IRC log for #brlcad on 20081128

00:27.54 IriX64 yay install time :)
00:39.40 IriX64 <--- install time blues
00:57.28 IriX64 <---with a little persuasion it came up, this is off svn.
01:41.53 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
02:29.23 redvsblue :D
04:33.25 *** join/#brlcad marko1_ (
07:25.34 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
08:17.33 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:42.23 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
10:40.24 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 (n=CIA@
12:43.33 claymore mornin all!
12:50.49 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
13:11.45 *** join/#brlcad marko1 (
13:24.35 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
13:28.30 *** join/#brlcad BATdak (
13:38.00 brlcad mornin' claymore
13:40.56 claymore brlcad: hai! How was t-day?
13:49.34 ``Erik mmmm, poussière de café
14:05.10 mafm hi
14:14.46 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
15:01.14 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
15:13.49 *** join/#brlcad joevano (n=joevano@bzflag/developer/JoeVano)
15:14.17 joevano doh, no brlcad here either :/
15:30.58 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@unaffiliated/minuteelectron)
15:34.34 *** join/#brlcad claymore (
15:34.57 claymore that was strange
15:35.22 claymore :/
15:47.00 claymore kick CIA-4
15:47.11 claymore kicks CIA-4
15:47.11 CIA-4 ow
15:47.21 claymore okay, just checking.
15:52.04 *** join/#brlcad erik_ (
16:10.31 claymore did hiccup?
16:11.40 ``Erik eh?
16:12.05 ``Erik ooh, looks like it got rebooted
16:14.14 claymore bummer.
16:15.46 ``Erik happens to the best of them... only 104 days uptime before that one, though :/
16:17.00 joevano claymore, ``Erik : it did not reboot.. file system is full (/usr)
16:17.19 joevano reports 499 days up
16:18.22 ``Erik erm,
16:18.26 joevano ah.. that is just a news message :/
16:18.58 ``Erik heh :)
16:19.05 joevano thats why I came looking for brlcad here, he wasn't in #bzflag
16:19.17 joevano fired off an e-mail to him
16:20.44 joevano i freed up a little space but those were just some old bzflag wiki backups
16:21.03 ``Erik and it was an impolite reboot, it fired off fsck's
16:21.16 joevano yeah
16:23.37 ``Erik given that I'm consuming 48m on /usr, I think I'll opt out of cleaning up :D
16:34.21 claymore Space hog!
16:36.21 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
16:38.55 ``Erik so now we can pick on brlcad for rebooting the machine without warning! :D and doing it without umounting the drives
16:38.58 ``Erik :D
16:39.43 brlcad did no such thing
16:40.05 claymore has a space 80 gig'er if ya need it :P
16:40.43 ``Erik notes that the 'other' machine took a similar reboot a little over an hour before bz
16:41.01 ``Erik I wonder if someone is wandering the datacenter flipping power switches off and on again
16:43.54 clock_ 99/win 14
17:05.53 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33258 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/slave/ ( load.c load_MySQL.c): break MySQL loader stuff out into its own file
19:19.34 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:20.06 IriX64 try... my site/7.14.1-round2.png :)
19:20.54 IriX64 why does mged started in mged mode crap out if a select is done on the share directory?
19:23.03 louipc what's mged mode?
19:23.13 IriX64 gui mode :)
19:23.25 IriX64 classic is mged -c
19:23.30 louipc normal mode then?
19:23.34 IriX64 yes
19:23.38 louipc or default rather
19:23.43 IriX64 right
19:23.45 louipc thinks classic should be default
19:23.49 louipc :D
19:24.02 IriX64 afraid to learn new ways :)
19:24.26 louipc you're opening a .g file from a shared directory?
19:24.46 IriX64 no trying to open the share dir
19:25.23 IriX64 status access violation like the dir is locked or something, but ill find the critter
19:25.24 louipc because it's not a .g file that's why :D
19:25.42 IriX64 share.g interesting thought :)
19:28.39 ``Erik alias mged='mged -c'
19:29.33 ``Erik doesn't understand what irix means by "a select is done"
19:29.54 IriX64 mouse cursor on share dir and then left click
19:30.05 ``Erik oh, 'open with' on a data file?
19:30.17 IriX64 share is a dir not a data file
19:30.22 ``Erik if it's a directory, it'll fail because you can't open a directory as a file on most os's
19:30.52 IriX64 cmon now i had it working on 7.12.6 and below
19:31.16 IriX64 changed my os tho wonder if i buggered something
19:31.19 ``Erik
19:31.52 ``Erik um, what did it do on 7.12.6 and below? I should've failed (I wonder if someone fixed fruity behavior since then?)
19:32.47 IriX64 opened the directory
19:33.01 IriX64 this is from the gui ``Erik
19:33.13 IriX64 comes up in gui mode
19:33.51 IriX64 navigation of the file open button is whats being questioned here
19:34.02 ``Erik ahhh, you mean you pull up the 'open file' dialog, select a directory, then click open to go in, opposed to doubleclicking it?
19:34.11 IriX64 right
19:34.41 IriX64 could be a platform thing
19:34.52 ``Erik ok, that one may be a legitimate grievance
19:35.00 IriX64 ahh
19:35.10 ``Erik I just tried it on my mac and it just sits there when I click open, doesn't go into it or crash or anything
19:35.31 IriX64 heh ill buy a (insert your machine here) :)
19:35.40 ``Erik the guy who's been doing that stuff isn't in today, though (being post-turkey trauma day and all)
19:35.54 IriX64 heh ok :)
19:36.08 ``Erik hrm, 8-core mac pro with 16g ram, a 30" and two 23" cinemadisplays? d'no if you wanna
19:36.20 ``Erik it's an awesome piece of hardware, but I wouldn't buy one myself
19:37.08 IriX64 you just scared me a way that mist you see is me raising dust :)
19:38.18 ``Erik a bit over 10k I think?
19:38.58 ``Erik I just bought a new macbook, didn't go with the pro, a little more power for a lot more price :/
19:39.32 IriX64 my system isn't complaing of obsolence yet :)
19:40.35 ``Erik my home server is a 650mhz p3 with 128m ram, my old laptop was a g3 700mhz with 650m ram... it was about time :)
19:41.00 claymore ``Erik: How does wow run on the new machine?
19:41.03 ``Erik I have an 850mhz athlon tbird with 384m ram that just needs a new cpu fan
19:41.06 IriX64 complained that it needed more geritol than you had did it :)
19:41.08 ``Erik awesomely, dave
19:41.36 ``Erik even with all the updated graphic stuff in the new expansion that almost doubled system requirements
19:42.05 ``Erik irix: prep-h, I do horrible abusive things to my servers O:-)
19:42.31 IriX64 heh long as they say "yah master" i don't complain :)
19:43.01 louipc it just sits there for me too
19:43.13 louipc linux
19:43.26 IriX64 ahh ill keep looking
19:43.50 IriX64 tried to build termlib, cursor.c has issues i can't understand
19:52.03 mafm bye
20:06.43 IriX64 my loadavg is showing, gottta go ;)
20:25.25 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
20:27.07 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
20:27.42 IriX64 <---- louipc what do i do with it :)
20:31.28 IriX64 took out everything but ${EXEEXT} :)
20:38.08 IriX64 trying it now sigh :)
20:45.42 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
20:46.24 IriX64_ louipc tell them it configures with tclsh now not 85, should compile fine.
20:47.39 IriX64_ course i have been known to speak to soon :)
20:51.20 IriX64_ good job, builds now.
20:51.40 IriX64_ wonky eh, louipc ;)
20:52.37 IriX64_ if anybody asks, i did ./
21:01.55 *** join/#brlcad frozeniron (
21:06.38 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
21:36.30 IriX64_ <--- louipc looksee >
21:37.23 IriX64_ had to get creative with the prefix, farkles...
21:40.53 IriX64_ tell *nix to put the bat away now :)
21:42.25 Ralith Elapsed compilation time: 44 minutes, 15 seconds
21:42.28 Ralith that must have been painful
21:42.35 IriX64_ im patient
21:42.55 IriX64_ error free run man
21:44.41 IriX64_ sigh another 3/4 hour wait
22:11.17 louipc hah takes me a good 2hr to build brl-cad
22:15.00 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
22:55.15 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
22:55.35 IriX64 <--- wonky indeed louipc
22:57.25 IriX64 is it because of my path?
23:15.31 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
23:16.26 IriX64 <--- persuaded it to install and this is the extent of my artistic capabilities :)
23:26.49 ``Erik no way
23:26.58 ``Erik holy crap, a mork&mindy marathon on scifi
23:28.07 *** join/#brlcad marko1_ (
23:29.21 frozeniron never seen it
23:29.29 frozeniron looks interesting, tho
23:31.26 ``Erik was a popular show int he late 70's, early 80's
23:31.33 frozeniron wow, robin williams
23:31.43 ``Erik is old :(
23:31.56 frozeniron no, i grew up w/out a tv
23:32.46 frozeniron someone gave me a commodore64, and i could not even use it
23:33.54 ``Erik well, obviously, the first things you do are
23:33.54 ``Erik poke 53280,0
23:33.54 ``Erik poke 53281,0
23:33.54 ``Erik then it's pimped, riced out, yo
23:33.55 ``Erik (turns the background and border black)
23:34.17 ``Erik with a disk in, you do load "$",8 to bring the disks directory into memory, then list to see it
23:34.47 ``Erik or load "*",8 to load the first thing ont he disk into memory, usually followed by 'run' if it has the basic stub (or is a basic program)
23:35.07 ``Erik :D thems was sweet machines, I did a little code poking on a coleco adam (z80 cp/m) before upgrading to the good old c64
23:35.36 ``Erik shuts up and installed vice on his laptop
23:39.44 frozeniron yes, but you needed a tv to make it work
23:40.27 frozeniron stupid newbie question...
23:40.31 ``Erik the c128 had a d15 rgb plug
23:40.49 frozeniron yeah, but i got a 386 instead
23:40.50 ``Erik I think it was d15... was required for 80 column mode
23:40.58 frozeniron correct
23:41.41 ``Erik with the 387, the 386 was far more of a number cruncher than the c64/c128, but the multimedia on the commies stomped
23:42.11 frozeniron i used it to play descent. that was all dos was good for
23:42.17 ``Erik doom2
23:42.23 ``Erik wolf3d
23:42.51 frozeniron doom
23:43.06 frozeniron then i got a 486 so i could install linux
23:43.14 ``Erik I'm gonna keep jacking my jaw until you ask your question, btw
23:43.24 frozeniron o, rite...
23:43.27 ``Erik 386 could support linux iirc, though I first tried linux on a 486
23:43.31 frozeniron old times...
23:43.45 frozeniron i am working thrugh the gmed tutoiral...
23:43.48 ``Erik redhat 2.0, slackware 3.0... ended up adopting dilinux for a while
23:43.48 frozeniron mged
23:44.10 frozeniron slackware 96-suse-gentoo (gentoo now)
23:44.24 ``Erik <-- fled to fbsd after doing kernel development
23:44.25 frozeniron how do do dimension lines?
23:44.38 frozeniron or make something like a conventional print
23:44.53 ``Erik um, we don't have any real dimensioning... if you know your object, you COULD theoretically make sketch objects alongside the real geometry
23:44.55 frozeniron i had to do a screenshot and fix it in openoffice
23:45.01 ``Erik or post-process it
23:45.20 frozeniron post process?
23:45.40 ``Erik yeah, crank it up in OOo or gimp and add the lines and text...
23:45.41 frozeniron i feel that there would be great use in having that built-in
23:46.02 ``Erik yeah, we agree, but historically the focus has been CAE, not CAD, and the paid work is all CAE related
23:46.08 frozeniron yes... only problem is that the exported pic was only screen res
23:46.21 frozeniron true
23:46.33 frozeniron if i was a programmer, i would help
23:47.08 frozeniron i am taking a print-reading class in school, and learning a bit about gd&t
23:47.25 ``Erik um, it's on our long 'project vision' list, but *shrug* we have mebbe 3.5 developers and someting like 5-10 years of work demanded by the people who sign the checks
23:48.35 ``Erik and it's a nontrivial effort for an open source developer to learn the package, much less contribute a major work like dimensioning :)
23:48.59 frozeniron true, but worthwile
23:50.15 ``Erik damn, this schtick is just painful :(
23:50.24 frozeniron i really like what i ?
23:50.44 frozeniron i like what i see so far from brlcad
23:51.04 frozeniron o, morg&mindy?
23:51.45 frozeniron my idea was to have a seperate application that can read the db,
23:51.54 frozeniron then add all of the features there
23:52.32 frozeniron think that would be better than cluttering the interface with something that not everyone would use
23:53.48 frozeniron the end result would be that i could have prints, 3d renderings, and maybe cam stuff like g-code, tool paths, etc
23:54.36 frozeniron all saved without a specific resolution
23:55.23 frozeniron except of course rendering
23:55.43 frozeniron awww...
23:57.48 frozeniron i would like something to go between brl-cad and emc2 (open source cnc controller for machine tools)
23:57.56 ``Erik hrm, we have "archer" which is an experimental gui
23:57.58 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
23:58.31 frozeniron archer at command line produces blank window
23:59.05 frozeniron i will need to investigate
23:59.06 ``Erik there's been talk about a g-gerber converter (twingy wrote gcam to satisfy his needs, no relation to BRL-CAD other than social... )

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