IRC log for #brlcad on 20081207

00:09.28 *** join/#brlcad CIA-6 (n=CIA@
00:19.05 *** join/#brlcad b0ef ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:19.05 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@unaffiliated/minuteelectron) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:41.57 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:42.44 IriX64 regards
01:50.28 IriX64 the licence says you have to give a copy of your source back to (I assume you people) if you plan to distribute binaries, does that apply too if you're not charging for your binaries?
01:58.54 ``Erik yes
01:59.14 ``Erik if you distribute binaries at all, you must make the source available
02:03.46 ``Erik identity crisis heh :D
02:05.47 IriX64 thank you
02:05.50 IriX64 :)
02:06.42 punkrockgirl im confused
02:06.51 punkrockgirl how do you find an oper or staffer
02:07.24 IriX64 slash msg help :)
02:07.47 punkrockgirl ty :D
02:08.27 punkrockgirl no suck nick
02:08.31 punkrockgirl er
02:08.32 punkrockgirl such :D
02:12.55 ``Erik O.o
02:16.01 ``Erik huh, wedding crashers is on tv tonight, I wonder how much of it was cut out
02:16.03 IriX64 playfull tonight aren't we :)
02:16.12 smurfette i was registering nicks :)
02:16.27 smurfette but smurfette was taken but now is not :)
02:16.34 IriX64 gloriaholy :)
02:16.40 smurfette lol
02:16.44 smurfette :)
02:35.05 *** join/#brlcad CIA-6 (n=CIA@
03:26.24 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
03:30.00 IriX64_ how do you strip a library exactly.... play appropriate music :)
03:31.54 ``Erik I d'no if stripping libraries or binaries would be useful to you, irix, it's generally a method for removing extra information from ELF or qmagic files to make them smaller on the disk
03:32.37 IriX64_ just kidding around but thanks for the information
03:33.55 ``Erik <-- points out that it's only on disk, when the library is loaded into memory, that extra information is not carried until the debugger starts interrogating it... and at that point, you want that extra info
03:34.07 ``Erik on modern systems, anyways
03:34.31 IriX64_ understood sort of like map xrefs
03:35.12 IriX64 my famous cref file heh
03:36.04 IriX64 stackdumps... im not too good with
03:37.00 IriX64 wonder if i could turn this project into a watcom project
03:37.00 ``Erik O.o I thought stack backtraces were one of the easiest ways to get bunches of info about the state at crash
03:37.09 ``Erik punker, play, um, doors, uh, alabama song
03:38.03 IriX64 -ltcl8.5 .. quit teasing ``erik, eith strip or leave :)
03:38.41 ``Erik heh, tcl, ew :D
03:38.54 IriX64 heh
03:39.18 ``Erik I think all my systems are using libs with debugging symbols all in place, and I even have profiling libs installed next to 'em on several systems
03:39.23 ``Erik pheer /lib/
03:42.05 IriX64 <--- master plz, what does it mean :)
03:42.42 ``Erik hah, that's a crash with no debugging information present :D
03:43.39 ``Erik 'frame' is the location on the stack, 'function' is the memory address containing the function called at that time, and args is what was on the stack or registers or whatever the call paradigm is
03:44.08 ``Erik in a debug style build, it would say the function name and what the values of each argument are
03:45.23 IriX64 so all i need is to enable debug build !!!!!!!
03:46.32 ``Erik I d'no the windows environment...
03:47.20 ``Erik on gdb based systems, if you're tracking a segfault or something, you set your CFLAGS to be something like "-O0 -ggdb", then run "gdb myprogam" and run it from inside of that
03:47.44 ``Erik (-O0 is to prevent inlining adn stuff)
03:48.14 IriX64 prefer cref, but ill study up
03:48.25 ``Erik *shrug*
03:48.42 ``Erik bob and andre did a lot of good work to make things compile in msvc, which would let you use the 'debug' target in that
03:50.50 IriX64 cygwin != msvc
03:52.08 ``Erik <-- aware of that, has used msvc, cygwin, mingw32, borland, pcc, etc on windows back in 'the day'
03:53.09 IriX64 missed watcom :)
03:53.26 ``Erik never used it, it seemed more focused towards the mac back in those days
03:53.37 ``Erik and macs were for grandmas and art fags O.o *cough*
03:53.43 IriX64 loved it's os/2 support
03:54.42 ``Erik only used os/2 for a few minutes... was hooked on his c64 until '96, thinking all newer stuff was dos... and couldn't tolerate the suckage that was dos, had used cp/m before dos got popular so knew what dos was doing a horrible job of imitating :)
03:54.47 IriX64 <---- barring that bug its usefull
03:55.05 ``Erik and in '96, didn't last using dos6.22/win3.1 very long before wiping it and installing linux
03:55.26 IriX64 heh cp/m and mp/m good ole days
03:56.02 ``Erik you still haven't put the havoc in a box
03:56.04 ``Erik ?
03:56.15 IriX64 why the suns there
03:56.31 ``Erik because you'll get much better results much faster if you put a box or sphere around it
03:56.36 ``Erik so it can bounce the photons back in
03:57.35 IriX64 ambient is a better test though
03:57.52 ``Erik erm, not really
03:58.23 IriX64 cmon whats the point of putting a light bulb in a box with a truck to see how it looks naturally
03:59.18 IriX64 just a sec ill upload the photon map control sheet
03:59.43 ``Erik because it's a global illumination algorithm, in atmosphere there's all sorts of refractions and reflections going on in the air as well as off objects, in space there's all sorts of object reflection?
04:00.15 ``Erik I mean, there was just an article where a team measured reflections of light from a supernova 550 years ago (tycho brae's)
04:03.00 IriX64 global illumination :)
04:04.13 ``Erik you're using photon mapping, right?
04:04.45 IriX64 yes, my site photon.png
04:05.08 ``Erik if you dont' have a box around it, or something for the light to bounce off of and around, you might as well just be using shadow rays on simple raytracing :)
04:05.08 IriX64 not torpedoes :)
04:05.26 IriX64 i just like the name
04:05.29 IriX64 :)
04:11.17 ``Erik aight *shrug*
04:36.01 *** join/#brlcad CIA-6 (n=CIA@
05:10.11 IriX64 is finally gonna retire cygwin for a while, ill drop in from time to time
07:26.59 *** join/#brlcad sport1 (n=z@
07:59.06 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
08:04.36 sport1 drinks cocoa
08:15.18 sport1 elite01: i need your e-mail to send you these .xml - 17 kilobytes. mine is
08:16.14 elite01
08:16.24 sport1 ok
08:17.57 sport1 elite01: ok, there also will be my variant in another folder
08:20.39 sport1 those with no some wrong commented as <!-- --> lines, tag <i></i> is inappropriate, too
08:23.50 sport1 elite01: bzipped tar or e.g. .zip if you're in Windows client?
08:24.18 elite01 anything, i prefer .tar.bz2
08:24.36 sport1 ok, i send it right now
08:25.19 Ralith because 17kb needs compression so badly
08:25.21 sport1 80 kb (i have added some advertisement)
08:25.41 sport1 Ralith: on gprs it needs
08:27.26 Ralith someone's on gprs?
08:27.31 sport1 oh... at a very 'busy' line - i don't even sure it can move to internet.
08:27.34 Ralith that sucks :/
08:27.35 sport1 yes
08:27.39 sport1 no!
08:28.14 sport1 i liked it since i payed 4 usd for unlimited per month - but it was too slow/ busy at a day
08:29.43 sport1 i think the mail has gone. I'm usually not sure - especially when it encrypts 300 kb-in-size files.
08:29.59 sport1 Ralith: do you know some foreign languages?
08:39.08 elite01 oh, the mail is there
08:39.17 Ralith sport1: no, sorry
08:40.02 elite01 your system time seems to be way of :)
08:41.08 sport1 elite01: i work with radiation, and my laptop goes mad while i type :(
08:41.29 sport1 Ralith: it's ok, i don't blame you ;)
08:55.47 elite01 sport1, or anyone else, isn't 'dall' a synonym for 'erase'? compare the docs of 'dall', 'erase', 'erase_all'
09:04.42 sport1 what does "file offset" means for debugdir command?
09:05.05 sport1 elite01: d = erase, dall = erase_all
09:06.21 elite01 hmm look at the docs for d and dall
09:09.03 sport1 elite01: you can paste from mged_cmd_index.html - anyway, it will be a wiki - and someone will add examples && revise that what we write right now.
09:16.09 sport1 -all deletes *implicitly* displayed objects from mged display, while d or erase - only explicitly-displayed ones, and all four commands do not scratch the database
09:18.34 sport1 <para>Если создан новый region или существующая combination создана как region, - этой командой - то region-specific атрибуты будут установлены согласно стандартным (смотрите regdef) значениям. Команды comb и r также могут создавать combinations.
09:18.35 sport1 </para> some words remain english
09:19.12 sport1 it's from 'c' command
09:30.25 Ralith <3 unicode
09:31.35 sport1 unicode, heh
10:12.17 *** join/#brlcad mc96107_ (
10:29.08 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
10:32.07 *** part/#brlcad mc96107_ (
10:32.10 sporty_ Ralith: hi!
12:11.10 sporty_ why don't someone writes something? wake up - and write!
12:12.38 sporty_ i'm pretty sure it's a morning at brlcad's site and his wife makes him go to the church :) like Homer Simpson
13:03.31 ``Erik hrm, it's 8am where brlcad lives right now
13:05.45 sporty_ ``Erik: then he will go to the church right now ;)
13:25.23 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
13:39.10 sporty_ starseeker: what are wavelets? as "small waves" or what? i mean overview page
13:54.40 sporty_ "wavelet decomposition" - decomposition ..."by means of small waves" or "decomposition of small waves
13:54.50 sporty_ ``Erik: ?
14:07.45 sporty_ brlcad: "interrogate geometry" - does it means any special means to "geometrically interrogate" the geometry - except those as viewing if e.g. different parts intersect or not?
14:08.22 sporty_ *Very questionable Overview page*. Still translating.
14:12.26 *** join/#brlcad tofu (
14:13.22 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
14:15.02 brlcad sporty_: wavelets is the name of the property, not implying 'small'
14:15.06 brlcad
14:15.54 brlcad see the .ru version
14:19.14 *** join/#brlcad poolio_ (
14:23.30 sporty_ brlcad: gold (tons of which i could buy instead of damn internet traffic) saves me from wiki pages, at least at a daylight. arrrr............... terminal, turning on java -jar $HOME/toonel.har, sys serrings, wikipedia2text go!
14:33.48 sporty_ probably, "discreet (digital due to divisions) description of analog waves with appropriate tolerances"
14:38.29 sporty_ as 'decomposition of polynomials, which describe a function', so wavelets are about curves and lines of 2nd and more orders
15:19.36 sporty_ can i add wiki instead of Butler et al ?? i mean a lik on overview page
15:19.45 sporty_ *a link*
15:26.05 sporty_ well, this will be adjusted later
16:30.22 brlcad sporty_: yes, all of the docs can be (and are) easily changed if it's an improvement of some sort
16:30.30 brlcad including indexing, links, etc
16:35.18 sporty_ Currently, only uniform binary objects (arrays of values) are supported - is it true ??
16:38.44 sporty_ ah, i think i has already asked it, and the answer was "nothing else isn't actually needed"
16:40.35 brlcad you already asked that a few days about about uniform binary objects
16:41.15 brlcad we say that only because the implementation is fully stubbed to support arbitrary non-uniform .. not because anyone needs or wants it or knows what that even means
16:45.06 brlcad it probably just shouldn't say anything that "only" them are supported
16:46.02 brlcad as just about any data file can be represented as a 1-d uniform array of bytes.. :)
16:56.08 sporty_ "Any data file can be represented as a 1-d uniform array of bytes." - One of BRL-CAD developers.
16:56.27 sporty_ ...for sorta things"
17:04.35 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
17:25.59 sporty_ scratches interesting place
17:26.03 sporty_ :)
17:26.48 sporty_ it's a directory with last few commands to translate
17:27.26 sporty_ thinks about PrezKennedyJR's daughters.
17:31.09 sporty_ imagines their chest of drawers, the content of two upper drawers. it seems whole universe is in there! What a wonderful things! pants!
17:42.16 sporty_ starseeker: i send you whole *current* material in its final edition, b-t-w send in parts less than 60-100 kb in a separate letters*. (Or i may not even download it when cell antenna is too busy.)
18:06.06 sporty_ starseeker: I must say I've started to edit the rest of the file mged_cmd_index.html - and i will send you bits of html
19:45.46 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
19:47.45 sporty_ hope you sport or with wives or sport with wives - not behind TV in a sun day.
20:05.13 sporty_ happy that he's finished some works - and feel a rush! sporty_ wants to write a bad word! Bad word!
20:05.20 sporty_ ...A bad word!
20:05.30 sporty_ :-[
20:06.31 sporty_ :-[
20:42.15 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
20:42.25 sporty_ hi clock_!
20:42.42 sporty_ don;t you have a clean asphalt to skate?
20:42.55 clock_ hi
20:43.16 sporty_ clock_: i love that film "The rules of 5exual attraction" - i'm on bike in snow, do you?
20:44.16 clock_ sporty_: do I what?
20:45.05 sporty_ 1. do you skateboarding at this time and 2) do you like that film and 3) do you like to biking in snow
20:45.55 sporty_ i mean you probably have no snow on the asphalt (yet) this time of year
20:50.34 clock_ No I am not skateboarding at this tuime currently. I don't know the film and I like riding bike on snow
20:51.57 sporty_ clock_: i'm too. But why don't you know that film? its german-usa film, as comedy drama
20:53.42 sporty_ clock_: i need to convert 2D dxf to some format as e.g. STEP, IGES, VRML or BRep... Which one is better? Or all i have to do is a try to do it? i need dxf for gmsh
20:58.44 clock_ I don't know :(
20:59.49 sporty_ ok, i will tried it
21:00.14 sporty_ clock_: what languages except English do you know?
21:04.12 clock_ Czech German and Swiss German
21:10.27 sporty_ Czech or Czech German? We have xml files of command reference. 5-6 hours of work
21:15.51 sporty_ i mean if you think you can spend this time - i can send you e-mail immediately, it's only 18 kb in size. It's a bit boring - it's like Saturday activity
21:22.07 sporty_ ok, i need to restart
21:23.44 ``Erik O.o
21:46.52 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
21:48.19 IriX64 ``Erik... cygwin apps using the dll, *need an entry in the registry for runtime, just took mine out and all apps don't run anymore (GROAN)
22:02.24 *** join/#brlcad sport1 (
22:03.24 sport1 clock_: i'm here again, updating the fairy site
22:10.16 sport1 what an odd-head! Clouds in his coffee, heh..
22:15.44 sporty_ can someone say if this "vouz a lae" shall be written exactly so?
22:16.58 clock_ sporty_: Czech and German. There is no Czech German.
22:18.19 sporty_ clock_: btw, czech shall be familiar to me since i'm russian - and i saw that film about the bodyguarder and yound scolar lady - can you say something on czech?
22:20.52 sporty_ clock_: so, elite01 has told he can spend some time to the german translation, and can you spend some time on a french one? But it's about 5-6 hours, and only "first" 60 commands of all 400+. I can send you english .xml with my examples - and a color example "Where to paste the stuff, du-uude??"
22:22.46 elite01 waves
22:23.19 sporty_ elite01: don't, just relax and imagine some beautiful ladies
22:24.01 elite01 nice idea
22:24.26 elite01 what if i'm female?
22:24.28 sporty_ elite01: yeah
22:24.44 sporty_ elite01: then i will imagine you :)
22:24.49 elite01 j/k :)
22:24.59 elite01 no females on irc, never forget that :D
22:25.13 sporty_ oh my! :(
22:26.30 elite01 i'm sorry
22:27.37 sporty_ no, i'm quite robust to understand the choice to buy new computer was wrong. Should buy a bmx for warm winter days...
22:28.30 elite01 i like driving around on my bicycle in the evening
22:32.18 sporty_ elite01: i'm too, even in winter - the routes of my little town become... smooth and have a jumping-off places each 100 meters. But when it's less than 02- Celsius degree you have a chance to hit the knee with a handle bar - the lubricant in rear wheel freezes up - especially if you rode at rivers at sumer
22:32.37 sporty_ *-20 Celsius degree*
22:33.13 elite01 not exactly a warm winter day :D
22:35.17 sporty_ i mean when the temperature is about -9 celsius, but when it's lower than -20 celsius - it's quite cold - and i just do it on my smooth diet when organism is able to heat the hands on handle bars. I do it in jeans, so i'm a though guy!
22:36.18 elite01 hehe
22:41.53 sporty_ most of the people who likes it are too young for me. And they don't cycle. I also like to bike through the snow on old opposite bmw-like bike. Its weight is about 200-250 kg or something when it's single. Two carburetors can eat about 7 litres of fuel per 100 km. I want to reduce this to e.g. 4.5-5 litres - but don't want to put a single carburetor for both cylinders.
23:14.25 *** join/#brlcad sport1 (
23:14.51 sport1 uh...

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