IRC log for #brlcad on 20081114

00:00.36 ``Erik_ well, I've poked code here and there, but my gf kinda ruined me :D *duck*
00:01.13 punkrockgirl no, you cant play wotlk until you do some other things...
00:01.23 punkrockgirl and um, i ruined you?
00:01.28 punkrockgirl :(
00:01.36 ``Erik_ :D
00:01.40 punkrockgirl :~(
00:06.50 ``Erik_ lovely
01:01.49 brlcad bah, you're an independently reasoning being -- your actions are your own doing, personal responsibility for ones own actions and all that :)
01:03.10 brlcad you could be productive if you wanted to be, it's at least not lack of hours in the day or someone keeping your fingers off the keyboard
01:07.07 brlcad needs more hours and more fingers! muahaha
01:26.23 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33182 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/docs/BME.eap: Continuing Architecture Work.
01:26.38 ``Erik_ more hours, definitely, d'no about more fingers
01:27.10 ``Erik_ I think I was able to get about 2 hours of coding done today, the rest was rife with special requests, questions, etc
01:27.35 ``Erik_ needs to build himself a secret office
01:30.43 ``Erik_ now that's irritating
01:31.00 ``Erik_ leopard has lost rosetta?
01:36.54 ``Erik_ hrm, probably just weird rsync behavior
02:23.45 punkrockgirl a secret office in my basement? ;)
04:31.42 yukonbob hello, cadheads
07:10.09 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
07:42.28 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
07:54.34 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
08:20.06 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:27.32 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
10:01.38 *** join/#brlcad archivist_emc (
10:11.47 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
10:25.29 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
10:49.32 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:27.59 dloman norning all
11:35.32 claymore mafm: Hey, did you just check in some changes to /rt^3/src/coreInterface/ ?
11:39.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33183 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/docs/BME.eap: Continuing Architecture Work: Core 3 levels of objects defined: Geometry Engine <- Geometry Service <- iBME
11:40.39 mafm hi
11:40.45 mafm no claymore, no idea about that
11:41.01 mafm I never touched anything in rt3 besides src/g3d, AFAICR
11:41.07 mafm or data related to g3d
11:43.51 claymore is /src/g3d the prototype gui you were working on?
11:50.18 mafm yes
11:50.26 mafm so in rt3 I didn't touch anything else
11:50.35 claymore I still blame you.
11:50.40 claymore laughs
11:50.44 claymore just kidding.
11:50.50 mafm I did some not-completely-successful incursions in trunk, but... :)
11:51.10 claymore trying to learn the lay of the land in rt^3 since I am prolly going to be making major changes to the structure.
11:51.15 mafm so unless OMG I've been hax0red, no it wasn't me :D
11:52.37 claymore since I will be doing some re-org in the near future, I want to feel out who all is actively in rt^3 so I don't step on toes. :/
11:55.10 mafm well, so no problem for me
11:55.24 mafm unless you touch g3d, then I would have to kill you :)
11:55.53 claymore rolls up his sleeves, ready to come out swinging :)
11:55.54 mafm well, you can change that also, if you want
11:56.17 mafm I never though much about the location
11:56.45 mafm sean suggested in there because it was in line with the ideas in there, and was mainly independent from the rest of the code anyway
11:56.59 claymore I will be putting up organization on the
11:57.36 claymore to evoke comments that I will most likely igonre >8-)
12:00.44 claymore ...that too was a joke. :P
12:02.53 mafm xD
12:03.05 mafm ignoring wiki comments in common practice anyway
12:07.03 claymore where did you stash the Orge libraries?
12:07.48 claymore anyone: haven't looked, but are the boost libraries in the BRLCAD src the FULL library set, or a stripped down set?
12:13.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33184 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/docs/BME.eap: (log message trimmed)
12:13.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Continuing Architecture Work (GeometryEngine Namespace):
12:13.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 1) Architected GeometryManager: provides a high level interface for retrieving,
12:13.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: caching and saving Geometry. Considering a rename to ResourceManager since
12:13.24 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 'Geometry' no longer accurately describes ALL data types handled by
12:13.26 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: GeometryManager.
12:13.28 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 2) Architected AbstractResourceSource: a fully virtual base class that
12:13.33 brlcad yay, more detailed comments :)
12:13.44 brlcad claymore: they're stripped down
12:13.55 brlcad there's a boost tool that will pull the subset in use
12:14.02 claymore knows not what you mean. ;)
12:14.21 claymore pull it from the boost website?
12:14.28 brlcad hm?
12:15.10 claymore 'there's a boost tool that will pull the subset in use' I dont understand this statement. There is a tool on their website, in our src, ???
12:15.14 brlcad there is a tool in boost that will look at source code (that uses boost) and determine what headers exactly are needed for that code to compile
12:15.45 brlcad and it will extract that portion of the boost headers so you can bundle them
12:16.10 claymore This scan & extraction happens at compile time?
12:16.38 brlcad no, this happens sometime before manually by a developer looking to figure out what portions of boost they need
12:16.54 claymore okay, i understand.
12:17.00 brlcad so you don't pull too much, don't include the kitchen sink, etc
12:17.08 brlcad boost is too big to include *everything*
12:17.26 claymore so.. .back to the original question... anyone know which portions of boost are already in our src tree?
12:17.27 brlcad and they have a tool that determines the exact subset you need anyways
12:18.12 brlcad erhm, we have exactly what we need -- it's not like it even exactly breaks it out by packages, it's actual header use
12:18.34 brlcad so if you add something new that uses boost, have to rerun the tool and/or evaluate the new usage
12:19.04 brlcad it was mostly portions of spirit in use by the constraint and parametric equation support
12:19.23 claymore this tool: it writes a specific header for us? Or just downloads the headers we need?
12:19.42 claymore Okay, that answers my Q. I was wondering if BoostThreads is in there already.
12:19.46 brlcad just downloads the headers we use
12:20.03 brlcad take a look, src/other/boost
12:20.44 brlcad there are threading headers in there now, so maybe/probably at least a subset if not the whole thing
12:21.46 claymore alright neat. I was wondering if I was going to need boost libs for iBME but it seems that brlcad already has it. Excellent.
12:22.59 brlcad there's a configuration management issue there -- presently compiling rt^3 only requires a binary install (and the boost headers are treated private)
12:23.39 brlcad so for you to use them, they either need to be installed or rt^3 build system needs to know where brlcad sources are or they need to include their own copy of (exactly) what is used
12:24.38 brlcad my feeling would be for it to *not* rely on having both source sets around, so either installing or having a separate copy
12:25.57 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
12:25.58 claymore :/ Okay, fair enough. I figured since iBME will need the BRL-CAD source or Libs anyways, getting the boost libs from the brlcad src tree wouldn't be an issue.
12:26.24 brlcad it needs the libs and headers
12:26.39 brlcad which should all be available during install
12:28.12 claymore would having the BRL-CAD libs rely on a different copy of boost than iBME create a maintenance headache later down the road?
12:28.33 brlcad that should really help keep the two interfaces independent (so there is no C/C++ crossover) allowing the interfaces to be developed as an interface-using application (which should help shore up the interfaces being provided too)
12:28.57 brlcad only if they're incompatibly out of sync at a binary level
12:29.04 claymore you use the term 'interface' in what context?
12:29.06 brlcad most of boost is compile-time static
12:29.35 claymore takes notes about keeping things in sync.
12:30.04 brlcad well there are the C libs, libbu, libbn, librt, etc .. that are in use by the GE and new G3D/iBME/SS (this thing is getting a lot of names) :)
12:31.29 brlcad the chance of incompatibility is pretty low though, I wouldn't worry about it -- and if you really want to make it a non-issue, we can just have an option to install the headers we used
12:32.01 brlcad the issue then will just be when rt^3 sources uses more than brlcad module uses and needs additions
12:32.01 claymore As for the names, they will make sence when I get a chance to offload my info on ya. I can try to do that here in irc, but the UML pics i have help wonders. You in at a decent hour today? ;)
12:33.07 brlcad I'm only referring to G3D vs iBME vs SS .. they all basically refer to the same thing and are just a label really
12:34.44 claymore 'just a label'.... well kinda. I am seeing them more as elements and levels of an architecture.
12:34.54 brlcad that's having three people name pretty much the exact same concept, not a surprise that everyone has a different one
12:35.46 claymore for instance: GeometryEngine will be the C++ library that incorporates ged, svn, and a few other things to form the core funtionality
12:36.08 brlcad and iBME is where it all comes together into a graphical inteface that the user interacts with, yes? :)
12:36.45 claymore GeometryService is the runnable bin that uses the GE libs, but adds in the Session Management, Access Controls, Network link, blah blah blah blah....
12:37.02 brlcad no surprises there :)
12:37.58 claymore and Integrated BrlCad Modeling Environment (iBME) is a runnable bin that has/uses a GS but adds an abstract GUI element... in this case, the first AbstractGui subclass will be g3d
12:37.58 brlcad and I think that's a wonderful! separation of responsibilities btw ;)
12:38.26 claymore so yeah, its a lot of names, but that makes it sound neater and thus impresses Bosses more :)
12:38.35 brlcad i.e. where it all comes together into a graphical inteface ;)
12:38.58 claymore right, you had it type before I did, but i couldn't bring myself to delete all my hard typing :P
12:39.00 brlcad i'm just saying that's what g3d means/meant as well as SS too
12:39.13 claymore oh, whats SS ?
12:41.08 brlcad it hints at the name that I arrived at after having many years to think of a good name that caters to the marketing aspect, documentation, community, competition, connotations, ..
12:41.17 brlcad has had a long time to think about all of this over the years
12:41.44 brlcad not that I'm stuck on using it, I'm also not willing to unveil it before it's actually needed or can be formally documented
12:42.17 brlcad naming something often has the tendancy of making people make (false) assumptions about the project that take years to recover from (RIVA anyone)
12:42.57 claymore so we should call this project Fred until a few years from now?
12:43.16 claymore thinks SS stands for SuperSexy. Just admit it.
12:43.18 brlcad nah, iBME is a great name too, that works
12:43.31 brlcad thinks SS is super sexy, but no doesn't stand for that :)
12:44.30 claymore i was trying to manhandle the acronym into iBEAM, but it ended up being nearly ebonic, so i just went with iBME and will pronounce it I-Beam.
12:44.46 brlcad even if iBME has two strong connotations (for me at least) .. BME is like EE or CE in a university context
12:44.47 claymore besides, an Ibeam icon is super easy to do :)
12:45.14 brlcad BME is the shorthand for biomedical engineering
12:45.27 claymore ah, didn't know that.
12:45.29 brlcad so everytime I see it, that is what jumps to mind :)
12:46.08 claymore I am not stuck on it either, just you mentioned the 'integrated brlcad modeling enviornment' term once and it made sence to me.
12:46.24 brlcad BRL-CAD M.E. sounds kinda kinky albeit kinda microsoftish too :)
12:46.38 claymore Project iBME untill a SS-ier name can be found
12:46.38 brlcad did I? that's funny
12:46.51 claymore yeah, BRLCADme made me cringe.
12:46.52 brlcad i do see it as an integrated modeling environment, so it does suit
12:47.35 brlcad no matter what we call it, the binary will (finally) probably just be called 'brlcad' when it's worthy to have that name
12:47.49 brlcad since that is what 99% of most new users expect
12:48.25 brlcad but not before it's ready .. till then it can have code name(s)
12:48.44 claymore damn them all, break the mold! Fred is the new BRLCAD so they just need to deal with it.
12:48.50 brlcad even ss wasn't meant to be the command line, that's just a different expansion of the full title
12:49.27 claymore SS has Nazi Connotations to me ;)
12:49.34 brlcad something that really should cater exactly to what we do and the ways geometry is managed
12:49.53 brlcad that's why it's not the actual name, just my version of "fred" since I've not said what it is :)
12:50.12 brlcad though I would have thought SS had navy connotations to you :)
12:50.44 claymore SSN baby! SS = ww2, ssn = nuklar ;)
12:51.05 brlcad Happy Sailing on the SS BRL-CAD
12:51.22 claymore should we have it crash after a '3 hour tour' ?
12:52.04 brlcad and make them reboot
12:52.11 brlcad wonders what CVN stands for
12:52.31 claymore Carrier Vessel Nuclear
12:52.42 claymore ;)
12:52.53 brlcad ah
12:53.13 claymore aka CVN-65 = USS Enterprize, aka Mobile Cherynobl
12:53.43 brlcad notes that you shouldn't need/use html markup on the wiki outside of style decls on tables, you can use " " and/or newlines in place of br's
12:54.44 brlcad stops chattering so he *can* make it in at a decent time for once
12:55.10 claymore didn't know that a line starting with whitespace could be used as a newline. Defaulted on what I knew:)
12:55.19 claymore brlcad's wiki-fu is strong.
12:57.14 claymore have a safe trip.
12:57.56 claymore oh, and in media wiki, multiple newlines are truncated to just one. :/
13:05.24 mafm damn brlcad
13:05.31 mafm you talk too much!
13:05.41 mafm now I have to read all the log... :P
13:05.50 claymore sneaks out of sight.
13:05.58 mafm claymore: OGRE & Co. at src/other
13:06.42 claymore excellent, thanks mafm!
13:07.03 claymore mafm: Do you have documentation on your gui design?
13:10.05 mafm not proper documentation, no
13:10.26 mafm it's a kind of prototype
13:11.24 mafm in src/other I put: OGRE (3D rendering only), OIS (input libs), Mocha (helper library for RBGui), RBGui
13:11.34 claymore did you architect your GUI so that it consists of a single 'root' object?
13:11.51 brlcad thinks it's a successful prototype, start at least .. the only part I'm still not convinced is doing us anything useful is rbgui
13:12.15 brlcad claymore: find main() go from there ;)
13:12.23 mafm RBGui stalled at this point maybe not :|
13:12.42 mafm it'll begin to be a maintainance issue
13:12.47 brlcad there was a great poster at siggraph for a new gui toolkit
13:12.55 mafm but I don't know if there are new alternatives yet
13:13.32 brlcad done by the guy that worked on G3D (no, the 'other' G3D) ironically :)
13:13.43 mafm claymore: I created a set of managers, so to speak, taking care of camera modes, creating and acessing windows, etc
13:14.17 mafm so in example there's the camera manager, and classes for camera/input modes
13:14.33 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33185 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/docs/BME.eap: (log message trimmed)
13:14.33 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Continuing Architecture Work (GeometryService Namespace):
13:14.33 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 1) Created AccessManager Class stub. Will provide access controls for Sessions.
13:14.33 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 2) Architected SessionManager and Session classes: Will provide persistence information for remote and local connections to the GeometryService.
13:14.34 mafm the manager takes care of switching between modes and similar tasks
13:14.36 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 3) Architected CommunicationsManager and AbstractPortal: Provides
13:14.38 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: interconnectivity via multiple means. AbstractPortal is a purely virtual base
13:14.40 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: class that will provide/mandate the essential attributes and operations required
13:16.20 claymore mafm: so it sounds like it would be relatively easy to aggregate all those managers in to a single, simple, highlevel G3D object?
13:16.37 brlcad also probably worth mentioning that it's presently hooked directly into libged since GS nor GE were ready, but that hooking those in are next step
13:17.28 brlcad claymore: your java teachings are starting to show :)
13:17.37 brlcad s/teachings/learnings/
13:17.47 mafm claymore: well, there's the Application class, I think that it's a kind of root object, now that I think of it
13:18.15 claymore nah, not java teachings :P
13:18.19 mafm because it takes care of initializing the graphics, has functions to quit, etc?
13:18.43 claymore Basic OO abstraction techniques :(
13:19.49 claymore mafm: I ask because in the architecture I am working up, there is a GUI object that is purely virtual, ment to be either a full abstract Base class or an Interface to implement, that all gui's coded for iBME will need to adhere to.
13:20.40 claymore mafm: that way, it would be very easy to document the GUI API and thus, make it easy for someone to write their own GUI.
13:21.03 mafm I guess that it could be adapted to work that way
13:21.21 brlcad the tendency to organize everything into single-rooted hierarchies is often a tendency found with 'pure' OO design (which you find a lot of in Java) -- nothing wrong with it, just slightly different perspective as C++ is rarely implemented pure (for various reasons)
13:22.36 claymore mafm: SO if it would be possible to seggregate the GUI aspects from the application aspects of g3d, then it would be easy to abstract the trival stuff (aka application stuff) away from your GUI, thus making everything a bit more clean and streamlined.
13:23.10 mafm I think that all Gui-like stuff stays in Gui-named files and classes
13:23.14 claymore brlcad: Sure is... BUT thats not what I am doing :P so leave me alone with your Java slander!
13:23.27 claymore mafm: Then it already is segregated :)
13:23.31 brlcad heh
13:23.45 mafm it was done that way, apart from the general idea of separating view and logic, because of the uncertainties of RBGui
13:24.02 mafm Also I think that it's not very dependent of OGRE
13:24.15 claymore what is not very dependant on ogre?
13:24.20 mafm the application
13:24.33 brlcad isn't slander, I'm actually quite fond of Java actually .. for a whole variety of uses and applications, it solves a lot of problems you have to fight with other languages
13:24.55 mafm that is, doesn't relay on anything of OGRE besides launching it
13:24.55 claymore mafm: I need to take a look at your code ;)
13:25.26 mafm The way to handle commands, console history and similar functionalities implemented, are independent
13:25.39 mafm or mostly, I think
13:25.59 claymore brlcad; Just teasing you a bit :)
13:26.10 claymore I like Java quite a bit.
13:26.44 brlcad knows :)
13:26.50 claymore but it has/doesn't have a few things that piss me off. Multiple inheritence being one of them....
13:27.01 mafm I like Java as a language, not java as a running thing :D
13:27.18 claymore mafm: Sounds like you dun did it smart.
13:28.34 claymore brlcad: So much for 'stopping chattering' eh? :P
13:28.58 brlcad not really, I got dressed and shaved and groomed all the while :)
13:29.22 brlcad socks...where be those things...
13:29.27 mafm :D
13:31.02 mafm What Java has that bothers me a lot is integrated stuff in core libs like sockets, GUIs, threads... it's so easy to bootstrap simple applications!
13:31.39 claymore why does that bother you?
13:31.49 claymore thats a *feature* ;)
13:31.52 mafm also, for ( e: coll ) loops are niiiice
13:31.56 mafm bothers me in C++
13:32.09 mafm What Java has and not C++
13:32.38 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33186 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/docs/iBME_14NOV08_0800.png: Graphical View of the current iBME architecture.
13:32.44 mafm 's favourite C++0x feature will be "auto" things, most probably
13:33.07 brlcad c++ is getting lots of great new additions (threads, java-style loops, automatic typing) soon
13:33.11 brlcad yeah
13:33.14 mafm no insane syntax for iterators anymore :)
13:33.54 brlcad was excited to read through some of the SC22 that was resolved last month
13:33.58 mafm well, Boost makes a good job for things like threads, but it's got a bit too late to the party I think
13:34.18 mafm and in example the network/socket lib, which was a GSoC project this year
13:34.30 brlcad yeah, networking will be sorely missing
13:34.51 brlcad they did at least agree on some basic threading intrinsics though.. that was going to get left out
13:34.55 brlcad
13:35.29 brlcad std::thread ftw
13:36.32 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r33187 10/rt^3/trunk/src/coreInterface/ (ConstDatabase.cpp Object.cpp): replaced some deprecated defines
13:36.35 brlcad er, s/SC22/SC22 disagreements!/
13:36.43 mafm other than those differences in basic libraries, I tend to program similarly in both languages I think
13:38.14 mafm hopefully C++0x will be out in 2009, otherwise the very nickname will be confusing :D
13:38.18 claymore mafm: really? interesting. One of the biggest PITA's I ran into in java was the whole 'El Camino' thing of Multiple Inheritence. If you want to use MI in java, then at least ONE of the super classes has to be 100% virtual/abstract.... and thats abnoxious!
13:39.02 mafm I don't use MI a lot, but well, my java experience is mostly with smallish projects
13:39.05 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:39.10 brlcad claymore: there's a big portion that also needs to get integrated (in a way that they can continue to work on it too, collaboration is a good thing) .. src/coreInterface was pretty much designed as the start of the GE
13:41.04 brlcad that's some momentum that really would hate to just loose or ignore and they've got it already working for I/O and some set of operations
13:43.21 brlcad by the way, if you guys don't know about it already .. <-- great site for getting answers to coding/design/practice questions or even for passively learning if you don't know about it already
13:43.43 brlcad is repeating himself, so he hits the road, so he hits the road
13:43.45 claymore brlcad: Thats on the todo list ;) I have seen some emails and had conversations recently that have clued me into the need for some pretty pictures and documentation to show progress ;)
13:45.18 brlcad claymore: I'm mostly saying it needs to be a two-way collaboration, not just one-way 'here is how this idea was designed, is better, is different, etc' (not to imply that you were or weren't doing that)
13:46.07 brlcad he's done a lot of good work there, it should be integrated in a way they're good with too so they can keep using it and contributing
13:46.40 claymore Its one bigass, ginormous learning experience for me :) As I learn exactly what is *in* rt^3/src already, I can add/append/alter etc.
13:46.48 brlcad he documented some of it on the wiki already too
13:47.03 claymore But I will talk PM stuff with ya when you get here :)
13:47.11 claymore on the wiki eh? aye aye.
13:47.12 brlcad
13:47.40 brlcad core C++ interface
13:48.53 claymore righto, thanks for the link.
14:03.41 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33188 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/get_type.c: Fleshed out get_type
14:04.07 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
14:07.12 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
14:08.49 claymore Greetings Daniel! Did you get my SourceForge email?
14:09.20 ``Erik heh "mobile chernobyl", hadn't heard that one before
14:09.37 ``Erik ss... screenshot? secret service? :D
14:10.04 claymore erik: The 'Prize' is an ELT's nightmare (Engineering Lab Tech,aka water chem guys)
14:10.19 d_rossberg claymore: that's why i'm here :)
14:10.40 claymore erik: hence the 'Prize' and 'Mobile Cherynobl' nicknames :)
14:11.05 claymore d: Excellent. I just started reading through your code and wiki entries.
14:11.09 clock_ mobile chernobyl?
14:11.24 clock_ That recommends me since yesterday evening I have a wonderful russian oscilloscope at home
14:11.30 d_rossberg currently i'm working on a C++ inteface "as i need it"
14:11.36 clock_ 16.5kg, 150W, 100 MHz
14:12.11 clock_ recommends -> reminds
14:12.19 ``Erik neat, old crt/analog dealie?
14:12.22 clock_ yes
14:12.37 clock_ This one
14:12.38 claymore d: If i read your docs correctly, you are striving to attain a completely self suffiecient C++ Brlcad library...right?
14:12.44 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33189 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/grid.c: Added code to return help string if no args were specified.
14:13.00 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
14:13.13 d_rossberg claymore: right
14:13.16 ``Erik other than the letters being all wrong, looks quite similar to what I used in highschool and college
14:13.32 mafm going home earlier today, see you!
14:13.43 claymore d: Are you familiar with the work on 'ged' that is being done in brlcad currently?
14:13.45 ``Erik (or secondary school and university for those who use that terminology)
14:13.51 clock_ ``Erik: it's not theyre wrong it's called CYRILLIC! :)
14:14.01 ``Erik :D
14:14.10 clock_ Mine has a split screen zoom function!
14:14.14 d_rossberg it should be independent from the implementation of the kernel ...
14:14.29 d_rossberg i know what ged is for
14:14.37 ``Erik I don't care of they're ceramic or silkscreen or marker, they're backwards! it's like a first grader made it! :> *duck* *run*
14:14.46 claymore erik : lol
14:14.58 clock_ L0lz!!111
14:15.18 clock_ Actually I thought for a long time the scope is called C1-99
14:15.33 clock_ But it's actually called S1-99 because C is S in Russian alphabet
14:15.43 claymore d: alright cool. Well, it seems that your initiative and ged go hand in hand, unless I read thngs wrong, since ged is supposed to wrap up ALL of mged's current functionality.
14:15.47 clock_ What can S stand for?
14:16.06 clock_ Scope?
14:16.17 clock_ Superb?
14:16.23 clock_ Soviet?
14:16.48 claymore d: So, the approach I was looking at was to simply write a C++ class called GED and then just wrap all of GED functionality in function calls.
14:17.07 clock_ let's fuse BRL-CAD and gEDA together
14:17.09 ``Erik given that russian language has no real historic heritage tracing back to teutonic or romance languages to my knowledge, I wouldn't expect to see that kinda similarity to engrish
14:17.19 clock_ make a universal circuit and 3D design tool called mgEDA
14:17.33 ``Erik unless they hijacked the german word for scope for that specific purpose *shrug* :)
14:17.43 claymore d: Are you taking a different approach?
14:20.04 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
14:20.42 d_rossberg claymore: i don't like ged's parameters
14:21.08 d_rossberg this is something for a high level inteface as a gui or shell
14:21.19 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33190 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/metaball.c: stack save the thoughts in progress, have other stuff to do first
14:21.39 d_rossberg but i wouldn't use argc/argv on system level
14:22.40 d_rossberg i'm looking for something closer to the kernel
14:22.44 claymore d: Agreed, I don't particularly like that interface either.
14:23.02 claymore d: 'kernel' of what... the OS?
14:23.18 d_rossberg no, BRL-CAD's kernel
14:23.25 d_rossberg (librt)
14:23.27 claymore d: ah, I see now.
14:23.37 ``Erik and libged, now
14:23.48 claymore ponders.
14:24.37 d_rossberg libged is an interface to a shell build on librt (mainly)
14:25.18 claymore d: I am wondering if establishing a OO system that sits on top of libged but still coming to a focalpoint of a 'master' GED object would solve both our needs.
14:26.47 ``Erik surposedly, librt is supposed to evolve to holding and interrogating (viewing crud as immutable) where libged will be the editing kernel, no? :) given that it's a modeler and not a model viewer, I'd believe that librt/libged construct the kernel
14:26.57 ``Erik *shrug* I need more tea, at least this cough is dying down
14:27.20 claymore Hrm, I was of the mind that libged was closer to an API that involved ALL of the brlcad libs...
14:27.29 d_rossberg i would like to see something in between librt and libged
14:28.03 d_rossberg i.e. implementing libged's functionality but with "real" parameters
14:28.26 d_rossberg maybe with the help of an OO layer
14:28.52 ``Erik #!~@! stupid fop crap, popping java crap off and stealing window focus
14:29.19 d_rossberg however, i would recommend to develop the C++ inteface independently from ged at the moment
14:29.35 claymore d: righto. I think we are speaking the same thing now. By using the term 'implementing' are you talking about re-writing libged's functionality, or putting an OO layer (with *real* parameters) that utilizes libged's existing code?
14:30.04 ``Erik oh wow, it's all argv/argc crap (I hadn't looked at libged before)
14:30.27 claymore its not crap, just not the way I would like it :)
14:30.46 claymore besides, its the first step towards a more unified codebase :)
14:31.11 d_rossberg at the moment i'm working on a layer right on top of librt's functionality
14:31.26 d_rossberg i.e. ged's functionality will not be included
14:31.27 ``Erik yeh, but I grok herr dannies argument now :)
14:33.51 claymore Hrm, I will need to study libged and see just how comprehensive its coverage of the underlying libraries is...
14:34.46 ``Erik I think I have an idea of exactly what it is, how it's migrating and why... but if I tried to state it, I'd be wrong, I'm sure :D
14:35.13 claymore I dunno if making a different API to the libs will be worth the duplication of effort.... :/
14:35.55 claymore Erik: go for it. if you know you are already wrong then you shouldn't be surprized nor hurt if its pointed out that you are :D
14:36.43 d_rossberg libged came from mged, now it's an independent shell-like interface to BRL-CAD
14:37.25 d_rossberg this is really nice, but it's not applicable for all applications
14:38.07 ``Erik heh, aight, mged has a simple capture widget which cranks things through the tcl engine and has a bunch of wrappers for C things exposed to the interpreter FFI style, so'z the 'export to tcl' stuff is being wholesale lifted and moved, libged is looking like a brlcad/tcl ffi lib at the moment
14:38.39 ``Erik if you write in tcl, swank... but in C, you have to build things up to look like the tcl interpreter before using it
14:39.07 ``Erik don't quote me, boy, I ain't said nothin' :)
14:39.27 claymore takes a screenshot.
14:39.43 clock_ claymore: Polroid
14:40.39 ``Erik mocks up a display of claymore making socially unacceptable statements and takes a screenshot (or polaroid) :D hardly proof
14:41.47 clock_ can you give an example of a socially acceptable statement? :)
14:42.18 claymore d: Cool. thanks for the info. I will need to chat with a few people before making the descision to build a new interface directly on top of the libs or building one ontop of libged. I think it will come down to a shortterm longterm tradeoff.
14:42.47 ``Erik 60 eco, time for prings on that astro O.o
14:44.02 claymore erik Nice :) My las wave of dreads should be finishing soon and I will have completed the removal of ft's from all or my bases... that gives me 53K fts in my mobile... once I get all the FCs to move them all :/
14:47.00 d_rossberg claymore: do you have an idea how an interface on top of libged will look like? (TCL?)
14:47.57 d_rossberg on the other side: i try to design the C++ interface really fast, e.g. no unnecessary malloc or new
14:48.41 d_rossberg (this is the reason for the odd looking callbacks in the Get methods)
14:49.20 claymore d: for the purposes of the iBME/GS, the interface to libged would be completely OO, with as many *real* parameters as would make sence.
14:49.53 claymore d: so you are trying to do everything on the stack?
14:50.08 d_rossberg as much as possible
14:50.37 claymore d: cool. What size data files are you working with? If you don't mind me asking...
14:52.31 d_rossberg the files on my computer aren't so big, 20MB max
14:53.03 claymore d: no issue loading those completely into stack space?
14:55.21 d_rossberg at the the moment: no; however the class can be changed to work with a file or it could be created a new class derived from the existing ones which works with a file
14:55.32 d_rossberg it is all in development :)
14:56.04 d_rossberg the in-memory database was a test for me too
14:56.13 d_rossberg i've never used it before
14:57.51 claymore d: sweet. FWIW, i would love to ultimately have a pure 00 layer ontop of the libs, but time contraints may make me impliment an 00 layer ontop of libged initially :/
14:58.14 d_rossberg the point in my applications is the ray-trace: it has to be fast
15:00.21 claymore d: understood. Ultimately, in the iBME/GS, it will be a priority also.
15:00.24 ``Erik should have a titan in the queue in about a week O.O
15:00.46 claymore awesomeness. They take *forever* to build :(
15:01.50 d_rossberg i try to build a basis where it is easy to add a new interface to a feature or primitive
15:02.26 claymore d: I like your approach thus far and can definetly see the potential for expansion.
15:03.28 d_rossberg having this it could be a task in next years GSoC to add some features to this interface (for example)
15:03.53 claymore d: I just need to feelout how *firm* some of my deadlines are :)
15:04.26 claymore d: so you can currently load a database file without any touble?
15:05.18 d_rossberg yes
15:05.51 d_rossberg and change the database's title and the object's names
15:06.11 d_rossberg + ray-trace etc.
15:09.02 claymore Excellent thanks :)
15:09.25 clock_ xray-trrace
15:10.49 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
16:27.08 louipc brlcad: I got an interesting error when building 7.14.0
16:27.19 louipc brlcad: looks like you left your mark in there :D
16:46.58 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:23.13 ``Erik garth marenghi's darkplace
18:31.59 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33191 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/docs/BME.eap: Continuing Architecture Work: Refactored AbstractResource and Subclasses.
18:56.50 *** join/#brlcad archivist_emc (
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19:19.46 brlcad claymore: tab-completion (reading backlog d:'s) is nice for others too so your messages are hilighted to their attention ;)
19:28.02 brlcad louipc: not too surprising, I leave dents all over the place ;)
19:28.17 brlcad that url correct though?
19:28.27 brlcad I get no server there
19:28.46 brlcad ah, it's blocked, I got it now
19:29.38 brlcad louipc: bah .. yeah, that sucks.. tcl is annoying embedding full paths somewhere -- you have to rerun and configure to clear them out
19:45.10 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33192 10/rt^3/trunk/src/geometryService/cpp/docs/ (4 files): Image generation to support documentation effort at
19:56.21 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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22:26.43 smurfette
22:26.43 smurfette <PROTECTED>
22:26.47 smurfette oops ;P
22:27.06 smurfette
22:27.10 smurfette there :P my bad

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