IRC log for #brlcad on 20081123

00:00.14 starseeker Hmm - the copies did somewhat better, but whether it was the copy or the scan it looks like there was even then a little distortion on a couple of them
00:00.16 starseeker Ah, well
00:02.03 starseeker must once again give props to netpbm
05:00.25 brlcad Ralith: because gary was constantly reinventing the wheel
05:00.47 brlcad there's no reason gridrotate shouldn't use vmath.h
05:00.47 starseeker Ah, there we go:
05:01.10 brlcad not sure that idents.c would actually benefit
05:01.54 brlcad starseeker: cool
05:01.59 Ralith brlcad: it uses the vector element names, at the very least
05:02.01 Ralith however:
05:02.11 Ralith when I use vmath.h, I get undefined refs to a few vector funcs
05:02.47 Ralith e.g.
05:02.48 Ralith burst-gridrotate.o(.text+0xe1):/home/ralith/dev/brlcad/brlcad/src/burst/gridrotate.c:70: undefined reference to `Scale2Vec'
05:02.57 Ralith I'm thinking it isn't linking to libbn
05:03.04 Ralith or something along those lines
05:03.16 Ralith any tips as to how to get that to happen?
05:03.30 brlcad that's not the problem
05:03.43 Ralith ah.
05:03.48 brlcad it's saying there is a reference to Scale2Vec that isn't defined
05:04.03 Ralith ...
05:04.05 Ralith yes.
05:04.15 Ralith and might it not be defined by linking in the bit where it is?
05:04.24 Ralith Scale2Vec is indeed used.
05:04.25 brlcad so you either a) need to define it (i.e. provide an implementation) or b) remove the references to it (which can be code or object code)
05:04.58 brlcad Scale2Vec isn't a libbn symbol
05:05.10 Ralith oh, they're implemented as macros in vecmath.h
05:05.31 brlcad that would be a way to do b)
05:05.39 Ralith are they redundant to anything, or would it be appropriate to move them into vmath.h?
05:06.10 starseeker brlcad: that's cleaned up a tad - the (reduced size) original is here:
05:06.27 Ralith looks to be redundant
05:07.30 brlcad most of vecmath (if not all of it) has a corresponding alternative in vmath.h
05:07.42 Ralith that bad, huh?
05:07.46 brlcad and sure, it would be very appropriate
05:08.07 Ralith gridrotate should be covered fine by the tests, right?
05:08.27 Ralith i.e. I'll know if I've messed something up?
05:09.10 brlcad we don't have any tests (that I'm aware of) that exercise the burst code
05:09.15 Ralith :/
05:09.23 Ralith well then
05:09.24 brlcad write one :)
05:09.26 Ralith I guess I'd better be careful!
05:09.34 Ralith has no idea what this code even does
05:09.39 brlcad some are dreadfully simple
05:11.07 brlcad like how ScaleVec(a,s) is identical to vmath as VSCALE(a,a,s)
05:11.18 louipc starseeker: nice
05:11.20 Ralith yeah
05:11.23 Ralith I can see that much
05:11.38 starseeker louipc: thanks :-)
05:11.41 louipc starseeker: I have some drawings like that of some commercial aircraft
05:11.56 starseeker the beauty of this one is it's totally copyright free :-)
05:11.59 louipc on paper though.. I have no idea how to scan those huge drawings
05:12.02 Ralith in theory it's straightforward
05:12.04 louipc ah sweet
05:12.15 brlcad Scale2Vec(a,s,b) ==> VSCALE(b,a,s)
05:12.31 Ralith yeah
05:12.37 starseeker louipc: give me about 10 minutes and I'll have another one up
05:12.38 Ralith it's very clear and comprehensible
05:12.42 Ralith just apprehensive of a stupid mistake :P
05:12.47 brlcad yep
05:13.28 brlcad just do them one at a time, could even write a little test.c that exercised each one before/after with a simple test case input
05:13.42 Ralith also, the emacs local variable blocks are very handy.
05:16.28 brlcad how's that?
05:16.56 Ralith it's always a pain to swap configs across projects of differeing styles (of which I have several)
05:17.03 brlcad ah
05:17.11 Ralith makes it that much easier to just jump into
05:29.34 Ralith brlcad: alright to wrap proc-db/brep_[simple|cube].cpp in an anonymous namespace to prevent an enum conflict w/ vmath?
05:29.50 Ralith a little hacky, but imo still a step up from the undef that used to be there.
05:39.22 Ralith it built :D
05:43.24 louipc woo
05:43.39 Ralith regression tests seem to pass, if that means anything
05:43.58 starseeker REALLY needs to get more RAM to deal with images of this sort
05:47.21 Ralith somebody want to explain to me why line 35-36 of brep.h has #ifdef __cplusplus \n extern "C++" { ?
05:47.43 starseeker Here we go:
05:47.57 starseeker brlcad: That one you may like a bit better :-)
05:48.30 Ralith that's really neat
05:49.18 starseeker That one was a good exercise in cleanup techniques:
05:49.53 louipc nice
05:50.03 Ralith holy ramrape
05:50.45 louipc ah removing the static eh?
05:50.59 starseeker yep
05:51.30 louipc are you going to draw them up in autocad or something now? hehe
05:55.36 starseeker Ralith: If you think that one is bad, try this:
05:55.45 starseeker louipc: Maybe
05:56.08 Ralith starseeker: no thanks; it took firefox a few seconds to give me interaction back even with the former.
05:56.19 starseeker Ralith: Yeah, sorry about that
05:56.23 Ralith wait
05:56.29 Ralith was that the boat you linked earlier?
05:56.47 starseeker That was the original image from which the boat image I linked to came from
05:57.12 starseeker I had to resort to netpbm to do anything with the original
05:57.25 louipc firefox tells me that last one contains errors
05:57.31 starseeker Imagemagick when down with nary a wimper
05:57.36 Ralith stylistically
05:57.42 Ralith if I'm wrapping a lot of code in an anonymous namespace
05:57.49 Ralith should I indent said code another unit?
05:57.56 starseeker louipc: The big one?
05:57.59 starseeker I'm not surprised
05:58.09 louipc
05:58.16 starseeker yeah, that's the big one
05:58.48 starseeker Better to stick to the smaller one - with that view no important detail is lost at the lower res, really
05:59.05 louipc yeah it's broken
05:59.14 louipc libpng error: IDAT: CRC error
05:59.17 Ralith it would make the diff a lot cleaner, but I'm not sure what The Right Thing is.
05:59.38 starseeker louipc: It should like this better
06:00.32 Ralith starseeker: on that tank, what do the little crosshairs represent? rivets?
06:00.33 louipc yep
06:00.49 starseeker Ralith: I believe so
06:01.27 starseeker louipc: I actually have an svg file from potrace with inkscape touchups, with the text added after bitmap export by the Gimp
06:02.46 starseeker problem is the svg file is almost as big as the bitmap, due to so many control points
06:02.53 Ralith heh
06:03.06 Ralith crank up simplification a little?
06:03.16 starseeker tried
06:03.29 starseeker potrace doesn't seem to look for macroscopic "lines"
06:03.35 Ralith :/
06:03.50 Ralith tried inkscape's native trace? or is the image too big to even attempt?
06:03.52 starseeker it follows edges of features, and a "line" to it seems to just be a feature with a really wild outline
06:04.08 starseeker Ralith: I think that's based on potrace
06:04.42 starseeker autotrace is the only other free tracer I know of, but it really cranks away at this and I'm not sure how much better it would do than potrace
06:05.54 Ralith actually
06:06.12 Ralith I wonder if inkscape's simplification applied after the trace might produce usable output?
06:06.23 Ralith you could even apply it selectively to big, simple shapes, although it'd take a lot of work
06:06.35 Ralith I don't suppose you even really need a high quality vector of it
06:08.05 starseeker Ralith: depends on the purpose
06:08.31 starseeker Probably the way to go if I really needed it would be to flip up the bitmap inkscape and trace it
06:08.35 starseeker by hand
06:08.58 louipc or some cad program ;)
06:09.14 starseeker potrace really is a help here though, since it make the noise easy to target and eliminate
06:09.20 starseeker (relatively speaking)
06:10.33 starseeker louipc: Yeah, actually we might have some image utilities that would be a help in this situation
06:10.39 starseeker need to check it out
06:11.28 starseeker Regardless though, these diagrams are pretty cool in and of themselves
06:11.54 starseeker is afraid the scanner may have distorted 2 of the tank views...
06:12.39 starseeker If you care to check out everything, just look in
06:12.56 starseeker watch out for the stuff in full however - it's REALLY big
06:13.40 starseeker wonders why the ImageMagick guys don't incorporate netpbm...
06:13.58 louipc what dpi is USS-Monadnock-large.png?
06:14.08 starseeker um. good question
06:14.27 starseeker the drawing itself was 6 feet long
06:14.36 starseeker but that's been scaled a few times
06:14.51 louipc ah wow
06:15.10 starseeker that's why the original image is so incredibly huge
06:15.32 starseeker and why my computer died of ram starvation when Gimp or ImageMagick tried to do anything at all with it
06:15.34 louipc so that's only like 70dpi
06:15.51 starseeker nods
06:16.13 starseeker Because of the nature of the drawing though, it's not so critical
06:16.25 starseeker stuff like the M2A4 is more critical
06:16.30 louipc yeah
06:17.27 starseeker should jot down a quick article about how he went from original drawing to final image...
06:18.56 Ralith afks breifly
06:19.04 starseeker afks?
06:19.09 Ralith away from keyboards
06:19.12 starseeker ah
06:19.14 Ralith :P
06:19.39 Ralith brlcad: I've got a patch ready for vector elements as an enum, btw; not sure if I should commit it w/o review
06:34.41 Ralith returns
06:35.49 *** join/#brlcad marko1 (
06:45.23 starseeker Ah, that's where I messed up with the Gimp - incorrect Tile Cache size
06:50.31 starseeker no, still doesn't like the original tiff file
06:50.39 starseeker needs more horsepower
07:25.00 Ralith I am a little surprised that there isn't budget for uberpowerful workstations for you guys to use for stuff like this
07:25.25 Ralith I guess that's what you get for making brl-cad light on hardware requirements
07:58.33 Ralith hm.
07:58.39 Ralith Anyone here tried g3d recently?
07:58.51 Ralith it loads a blank window, cranks on the hdd for a while, then segfaults here
08:06.14 Ralith polls brlcad
08:15.03 Ralith if anybody's awake, anyone have recommendations for software for solving systems of linear equations?
09:25.26 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
10:51.39 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
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15:30.30 starseeker Ralith: Oh, if I were using work computers it would be a different story
15:31.18 starseeker Ralith: For liner equations software - If you're talking symbolic Maxima or Axiom are the free options
15:31.44 starseeker Octave is pretty good for numerical stuff (or so I hear)
15:32.51 brlcad tab-completion ftw
15:33.28 brlcad you'd realize he's not here if you did
15:33.32 starseeker Ah
15:33.36 starseeker phooy
15:34.17 starseeker brlcad: What do you think of that tank diagram?
15:47.34 brlcad starseeker: it's pretty cool
15:47.53 brlcad so you got some good materials when you visited (was that fri?)
16:43.38 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
16:56.44 starseeker brlcad: Yep, just not on the tank I was hoping for
16:57.22 starseeker I made a copy of the list of what they do have - I'll show you on Monday if you're in
16:58.49 starseeker Unfortunately copying them is a tad expensive (between copy and scanning just what I've got up now came to about $100) but the quality of the blueprints was too good to pass up, particularly as public domain (I'm pretty sure the M2A4 stuff is public domain since Rock Island was a government operation)
20:38.34 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
20:39.52 Ralith brlcad: ping?
21:35.09 brlcad Ralith: pong
21:36.11 Ralith :D
21:36.14 Ralith get my message last night?
21:36.56 brlcad I saw that you said the patch for the enum was ready -- go ahead and apply it and I can review it via the mailing
21:37.20 brlcad also saw that g3d crashed on you, but no crash log to look into it ;)
21:37.29 Ralith heh
21:37.32 Ralith that's not even your area, is it?
21:37.55 brlcad why wouldn't it be? :)
21:38.00 Ralith iunno
21:38.08 Ralith sort of assumed mafm was largely the sole contributor
21:38.16 Ralith what with how you're giving priority to the geometry service, etc
21:38.44 brlcad he has been, but there's no code "ownership" in brl-cad -- just points of contact, but any dev should be able to work in any other area so long as they're intercommunicating
21:39.13 Ralith didn't mean to imply ownership so much as familiarity
21:39.23 brlcad ah, well code is code :)
21:39.34 Ralith indeed.
21:40.06 brlcad code that another dev can't jump into and contribute to probably needs some usability/documentation/cleanup
21:40.17 Ralith good point.
21:45.48 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r33247 10/brlcad/trunk/ (13 files in 8 dirs): Replaced preprocessor defines with an enum for vector element identification to reduce naming conflicts.
21:54.07 brlcad cool
21:54.09 brlcad ~ralith++
21:54.19 Ralith ^^
21:54.24 brlcad I can do some more extensive testing later tonight
21:54.36 Ralith cool
21:55.06 brlcad but looks good at a glance
21:55.15 brlcad can probably go even farther with the comgeom/burst bits
21:55.49 Ralith yeah, I debated killing the vecmath header(s) entirely
21:55.57 Ralith but decided that it would be best to do that in another commit
21:56.23 brlcad nods
22:41.09 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)

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