IRC log for #brlcad on 20081212

00:00.11 ``Erik Thu Dec 11 19:00:05 EST 2008
00:00.40 i`lya ibot: are you at GMT 0 ??
00:01.17 louipc ibot is a bot
00:01.27 i`lya ok, i need to quit
00:04.46 *** join/#brlcad i`lya (n=sporty@
00:05.01 i`lya ibot: time
00:05.02 ibot You cannot understand nature's perfect time cube! (2008.12.12 0:05:02 GMT)
00:06.47 i`lya has found an elegant way to get NTP support from ibot
00:08.46 ``Erik why not just
00:08.49 ``Erik y'know
00:08.50 ``Erik use ntp
00:11.56 i`lya ``Erik: i fear NTP
00:12.13 ``Erik why?
00:13.06 i`lya ``Erik: "N" makes you back hurt, "T" will stay above your grave, "P" - is another dangerous letter.
00:13.13 i`lya *your
00:13.42 ``Erik so what's the poison tonight, vodka or crack? O.o
00:15.54 i`lya ``Erik: science! want to finish some projects. Dreaming about a smoothie: banana+frozen water + some sugar to boost my mind
00:27.56 punkrockgirl why is erik taking off his pants and running around the room?
00:28.14 ``Erik cuz I'm EFFIN' AWESOME, YO
00:28.25 punkrockgirl oh yeah
00:39.21 i`lya oh yeah, punkrockgirl!
00:41.53 i`lya this day i'm finishing all except some program-like stuff and brl-cad works. "I want to be free - and I am free."
00:43.20 i`lya But real freedom goes thru devotion to less complicated, less complete more simple - i mean e.g. raw vegan food style when i like to cycle 100 km under the rain! yeah! groovie, baby!
00:43.57 i`lya *more complete*
01:13.15 i`lya btw, can use jove (in attempt to use elisp) for formulas?
01:15.19 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:26.33 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:27.15 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
01:35.56 louipc jove is very minimal. I don't think it has lisp
01:39.39 i`lya louipc: ok
01:52.46 i`lya you have an evening of yesterday
01:52.52 i`lya ha-ha
02:42.56 ``Erik amusing, considering the original lisp (iirc) existed on an ibm 704 with something like 4k words of memory O.o
02:43.32 ``Erik word was 36 bits?
02:43.37 ``Erik *think*
03:04.48 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
03:04.48 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || GSoC 2008 Highlight: new prototype gui, check it out! || Source Release 7.14.0 is now posted (20081108)
03:26.20 *** join/#brlcad CIA-6 (n=CIA@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:41.14 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
03:41.14 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || GSoC 2008 Highlight: new prototype gui, check it out! || Source Release 7.14.0 is now posted (20081108)
03:51.33 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
03:51.57 starseeker hmm, dead screen session
04:15.11 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
08:20.47 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
08:45.04 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:36.26 ``Erik yargh.
10:43.02 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:57.32 mafm hi
12:50.04 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
13:36.47 starseeker ``Erik: Second the motion
14:00.53 brlcad howdy mafm
14:05.15 *** join/#brlcad geocalc (
14:16.04 ``Erik O.o
14:36.25 ``Erik wanders around a bit repeating questions to people who give elusive answers O.o
16:00.56 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
16:21.56 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyJR (
18:58.25 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
19:35.57 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
19:48.21 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
19:48.29 *** join/#brlcad AddZero (
19:55.38 *** join/#brlcad i`lya (n=sporty@
19:56.48 i`lya punkrockgirl: really a lady?
20:00.03 brlcad i`lya: she's too good for you
20:01.12 i`lya brlcad: oh, come on!
20:05.46 i`lya friday, heh
20:07.39 i`lya starseeker: hello! i wanted to ask you to download those files under my account on sourceforge. Let me send you account info.
20:09.55 i`lya starseeker: i have only few xml -files with commands and about 100 kb of plain text of mged_cmd_index.html I plan to translate it in a short time and upload "into" the tracker. I will translate ~/docs then.
20:11.29 i`lya i'm also creating lots of my skilled-job examples - that's why everything is so slow.
20:15.24 i`lya starseeker: b-t-w, i'm separating "command promptst" from its full description in that plain text on russian. - So if you e.g. creating these xml-files from some template in some program (or e.g. by means of the script on "python) - it will be very easy to do it. Shall I "mark" paragraphs?
20:17.51 i`lya brlcad: can i fill xml files by means of python programming language - from plain text with marks as e.g. *command_name*, **argument** **argument**, ***promt***, ****description**** - and so on ??
20:18.33 brlcad i`lya: you could, but that's also what docbook is good at
20:18.39 i`lya brlcad: but i need to read another info, not about python p.l. - at least these week
20:18.41 brlcad just put the real docbook tags, and then write a script
20:20.37 i`lya brlcad: but i do not know scripting yet. Do you mean those tags as e.g. <arg>argument</arg> ??
20:21.07 i`lya brlcad: i can do it, but i will read about the scripting not as soon
20:23.44 i`lya brlcad: so... i will look towards good tutorial on the python programming language theme (because of, which fea package uses it also)
20:29.49 brlcad i`lya: yes, tags just like html .. docbook just has a handful of tags
20:34.10 *** part/#brlcad AddZero (
20:46.36 i`lya then if i've used tags as <arg></arg> at both, command and Exmaples section - collation functions will be abit more sophisticared than just collation of tags
20:47.25 i`lya brlcad: do you know Harvey Birdman ??
20:47.29 brlcad nope
20:47.40 i`lya brlcad: ?
20:48.09 brlcad i`lya: ?
20:48.14 i`lya it's an "adult swim" on cable tv cartoon series
20:48.35 brlcad it's a time of night that a particular cartoon network plays adult cartoons
20:49.03 brlcad rather, yes I know of adult swim, but still don't know the reference
20:49.13 i`lya brlcad: right, and since i look tv right now- i'm watching it
20:49.20 i`lya brlcad: ok
20:50.23 i`lya brlcad: i'm working at nights last time
20:51.49 i`lya brlcad: is it true, that first macintosh was some kind of... 9 seconds to boot - and "unified" GUI for all, no variety of protocols, no variety of progs ?
20:53.58 brlcad hm, less than 9 seconds iirc
20:54.10 i`lya i mean, i think e.g. good 'beautiful' operating system of the future will have only one wireless protocol instead of bluetooth and wi-fi, - and so on. Because of a fact, that processors will be ..
20:54.17 brlcad nearly instant boot
20:54.39 i`lya brlcad: right! this is what i think about last time...
20:56.24 i`lya i think modern systems are too complicated... I wish wi-fi can connect to bluetooth adapters... Capitalism...
20:57.37 brlcad Jef Raskin talks about the boot up time in his book, "The Humane Interface"
20:57.47 brlcad very good read, highly recommend it
20:59.10 i`lya brlcad: is it free?
21:01.55 i`lya brlcad: as a person of the world, i must say i think any art & things-we-play is a deviation from the calmness being found in contemplaining the another gender. Any technology could be more friendly & moving towards the ecology
21:10.01 i`lya brlcad: do you have a car? if yes, front or rear drive?
21:10.38 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
21:12.42 i`lya clock_: why don't sleep this time?
21:20.03 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r33364 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/ ( dem-g.c): Initial upload of converter of USGS ASCII DEM file to BRL-CAD dsp primitive.
21:27.42 ``Erik w00t
21:28.11 i`lya ``Erik: still with no pants, ha-ha?
21:28.21 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r33365 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/dem-g.c: Added standard header to dem-g.c
21:32.02 ``Erik pants are for the weak
21:32.17 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33366 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/dem-g.c: features.h is not standard. Eliminate the _ISOC99_SOURCE line. Minor header section cleanup.
22:01.02 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
22:45.33 i`lya ``Erik: can you advise me some good snowy wallpaper 1280x1024 ?
22:46.10 i`lya like rally+snow or as Alta Badia in KDE
23:01.27 i`lya /me imagines PrezKennedy's wife with no pants, and her with no pants, too
23:01.59 i`lya ...and punkrockgirl with no pants, too :-/
23:23.06 ``Erik rolls up a newspaper and smacks ilya
23:23.08 ``Erik no, bad, mine
23:25.45 i`lya ``Erik:
23:33.02 punkrockgirl ;P
23:50.00 *** part/#brlcad sport1 (n=sporty@
23:50.08 *** join/#brlcad sport1 (n=sporty@
23:50.25 sport1 goes mad
23:50.34 *** part/#brlcad sport1 (n=sporty@

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