IRC log for #brlcad on 20081105

00:00.24 ``Erik_ like, near all the bird guys
00:00.27 ``Erik_ woops
00:15.58 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
00:28.24 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33132 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/ go the stupid route. needs some automake lovin'.
01:51.40 brlcad that leaves the only error being failures in doc/ when there aren't tools installed
01:57.22 starseeker hmm - I thought we disabled the docbook stuff when there weren't tools?
01:58.42 brlcad yeah, there's a handfulof .am's that don't
01:59.07 brlcad I put a hack, should be good enough to retag 7.14.0 now
02:00.16 starseeker cool
02:00.19 starseeker rebuilds
02:07.24 brlcad kicks CIA-24
02:07.24 CIA-24 ow
02:08.09 brlcad so it's now all tagged up, doing another round of distchecks
02:09.45 brlcad the only thing that comes to mind is that STABLE might not be perfectly synchronized since it required massive manual intervention
02:10.01 brlcad but if it'll check out and build on at least two plats, I'll post up the tarball
02:11.32 starseeker nods
02:11.41 starseeker you opted not to go the svn cp route?
02:13.35 brlcad nope, it was merged
02:14.24 brlcad I was actually using the wrong syntax at first and probably wasted a couple hours before I realized it fixing problems
02:15.05 brlcad my hope is that keeping a "fixed" merge in place with the proper revision tag annotated on the branch, that future merges should just work
02:15.20 brlcad so long as nobody actually works on STABLE directly and causes a new conflict
02:15.33 starseeker nods
02:16.34 starseeker takes first stab at mk_hyp
02:17.59 brlcad hm, looks like doc still (more quietly) halts the build if xsltproc doesn't exist
02:18.13 brlcad not a release stopper, but should get fixed
02:18.19 starseeker hmm
02:19.25 louipc hmm
02:20.05 brlcad ".fo.pdf:" looks like badness
02:20.51 starseeker Is it not being disabled?
02:21.00 starseeker or just bad make file syntax?
02:22.08 brlcad well yeah, the bigger problem is it's not being disabled
02:22.33 brlcad but making an implicit rule dependent on another implicit rule is odd too
02:23.17 brlcad probably a neater way to do that with vars or even just a different approach
02:25.17 starseeker um. thought it was a logical mapping to the actual xml -> fo -> pdf process, but maybe not
02:32.37 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:39.38 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33133 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/ add dependencies so that parallel compilation will fly. auto-search /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib to work around stupidity in the TEA X11 checks.
02:39.39 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33134 10/brlcad/trunk/ make xsltproc and apachefop be a no-op if they don't exist so that the build doesn't fail if they're invoked without checking whether they exist.
02:40.00 brlcad must be overloaded
02:40.08 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33135 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ ( src/other/tkhtml3/ merge 33129:HEAD (33134) from trunk to stable. these are a few build repairs that need to make it into the 7.14.0 release.
02:40.11 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33136 10/brlcad/tags/rel-7-14-0/ ( src/other/tkhtml3/
02:40.11 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: fugly post-tag merge to fix critical build system failures (across the board)
02:40.11 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: due to bad juju in the tkhtml3 dependency build. this should
02:40.11 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: (sufficiently/hopefully) make things 'good enough' for release though leaving
02:40.12 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: much to be desired.
03:07.57 starseeker growls at the hyp input parameters
03:08.02 starseeker later for them
03:41.48 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33137 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/ so, cssprop is kinda important if we need to resolve all symbols in the library (e.g. on mac)
03:43.20 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33138 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/other/tkhtml3/ merge from head through 33137
04:35.30 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
04:41.12 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33139 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (doc/book/VolumeII.xml m4/ax_boost_base.m4): more (manual) syncing with trunk, add missing ax_boost_base.m4 and remove the moved VolumeII.xml
04:48.52 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33140 10/brlcad/trunk/ (206 files in 206 dirs):
04:48.52 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: alrighty, it's been years of fighting merges with rcs variables getting in the
04:48.52 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: way and in all that time I can't think of a time where I found that line
04:48.52 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: actually incredibly useful. time to give it the axe, at least in the makefile
04:48.54 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: templates.
04:50.33 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33141 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (5 files in 3 dirs): removal of a few more rcs var instances
05:11.30 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33142 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (211 files in 206 dirs): hopefully the last merge of all changes on trunk to the branch for the 7.14.0 release. this syncs changes from 33137 to HEAD revision 33141
06:44.46 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
06:58.44 yukonbob hi clock_
07:14.55 clock_ yukonbob: hi
07:15.08 clock_ congratulations to America!
07:50.07 brlcad bah, still failing in doc, different issue
07:59.14 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33143 10/brlcad/trunk/ can't set xsltproc and apachefop to : until after we test the configuration functionality.
07:59.34 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33144 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ merge 33143 from trunk, can't set xsltproc and apachefop to : until after we test the configuration functionality.
08:03.58 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33145 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/ cssprop.c is generated in the build directory, not the source directory. thx mac build.
08:05.19 CIA-24 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33146 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/other/tkhtml3/ merge 33145 from trunk to get the cssprop.c fix for tkhtml3
08:06.06 brlcad hm, drumroll...
08:14.59 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:16.49 brlcad so far looking good
08:16.53 brlcad hits the road again
08:20.26 clock_ once hit the road so hard he had to go to hospital
10:26.46 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
10:53.16 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
11:07.39 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
12:26.16 ``Erik_ looks like obama swept it big time, 270 is the magic number and he's already at 338, the non-reporting states are irrelevent now
12:27.03 ``Erik_ man, 338 to 163... that is harsh
12:50.06 ``Erik_ CLAYMORE! (or starseeker or brlcad)
13:15.55 Axman6 ``Erik_: it was a very nice win indeed :)
13:18.00 ``Erik_ not unexpected
13:18.24 ``Erik_ but I need brlcad, claymore or starseeker to respond, I called in sick, but I need shit done :(
13:19.08 Axman6 :(
13:19.11 Axman6 gets shit done
13:19.20 Axman6 you better get me a birthday present though
13:19.27 ``Erik_ ok
13:19.31 ``Erik_ poos in a paper sack
13:19.32 ``Erik_ :D
13:19.48 Axman6 that does not constitute a present
13:19.59 ``Erik_ does... not... compute...
13:20.48 Axman6 luckily my birthday ended 20 mins ago here, so you didn't ruin it
13:21.07 ``Erik_ a google pm is in the neighborhood, I'm going to try to facilitate a visit, but gubmint is as gubmint does, so it could be difficult, I'm hoping to have one of my cohorts alert mgmt of my intent
13:21.11 ``Erik_ happy bday, axman
13:21.38 Axman6 thanks
13:22.36 *** topic/#brlcad by ``Erik_ -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || GSOC 2008 is complete! w00t to all || Happy BDay to Axman6
13:23.35 Axman6 heh, thanks :)
13:23.53 Axman6 i need to play with brl-cad more once exams are over
13:31.45 *** join/#brlcad CIA-24 (n=CIA@
13:39.16 claymore Yo Erik. Whats up?
13:40.03 starseeker ``Erik: now what? ;-)
13:40.54 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:41.50 claymore is at home finding / replacing a battery & alternator for a 03 dodge caravan :/
13:42.26 starseeker is getting ready to go in after watching too much election coverage
13:49.09 *** join/#brlcad elmom (
13:50.08 clock_ Obama has about 3dB over McCain :)
13:51.50 louipc McCain apparently got 47% of the popular vote
13:53.59 claymore Bleh, didn't even bother watching the election coverage. The outcome didn't change whether I watched it or not :)
13:59.17 clock_ If I should sleep with one of the candidates, I would select Obama.
14:00.28 louipc Palin all the way
14:01.40 clock_ Now Honolulu becomes the capital of the US instead of Washington D.C.?
14:04.47 claymore That wouldn't be soooo bad. Except we have touble getting those on capitol hill to do anything as it is, let along move them all to Hawaii and telling them to work....
14:05.00 claymore along = alone
14:05.45 clock_ no it would be Medvedev would come for a visit
14:05.50 clock_ the Capitol would be all empty
14:05.56 clock_ so he would ask the janitor what's up
14:06.05 clock_ and he would reply "The surf's up"
14:17.34 ``Erik_ Wsend 'em all to alaska
14:18.00 ``Erik_ claymore! are you functional? or do I need to phone bc while out on sick?
14:23.49 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
14:24.16 mafm hai
14:28.28 claymore erik: Functional, but at home. Mini van is sick, need new battery/alternator.
14:28.36 ``Erik_ oh
14:28.38 ``Erik_ poop
14:28.49 ``Erik_ i need a mouthpiece for bc
14:28.52 claymore Nothing like working on electric systems in the rain... though I left that in my past lol.
14:28.53 ``Erik_ I'm out sick with a head cold
14:28.58 claymore just call Ed.
14:29.12 ``Erik_ yeh, he's probably in now
14:29.14 ``Erik_ *sigh*
14:29.20 ``Erik_ 6300 ?
14:29.30 claymore I phone him about an hour ago, so yeah, he's in. and yes, x6300
14:29.52 claymore so that atlantica game.... 2gb download... *sigh*
14:30.29 claymore gotta hand it to them asians... they know how to draw pretty gurls, lol.
14:38.55 ``Erik_ okie, talked to ed
14:39.01 ``Erik_ he's gonna get the shit rolling
14:39.23 claymore good man that Ed
14:39.39 ``Erik_ uh, claymore, you do understand that if this goes down, your participation in a lunch is not voluntary, right?
14:39.50 claymore if what goes down?
14:40.12 ``Erik_ the google summer of code project manager is going to be in the neighborhood in a week or two
14:40.24 ``Erik_ I'm trying to facilitate a meet&greet
14:40.27 claymore Oh hell yeah.
14:40.43 claymore I'll bring my campbells chunk soup to the resteraunt.
14:40.50 ``Erik_ hhahaha
14:40.53 claymore <PROTECTED>
14:41.32 claymore SO i just did a dumb shit thing.... tried to check out root of the brlcad svn instead of
14:41.43 claymore was wondering why it was taking so long.... lol
14:43.06 claymore so whats the GSOC PM's name?
14:43.14 ``Erik_ leslie hawthorn
14:43.41 claymore Nice. Philly or Baltimore>?
14:44.37 ``Erik_ he's a cali, she's hitting boston then dc... so I told her that I'd be willing to pull geeks together for her dc portion if she gets bored, she expressed interest in seeing brlcad's 5 monitor setup
14:45.33 louipc wow! I'd like to see that in action
14:45.35 claymore Sweet, thinking about arranging an onsite?
14:46.05 ``Erik_ I'm trying to get ed to start the process of getting leslie and her aussie friend some visitor passes
14:46.12 claymore Once that Mac comes back from glen, I am seriously thinking about attempting to utilize all 6 monitor jacks :)
14:46.27 ``Erik_ well, there's an issue
14:46.40 claymore He broke it didn't he?
14:46.51 ``Erik_ if you want a 30" monitor, that uses one physical socket, but consumes both that cards output
14:47.08 claymore what about a 24?
14:47.15 ``Erik_ he'll try, *shrug* hopefully I'll feel up to snuff tomorrow and accost bc in the right way
14:47.26 ``Erik_ 24 is a single dvi, 30 is a dual dvi
14:47.58 claymore are you sure? I am driving a 30 and a 24 off a single nVidia Quatro right now on my RHEL box...
14:48.02 ``Erik_ brlcad is totally subsuming his 3 dual-dvi cards, he cannot add another monitor
14:48.17 ``Erik_ erm, max rez on a 30 is dual dvi
14:48.38 claymore ah, I probably have the rez gimped then.
14:48.45 ``Erik_ perhaps
14:49.16 claymore Is it a VidCard limitation? Because the 30's power supply only has a single DVI cord.
14:49.52 ``Erik_ I d'no
14:49.58 claymore is confused now.
14:50.14 claymore I'll play with BRLCADs monitors when he isn't looking.
14:50.55 claymore checks out TRUNK not ROOT this time.... grumble.
14:51.00 ``Erik_ I went and got old, I grok the differences, but I don't careanymore... I'll pay a premium for a little bit of ram...thus my new mcabook (why isn't it here yet)
14:52.58 claymore Because Murphey and his laws work at UPS and FedEx ;)
14:54.07 ``Erik_ I wanna go race :(
14:55.11 ``Erik_ I'm not in the ae mentality, but I'm in the os one...
14:55.25 claymore Learn something new every day. In windows' Volume Control window, cntl-s toggles small/large mode.... huh..
14:55.42 clock_ claymore: lol
14:55.46 claymore os = opensource?
14:55.59 ``Erik_ ja
14:56.04 clock_ claymore: if you learn enough tricks like this you get the Microsoft Academy Awards Certificate?
14:56.13 clock_ or CCNA?
14:56.25 claymore then I will wipe my butt with it and flush it ;)
14:56.55 claymore erik: so start an OS version of AE just way way way better
14:57.29 ``Erik_ vsc url?
14:57.39 claymore 's eyes bled a bit reading that....
14:57.58 claymore vsc = ?
14:58.18 ``Erik_ vcs
14:58.35 claymore vcs = ?
14:58.47 ``Erik_ version control system... cvs, svn, darcs, mercurial, git, ...
14:59.35 claymore Okay still don't knwo what ur askin then.
14:59.55 claymore wonders why it takes so long to get a 'common part' from the werehouse.
15:00.21 ``Erik_ where is it?
15:00.32 ``Erik_ taht applies to both queries
15:01.14 louipc ~vcs
15:01.33 claymore werehouse is across the parking lot from the 'dealer' that I called. grrrrr.
15:01.54 claymore is tempted to strip the alternator down and refurbish it himself...
15:02.11 ``Erik_ my hoa is getting grumpy that my truck hasnt' moved... :( I need to move
15:02.58 clock_ hoa that's wife?
15:03.04 louipc ~vcs
15:03.04 ibot extra, extra, read all about it, vcs is "Version Control System" such as CVS, subversion, git, etc.
15:03.10 ``Erik_ homo's association
15:03.14 claymore lol
15:03.28 clock_ what's a homo's association?
15:03.35 claymore ~hoa
15:03.49 clock_ is it like a gay partner?
15:03.51 claymore is crying in laughter.
15:03.57 ``Erik_ it's a contract fagtards sign into
15:04.01 ``Erik_ <-- is a fagtard.
15:04.02 PrezKennedy theyre jerks who tell you how to paint your house and how to mow the lawn
15:04.03 ``Erik_ :(
15:04.10 clock_ ``Erik_: youre a gay?
15:04.20 claymore is crying in laughter even more.
15:04.51 ``Erik_ um, I poke my gf's rump, be she isnt, yknow, packing
15:04.53 claymore bangs his fists on the table. hahahahahahahahahaha
15:06.42 claymore wonders why both cores on his lappy are pegged at 100%....
15:07.03 clock_ claymore: that's a god sent punishment for laughing at people because they are gay!
15:07.40 PrezKennedy my 4 cores arent pegged... and i was laughing too
15:08.02 clock_ PrezKennedy: you will be punished by discovering youre gay after you are married with 2 children!
15:08.10 claymore not laughing at people because they gay. Just the direction of the conversation.
15:08.25 PrezKennedy haha.. clock_ i don't think so
15:08.41 clock_ ``Erik_: or maybe God wanted to punish ``Erik_ for saying "fagtard" but missed and hit your computer instead
15:09.19 clock_ I mean claymore'S COMPUTER
15:09.29 clock_ OMG CAPSLOCK !!!1111
15:10.42 claymore whats wrong with calling oneself a retarded bundle of sticks?
15:11.01 ``Erik_ hey, I have no bias towards orientation...
15:11.08 clock_ sounded like a defamatory word for gays
15:11.22 ``Erik_ shit, i'm trying to get my wench to fing a new chica to bring to bed ;
15:11.29 clock_ ``Erik_: so youre izotropic?
15:11.32 ``Erik_ *duck* *run*
15:11.56 ``Erik_ I don't know that word
15:12.10 clock_ means no bias towards anhy orientation
15:12.12 ``Erik_ google isn't helping me
15:12.20 clock_ maybe should be isotropic?
15:12.58 ``Erik_ no, I hold no bias. I like sleeping with women, I frankly don't care who other people like sleeping with
15:13.15 clock_ plushy teddy bears
15:13.25 clock_ that's a mixture between fetish and zoophilia
15:13.29 ``Erik_ if that's what gets your rocks off, go for it
15:13.30 PrezKennedy women FTW!
15:13.42 claymore agrees. TnA rules
15:13.49 ``Erik_ I'll continue humping punker and be quite happy about it
15:14.05 claymore so you the punk humper eh?
15:14.12 ``Erik_ smething like that, yes
15:15.50 claymore Pics or it didn't happen.
15:15.57 claymore O.o
15:16.07 louipc hahahaha
15:17.18 ``Erik_ heh
15:18.07 ``Erik_ pix exist, not for distribution O:-)
15:20.03 claymore so punk reads backlogs too eh? LOL.
15:20.14 claymore Well, gotta get my lunch on. Peace out g's.
15:52.28 *** join/#brlcad CIA-24 (n=CIA@
16:28.26 claymore hrm, looks like I am the life of the party eh? ;)
16:28.40 *** join/#brlcad CIA-24 (n=CIA@
16:34.48 claymore parties.
16:50.25 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
16:55.17 starseeker ``Erik_: you figuring to pull in all the BRL-CAD devs for this lunch then?
16:57.43 starseeker makes the mistake of reading the back logs and considers starting a betting pool on how long ``Erik_ has to live
17:01.11 claymore I dunno, Erik picked Punk over being gay... so thats a compliment!
17:14.26 louipc ehhh
17:32.29 *** join/#brlcad CIA-26 (n=CIA@
18:41.57 starseeker feels the need for good primitives documentation as he squints at the hyp code
19:01.48 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
19:34.49 mafm night
19:35.00 brlcad ``Erik_: not on the cards we got -- they're dual duals, so you could actually hook up 6
19:55.08 claymore brlcad: with splitters... that makes 12 possible?
19:55.22 brlcad not at full rez
19:55.32 brlcad the 30"'s will saturdate the dual link
19:55.49 claymore settle for 12 24" then ;)
19:55.50 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
19:55.56 brlcad howdy Ralith
19:56.12 Ralith hullo
19:56.16 brlcad how goes it?
20:53.41 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
21:10.54 claymore Erik: hows the head cold?
21:26.59 brlcad woot, looks like 7.14.0 is good (enough) to go
21:27.11 starseeker yay!!
21:31.37 brlcad rebreaks head
21:35.01 starseeker Is stable stable now?
21:35.23 brlcad builds across at least three platforms seemed to succeed
21:35.30 starseeker cool
21:35.39 brlcad altix, linux, and mac -- good enough for a source
21:36.32 brlcad bsd seemed to work too
21:36.55 brlcad the tkhtml3 build is still rather flimsy, I'm sure that's still probably not right
21:37.08 starseeker nods
21:37.40 starseeker crosses fingers for S2
21:40.12 starseeker I take it CIA is MIA?
21:53.29 CIA-26 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33147 10/brlcad/trunk/ (20 files in 9 dirs): unrevert r33113 to restore the g_qa merge into mged and port to windows changes so that bob can apply his fix to the crashies and antiparallelism problems.
21:53.48 CIA-26 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33148 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libged/make.c libwdb/wdb.c): Add support for make obj hyp to libged, using new mk_hyp from libwdb
22:25.19 CIA-26 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33149 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gqa.c: I'm going to take a quick stab in the dark and guess that the problem is that he didn't initialize the semaphores.
23:05.51 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
23:50.02 brlcad woot, new news item
23:50.53 ``Erik_ I think lh is annoyed at boston and cruising down to dc, ya gonna be up for chumming at lunch?
23:51.35 brlcad when?
23:51.58 ``Erik_ um, I think now?
23:52.09 brlcad it's not lunchtime now :)
23:52.10 ``Erik_ she's estimating a 7hr drive
23:52.28 brlcad so you mean tomorrow or friday?
23:52.29 ``Erik_ I'm going to try to arrange a visitor pass if possible
23:52.39 ``Erik_ tomorrie
23:53.08 louipc wow it sure didn't seem like there were 280 mailing list messages
23:53.11 brlcad thinks we should go to Tidewater
23:53.35 ``Erik_ I d'no, she said she was coming to the area, and then she said she was effin' fed up with boston and coming down *NOW*, so *shruG*
23:53.38 ``Erik_ tidewater?
23:53.40 brlcad she doesn't eat a lot of things, our usual faire won't be too appetizing
23:53.41 ``Erik_ what's that?
23:53.50 brlcad it's down in HdG
23:53.59 brlcad next to the other place
23:54.08 brlcad on the water
23:54.08 ``Erik_ hdg?
23:54.44 ``Erik_ havre de grace?
23:54.58 ``Erik_ I need to buy gas, I'm almost out :/
23:55.06 brlcad ~hdg
23:55.07 ibot it has been said that hdg is Havre de Grace, Maryland -- one of the original candidate sites to be the U.S. capital
23:57.02 ``Erik_ well, I'm under the impression that she threw her buddy in the car and got on the road, so "real soon now", I'd like to take them to the museum and to our building while they're in town
23:57.47 ``Erik_ and they'll be in the area for few days... I d'no anyhting about any dietary constraints
23:58.10 ``Erik_ my mom is pissed at me because I couldn't advise for good crab shacks *shrug* I eat cow

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