IRC log for #brlcad on 20081110

01:41.41 brlcad yeah, just a little bit
01:42.34 brlcad about 20% larger than the previous biggest
01:43.03 brlcad that'd be most new docs, boost, and libged
02:54.10 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
03:56.01 yukonbob hello, cadheads
04:48.06 CIA-25 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33155 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/wdb_track.c: aexists does not exist
05:05.28 CIA-25 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33156 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/ ( lens.c): Needs more work and equation correctness checking, but upload a preliminary proc-db to create optical lenses. Currently does Plano-convex, Plano-concave, biconvex and biconcave.
05:06.57 starseeker louipc: It's not likely to get much smaller - expecially if you want to bundle ogre and friends into it :-)
07:03.37 *** join/#brlcad Mouette (
08:32.23 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:32.49 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:33.37 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
09:02.40 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik___ (
10:11.31 clock_ What was the maximum allowed speed on American highways in 1973?
10:24.48 Mouette 7.14.0 compile succed , but it is not still included "adrt"
10:25.28 Mouette compile "adrt" still failed
11:08.07 Mouette the package 7.14.0 for solaris x86 is uploaded.
11:08.34 Mouette waiting for your validate and check
13:21.28 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
13:21.55 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
13:22.24 mafm hi
13:22.35 claymore hai!
14:28.15 mafm huh
14:28.31 mafm who dared to put that about the gui project in the topic? :D
14:30.10 claymore They much be a witch... BURN THEM!
14:31.01 mafm xD
14:31.10 mafm I'd like to be scientific about that, nevertheless
14:31.26 mafm let's first check whether they weight the same as a duck
14:32.12 claymore with some of todays 'good looking women', the duck just might end up being heavier.
14:34.10 mafm lol
14:34.37 mafm well, burning those too is a win :)
14:35.29 claymore Just watched the new remake of Get Smart this weekend. Oddly enough, pretty damn funny. Also, I need to shake Anne Hathaway's mother... grew her daughter right!
14:35.56 claymore lol, I ment. I need to shake Anne Hathaway's Mother's hand...
14:37.21 mafm hummmm
14:37.28 mafm no comments :D
14:38.30 claymore None needed. Its Anne Hathaway :)
14:44.52 mafm
14:45.20 mafm so well, shaking her mother should be funny...
14:50.50 claymore ...nah, not really into that MILF thing. O.o
14:51.57 mafm :D
14:52.17 mafm who knows, with today's surgery maybe it looks younger than the daughter
14:53.50 claymore Surgery can't turn back the clock on all aspects of a person, and looks only matter to a certain point.
14:54.08 clock_ turns back
14:54.48 claymore clock: Don't you dare starting singing Cher!
14:55.16 claymore waves at BRL-CAD!
14:56.56 mafm haven't heard of sciencists erasing memory in mice? mind manipulation starts to be scarying too
14:57.18 mafm Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind any day at your door
14:57.39 clock_ mafm: maybe they erased your memory after you heard about them!
14:58.03 claymore Great, just what we need. The threat of a Low Level Format of your head. :/
14:58.46 clock_ please insert a blank head into the MRI device A:/
14:58.46 mafm clock_: sometimes I feel like that, yep :)
14:58.53 clock_ mafm: alcohol?
15:00.06 mafm also, but it also happens naturally :)
15:18.19 louipc waves at claymore
15:39.17 claymore waves at louipc
15:40.26 clock_
15:40.28 clock_ :D
15:49.32 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
15:50.00 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik___ (
16:04.09 claymore Yeah, I saw that picture with a caption of "C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker!!!".... I lol'ed
16:58.53 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
17:23.46 claymore brlcad: You in today?
19:12.14 brlcad begins to wonder if claymore is going to ask him every day if he's going to be in :)
19:12.35 brlcad not with the holiday.. more productive
19:19.53 claymore well, since you have no schedule, it has to be daily :P
19:31.35 brlcad it's just more chaotic than usual because of the move
19:32.56 brlcad more importantly, though ..
19:32.57 brlcad ~ask
19:32.58 ibot ask is probably Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:32.59 brlcad :)
19:35.54 starseeker scowls at the overall shape of the Mark IV and starts trying to parse it into primitives
19:36.08 CIA-25 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33157 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: the mac installer doesn't have the symbolic links
19:45.08 mafm hi brlcad
19:45.11 mafm going home, bye bye
19:55.57 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik___ (
20:53.15 starseeker is taken back to the days of his physics labs :-)
20:53.40 starseeker Now all I need to do is go back to that antiques store and buy that tank scope
21:48.58 brlcad starseeker: that's pretty cool
21:49.22 brlcad isn't sure the lightening is correct, but probably a limitation of phong
21:50.14 starseeker always manages to break things in new and interesting ways that no one else will ever notice :-P
21:50.41 starseeker thanks for the steer to the epa primitive, you were right that it could work
21:51.04 brlcad isn't sure the lightening is correct, but probably a limitation of phong?
21:51.07 brlcad that it could work? what do you mean
21:51.12 brlcad oops for up-arrow
21:51.37 starseeker The epa primitive, given the correct parameters, described the sub-section of a sphere needed
21:52.13 starseeker It's actually pretty cool - the wireframes are EXACTLY on the lens surface :-)
21:53.27 starseeker brlcad: IIRC, the conclusion was there are no open source libs we can grab that will do the point cloud -> mesh trick?
21:56.46 brlcad oooh, for the lens
21:57.04 brlcad I was thinking of what you were doing with the hyp primitive, never mind :)
21:57.30 brlcad i'm sure there are some libs that could help with point could to meshes
21:57.38 brlcad if anything, i'm sure there are some academic efforts
21:58.06 brlcad that's been a hot research topic for as long as I can remember, new approaches each year doing slightly better for different aspects
21:58.26 brlcad the naive approach can be coded up in a couple hours
21:59.35 starseeker <snort> So far I've stumbled on Triangle, which is very definitely not free for commercial product use
21:59.56 starseeker Is Delaunay triangulation the naive way?
22:01.39 brlcad one of them, yeah
22:01.58 starseeker And of course CGAL had to go and use QPL for their routines...
22:02.22 brlcad even just trying nearest neighbor 'can' give reasonable results with the right input data sets -- it's just flimsy as heck
22:02.41 starseeker nods
22:03.35 brlcad the "libs" that do this aren't likely what would come up on a google search - you'd be better of looking at research papers on getting meshes from point clouds
22:04.14 brlcad one I *loved* from around 5 years ago was awesome for performing dulaney triangulation on semi-ordered point cloud inputs using a streaming processing system
22:04.47 brlcad emphasis there on being able to operate as a streaming processor .. that was the coolest part
22:05.02 starseeker found this one, but there's no license at all even assuming it does what we want:
22:05.05 starseeker cool
22:06.31 brlcad if you want to do that, I'd say just read up on the latest research (like last 5 years of papers from siggraphs and jgt) .. and then implement the best/easiest
22:07.19 starseeker ok.
22:07.35 starseeker supposes it's not essential, but hates relying on only commercial solutions
22:08.33 brlcad we don't exactly rely on it -- we don't do anything with it at the moment
22:08.50 starseeker heh, ok pont
22:08.52 starseeker point
22:09.37 brlcad point clouds as a starting point is historically a horrible starting point -- best just as reference points for the modeler
22:09.54 starseeker had visions of cute little tricks like subtracting a CSG model from a mesh solid to check how close the CSG model was coming
22:10.03 brlcad unless you can really control the quality of the input data (e.g. a point-by-point CMS)
22:13.57 brlcad it's a great idea, but to date I've yet to see someone actually save time
22:14.13 brlcad you just move the time spent on one task to another
22:14.25 starseeker ah
22:14.30 starseeker figures
22:14.56 brlcad instead of direct modeling, you're not spending more time healing geometry, fixing mesh problems, stitching objects together, removing anamolies, and more
22:15.36 brlcad there are some specific cases that do really well (e.g. single/simple meshes), but then you still usually need simplification and healing algorithms/tools in place
22:17.10 brlcad now for tools that have really good mesh management tools already in place (which we really don't yet), the time sink can be reduced some, but you can still spend a lot of time working on segmentation and mesh separation
22:17.26 brlcad whereas you otherwise could have just modeling it directly much more quickly
22:17.42 starseeker So the best case is probably a scan + traditional methods, with the scan providing a get out of jail free card for missed dimensional measurements?
22:19.11 brlcad scan data is usually most effective as reference data
22:19.31 brlcad problem is people see all that data and invariable end up massaging thinking it'll be faster
22:19.36 starseeker so what we would want then is a way to interrogate the point cloud using visual tools?
22:20.46 brlcad interrogate, visualize, manipulate
22:21.15 starseeker the new pnts primitive gets us visualization, so far?
22:21.39 brlcad being able to interactive select sets of points and deleting those points or separating them into their own point sets, splitting points, etc .. that's all useful
22:21.56 brlcad yeah, visualization is just about "done" or done well enough for now
22:22.35 starseeker isn't sure how to handle visual 3D selection of point subsets
22:22.47 brlcad new gui
22:22.57 starseeker :-)
22:22.57 brlcad meshes have the same issue
22:23.08 brlcad there are ways to deal with it now, but they're clumsy
22:23.15 starseeker OK.
22:24.24 starseeker so extending MGED to manipulate point clouds is definitely not on the list
22:32.59 brlcad from a command-perspective ala libged/librt, sure
22:33.14 brlcad routines to manipulate points are needed regardless
22:33.40 brlcad but making the gui mods .. not something I'd think would be worthwhile
22:34.27 starseeker right
22:50.37 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
22:59.49 starseeker really must try meshlab

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