thought it felt damn early :)
21:33.48 starseeker heh
21:34.16 brlcad starseeker: you hook ed up?
21:34.19 ``Erik_ I updated my laptops clock, so'z I have both pst and est on my screen (courtesy BX, a *REAL* irc client, unlike that wussy irssi crap)
21:34.20 brlcad (lists)
21:34.27 starseeker brlcad: yep
21:34.33 starseeker he's on dev and commits
21:34.38 brlcad saw
21:34.45 brlcad not news?
21:34.48 starseeker probably should get him on user and news too
21:34.57 ``Erik_ so we can't badmouth him in our commit -m '' messages anymore? :(
21:35.13 starseeker ``Erik_:depends on if he reads 'em or not
21:35.55 brlcad got 2/3rds of the points primitive update working on the plane.. should .. finish
21:36.18 ``Erik_ so much for napping before the dinner?
21:38.27 ``Erik_ fer some reason, when ya said that dawn and kurt/kirk/whatever were downstairs, I somehow thought they were bz people :D heh
21:39.26 brlcad donna and kirk
21:39.31 brlcad they are bz people
21:39.51 ``Erik_ I was asking how the bzflag gsoc went when you were showering heh :D </doof>
21:40.08 ``Erik_ nice folk, dealing with pretty interesting stuff
21:40.22 brlcad ah, yeah -- not gsocers
21:41.04 brlcad it's really bad that my brain has shifted context.. i need to study up on what all we did for both so I can actually hold a f'ing conversation about it
21:41.15 brlcad since this is sorta requisite or at least really useful this weekend
21:41.45 ``Erik_ firing braincells are the critical aspect, other people can remember the history for ya :D you weren't a mentor per se
21:43.37 starseeker brlcad: Is OP_REGION a unary operator?
21:44.08 starseeker or rather, does its presence indicate a left subtree?
21:45.10 brlcad ``Erik_: naw, it's still my job to know what everyone did, just not the details
21:45.15 ``Erik_ ah, cliff, I figured out what was confusing me with the macro thing. The example code had a defun with soft quoting that was called from the macro.
21:45.28 brlcad at least should be able to say what folks were working on what
21:45.32 ``Erik_ we did things. And stuff. And it was good.
21:45.40 starseeker ``Erik_: nicely done
21:45.41 ``Erik_ then, on the 7th week, we rested.
21:45.42 brlcad starseeker: dunno really, use the source luke :)
21:45.51 starseeker brlcad: OK :-)
21:45.59 starseeker just checking for a shortcut
21:46.33 ``Erik_ (would've been the 7th day, but we created slashdot, collegehumor, and icanhascheezburger on the first day. Woops.)
21:46.56 starseeker assumed those were the work of "somone else"
21:47.19 ``Erik_ geekisis 10:12
21:47.40 ``Erik_ And it was goodish. Ramen.
21:48.00 starseeker The ed 1.0 version or the Church of Emacs revival edition?
21:49.14 ``Erik_ just random blabbering, now with extra blasphemy
21:49.14 brlcad ``Erik_: oh, I found out why he attacked -- said it was just to generate debris for a newb he was trying to help, otherwise that he woulda been nuts to attack a 16 CC without levis
21:49.14 ``Erik_ heh, so gank his newb friend :D fighters do an ugly job on cyclers
21:49.46 ``Erik_ use astroempiresextras to time your fighter pops to exist at like :28 or :29, jack his cyclers as hard as you can just before the tick
21:50.09 ``Erik_ a recycler needs 3 ticks to pay for itself
21:50.39 brlcad I thought about it .. his friend only has 25 cyclers :)
21:50.56 brlcad lvl 13
21:50.57 ``Erik_ you can't kill the tiger, so try to taste like shit :D
21:51.24 ``Erik_ (is that sun tzu? :D )
21:52.47 brlcad starseeker: another way to find stuff .. think of an mged command that does what you're thinking and look what it does
21:55.31 starseeker nods
21:56.22 starseeker Lee used llength in his tcl command, but I'm being more stubborn - I want to count the way a BRL-CAD user would expect
22:01.06 ``Erik_ notes that one must take every commands implementation with a grain of salt... it may be a crude hack instead of "right"
22:11.20 *** join/#brlcad smurfette (
22:12.43 ``Erik_ dude, that restaurant is not walking distance
22:12.59 ``Erik_ it's way up by moffett
22:13.41 ``Erik_ 6.1 miles as the google flies
22:16.28 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33054 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/units.c: Add in two of g_qa's unit tables. Need to add a 3rd for weights, which are not the same as mass
22:17.34 ``Erik_ if you're gonna be like that, only record mass and then record gravity in the scene to compute weight O.o :>
22:17.56 ``Erik_ many tools use mass and weight interchangably (incorrect, but 'close enough' for ground vehicles)
22:17.56 starseeker not a bad idea
22:18.11 ``Erik_ naturally, you should talk about point gravity, so you can compute tidal force
22:18.12 ``Erik_ *cough*
22:18.34 ``Erik_ full integral gravity would be a bit excessive, though :D
22:18.36 starseeker refuses to use mass and weight interchangably
22:18.43 starseeker heh
22:18.56 ``Erik_ the customer does it, and we like to get paychecks at the end of the day :(
22:18.57 brlcad starseeker: llength is a tcl command .. he's counting the list of something -- you'd have to look at what he used to get the list he was counting
22:19.13 brlcad ``Erik_: it is? okay
22:19.15 starseeker nods
22:19.48 starseeker ``Erik_: where do they do it?
22:19.49 ``Erik_,+Sunnyvale,+CA+94087+(Wild+Palms+Hotel)&daddr=174+castro+st&hl=en&geocode=CcOzhSoacpGzFfnvOQIdyTi6-CFKCwVYHFXddA%3B&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=37.380798,-122.046089&sspn=0.052925,0.105228&ie=UTF8&ll=37.373022,-122.061195&spn=0.105861,0.210457&z=13
22:20.35 ``Erik_ the analysts? just look at rtweight
22:21.43 ``Erik_ stuff like might change that, though
22:22.27 smurfette
22:22.49 starseeker hunts around for rtweight
22:23.14 ``Erik_ was on slashdot earlier, punker
22:23.39 starseeker ``Erik_: Whether they're doing it or not it's wrong - if they don't care it shouldn't be too hard to make it "correct" - just call everything a weight and be done with it
22:23.47 smurfette bah, im always late to find out anything
22:24.18 ``Erik_ when delta(gravity) matters, it becomes... well, important
22:24.20 starseeker ``Erik_: it's a 101 basic unit mistake no one should be making
22:24.48 starseeker sure
22:25.01 starseeker my point exactly - it's worth doing right
22:25.10 starseeker and there is a strong case for that
22:25.37 ``Erik_ well, grok: analysts demanded a piece of software to automate a large portion of their job. New analysts learned how to use the software, but not the fundamentals. Recurse a few times. Now we have a batch of analysts completely unequiped to deal with the nitty gritty of the model and a black box of magic software.
22:25.46 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33055 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (search.c search.h): Start on some more generalized functionality related to number of nodes present in combinations and subtrees. Once completed, this will fully replace the functionality in the proposed dbfindempty tcl command
22:26.02 brlcad howdy smurfette
22:26.09 ``Erik_ since it's just a magic black box that you push the 'go' button on, the quality of the minds operating it has deteriorated to essentially assembly line standards.
22:26.21 starseeker ``Erik_: so won't they listen to us when we explain why it needs to be done correctly?
22:26.38 starseeker since we're "
22:26.41 starseeker mechanics"
22:26.47 ``Erik_ I imagine most will listen, and a couple might even understand :)
22:27.22 starseeker smurfette: Is that everyone's favorite DJ?
22:27.35 ``Erik_ but yes, exactly, we're just greasy mechanics, all they know is which pedal to push to make it go faster and which to make it stop.
22:27.47 brlcad starseeker: changing everythign to weight .. or everthing to mass ?
22:27.59 brlcad gots no problems with making it "right"
22:28.00 starseeker brlcad: Doing it "right"
22:28.15 starseeker brlcad: Oh, good :-)
22:28.17 ``Erik_ thinks it should all be mass, and rtweight should have a gravity parm
22:28.27 brlcad yeah, that's what I was thinking
22:28.33 ``Erik_ which defaults to, oh, say, 9.82 m/s^2 or something
22:28.54 starseeker ``Erik_: Oh, that's a given. I was worried about customer code
22:29.41 ``Erik_ if you're going to monkey with default behavior, you might want to talk to geoff... personally, I'd try to keep russ out of it
22:30.02 starseeker is prepared to be fairly stubborn about refusing to do it "wrong" in BRL-CAD just to make someone else's tool happy - they need to fix their tool too
22:30.05 starseeker ok
22:30.08 ``Erik_ he's a nice guy, but insanely resisant to change
22:30.44 starseeker errors like this tend to propagate and cause problems down the road
22:31.19 ``Erik_ especially once you bring things like orbital platforms into the picture :D
22:31.47 starseeker would be very very red-faced if he were an analyst and didn't have his units straight
22:32.13 ``Erik_ and even ground crap has been plagued by quirks like coriolis effects for quite a while
22:32.38 brlcad everyone just uses it as mass that I'm aware of
22:32.39 starseeker really? cool
22:33.31 brlcad ``Erik_: 6:15 lobby to head to thai
22:33.38 brlcad if you want to drive with
22:33.44 brlcad otherwise see ya there
22:34.22 starseeker needs to hit the road... getting very quiet around here
22:34.41 ``Erik_ aight
22:35.49 *** join/#brlcad novakyu (n=novakyu@visitor2.Berkeley.EDU)
22:36.08 ``Erik_ damn, this place is crawling with computer nerds
22:36.35 Ralith what a strange thing that is.
22:36.38 Ralith ^^
22:36.42 brlcad slow'n down ma' net bastages
22:37.01 ``Erik_ I think this entire hotel was booked for this event
22:37.43 ``Erik_ what kinda scotch did they gift you, brlcad? should I swing by for a sample? ;)
22:37.59 brlcad starseeker:erm, why not just db_count_tree_leaves(tp)?
22:39.07 brlcad ``Erik_: aberlour 16yr
22:39.24 ``Erik_ ok, I need to swing by for a sample in the next day or two.
22:39.29 brlcad yup
22:39.30 ``Erik_ stop guzzling it.
22:39.31 ``Erik_ :D
22:39.35 brlcad i'll bring it to the party
22:39.42 ``Erik_ which?
22:40.00 brlcad the main one, sat
22:40.12 ``Erik_ oh, the pizza thing?
22:40.30 brlcad yeah
22:40.34 ``Erik_ coo
22:40.38 *** part/#brlcad novakyu (n=novakyu@visitor2.Berkeley.EDU)
22:41.18 ``Erik_ open source software development, where everyone's a drunk! wee! heh
22:41.55 ``Erik_ <google> these nerds need all the social lube we can afford
22:41.56 ``Erik_ O.O
22:46.59 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33056 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/nirt/en/: ignore nirt.html
22:57.43 *** join/#brlcad eriksgirl (
23:01.16 *** join/#brlcad smurfette ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:31.40 eriksgirl um werid
23:47.48 ``Erik_ yes, yes you are
23:47.53 ``Erik_ you are very werid

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