IRC log for #brlcad on 20081112

00:33.06 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
01:15.35 *** join/#brlcad punkrockgirl (
02:08.53 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (n=ralith@
02:40.36 starseeker gets annoyed and runs MeshLab under wine
02:42.13 Ralith heh
03:28.25 starseeker filed bug report of crash, although I may have caught their svn trunk in a state of flux
03:29.16 starseeker gets more interested the more he sees of Meshlab...
03:29.35 starseeker GPL, so can't be tied into BRL-CAD directly, but may be a useful companion program
03:29.42 starseeker on the mesh side at least
03:41.27 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
03:48.33 starseeker erm. ls of the pnts test case is crashing because the rt_functab[id].ft_describe being called at wdb_obj.c 9396 is set to 0
03:48.38 starseeker does clean rebuild
03:48.44 starseeker that can't be right
03:48.49 starseeker er, l not ls
04:11.57 starseeker Ah, HA -
04:12.22 starseeker what a difference a few days makes
04:12.27 starseeker (in revision history)
04:26.00 starseeker really should get back to automake, but is for some reason possessed by a fit of temporary interest in the image and point cloud/mesh aspects of all this...
05:11.28 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r33158 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/pcMathGrammar.h: Different closures for MathVM expressions
06:31.58 starseeker OK, clean rebuild of latest trunk on gentoo, running l on the point object causes a seg fault
06:32.33 starseeker grr
06:32.38 starseeker sleeps on it
07:00.11 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33159 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/wdb_obj.c: prevent primitives that don't have describe() implemented from crashing. this was happening with the new point primitive. the real fix is for all primitives to define all functions, but this shouldn't crash regardless.
07:52.23 brlcad stops coding on pnts for a bit
08:36.55 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:36.59 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
11:32.52 claymore Mornin all.
11:48.00 claymore brlcad: So I have been doing lots of thinking about the UUName implimentation. What about using a URI? Nearly the same thing. Well, actually, I cannot find a difference between the two concepts actually :)
11:48.36 claymore Erik and I had a decent talk last week and he brought up a good point about potiential file system issues should we attempt to spawn too many small files.
11:49.55 claymore So since a brlcad db file is really just another filesystem, but only 'in a can' then why not abstract the URI away from both the Computer's File system AND the brlcad File system?
11:50.11 claymore for instance:
11:50.17 claymore given the URI of:
11:51.05 claymore cad://dloman@sassyhost/hardware/fasteners/bolts.g/9.16th/3inch/aluminum/dwaynesbolt/bolt01.s
11:51.28 claymore from the actual storage aspect of it:
11:51.53 claymore 'hardware' and 'fasteners' are directories on the computer's Filesystem
11:52.11 claymore 'bolts.g' is a file (duh)
11:52.49 claymore '9.16th', '3inch' and 'aluminum' are all combinations inside the db file.
11:53.00 claymore 'dwaynesbolt' is a region (in the db file)
11:53.14 claymore and 'bolt01.s' is a solid (in the db file)
11:53.32 claymore BUT, as seen by the user of iBME:
11:54.22 claymore 'hardware', 'fasteners', 'bolts.g', '9.16th', '3inch' and 'aluminum' are all combinations.
11:54.30 claymore 'dwaynesbolt' is a region.
11:54.44 claymore > and 'bolt01.s' is a solid .
11:55.47 claymore Note that the 'bolts.g' need not have the .g extention. I just put it there to make it obvious where the switch from OS-FS to BRLCAD-DB occured.
11:56.36 claymore This would allow the admin of a given iBME installation to place the 'FS-transition point' anywhere in the heirarchy of storage on their system.
11:57.47 claymore this should address the problems of: 1) Too many small files will eat up the inodes too fast. 2) Fewer ginormous files might impact performance and be the source of more SVN conflicts
11:58.03 claymore breaths finally.
11:58.28 claymore Comments? ;)
12:08.10 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:24.54 *** join/#brlcad geekgirl (
13:10.42 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
13:12.13 mafm hi
13:12.29 claymore hai!
13:45.37 brlcad claymore: using a URI isn't much different than what I was talking about last week about using a URL (as a URL is a URI)
13:46.05 claymore righto. Was thinking of using URI in place or a UUNAME
13:46.11 claymore in place of
13:46.18 brlcad really don't want to get stuck in the weeds, though as both those issues are optimization issues
13:46.32 brlcad and as the saying goes, premature optimization is the root of all evil
13:47.04 claymore ...right, but how we look up resources is a foundation.... need to pick *something*
13:47.24 brlcad sure, but that doesn't have anything to do with what actually happens on the data store side
13:47.36 claymore so I picked a URI, but not necessarily a Unique uri quite yet.
13:47.43 brlcad they could be tied together, but they certainly don't need to
13:49.25 brlcad the only (hard) problem to be solved with using a URL (I don't see the need to use URNs at this point so we really should already be limited to URLs, URI is the superset) is uniqueness across the DAG
13:50.23 claymore thats why I was asking about the whole 'Is a dag still a dag when its laid out like a tree, but just references other branches'
13:50.41 brlcad or more perhaps more importantly, non-uniqueness .. how to identify that the same object is used in different contexts but also has its own context
13:51.31 claymore I am pretty sure that how I have it laid out will be able to handle using a single object in multiple contexts.
13:52.48 claymore thats all brlcad does now in its db is use refernces & matricies..... single object multiple contexts...
13:53.05 brlcad referentially, it's representable by a DAG regardless of how it's encoded -- the DAG is only "broken" if you replicate data (e.g. turn it into a binary tree)
13:53.43 claymore don't quite understand the 'replicate data' statement.
13:53.45 brlcad sure, but the only way we get away with that now is through a file-scoped namespace
13:54.37 brlcad we're not going to have a file-scope any more so we're either stuck implementing some scoping mechanism or finding a better uniqueness identification scheme not based on scope
13:54.52 claymore Exactly, file scoped namespace can be synonymous to a system using truely Unique URI's....right?
13:56.41 brlcad it's not clear what you mean by 'using truely unique URIs' -- before going down that path, do you get the difference between URIs, URLs, and URNs?
13:57.04 claymore URI and URL yes... not familiar with URNs
13:57.24 brlcad you can't really understand uri's without urn's :)
13:58.00 claymore so I see. :) Yes I get the differences.
13:58.02 brlcad they're simple -- it's sort of like the difference between your postal address and your name
13:58.29 brlcad both urls and urns are uris
13:59.13 brlcad uri is just "handle on something", url is "here's a location for this thing", urn is "here is the name of something"
13:59.46 claymore Okay, so we can use URNs as what I was calling UUName, and URL's as the mechanism to look up these resources.....
14:00.37 brlcad and the line between the two is pretty fuzzy, but for talking point purposes, urn is probably equivalent to some cad://UUID protocol, url would be how objects are located in the object store, uri is just a generic term that refers to finding something
14:02.59 brlcad fwiw, UUID is not /path/to/some/object, UUID is -- that's the thing that I was talking about that if we use them, they shouldn't be exposed anywhere
14:03.19 claymore understood the UUID concepts.
14:03.51 brlcad hence the discussion lending towards using a URL scheme that manages the scoping issues (but again has little/nothing to do with the implementation)
14:03.57 claymore But the more I look over and plan things out, the less I see the need for a UUID since a good URL will give us what we need anyways...
14:04.33 brlcad absolutely, that will be a good feature as it'd reduce complexity
14:04.44 brlcad and I'm all about keeping things as simple as possible for starters :)
14:05.00 claymore Sorry its taking me so long to finally come around to what you have been saying all along lol :)
14:05.23 brlcad but I do think (for better or worse) that it probably will eventually be needed to really solve the referencing problems
14:05.43 claymore ... what will be needed? "URL's" ?
14:05.44 brlcad i'd be happy to be wrong on that point, though :)
14:05.50 brlcad uuid's
14:06.30 claymore Hrm. Guess i dont see the referencing problem then...
14:08.01 claymore if the URL's used are truely Unique, then having any combination refer to another object is as simple as using the URL....
14:08.08 claymore ...and a matrix :)
14:08.27 brlcad hm, how to describe
14:08.45 claymore lol, slowly appreantly.
14:08.54 brlcad you can have two unique URLs that refer to the same object in different contexts or in the same context even
14:09.02 claymore tries to make his brain more receptive.
14:10.09 claymore Okay, got that part...
14:10.43 brlcad it's like how many ways can I describe your address -- there are lots of paths to get there, but for our purposes we need to know that paths /A/B/C and /D/E/C both lead to the same C for the purposes of applying operations and managing the geometry effectively
14:11.12 brlcad and "C" is not a unique key, so we can't just use that
14:12.23 claymore True. But here's what I thought:
14:12.29 brlcad also don't really want to enforce a global namespace on all object names (e.g. I cannot name my sphere "sph" because there is already one 'somewhere' in the system)
14:12.48 claymore 'c' is the object, which isn't unique.
14:12.53 brlcad objects are initially created context-less too
14:12.57 brlcad s/less/free/
14:13.29 claymore a/b/c is the URL, which IS unique and differs from all other things because a/b/c is NOT d/e/c
14:13.54 starseeker does happy dance - got cell data converted to a mesh in Meshlab and loaded into mged as a dxf
14:14.12 claymore gives starseeker a 'good game'
14:14.19 claymore :)
14:14.46 starseeker we now return you to your regularly scheduled URL lesson :-P
14:15.19 brlcad starseeker: I applied a patch for the l crash, but haven't tested it
14:15.39 claymore brlcad: so, having 'c' by itself really doen't mean much, because on can only refer to an object by using its URL.
14:15.51 starseeker brlcad: works
14:16.01 brlcad "because on can" hm?
14:16.02 starseeker cell.s: list support unimplemented
14:16.08 brlcad ah, one
14:16.27 claymore laughs and points at himself. Bad engrish day... as usual.
14:16.46 starseeker cheers engrish
14:17.34 starseeker brlcad: unfortunately, for some reason I still don't get anything with e cell.s
14:18.14 starseeker yet the .g is over a meg, so there's clearly something in there
14:18.40 brlcad starseeker: hrm, you sure they're not just dots the same color as your background or something?
14:19.15 starseeker I doubt it - I'm using my custom tanish background color
14:19.22 starseeker tweaks just to be sure
14:19.55 starseeker nope
14:20.37 brlcad try a db get
14:20.41 starseeker when I add a weight factor I get one sphere, without it I get one xyz coordinate
14:20.45 brlcad try manually creating just two points :)
14:20.58 starseeker seg fault
14:21.04 starseeker on the dbget
14:21.17 brlcad hrm, sounds like another place that needs patching
14:21.21 brlcad ah right
14:21.58 starseeker creating just two points, I get one sphere
14:21.58 brlcad that calls _adjust() which probably isn't implemented
14:22.18 brlcad and probably not protected like _describe() .. you should apply a similar fix :)
14:22.31 starseeker ok
14:22.36 starseeker makes note
14:22.36 brlcad they're crashes that should only occur with incomplete primitives, but good to fix regardless
14:23.09 brlcad did you create it interactively or as one long in line?
14:23.14 starseeker interactively
14:23.26 brlcad hrm
14:23.31 starseeker claymore: sorry
14:23.36 brlcad well no matter, I've rewritten most of that already
14:23.40 starseeker :-)
14:23.55 claymore no worries:) Brain Neaing Capacity warning light was on anyways.
14:24.01 starseeker brlcad: is it OK to post screenshots with that cell data or is that a no-no?
14:24.04 claymore Nearing
14:24.32 louipc
14:24.41 brlcad adding support for normals/vectors, per-point scaling, per-point colors, adds quite a bit of complexity
14:24.53 starseeker eeep.
14:24.58 starseeker can see how it would
14:25.12 brlcad isn't sure what cell data you're referring to
14:25.25 starseeker the one you bounced to me a few days ago as a points example
14:25.30 starseeker in with the presentations
14:25.51 brlcad the engine?
14:26.12 starseeker don't think so - it's just a point cloud from a scan of a blackberry or some such
14:26.53 starseeker nevermind
14:26.57 starseeker not all that exciting
14:27.00 brlcad I've not seen that yet, but afaik, there's nothing you have you can't show that crowd
14:28.03 starseeker ok
14:28.04 brlcad and if it's a phone, especially .. that's probably someone's personal phone
14:28.12 starseeker sure
14:29.19 starseeker moot point anyway as yet - I doubt they'd care about Meshlab screenshots
14:29.25 starseeker needs MGED :-)
14:29.35 starseeker I'll try again at work on the Mac
14:30.08 starseeker speaking of which...
14:30.12 brlcad I don't get why it wouldn't work for you -- the last revision was working before release
14:30.26 starseeker For some reason it's never worked on this box
14:30.26 brlcad maybe something didn't get committed, or something did that shouldn't have, dunno
14:30.37 starseeker hasn't tested at work yet
14:30.49 brlcad should just fix it regardless of the cause ;)
14:31.03 starseeker probably you already have :-)
14:31.08 brlcad implement 'l' so you can at least see the data
14:31.20 brlcad i've not implemented l
14:31.30 starseeker is guessing whatever walks the pnts data to draw it is just hanging up somehow on the first point
14:31.36 starseeker right
14:31.57 starseeker l should be easy enough
14:33.21 starseeker hits the road and hopes the road won't hit back
14:33.53 claymore loves pineapple... yum!
14:34.11 brlcad does similar though with probably a lot more pitstops
14:35.05 claymore brlcad: lee has been in twice and looked at your desk each time. Just a heads up :)
14:35.50 brlcad claymore: okay
14:55.45 claymore erik: you alive?
15:00.32 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
15:17.02 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
15:31.10 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
16:04.52 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik___ (
16:51.21 ``Erik at times, yes, 'sup?
17:15.53 claymore Just havent heard anything from ya in a bit.
17:43.57 ``Erik was down sick :/ fortunately, rdo+holiday covered me on that *sigh* still feeling like crap, but far less bad
17:44.32 claymore well glad to hear you're feeling better then. just the standard cold?
17:46.33 ``Erik not sure, stuffed sinus, nausea, headache, deep cough, fever, delirium, bad interplay between it all and the alcohol :(
17:47.20 claymore hell that sounds horrid. were you well enough to at least get some good mmo time in?
17:47.41 ``Erik no, I couldn't even be assed to reset my cable modem or dick with a 'puter
17:47.59 ``Erik I got my new macbook monday, it's sitting on my floor halfway through the initial configuration
17:48.18 claymore sassy :)
17:49.30 ``Erik and someone scrapped my fleet, plundered the tr's and got the derbs while I was down, effin' lame
17:49.49 claymore whoa... which planet?
17:50.04 ``Erik one in 65, I'll post br when I'm caught up on some stuff
17:50.12 claymore kk.
17:50.36 claymore there is a serious buildup of 7E in E37:44, so watch out. That 'nick' guy is pulling about about 1.6 mil.
17:50.57 ``Erik I'd moved fighters and stuff off to my newest for growth cover intending to cycle them back up quickly, but I stopped focusing on it all :(
17:53.17 claymore yeah, I have lost a bit of focus also. Mostly simming now ;)
18:09.05 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33160 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/docs/ (BME.eap GS.eap): Continuing Architecture Work.
20:19.34 mafm I go home, see you!
20:57.03 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
21:29.11 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
21:42.39 *** join/#brlcad geocalc ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:46.48 *** join/#brlcad AFK-claymore (
21:46.48 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
21:46.48 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
21:46.48 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
21:46.56 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
21:46.56 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
22:56.15 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik___ (
23:58.33 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33161 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ old automake can't deal with per-product CPPFLAGS so make bombardier use CFLAGS instead

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