IRC log for #brlcad on 20081121

00:09.13 *** join/#brlcad marko1 (
00:09.44 brlcad polo1!
00:42.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33242 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
00:42.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: this has come up before but was revived today with a request from marko1 for
00:42.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: infix notation support. need to renew efforts at adding support that was
00:42.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: started with comb_bool_parse which added classical infix with fully
00:42.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: parenthetical expression support but was never completed/integrated.
00:47.09 marko1 that would be useful
00:47.50 brlcad yeah, it's come up many times over the years, but it's just been pretty low-priority
00:48.08 brlcad since it only affects new users, and usually only their first couple days
00:48.58 Ralith infix notation?
00:49.03 brlcad it's been implemented for like 10 years, just not integrated/tested .. the original dev didn't take it to completion and nobody else has stepped up
00:49.33 brlcad Ralith: yeah, for the CSG expressions when you create combinations within mged
00:49.40 Ralith can you give an example?
00:49.44 Ralith isn't familiar with the term
00:49.57 brlcad which term?
00:50.00 brlcad infix?
00:50.03 Ralith yeah
00:50.13 brlcad infix is what you learned in school
00:50.18 Ralith rings a bell
00:50.31 brlcad a + b = c .. '+' is an infix operator
00:50.39 Ralith ahh.
00:50.46 Ralith as opposed to brl-cad's tree notation.
00:50.50 brlcad opposed to doing something like "a b +" .. postfix operator or "+ a b" prefix operator
00:50.58 brlcad we use prefix
00:51.06 brlcad right
00:51.09 Ralith that too :P
00:51.27 brlcad because prefix lends itself directly to the tree representation, the geometry hierarchy that results directly correlates
00:52.42 brlcad it would be cool to be able to use parens with infix
00:54.21 Ralith it would indeed.
00:54.33 Ralith I haven't done much parsing before, but wouldn't it be fairly trivial to handle?
00:54.54 Ralith I mean, one could probably even simply wrap the existing system
01:00.01 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:10.25 brlcad yeah, but it is actually nearly fully implemented already, including boolean expression optimization/rewriting
01:10.31 brlcad just not hooked into anything
01:17.13 Ralith heh
01:24.12 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:37.50 *** join/#brlcad marko1 (
01:49.26 *** join/#brlcad marko1 (
02:02.41 *** join/#brlcad marko1 (
02:20.56 *** join/#brlcad marko1 (
03:49.15 *** join/#brlcad CIA-62 (n=CIA@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:04.35 yukonbob hello, cadheads
06:35.35 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:15.56 brlcad howdy yukonbob
07:38.01 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
08:05.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33243 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/typein.c:
08:05.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: merge in all of the latest pnts changes that were made to old/previous
08:05.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: implementation but not to the libged migrated/new version. this duality
08:05.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: shouldn't survive for much longer hopefully. this hooks in all of the new point
08:05.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: functionality for normals, point-specific sizes, and more. only compile-time
08:05.58 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: checked.
08:59.30 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:54.44 AFK-claymore Morning all.
11:57.11 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:58.28 claymore Mornin mafm
11:59.09 mafm hi claymore
11:59.10 mafm and the rest
12:13.55 claymore mafm: How are things on your side of the world?
12:14.30 mafm fighting with the lab to get out :(
12:14.53 claymore whoa, whats that mean?
12:40.21 mafm that I'm trying to know, after 3 weeks, when I can get out
12:40.36 mafm I spent this week learning about laws because of that
12:40.52 claymore oh, your current job or school?
12:41.06 mafm to know how much of holidays I can get from my 60-day leave period
12:41.09 mafm current job
12:42.05 mafm I just went to talk with the director, and he's going to talk with my boss again... this thing never ends :)
12:42.32 mafm brb, lunch
12:43.51 claymore wow just to get a holiday....
12:43.57 claymore tell them I said its okay.
12:44.05 claymore that should do it :D
12:47.33 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
12:49.24 archivist being in a smaller company is easier, tell boss!
13:14.35 mafm claymore: probably it would be better, yes
13:16.03 mafm well, the thing is that they didn't want me to have holidays in the last period
13:16.45 claymore mafm: why not?
13:16.51 *** join/#brlcad marko1 (
13:17.53 claymore mornin marko1 ! You up in New York City?
13:18.05 mafm they're pissed off or something, I don't really know
13:18.45 marko1 morning
13:18.58 claymore mafm: Hrm, well, if you are entitled to X days off per year, then you *should* be able to take them without repercussions...
13:19.07 claymore unless your managers suck.
13:19.36 archivist some companies have rules for holidays but you should be told before joining
13:21.34 mafm yes, that's the point
13:21.56 mafm so I elaborated a document about that, and now nobody wants to read it telling that it's not their responsibility/area
13:22.20 mafm not even my boss, who is affected somewhat by the fact that I don't have to work for much longer that he expected
13:22.40 mafm and who insisted in me staying until christmas
13:22.56 mafm so well, I don't really know if everybody is becoming crazy or what :D
13:23.23 claymore so you are leaving the company and they asked you to stay on till Christmas, but now are telling you you can't have time off?
13:23.30 mafm (I never had problems before and never thought that I would have to do this kind of thing, but apparently they're really pissed off)
13:23.36 mafm yes
13:23.45 mafm basically I wouldn't work in all december
13:24.28 archivist they should offer moneyz!
13:24.29 mafm my initial proposal was to work until 12th or so (friday), but they insisted, so I counted all days and I wouldn't have to work in all december really
13:24.31 claymore When you leave the company, do they reimburse your for accrued Timeoff that you didn't take?
13:25.19 mafm well, I just want them to tell me something... they just refuse to listen, so they basically don't tell me anything
13:26.07 mafm that's why I went to talk with the head of the lab, so he (hopefully) fix things top-to-bottom
13:26.19 claymore mafm: i only ask that last question because, if they don't have to reimburse you for unused time off, then its in their best interests to get the most work out of you they can. Its a crappy way to treat employees, but it happens a lot.
13:26.29 archivist you have rights!, see your company agreement and your countries employment laws
13:27.33 mafm yes, that's what I've been doing in the past few days :)
13:27.34 claymore archivist is correct. even if no one at your workplace will listen to your complaints, there is always someone higher that will. The higher you go, the more painful it becomes for your boss ;)
13:27.58 claymore marko1: you get all your questions with brlcad sorted out yesterday?
13:28.03 mafm and yes, I think that my boss talking to the head of the lab is gonig to prove efective :D
13:28.22 mafm or the head of the lab talking to my boss, either way
13:29.16 mafm strange thing is that we never had problems before and we had very good relations, so I don't really understand why this happens :(
13:29.21 claymore well good, at least someone has their head on straight.
13:29.46 claymore mafm: how long have you been working there?
13:29.46 mafm 2 years and 3 months
13:29.46 archivist boss here needs educating in UK employment law
13:31.27 mafm sigh :)
13:31.41 mafm well, it should be fixed within weeks anyway
13:32.14 claymore That is strange mafm. How did your boss take the news that you were leaving? Anger, resentful, indifferent?
13:32.28 mafm then hopefully I can finish my degree project, and then maybe I have time to work again in g3d and all these things \o/
13:33.19 mafm worried, the next day resentful (I will be the only one in the lab not having free days in christmas), now he seems indifferent :D
13:35.53 claymore Okay, sounds like you have just been on the good side of a medeocre manager. Managers that let too much emotion into their decision making process are NOT good managers at all, imo.
13:36.55 claymore Now that you have committed a personal slight against your manager, aka leaving, then they will react as an immature person might... by making yoru life harder.
13:37.13 claymore Sad really.
13:37.44 mafm yes, that's more or less what I think that is happening :)
13:38.12 mafm he's quite good on the technical side (albeit a bit outdated) but he's an awful manager in general
13:38.46 claymore Well, is there any incentive for you if you are give 2 weeks notice and leave when you have said you will? aka, good recommendations to your next job?
13:39.01 mafm in the sense that he micromanages when you ask some indication, he doesn't care for months when you don't, and in general he doesn't take profit of each person's abilities, which is the main point of a manager
13:40.01 mafm (outdated as in... insisting that my ER diagrams are not ER, and then he repaints an older similar diagram, network relations or something like that, outdated by ER diagrams :D)
13:40.25 mafm I had to give 60-days notice
13:41.00 claymore right, but whats the drawback if you dont give 60days notice and just leave?
13:41.09 mafm and there are no consequences for my next job, but maybe so for future jobs (CERN...)
13:41.33 mafm or even similar labs to this one
13:43.17 mafm one of them is very close to my hometown, so it might be a problem, yes
13:44.13 claymore well, if there are not any drawbacks to just leaving, and your boss still won't give you the time you are due, contact your local government to see what Grievance procedures are available. ;)
13:45.05 archivist quality of references for the future can be a concern
13:45.43 archivist but poor treatment while there does not bode well for references either
13:46.06 mafm yes, that's why I don't want to take "severe" actions or anything
13:47.50 claymore Well then, we have different takes on things then. I refuse to let people get away with crappy treatment of me or my immediate co-workers. And yes, it makes waves. But wrong is wrong.
13:47.52 archivist I would never go to a previous company for a reference as they treated me poorly
13:48.54 mafm yes, well, I'm defending myself, but not in a childish way
13:49.30 marko1 mafm: you work in physics?
13:49.39 claymore and good onya for it mafm.
13:49.46 mafm so I presented the document signed, with legal references and so on, so unless they invoke strange things (like having especial periods of holidays, that we don't really have, etc) they can't do much
13:50.18 archivist its a choice, I have been informed here about redundancy. So Im hanging on for best severance terms
13:50.28 mafm but, if they don't tell me that I agree, I still can't be sure of expecting when to live, to tell the owner of the house and so on
13:50.33 mafm marko1: yes
13:50.57 mafm when to live->leave* :)
13:51.17 marko1 mafm: cool! I'm starting a physics project
13:51.24 marko1
13:51.46 marko1 you can see the BRLCAD output
13:51.54 mafm well I'm not a physicist, I just happen to work in a physics lab
13:51.58 mafm but in the Grid area
13:52.00 marko1 same
13:52.43 claymore marko1: You are doing this as a hobby?
13:52.57 mafm heh, nice pics
13:53.18 marko1 hobby, with aspirations to commercialize this technology
13:53.26 marko1 I'm an entrepreneur by trade
13:53.41 marko1 tech entrepreneur
13:54.27 claymore neat! In my past life, I was a nuclear/electrical engineer with the Navy :)
13:54.41 clock_ claymore: you mean NEET?
13:55.22 marko1 well clearly BRLCAD is the right tool for the job if you guys are using it
13:55.33 claymore so i probably shouldnt need to remind you about power generation/radiation emitting device permits you may need lest you get in big trouble :)
13:56.01 marko1 well no radiation at this stage
13:56.04 marko1 just magnets
13:56.33 marko1 and the polywell is intended to run a radiation free reaction
13:56.38 claymore clock_: Are you talking about Naval Electrical Engineering Training manuals?
13:56.53 marko1 hydrogen + boron = 3 helium
13:56.59 mafm marko1: if you mean "you" as me and my lab, no, we don't... my relation with brlcad is something completely different (TM)
13:57.13 mafm but probably is the right tool for you, yes
13:57.32 marko1 yeah, I'v had success with it
13:57.40 marko1 I needed a command line more than a gui
13:57.46 marko1 so I can program my drawings
13:58.39 claymore marko1: dont forget that any medium to high energy charged particle IS radiation. e.g. bremsstrahlung
13:59.08 marko1 technicality!
13:59.13 claymore lol
13:59.49 clock_ claymore: yes NEETS :)
13:59.54 clock_ claymore: coil winding! I love coil winding!
13:59.55 ``Erik_ lifts a cheek and radiates some
14:00.12 claymore ``Erik_: pig :P
14:00.22 archivist marko1, "working on a computer controlled coil winder" what control are you using
14:00.29 marko1 arduino
14:00.31 clock_ I I needed a DIY repeatable coil with precise inductance and capacitance
14:00.41 marko1 I'll be opensourcing all the tech
14:00.44 clock_ And ended up with a form made of 3 plastic bolts tied together with cable straps
14:00.47 clock_ Works excellent!
14:00.47 archivist marko1, are the hard way
14:00.50 archivist ah
14:00.54 claymore clock_: the NEETs modules are only training manuals. The good stuff is still all basically Non-disclosure stuff.
14:01.05 clock_ 2.73uH and 1.2pF better then commercial coils totally stable parameters no Barkhausen nouise!
14:01.24 archivist marko1, I use EMC for cnc control, its open source
14:01.35 clock_ do you know Reprap?
14:01.38 marko1 archivist: thanks for the tip
14:01.42 clock_ It's a self-replicating CNC
14:01.48 marko1 I'm working with zach from reprap
14:01.49 marko1 actually
14:01.53 claymore looks at the irc channel.... My God... its full of Geeks...
14:01.53 clock_ lol
14:02.00 marko1 I'm hacking a reprap to make the coil winder
14:02.16 clock_ can reprap make plastic screws?
14:02.22 marko1 so the x axis will be the coil guide
14:02.36 marko1 screws are store bought
14:02.37 clock_ marko1: don't then need people for reprap development? :)
14:02.38 archivist 3 EMC people in here
14:02.55 archivist at least
14:03.15 clock_ I hope reprap can take brl-cad source and rasterize ;-)
14:03.22 marko1 stl files
14:03.37 clock_ I don't know even if STL is open source
14:03.48 claymore archivist: EMC means Electricians Mate Chief to me... whats it mean to you? :)
14:04.00 clock_ ElectroMagnetic Compatibility? ;-)
14:04.05 archivist Enhanced Machine Control
14:04.10 alex_joni v2
14:04.20 archivist :)
14:04.32 clock_ Is this multi-coil polyhedron put into an evacuated space?
14:04.45 marko1 needs a vacuum yes
14:04.56 clock_ I heard someone made a homemade CRT
14:05.13 clock_ By throwing a hose with water from a high window and since the column was >10m he got a vacuum
14:05.21 clock_ Maybe you use the same technique
14:05.27 marko1 ha!
14:05.30 marko1 that's funny
14:05.43 clock_ And he used marmelade jar for the actual electron tube
14:05.44 marko1 well, a good hack is always welcome
14:06.21 archivist that only gets down to the vapour pressure
14:06.29 clock_ I would also wonder
14:07.18 clock_ I always wondered what happens if you take a CRT put the tip into a bathtub full of water and then break off with pliers
14:07.32 clock_ And when the CRT is full of water, turn the TV set on
14:07.40 clock_ Maybe insert some fish and water plants...
14:07.53 alex_joni clock_: might work with oil
14:08.07 clock_ maybe he used oil
14:08.13 claymore demineralized oil...
14:08.21 clock_ oil is used in vacuum pumps
14:08.35 claymore had disturbing visions of fish dying a 13kV death.....
14:08.43 alex_joni I saw some oil cooling for PC's once..
14:08.53 alex_joni fully submerged in oil.. no fans or anything
14:08.55 clock_ Recently I used a skateboard oil to fix my vice
14:09.00 marko1 brb
14:09.12 alex_joni
14:10.11 clock_ When I mentioned the skateboard
14:10.18 clock_ We already had a man walking on the moon
14:10.27 claymore alex_joni: Any fluid suffieciently de-ionized to prevent conductivity can be used as a coolant that can be in direct contact with electronics.
14:10.31 clock_ But not yet riding a skateboard in a half-pipe. I think that's the next task for NASA
14:11.19 claymore had some links for some pretty wild Computer mods here somewhere....
14:11.34 clock_ I made a water cooling with a radiator from car
14:11.47 clock_ sometimes the CPU core temperature was less than room temperature
14:12.03 claymore well thats dangerous now isn't it clock_ :P
14:12.38 clock_ I don't see a reason why a radiator from car should be dangerous
14:13.53 claymore dropping the cpu temperature below room temp will make any moisture present start to condense ON the CPU first if the relative humidity reaches a certain point.
14:14.06 clock_ if BRL-CAD can calculate weight, can it also calculate inductance?
14:14.37 clock_ well it was only few degress. Caused by the fact the radiator was under the window and the window was open. THe colder air was flowing at the radiator.
14:14.38 claymore clock_: You'd have to script it, but yeah, it should
14:14.56 clock_ I wonder if it need finite element method.
14:16.04 claymore clock_: I have a simple design using a two stage water cooled system connected via peltier coolers to 'simulate' a refrigeration cycle in a computer... haven't put it to practice though.
14:16.43 claymore Inefficiant as anything, but I bet it would get that cpu pretty damned cold :)
14:16.51 claymore is having a horrid spelling day.
14:17.08 archivist claymore, look at the Elecrolux cycle
14:17.19 clock_ I thought about refrigerating my LED with liquid nirogen
14:17.28 clock_ It should increase the light efficiency tremendously.
14:19.32 alex_joni for how long?
14:19.41 claymore archivist: Right, standard Absorption-cycle refers. There are many of them installed at American University in Washington DC. Spent many a days working on those horrid things...
14:20.52 claymore the point of my using peltier coolers was to remove any dangerous gasses from my cooling cycle... r114, amonia, etc.
14:21.10 clock_ new fridges have butan gas
14:21.27 clock_ it's only flammable
14:21.36 clock_ Maybe it's even put into cigarette lighter
14:23.20 claymore clock_: having a flammable gas inside of a PC wont sit well with most users :)
14:23.55 clock_ overclockers can literally get their CPU on fire
14:24.13 alex_joni they did that even before (without gas)
14:24.34 claymore only because they couldn't remove the heat fast enough :)
14:24.38 clock_ there are youtube videos showing people putting very large gas tanks into fire and then shooting them with a gun
14:24.42 clock_ a lot of fun to watch
14:25.12 archivist claymore, yup, use power supply waste heat to cool the cpu
14:25.36 claymore clock_: thats called Darwinism:
14:25.39 clock_ if i understand it correctly absorption cooler runs off heat
14:25.53 archivist clock_, yes
14:26.15 clock_ Indeed, once the gas tank went airborne and flew horizntally, rotating wildly and spewing flames
14:26.17 claymore and has amonia in it ;) amonia + proximity to electronics = large potential for badness
14:26.26 alex_joni claymore: unfortunately, they don't usually qualify for darwin awards :/
14:28.10 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
14:31.51 brlcad marko1: that's pretty awesome, love the use
14:33.44 brlcad d_rossberg: I'll reply to the list, but I think you're spot on for the characterization
14:34.51 brlcad the service is higher-level, network-centric, command and action focused .. and intentionally built on top of existing facilities
14:35.46 brlcad whereas the geometry engine is much lower-level with what you've been working on being an OO layer that sits right on top of the core functionality
14:36.27 d_rossberg i think the point is that the Geometry Engine wants to preserve the command line interface (?)
14:36.43 brlcad there is presently some design overlap that has to be resolved with regards to the geometry engine itself, but I do see that as a distinct "product" as well as the geometry service being another different "product"
14:36.55 claymore d_rossberg: not really.
14:37.37 claymore d_rossberg: but, in order to bring functionality online as quickly as possible, we are going to use libged initially since a lot of the work was done there.
14:37.41 brlcad it might provide hooks to functionality that's in LIBGED but I don't think that's the goal in the least .. if it does that, it's probably/mostly just because that code for whatever action is only/already available there
14:37.54 claymore d_rossberg: Just sent a reply to your email
14:43.20 d_rossberg my consideration was: if you have a GUI on top of the Geometry Engine and this GUI has a command line interface it would be a design consideration to use libged via the Geomatry Engine
14:43.58 brlcad d_rossberg: are you saying that's a bad thing or a good thing? :)
14:44.27 d_rossberg in this case it would be a good thing
14:45.00 d_rossberg and what i want to say is: the design depends on the application
14:45.11 claymore d_rossberg: GUI developement will be independant of the GS and GE development. GUI will also be abstract and will conform to a Communcations API.
14:45.32 d_rossberg if i don't know the application i can not assess the design
14:46.05 claymore the GS will also Conform to this Communications API and thus a GUI and a GS will be able to communicate abstract of how the GS internals are doing their work.
14:47.41 claymore libged was designed the way it was in order to greatly organize how the current BRL-CAD accesses the libraries. libged development has/had nothing to do with iBME,GS oe GE... we are just going to use it for the time being :)
14:48.21 brlcad rather, how *MGED* accesses the libraries, and to make it a lot easier to other/new guis to get at that same editing functionality
14:49.24 claymore brlcad: good catch;) Thanks. Bouncing between computers is taking its toll on me lol.
14:49.58 d_rossberg claymore: i recommend to develop GE, GS and the GUI together (similar to libged which was developed with mged and TCL as brlcad said)
14:50.14 brlcad claymore: actually we're going to have a little bit of crosstalk perhaps but LIBGED does have quite a bit to do with the GE (not so much the design, though, as the intent) .. all of this refactoring is moving us towards a new/better GUI
14:50.47 brlcad d_rossberg: what do you mean by develop them together?
14:51.21 brlcad I know that I at least have a strong preference for each of those to act as stand-alone products so that the interfaces and responsibilities between them are well-defined
14:51.45 claymore brlcad: On board with that. However, if we are going to code an OO layer ontop of libged in order to remove the command line like accessability... wouldn't just making an OO layer that access the underlying libs directly (instead of going through libged) be faster?
14:52.21 brlcad the GE really compares to that of the likes of ACIS, Granite, OpenCASCADE, etc as being an OO engine on top of our geometry
14:52.51 brlcad the GS sits on top of that providing access controls and acts as a network service
14:53.08 brlcad a GUI can be tied directly to GE or to the GS then, with different implications and tradeoffs
14:53.24 brlcad claymore: absolutely
14:54.57 claymore brlcad and d_rossberg : I will get more pictures and documentation up on the wiki. Sometimes text just doesn't make for easy explainations :)
14:55.05 brlcad though the first half of what you said gives me pause -- "in order to remove the command line like accessability" .. the GE could retain a "run this command" api call that passes through to LIBGED even if it were otherwise decoupled from it
14:56.03 d_rossberg brlcad: i don't think it is a good idea to develop the interface and see if a gui can be build on this afterwards
14:56.09 brlcad sure, though sometimes pictures and documentation just add extra questions and confusion too and discussion will still have to occur ;)
14:56.29 brlcad d_rossberg: they're occurring concurrently
14:57.45 brlcad and at worse - LIBGED is exactly what MGED presently uses so if the GE uses it, it really shouldn't be any worse off than where MGED presently is yet provides all of the existing functionality
14:57.46 claymore brlcad: Okay, I am defining 'command line like' accessability as each function in libged takes the standard 'int argc, const char *argv[]' which would be a major speed hit to do all that string parsing...
14:58.11 clock_ what is good on CSG is that it mimics the tooling process
14:58.20 clock_ drilling is ubtraction on a cylinder
14:58.28 clock_ cylindrical grinding is an AND with a cylinder
14:58.37 clock_ flat grinding is an AND with a halfspace or cube
14:58.57 clock_ and the basic shapes come from rolled stock foundry
14:59.16 brlcad it depends where/how to characterize that it's a major speed hit -- it's what mged does now and it's frankly a non-issue as the time is mostly spent processing geometry, not in strings
14:59.21 d_rossberg claymore: you should describe some applications in the wiki, the effort is much to high to write only a GUI
14:59.51 claymore and if we write a OO layer ontop of libged then we could easily find ourselves taking a cmdline input into GE, parsing it into an object, applying it to the OO layer on libged, converting backinto a string, passing it to libged which then has to pasrse it again.
15:00.04 claymore thats my concern... sorry if I worded it poorly :)
15:00.23 claymore d_rossberg: 'some applications'.... of what?
15:00.34 brlcad d_rossberg: the first/main application I'd planned all along is a new modeling GUI that can eventually replace mged -- starting out with visualization capabilities for starters, then adding searching capabilities, then adding editing capabilities
15:01.37 brlcad claymore: well yeah, that could potentially suck -- but that's just a bad way to go about it regardless
15:01.38 d_rossberg claymore: GE and GS
15:02.44 brlcad d_rossberg: your viewer is an ideal application use
15:03.00 claymore d_rossberg: simply put GE is the library that wraps up all of brlcad's current capability and provides a single interface to all the functionality.
15:03.04 brlcad sitting on top of the GE or the GS (but not using any of GED)
15:03.46 claymore d_rossberg: GS is an actual executable that incorporates the GE, but adds Session managing, network capabilities, access controls, etc.
15:03.49 brlcad (save for maybe as temporary back-end implementation detail in GE for the short-term)
15:04.26 brlcad d_rossberg: what would you like to see different?
15:04.37 brlcad or is this all not making sense yet :)
15:04.57 claymore d_rossberg: and a GUI is a standalone application that accessess a GS and provides a means for user input, visualization, editing, etc.
15:05.53 brlcad notes that the overall design of having these "three kings" working together hasn't really changed in the 7 years it's been under planning .. just new names here and there :)
15:06.49 claymore voted for Project Hamburgler, but was shot down :(
15:06.58 brlcad just has a lot more detail now that bob has kicked off libged, mafm has the start of a prototype, and claymore has dived head first into the gs and documenting the whole thing up :)
15:07.20 d_rossberg i don't want to change it, i want to understand it
15:07.44 brlcad i want you to understand it too (and love it!) :)
15:07.51 d_rossberg e.g.: why is the gui on top of GS and not on top of GE?
15:08.48 brlcad a gui can be developed on top of either, but that was my doing a long time ago as a means to strongly decouple the interface from the control
15:09.06 claymore d_rossberg: to answer that e.g., the GE doesn't have any network capability, so if someone build a gui ontop of JUST the GE (which they could) then their final application wouldn't automatically have interconnectability to other GS's
15:09.08 brlcad specific to the new modeler interface too as the primary customer
15:10.25 claymore d_rossberg: The GUI is really ment to be a 'smart terminal' or 'thin client' that communicates with the GS (and thus the GE). The GS and GE are doing all the work and informing the GUI of the results.
15:11.29 brlcad having it be network-centric also means that it can be compiled to use local unix sockets and shared memory for high performance communication if needed, but then allows much higher-level collaboration for teams of modelers (or even a single modeler to our own centralized public repository that all public clients will have access to ala wikipedia)
15:11.49 claymore d_rossberg: The major difference between other apps and this design is that the communication between GUI and GS is abstracted to a point where the communcation can occur over various mediums. ( I personally see network sockets being the most prevalent)
15:12.43 claymore d_rossberg: this allows a GS to be running on a massive multicpu machine off in 'ServerLand' while the gui runs on a standard PC on your desk.
15:12.47 brlcad probably network sockets and unix sockets only, I can't see us really using anything else
15:13.16 claymore d_rossberg: or they can be running on the same machine if you want. Its flexible that way.
15:13.33 claymore brlcad: True, but its nice to have extensibility :)
15:14.21 brlcad unless it makes the infrastructure more complicated and is more to maintain :)
15:14.35 brlcad tbd
15:15.09 brlcad fyi, I reworded a fair bit on the iBME page
15:15.17 brlcad s/fair/minor/
15:15.32 claymore brlcad: Pffft. We will provide the two basic portals of UnixSockets and NetSockets. If someone else wants to extend in to other mediums... thats there bag not ours :)
15:15.34 brlcad you can subscribe to rss events if you want to see changes of others as they occur too
15:15.48 claymore how DARE you touch the public wiki!
15:16.10 d_rossberg ok, the intended application is a client-server-infrastructure where the computations are done on a multi CPU server and the users sits in front of his desktop PC with a thin client program
15:16.53 claymore d_rossberg: that is true, but the other intent is to have both client and server able to run on the same machine.
15:16.59 brlcad d_rossberg: also where the computations are done locally on a multi CPU workstation and the users sits in front of his desktop PC with his thin client talking to his own backend
15:17.04 archivist not that thin please /me wants nice pics not wireframes
15:17.19 brlcad archivist: nah, there will be shaded displays
15:17.26 brlcad that's part of the BREP/NURBS effort
15:19.00 brlcad d_rossberg: if you want some high-level vision-speak -- I documented how much of this ties together for the project as a whole at:
15:19.17 claymore brlcad: Your Engrish-foo is more than mine, plus I am typing really fast... so fixing up my dumb dumb errors is greatly appriciated!
15:19.45 brlcad it's all very high-level and hand-wavy, but it hopefully describes the four main areas and their intent
15:20.18 brlcad PDF of the same document, though the font renders like crap if you don't have it:
15:21.06 claymore is impressed with brlcad's graphic design!
15:21.08 brlcad and you'll just have to "deal" with the layout.. if you can't figure it out, it's reader failure! ;)
15:21.09 claymore purty
16:08.57 brlcad thinks "Resource" should probably be "Object" or "DatabaseObject" to not introduce new terms
16:09.24 brlcad resource also implies limited availability
16:09.27 brlcad which they're not
16:10.13 brlcad my hard drive is a resource, my CPU is a resource..
16:10.29 claymore I am strongly opposed to 'object' since that would really conuse people during OO design discussions. DBObject is agreeable.
16:10.43 claymore conuse == confuse
16:12.01 claymore 'resource' came from having to abstract away from the OS Filesystem and a BrlCad DB Filesystem... needed a way to describe combs, regions, solids AND directories and .g files....
16:12.21 claymore now thats fixed, DBObject is probably better ;)
16:12.50 brlcad I know it's a bikeshed issue, but I'd also really think we should avoid shortening names for clarity as that's often what makes the API inpenetrable for new developers trying to grok the terminology
16:13.27 brlcad we should all be using tab-completion editors anyways where the typing aspect is moot :)
16:13.58 brlcad also jives with what daniel has going,
16:14.09 claymore heh, Enterprise Architect doesn't have Tab-completion :(
16:14.20 claymore good thing I am just about done with it.
16:14.25 brlcad you only type it once there :)
16:14.49 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33244 10/brlcad/trunk/: IDE specific svn:ignore .project and .cproject
16:14.50 brlcad you think you're done
16:15.00 brlcad waterfall design rarely ever works .. :)
16:15.32 brlcad things will get renamed a LOT once it's in SVN if it's at all successful and there is more than one deve poking on it
16:15.42 claymore oh no... i'm f-ing done with it alright!
16:15.47 brlcad hehe
16:15.48 claymore tosses it out the window.
16:16.08 brlcad prepares to go close on that thing he bought
16:16.21 claymore congrats again!
16:16.32 claymore whens the move in party? >8-)
16:16.54 brlcad moving in tonight :)
16:17.04 brlcad housewarming party tbd after furniture is in place
16:17.35 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r33245 10/rt^3/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): copying or assigning an object now means to lose the direct connection to the database because this connection can be invalid when the copy will be used
16:18.13 brlcad d_rossberg: interesting -- does that turn it into an in-mem or something?
16:18.20 claymore Well, the moving heavy stuff slave labor offer is still in place if you need it.
16:18.28 brlcad hugs CIA-62
16:18.29 CIA-62 hugs brlcad
16:19.45 brlcad claymore: cool -- I frankly don't know if I'll need it or how long it'll all take; if you're interested, I'll be meeting jason up at my storage units around 5pm today over in abingdon
16:20.05 d_rossberg yes, the object (ant its derived classes) should be able to store all the values in the object
16:20.22 d_rossberg look at m_name in Object for example
16:20.27 brlcad d_rossberg: that's a damn creative use of the inmems .. neat :)
16:20.44 claymore brlcad: I'll have to check with the better half to see when Date night starts :)
16:20.54 brlcad claymore: okay, cool
16:21.08 d_rossberg m_name will only be touched if there is no connection to a database
16:21.52 brlcad claymore: see, he used Object :P
16:21.56 brlcad grins
16:22.57 brlcad claymore: oh also if you do come, there's a follow-up invite (my treat) for you and the Mrs to dinner downtown tomorrow, late lunch probably around 2pm at the brazillian place (my treat)
16:23.41 brlcad calling in the reservation later today as soon as I know how many heads
16:24.05 brlcad counts approx 7 + 2 kids presently
16:24.37 marko1 brlcad: when I output with g-stl to an .STL file, how to I increase the resolution? I'm seeing large facets on my curves
16:24.50 brlcad marko1: there are tolerances that adjust that
16:25.05 brlcad [-a abs_tess_tol] [-r rel_tess_tol] [-n norm_tess_tol] [-D dist_calc_tol]
16:25.10 brlcad careful there ..
16:25.47 brlcad setting the wrong value there can very easily a) fill up your hard drive b) make you run out of memory c) cause tessellation to fail due to unresolvable degeneracies
16:25.58 marko1 oh boy
16:26.08 brlcad the normal tolerance controls curvature
16:26.17 claymore brlcad: Tomarrow is a no-go for me. Gotta church function all day plus the Mother-in-law is up for the weekend. Just found out that she is coming up via my jeep, aka, I have to go to DC to get her. lol. Looks like I can't help you AND date night is off.
16:26.19 brlcad abs is absolute computation tolerance
16:26.24 brlcad (the more dangerous one)
16:26.24 claymore pouts.
16:26.32 marko1 brlcad: this is the shape
16:26.33 marko1
16:26.36 marko1 any suggetsions
16:26.40 marko1 for starting params
16:27.00 brlcad claymore: ah, shame .. the brazillian place is awesome :)
16:27.05 marko1 will be 500 mm across
16:27.42 brlcad marko1: just for run, run: rtedge -s1024
16:27.53 brlcad s/run,/fun,/
16:28.21 marko1 k
16:28.26 claymore brlcad: sounds it. especially if the waitresses are... oh wait. stop that train of thought ;)
16:28.34 marko1 I see the man page
16:28.35 brlcad marko1: as for starting params, hell .. I'd just try something and see how bad/good it is, then go up/down as needed :)
16:29.03 brlcad a and b aren't likely .. just a scare tactic to make you be aware that you have raw control on the tolerances :)
16:29.22 brlcad c is the most likely if you go too coarse or fine
16:30.53 marko1 brlcad: are those options applied against the g-stl command?
16:31.12 brlcad which ?
16:31.26 brlcad the -a -r -n -D ? yes
16:31.35 brlcad the rtedge thing was not
16:31.43 marko1 I don't see rtedge in the docs
16:32.14 brlcad did you run it?
16:32.36 brlcad promises it won't do anything bad
16:33.41 marko1 brlcad: of cool!
16:34.10 marko1 brlcad: it made an ouline
16:34.32 brlcad :)
16:34.57 marko1 brlcad: so it's an outline, what is this?
16:35.05 brlcad there are ways of layering the hidden-line rendering with the rt rendering too -- rtwizard tries to make it easier
16:35.10 brlcad just a different visualization
16:35.17 brlcad rtedge generates hidden line renderings
16:36.06 marko1 brlcad: how is this useful for tuning my STL output?
16:36.26 brlcad marko1: not in the least bit useful for that -- just thought you might like to see it :)
16:37.00 brlcad discovering capabilities on your own or through docs can be daunting
16:37.05 marko1 brlcad: it is cool!
16:37.16 marko1 brlcad: perfect for a t-shirt
16:37.51 brlcad as for the tolerances, I'd say try -n 1 and see what it does .. if it's too coarse or doesn't seem to change, try 0.1, then 0.01, then 0.001 etc .. or go in the opposite direction
16:38.55 marko1 brlcad: ok, I'll try that...
16:39.08 brlcad iirc, the default absolute and distance tolerance is 0.005
16:39.37 brlcad since your model is pretty uniform, you can probably savely get away with changing just the abs tolerance to 0.0001 or something similar
16:40.09 brlcad it'll be a little trial-and-error but you'll see the number of polygons go up/down as you tweak values
16:40.21 brlcad gives you a gauge for how detailed to go
16:40.22 marko1 brlcad: how can I "see" the result
16:40.28 marko1 I get stl files
16:40.34 marko1 but I can't "see" them
16:40.46 brlcad ah, you don't have an stl viewer?
16:40.49 marko1 no
16:40.55 marko1 recommendation?
16:40.57 brlcad run stl-g
16:40.59 brlcad :)
16:42.10 brlcad stl-g to a new file, run rt on the command line (outside of mged) to view the object (it should be named all or something similar, mged -c newstl.g tops)
16:43.04 marko1 k
16:43.18 marko1 brlcad: this is fantastic help BTW,
16:48.02 claymore likes snow :)
16:52.31 claymore is OTL.
16:54.54 brlcad marko1: glad to be of assistance, cool project
16:56.12 brlcad mind if I share your project to the mailing list?
17:05.42 marko1 brlcad: go for it
17:18.56 marko1 whoa, that totally locked up my computer
17:25.38 *** join/#brlcad marko1 (
17:25.44 marko1 damn
17:25.50 marko1 had to hard restart
17:32.23 marko1 brlcad:that kills my memory
17:33.08 marko1 also seeing this
17:35.26 marko1 WARNING: tesselation tolerance is 0.001000mm while calculational tolerance is 0.005000mm
17:35.26 marko1 Cannot tesselate a TGC to finer tolerance than the calculational tolerance
17:35.49 marko1 I get the meaning, how do I adjust calc tolerances
17:35.56 marko1 is that specific to BD
17:36.00 marko1 or rendering
17:39.17 marko1 tol command
17:59.25 marko1 brlcad: I'm at a loss, can't seem set the tolorance so
18:00.07 marko1 I think is see ...
18:00.58 marko1 got it
18:02.46 marko1 ha
18:02.46 marko1 do you guys use the cloud for your rendering
18:10.25 mafm bye
19:15.49 marko1 brlcad: is there a way to go from STIL to PNG in one step
19:19.44 marko1 nm
19:19.46 marko1 got it
19:33.06 marko1 g-stl takes forever
19:33.39 OTL-claymore sure does. :) any thing having to do with tesselation in brlcad is prone to heavy cpu use and long run times :)
19:43.21 marko1 can that be optomised for gpu
19:43.54 marko1 can it be parallelized easily?
19:44.09 claymore its an area of brlcad that need a lot of work.
19:45.05 marko1 i see
19:50.23 marko1 has anyone setup a EC2 render farm?
20:03.15 claymore not I
20:05.11 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33246 10/rt^3/trunk/src/iBME/docs/ (4 files): Updated Architecture to contain more sensible names. Generated new UML images. Updated wiki documentation at
21:50.28 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
22:24.05 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
23:10.39 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
23:19.08 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:19.08 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || GSoC 2008 Highlight: new prototype gui, check it out! || Source Release 7.14.0 is now posted (20081108)
23:48.23 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
23:53.32 Ralith I may have asked this before, but
23:53.56 Ralith does brl-cad incorporate any sort of utility to go from valid closed mesh (e.g. BoT) to solid volume?
23:56.17 ``Erik_ there was an experiment to attempt that, uhm, 'beset'
23:59.35 Ralith it's buggy?

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