IRC log for #brlcad on 20081202

00:04.44 IriX64 microsoft in their infinite wisdom gives you 10 gigs of storage in your blog, but i cant for the life of me find a way to delete fils
00:04.55 IriX64 files too
00:05.04 Ralith why are you using a microsoft service to blog? O.o
00:05.15 IriX64 cheap :)
00:05.25 Ralith there are other, better, free services :P
00:05.46 IriX64 name 1
00:06.13 Ralith oh, I don't know, wordpress? blogspot?
00:06.29 IriX64 hosted by?
00:06.56 Ralith oh, I don't know, wordpress? blogspot?
00:07.24 IriX64 or org?
00:08.01 Ralith which one offers a free blog service
00:08.31 IriX64 dunno i haven't visited them im just asking cause you seem to have experience with them
00:09.03 Ralith I suggest you dedicate at least the ten seconds require to test two domain names to considering them.
00:09.29 IriX64 im catious
00:09.34 IriX64 sp?
00:09.40 IriX64 cautios
00:09.40 Ralith cautious
00:09.53 Ralith blogspot is highly reputable
00:10.08 IriX64 so is microsoft :)
00:10.08 Ralith iirc wordpress is too
00:10.11 Ralith lol
00:12.11 IriX64 many services offering those
00:17.27 IriX64 should load the cygwin dll's and brlcad binaries to it wonder if anybody would try them
00:18.08 IriX64 next build ill try to do that
00:19.20 Ralith you're trying to build brl-cad under cygwin?
00:20.19 IriX64 that screenshot is my effort with cygwin
00:21.02 Ralith but... doesn't brl-cad run native?
00:21.09 Ralith there's a .exe installer...
00:21.19 IriX64 i know :)
00:24.39 Ralith so why all the effort for what is ultimately a less efficient binary?
00:24.59 IriX64 effiency be damned, its complete
00:25.21 Ralith why?
00:25.56 IriX64 things the windows build doesn't have yet
00:26.02 Ralith like?
00:26.21 IriX64 pick something
00:26.31 Ralith mged
00:26.49 IriX64 there does it include photon mapping
00:27.12 IriX64 thats the raytracer tho
00:28.27 IriX64
00:28.33 Ralith does *any* version include photon mapping O.o
00:28.38 IriX64 photon mapped havoc
00:28.45 Ralith oo, shadows
00:28.46 Ralith fancy
00:28.56 Ralith needs some denoising though
00:29.27 IriX64 so does this channel ;)
00:29.41 Ralith not really
00:30.02 IriX64 woosh... im talking about me running off at the mouth
00:30.54 Ralith so?
00:31.02 Ralith nobody minds
00:31.12 IriX64 heh ok
00:31.21 Ralith it's not like this is ##c++ or something
00:31.51 Ralith a little offtopic encourages a friendly atmosphere
00:31.52 IriX64 i worry that these builds are tied to my system
00:32.15 Ralith that doesn't seem likely
00:32.31 IriX64 found a cygwin mount point in my registry they better not have made the dlls go looking for that
00:32.33 Ralith I'd think they'd work on any x86 system w/ the right cygwin dlls accessible
00:32.40 Ralith don't think so
00:32.43 IriX64 hope so
00:32.50 Ralith iirc, you can just drop the dlls in the same dir as the .exe, or even in a standard search dir
00:32.56 IriX64 u provide the xserver tho all right :)
00:33.02 Ralith not that system[32] doesn't get cluttered already.
00:33.25 IriX64 wouldnt put it there contained in the brlcad dir
00:34.01 Ralith hehe
00:34.04 Ralith make a portable brlcad!
00:34.09 IriX64 yea
00:35.00 IriX64 ouch 18 dll's
00:35.20 IriX64 thats for ./configure --enable-everything tho
00:36.33 Ralith eh
00:36.35 Ralith not a big deal
00:36.46 IriX64 true
00:36.47 Ralith considering there are almost 400 binaries
00:36.58 IriX64 they work man
00:37.29 Ralith ?
00:37.31 IriX64 if you run across something that asks for a dll let me know ill provide it :)
00:37.43 Ralith I don't run windows
00:37.46 Ralith so, uh, thanks :P
00:37.48 IriX64 ah
00:37.55 IriX64 :)
00:38.05 IriX64 very few here do i think
00:38.38 Ralith indeed
00:56.00 Ralith hehe
00:56.06 Ralith
00:56.09 Ralith Modeling
00:56.21 Ralith # <st>Model a moose</st>
00:56.26 Ralith # Model another moose!
01:07.14 IriX64 HAHA it works with Xwin32, im gonna package it :)
01:07.46 IriX64 guess i better make it a zip file, names anyone..
01:10.53 IriX64 little bat file to set the paths and startup mged and everybodys happy
01:12.05 IriX64 ill show you a moose :)
01:18.57 IriX64 weeps, they give you 5 gigs but each file is max 50 meg
01:19.09 IriX64 mine is 1.3 gig
01:20.25 IriX64 sympatico won't handle it either, all I have there is 1 gig space
01:39.03 IriX64 ill be back when i find some place to put it :)
01:48.48 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
04:04.04 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
04:29.34 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
04:31.12 yukonbob hello, cadheads
05:13.53 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:16.01 IriX64 where would one place a Cygwin build of brlcad-7.14.1, it's a 1.3 gig zip file, way to big for my spot on sympatico.
07:15.37 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:15.43 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r33267 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/BrlcadCore.def: added mk_hyp (for asc2g)
08:23.09 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:31.47 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
09:35.52 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
11:12.25 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
11:28.04 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
11:50.06 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
11:58.47 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
12:10.42 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
12:15.29 *** join/#brlcad mafm (n=mafm@
12:15.49 mafm hi
12:20.49 claymore hai mafm!
12:21.02 ``Erik claymore, silence, I will beat your ass, boy
12:21.03 ``Erik :D
12:21.12 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
12:22.12 mafm bad ``Erik... let claymore to greet me!
12:22.18 claymore cannot properly convey the amount of laughter that Erik's comment evoked.
12:23.16 claymore watched 'Hancock' this weekend. Quite surprising actually.
12:26.28 claymore I thought it would be just another Moderately funny Will Smith movie... had quite a bit more plot to it than the previews let on. Almost had a bit of M. Night Shamalan feel to it...
12:30.39 claymore oh, and hai ``Erik !
12:31.24 ``Erik *wave*
12:31.41 ``Erik are you opting out of the lunch gathering yet again?
12:31.54 *** join/#brlcad louipc__ (
12:32.00 claymore wasn't in at work yesterday... whats the occasion?
12:32.20 ``Erik um, it gets to be 11:30, that's the occasion
12:32.28 ``Erik thursday is the branch lunch I think
12:32.56 claymore yeah, not today. Did a ginormous xmas gift shopping run this weekend so I need to be a bit frugal :/
12:33.05 ``Erik <-- eats out ~3 days a week
12:33.42 ``Erik yeah, I don't grok that, I'm a measly db2 and I still seem to have money to blow
12:33.52 ``Erik of course, I don't have a whif or chillinz
12:34.11 claymore yeah, a fam is 'spensive, but worth it imo :)
12:34.22 ``Erik my gf has chillinz
12:34.38 claymore lil dj's?
12:34.43 ``Erik skeers me like mad, but *shrug* it's fun at the same time
12:34.50 ``Erik heh, possibly :D
12:35.05 claymore well, once they are potty trained, it becomes a lot of fun.
12:35.36 ``Erik I bought the boy an electronics kit last year, he busted it out a week ago and got back into it, I assume that means I need another edutainment gift
12:35.51 ``Erik and the 6yo girl, well, she wants girl shit, I guess
12:36.03 ``Erik this is all highly disturbing and confusing for me, I'm not used to children
12:36.16 claymore My oldest is into starwars and transformers. Just this weekend, he dressed up in his Bumblebee (transformers) Halloween costume and informed me: 14 years ago, i was severly burned in a horrible Hot Chocolate accident and they had to put me in this suit so I would live. Then they game me a lightsaber.
12:37.05 ``Erik transformers was damn awesome in the 80's, and star wars was in the 70's...
12:37.41 claymore get the 6yo girl a 13 peice Pearl Drumset :)
12:38.04 ``Erik huh? "pearl drumset"? I fail to grok
12:38.25 ``Erik I do not like the keyboard on the new mac stuff
12:39.28 claymore just an example:
12:40.01 ``Erik no, she liked my guitar a lot
12:40.09 ``Erik the boy didn't give a shit
12:41.13 claymore Well, you were looking for 'girl gift' ideas, and based on what I have assertained from this irc channel, this gift would be ideal for Punk's lil gurl :)
12:41.40 ``Erik
12:42.04 claymore private profile.
12:42.14 ``Erik doh
12:42.43 claymore although, "Some of the public profiles I might find interesting" are borderling nsfw lol.
12:42.52 claymore borderline even :/
12:42.53 ``Erik well, das yougn adores the guitar
12:43.37 claymore good girl :)
12:43.41 ``Erik yes, I am quite borderline, a 'similar' scan might bring quite nswf results O.o
12:44.49 ``Erik I can get her baubles and as long as she has more than her brother, she's happy... the boy is 11 and I feel a certain commitment to make everything educational, which gets tricky
12:45.47 ``Erik last xmas, I bought him an electronics kit... he liked it for a short period, went back to video games, then a week ago, he drug it out from under his bed and played with it again
12:45.52 archivist CD of man pages
12:45.57 claymore get him a laptop and a book: "How to make money playing WoW' ...set him on the path of studying business ;)
12:46.36 ``Erik heh, no, he already wants to play wow too much, mostly when I want to play with erica :)
12:47.09 ``Erik woops, 7:45, ti's drive time, be there in 45
13:00.04 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
13:05.25 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
13:11.06 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
13:17.58 brlcad thinks he should give his sore throat one more day before he brings it in to share it with others
13:18.29 brlcad hm, maybe a half-day late to give it some time to defester
13:44.18 *** join/#brlcad sporty (n=mega@
13:44.32 starseeker brlcad: Nah, say home
13:44.34 sporty starseeker: please check email
13:44.40 starseeker would get it just as he starts to travel
13:44.43 starseeker sporty: OK, will do
13:44.54 starseeker sporty: Sorry, been busy at work
13:45.00 sporty starseeker: i have a long-term question
13:45.13 starseeker alrighty
13:45.20 sporty starseeker: no, it was me who was busy at work
13:45.40 starseeker np, work does that
13:45.48 starseeker needs to run actually, bbl
13:45.53 starseeker time to play in traffic
13:46.15 sporty starseeker: is there any chance to see some first steps towards "automatic dimensioning" feature. I know dxflibs, which are a part of the foss...
13:46.26 sporty starseeker: ok
13:50.10 sporty starseeker: i've sent to wrong address, i guess
13:51.47 brlcad sporty: our dxf importer/exporter are a better than dxflib in quite a few ways, but that gets us no closer to automatic dimensioning ;)
13:52.49 sporty brlcad: no, i mean libs of program code from, which are free and offer some basic views and dimensions -capabilities
13:52.54 brlcad but that said, there are some first steps under way already
13:53.09 brlcad one of the gsoc projects is heavily related to dimensioning
13:53.30 sporty like what? I mean i really want that Pro-Engineer-like feature
13:53.38 brlcad sporty: that's the same dxflib that i'm referring to
13:54.04 brlcad their primary purpose is import/export of dxf -- *that* we do a bit better than dxflib
13:54.33 brlcad as well as view rendering
13:54.38 brlcad but that's another story
13:54.59 sporty "gsoc" - Government Owes Secondary Concerns" ?? What's that!??
13:54.59 brlcad automatic dimensioning has a lot more to do with application logic that format support
13:55.04 brlcad ~gsoc
13:55.05 ibot from memory, gsoc is the Google Summer of Code, a program run annually by Google to provide (paid for) jobs to students to code on open source projects over summer. See for details.
13:56.10 brlcad you can read about our 4 students and their projects at
13:56.49 brlcad "Parametric Equations and Constraint Support" is the one that will eventually get us nifty *automatic* constrained and context-aware dimensioning
13:57.25 brlcad can't wait for his D90 to arrive today
13:58.15 sporty ok... I just see i'm really using e.g. pipe runs as models for analysis - as an engineer... Automatic dimensioning can dramatically reduce and change the process of the work... Week has 40 working hours, and sometimes it could be easy to create e.g. some plates with holes and facets for both, analysis and dimensioning
13:59.53 sporty thinks D90 is just some modern mobile phone...
14:00.13 sporty ah!
14:01.13 sporty ok, 3, 2, 1, ignition, java -jar $HOME/toonel.jar, start! surfing web!
14:17.54 sporty starseeker: ok, i've sent mail to mailbox, hope yours... reboot to windows, getting tea... tons of the things...
14:19.29 *** join/#brlcad sporty (n=mega@
14:22.10 brlcad Nikon D90 ... and it just arrived
14:22.11 sporty "I don't have my own opinion about this, don't think I'm intelligent"
14:22.25 brlcad is a giddy giddy boy at the moment with his new toy
14:23.52 brlcad sporty: I totally understand all of the potential benefits .. it's just a matter of horsepower and priorities
14:23.53 sporty brlcad: and get the song of depeche mode - photographic: the lights on, switch on, the program of today... lights on, swith on, your eyes are far away... The photo represents you and the tape is your voice, la-la-la!
14:23.56 brlcad we need more horses
14:24.20 sporty brlcad: but... we don't have carrot to feed them?
14:24.36 brlcad enlistens to depeche mode - photographic
14:25.22 brlcad hm, it's a little ADD :)
14:25.47 sporty what?
14:26.14 sporty enlooks into Bloodhound Gang's ChasseyLane
14:26.27 brlcad ~add
14:26.28 ibot somebody said add was the auto descruction device in debian
14:26.34 brlcad heh, well that's not right
14:27.24 brlcad ~add is also sometime used to refer to Attention Deficit Disorder, see also ADHD
14:27.25 ibot brlcad: okay
14:27.55 sporty brlcad: don't understand you, i think you need to travel to Amsterdam like that guy at the Eurotrip
14:28.04 sporty i mean with Nicon
14:28.54 sporty ah!.. btw, can yo call some real uses of brl-cad?
14:29.02 brlcad all I said is that the depeche mode song is a little hyperactive .. attention defeating ..
14:29.21 brlcad i'd love to go to amsterdam
14:29.39 brlcad oof, lots of uses
14:29.53 sporty i mean, does e.g. army uses it as modeler of complicated topologies, do they try to "trace" lasers of new weapons > :)
14:30.17 brlcad read the second paragraph --
14:31.09 brlcad I don't think that we've been used for any laser work, at least not directly, though I could be wrong
14:31.29 clock_ brlcad: Photographic is an excellent one!
14:31.46 claymore modeled a shark with a frickin lazerbeam on its head....
14:32.09 sporty hyperactive? but this is exactly what fiils me with energy... You know, i have such an old radio as those from 50th, with two 20-inch dynamics and lamps as amplifiers - so this song throw the masses of air in my apartment!
14:32.10 brlcad one of the primary uses is to represent a given military asset (like a tank) and then the analysis codes (which are not part of BRL-CAD) then use BRL-CAD's ray trace library to query the geometry
14:32.54 brlcad sporty: I can imagine .. just a bit much for 9am, no matter how giddy I am :)
14:33.01 sporty claymore: i think you did it for Dr. Evil :)
14:33.27 brlcad sporty: maybe he *IS* Dr. Evil....
14:33.45 brlcad puts pinky to his lip .. O.o
14:34.07 sporty How abou "Always on my mind" of pet shop boys?
14:34.53 brlcad heh, another 'old school'
14:34.58 brlcad so 80's
14:35.15 claymore likes his XSi... the D90 just didn't feel right. The 720pHD video was a tempting feature though.....
14:35.56 brlcad loves how it feels :)
14:36.10 brlcad looking forward to trying out the video feature
14:36.22 claymore ...well i had a few lenses also, so that swayed me a bit ;)
14:36.34 claymore but I hear the D90 rocks.
14:36.53 brlcad and the high-speed SSD .. curious how fast full raw burst will go
14:37.55 claymore my mother inlaw has the Rebel tx (aka 2+ years old now) and it will put down close to 10 shots a second in full raw. (JPEG is actually slower...)
14:38.29 claymore our xsi clocks in at a bit slower than that, but then again its taking a 12mp image vice a 10mp of the xt
14:38.40 sporty brlcad: oh... i'm... oh!
14:38.41 brlcad i got a nice 15-105 to accompany my 50 and a tele
14:38.54 ``Erik detonates
14:39.30 ``Erik my fanciest camera is built into my laptop :(
14:40.19 claymore early xmas gift brlcad?
14:40.43 sporty i have no camera at all... i'm taking pictures of random ladies in my head, i can do about thouthand shots a minute!
14:40.44 archivist wants a Canon body to go with lenses
14:42.20 ``Erik hum, pg got noted on smacksnot
14:44.37 brlcad claymore: I've had a new camera on my todo for about 2 years -- new place was just a good timing/excuse to get it
14:45.33 brlcad and seeing the d90 fix the issues I had with the d50 and d40x .. it was the money shot
14:46.03 brlcad sporty: isn't that called "browsing pr0n"?
14:46.27 sporty "browsing pr0n" - what is it?
14:46.39 brlcad wow, not on irc much are ya? :)
14:47.01 brlcad ~pr0n
14:47.22 brlcad porn ;)
14:47.24 sporty "Productive Radical Zero(0)-No", what exactly means :Yes:? Or what?
14:47.44 sporty brlcad: rather erotiqua
14:49.56 sporty Does anyone played/ participated in rally as e.g. rally on cars?
14:56.41 brlcad i'm sure 'someone' but apparently nobody here ;)
14:57.05 ``Erik jay-lo does it, sorta, I think
14:57.24 ``Erik I bought the car and am too scared to drive it, heh :D
15:04.20 sporty ок, but i'm playing CMRR 2005
15:05.35 sporty ``Erik: why don't you try your car at remote icy spots?
15:06.17 sporty we have about -55 -65 fahrenheit right now...
15:06.26 sporty coldy...
15:11.02 sporty What does "signal-processing" mean? signal-treatment or signal-processing? Can i say "it can produce images and signals" ??
15:12.22 sporty or does it "calculates" it? What is a suitable synonim for word "processing" in this case?
15:14.57 clock_ manipulation maybe
15:15.04 sporty ok
15:15.27 sporty manipulation or treatment
15:23.17 brlcad it means we have a variety of tools that will take a given data stream (1D, 2D, whatever) and perform operations on that (signal) data -- high pass filter, low pass filter, combine, blur, etc
15:37.37 sporty brlcad: it means e.g. transparecy and reflectivity - i.e. analisys of e.g. airplane shape on the respective amount of reflected waves (of whatever spectrum)
15:37.58 sporty brlcad: or is it banned in foss edition?
15:38.12 sporty brlcad: my government wants to know!
16:14.35 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
16:20.02 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33268 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libtclcad/ged_obj.c tclscripts/lib/Ged.tcl): Added local2base command to libtclcad's ged object and update cadwidgets:Ged
16:27.34 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
16:38.37 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33269 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Activate wizard plugins and the primitive creation buttons in Archer.
16:45.54 *** join/#brlcad frozeniron (
17:16.27 *** join/#brlcad mafm (n=mafm@
17:35.36 *** join/#brlcad sporty (n=mega@
17:35.58 sporty brlcad: are you a part of brl-cad team?
17:36.40 sporty ...(or just a sophisticated djedaj of programming)?
17:37.13 sporty if yes, tell me if you can catch the file (10 kb.) thru IM
17:38.16 sporty starseeker: so? have you thrown a look to files? btw, i guess i've forgot your e-mail. Mine is
17:54.09 sporty ok, i have a chance to sleep at a bench - so i switch off my thinkpad r-series and will be off line few hours. Just put a wall st. journal as a blanket. Ah! had to sell my bentley - and have to sleep on a bench in a university! What a times.
17:54.58 claymore stares at that last post..... blink.... blink....
18:21.18 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
18:26.11 brlcad english is a fickle beast at times
18:33.02 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:33.13 starseeker sporty: Um. Are these translations or creation of new MGED man pages?
18:33.58 claymore brlcad: was more shocked at the content of the post....
18:38.37 brlcad starseeker: tab-completion :)
18:39.17 brlcad claymore: oh, that didn't even seem odd to me for some reason :)
18:39.43 starseeker brlcad: Ah, right
18:40.00 brlcad i sent him an e-mail
18:47.36 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
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19:38.39 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:38.48 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
19:38.52 IriX64 regards :)
19:41.57 IriX64 <----- whats the story here, is this me or you?
19:46.56 IriX64 you're probably wondering how i got it to install anyway, i reworked make so it has a -i switch, if -i is set it ignores errors from subprocesses and keeps on trucking :)
19:48.23 IriX64 ill provide source if you want it, the binaries are unique to my system.
19:52.12 IriX64 <--- make -i install
19:56.35 IriX64 tried to upload the binaries to hobbes.nmsu 3 times, lost connection every time, gave up in disgust :(
20:03.20 IriX64 <---- runtime happiness :)
20:04.30 IriX64 Xwin32 is happy talking to mged :)
20:05.01 IriX64 thanks for letting me ramble brlcad
20:06.43 IriX64 still crashes when i do a file->open
20:06.49 IriX64 from the gui
20:09.08 IriX64 <---- this is the crash
20:12.02 IriX64 bonus ogl attaches too
20:12.30 IriX64 you guys write good code
20:25.50 IriX64 <----- by the way this was missing from
20:48.24 IriX64 <----- what my systems doing right now :)
20:52.21 IriX64 for now i hard coded -lxft and -lxss into till i can find a way of testing for them
21:08.26 IriX64 <--- a clean starting from autogen, --enable-everything run, didn't trap once :)
21:10.48 IriX64 tkhtml3 install thing is still there though :(
21:20.15 IriX64 hah forced the issue and ive got a fresh build of brlcad
21:30.01 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
21:30.05 *** kick/#brlcad [IriX64!] by brlcad (ugh, the channel rules haven't changed -- don't spew pastes and chatter (for nearly two hours!) if nobody is engaging in the discussion)
21:31.50 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
21:31.59 IriX64 msg received
22:03.57 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
23:02.48 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
23:13.22 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
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23:59.30 *** join/#brlcad jonored__ (n=jonored@LAZARUS2.WIFI.WPI.EDU)

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