IRC log for #brlcad on 20081122

00:20.40 starseeker returns from national archives
00:21.07 starseeker no Mark VIII yet, but more info
00:21.24 Ralith Mark VIII?
00:22.19 starseeker WWI tank
00:22.24 Ralith ooo, neat
00:22.29 Ralith that's what you've been trying to model?
00:22.30 starseeker a.k.a the "Liberty" or "International"
00:22.39 starseeker not yet - trying to find source info on
00:22.53 Ralith with the ultimate goal of modeling?
00:23.25 starseeker yep
00:23.31 Ralith neat
00:23.32 Ralith what for?
00:24.14 starseeker primarily as an exercise and a way to stress the tools, while at the same time being able to use it to produce documentation that can be (eventually) public release
00:24.41 Ralith eventually? is there a particular reason for it to take a while? O.o
00:24.53 starseeker ever try writing documentation?
00:25.11 starseeker and then getting it by brlcad's editorial review plus public release procedures? :-P
00:25.11 Ralith I mean
00:25.15 Ralith ahh.
00:25.19 Ralith *formal* documentation.
00:25.38 Ralith is used to thinking of documentation as a casual thing.
00:25.56 starseeker gets warm fuzzies thinking about a nice 500 page book on modeling with BRL-CAD, lots of nice pictures and detailed technique discussion
00:26.34 starseeker and just for fun an appendix with blueprint-style views of every part and vehicle assembly diagrams
00:26.39 archivist 500 page! shouldnt be that hard to use :)
00:26.58 starseeker Any CAD system will need that and more, if it's non-trivial
00:27.31 Ralith sure.
00:27.33 starseeker admits BRL-CAD's doc/work ratio is set a tad above average
00:27.40 Ralith but casual documentation is still useful.
00:27.45 starseeker but that's what the new modeler is for :-)
00:27.49 starseeker Ralith: sure
00:28.37 Ralith makes sense that brl-cad does have a particularly great need for the formal, though.
00:28.42 Ralith especially given its use cases.
00:30.12 starseeker There's good reason for a variety of levels of documentation - I tend to prefer to go detailed, on the theory that it's better to have something documented and not need it than to have it not documented and need it. That requires great disicipline when it comes to organization and clarity though, or it's just another big pile of paper
00:30.47 starseeker gawks at scrollback length
00:31.24 Ralith I interpreted 'public release' as meaning 'availability to the public at some point after its completion'
00:31.54 starseeker right
00:32.13 Ralith rather than 'publishing it when it's done'
00:32.37 Ralith though I do think there's no harm in making incomplete versions available.
00:32.56 Ralith identified as such, of course.
00:32.59 starseeker Ralith: depends on how it's done
00:33.04 Ralith ?
00:33.30 starseeker usually when I'm doing something for the Army as a contractor in the documentation department, it gets done before it goes out
00:34.07 Ralith but is that a requirement, or simply the way things tend to happen?
00:34.26 Ralith brl-cad's open source nature suggests treating docs in a similar way to code
00:34.54 starseeker Well, docs kind of have a dual nature - if you look at the .bib file, you'll see some Technical Reports listed
00:36.30 starseeker Things with ARL-TR-**** numbers
00:36.42 starseeker OK, one right now - I need to add more
00:36.58 starseeker anyway, those are official army publications and as such have to go through a review process
00:37.56 starseeker But many of them also contain useful documentation on aspects of BRL-CAD
00:38.18 starseeker Of course, docs done strictly on the open source side do not have such constraints
00:39.31 Ralith anyway, good luck!
00:39.41 Ralith docs are never a bad idea, however long the process.
00:39.46 starseeker Ralith: The other problem, particularly with my style of documentation, is that I can write a lot of stuff and then have it go out of date
00:39.57 starseeker thanks :-)
00:40.18 Ralith this doesn't strike me as a project which tends to change too drastically over time, though
00:40.30 starseeker not yet :-)
00:40.30 Ralith at least, not in unexpected ways
00:40.50 Ralith hm? development ramping up?
00:40.53 starseeker If we do move to an OGRE based GUI, that'll change a LOT of things
00:40.58 Ralith ah yeah, that
00:41.04 starseeker is thinking of VolII and VolIII
00:41.18 Ralith but that will not necessarily obselete mged!
00:42.14 starseeker MGED will likely become more of a "minimalist" tool
00:42.24 starseeker although brlcad will ultimately call such shots
00:43.27 starseeker I do agree though that the body of work poured into things like MGED and Archer will likely be preserved in some form
00:43.37 Ralith Archer?
00:44.03 starseeker um. Prototype viewer in Tcl/Tk, somewhat more modern feel
00:44.07 Ralith ah.
00:44.22 starseeker Try archer on the command line, if you have a recent BRL-CAD it should come up
00:44.34 starseeker MGED has most of the useful features right now though
00:44.45 Ralith is on the wrong system at the moment
00:44.48 yukonbob howdy, cadheads
00:44.58 starseeker yukonbob: howdy :-)
00:45.12 louipc does archer work in linux now?
00:45.26 Ralith there was a point at which it didn't?
00:45.44 louipc whenever I tried it hah
00:45.53 Ralith that doesn't mean it doesn't work in linux
00:45.59 Ralith just not on your setup
00:46.15 starseeker um, it just segfaulted for me
00:46.19 starseeker so apparently not
00:46.23 Ralith O.o
00:46.25 Ralith weird
00:46.26 louipc I don't think it worked on anyone's setup
00:46.29 Ralith what was it developed on?
00:46.44 louipc it just opened a little grey box for me
00:47.23 starseeker just crashed for me when I tried to open a file
00:47.38 louipc actually that's what the tkhtml3 help does if I use a non bundled tkhtml3 :/
00:48.29 starseeker louipc: really?
00:48.31 starseeker what's the error?
00:49.56 louipc I don't remember really
00:50.25 starseeker hasn't tested nonbundled anything in a while
00:50.28 louipc but the build system isn't really set up to detect and use system tkhtml3 either
00:50.36 starseeker no, it isnt
00:50.52 louipc I only added the --enable-tkhtml3 so I could disable it... and test or something :D
00:51.29 louipc hah I thought the goal was to use all non-bundled libs for gentoo eh?
00:51.31 starseeker I did include the latest trunk tkhtml3, so that might be an issue
00:51.42 starseeker louipc: I'm still a little soured on that whole thing
00:51.43 louipc oh
00:52.02 louipc I have alpha16
00:52.09 starseeker ah
00:52.24 starseeker hasn't tested that
00:54.10 archivist starseeker,
00:56.40 starseeker cool :-)
00:56.48 starseeker must go to gym, bbl
00:57.47 louipc nice
01:20.51 ``Erik_ archivist, put your little willy away.
01:21.14 archivist :)
01:22.30 archivist was searching for the Bullock Creeping Grip
01:22.39 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:01.52 punkrockgirl hi guys
02:01.54 punkrockgirl im djing
02:02.02 punkrockgirl if you wanna hear
02:02.09 punkrockgirl
02:03.03 Ralith punkrockgirl, you have a popup (bad) that goes to a 404 page (worse)
02:03.05 Ralith :P
02:20.01 punkrockgirl i do?
02:20.04 punkrockgirl its not my site
02:20.06 punkrockgirl :(
02:20.12 punkrockgirl but dont click on popups
02:20.30 punkrockgirl my computer blocks them so i didnt know that
02:26.28 Ralith it is a site you are associated with
02:31.57 louipc make your own site! :D
02:33.05 Ralith no u
02:34.28 louipc I have one
02:34.39 louipc but I don't have anything to put on it
03:20.56 punkrockgirl oh i guess i could
03:21.00 punkrockgirl but i dj on that guys thingy
03:21.04 punkrockgirl so i use his
04:38.14 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
05:36.06 starseeker yuck
05:36.30 starseeker 's attempt at putting together drawing images is a failure
05:46.59 starseeker grr
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21:08.17 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
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22:39.45 Ralith brlcad: is there a reason burst doesn't seem to use vmath.h (insofar as gridrotate.c and idents.c are concerned, anyway)?

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