IRC log for #brlcad on 20081118

00:01.23 brlcad hah, hot damn I'm good sometimes
00:03.01 ``Erik and you believe this is one of those? :D *duck*
00:03.51 brlcad yup -- coded for several hours on some new tricky logic intertwined with old, then compiled warning-free/error-free and ran cleanly on the very first try
00:03.56 ``Erik (yay, gnucash is on my new macbook, now I can do my finances :)
00:04.21 ``Erik oh, um, that means you probably introduced some very tricky logical bug, no? :D
00:04.38 brlcad probably
00:04.53 brlcad but that's why I'm just that good
00:04.59 brlcad all part of the plan to take over the world
00:05.02 brlcad one bug at a time
00:05.06 ``Erik beat me to it
00:33.29 ``Erik ohhhhhhhhh, I think I get it
00:34.02 ``Erik leopard is very ... black... lots of black all over the place, I bet it's to show off the new LED backlighting which can do a very good black opposed to the older flourescent
00:41.37 Ralith I bet it's to show off "we can make even cliche designs look good"
00:48.56 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33201 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/g2asc.c: prevent g2asc from crashing on primitives that don't implement *_get()
00:54.37 ``Erik HEY, back off, boy
00:54.47 ``Erik puts on his black turtleneck, beret, and little round glasses
00:54.49 ``Erik *snap*
00:55.53 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33202 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/bu.h src/libbu/color.c): using _of_ seems quirky/dumb/odd on use, instead use _from_ to match _to_
01:11.27 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
01:45.15 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
02:05.42 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33203 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pnts/pnts.c: implement import support for all point types. untested but it no longer seems to quejar destructively. remove the magic number from the export header while we're at it since it petty value even as a sanity check.
03:21.47 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
04:13.44 starseeker hmm, that's a shame - is windows only
04:56.51 starseeker is awed by the number of computer vision related efforts out there
04:59.57 Ralith Programming Language : C, C#, Delphi/Kylix, Java, Python, Visual Basic .NET
04:59.59 Ralith what the FUCK
05:13.54 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
05:18.45 brlcad probably just bindings
05:21.00 Axman6 brlcad: ever played with anything like haskell?
05:24.36 brlcad Axman6: yeah, ML
05:24.48 brlcad and a little bit of haskell but just playing around
05:25.25 Axman6 righto. haven't tried any ML, the syntax looked too strange compared to haskell, when doing the same stuff. @@ for instance
05:26.06 brlcad ocaml makes ml actually kinda usable, but yeah it's a quirky language
05:27.34 Axman6 i really like haskell, there's some awesome work going into it, and i love how all the hard stuff is figuring out the theory behind things, instead of the syntax.
05:28.49 Axman6 things like STM are quite fun
05:29.19 Axman6 and `par` for easy parallelising of algorithms
05:31.48 brlcad alas, I see haskell (and most functional languages) as really interesting and useful academic tools more than practical languages
05:32.04 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
05:32.19 brlcad absolutely beautiful constructs you get but nobody to appreciate it
05:32.55 Axman6 i think that's beginning to change a bit, but it would be a long time before such things became most mainstream
05:33.16 brlcad nods
05:33.45 ``Erik_ O.o
05:33.50 Axman6 things like STM make haskell very interesting for concurrent applications
05:34.37 brlcad is rather happy coding in any language
05:34.59 brlcad at least, most languages, there are afew execptions and contexts
05:35.24 Axman6 brainfuck?
05:35.41 ``Erik_ heh, pheer my brainfuck compiler :D
05:36.29 Axman6 i wrote something in brainfuck once. it was pretty much purely random... but it did end up printing something like the Apple command key clover and S or somethign
05:36.40 Axman6 should find it and try it again...
05:37.13 ``Erik_ I got a belief in my head that the turing tarpit is a perfect place to explore fundamental optimization approaches
05:37.26 ``Erik_ so I cooked up a very simple brainfuck compiler suite as a test bed :)
05:38.35 Axman6 how'd it go?
05:38.51 ``Erik_ the optimizer seemed to make no difference fro the C output performance, but was orders of mangitude difference for the asm output
05:39.06 Axman6 excellent
05:39.19 ``Erik_ the bf->c->mc path was the faastest, props to gcc
05:39.31 Axman6 mc?
05:39.35 Axman6 oh, machine code?
05:39.39 ``Erik_ ja
05:40.52 ``Erik_ I still believe that zomfg core shit belongs at the tarpit level, but I'm not awesome enough to shatter the world just yet
05:41.14 Axman6 aww :)
05:42.34 ``Erik_ the host I chose to publish all my crap on decided that someone on that machine was doing something naughty, so locked it down and won't give me my bits back.. sucks
05:43.31 Axman6 just threaten them with an IP lawsuit or something
05:44.18 Axman6 if you mention you're with the Army, doing research for them... they mist be more inclined to listen
05:45.10 ``Erik_ I'd be afraid that they might be stupid enough to resist
05:45.30 Axman6 you're in the army right?>
05:45.50 ``Erik_ no, I'm a civilian employee of
05:46.03 Ralith ``Erik_: tell them you work for a government organization?
05:46.09 Axman6 close enough :P know any military lawyers?
05:46.18 Ralith I dunno, I think the army's pretty intimidating even if you're only an employee.
05:46.28 Ralith really, situations like that tend to respond to any pressure whatsoever
05:46.38 ``Erik_ yes, I do, but there's this horribly thing called ethics :D
05:46.40 Ralith they're only not giving you your data cuz they're lazy, unless I missed something
05:46.58 Ralith just send them a scary email.
05:47.13 ``Erik_ they're paranoid little bitches who don't grok the notion of a real security issue
05:47.26 ``Erik_ all theater
05:47.48 Ralith they're also paranoid of big bitches who could make their boss angry at them
05:47.54 ``Erik_ but if I abused my position, tha'td be worse than what tehy do
05:48.11 Ralith it's not abuse if you're ultimately just saying "I will be very very angry"
05:48.30 ``Erik_ complete segregation, dude
05:48.35 Ralith ?
05:49.39 Axman6 "As an employee of the Unites States Army, i have the right to request that your internet privileges, leased from the DoD be revoked immediately"
05:49.42 Axman6 >_>
05:50.16 Axman6 "wut? i thought this shit was free, we're fucked, better giv 'em their shit!"
05:50.19 ``Erik_ shakes head
05:50.21 Axman6 easy :)
05:50.41 Ralith lol
05:50.46 Ralith little bit overboard there
05:50.53 Ralith ``Erik_: what exactly did you lose?
05:51.08 Axman6 OS for a ICBM
05:51.11 Axman6 an*
05:51.16 ``Erik_ personal website, and lone data assocaited with
05:51.36 Ralith aw.
05:51.45 ``Erik_ code was all in cvs, but the db stuff was not
05:51.53 Ralith if you'd left code up there you could say they were obstructing the fulfillment of your obligations.
05:52.25 ``Erik_ and the math geeks running the site have been going out of their wa to help me
05:53.13 ``Erik_ (I had root access many years after I left that school)
05:53.29 brlcad find someone else with a login account on the server to copy your files out
05:53.47 ``Erik_ the machien is port blocked
05:54.37 ``Erik_ I have a sinking suspicion that the elicite software they discovered was my eggdrop :(
05:55.25 Ralith eggdrops are ilicit?
05:55.33 Axman6 what are eggdrops anyway?
05:55.41 ``Erik_ they contact 'irc', ohz noes
05:55.49 ``Erik_ tcl based irc bot
05:55.55 Axman6 ah
05:56.03 Ralith classic one at that
05:56.06 Axman6 and... wait, elicit what?
05:56.17 Ralith Axman6: he meant illicit, I think :P
05:56.22 ``Erik_ yes,
05:56.24 ``Erik_ :D
05:56.28 ``Erik_ vodka is teh goodz
05:56.32 Axman6 heh, so did i then :P
05:56.38 Axman6 anyway, illicit how?
05:56.48 Axman6 di they solicit?
05:56.51 ``Erik_ no
05:56.53 Axman6 >_>
05:56.56 ``Erik_ uni paranoia
05:57.21 ``Erik_ I can't get a straight answer out of their networking team
05:57.42 ``Erik_ which I'm apt to read as "it ain't normal, so it's wrong" :(
05:57.49 ``Erik_ and now I must sleep! night, kids
05:58.21 Axman6 "listen, i have some very important work on that machine that the Army would like to see. They will not be pleased with me, or you, if they cannot see it"
05:58.26 Axman6 night man
06:04.10 Ralith IRC is pretty normal
06:04.13 Ralith at least for people with servers
08:00.42 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
08:16.08 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:41.49 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
08:48.55 Axman6 "n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc" trusteduser?
09:26.15 *** part/#brlcad Pimpinella (
09:30.35 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r33204 10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h: MS VC++ can not assign a genptr_t (GENPTR_NULL) to a const rt_functab* variable: added a cast to the assignment
09:34.36 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r33205 10/rt^3/trunk/ (5 files in 2 dirs): included rt_db_internal in Object
11:58.29 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:58.41 brlcad howdy mafm
12:00.03 mafm hi
12:31.48 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
13:12.31 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
13:59.37 starseeker Humm. This is kind of a neat idea
14:02.37 starseeker results in tutorial aren't that hot though
14:11.31 ``Erik_ huh, there's an article that may be up starseekers historic avenue... solving what digital camera was used given just the image
14:11.57 ``Erik_
14:13.34 ``Erik_ the ice on my deck still hasn't melted
14:18.10 starseeker nifty
14:18.22 starseeker why do you have ice on your desk? did the roof leak?
14:18.32 ``Erik_ deck, not desk
14:18.36 ``Erik_ I called in today, I'm at home
14:19.50 ``Erik_ I have a large second story deck with french doors and all that shit
14:20.15 ``Erik_ on the north side of the house, so perptually in shadow
14:20.19 ``Erik_ perpetually
14:20.44 starseeker ah
14:20.54 starseeker apparently still isn't parsing properly
14:21.19 ``Erik_ still? do I need to take a photograph? O.o
14:21.35 ``Erik_ *duck*
14:21.37 archivist and draw a map
14:22.27 ``Erik_ google earth "my frozen assed deck"
14:22.28 ``Erik_ he
14:22.29 ``Erik_ h
14:22.43 ``Erik_ dEck, you freaks
14:24.28 starseeker Ooo, more promising - BSD licensed stand alone source code, too
14:25.08 starseeker corner detection doesn't do much for circular features, but would be a nice start
14:26.49 ``Erik_ *sigh* you missed the critical part
14:26.57 ``Erik_ corners and circles are irrelevent
14:27.18 starseeker waits for it...
14:27.20 ``Erik_ when you break down matter, you get molecules, atoms, quarks, .. keep breaking, eventually you end up with teapots.
14:27.43 starseeker ah, so it's teapots all the way down?
14:27.46 ``Erik_ the fundamental unit of matter is a teapot, as described by a 16 point bezier surface. Utah style.
14:27.47 ``Erik_ yes
14:28.10 starseeker The overturn of the Turtle Theory is at hand
14:28.43 ``Erik_ the REAL argument isn't about string theory and crap, i'ts about the actual height of the teapot, apparently, someone may've barfed some math and got a 3/4 scaling on the height
14:29.13 starseeker heh
14:29.20 ``Erik_ turtles are completely valid, but they're made of teapots.
14:29.22 ``Erik_ :D
14:30.10 ``Erik_ wonders how many people are terribly confused by that convo
14:30.22 starseeker Sure just like General Relativity can be approximated by Newtonian physics in most cases, Teapots can be approximated by turtles for large numbers of teapont
14:30.28 starseeker teapots
14:30.57 starseeker ``Erik: Anyone who isn't should seek help immediately
14:31.31 starseeker puts link up for later checking when he gets to work:
14:32.14 ``Erik_ man, wish I were a contractor, I can't show up 2 hours late or I hae to take time off for it, so I just call in sick instead
14:33.17 ``Erik_ for some reason, this rule from the jacket and tie era didn't die when the other idiotic rules did
14:33.18 ``Erik_ :(
14:35.01 starseeker ``Erik: We just pump more hours in at other times - you're required to have a life ;-)
14:36.15 starseeker gets in trouble for working late
14:36.22 ``Erik_ if I could rock a crunch, that'd be sweet
14:36.34 starseeker what?
14:36.44 ``Erik_ 40 hour grind, one session
14:36.48 starseeker ah
14:36.53 ``Erik_ caffiene and sugar and much code
14:37.10 ``Erik_ that hypnotic zomfg guru code spew phase
14:37.56 starseeker nods
14:38.00 ``Erik_ I think I had two really good ones in my life, once in my teens when I was guzzling soda from 2l bottles and popping candy like mad
14:38.27 ``Erik_ the other while I was hopped up on a codeine cocktail after having my wisdom teeth removed (one shattered, they cut my jaw apart, gave me 'the good stuff')
14:38.51 starseeker owowowowow
14:38.52 clock_ now when I hear you talking about coding fits etc.
14:39.01 ``Erik_ when real life ends and all that exists is the machine
14:39.02 clock_ I want to ask you do you also have problems with lack of social skills?"
14:39.03 ``Erik_ :)
14:39.12 starseeker heads in before he thinks about teeth too much
14:39.37 ``Erik_ I'm quite antisocial, I make it a point to piss people off. Yet I seem to be in a nice relationship with a lovely young woman, have several friends, ...
14:39.54 starseeker type to put image analysis aside for a moment and focus on trees any hyp...
14:40.08 ``Erik_ I'm probably more antagonistic than antisocial
14:40.21 starseeker ``Erik_: You mean she didn't kill you for disappearing like that? ;-)
14:40.27 ``Erik_ not yet
14:40.28 clock_ ``Erik_: what does it mean "I make it a point to piss people off"?
14:40.39 starseeker thought ``Erik_ had tapped in from the afterlife - how else would he know about the teapots?
14:40.42 ``Erik_ I go out of my way to annoy people
14:40.48 clock_ aha
14:40.51 clock_ I did that before too
14:40.54 clock_ But not anymore
14:41.01 ``Erik_ yeah, I've backed off soe
14:41.12 louipc Axman6: Trusted Users are a group that manage the Arch Linux community repository. Kind of a step below 'developer'.
14:41.13 clock_ ``Erik_: but imagine you are say in a busy railway station single and you see a nice woman
14:41.26 starseeker ``Erik_: I think there are more folk around at work that speak your dialect now :-P
14:41.27 clock_ Would you feel incomfortable approaching her and starting to speak at her?
14:41.36 ``Erik_ uh huh? and I definitely appreciate the view, but I stay seated
14:41.39 clock_ uncomfortable I mean
14:41.53 starseeker Regardless, I'll bet she would
14:41.56 ``Erik_ not that railway station means anything in the us, I'll assume you meant airport ;)
14:42.07 starseeker "why the heck is this guy heading toward me?"
14:42.13 clock_ yes I mean airport
14:42.27 clock_ starseeker: exactly...
14:42.38 ``Erik_ notes that long hair, earrings, goatee, ... imagines he has some aura of 'fuck off or I'll fucking stab you')
14:42.56 starseeker you project that or invoke it?
14:43.05 clock_ ``Erik_: you have long hair airrings and goatee?
14:43.20 ``Erik_ clock: yes. starseeker: I don't know.
14:43.28 clock_ ``Erik_: oh cool :)
14:45.08 ``Erik_ I think in general I'm civil and polite to a fault, but I seem to try to perpetuate an aura of 'don't fuck with me' :)
14:45.47 starseeker stratigically that does make some sense
14:46.08 starseeker ``Erik: See ya tomorrow I guess ;-)
14:46.20 ``Erik_ if I make it in, yes... have a safe drive
14:46.31 starseeker is it frozen out there still?
14:46.37 ``Erik_ I know I was upset and unhappy drivign on 95 last night... rain, traffic... *pheer*
14:46.42 ``Erik_ yes
14:46.47 starseeker crud
14:46.53 ``Erik_ and cloudy
14:46.57 ``Erik_ hold up a sec
14:47.30 ``Erik_ that is very definitely frozen ice on my deck
14:47.39 ``Erik_ be careful driving
14:47.58 ``Erik_ but I am up in the hills, 95 and apg are way down
14:48.05 ``Erik_ hopefully you don't see ice :)
14:48.10 starseeker cool
14:48.17 starseeker I'll be careful
14:48.18 starseeker later
14:49.02 clock_ Wikipedia claims social skills are a learned behaviour do you think it's true?
14:49.32 ``Erik_ (for those who don't get why ice and stuff is so damn scary on the road here... it's not your control, it's the idjit soccer mom in the 4000kg suv behind you that thinks 4wd means faster stopping)
14:49.59 clock_ 1`
14:50.07 clock_ ``Erik_: what is this soccer mom I already heard it
14:50.15 ``Erik_ for the most part, clock, I do. I personally believe that core function of primary education is to teach the social skills
14:50.28 clock_ lol
14:50.43 clock_ I always assumed the core function of primary education is to annoy the pupils to death
14:50.45 ``Erik_ um, derogatory term for a woman with some wealth at her disposal but little upstairs
14:51.05 clock_ like she doesn't have any toys in the attic?
14:51.31 clock_ lol hehe
14:51.41 clock_ so her intelligence is just enough to buy a suv?
14:51.42 ``Erik_ I'm sure you have the notional stereotype... blond chick who breeds, drives an suv, takes care of the kids when they're not in daycare... that's about it
14:51.59 clock_ basically a female and older version of a chav?
14:52.06 ``Erik_ chav?
14:52.13 clock_ no... chav is on a social support right? She has a SUV she isn't
14:52.51 ``Erik_ wikipedia has an entry about it
14:53.03 clock_ sure they have an entry on anything
14:53.13 ``Erik_ apparently not webcomics
14:53.15 ``Erik_ heh
14:53.27 clock_ if we should look into wikipedia for everything instead of discussing, the human communication could cease altogether ;-)
14:53.37 ``Erik_ perhaps
14:54.07 ``Erik_ but I'd rather point you to a url than make myself more a fool than usual
14:54.07 ``Erik_ :D
14:55.55 clock_ it's interesting to talk with you
14:56.26 ``Erik_ all I can hope is that I disturb your notion of what an american is
14:56.26 ``Erik_ :(
14:56.52 clock_ well you have obama now don't you?
14:57.03 ``Erik_ in a couple months
14:57.05 clock_ So the guantanamo will be disassembled and all the weird stuff gets back to normal doesn't?
14:57.26 ``Erik_ I'd like it to be so, but I have little hope
14:57.37 clock_ yes I hope he's already preparing the handbrake U-turn he's gonna do when Dubya hands him the wheel over
14:58.00 ``Erik_ in the world orientation, both the 'republicans' and 'democrats' are incredibly right wing
14:58.32 ``Erik_ they call him a liberal, but don't be fooled, there are no liberals in us politics
14:58.49 ``Erik_ and since I'm out sick today, I can say shit like that, so PTBTBBTBT
15:00.29 clock_ sonds like a pretty long acronym
15:01.30 ``Erik_ I'm bitter cynical and old. I have low expectations. No acronyms. Just... malaise.
15:02.12 ``Erik_ I've become a huge history and archeology buff, and I look at the modern world and am just saddened
15:04.58 clock_ ``Erik_: how old are you?
15:05.12 ``Erik_ oh, too old... in my 30's
15:05.25 clock_ that's pretty old youre right
15:05.26 ``Erik_ I believe only archivist is older than me here :)
15:05.37 archivist hides
15:05.42 clock_ have you already thought which coffin finish you would like to have?
15:05.53 ``Erik_ no, I can't die
15:06.00 ``Erik_ I have too much shit to do first
15:06.16 clock_ I am 29 and I already feel old
15:06.24 archivist shit do do, cars to crash etc
15:06.39 ``Erik_ I think I got the car crashing out of my system
15:06.42 clock_ archivist: he can do the crash and dying part at once, saving some time
15:06.52 ``Erik_ at least I picked a german machine to do it in, otherwise, I may not've walked away
15:07.01 clock_ Mercedes>?
15:07.04 ``Erik_ bmw
15:07.08 ``Erik_ I rolled an m3
15:07.23 clock_ it's like an SUV isn't it?
15:07.26 ``Erik_ something about 4 trees, a hill, a chunk of road a couple times
15:07.27 ``Erik_ m3?
15:07.28 ``Erik_ ...
15:07.31 ``Erik_ no, tha'ts their sports car
15:07.42 ``Erik_ x3 is their suv
15:07.54 clock_ right
15:07.54 ``Erik_ m is the bmw equiv of a merc amg
15:08.28 clock_ so after that you had to walk?
15:08.42 clock_ I thought Americans don't walk
15:09.02 ``Erik_ someone hick in a truck calle dthe cops, I found what remained of my phone and put it togheter enough to call iraytrace
15:09.20 ``Erik_ he came and fetched me, otherwise it would've been a 10 km walk
15:09.50 ``Erik_ he sat and drank vodka with me and made sure I wasn't too damaged
15:10.02 ``Erik_ it's good to have good friends :)
15:10.34 ``Erik_ I suspect he was analyzing if he needed to take me to the hospital or not the entire time
15:12.07 ``Erik_ (I hope, anyways)
15:19.01 clock_ If youre party how do you switch the people to talk to?
15:19.20 clock_ Can you just stop talking to one and without any explanation walk away?
15:29.30 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r33206 10/rt^3/trunk/ (7 files in 2 dirs): added support for file based database
15:29.55 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
16:08.34 PrezKennedy
16:08.43 PrezKennedy seems to be a nasty iphone problem there ;)
16:56.00 starseeker ``Erik_: metaballs - where is the last "things are working" commit?
16:56.32 starseeker I see one in July I'm assuming is it, but there's two in october and one in Nov. - are they fixes or testing new features?
16:57.48 brlcad working a 40 hour stint in two days and then disappearing would be a career killer, that'd be bad in so many ways
17:05.10 starseeker poor visibility, health effects?
17:17.46 brlcad yeah, that's horrible visibility
17:18.05 brlcad health effects you might be able to sustain, but the (anti)social aspects would be a killer
17:19.15 brlcad not to mention resentment (who doesn't want a 5-day weekend) and the big potential to not be productive during that time (at least not as productive as you could be if the time were spread out)
17:19.27 starseeker right
17:20.01 brlcad particularly given everyone has to communicate with others from time to time, if only to communicate those changes and progress
17:21.10 brlcad working it all in one go is like committing a patch with 250k lines of changes.. that's horrible at communicating what changed, horrible to review, horrible to test, ... just a "bad idea" no matter how many features are included
17:21.21 brlcad alienates
17:21.27 brlcad is done :)
17:21.34 starseeker heh
17:22.12 starseeker can't physically sustain such an effort anyway, even if I wanted to - found that out in college
17:26.48 starseeker winces - this is going to mess up the release notes table generation again...
17:28.12 PrezKennedy i think after hour #14 id be about ready to say "screw you guys, i'm going home!" :)
17:32.38 brlcad even when I work a long 30 hour stint.. you'll still see me a couple other times that week
17:33.13 brlcad if I'm working late/long, i'm either having a lot of fun (ideally) or there's something important due
17:33.47 brlcad starseeker: what table generation?
17:34.05 starseeker for CCB
17:34.07 brlcad the spreadsheet? wouldn't worry about that so much
17:34.16 starseeker isn't, just grousing ;-)
17:34.31 starseeker OK, big STABLE revert underway...
17:34.37 brlcad the changes aren't being applied to trunk, the table should be fine
17:35.00 starseeker If we do a 7.12.8 though, the NEWS file gets hacked up
17:35.21 starseeker no biggie
17:36.10 brlcad a section just gets inserted noting why the release was made
17:36.32 brlcad the script only notes * lines, and there'd only be one at most for .8
17:36.40 starseeker Ah
17:38.13 starseeker looks like the post July changes are related to inserting points and a listing change when printing out information about metaballs
17:39.53 starseeker brlcad: What's your preference? Is there a chance te listing changes are related to scripted uses of the primitive?
17:40.43 brlcad there's always a chance.. I've not read the commit in detail
17:40.59 brlcad probably a small chance
17:41.22 brlcad go ahead and apply it too just in case, it's a succint patch
17:41.34 starseeker That means a 7.12.8 then
17:42.06 brlcad ah, right that was only if .6 didn't have the fix
17:42.28 starseeker right. Since I don't know exactly what the complaint is, it's a bit tricky
17:42.49 brlcad sounds like a phone call :)
17:42.54 starseeker however, if we DON'T need a 7.12.8 it'd be silly to do this to stable :-)
17:43.04 starseeker right. Whom do I annoy?
17:44.32 brlcad you're not annoying :)
17:45.24 starseeker will have to try harder :-P
18:23.15 ``Erik_ um, I THINK the first commit after the 7.12.2 release is what'll make dave and geoff and russ happy
18:24.08 ``Erik_ brlcad: you have a knack for disappearing and I seem to be the one accosted when you do, so I'm stuck saying things like "sean is as sean does, is there anything I can do to help?" or "sean works in mysterous ways, what can I do?"
18:24.40 ``Erik_ "where the hell is sean?" "I d'no, I saw commits this morning, he's holed up doing good things"
18:26.58 ``Erik_ I miss the ability to grind, the locked down hour notion makes me feel like a gov't beaurocrat, so I have little desire to step up and be a code monkey and find comfort in comforming to the beaurocrat approach :( it's a soul crushing horrible situation
18:51.12 brlcad that's mostly been just the past two months while I've been moved
18:51.19 brlcad schedule is shifted a solid 5 hours
18:51.38 brlcad and I've used up more leave all at once than ever before in a pretty short timeframe
18:52.08 brlcad probably the first year I might actually use up most of my leave time
19:02.57 ``Erik_ hrm
19:03.09 ``Erik_ dante's use of comcast may've been a significant factor of his writing.
19:09.37 mafm brlcad: today in 1h I have an interview with minions on the evil one! :D
19:09.43 mafm now I go home, take care
19:09.49 brlcad ah
19:09.54 brlcad well good luck if that interests you
19:10.08 mafm not much, if not to go to visit the bigfoots :D
19:10.22 brlcad so you're traveling up to WA?
19:10.26 mafm it's an external consultancy or whatever the name
19:10.34 mafm not at all, it's only a phone interview
19:10.38 brlcad ah
19:11.02 brlcad phase 1
19:11.22 mafm but if would be good if I were to cross the atlantic for an interview :D
19:11.30 brlcad couple phases before WA, then usually the in-persons on-site
19:11.46 mafm I liked to fly over the alps when going to a CERN interview :)
19:11.55 mafm so you went to an interview with them too? :D
19:12.01 brlcad now CERN sounds like a more interesting job :)
19:12.07 brlcad nope
19:12.20 brlcad I turned them down early
19:12.26 mafm xD
19:12.32 brlcad but had a couple friends that went there
19:12.50 mafm I also told that I didn't use m$ products often, but that apparently didn't discourage them
19:13.35 brlcad not at all, they look for ability to learn, not experience
19:14.12 mafm but if you don't use their products it's probably because you have a resistance to learn them, maybe ;)
19:14.39 brlcad they know a lot of people hate them, especially in CS .. but they also know that's some of the best people
19:15.03 brlcad and they have a proven track record at being able to compromise people's (weak) principles with just a little bit of money/toys
19:15.10 mafm heh, that's not my case then (some of the best people)
19:15.17 mafm anyway, have to go now before the shop close also
19:15.24 brlcad cya
19:15.29 brlcad hope you get what you want ;)
19:15.45 mafm boob.. erm, sorry :D
19:16.38 mafm bye folks!
19:16.58 brlcad apparently only want's one :)
19:17.11 brlcad would rather have at least two, in multiples of two
19:21.46 PrezKennedy 2^x boobs
19:50.29 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
21:40.00 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
21:54.06 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33207 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/other/tkhtml3/ the problem WAS fixed.. just not merged successfully. merge the other half of r33137 from trunk that was missing that adds cssprop.o to the linkage. this should fix the mac compilation regression woes.
23:49.07 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@

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