IRC log for #brlcad on 20081211

00:38.23 mafm night!
00:50.48 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33353 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/search.h: fix for osX.5
00:58.07 ``Erik_ (has u_int in sys/types.h, but it wasn't being included *shrug* -> unsigned int was easy, hopefully not wrong)
01:21.52 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:34.41 *** join/#brlcad rawer_ (n=ubuntu@
01:35.08 brlcad looked benign
01:37.52 rawer_ brlcad: what are my regails when i'm coming into the channel, those in bold text ?
01:38.16 rawer_ is it - ??
01:38.31 brlcad rawer_: que?
01:38.49 brlcad ~dict regails
01:39.13 rawer_ i meant what does it write
01:39.24 rawer_ does it shows my ip ?
01:39.27 brlcad yep
01:39.35 rawer_ which one?
01:39.42 brlcad 20:39 -!- rawer_ [n=ubuntu@] has joined #brlcad
01:39.54 rawer_ oh...
01:40.42 brlcad we do have cloaks that I could give out, but you'd still have to register to get one
01:41.00 brlcad speaking of such, if anyone wants a cloak, lemme know
01:41.13 rawer_ i don't need cloaks, i prefer some resilient as5
01:41.16 brlcad tears a big ol' hole into one of his walls
01:50.10 rawer_ i will quit to re-install the system
01:51.11 rawer_ brlcad: so what happens when i upload archive to into the brl-cad's tracker?
01:51.28 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
01:51.40 rawer_ shall I save a link or something?
01:51.54 rawer_ to give it to another human...
01:55.40 *** part/#brlcad rawer_ (n=ubuntu@
02:07.39 brlcad Ralith: you can put a link or upload it as an attachment
02:07.55 brlcad you could also upload it via anonymous ftp to
02:08.06 Ralith you probably meant rawer
02:08.07 Ralith who just left
02:08.10 Ralith >_>
02:09.23 brlcad oops, yep I did
02:09.34 brlcad read s/left/joined/
02:10.04 brlcad Ralith: well then maybe you can't upload it as an attachment ;)
02:10.24 Ralith perhaps not!
02:24.08 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33354 10/brlcad/trunk/
02:24.08 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: merge in more changes from Sebastian Pipping's git tree, commit
02:24.08 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: fe2e3ecadce19faa426595da2572b090bd3769b9 (Add download code using wget or curl,
02:24.08 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: as available). made a few mods to make the download of config.guess optional
02:24.09 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: (and default to off for now) and toggleable based on a DOWNLOAD var.
02:27.52 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33355 10/brlcad/trunk/ add command-line -d|--download switches for turning DOWNLOAD on
02:41.20 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33356 10/brlcad/trunk/ apply Sebastian Pipping's 18a5403c34555594184b6d28c200cdefb778bfdd commit from his git tree (libtoolize detection added for config.guess download after autoreconf, add /me to authors) with a few minor mods.
02:50.39 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r33357 10/brlcad/trunk/
02:50.39 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: and the last change by sebastian pipping, from git commit
02:50.39 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 320ee0c022636152b173ecd9b57a373fce02b1a4 (Separate availability check and actual
02:50.39 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: download, report versions, add support for fetch). includes a few (untested)
02:50.39 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: minor mods to push the actual download line to a one-liner.
05:05.56 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyJR (
06:12.25 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
07:46.40 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
08:36.27 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:13.13 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
10:15.11 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (n=ralith@
10:53.17 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:11.46 mafm ho ho ho
11:53.46 mafm meh, nobody likes my santa's-like greeting :P
12:00.44 archivist chucks a snowball at mafm bah humbug
12:08.34 mafm
12:10.03 mafm christmas spirit is dead :P
12:31.46 claymore Mornin all!
12:32.06 claymore and no, Christmas Spirit is alive and well in my household.
12:32.39 claymore The REAL Christmas Spirit that is... not the commericialized, overbearing Santa style Chirstmas ;)
12:59.14 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
12:59.57 claymore hai ``Erik_
13:08.14 claymore kicks ``Erik_ 's cable modem. Behave!!!
13:08.53 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33358 10/rt^3/trunk/ (5 files in 5 dirs): removed pthreadcc and socketcc (perhaps temporarily) due to licensing. Plan to replace with boost::asio and boost::threads
13:14.46 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33359 10/rt^3/trunk/include/boost/ (198 files in 11 dirs): added boost::asio to include/ dir. 'Boost::Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming'
13:34.46 claymore heh, compile error message: "../../include/boost/optional.hpp:15:39: error: boost/optional/optional.hpp: No such file or directory" -looks like the optional file isn't optional. :D
13:35.01 clock_ hates boost
13:35.25 clock_ I don't know what it is but it's often required by C++ programs and renders them unable to compile
13:35.49 claymore boost is just a ginormous collection of libraries.
13:58.36 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
13:58.46 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
13:58.54 brlcad grr.
13:59.57 brlcad is getting unhappy with younder reliable isp of late being no longer reliable
14:06.20 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
14:06.41 PrezKennedyJR brlcad, who?
14:11.54 brlcad sago
14:16.46 brlcad woo hoo, couch arrived!
14:17.10 brlcad and my awesomeness bench made from old railroad ties
14:17.28 brlcad two more deliveries to go!
14:17.49 brlcad clock_: boost is only a pita if it's not managed properly, like any external dependency
14:18.20 brlcad you really do have to use their tool to determine what is used and what isn't, so you get everything (or simply include all of boost, but that's a cop-out and massive)
14:22.21 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33360 10/brlcad/trunk/ (6 files in 3 dirs): Added the TireWizard.
14:35.50 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33361 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/tire.c: Removed leftover debug statement.
15:10.57 PrezKennedyJR brlcad, i heard about the couch
15:11.00 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
15:11.06 PrezKennedyJR get my mom and dad to buy a new one already!
15:21.17 ``Erik_ takes off his pants and dances around
15:35.52 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@unaffiliated/minuteelectron)
15:38.46 *** join/#brlcad claymore (
15:41.13 claymore oddness.
15:41.13 ``Erik and/or evenness
15:41.40 claymore is hungry.
15:47.48 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
17:13.53 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:13.53 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || GSoC 2008 Highlight: new prototype gui, check it out! || Source Release 7.14.0 is now posted (20081108)
17:21.31 brlcad claymore: tv awesomeness is definitely > luncheon, but I'm still waiting
17:22.10 brlcad the furniture is in, though.. really love this recliner :)
17:23.22 brlcad was going to go to the luncheon if it arrived in time, but looks like that's a no-go
17:23.29 brlcad the window was 10-2
18:02.08 mafm hmm guys, generic question about programming
18:02.30 mafm in C/C++, the compiler optimizes i++ increments when not assigned?
18:02.38 mafm or it does store the old value anyway?
18:03.04 mafm (I know that it depends on the compiler and optimization level, but I mean in general and well known compilers)
18:04.35 mafm that would be important, performance/storage-wise, in for() loops in example
18:05.53 elite01 i bet most do, at least if i is a primitive type
18:06.05 elite01 i still prefer ++i since it matches the intention better
18:06.14 elite01 when in doubt, watch asm output
18:06.21 elite01 (--save-temps or so)
18:06.43 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
18:46.44 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:26.56 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
19:40.40 mafm thanks elite01 (I read it before but forgot to say anything)
19:40.41 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33362 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/tirewizard/TireWizard.tcl: Indicate the units for various entries.
19:41.05 mafm I think that the optimization only involves checking whether there's some use for the value to be returned
19:41.10 mafm if not, the code is converted
19:41.55 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33363 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/tirewizard.tcl: Minor mod of an error message.
19:52.46 ``Erik *burp*
19:53.15 claymore wow... just wow....
20:01.57 ``Erik heh, the guy who tried to follow procedure and saved lives gets punished, the guy who fucked it all up got promoted O.o russia aint' so different from the us after all! :D
20:03.13 claymore I d'no.... the captain of a submarine forgetting to rig for dive? Thats pretty bad and deserves a bit of punishment :/
20:03.49 ``Erik yeah, but ordering underway without trained crew, ordering immediate torpedo range without the regular post-drydock shakedown?
20:04.14 claymore oh yeah, thats pretty dumb to. Not arguing that lol.
20:33.19 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
20:45.41 *** join/#brlcad nixon-9 (n=sporty@
21:39.37 nixon-9 dinner time?
21:47.05 brlcad soon!
21:47.36 nixon-9 brlcad: heck the mail box
21:48.52 nixon-9 brlcad: give me a hint how to connect to windows from linux through the cable?
21:49.07 nixon-9 0-modem cable, two computers
21:54.36 ``Erik gotta set up the, uh, tty
21:54.52 ``Erik linux does that in, uhmmmmm, I think inittab?
21:54.56 ``Erik to a getty?
21:55.06 ``Erik then use like 'minicom' or 'tip' on the other one
21:55.09 ``Erik tada!
21:55.15 nixon-9 ``Erik: ok
21:55.37 nixon-9 ok, i will try it at a very first time
21:55.44 ``Erik knows how to do it on bsd or slowaris better
21:56.18 nixon-9 wants it to be the best experience ever!
22:08.38 *** part/#brlcad nixon-9 (n=sporty@
22:12.15 *** join/#brlcad ilya`` (n=sporty@
22:12.38 *** part/#brlcad ilya`` (n=sporty@
22:13.41 *** join/#brlcad i`lya (n=sporty@
22:13.53 brlcad best experience ever..
22:13.59 brlcad then what are you using windows for?
22:14.55 i`lya i`lya: right, heh... marry moment for both computers and me
22:15.53 i`lya brlcad: it's not my pc, that with windows one... We have licensed windows at work, btw
22:16.17 brlcad being licensed doesn't make the OS work any better
22:16.46 i`lya the more reachable the internet - the more they forcce citizens to buy licensed software. not for homes, but at least for firms
22:17.09 i`lya brlcad: but i can not say windows xp was unstable
22:18.10 brlcad nobody is forced to buy anything
22:18.49 i`lya brlcad: without internet, in '97 - we had to use illegal software
22:19.19 ``Erik surely you could've started punching in op codes and bootstrapping a home rolled OS
22:19.21 brlcad you along with millions of others, what's your point?
22:19.38 brlcad and you didn't have to, there were other viable operating systems even back in '97
22:19.45 ``Erik or bought a copy of minix
22:19.55 ``Erik or linux, or fbsd, or netbsd, or obsd, or ...
22:20.16 brlcad I think that's right about when I make linux my primary, actually
22:20.18 louipc linux wasn't so great in 97
22:20.37 ``Erik did it in '96
22:20.37 ``Erik late '96, like octoberish
22:20.48 ``Erik feb-oct with winderz, it was... too much to bear
22:20.52 brlcad louipc: neither was windows :)
22:21.07 louipc well my sound card worked at least :D
22:21.22 i`lya brlcad: linux + offline = linux on 5 cd, 3-hours installation, uh.... i played games to be true
22:22.36 i`lya who remembers 4X cd-roms? my is right here, close to me. Can plug it thru ide->usb to laptop
22:23.11 ``Erik heh, I had a 1x :D
22:23.39 i`lya what a good time! Life was more simple!
22:23.47 ``Erik used to buy 120 minute audio cassettes because you could fit more data on them, even though they went bad sooner
22:23.57 ``Erik pheer my epeen
22:24.05 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
22:24.34 i`lya ``Erik: they didn't went bad sooner!
22:24.45 ``Erik they'd stretch and become unreadable
22:24.48 i`lya they rule
22:25.00 i`lya ``Erik: no
22:25.39 ``Erik at least the coleco adam decided they were crap *shrug* I was buying the red and silver ones, uh, 'tdk' I think?
22:25.45 brlcad i`lya: plenty of linux distros were on just one disc
22:26.00 ``Erik in '97, many were on sets of floppies :)
22:26.04 brlcad heck, even redhat only had two through most of the 90's
22:26.07 i`lya brlcad: but they need libraries from iternet
22:26.17 brlcad no, full distributions
22:26.24 brlcad I did plenty of offline installs
22:26.30 i`lya ``Erik: TDK, heh
22:27.49 i`lya brlcad: 5 cd - i have told it about modern distributions (know 8 cd)
22:28.16 i`lya those 3 cd i had contained more than one dvd with kubuntu
22:28.53 ``Erik booyeah
22:28.53 brlcad i`lya: you're jumping from 90's to now
22:29.13 brlcad i'm saying back then it was just a disc or two and you were fine
22:29.50 i`lya brlcad: but i could thnk about e.g. Need For Speed + wine + linux
22:30.10 brlcad i.e. "without internet, in '97 - we had to use illegal software" is complete bull :)
22:30.33 i`lya brlcad: right, but there were only illegal windows - for newbies
22:30.59 brlcad huh?
22:31.08 brlcad there was linux
22:31.17 brlcad there was a bunch of other OS too
22:31.50 ``Erik installed linux from 14.4k modem
22:31.58 i`lya brlcad: right
22:32.19 i`lya feel guilty
22:32.51 i`lya i pay 0.10-0.30 usd / mb
22:33.35 ``Erik sooo, back then y ou would've paid about a dollar for a functional linux download, hrm
22:34.14 i`lya ``Erik: ah, i mean right now - but in a past, internet was a dream!
22:36.24 brlcad that's what BBS were for
22:36.45 ``Erik bbs's were awesome
22:36.51 i`lya brlcad: i'm using it since '03
22:36.52 brlcad I paid into a local BBS a couple bucks a month
22:37.28 i`lya brlcad: was it like phones just right at street?
22:37.42 i`lya What does it look like, that BBS?
22:37.44 brlcad (from panama) and the BBS would dial up the USA once a week to relay into another BBS that had intermittent internet connectivity
22:38.35 i`lya brlcad: calm fun
22:38.41 brlcad i`lya: it was on the computer, you'd dial into a bulletin board system -- text-only interface, apps, messages, games, mail
22:38.44 i`lya or dead disko
22:38.47 ``Erik remembers computer clubs, with boxes of 5.25" floppies sitting around with software and several machines with dual drives... people would bring a box of blanks and copy what they wanted
22:38.51 ``Erik nutty stuff
22:39.14 brlcad yeah, I remember doing that :0
22:39.31 ``Erik odd social events :)
22:39.37 brlcad one guy would buy something, then everyone had it
22:39.42 i`lya social, right
22:42.48 i`lya how can i 'go back' in info files?
22:43.04 i`lya is it e.g. Alt+Left Arrow?
22:43.15 brlcad 'p'?
22:43.27 brlcad 'p'revious
22:43.32 i`lya ok
22:43.51 brlcad 't'op
22:44.20 i`lya brlcad: why do you know it?
22:44.49 brlcad I don't, I just ran it and saw the menu :P
22:45.14 brlcad it's a blend of emacs and vi behaviors
22:45.20 i`lya whoa!:-/
22:49.16 i`lya brlcad: i think you know french, could it be? try to say something.
22:50.23 i`lya like la femmé est l'amour (hope it means something :)
22:53.48 i`lya brlcad: what if i try to edit pages "" in the package "program-info.tgz"? will the menu work after that? Or i will have to re-arrange links in TeTex ??
22:53.57 brlcad je ne parle pas francais
22:54.00 i`lya i meant info files
22:54.47 brlcad i`lya: depends what edits you make
22:54.53 i`lya brlcad: i read they grammar right now (this month) in attempt to know this language
22:55.13 i`lya brlcad: adding/deleting random lines and letters
22:55.50 brlcad why would you do that?
22:56.00 brlcad actually, I don't want to know
22:56.06 brlcad no, I doubt that will work
22:56.09 i`lya brlcad: i'm a bad, bad man
22:56.30 i`lya brlcad: i doubt, too - and will not even try it
23:00.18 i`lya .info files are nicely arranged for learning something. Most of modern sources offer too big amount of information at once - we all will have big heads soon (will mutate towards virtual entities)
23:58.50 i`lya brlcad: what time?
23:59.02 ``Erik party time!
23:59.07 ``Erik takes off his pants and dances
23:59.15 i`lya ibot: time
23:59.16 ibot You cannot understand nature's perfect time cube! (2008.12.11 23:59:16 GMT)
23:59.24 mafm night
23:59.54 i`lya ``Erik: don't get a flu, put on your pants

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